Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jun 1870, p. 4

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£15: was tnrral-Iurrai-IaI-ial (oh me, that it has come to this!) Ay, after that day, woman, Peter and me were lad and lass. It’s just as it were yesterday .720 me, the night he Speirt at me gif I would be his for better or for waur; and Ijust said, in an ofiâ€"pnttin’ sort 0’ way, that I would like to hae this char- acter frae somebody that Ehad kenn’d him ianger than I did. ‘Weel, weel,’ said he, wi’ a bit laughâ€"ye mind his bitnicher, Jenny ?â€"â€"‘come awa’ to my mither; nabody has kennel me longer than she has done,’ and awa’ we gaed next dayâ€"oursel’s twaâ€"me ridin’ ahint him; and, pair body his mither was sae proud to see her son takin’ -asnp, she said, wi’ sic a wee! fanred Iassie, and a bonny character she gied him as ever onybody gotâ€"and I mind she concluded wi’sayin’ that ‘he had been sae gnid a son to her, and was no lik ely to mak’a bad one to me; and oh! sae happy as we were a’thegither; and she gathered twa or three 0’ her neighbors, and she gie’d as a. bit. ding, and Peter he had to sing to us, and a braw singer he was when he likit. I mind the very sang too. It was «A Tnouen'r son was Yocso BRIDE. -â€"‘There is a quiet dignity clustering around the young matron, as she seats herself at the head of her own table; an importance apparent to herself, and to others, as she enters upon a regular routine of wifely heme duties, no where to be found but in the shadow of a well- regulated household. ’lhere is also a mile of genuine contentment and a heart rest to be seen upon the counte- nance of the young married man, as he enters the door of his own house, and finds that home brightened by the ef- forts of his chosen one, and made beau tiful; By the refinement of her affection and her womanly taste. But in assum- ing the cares of domestic life, we would beseech the young housekeeper never to neglect the accomplishments that gave so much pleasure to her husband in the days of their courtship. Let your hus band ever recognize in the wife the same refined tastes that he ad- mired in the bright and blooming maid- en. VVoonnx Stressâ€"These are worn almost exclusively by the Germans, in this country. We have repeatedly re- commended them as excellent clothing of the feet for all farmers engaged in stable or barnâ€"yard cleaning, or other wet, dirty work, W” h would injure leather materially. It IS true they are awkward, and. the wearer goes along with a hard thumping tread, but what of that? They are not recommended for dancing pumps, walking shoes, nor dress boots. Are useful in their place; desirable and economical, costing $1.50 to $2 a pair. For apading, ditching, or tram ping down garden paths, there is no foot clothing equal to a wooden shoe.â€" A pair kept in the kitchen to “slip on,” to run out doors for something of an evening, is very convenient, as they will (cot the feet from wet and cold. -â€" -.Y. Trfizm. N eve! let fresh bread-crumbs he made for fish or cutlets. Direct the cook to save thipieces of bread that are not eaten from the dinnerotable and other crusts, and to put them in the oven till they are crisp and a. pale brown ;. then pound and sift. them. Keep in large tin ready for 659'. ‘ “ 0b, gin thou wer’t my ain, lassie 1” Oh me, Janet, I wonder wha’s lassie I’m to be next ‘3” The woman she have on '3” The crops throughout the country are growing splendidly, With the excep tion of the hay crop, which requires rain. -â€"the laugh was never awa’ from his lip, or the joke out 0‘ his mouth.” “Oh, hand your tongue, Janet! Diana say ony mair ahoot him to Incâ€"my heart is {just like to break in twa. I mind the day that he and I first foregathered. It was at a fair in Lanrick. I was a trig, weel-faur’d lassie then, though I say’t mysel’, and there was a fiddle playiu’, anti somefolh dancin’ a’ roond us. Quo’ he ‘My bonny lassie, will ye tak’ a reel? I just said 1 didna care if I had a partnet onything like himsel’. l ‘ mind the very tune that the fiddler played to-us, as wecl as if I heard the bow screedin’ o’er the strings the noo. Limie McCutéheon was pelfectlyiin- consolahle on‘the -death of Peter, her husband, with whom she had lived some thirty years. Lizzie was'very peevish and discentented, and subject to bits 0’ touts now and themâ€"and in them 'ill neases was always ready to cry out and yammer to Peter ‘I’m .gaun to 'dee noo, and the earth will no’ ,be caeld on" my pair body, when my shoon will be filled -.by some glakiet young hizzie”â€"“Dinna be feared, Leezie, my doo,” said Peter, in reply; “ and d-inna vex yoursel’ ahoet that; tak’ my word on‘t, ye'll never either see or hear tell 0’ sic an event. If Providence, .Leezie, should tai’ ye away at this time, which 1 think there’s little likelihood 0’ His doing, for I dinna think ye sa ill as ye ween, ye’ll leave na weans ahint to he ill-usedâ€" which should he a great comfort to you; and as for mysel’, I can just put on my bonnet, and thank my maker that it covers my hale family.” It happened, however, that honest Peter was the first to slip away and disappoint ~Leezie of her fears for a successor. 0n the mel- ancholy occasion of Peter’s 'deeease, Janet Ribston, a neighbor, who had suf- fered a similar bereavement, called in Ito-comfort her in her affliction. Janet practically every note in the widow’s gamut. ‘Weel, Leezie, nae wonder that ye’re like to gang dementit wi’ perfect vexation. “he was like him that’s fiend and awa’ ? 'Aye sae kind and sae heartyâ€"the very picture 0’ gude nature A Widow’s Wonder. queationâ€"“ What did The marriage service, in the opinion of the C'eveland Herald, should be changed to read : “Who dares take this woman 2” And the groom shall answer, “ I dare.” “-- - vvâ€"cuâ€"J â€"- IIIIIII su" U'WI ”5"“$ at Stigafi’s Hotel, T010, (sallqoawoke 3nd found his bed on fire. Slowly he arose and walked down stairs, remarking to the pro prietor as he passed him, ‘I say, Stig., take some water up stairs and put that fire 0.3. 5 it’s getting rather warm up there.’ The Cincinnati Gazette notes the fact, and calls it an encouraging sign of human progress, that 1n 3 fight 1n <3that city between 5 colored man and an lrishmah. twenty countrymen of the latter stood quietly by and watched the encounter. “ It says :. 5 years ago all would have turned upon the colored man. Verily, the world moves.” Cu Mann Ham .xcnn, Nu RALGIA,’ c. ., no mat er how distressing, instantly reliev- ed and quickly cured with Dr. J. Briggs Allevantor. To be had at Findlay Shaw’s. The Hoosac Tunnel is getting ahead at. the lively rate of ten feet per day. Cowsâ€"Use Dr. J. Briggs’ Modern Curazive for cows, buniona, inn-growing nails, tender feet, c. Mild, soothing, softening and heaiing. 803d by druggiats. The Empress Eugenie is positvel'y growing old, and despite the pains she takes to conceal the traces of years, euerybody can see that her face is fur- rowed with wrinkles, and that her hair is growing ver}~ thin. What adds, per- haps, to the unpleasant impression which the appearance of the Empress now makes isthe bad taste which she displays in regard to her costume. She dresses as if she were only twenty-five years old. Coxswvnvssstse Dr. J. Briggs’ Throat and Lung Healer for all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest. Very pleas- ant. and efficacious. Sold everywhere. NEURALGIA‘.â€"U89 Dr. J. Brigga’ Alle- vantor tor Neuralgia, headache, catnnh, sore throat, bronchitis, Ate. It is agree- able to use,and reliable. .Sold by druggists. BLINDS ox Honsns’ Bnlnnns â€"As a general rule, blinds should never be em- ployed on the bridlcs of valuable horses. Colts should be trained without blinds. then they would never require such up? pendages in after years. A horse should be allowed to see whatever is occurring around him. Were horses always em- ployedowithout blinds, there would be much less difficulty in the management of high spirited animals. Horses soon learn to confide in their drivers when the latter treat their steeds with pr0per respect and confidence. In such instaao ces blinds are a nuisance. They some- times injure the eyes of horses; and, more frequently, they so obstruct the vision that the poor brute will be fright- ened at the rustling of a leaf or a hit of paper, and run away, if he can do so; whereas, was his sight unobstructed, he would see at once that it was but a leaf, that there was no cause for fear. Many serious accidents have occurred which were attributable to the use of blinds. Besides these things, there is a grand beauty in the flashing eyes and head of a noble horse, which should never be hid by such useless and injurious appen dages as blinds. Green crdps ploughed under, when in the most succulent state, are powerful auxillairies in rendering a light soil fer- tile, but if this is done too often suc- cessively, the soil becomes overcharged with carbonaceous matter. E To PROTECT Tnsns mom Almaâ€"P. Smith, M. 9., of Fayettevi‘ile, Texas, communicates the successful mode of dealing with ants at the roots of fruit trees 2â€"] was raising some tobacco, and operated with the green leaves in the following manner: I removed the earth from the tree or vine as much as I could without injuring the roots, then I put a handful of tobacco leawea around the tree or vine where the ants worked, covered them nicely with the earth, and press it well. In a few cases I had to repeat the dose, but I have tried it often with uniform success in driving the ants and saving the tree or vine. A bushel of plaster .per acre, sown broadcast over clever, will add one-hun- dred per cent. to its produce. The cthping or grinding of grfain to be fed to stock, operates as a sawing of at leas} 25 per cent. _ Always provide an equivalent for the substances carried off the land to the profiucts grown thereon. Subsoilingoounl land that is not wet is eminently conducive ‘to an increased production. Deep ploughing greatly improves the productive powersef every variety of soil that is not wet. An Imp-country miner sto pino over nioht Stigal’s Hotel, Tolo, (galac'awoke End The race for "The "Gtiineas” which took place at Whitby, on the 'flth ult., was a most successful afl'air and passed off in afirst~class manner. The winner, “John Bell,” having ran in splendid style with apparent case, was lauded the winner for 18701; the first favorite, “Jack on the Green,” ‘being close up, and “ Rathawen,” the third favorite, well np, “Terror,” “Liberty,” "‘Rapid Road” and others in close order. The racewas closely contested. “Terror,” a very promising Ruric colt, making the running‘for the first 15 mile, “Jack on the Green” was closely in his wake, but the pace was too fast for the colt, which havi tagive way, when the contest centered in “John Bell,” “Jack on the Green” and “Rathawen.” ‘o‘Uohn Bell,” however, was too much :for them and won easily. Clover as well as grasses intended for hay, should be moved when in bloom. Shallow ploughing operates to im- poverish the soil, while it. decreases in production. Punctuality in engagements is as necessary to the agriculturist as it is to the merchant. To manure or lime wet land is to throw manure, lime and labor away. All permanent improvements of land look to lime for their basis. All grain crops should abe~harvested before perfectlyrripe. Periodical application of ashes tend to keep up the integrity of the~soils. Facts in Agriculture. The Queen’s Plate. vâ€"Qâ€"c.>H fail to preserve their contents. They have been tested in over ONE HUNDRED Ifnms; many of them having been RED HOT from four: to ten hours, yet not a Dollars’ worth of property or a single scrap of paper has ever been destroyegi in one of them. sale in the Dominion that never Vault Doors - for Brick Vaults and all other kinds of Fire and Burglar Proof Securities. . ALSO, Fire Burglar Proof Combined! The only real security against Fire and Burglars ! READER NOTE THE FACT: Our Safes are the only Safes for Fire Proof Safes: Please send for Circular and Price List. l Address MADOC, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869. This is to certify that during the winter of 1866 I was taken with a weakness of the inkles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was confined to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards, I sought medical advice, em loying at difl’erent times, three doctors, an medi- cines of different kinds prescribed by friends, l but of no availv. I continued to get worse E tnd worse, until the summer of 1868, when : I was induced to try the great Shoshonees Remedy by reading the cures performed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost hel less. I have taken l two bottles of the sins onees Remedy and itwo boxes of the pills, and I an: entirely ‘ restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn h0pe. This case of mine was not a private one, but known to all my neighbors and friends .; and to any one afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy, I believe it will cure you. Man? ANN Doncn'rr. Sworn to before me at Madoc, Count of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1 69. A. F. Woon, J. P. dzc. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years she is a woman of probit and truth. i have known her before, uring, and since her illness. I believe her certificate to be true in every particular. I know that while ill her case was declared hapeless; and I know that she has, since her recovery always attributed her recovery to the Sho- shonees Remedy- Whatever may be the peculiar prOperties of this medicine, one thing is certain that in her case, it has act- ed almost like the performance of a miracle. The Best is the Cheaoest ! A. F. Woon, J. P. Warden of the county of Hastings, P10. vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. TORONTO SAFE WORKS ! ! To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN s suns, Conway P. 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- ads. vv wayâ€"v a} Call at the Drug Stores and get a circular, of unquestionable certificates on, the GREA T SH OSHONEES REMED Y PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. 0:} For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesale Agentaâ€"Nortbmp Lyman. Newcastle, L; man, Elliott 09;, Toronto. Shoshonees Remedy ! For Diseases of 'the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive‘Organs, fKidneys, c., as well as Scrofula, the variousfikin Diseases, Humoxs, and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we 'bol'dly state that this great remedy’has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED.’l Where was there ever such a cure as that! in the person of Wilson Storms,of Brighton, ' 0nt., of‘Consumption ; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Earnestown, ‘0nt., of Con- sumption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Out, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont., of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well.. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordinary cures in ‘Oanada by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stern, -undeniable and incontesta'ble facts, sufficient to convince the moat skeptical that'the'Great Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great AS CGMM-ENCBD BUSINESS IN . the above line, 1n the penises next door to G. Isaac’s saddlery shap, Upper Town, Durham, where he intends to devote his entire attention ’to CUSTOM WORK. Nothing 1 neat fit the times. New Shoe Shop! J. J. TAYLOR’ A‘ SIMPSON STOP AN D SEE 3! but the best stock used. and a guaranteed. ”Prices to suit 163-}. J. . J. TAYLOR Safe Works, Toronto, Ont. PATENT ONTARIO BOOT STORE. Ladies’ Misses’ Prunella Gaiters Balmorals selling at Cost. Consisting of the largest stool; ever brought into Durham, of extra quality dress goods, Spring Prints, Hollands, Table Linen, Lnstres, Coburgs, French Mer- inoes, Flannels, Table Oil Cloths Cottons, Shirtings, Tickings, Jeans, Corsets, Mourning Prints and Brilliants. HIS beautiful Gate ‘is afic'wed, by all who haveseen ‘i‘t, ‘tb he the Simplest, Best and T Cheapest Snow Gate ‘ye't inherited. There exists 'ho lo’iiger an excuse for leavin Fields and Orchards exposed 3“ winter and early spring, to the damage of Meadows amgi destruction of ’Fruit Trees, when a tv‘vel‘ire'foat gate, which will clean-24 inches of snow ; Open to either side, and is self-closing, can be had «for $2.75, or witho‘u‘tpatent hangers $_2.38_. PRI_CES AT THE FACTORY: No. l, rough gate, .............. $2.75INO. 4, handsbinely painteé, No. 2, .-....... . . .. . . ..-.. . . . . . 3.00 No. 5, Extra,...-. .a.-.-. -.- Mo. 3, draeseflyunpainted, ........ 3.50 No. 6, ....... - ......... T-himGate can be hung to any ordinary gte-post; can be hung with a of binge, is adapted for any lh'ind of latch or faatening ; can be raised 3 with one hand, quicker than most folks can raise money; can be made: mental,” well as useful gate :by putting on pickets cut to anv nattm-n Mn. ’1). having aecnrea'fhe servicés of a fimvclass MILLIN ER, from Toronto, hopes by strict attention to business to merit-3.91.1313}; o'f p‘tiBlic patronage; cj- BUTTER a; EGGS "i‘A’I‘i'EN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. The GREATEST BARGAINS of 3001‘s a; SHOES to be had in Durham, at thé made by the bent Warknen, and of ZSt'oc'k‘Iofsthe. b'eht quality, lineal. style; warrantgd to wear well and fit neatly. , ~ moms JONES. DURHAM, Apt-ll 20th, 1870. JUST â€"_ w...- -w uv MAUIIVJ ’ wan "U mm“ snarl,“ well its useful gateAby putting on pickets cut to any pattern. (County. TDWDShip and Farm Rights for Sale. (1:? Buy no'Gate,nor 'have any Gatemafie, :uniilvouhaveseen April 20m, "18-70. _. _-_ w“ \' vww Sega most respectfully "to ~f‘dfdyfn heir 71:83.7 p511); That she has 'ust r: qpepedoout. a lar e and mum! assortment of New-and Elegantde'sign‘a. Conantxng In part. 0 SUMMER . CLOTHING ! 1870. ' 1870. ‘ 1870. Patented June 9th, 1869; mammal? . LADIES HATS AND BONNET‘S, *FEATHERS AND RIB'BoNS Flowers, Hosiery, 856. ALL NEW A329 63‘ WEE AA‘TEST fASfiION. OFGHT AT rough gate,... . . . Immense Stock of slia htly 93 Note the Address, MRS. DAVIDSON. McDonnell’s Patent Gate, Mmfifi nâ€"- -â€"‘--â€"_ L's. havilimn, mg fiQfl'flflfififla ‘EQUSE, ” CUSTOM WORK A LARGE STOCK OF CTNNES’ “REM anmN‘G GALE. {DUR‘H AM, "ohm-310..) AND WILL BE SOLD 3, [until you human: , 'hanastfine‘ly pa'intea, .-.~.-.-. .-. -. 4.00 , Extra,...-. .-.-.-. -.-.-.-. ..... . 4.50 . ....... - .......... ~. ..... 5.00 s can be hung W Aanflsscription EPPER TOWN, EUREfAM. DURHAM, ‘ommw 3 can be ‘maée-a hiio‘ 'â€" 'â€" My 'orna- ........_.... ‘4_00 -. . . ... . 4.50 . ..... 5.00 my 'ae‘gcription o‘i'. 24 inches We have given our usual care in Athe selection of Seeds, and would c311 the attention of the Farming community to our fine assortment of Early Rose, Early Gooderich, Harrison and Gleason 03: Purchased zhe‘f’tfire the recent great advance in price. Seed Potatoes. Willi-m, OWEN Shim a hb’b’s’h'lc H . GARDEN '3: k‘émmn Par-kw {Sr Cattle UBNIP, CABBAGE, BEET, CARROT AND MANGEL WURTZEL SEEDS. PARKER CATTLE RAPE. ‘ RHU BARBâ€"Giant. Victoria. SQUASHâ€"Vegetable Marrow, Custard Marrow. SPINACHâ€"Round. Prlckly. SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster. TAKES. TIMOTHYâ€"(clean). TOMATOâ€"Early Red.‘-=Tilden’a. Large Red. TOBACCO. TURN IPgSnow Ball. Orange J elly. For tel Early Stone. use. Sweediah Sharp’s Improved. “ Skirviug’s “ » “ Mars'mdl’s “ Stubble or Six Weeks. White Globe. Red Globe. Yellow Bullock. Yellow Aberdeen Purple Top. UD‘DDD HERBS. Balm. ' Hyasop. Rosemary. Lar e Yellow. RADIS â€"Long Scarlet. Black Spunish. Red Turnip. White Turnip‘ “Ah“ PEPPERâ€"Long Red. PUMPKINâ€"Cheese. FLAX SEED. KA LEâ€"Scbtch. LEEKâ€"English Flag. LETTUCEâ€"Early Curle'd. Malta Cab ‘age. N onpareil ictoria Cabbage. MAN GEL W URTZEL. Long Red. MELONz-Hqtpeg,Muskg Green Citron Musk. Ice Cream Water. Long Island Water. MUSTARD‘â€"White.' NASTURTIUM. . .. ONIONâ€"Danvers Yellow. Large Red. Silver Skin. . PEAS-Flack’s Blue Imperial: Tom Thumb. Early Kent. Dan. O’Rourke}, Dwarf Sugar. (eaflifiie pods.) PARSLEYi-Enra Curled. PARSNIPâ€"Hollow Crowns Sutton’s Students Guernsej. “h““___ _ , A S PARAG’US. BEANS-Broad Wiuastfis, China Bush, Scarlet Runner‘s, White Kidney, Yellow Six Weeks, Lima or Butter. BEEPâ€"Early "uz‘uip Blood, Long Blood, White Sugar. BORECULE. BRUSSELSâ€"Sprouts. CABBAGEâ€"Early York», Large Drumhead, *Quin'ta’l, 0!: Heart, Large York, ’Flat Dutch, Red Picklinm, Green Cur-lea Savoy, Sugar Loaf, Winningstadt. ‘ CARROTâ€"Early French Horn, Large Altringham, Large Red Surrey, Long Orange, White Belgium. _ l- - wvr -n- A __.__ White. CO RN â€"A'dam‘s Early. CRESSâ€"Extra Curled'. CUCUMBEReEarIy Frame, Eai'ly Russia, -- Long Green, Gherkin. CELERYâ€"Red Solid, White Soiéd, Turner’ 8 White Solid. CITRONâ€"For Preserving. CLUVERâ€"Alsike, t.-- n Gwylglj‘owfiynarly Paris, DRUGBISTS ZL'SFEDSMEN, nifibr’teil m ‘i’dr 83% by 1970. am. a: mainstay, SEED S, Sufnmer Savory. Sweet Majoram. Thyme. Half EaflePl-igl H“.- A LARGE SUPMY :3? Wm A For table Danna. ('rwo DOORS NORTH or THE BRIDGE.) .IEVERY description of Tinware con- supervision, and nape but the ve atoék eased. JOB‘BING done promptly and in the very best style, at the lowest living rates. (1:? Particular attention paid to EavezTrou hing. large stock of Stove-Pipes lbovrs, T Pipes and Ridoe BETTER than the BEST and Cheaper than the Cheapest TINSMITH, GiRAFR LYA STREET Opposite Fletcherfs, Upper or sale, Lot 13, Com 7, Gleuelg, com- prising 100 acres, 60 of which are cleared well watered and fenced, with a good fiouse, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also 50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Gleuelg, from 8 to 10 acres cleared. The above property will be sold cheap, and.clear deed given.â€" Terms easy. For partxculars apply to m Otto ABRAM COOK. nu 4(‘\ T â€"- - n- Fenian R aid ! Photographs for the Million! Made by the celebrated firm of GL'RXEY, WARE i: 00., of Hamilton, in stock a‘ Makers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- nAx'rw perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. - w. KOUGH. n 1‘ â€" Just to hand, direct from the \English 'gn‘ake‘r'e-v-Best Durable Qualifies, ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE Platform Counter Scales, AI ITBRONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. wmm gm émm Ground in Oil. This paint is superior to. and more durable than the best] White Lead. either *for inside or outside work, Lak. going craft, -«0. Its use is not injurious u the health. Direct from THUS. HL‘BBL‘CK 80):, London, England. Specialities at the BIG AXE, Province of Prince Edward ' I Island Dlrectory, 1870-71 2 a} N 0 Money to be paid'unt'il each book is delivered. 4:} Rates of Ad'vértising will made be known on application to DOOR MATS, N ickié Silver Spoons Forks Of a reliable qfiality, in great variety. A LARGE LOT OF mom a; fume cuTLEav. Imported dir'ébt, Will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES I anticipate issuing, in October next, the Canadian Dominion Directory, and Six Provincial Directorie, which will a correct and “full ‘index to the S1ISorninion of Canada, Newtoundla'nd, ‘and ‘Prince Edward Island, and a combined 'Gd‘aetteer, Directory and Hand Book of the six Provinces. sons’cmrrrox TO THE 'Dommox :DIRECTORY - Dominion of Canada Subscribers $12 Cy. United States do 12 Gold. Great Britain and Ireland do £3 Stg. France, Germany, c., do £3 Stg. Subscription to Provincial Directories. Province of Ontario Directory, 1870-71 $4 Province of Quebec do 1870-71 4 Province of Nova Scotia do 1570-71 3 Province of New Brunswick Directory, 1870-71 Pro'vidte of Newfoundland CQAL 8E5; Coal Oil Lamps, LOVELL’SQ . . 'DominionProvincial Directories To be Pubiished in October, '1370. OTICE.â€"5Learning that my name has been unwarrantably used in connec- tion with Directbries now bein canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely " iétiuct from my works, and that -,in other cases it has been stated that my Directories have been abandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that persons representing themselves as act- ing for me are ’ffirdished with satisfactory credentials; Lovefll’e Directories. '1‘ is intended to'inake these Directories ' the mostrcornpiete and ‘Ch‘rie‘et ever issued on this continent. They'are not be ing prepared by correspondent», but by personal canvass, fromfloo'r to door, of my own Agents, ’for :the'requisit'e information. I have no'w‘en‘geged on the work in the sev. ersl Profiinces ‘FOi‘t‘y mengand Twenty horses. These are enosg'ed'i'nainly on the towns and yillages 071‘ the Railway and Steamboat 'Rofit'es, important places on the lines being held till the cbznplétiOn of the former, to admit of Correction to latest date. (1mm HAND, TABLE, HALL, 83c. Chimneys Wicks, direct Ifrom Makers. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 186â€"9. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher Montreal, March 16, 1870. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montfe‘hl, March 16,18’0 ELECTROPLATED GWEN, SPOONS, FDRKS 81.0. As!) 25 Kega HUBBEI‘C'K‘is Genuine Sfikflfi AQER’Q‘Y: ()weii sauna. A BALE 0F INCLUDING Lot 7, 00â€"!)- Qifecto‘ry, 1870-71 Ofeverydesc'ription, executed in a 2i)” unsurpassed Py anyvofiice in the county.“ Orders by Max] will receive due attentxofl rfing- V‘ 5““luuLeeolg0 UUIOuu- the Post 02$? getter“ Will be taken fxcm _ Book and Job Printing Voluntary Correspondence from all parts ofthe county solicited. All communications, to ensure insm rim if otherwise satisfactorv, must have I“? name. of the writer, dot necessary W publiczagon but 23.8 gtaatanyge: ofggod film)" . a? Afi JAdVErtisemeflts intenderj {07 Insertion should ranch this ofiice by 10 0? 11 o’clock on Wannsim'r Momma. 8‘ furthest. l or private .iut'el'Ctt8.Ufiltdi~uiha.r. “1 be considered advertisements and CWT?“ accgrdingly; Eight cents per line for first inset-301‘ and two cents for each subsequem insemor Business Cards, ten hues and mm t :9 annhm $4. 7 . J The number oflines in an advertisrmf“; to be ascertained by the amoum of 5: " whichit occuoiesin the cr mmn as men «I» by a scale ofaolid brevier. a} Liberal Merchants and f"! arrangements made “1; others advoertu-zxwâ€"Cr bf ‘ § tinuante 'as the Law Requires. 4. If subscribers remove to Other Places without informing the publi-he' and their periodicals are sent to the (Grill: directions,they are held responsible. 3. Ifsnbscribera neglect or refuse 10:32.8 the periodicals from the office to w 125w 17'ij are directed, they are held rcsponsig 1-“! they have settted their 13m. 8110 mm : their' periodical ' to be discomiuued. - Sending numbers back, or leaving {fem {:1 the Ojice, is not such notice of dawn- tinuante as the Law Requires. 2. If subscribers orderthe discontinumf of their periodicals, the publisher may feri them until all arrears are paid, subsmi. ::s 3'9 repponsil’le for all numbers sent. DURHAM. Lifli .Re§PeCt_ing Newspapers l_. Subscriber‘s who do not give txpt‘téf 09tl<§e to the contrary are considexw as Wighlyg t9 continue their subserimions. TE JOHNSON. E OFFICE, LOWER VILLAU? Thursday Morning: Employing the Best. Talent in the Land -having Nine Able Editors and Hundreds of Special Contribuloré and CorreSpondems â€"and being an acknowledged a 'xthority on Practical, Scientific and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of its that “THE RL'RAL is the most Elegantly Primed. Ahly Edited, Widely Circulated and 86.11“] Welcomed Paper, as a Whole, which now finds its way among the Peoplet” Vol. XXL, for 1870, of this Famou: Journal will Excel in all the charactenieuce of a First-Class Rural, Literary, Family and business N ewspaper,combined-â€"making it the The RURAL was Double}? in Size and Vastly Improved. in Jan. last, and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Beer, but also the Large’s't ‘Cif‘cnlating Week: in its Sphere. Superior in Ability, Veg; and Variety of Contents, as well a: 1; Size, Style and Illustrations, and having; Continental Circulationâ€"with tens of thou sands of’ax‘dent edmirers in both Town and Countryâ€"the RURAL is the great FAR-M AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE! DURHAM CHRONICLE WOULD HRESPfiCI‘F’ULLY n. form the inhabxtants of Durh “ and vicinity, that he has commenced hm ness in the New Cottage, near the Ashen; Having had considerable practice in Loki don aria ‘in'imy 6f the provincial town”n England, hopes by strict dtfention to busi. ness; to merit a share of public patronage, Nov. 23, 1869. am. ___--.. | 03; Thia'ifl 3.7%)?“ superior article posed entirely of vegetablg subvance is positive] the best arncle for th‘ ' ‘ ever mauu étured. The CANADIAN DEPARTHEXT, lately mt faced, is conducted by Rm. W. F. C.-. .f Guelph, Ont, formerly editor of the Canada. i firmer. farming and fruit growing region wherein sevgral at its Editors and Contributors resxde,) but as its pziucipal Publication Office is now in New York. ail letter: should be a’ddmssetl to _ D. D. T MOORE. RURAL, LITERARY AND FAMILY WEEKLY. MOORE-‘8 RURAL PAYS All who culti?€!“e Fruigs, Flowers, Veg? tables. C';, ~ey’ém ‘on a siimll scale, (in Cit}; Village or Suburb,) while to Farmers. Planters, Hurticuh'urists, Stock Breeder:. Wool Growers, Daixymen. Poultry Fa:- 5W, 8:--., it '3,- Z}:mr;:*rj.\:rt.11:135. .‘ the FAMILY it is highly regarded, i Literary and Miscellab'e'cus Depart'mr'r furnishing CHOICE AND EXTERTAT. 1M} READING FOR ALL. The Rum. OR THE PRESERVATIO» Growth of the Hair. Manifa AM: by g! . JOHN FANT 0mm: Hau- Dresser, c., Dnnnvn’}e 0 PRICEâ€"$1.50ctq. and 25 cents Per {mug}: out." 'I‘LL..:.. .. uh--. _ The RCRAL has always hailed from BOChestEr, N. 37., (the beartof 313mm} URNITURE FACTOR ’ F. .POWEB, in the Villagelof WATER for Sale 01‘ to Leasg. Terms reason » Apply to the biCflber, at Oren Sable or to Mr. John quspin, near Han 0““ to:G. Jackson, Esq , M. P., D W. A. STEP .' Owen Sound, Dec. 161b, 1869. HEJS Vggetabh flair Besterative. TflOR THE PRESER'VA'nm». ._ Only $3 a Year ; in clubs often or more; $2 50. Canadians, 20 618. 3-year mm. for American postage. Subscribe and C uh Now ! Great inducements tn Club A gents â€"Uver one Hundred Valuahle Premiums, ranging in price from $4 to 56W 3 Speci- mens, Premium Lists, Show-131115, (ha, rm: MARKET AND CROP REPORTS Are fall and reliable. Indeed, being Ab?! Edited, Illusuated and Printed in Ema Style, an‘é Adapted to Country, Village as." City, the Bum. isj‘ne Paper tor Yourseii, Family and Friends. It. is not n 1130121163 or semi-motnbly, but a Large and Beauti- ful Illustrated Weekly,â€"â€"and, though double Its former size, its Subscription Price re- mains unchanged ! V01. XXL, for 1870, will be published in Superior Style. each Number compzis- ing Sixteen Dgubleguafto Paces, (of I’m» _._.v .u ‘UU| {U L u-kD, \U I 1“" Columns Each ) Finely [Hustlah d and \eatly Printed on Book Paper. BY D. D. 1'. MOORE, New York City, and Rochester, N. 3’. Mama’s Hmal New-Yorke: FOR SALE NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS! manning-4%“pm GIL-X RG ES RE ASONABLEc Rates of Advertisin 0'. FORM, STYLE, TERMS, c. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THE GREAT 11.1133 TRA'I‘E FANT’ COPE, Tailor, 41 Park Row, New York. ‘1 gm} White l FAT} thficc--ln County of promptly ‘ so bring them vac Durham, Egan, on 1' sale; O H‘ICE Glazin moat a .‘3 per ce: Durham rug Sm 'Wa H4. Me gons 3‘ best ma A” W01 ice, pr Merck HYSI m 1-: Good Durha‘ HYSH ARR 31'8011 ,ce, 'm ARR! Li H

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