Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jun 1870, p. 3

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for ‘. jr» rat-3’ loss $16 obn I03. mt. ,ced his 33 kit Ml") “'W.- .__‘ ___._- ._h,-.__. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Potatoes. . . . . - “1,001---. .0. a at 12 o ”clock noon, being Lot No. 52, on the South side of the Durham Road, in the township 0! Bentinck. ' IST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Durham P. O. on June 1.5!, 1370 : Ashbury, John Acheson. Stewart Bnice, Wm. Benton. Juhn Brynes, Patrick Black, Jnhn Black, Alex. Bratton. Hugh Craft, Henry Cameron, Janet Campbell, Danald Dunn, Arne: Elliott, James Morton, David M‘lntyre, Donald M‘Meekin, ' J amen M‘Dmald. Arch. M‘Phafiil, James. M‘Artbnr. Mick M‘Lean, Flora M'Donald. Sandy MLaugblin, A. B. M‘Nab, Ewen M‘Lnug'bliu,Mias M. 2 M'Gil‘vmy, Sarah M'Taggnrt. M. F. Finn-«rs, Henry (‘2) M‘Inniw,Margret Ann Fle'cher. Chas. (leddes, Eliahet'n Hartford, B. .Husllé, Jnhn Hastie. R. B. Hill, Richard NGWall, Gen. R. Nelson, Rnbert Noakes, Daniel isdford, Henry Staples. '3 uhn Scott. Wm. I 53’ The steam grist _. AAA nam- Kin ’all .011 may, 131: day of July next, Durham, June let, 1870. .7 HE REGULAR SEMI - ANNUAL , Meeting ofthe ab )ve‘Lodge, will be hold on Friday, '17th of June next, at'? u'clock p.m. The Royal Scarlet Chapter will be onen- ed on the 14m, but the business will be transacted at the close 13} {he District ,v‘lleeeing on the Kill. Riversd Messrs. AB)! in the Township of Glenelg, Lots - 41 and 42, in the 257:} Concession N. D. R , 100 acres, 8 miles frnm Durham, 1}. miles from Grme! Road. 30 acres cleared. Log House and Leg Barn. Title indigputa b'e. '1 erms, 200 down, balance m yearly instalments, at 7 per cent. “ h â€" TITLE INDISPUTABLE. Tex-ma made known at the time of sale. Durham, 30:!) May, 1870. SPINNING WHEELS! Na FGR SALE ! , Apply to W. R. Turner, P. ’L. 8., or John Moodie, Durham ; C tensor 5: Morrison, Owen Sound; or to Y be subscriber in returning than}: for past favors would immune to his friemis and the public generally, that he has again commenced to manufacture Spinning Whesfls and Jack-Reels, and has now on hand fifty long reels, and fifty more in course of couszruczimv, which, an the Ximes are hard, wi'l be sold very cheap for 'cash. Credit will be. given as usna}. Irvine, Wm Jan-dine, R Jameson, Jr. L Wheat. - - .4 . -. n2 ‘Wheat .- .. - M 10R School Section No. 12., Bentinck, to enter on duties immediately. For particulars apply stating qualifications, to the subscribers. A female teacher pnfer- red. LAC-ELAN McQUARRY, WILLIAM BOYLE, Trustees. CHARLES BOYD. urham District lodge LBJ. fl TRAYED F R051 THE PREMISES of the subscribers, Durham Village: a small Red Heifer, 3 years old, ill-03“; has some white spots on her fzce. An) 2 ersou giving infurmation that. will lead to ‘3 recovety wiil be suitably "WM- ‘lv Adverliser of Tuesday reports‘: AAA A May 25:11, 1870 April, 1870. FE}! ALE SERV AN T . App” 10 MRS. GEO. JACKSON. G 130%?) *‘C‘Xiifiéfib, Near schosexd's 53mm), Beminck May 4~.h, 1370. 2.13. '0 CONVENIENT 5’) ACRES OF Land, will be (fi'ered for sale, by Auction, at the Crawford P. 0., Bentinck, ng 9, 1870. Durham, 313;“3 187‘ Guelph Markets. Durham Markets. thousand orange's to the tree is good crop in California. TEACHER WANTED. Secretary Fish says, in reply at from the collector at Pem- ere there are some Canadian red, that the relations between md the Uniteé States are en- ttisfactory, and the American tent has no objection to the of these arms by the‘Canndian ‘WAN'I‘ED 3 “one; to Latin. List of Letters. ’â€" Tbe steam grist and saw mills, dzée. new: Kincardine, owned a. Miller and Mason, were the ground on Thursday last. z $6,000; insured for $1,000. ONEY T0 LOAN on real 'Orpgraou- a1 security. mos. DIXON,_ A RCH' MCKENZIE, Postmaster. fl“ 0.. H Stray Heifer. SPINNING WHEELS ! I 159!" ohn OSLER ~65 MOSS, Barristers, Exchange Buildings, Toronto. 70. 167 6t. JOSHUA WOODLAND, District Master. Whom... wmmwwww 10 @@ .08 98 00 !) BUILCUII "WHY ‘IIUU T J. R} 1'13, an an, to- Sharpe, Dawson 'Steu'art, Geo. Stuart, John Vessip, James Wilder, Chas. Wurans, Geo. Barrister-atLLaw, Lower Town. Durham. repiy I. L'A'DIES’ Cloth and Velveteen Jackets. lluVlllg‘ Guaasvu IIIV “v. u-vvâ€" 'â€" j'ears standing, trusts by unretxiuing attention find-good work. to merit a share of public patronage. ‘UEA Db Daunluxuu unqu-J . v --.._ -_-_. -,__e,_ , _ .. Emmy, and to his uumerou‘s customers in particular, for past fa‘vo‘ra in his line of business, and atso to inform them that his Carding and Cloth-Dressing Machinery is now in complete order, having been recently fitted up with latest improvements, and having engaged the services of one of the most e‘xperienced workmen in Ontario, 2) ..M--1.......4;m, 0'"on hv nnrphxiuing attention and good workâ€"all work warrantedâ€" The GRIST-MILL 13 in complete running order, having recently been overhauled, ready for all sorts of work. First-class Millers and strict attention to customers’ interests. ‘Vindow Shadeé Window Shades Window Shades May 17th, 1870. 1 111 31111 11 11111111 111131111 WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES 8m, e‘» er Brought to this part of the country, and selling at extremely idw prices. Patterns to suit all tastes. In addition to the above we have also just received a large con- signment of RATE OF RATE ‘UF Eva: MILES, May 17th, 1%70. Parties from a. Di§tance @311 have their W001 same day ! var} mg in p‘rieo from 3 to $35, 00 w Have your walls papere'd, it IS cheaper and better Whitewash. '\ » m: SUBSCRIBER Iéms 'To RE'IfURNJHApIKs UVRHAM, May 17%. 1870. VARIETY STORE. - BITE BITE JUST RECEIVED N1” also a RANITE ’RANITE ROCKERY. RUCKERY . (21.) Decorations Decoratmns Decoratmns LOWER TOW-N, DURHAM. AT JOHN KELLY. 5?... a. 39135155. TO THE PUBLIC ’GEN. .3; W4 FARMERS: and all mine“! in‘GIYING I TAKING Money, remember that U. S. Silver and that 116 Starekeeper'can make it 'Par Value any more 'th'an he can make 39 £363sz A 3MB. Ifyoh take United States silver at six or eight per cent more than it is wonh, either in CHANGE, or for LABUUB, or lor PRODUCE, you will be thfloser. l Yon‘may he’told that'it 'will be taken from you at par again; if ycu helieve that. Siorekeefiers. Will lose high per cent on Bunnezma 31mm withoiztiah‘advance on the goods dyou buy, you will be easily persuade . “ mmam flaws,” L0 WER TOWN, and you will see the difference. 3:? American Silver 18 taken and given in change at the following rates : to money the value of which is known and fixed, 36?. repudiate the snare laid by intéteéted parties who have a lot of DEPREOIATED SMALL CHANGE to get rid of, and The best Canadian Coal Oil at 32 cents 3 gallon. Don’t take their Silva: at Pat. Fourteen Ouhces a P GIVE TH E PREFERENCE David Jack‘soh,z§i“., Agent for the CANADA PERMANENT ~6386Â¥ICLE " on‘tbz Building 8: Savings Society, Incorporate'd Ami) i833. Money loaned from 1 to IE ”grow Cheapest, Safeat and Best Society in Camda. flj- Charges low and fixed by Tarifl'. Land Agent, Conveyance? Commiaaédger, and Insi'z'ra'fic'é g‘ent. HALF DOLLAR. . 47 QUARTER DOLLAR, 23 DIME, . 9 HALF DIME, . 4 sérfialh flea-051:5"; Mails for the South are closed at 9 a. m. . Noah “3 p.111. g‘Bast ‘Ind west,. ..oooooo 63m. A. MCKENZIE, ROSIIASTIB. we EVERY FACIL TY MECHANICS Is not at Par Value, Paid up Ca in“, ........ $1,000,000 Invested on 31 Estate, . . . 2,000,000 Good Mortgages Bought. ej- A flaw good farms {0: sale. .. Ashdown’s ACKSON, .13.; 01' DUR'I’IAM HOUSE. Lb‘ker Town. Cents. H u u 5 iGREA’I‘ i+ BARGAifisz LOT No. 16, Con. 3, West of the Gara- fraxa Road. Township of Bentinck, containing 100 hcrés, about 30 acres clea‘r- ed. Termsâ€"$300 (3831b .- PATBKCK WELSH. Feb. 15, 1870. 159. Gammaâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Haanlsrox-Friday before Guelph Fair. BoswoaTnâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Emuâ€"The day before Guelph. Daytonâ€"The day before Elora. Currant-LT uraday before Guelph Fair. Tnlornfiiu rick? before Guelph Fair.- Nzw Binauaoâ€" irs’t Tueaéa‘y iii ea mon . : . ,. , , Bums-First. Tbursday in e'a'eb Baum. Eutuâ€" Second Mogdayju Edgh. unonth.‘ Emma- Second Monday In 3991!. monm. WAansecogd Tuesdgxip ‘epclg mgnth. - - month. . .- .- ~ . Danniâ€"Tuesday preceding the above. Bumsâ€"Thursday. following Mt. Forest. Owamâ€"Second Thursday in J an., ‘ March, May, July, 861)., and Nov. M0189 '_H1uf.s=-Third Wednesday in Jan., April, J nly 32d Octnlber. L y in and A ' Julynnd 2 . “abet. .- any, PE”, g G GL 3. M‘KECHNiE, Monthly Cattle Fairs. LAND FOR SALE GLAS G Australia Eng-ova; An Immense Stock of Nefi‘: and Fashionable Spring and Summer Dress ’1‘th stock of Staple goods in SHIRTINGS, GRAY ‘ B‘memb ‘con‘oxs, ’caacxs, STLK CHECKS, iwms' 3mm DRESS 900153, New Shades “and Ooloré. S'émLs, MANT’LE CLOTHS, 353 £11 Kind}: of Trimmings. A "Iar'ge stoék ogf mm‘amm Mm mm“; fiflflflfi. “'F’LOWERS a; FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, fiIBBst, km, 'in all the Novelties 5f the Senior: very cheap 50-" New Groceries Just Redeive‘d. (if? NEW HAR‘DWARF- just opened out. PRINTS GINGAMS, IN SHAWL 79mins RILLIA’ST ‘DENIMS, "HOLLANDS, Wait. Gama. SHEETINGB, Just Arrived frbih NEW STYLES. A large stock of In endless variety A large stock of TOWEIJLINGS. W’RéLE PADS, LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE. in all the CARPEMGS, flunfiifivxs Have now 'c'ompletea their Stock, banais't- ing in flint of CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATENT AND PROPRIATORY MEDICINES, Toilet ‘and Fancy Articles, ESSENGESO EXWEE’SO See” 843. of e've'ry kind and warranted of the best quality. LrQUORs. ’v Liquofis 'fi-cowsss, TEAS, TOBACCOES, 891033, c., u. recomihended‘ by a“ thy lgd8ifig physicianu 6f the day. Mai. Mumm em. F. 3: 8 an the new which may rréiia‘ {im'e‘ to time. Efij-‘Physicién'e Prescfipt‘iofis Icarethlly compounded, and accgrgcy guaranteed. Shop ope a (far dis} Sunday from 2 to 4 p m pnnctually atténded to. .1 (lj- F. i S; ai‘e 38581.1}! fo: the Glad I: Sewmg finchine Compgny. p an; fiBfitréal ,Tglggxa h (:31; every day (~ uh- v: 3111. !o 8 p. m. A complete assortment of Liquor-a of the finest brands, for family and medicinal pug-popes, including the celebrated TICKINGS; LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMN'EYS, E’fifififlfi WEEKES, Ns'B.a-F1xnuv t DYESTUFFS Unzfigs; ge’dviciti'es and pljepzirkfion's Lways-be brought 58wa 7.150 pfiblic L..- ~c., c. axx'rs, kiwi: “noi Ta’cflitieg for supplzing in great variety. FIN EST SHAW are agents for :11 Company: Ofife 13.15;?9'4) from 8 Diwct Imgwmanom. “‘St’io’fifijdodml 309.1!“ Sharp’s Gai‘den SeédSa Durham, A-pril ibih, 1870. Q fi @ng SELEQmefi Q? .. . DRY ' GOODSa GROCERIES. A11-of which will he sold at a small advance on OPENED OUT Boois and Shoes. CLOVER SEED. 0 SCI-19' AT 94., mum's Stage, IN LT wmaa VILLAGE, DURHAM.

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