Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 12 Dec 1862, p. 4

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. .. ..... ,. “9., To Passcnvz Pournes FROM THE RUT.-â€"-- the znsulzous progress ‘ The Following, Whll'h is taken from a corres- 90/1901}, I both male andfiqni pomlent of the Scieqtific American isa well thnfing out thefiztaljty t/u worthy tnal on‘the part of our farmers, who :23?» and developing tlz have any fears that they are likely to be now Itagb'frgm ”*9 commence) bled with the potato rotsâ€"“l enclose a receipt re (Siam : “W by Mail for keeping potatoes, which may be useful to E, Atgmdance d .1 f farmers, Steam the rot is extremely prevalent. ' 3’ y, l . . I9 atnigbt, and o I have tried four years and it has proved a Medicines with full]! (18:35: sovereign remedy, as l have not lost a bushel of the United States m. Ca: in that time after they were harvestedfihmlgh municating their systems b in some cases they were half diseased when respondence strictly confid taken out of the ground". Dust over (5" Dr. L’s Oflice is still the floor of the bin with lime and pot in 6 or7 Butler the same of DR. L inches more of botatoes, a: d dust with lime a- Maiden Lane, Albany: X- Y gain, in that way. One bushel of lime will (1040 bushels ofpotatoes, though more will not hurt themâ€"the lime tether improving the, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE flavor than otherwise. A boarding house keeper advertises "Board for two gentlemen with gas.” : He is a man of power who controls the storms and tempests of his mind. What is it you must keep after giving it to another ?â€"â€"Your word. A Welsh editor says : “If we have offended any man in short but brilliant e: awe of cm caleer. let him send us a new hat and say no more about it.” There are two classes of disappointed lov- ers ; those who are disappointed before mar- riage, and the more unhappy . who are disap- pointed afterit. Lovn.~â€"At three years of age , we love our mothers; at six,om° fathers ; at ten, holidays ; at sixteen, dress: at twent. , our 3\veethea't~ at twenty-five, our v ives; at Forty, our children ; at sixty ourselves. Print it in letters of Gold.-â€"â€":\ father bade his son drive a nail into a certain post when- ever he commited a certain fault, and agreed that a nail should be drawn out whenever be corrected an error. In the course of time the post was compbetely filled with nails. The youth became alarmed at the amount of his discretions, set about reforming himself. One by one the nails were drawn out ; commended him for his noble, self-denying heroism, in freeing himself from his faults. “They are, all drawn out,” said the parent. The boyl looked sad, and with a heavy heart replied” *True father : but the scars are still there}; Parents who would have their children grow sound and healthy characters must sow the seed at the firesideâ€"Charitable associations can reform the man, and perhaps makea USO-l fol memberof society; but, alas, the scarsl are there 2 The reformed drunkard, gambler, and thief, is only the wreck of the man he once was. “Five hundred pounds!” said the bishop ; «what a shame for a bishOp to have such a sum in his possession.” And he ordered it all to be immedlately given to the poor. ‘ vvvo .I. lulLUD (‘ll‘l Hume said that Butler‘s “AnalOgy”was the i newtzlind second I hast defence of Christianity he had ever seen. : p"“1 3393’ 351:1“: It is, indeed, difficult to find in any language 3 :20: 1:53) 03:02? P: t a work at once so profound and so useful. is $1‘00 Shes-i in“ We are informed that Queen Caroline the . . f 2 of Musu. Mel-Chan consort of George II., read some part of it ev- ery day at breakfast. She asked Dr. Samuel , “1’1 Clark what he knew of Butler. Dr. Clark r, A?“ 15t- 180-- told her that he was residing, with some of» his family upon a small living in Kent. The ‘ R i 2- = l e L. Queen expressed her surprise, and said she thought he was dead. “No madam.” said Dr. Clarke, “he is not PRIVAIE R dead, but he is buried. Butler was afterwards elevated to the biâ€" PHYSIOLOGICJ Ihopric of Durham. Being applied to on 250 PAGES i some occasion for a charitable subscription, Price only Twsxr he asked the steward what money he had in postage to all pa the house- firmities of' youth The steward infer-mm? him “Hun-o an...“ Rpm-pr. fnllma M L Sorznsnnon.â€"Superstition is the speech- less symbol of departed piety ; or it is to re- ligion what astrology is to astronomyâ€"the foolish daughter is to the wxse mother. A Gentleman called at a house of an honest old lady forlhe purpose 0! collectmga small debt Not recollevtmg the amount, be pro- mised to send his bill that evemng. The old woman, supposing that he meant his son Wil- liam, replied, “Oh, la ! our Sal never set up with any one yit ; but bill’s a clever boy, and, they may build a fire in t’other room.” K0" "Jam‘s m n, thou may’st be mute, Fox-I can proudlg. vie with thee ; Thhu no the fairest gave the truit The fairest gal ve the fruit t > me. “Mamma, may I go fishing '1” “Yes lad, but don’t go near the wa’eu And recollect, if you are drowned I shall skin you as sure as you are alive.” Allan Ramsay, whose “Gentle Shepherd” is so much abmired, having been handed an orange by the Countess of Aboyne, acknow- ledged it in these happy terms :â€" we publish this on the authority of an ultra marine : “How terribly the ship labors l” exclaimed the passengers to the captain, as they stood together on the bight of the binnacle, what cargo have you in the hold ? “Petroleum,” replied the captain, turning his telescope in his trowsers pocket. “Ohlah! petroleum,” rejoined the passenger, “that’s rock-oil; no wonder she rocks.” Uszy‘hl Receipts. . _ _ â€" wv-vv-r “mere Welt: three brother»~ in Noah’s ark, but I cannot lei} positively from which of them I am descended. . Francis the First, being desirous to raise one of the most learned men of the timp to the highest dirrnities of the church naked him if he we: of noble descent, “Your Majesty,” answered the abbot, ..-.1 _ ' 1V “ - “Ihuru “.IL|AA Oh. or..\ k meat. .. cu us: 7".) ylhl" IUID, \aalilurecently married old bachelor, who had finished reading the Rev. Dr. Fields’s essay on the “Culture of Women.” just as a heavy milli- ner’s bill was presented him,) “it’s all very pretty, this cultivation of women ; but each a charge as this for bonnets, is rath- er a heavy top-dressingâ€"in my judge- man! imitate. Be suré'th'ey will mark iii; f6; line, shade {or shade, blot for blot. Your conduct is the rule of life. Expect no more from )our children than you are your- ‘A“ ,,_______ w Puma Immune-Every parent should remember that his children are affectâ€" tod by his constantly moulding influence. Fayette of the copy‘you sgt before them to Anerdote of Bishop Butler. steward informed him “there were “It is all very pretty talk,” (said a recenfly I Imied old bachelor. who had finhhmr Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y -â€"~. Tm: "ELECTRIC me'axrc PROTECTIVE.” ~married ladies whose heaith Will not ad who have no desire to increase their families, may ‘ be obtained as above. It. is a perfectly safe pre- tventive to conception, and has been extonsively gsed during the last 20 years. Price reduced to 10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled.i J? Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay-â€" J3 solemn warning. Just published, a book showzng' the insidious progress amt prevalence among schools, [both male andfemaleJ of this fatal habit; dointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developmg the whole progress of the nisease, from the commencement to the end. --For mit, or acc‘ themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our PECULIAR department of profession- al Practice, for the past twenty-five years. vnfi‘vz\.â€" Y)--- _ _, n - v. Q VUV‘.‘ \'|I- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now ha 179 nm a." _ .- v--- \UauullA fulncss, sometimes a ringing in eyés, loss of memory, with me]. cured by the author's NE W PA DON TREATMENT. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with ness, generally caused by a bad habit in the effects of which are dizzinmu mzm f 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS‘.â€"â€" [Price only 'rwner-Frvs CENTS. Sent free of Ipostage to all parts of the Union. On the in- .firmities of youth and maturity, GASCIOSiDg the secret follies of bath sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginiLgs, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lnssitude, with confessions of; thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a Col-- lege Student, and a Young Murrzed Lady, 5%., 61'. l t is a truthful adviser to the married and those comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret doubts of physical condition, and who are con- scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- litled. HE HORACE WATERS PIANOS, MELO- deons, Alexandre Organs, and T. Gilbert 5: 00’s celebrated JEolin Piano, are the finest instru- ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A large assortment can be seen at the‘new Ware- rooms, 48l Broadway, between Grand and Broome streets, which will he sold at. extremely low pri- ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, , new and second hand, to let, and rent allowed if1 i purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments ‘ received for the same. Also, second hand Pianos - V bargains, prices from $25 to $100. Sheet Music, Music Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandize at War prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent. Agents wanted who will purchase Machines. We never consign. Send for a Circular, which, with the price-list, and samples of work done on the Family Machine, will be sent mail-free. 7th. We have stitl further reduced our prices, and when the quality of the Machineis considered, it will be readily conceded that for 6:11. There is no Sewing Ma guaranteed as oms; for we wa 5th. With new improvements constantly being added~with perfection of mechanical skill, ob- tained by long experienceâ€"we aim to produce a Machine which shall be a source of profit and pleasure to the purchaser. 4th. Wherever our Machines have been fairly exhibited in competition with other-first class Machines, we have been awarded FIRST PREMIUMS. i '_" 1' € litigation. 5 Persons desiring ' should purchase the 3rd. There is no Sewing Machine( of doing so great a range of work; n ever required in Family Sewing, but may be done perfectly on our Machine, fro: PINKLE AN D LYON ' HIS Company, being duly licensed, their ; Machines are protected from infringement 3 litigation. ’ Persons desiring to procure 9. Sewing Machine i thii‘t‘ “Cc-Auk- __ L _ 2nd. There' 13 no Sewing and so easily kept 1n ordex. MACHINE for the following reasons : R; M5 ERBWS SE ”7370 WIAC/IINE 001W!) AN Y. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 177-19111. FINKLE AND LYON ass BROA‘DWAY, NEW YORK. r catuseu by a bad habit in youth, vwluch are (laziness, pains, forget- nn--‘ COMPANY ry, with melancholy, niay be "3 NEW PARIS AND LON- ......... nu, {Mlllo , ”U 66‘- ringing in the pars, weak qre tgoubled with weak- Machine, making the} tight or “ STANDARD.” Sewing Machine so durable, Sewing Machine so fully for we warrant every Ma- bettm sulisflzction than any J1! Sewing §Iach_ine capable THE and so Easily under. of work ; no work 147-1: THE v4: but what ', from Lace J 0111‘: Leys, Esq., William MCI-Mamet. Esq., President; W p. Rowland, Esq., M.P.P., Vice President. George Mellie, Esq, Alex, Murray, Esq., Lawrezce HeyglexzZ 1353., Jas,, Austin. Em ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR ANY TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS SECRETARY. THOS. M. SIMON S. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN YOUNG, Esq., JOHN FERRIE, E3Q° INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. PERMANENT BUILDING SAYIEGS SQGZEEY. â€"â€"v- ' ' I Conveyancer,Commissioner in Queen’s Bend. and Comrmsswn General Agant. “sze flssurnace is the Cheapest and the safest mode of making a certain and secure inuestmenl ’or one’s Runily.”â€"â€"-BENJAmN FRANKLIN. ALE x. B. McNAB POSTMASTER, In Durham, Hanover, Walkerton, Mount Forest Owen Sound, and other rising localities, many 0 such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and Pri'.‘ate:Resi(lences, application, if by letter (pie-paid) will receive strictattention. ALEX. B. MCNAB, General Agent. Durham, May 1, 1861. 125-132 Improved and wild, situated in of Holland, Sullivan, Proton, A! fmxa c., c., at low prices and < of payment. CAPITALâ€"ONE MILLION DOLLARS. C I‘T‘l L WA IR 0 The subscriber is prepared to offer for saxe ALEXANDER DAVIDSON Inspector. INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMSâ€"â€" PROMPT SE'l‘TLEMENT 0F cum: WITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND (1:? No Charge for Policies. FRANCIS H. REWARD, ‘Yh"l\"\““ â€" .._____..-R_ CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDINGS 1“ V I: R :2 @0132; AND LOVIBARD STREET MONEY LEN T Durham, May 1, 1861 The money can be obtained as soon as the pro- perty is valued, and the title approved of. For form of application or other infi'rmation, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Stieet, near John Street, Toronto, or to. ALEX. B. McNAB, VALUA TOR, Durham. h.-_!_ A 7A 1" " ‘ ‘ $1,000,000, Upon Freehold Preperty in Upper Canada, with- in two years after commencing operations are prepared to negotiate turther loans. The TORONTO BOARD have received a large amount for immediate investment. and are now able to make advances at the above rate of Inter- est, for periods of five years, upon Improved Farms. U "I'll“ ll Durham, 00., Grey, lst May, 1861. lZSâ€"ly 0.0.0... THE BAN ’ Ix OF MONTREAL. DURHAM @anznaa AQEH? Bentinck Post 0mm, COM MISSION NIERCHAN '1‘ AND TOWN AND PARK LOTS, May 1, 1861. Assurance Company. Messrs. BRYCE, )IoMcnmcu Co., Tow-on “ fl ROBERT Pumaox, BROWN, GILLESPIE 00., Hamilton Taoxsox .9; BURNS, Townto. Esq. ., Owen Sound. Durham 8th Aug., 1861 or LONDON, (manna) AVING effected loans to tb MONEY TO LENfi DIRECTORS: London; HAMILTON, c. FJ‘R NI '4 (}'l‘.s5 ESTABLISHED, 184 7. . G. RAMSAY. Id wild, situated in the Townships llivau, Proton, Artemesia, Gara at low prices and on liberal term HEAD OFFICE. FARMERS MANAGER. REFERENCES: BANKEBS. ROYAL :tor TORONTO. ALEX. B. MCNAB, ALSO JOHN STRIKENIAN A. B. MCNAB Agent, Durham. {pper Canada 13- McNAB. _ Solicitor. COUNTY GREY. the extent of, I -U' Agent Mana get. Agent. 125-1): _) 71.137071“ 125-1y; ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD. The Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught by competent and "experienced teachers. Scholarship, payable in advance, $40 College open day and evening :â€"â€"n0 vacations. Resident principals atBuifalo, J. C. Baum 3: H. P. PERRIN. -‘ For further information, please call atthe Col- lege Rooms, or send for Catalogue and Circular, enclosing letter stamp. Address . '- BRYANT STRAT‘TON.‘ , Bufl'alo, N . Y. October 7,1861. . 39971.? 1394f- ' Book-Keeping in all its aepartments, Commer- cial Law, Commercial Arithmetic and Penmuno ship, are taught in the most thorough and practi- cal manner. These Colleges are orgdniZed and conducted upon a basis which must secure to each separate I] stitution the best possible facilities for impart- ing a thorough commercial education, and render it as a. whole, the most. comprehensive and com- pletc system in this country. . u ‘ v by the use of luunvam 15011,: OFL0LLEGE’ Perry’s Cordial Balm qug/n'acum ’ Established nearly a century known through- MAJN SE,N.E,CA STREETS. out the world as the Greatest Regeneraloz‘; a IS an important lmk‘ 1n the great Chem Of I neverâ€"failin; remedy for Spermatorrhoea, less of National Merchanttle Colleges, located in thelmanly power, produced by early indiscretions, or tollowmg Cities “2: any other cause. It enriches the principal vital NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, I fluids, enablingthose who have deemed themselves ALBANY, CLEVELAND, incurable at once to fulfill the most sacred ob" gzttions of married life. Price 113. per bottle or DETR‘OIT' CHICAGO’ , J four quantities in one, 333., which saves 11s.; itnd . TROY: i BROOKLYN iin £5 bottles effecting a savino of £1 l‘ls ‘ AND ST. LOUIS. ’ ° ' Perry's Concentrated Detersire Esisence, a re-l A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo College entitles the holder to attend either or all th , lmedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purity- ‘ e l ing the system from contamination, recommended ; Colleges for an unlimited time 1' for secondary systems, blotches on the head and The Design of these institutions, is to impart to , . _ _ ‘ lface, enlargement of the throat, tatsil , and um- young men and ladies, a thorough. practical thI- la ; its beneficial influence on the the syStem is ness education. " ' . . , undeniable. Price 113. and 33s. per bottle, also These Colleges are orgamZed and conducted = “PO" 9. basis “'hiCh must secure to 33011 separate Perry‘s Patent Concentrated Essence of ‘Copaiba I Il stitution the best possible facilities for impart- la nd (tuba . . -- '{f'fi’ EBWEEAEG MERCANTLLE COLLEGE, Wholesale Agents :«Barclay 8; Co rington street; may be had frum Mess 3: Cattle, Chemists, Durham, and from ists throughout the world. __-_--..v. u. uuu lUllU\Vlllgâ€"" ‘Piles, Bails, Bruises, Excoriations, Blotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ringowo.ms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chapped Hands, Chafed and. Blistered Feel, Corns, Bunions, Chilbluins, Frost- Bites, Scolds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles, Stings, Scr - fula, King’ Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Con- tmctedand Stifi’ Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Tlxroats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rush, Tumours. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, c. 13. Lid. and 2s 9d. per pot. Patent )ledi -ine Warehouse, 19 Berners Street, I Oxford_stre_et, London. l For all kinds of sores and skin eruptlons. It. never closes up the surface ofa wound whilst full of- matter, but will first brin all to the. 3111': face, and finally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment. in the following... Pilpg Rm'lc [Inna-m- n--____g .- h- _ ‘ IT isa WELL-LNOWN FACT that SARSAPA- - o RILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE lâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! W These Pills strike at the root of each disease, ‘ ’ and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptions ,f on the Skin, Indigestion, Billous, Liver, and ’ Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Threats, and every complaint 3. caused by irregularities of the bones, obstructed re perspiratwn, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. These Pills work their very way to the '6 root of each disease, cleansing in ‘ iv especially where merc:.ry has been taken, and re- r- moving every unhealthy accumulation, till the d blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesi- tateâ€"do not delay! a clean stomach must make a clean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment.â€" Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction, Sold In bottles, at ls lid, 23. 9d., 43 Gd., 8: 113 Dr. Buchan’s nvigoratiug Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL WEAKNESS, at once restores and invigorates with magical rapidity the most Debilitated bon- stitution, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, and a redoubled devel- opement of the muscular system. Failure is im- possible, for success is as (361 tain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression of spirits, diminution of vital energy, emancipation, and for all female complaints. The medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity, and old age. The properties of this invafuable re-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and museu- lar sytem, enriching, increasing, and purifying each particular vital fluid; its action is never- failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of nature. As the falling rain vivities the parch- Fagent restore the lost strength and energy of all .who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few 01 the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. 6d., 113., or four quantities in one, 33s. Du. BUCHAN’s Vacuums E Sum O'N'I‘MENT. is the only on : yet discovered that cures the most - inveterate sores. Its effects are wonderful, giv- 0 ing instant relief to the suflerer. Manyt ousands have used it, and declare it to be the best in the world. It is the only NATURAL REMEDY ’1 it May 22nd 1862 %¢%/ZJ NEW YORK, ALBANY, DETROIT, TROY, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster. Worship Street, ow Street, c. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, (31er- gymen, and others. Da. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARxApAmrrn Am within the reach of all, by a. use of R BUCHA ‘ ’S VEGETABLE DOMESTIC Medicines, prepared from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, c., c. Cures at". daily made, and tneir efficacy proved in thous‘ands of cases, attes- ted before the Aldermen of Guildhall, The Right Hon. the. Lord Mayor of LONDON, 35y, and a rcdoubied devel- Ear system. Failure is im- 18 certain as that daylight 3 only infallible remedy for general debility, nervous PHILADELPHIA, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, BROOKLYN flay 8; Co. 75, Far- f1um Messis. Parker .,and from all Chemo Go " TO THE STANDARD OFFICE FOR NEAT AND CHEAP PRINTING Sold at Mer's‘rsv: R. . L Pe.1:ry. Co’s Whole- sale Depot,'No..19,' Bér'ners street, Oxford street; London. ‘ Agents: 'Barclayk 00., 75 Barringdon sheet, London. ‘ May 22nd, 1862’. â€" vu-uu , "JJWDcu m sugar, free' from taste ovlrgmell. 4s. 6d and 118. perbox. Perry’s Purifying Pllls, an infallible cure forall diseases of the skin such as scurvy, scrdfula, ul- cers, boils, blotches. pimples on the fiice and body, 630. Price 113. and 33s. per box. ‘ Sold at Mersrs. R. . L. Perry 3.: Co’s Whole-.. coin nanâ€"L."‘ ‘A' n. ' Perry's Pa tent Concehtm ted Essence of 'Copaiba and Cubeb Sugar-Coated Globules, the most spee- dy remedy known. The 'G‘tobulesJ containing the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, c., at once cure, without the possibility of failure, Goâ€" Messrs. R. L. PERRY “0., are on] consulted at their residence, No. 19, Berner Uxt‘ord street, I ondon, as they never on circumstances, travel either at home or: and they hereby caution the public again person using their name, and a~ a further tion against fraud, the public is notified t]: of their m'dicines are genuine, unless t1. GENERATIVE AND M UaCUlAR POWER REGAINED patients. ION NERVOUS RELAXATION AND FXHAI’S- TIUN. ‘ New edition, enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravâ€" ing on Steel, just published, price ls. q‘HE SILENT FRIEND, the Greatest Medicul Work of the Age, on Youthful IndiSCl‘t time {and consequent impediments to Marriage, dc“- ‘ cribing the Anatomy of the Reproductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restoration to manhood; with an Essay on single and married life, containing a prescription known as the Preventative Lotion, precluding the possibility of contamination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of the world. Ixtracts from the Silent Friend. price 6d, which contains directions for the guidance of C ‘\n ‘In-s‘fl $13: Mill Picks Made and Sharpened I?” Axes Jumped and Tempered. 3E? Any person in need of a Farrier it to their avantage to call 0': him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. ploughs. CENEEZAL 50 B E 7Y®C In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prin- . . IS PREPARED TO DO Hill ‘Vork, Horse Sharing ALND Saddler Street. The undersigned. having been appointed Agent for Durham and Vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. â€"__, ' A _..._..â€"--.- VQDVWIIU ““11“, Deputy- Chairman. ‘ HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq; ED W'ARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P.; J. H. MAIT- LAND, Esq, Resident Secretary, Montreal; G. F. 0. SMITH, Esq., Resident - Assistant Secretary; FRED. A. BAL L, Impector offlgcnc‘es T.BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Danni... nL~:....m.._ A Funds in hand (Beer. 1860), ...... $6,299 130.60 Invested in Canada, ........ ' ...... 2 0,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, C A ADA BRANCH. Commny’s Buildings, Corner qf Place’d‘Ar- mes and,Great St. James Street, Alont‘real. CAPITAL~â€"- Two Millions Sterling THE LIVE POOL LONDON FIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y Parties vi-iting 0W en Sound will find it to their advntage to call be fortepurclasing ”58“] me every article made on the premises and can be wafrginted, RESIDENCE-OppOSSite Wyllie’s Brickâ€" Building, chopeSzreep, Owen Sound. -â€"on--â€" - 0VÂ¥EN SOUNB, "KTOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Pubiic of Durham and vic- inity to their large and varied stock of Cabinet ' F urmture, comprismg iBlll‘flflllS, ‘ Bedstea'ds, ' Sofas. Couches, Cupboards, Chairs, Tables Pianos, Melodeons, F lutinas, Accordeomf and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaix‘é'd. CABINET FURNITURE. SPENCER BROS. February lst, 1861. 'rought Iron Shares made. for any. I'ind 0 __ -v vâ€" v w; vUiJLIIIUu '-Coated Globules, tine most. spee- 1. The 'G‘tobulesJEonfainipg the DIRECTORS .- avel eiLher at 11 :me or abroad caution the public against :mv PERRY __‘ ‘0., are only to be IEND, the Greatest Mcdicu :e, on Youthful Indiscm tium. ediments to Man-Sag», d9“- of the Reprodumive System , and pointing out the sure ience, No. 19, Berners street, , as the} nev ;' u'nderany ll ', and a~ a. further precm; ‘1‘ ' out: 13 notmed that none :nuine, unh-ss the sub- signature is attached to ill find ' E. P. chxm, M. D!” . '33" This is not a Homoeopathic Remedy, non? there any mercury or 0 her deleterious ingmflie‘hw Combiutd'Wit'h it. ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' PRICE:â€"-$I"pcr box; six boxes {0135, by mai!,.pre-paid.' For saleat the sole-General DO- pot in the United States, by . V . -- J. WI'NOHBSTE= ' 7‘ ’ ‘ i '36 John'Stree‘ ‘t,‘N;Y-‘ 155-1} Cu.“ .7. “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Specifichw gany medicine can be. We ha "e cured man ’severe cases With from six to ten dbeen.” â€"-Dr..- .2 KEITH: flmerican four. of Med Science. “ I Have found them all that could be deeiiedi Their effect has been truly wopderfui. 164-1y SUCCESS . A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrhea, or Seminal “’eakness, and Genital Ir- ritability in either sex. g his is the only remedy for Sexual Debimy .Impotency, C., which has the approval’ of the. medical profeasion Its snccem haS‘been- most extraordinaryâ€"efl'ecting cures in dim where all other methods 'of treatment had fufled. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will“ permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakness,- or'its resulting Impotency, however-aggrevated, whether constitutionaL or arismg from abunor' excess. * “I have used'your Spccmc Pm, in many cases of Spermatorhea, and with the most perfect an- AAA-o- ‘. ,. â€"~ _-__ --v-v-~'v“ b VVVVVV IJ-â€"â€" U‘S'E NO OTHER, 0R flN Y REMEDY CON-- YLNNING IR 0N. K?” PRICES :-â€"In 7 oz Bottles, $1~6 Bow-0i fur S:3. In 16 oz. Bottles, $2â€"Three for $5.-â€" Circulars gratis. Sold by all respecta? Xe Drug-v gists, and at the sole GPzzeral Depot in the United. reliable furm of Dr. (311:er ili's remedyriina approved by the. Medical Profession generally 71"" T.‘ IVA nmrrn:\ rxn n‘vvr --n_-'._ .. Have a two-fold and specific aczion~on the one hand, increasing the principl which CONSTI-v TUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and with: mthtr. being the MOST POIVERFUL BLOOD + GE NEH.:17 TING ..QGENTS KAY) H'N. They .3 ct with pmmpmess and certainty in a]! general ‘nu-rbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthnn, Scmfula, Mara-sums, Anomia, Female. Cflmg'luints. c., and in all‘ disordexs of the Nervous or 8100:) Systems. Their effect upon the Lubm‘cular Conditiun is imnutdime~all the gem: emi systems disappearing with a rapidity which is real}? marvelous They increase the nirvana or vitzil pnerg'y, relieve Cnugh, check Night Sweats, diminish Expecmmtion, improve the Ape petite, arrest Dhu'rhaza, and PROMOTE nuns swap. .4 R413 TEL/3L IS .4 CERTAIN. CURE. Winchesterss Genaine Preparation OF THE HII'POPHOSPIIITES IS the only P0];:l}}ln “If?“ (If. I)“ l".‘1.n~n 2.13,:u anA-- -_._‘I ° .â€" ‘malu‘v‘L v.14. In Nen'ous Dehilit9 and DV ape: sin, - the HYPOPHObPHII‘E 8 may be legarded as an :1 Imost sovereign remrdy. Nervous Dehz‘liiy, Srrofula, Dyspepsza, Brant/HHS, é-c This is fhe most wonderful curative agent known to medical science. It has effected cures in every stagc of Consumption “UNPflRflL-v [1913131) [N "H E :7; TMYLS OFM IDICINE.” CHURCH STREET, Of all kinds.) either on hand, or done to 01-62%, for quality, and workmanslnp, cannot be smv p .ssed by any House in Guelph, and everybody an‘VS 0' § {IL/k" ,_; 2 a6: ' L: .9 _.,_1-.')’\ .ME 14 i . r‘ O. ‘3": ,fl 5 ‘ {a a I'Qi. ' { o ‘3 f; 3,". ‘ Toe... \ h 1‘“- /\‘ “wager than any ESlablishmn‘g" N THE COUNTRY, .5345“??? “'LBS'I'ER, GIELPH, January 10.1862. 160-1). Have done all tLev can to run it ofl‘ the week, still it stands good against the ‘33” Inspwt )1 Invited. HEW MBER THE STAND' pposite Emma-mam Tavern (Near the Post Office) 3 A ‘3' E L E: TOA Fair and Rcassznble Price. And it is knuwn to :1]! that the Brantford House is the only bulwark a g‘ainst the return of the old and rumous prices imposed on th public before it commenced . Although the rest of the Store no.1... “ THE BEST “TefigénANflllP‘ IN THE PROVINCE. IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. NO SURRENDER; Manufactured of the Finest Material and . THE HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr. Chum Inn’s Specific Remedy,) FOR CGNSU 9:1". PT10N, K That brought .MILTON Saunas, M. D. ,LL D it to be as gear a ‘Specific’ as! 1N GUELPH And Sells all kinds “ J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N. the Store Dealers d:

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