Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 14 Nov 1862, p. 4

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r____-a ”VIVA“, “ Oh! Help the Contrabands’ ;” “ Old John Brown’s Song;” “Song of the ‘ Contrabands’ ;” “ Oh Let my People Go ;” “ Parody on the Song of the " Contrabands’;” “They worked me all the day without a bit. of pay,” “'WheroLibetty Dwells is my country 1:" “When Slavery dies there‘ll be Freedom ;" “Wake, Freeman, God has spoken? 1“ Whittle?! suppmssed Song of Free~ dom,” etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per dozen, l $3 per 1’10, postage 1 cent. 1 HORACE WATERS, ’ } No. 481 Broadway. N. Y, ' vlvnn 1131“? U1" FREEDOM.-â€"-Xow ready, :1 new and superior collection of Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and “ Contraband" Songs, Solos, Duets, Quertetts, and Chm-uses. Most of the Poetry and Music has been written expressly for this work to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million in order to awaken a. deep interest in behalf of the “ Controbands,” whom God, in his providence, has cast upon the Free North to clothe and educate. CONTENTS, IN PART. “ Fair Freedom’s Mom has dawned at last ;" a Break the Chains er the Emancipating Sword ;» 4: 0h! Help the Contrabands’;” “Old Jnlm more Pipes at and elbows at l Purchasers of Stoves will be V V') suppiied with six pence, cuxrency, each length, 0 pence each. A. A. COCIIRANE. Durham Foundry, Janumy, 1862. 1624f KING of STOVES, (largestssze, furnished m the best style) - : FOREST KING S “ " BOX STOVES for 2 font wood RELIGIOUS Tom-mums: PROCLAIMED IN Cm- NA.-â€"One of the greatest victories WlUCll the principle of religions toleration has gamed during the present century is just announced from Asia. According to Frencn papers, an edict has just been published in China, which reccommends to the people the practice of the freedom of religious wor- ship, and little doubt need be felt that it will earnestly strive to put 3 amp to religious per- secnttons throughout the Empire. China has never felt itself more upon the great Christian Powers than at present, and we may there- fore expect that the successes hitherto gained ; by the Christian missionaries will be in little} comparison With those which the future has )n l storé for them. STOVES, S POVES. xation is as pernicious as none at all. But to be the industrious torler the sunshine ofthe heart isjust as indispensible as the material sunshine is to the flower; both soon pine away and die if deprived of it. VALUE or Amvssmsm.â€"The world must be amused. It is entirely false reasoning to suppose that any human being can devoteI himself exclusively tollabour of any descrip- tion. It will not give him adequate relief” He must enjoy himself. He must laugh, sing, dance, eat, drink, and be merry. He must chat.with his friends, exercise his mind tn excrtmgly entle emotions and his body in agreeable emonstratinns of activity. The he human system demands this. It exacts variety of influences and 1110- l tion. It Will not remain in health ifit cannot I obtain the variety. Too much merrimem i fl The latest English papers report the burn- ing at sea of the bark Cabana, belonging to Messrs. Ridley 8r. Perry, of London,which sail- ed from Caldera for Swansea with a cargo of copper ore on the 27th May, having acrew of 17 men and one passenger. On the night of 20th June the sail-room was reported on fire. Thc flames spread so rapidly that all on board were obliged to betake themselves to the boat and abandon the vessel. Within a half-hour after they left her, both the main and mizzeu : masts went over the side, and before morn- ing she sank. The night was dark and stormy, with a heavy snow, and many of the men were only partially dressed. The only rovisions they had time to secure were a- bout 5 lbs. of biscuits. 4 gallons of water, and l some lresh pork. A sea struck the pinnace and swamped her, but the crew were rescued and taken on board the other boat. For 7 days they were tossed about, suffering so in- tensly from cold and want that when on the 27th they reached a small uninhabited isiaml to the south of the Falklands, only two of of the men were able to move a bout. This l island was entirely covered with snow g. but l having succeeded in hauling the boat a short f way up the rocks, they spread a sail over it I and remained there eleven days, living on’ raw penguin flesh and water. At the end 0t l this time 90f the men were in a shockingE state, with their extremities frost-bitten andl falling to pieces! These with two men to at- tend them, were left on the island, while the others tank the boat, in hope of reaching the East Falklands. Two days afterwards the)" . were picked up by a schooner ofl Port Stanley l l and another schooner went and brought up ‘ the sufferers from the island. Notwithstand-l 1 ing the utmost care and attention that could 3 ' be shown to them, the second mate and one 01 the seamen died shortly after their arrival,I and 4 of the men had to undergo amputattion 9‘ I h ' VALUE or DREADFL’L SUFFERINGS OF A SHIP’S CREW. WE WILL SELL, F 0 R C A S H 0 Me naticn is tile jewel oftho sea. _ Observe, I’m a young man from the ould coun- Go, Sergeant Snap, dont talk to Paddy Carey Nor tempt me sow! with visionary pay, 0! bloodshed, bar-in for me Queen, I’m charey ; Your blarney on this boy is thrown away. I’m not to be imposed on by efi'rontery ; ‘1- ___L_.___ And to allegiance own Victoria’s claim. 18pm your vile imaginary wages, Will stain my fists with no such palthry hire ; Beneath Britannia’s flag, behind her a gis, Conscription if ye threaten I retire. My wealth and goods put. any kind oftax on And get me, if you can to pay that same, 3111:1211 the__fell_ow subject of the Saxon. Is it me neck you’d like to wear your collar 3’ Meself to be your military slave ? The divil fly away with your base dollar, Me too, the dhirty coin I if resave. Coin do I say ? Such pay from such paymag- tors, . Bedad! is what I’d like to know who'll get, When for cracked crown you give your troops shinplasters, Whichyover nothing but a. power 0’ debt. Butfa'rrah! sure you dont acme over £6 m LOYAL 131883413 13' AXERICA THE H $19 00 19 80 6 50 S 00 SI’BSCBIBE FOR THE municating their systems by letter. reSpondence strictly confidential. 5'13” Dr. L’s Office is still located'as established under the same of-DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N’. Y. Busines cor- fl Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decayâ€" .4 solemn warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male andfemale,] of this fatal habit ; dointing out the flztality that invariably attends zts victims, and developing the pisease, from the commencement to the end. It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3] re tStamps. I? Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 1(1..¢..:...k4. ._1 n ‘ medical adviser with regard to any of those inter- esting complaints to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe pre- ventive to conception, and has been extensively, I" -- .. wvy.vvu5v SUV}. . can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. “A â€"--â€" â€" - - -wv-v-J Jwvv yb‘U'Oo FRENCH F mute Plusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efflcacycf which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures Without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLancy’s Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :shouhl not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain. situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. D’:nn Q1 n-.. k--â€" We have recently devoted much of our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the some zeal, assiduity, SECREU Y and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our PECVTLIAR department of profession- al Practice, for the past twenty-five years. i D"“‘.Aâ€"- nâ€"â€"‘ ‘ v ,,-__. _ - _-.. ‘;\|u4t0u HUME 13 611‘ litled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with ness, generally caused by a, bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forget- fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, 103's of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. vvv'vl J , ~ * "J " VJ thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a Col- lege Student, and a Young filamed Lady, 6%., 6'6. It is a. truthful adviser to the married and those comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret doubts of physical condition, and who are con- scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- "first? 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.â€" Price only TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the in- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bomb sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- , untary emissions, blushings, defective memory! indigestion and lassitude, with confessions of thrilling interest of Born-dino- swmni 7mm. ,. mt PRIVATE MEDICAL Tliiai'i‘lsn ON THE PHYSKpLOGICAL VIEW of MARRIAGE. PRIVATE ............. vu, uluuu‘ .L deons, Alexandre Organs, and T. Gilbert Co’s celebrated onlin Piano, are the finest instru- ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A large assortment can be seen at the new Ware- rooms, 481 Broadway, between Grand and Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low pri- ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new and second hand, to let, and rent allowed if purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments received for the some. Also, second hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains, prices from $25 to 3100. Sheet Music, Music Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandize at War prices. HE HORACE WATERS PIANOS, MELO- denng- Ahnmnflra ()urm«nn (Ina m “-11 . n 81nd for 21. Circular, which, and samples of work done on th will be sent mail-free with the price-list 9 Family Machine, Agents wanted who will purchase Machines. We never consign. we furnish the be fox-1d. “ D 7th. W e have still further reduced our prices, and when the quality of the Machme is considered, it will be readily conceded that fcr 51h. With new improvements constantly being added~with perfection of mechanical skill, ob- tained by long experienceâ€"we aim to produce a Machine which shall be a source ofprofitand pleasure to the purchaser. 4th. Wherever our Machines have been fairly exhibited in competition with other-first class Machines, we hav PREMIUMS. e been awarded FIRST {THIS Company, being duly licensed, their Machines are protected from infringement litigation ' Persons desiring to procure 3. Sewing Machine ! should purchase the 3rd. There is no Sewing Machine capable of doing so great a range of work; no work ever required in Family Sewing, but What may be done perfectly on ourMachine, from Lace to Heaviest Cloth. 2nd. and so ea There is no Sewing Machine so durable; sily kept. in order. April lst. 1802. lst. There is no Machine, making the tight or lockstich, which is so simple and so easily under- stood. PINKLE AND LYON FINKLE AND LY! NIAGHINE for the following reasons: SEW’ING MACHINE SB WING fiIAC'IlINE CORIPAN Y. 533 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK HORACE WATERS, A gent COMPANY, and cheapest Machine in the 4O "STANDARDRfi THE 147-1y 177-19111. 14:16. William McMaster, Esq., President. W P. Rowland, Esq., M.P.P., Vice President. George Michie, Esq., Alex., Murray, E ., Lawrence Heyden,Esq., Jas., Austin, Esq, A. T. Fulton, Esq., TA]... T -_.. TS..-- ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR ANY TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS. THOS. M. SIMONS. Paxawnx'r. VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN YOUNG, Esq, JOHN FERRIE, EBQ' BANKERS. INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL AC‘ Life Assurance Company. ALEX. B._ McNAB POSTMASTER, Con veyavncer,Comm-issioner in Queen’s Bench and Comnnsszon General Agent. “Life flssurnacc is the Cheapest and the safest mode of making a. rertain and secure investment “or onc’s Rilllily.”~â€"BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. ’ PERMANENT BUILDING AND SATIEG’S SQQZE%EE In Durham, Hanover, Walkerton, Mount Forest. Owen Sound, and other rising localities, many 0. such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and Private:l{esidences, applicatiomif by letter (pm-paid) will receive strict attention. Improved and wild, situated in the of Holland, Sullivan, Proton, Artemc fraxa c., c., at low prices and on ll of payment. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Inspector. CAPITALâ€"ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEAD OFFICE. CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMS:â€" PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS WITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND. 9:? No Charge for Policies. FRANCIS H. HEWARD, A T D‘.’ A \Thhn “ A 1vrnfin‘9 Rom L INSURAN CE BUILDINGS -Mw _,., {’1 AND LOMBARD STREET Durham, May 1, 1861. The money can be obtained as soon as the pro- perty is valued, and the title approved of. For form of application or other information, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Street, near John Street, Toronto, or to. ALEX. B. McNAB, VALUATOR, Durham. Durham, 00., Grey, lat Mar 7861. 125~1y v’- INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE AND LIFE. Durham, May 1, 1861 0n Freehold Property. ~ THE CANADA AGENCY ASSOCIATION, OF LONDON, (ENGLAND.) HAVING effected loans to the extent of, MONEY LEN T SECRETARY. DURHAM, ggfigfigfl Ag: Bentinck Post office THE BANK OF MONTREAL FIRST CLASS May 1, 1861. Messrs. BRYCE, MCMURRICH 00., Toronto: “ BROWN, GILLESPIE 00., Hamilton. “ THOMSON BURNS, Toronto. ROBERT PATERSON, Esq., Owen Sound. ‘1“ Durham 8th Aug., 1861 MONEY TO LEN D TOWN AND PARK LOTS ...'....The tandem HAMILTON, c. W. FARM LOTS, bv-\' A. G. RAMSAY. ESTABLISHED, 1847. FARR/11338 ROYI‘ IJ REFERENCES: MANAGER. 3“”- TORONTO. ALEX. B. MCNAB, ALSO --vvwlw ALEx: '3. MCNXEW. General Agent. 125-13: GENERAL Amen. JOHN STRIKEMAN A. B. McNAB, Agent, Durham ON CT OF PARLIAMENT. MORTGAGES Apply to ALEX. B. McNAB. n‘A in the Townships Artemesia, Gara. COUNTY (mm Sohcitor. Manager. Arént Agerit. 125-1 y. 1254f; l39~tf° a ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD For further information, please call atthe Col- legeRooms, or send for Catalogue and Circular, enclosing letter stamp. Address » BRYANT STRATTON. Buffalg, N. Y. October 7, 1861; ‘ ' lQQ-ly ' Book-Keeping in all its departments, Commer- cial Law, Commercial Arithmetic and Pen-man- ship, are taught in the most thorough and practi- cal manner. _ . The Spencerian System of Penmanship is'taught by competent and experienced teachers. Scholarship, payable -' in! advance, 340 College open day and evening :â€"no vacations. Resident-principals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT 8: H. P. PEBRIN. These Colleges are organized and conducted upon a basis which must secure to each separate Ix.stitution the best possible facilities for impart- ing a thorough commercial education, and render it as a whole, the most comprehensive and com- plete system in this country. Thé Design of these Institutions, is to impart to young men and ladies, a. thorough. practical busi- ness education. AND ST. LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Bufialo College, entitles the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time MAIN SENECA STREETS Is an important link in the great Chain of National Merchantile Colleges, located in the following Cities viz: Tn gum“ MERCANTELE CQLLEQEE “ holesale Agents zâ€"Barclay Co. 75, Far- rington street; may be 1 ad from Messzs. Parker Cattle, Chemists, Durham, and from all Chem- ists throughout the world. For all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surl’a cc of a wound whilst I full of matter, but will first bring all to' the sur~ l face, and finally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the followingâ€" Piles, Boils, Bruises, Excoriations, Blotâ€"clies 0n the Face, Ulcers, Ring-wo.ms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chapped Hands, Chafed and Blistered Feet, Gorns, Bunions, Chilblnius, Frost Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles, Stings, tiers:- t'ula, King’s. Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Con~ tracted and Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, Tumours, Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, c. ls. 1.â€":,d. and 2s 9d. per pot. 'Pntent Medicine \Varehouse, 19 Berners street, 9 Oxford street, London. I and sitting- Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster. Worship Street, Pow Street, Szc. . sed7by themest celebrated Medical Men, Cler- gymen, and others. DR. 'BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA‘ PILLS. T isa WELL-LNOWN FACT that SARSAPA- RILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE !-â€"The Bowels regularliâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indigestion, Billous, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, General "Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Threats, and, every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, obstructed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy bloodd «'Phese Pills work their very way to the root of each disease, cleansing in their passage especially where mercury has been taken, and re- moving every unhealthy accumulation, till the1 blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and i all the functions acting according to nature, the i - duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesi~ tateâ€"sdo not delay! a clean stomach must make . a clean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment.â€" ‘ ‘Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles, at 1s lid, 25. 9d, 43 611., 8; Us Br. Buchan’s .snvig‘erating Esseaee, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL WEAKNESS, at once restores and invigorates with magical rapidity the most Debilitated ()on~ stitution, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, and a redoubled devel- opcment of the muscular system. Failure is imâ€" possible, for success is as certain as that dz-tylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debilitv, nerwms prostration, depression of spirits, diminution of vital energy, emancipation, and for all female complaints. The medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity, and old age. The prOperties ofthis invaluable rc-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and ' museu- Iar sytem, enriching, increasing, and purifying each particular vital fluid; its action is never- . failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of nature. As the falling rain vivities the parch~ , ed vegetation, so will the power of this all-potent I ‘ agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who-suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. . 4s. 6d., 113., or four quantitiesin one, 333. 1 DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN OINTMENT. Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most ‘ inveterate sores. Its effects are wonderful, giv~ C ing instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands have used it, and declare it to he the best in the world. It is the only NATURAL RENEEEBY ’ l May 22nd 1862 NEW YORK, ALBANY, DETROIT, TROY, V v w Physicians, c.,' m. pares are dazfly made; and their eflicacy profiled'iqgflgousa‘nds ofcgsgggjgtm- ted before-the Alderm‘e‘fi'bf"Guildhall,“ " " " The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of LONDON, , v s-g‘au ‘ 4 \" U Medicines, prepared from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of kn ' ‘ if“ ' Dhm‘n‘nna Ira ‘ Damn A-“ 3-21. I , r" I /',' ‘0' ‘ r’ I. I 5 M/ M , ' L/ 4/0: ' "" "-H-u-en \ . “'4 , HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND Ammthm ”Eithe . -‘ of 2111,15 tbs use of R BUCHAWS' VEGETABLE DOMESTIC 1-- OUN TY :01? GREY ADVERTISER CORNER OF PHILADELPHIA, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, BROOKLYN GO TO THE STANDARDIOFFICE FOR. NEAT AND CHEAP PRINTING by the use of Perry’s Cordial Balm of Syriacu-m Established nearly a. century, known through- ,1 out the world as the Greatest Rege-nerator; a gnever-fuiling remedy for Spermatorrhoea, less of § manly power, produced by early indiscretions, or {any other cause. It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves . incurable at once to fulfill the most sacred obli- } gations of married life. Price 113. per bottle, or " four quantities in one, 333., which saves 113.; and |iin £5 bottles, effecting 31 saving of £1 12s. I Agents: Barclayéc 00., 75 Barringdon street London. May 220d, 1862. .. . 1y. Sold at Mersrs. R. L‘. Perry Co’s Whole- sale Depot; No. 19, Berners street, Oxford street, London. l Perry’s Patent Concentrated Essence of Copaiba I and Cubeb Sugar-Coated Globules, the most spec- l dy remedy known. The Globulesj containing the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, c., at once cure, Without the possibility of failure, Go- norrnaaa, obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc., immedi- ately subduing all inflammatory action; Encased in sugar, free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d and 113. per box. _ ‘ Health Depends upon Pure Blood. Perry’s Purifying Pills, an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as scurvy, scrofula, ul- cers, boils, blotches, pimples on the face and body, c. Price 113. and 33s. per box. _ . Perry’s Concentrated Detersive Essence, a re- medy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purify-A ing the system from contamination, recommended for secondary systems, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils, and um- la ; its beneficial influence on the the system is undeniable. Price 119. and 33s. per bottle, also saving of_lls. Messrs. R. L. PERRY <3: C’O., are only to be consulted attheir residence, No. l9, Ber-net's street, Oxford street, London, as they new 1' under any circumstances, travel either m, home or ‘riiil’utid, and they hereby caution the public against. any person using their name, and {L5, :2, further precau- tion against fraud, the public is notified that none of their medicines are genuine, unless the enh- joined facâ€"simile of their signature is attached to the different wrappers. GENERATIVE AND MUSCULAR me'mz Rm; Also tcfbe had from all Agents the world. Extracts from the SEE: (Si, which contains directions far patients. .HE SILENT FRIEND, flu: Grontest Medical Work of the Age, on Youthful Indiscretions and consequent Impediments to Marriage, des- cribing the Anatomy of the Reproductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the 5121‘? means ofperfbci restomtion to HERITEHPHdI with an Essay on single and martian 73ft. 2"..530Lilii11g a Prescription known as the 1L‘L"31'c£ii£i‘li\'0 Lotion, precluding the possibility of contamination. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION AND EXHAUS- TION. New edition, enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engrav- ings on Steel. iust Dublisimi mm :2 .313: Wrought Iron Shares made for any " ploughs. {13: Mill Picks Made and Sharponcd E? Axes Jumped and Tempered. E” Any person in need of a Farrier will it to their amntage to call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. C‘ *1???“ .4 LE. L...‘ gt“: Blacksmith am'i Farrier, Saddler Sweet, m m; m Elm 4m mm? IS PREPARED TO DO mm E‘éwr’fia, Home 833590383 The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. _ HERBERT HO WSWELL. “ O _ â€"â€"-â€"-â€" v- .uvu treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSQN, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Deputy-Chairman. HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq.; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq.; ED W'ARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P.; J. H. HAIT- LAND, Esq., Resident Secretary, Montreal; G. F. C. SMITH, Esq., Resident‘ :‘xssismnt Secretary; FRED.‘A. BALL, Inspector of .flgcnc-‘es Funds in hand (Deer. 1860), ...... €6,299 1306?) Sr Invested in Canada, .............. 230,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Company’s Buildings, Comer qf Placejd’Ar- mes and,Great St. James Street, Montreal. CAPITAL-â€" Two Millions Ste) [m a D“ “A :h 1‘ AHA Ina-.. ‘Ofia‘\\ --- THE LIVE P00L8LL0NDQN Parties visiting Owen Sound will find it to their advntage to call be forepurc basing elsewhere. every article made on the premises and can be warranted, ’ RESIDENCEâ€"Oppossite Wyllie’s Brick‘ Building, Scrope Street, Owen Sound. FIRE 8x. LiFE IN3URANCE COMP’Y 1 ~ _ -â€"orâ€"-' g OWEN :50va ‘KfOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public of- Durham and vic- inity to their large and varied stock of Cabinet Furmture, comprising Bureaus, Bedsteads, SOfas, _ Couches, Cnybaards, Chairs, Tables 8; Pianos, Melodeons,F1utinas, Accozdeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. a BANDERSQN, Esq. (President Btmk of Mom Durham 8th AUG. 1861 CABINET FURNITURE. SPENCER BROS. February lst, 1861. ed by 100 Anatomical Cniored Engrfi v: Steel,just published. price ls. DIRECTORS : AND mm rgninst 31‘" :1. furthu preem- notified that none unless the sub- lI‘C is attached to :irricx will find '1 ‘LJAII‘ ED 139-15? Pri (2a kid (a 164-1y PRICE :â€"-$1 per box; six boxes for , by mai!, pre-paid For sale at the 9016 General De- pot in the Y'nitéd States, by “J MILTON SANDERS, M.‘ D., -L‘L D3 “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Specifiea' as any medicine can be. We have cured many. severe cases with from six to ten doses --.B'Dr Kama: .flmericap four. of Med. Science. â€"â€".-v-._, “0 U. E” This is not a. Hemmefia'tl‘lic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other deleted ' mate combined with it. one m at; Their effect has been truly wonderful. E. R..K£cm,_M. D.” Y2: mid- :..._-; - n4- “I have used your SPECIFIC Pm. cases of Spermtorhea, and with the :11 success. A apnorric BEHEDY ron Spermatonhea, or Semi-DI Weakness, and Genital Ir- ritablllty In either sex. 7 This is the only medy for Sexual Debility lImpot/cncy, o., which has the appron! of the medical profession Its success has been most extraordinaryâ€"effecting cures in cases where all other methods of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakness, or} its resulting Impotency, however aggrevated, whether constitutional or arising from abnseor excess. ‘ 5 C CR}: 3:3" PRICES :â€"In 7 07. Bottles: SI-â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles, SZâ€"Three for $5.â€" Circulars gratis. Sui-i by ail respecta'le Drug: gists, and at the. soie General Depot in the’Unitt‘d States, by g5‘;nchtvster’s Genziiue Preparation (If "'15 HlPé’H’HOSPHI'TES IS the only I‘QIiuuk form of Dr. Crhum ill’s remedy, and is approved bv the Medical meessznn genpmlly. - USE NO 01' " "7:112, OR .1 Vl'hILMILIJI CON- YIQDIXG 1,735,)? SLBEI act with prumptneéss and cerminty in an genem’l mm‘bid candiiiams, sn ~51 as Chronic Bronchitis, fis‘thmq, Scrofulu, Isiarzzsmus, Anemia, Female, Cmgggaéaints. c., and in all dimrdms of the Nervous or Blood Sys ems. Their (‘Lfcct upon the mN-rmlar conditinu is. immediateâ€"~31! the gen~ em! spawns (1i5:;.;.>;z-s=:u~3ng with a rapidity which is realiy marvelous. They increase the nervous or ygml .mrgy, reiievc megh, check Night Sweats, diminish Expccmmtinn, improve the Ap- petite, arregt 1333311ng and 1nz<,>5201‘n REFRESRING In Nervous Dc :Izty and H YP()P[1'O:§I‘1!{3"ZI. S‘ 1 1m almost. so vezcign 0 :..rd}'. Nervous D61) 1111/, Scrofulu, Dyspcpua, 10211122113 é-c. This is *he most wonderful cumtive agent kmmn to medical 3601319. It has e‘fected cum: in exerv stage (f (unsumntiou “LVP. dRflL- {1:111:21} 13" THE -IV3. V L.3‘ OF MEDICINE." CHURCH STREET, {"378 Inspect: n Invited. RENHMBER THE STAND: Guptmfite Enderhin’s Tavern (Near the Post Office) 0f ..11 kind.‘, either on ban «1.1 for quality, and workmanshi')?‘ p1ssml by anv House In Glue-.1111. knows Cock, 143* 1‘ 1‘ a C .1 I. (i ‘9 m" i V Have done all they can to stiil it. stands good Cheaper wan any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. “ THE ALWAYS A HEAEVW‘, BY HIS DAILY INCREASING RHSH m businpgsx tho D m1“ -‘ BEST ‘WGREHEANSIHP IN THE PROVINCE. TO A Fair and Reasonable Pr' ICC! Manufactured of the F GANGâ€" PLOUGHS IMPORTANT HEDICAL TESTIMONY. THE HYPOPHC‘SPHITES commenced Although the rest of the CULTIVATORS, (Dr. Churchill's Specific Remedy) FOR CONSUMPTION, .«1 mm ’I’RIJL IS A CER THE busiqess the Pubhc Show} ahve to'the tact. fhof :+ . AL WA VS 0):" [1.4 ND .’ IN G UELPH; BRANTqu) That brought J WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N Y- 155-” J. WINCHESTER, 313 John Street, N. Y. Jam WEBSTER, the Finest Material and AND A ND it the Brantford House is the return of the old and on the public before it. the Stove Dealers Dyspepsia, the :30 regarded as an run it off the traCk, against the E Smmg oâ€"-L-- (10110 to order, and everybody c.,

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