Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 14 Nov 1862, p. 3

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_ VHEREAS it is expedient and necessary to make alteration in the bbundaries of cero “in Wards in the Township of Glenelg-t- _ Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Cor- poration of the Township of Glenelg by and un- der the authority of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, Chap. 54, Sec. 273. and it is here- by enscted by the authority of the same- ' _1__ That. Lots number six to twenty-eight inclu- sive, on the Ninth Concession, be taken from Gen- tre Ward and added to North Ward; and that the Second Concesssion North of the Durham Road, from Lot number ten to the Town-line of Artemeaia, be taken from Centre Ward and ad- ded to South Ward;aud Lots number one to ten inclusive on the First Concession North of the Durhnm Road, be taken from South Ward and nddcd to Durham Ward. ‘- And I; lit further enacted this By-law shall came into force and effect from and after the first day of December one thousand eight. hundred and sixty-three. Y A \lnC‘ Dnn‘.‘ Dun”. 181‘ of unclaimed Letters remaimng in Ben- tinck Post Oflice, November 1, 1862. Anarm,Jon. Howard, Julia Ashbury. Thus. R. Hupkins‘, Miss Sarah Arbanc. Mr. R. D. Kerr, leliam Boll. John Késs, J. Brigham Henty I.inlin,'l‘hnmaa Barker, “fright [Janet-e”. “rm. Boak. Jesse qugh. W. Baxter, James Lawson, Wm. Benson Mrs. L'mdvay, steph Black. John Martino“, John Be". Witlam Kit-In es, Dougail Ctthcan, James 232ch aim . Aug: - Crouiaer, Sam}. Mcf‘fmaz. ~i, I) mud Clarke, H. Md i. :n â€"3', R.‘ (rt \‘onxb. Mr. M: K: n. r‘ i’m Township of Glenelg. Camelou. Neil Couher. JOE-.11 Cameron, John Duncan. John Davidson, James Daglass, Thomas Dunn, Ann Ellis. John Emerson, Uriaa ‘Gmm, Pe‘er :Gram, Wm. J. L‘Grant, Wm. Harri-Ion. Thomas Hick-s. Kati-an Hains Jacob 9 JAS. BROWN, CLERK Council Room, Glenclg, Z Nov. 4th, 1862. 3 LOT 50, 3rd CON. BBSTINCK» ...n R CON- uimse 75 acres 30 of which are cleared, found, and under excellent cultivation. There IS 8 [00d Log House and Barn on the premises. Immet" mte possession given. Apply (if by legter postpaid) to ARCH. PAPK 2? Wm. M ATHER, ‘ Bentinck P. O. xecutots. That he has commenced business in that new building Opposite Sigmund Brehm’s note], _ where he intends giving 8:} G00” “'ORK! 4:3 At. a fair price, and by strict attention to business hopes to merit a. share 0t public prtrunage. I? Repairs neatly done on the shortest notice P. S.â€"-Having upwards of 2%" years experience in both England, Sentlnnd and Canada, hi3 Scotch Collars are warranted nut to hut. fi" Grain and Hides taken in Trade. Uct., 215:, 1862. 201:3m. IM!‘()R'I‘AT\"1‘ T0 FARMERS, AVE) 0'3“:qu Harness Maker and Carriage Trimmer, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSI' NESS \VITH THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. ask“ {fie-paid commu‘nications addressed to Box 336, Pat Office, Quebec, will receive immediate attention. I IAS OPENED AN OFFICE IN' QUEBEC {or the transaction of business of parties residing in Upper Canada, or elsewhere, with any ofjhe Government Departments. ‘ _ BY-LA W No. 40. Persons desirous of securing Patents for Lands, or having claims of any kind againSI the Govern- ment, or requiring any inform-.ttion obtainable at the Crown Lands, or other Public Oflices mat have their business diligently attended to by a Patent; of Invéntirm iakcn out Que!ec,b‘ept 30, 1862. W'V ‘I-V.- ‘ ---â€"‘â€"_ ‘3 Reside t Agent, without the expense and in- convenience of a journey to Quebec. .fi.-. -. "e S herebv ha, :ha:: is .-..u mtenzg. ‘ - '0' r" I» ~: "- -m. C(orporauun of the mung-.5 u no“. its nan 0;- sorre en! segue-m Session. 0 m- 1:“: legalizing a. road along the base line the first an“. serum! Conseas‘ionsaf : us I 3*, boih inckxsive, in the 3nd Concessi cording to at ciao of gut-79v made by Hr. Murphey, P. L. 5., filed in‘ the Clerk’som \AME on the premises of the sobscriber about (I the end of April or the beginning of May last an Steefé, coming three years old ; one of the Steers is ehtimly Red, and the other‘ nearly red, having a white star in its forehead and a. little white on the hind part, and blind of one eye. The W have them by proving property: and payinrgmegiemos from the date of this notice by , __ -ucv-M " A ,‘ ,_j__:“- 'Bcnt'iriick, 22nd Oct, 1862 QUEBEC AGENCY. TO RENT OR SELL Tuneup cf N01 mnnb , THUS. BARLOW'S Horn. Orchardville Oct 10th. 1861‘. v4 ”Sin Begs most reapectfully to inform the Farmers about JOHN HOODE. [ Esmnusuan 1859.] e, 'm the 20d Concessions, ac- a ant-1'95 made b3. .Jr anci ,filed m the C ‘erk (Sofia. GEO. NIEMEIER, CLERK. NOTICE JAMES EDGE, Ram's. Lawson, Wm. Lindsay, steph Morrison, Johr. 3701“ 63, Dougan mono! alrl, Angus ALEX. B 3h Kn Fishy. Orr. Sam}. O’Heiaiy, Donald Quinian. John Rust)", John Robertson, John Rose. Miss Ellen TiLstm. Edwin D. 2 T? itindn. Juhn Tmut. John Mr. \Vebsler, Thumas W idder. Hiram Wells, Benjamin M1 In MCN 1,0 s' kl Q \‘9 r r; t fifil 3. B .tnck 203-4. v 4, 46-): 201-tf. QUEBEC Z'NCCB ALL persons are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing two notes of handmone for $100, dated Oct. 14, 1862, payable to James Kamahan, township of Normanby, or bearer; the other for $50, dated Oct 14, 1862, payable to the same partyâ€"as value therefor has not been received. ROBERT DASS. Dry Goods ! AND General Wholesale Merchants, II‘AMIL'I‘OE‘TO Hamilton Oct. 14, 1862. 9004f. of Egremont the Municipal Council of the i To Wit : Township of Egremont, at a Meeting to be held at the Inn of Mr. Thos.Barlow, in the village of Orchardville, in the said Town- ship, on Monday the 17th day of November next, will take into consideratlonâ€"with a. view to the final passing thereofâ€"a. certain By-law, No. 97, to Opon and establish a. new line of road by which the following lands or lots in the said Township will be affected, viz ,â€"-Lots Nos. 13 and 14 in the 3rd Concession of the said Township of Egremont, as shewn by a plan of the. survey there- of filed in the Clerk’s Office, of which all parties interested are hereby required to take notice. Township g NOTICE is hereby given that | BENJAMIN ROGERS, Clerk. Egremont, 0a., 2nd, 1862. U W PIN SOUND TO TORONTO KERR, BROWN 8‘ Co, . EA "‘3 Owen Sound every morning (Sun- ’L ,.- digs excepted, ) at '2 o clock, calling at the intermediate Ports, arriving at Collingwood in time for passengers to take the afternoon train to Toronto. RETURNING. She will leave Collingwood after the arrival ofthe noun tr tin, calling 21... intermediate ports, and ar- rive in 0“ en Sound the same evening. For Freight, c., app!) on board. W. H. SMITH, Alaste-r. Owen Sound, Oct 23, 1862. 'I‘IIAT desirable Tavern-stand known as the Pringleville Hotel, half way between Durham and Priceville. will be let for one or more years as may be agreed upon. The building is large and cnmmmlious, with ex- cellent stabling and driving shedâ€"all nearly new. There are also fitty acres of land at- tached. which will be let with the Tavern.â€" Immediate possession given. For particulars apply (it‘by letter postopaid) to the proprietor on the premises. for any quantity of WOOL delivered at his resi- dence, four miles west, of Durham, on the Durham Road. 100 AC {ES of Yaluaile Property in the Township of Egremom, being composed of the E3 st and Wen ends ofLot number Nine, on the Second Com-essionwwith about from twe .ty- five to thirty acres cleared, and a. good Log House thereon. For Terms, «57.0., apply, post paid, to ’ HE SUBSCRIBER HAS DETERMINED TO open an Auction Mart. at No. 14 Garafraxa Street, Durham, at the Saugeeu Bridge, in which he will have a monthly Auction Sale of Cattle and Goods of all descriptions, which may be brought to him for that purpose, thereby saving Farmers and others who may ha ve surplus stock to diSpose of, the expense of calling a sale on their own premises. The stock or goods W111 be sold for Cash or on time as ordered, and his thorough knowledge of the residents in this part of the Country ensure those entrusting him with Goods, fire. for Sale, responsi‘v-le parties for their Notes. Every convenience for stabling Horses, Cattle, c., and storage for any amount of Fur- nimre and Goods. (3105M): gate, 2nd I“? daesday 6f every month, noon. Posters with particulars of sale will be distributed preficustp the Monthly Sales. Auc- ”-“‘-v --__ __ T. r‘rs will be very reasonable, either by per centage or otherwise, as agreed upton, ‘ v". i i _-r-__ __-_A‘_ lllOtziu'nusu r""'““' -- --,_ ,_ _ v tion Sales conducted in all parts of the County of Grey in a thorough business manner, and on rmsonab‘v terms. Owen Sound, May 15th., 1862. ‘3 S hereby given that application will be made to t the Township Council of "‘rlenelg, at it! next regular session, to be held on TUESDAY, the e ‘Uaf .‘I'DDIUU LU W tavov- v-- v-vâ€"wâ€" r , - , -w- NINTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1862, or some subsequent session, to pass a By-law establishini' certain new roads, ati'ecting Lots No. 28 and 29 in the 3rd concession East ofthe Garafrnxn Road; Lots No 1, 2 a‘nij, in the 7th con.; Lots No. 4 and '3 in the 8th concessnon; Lot No. 10 in the 2nd Range West of T. mum and Sydenhnm Road, and Lots No. 101 and 102 in the 3rd Range West of Toronto and Sydenham Road in the Township of Glenelg, as shewn on plans and descriptions fyied in the Clerk’s oflice. _ _ ___~..-.A1I~\v n____. Gzenexg, 2-2;! Oct, 186:2. ‘HB Subscriber wil‘: pay the highest in Cash, - or in exchange fur AVDREVV LI"I\'GSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 114â€"157 TAVERN STAND T0 RENT. Durham, 13th August, 1862. ad Accounts .eazness. Glendg» 3:0“ AUCTION MART. THE FINE STEAMER WOOL‘BN CLOTH, 1NOTICE. s JOHN MC ODIE, Licensed Auctioneer, (20. Grey. , July 15th, 1862, 187-1y. CAUTION. HENRY WAKFIELD, Reeve. IMPORTERS OF ins vectcd and valued, CL nveyancing Cmrt business. attended to Books FOR. SALE. made up with punctuality and PLANNER. JAMES BROWN, CLERK. .,6th 186?. NGTIUE AND JOHN MILLER, Benti :ck P. 0. rust. 1862. 191-tf. R. I'RlNGLE, THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY Beutinck. P. 0. 3201-“. 201~ 199-6. CLOTHING GROCERIES, The whole lorming a very extensive, complete, and general stock of the best goods in every department, which he offers at verv low prices for cash or merchantable produce, to which he begs leave to invite the attention of his numerous friends and public generally, all of which will be sold for a small advance on cost. FANNING MILLS, ANDLUMBER FOR SALE. The subscnber continues as heretofore to pay the highest prnce for BLACK SALTS. and RAW ASHES, delivered at his Pear! Ashery, at Glenelg Falls, or at his Warehouse, Durham. FANG Y AHD STAPLE DRY-GOODS, a Cl' (LATE MAY’S) onTEl‘T SOUI'ITD HE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC 0F Dunn“: and vicinity is directed to the above hous -. Its Vicinity to the Court House and other centres of business must recommend it to the tnvorable consideration of the travelling com- munity. Charges same other Hotels in town. Owen Sound, 10th June, 1862. 182 BKODI E’S HOETL. 0T 13, 2nd Con., Bentinck, containing 100 acres, 19 of which are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation, is offered for sale on easy terms. The land is excellent in quality, and is situated only two miles from the rising village of Han- 0V8 1'. Consisting of The subscriber offers for sale the following Town Lots in Baowx's SURVEY, b ARM FORS A1154)! l tention of parties intending to build during the coming season, that he is prepared to furnish an unlimited quantity of summon BRICK, ON REASONABLE TERMS. rFEE SUBSCRIBER desires to call the at- These Brick are Larger than any heretofore manufactured in this country, and at muchjlower prices. _ - A - SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH October 9, 1862. Ready-Made THE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE - inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timber will be used. . eptember 15, 1862 BRICK! BRICK” HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that. he has on hand, and is prepared to make, on short notice, an) amol» in the above ll e. Address (ifby letter post-paid,) MATTHEW WYLIE, Bentinck, 0th Oct, 1862. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE T0‘VN 0F DURHAM, TOW N LOTS FOR SALE. [Ga-CALL AND EXAM:NE..{;1) J. H. CLARKE. Durham 1M: April, 1862. 175:1y. GOOD STOCK BRICK AT DURHAM BRICK MAKE'FACTORY. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 General Coopering. “TAGGOJ‘FQ orto ALL AND “’INTER GOODS Opposite Smith’s Tannery. GEORGE TUCKER. Manufactory. 313mm THOMAS BROWN, Port Elgin, Co. Bruce. 1882 196:13. STANDARD. §ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD. Allanpark P. O 199-1y. Dslrham HERBERT ‘ROWSWELL. 199-v. 104--6m 0F ._ CANADA SEWM} MQWWE FACTORYZ RM. WANZER 00.. 8351‘ 611331199 SEWING MACHINES, Having had severat years' experience in the man i ufacture and sale of SEWING MACAINEr in the United States, we are fniiy confident that no Ma-i chine has been produced in the United States or Canada that can excel those of our manufacture in Slim/ting, Scaming, Hemmi-ng, Quilting, Marking, Felling, Gathering, chking, Cordmg, Binding, 51‘. It is important to the purchaser to know that all the corresponding parts of these Machines are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any part. be broken or deranged, it can be supplied or remedied with the least possible delay. TERMS LIBERAL . ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, and 1. ept in order for one year FREE OF CHARGE, when pronerly used Every purchaser will be instructed at our office, or by our authorised agent. We will deliver them at any poin‘ on the line of Railroads in the Province of Canada, free of charge \c-‘.-. by. <33= Ail clergymen who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the liberal discount of one-third from the re ail price; or any poor indigent widow in their parish will be allowed the same discount on a Machine for her own use. Orders to be given ivariably through the clergy- man of the Parish. fifi’AGENTS WAIV TED.Ԥ:§ We have now running in the City of Hamilton OVER. (LL-YE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our own nmnufacturc, to the entire satisfaction of the. purchasers, which we consider one of the strong- est recommendaions. WHEELER 8L WILSON’S. N'o.1 ml’lain Finish with Hemmer .......... $45 .\0. 2.--P1ain Half Panel “ .......... 50 No. 3 .--Ha.1f Panel, Black Walnut or Mahog- nny, with Ne“ Improved Glass Foot and Hemmer ............................... 55 No. 4. «Half Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Boot and Hemmee ........................... 60 Ho. 5.-â€"-Half Case, Plain PaneledLGilass Foot and Hâ€"eâ€"mmer Bldck Walnut or Mahogany. .65 No. 6. -- Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer ...... 75 No. 7. --F 1111 Case, Extra. “ Silver Plated .............................. 90 Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Oil Can three extra Bobbins. and 31x Needles. Binders, Corders and Markers, ex- tra. Binders $5; eorders $3; markers $2:â€" Thread and needles for sale. No. l.--Iron Stand, for Manufacturing Pur- poses ................................ $75 No2 mlron Stand “ . . . . 85 G’Patties purchasing from our Agents will have all the advantages extended to them, as re- gards terms, etc., as if dealing with ourselves. ---- c. ““7"“ __.__._.1.3 P-.. L‘-..-.°’-- MANUFACTURERS OF Wheeler 81. Wilson’s bunuu BU...“ Is- The ’ONLY PRIZE awarded for ’amily Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24th,'25th. 26th and 27th, 1861, was given to R. M. 'WANZER Co.’s, Wheeleré' PVilson. The First Extra, Prize was also given for their Nos. 1 and 2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. Prize of a similar character were also awarded WANZER 8: Cos. Wheeler 8; Wilson and Wanzer 3: Cos. Singer’s Ma. chines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufactures, at the flechagics’ Institute, To- mullulucuuca, at. u... u.-vâ€"â€"â€"--_ -.._-__..-_ __ ronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at tqe several County Agricultural Fairs,â€"-at Hamilton, P-sris, Gait, St. Thomas, Beamsville, Whitby, Cobourg, Bowmanville, in fact, in every place where they have been exhibited WANZER a: Cos. WHEELER WILSON and Wuznn a; C03. SINGER, EXCEL, any Machines that ever were manu- actnred in the United States. Hamilton. November 15th, 1861. 153-ly HAMlLToN, C. ifiEiuBn, November 15th, 1861. Corner of James and Vine Streéts, SINGER’S. AND HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS; SHOES, Fancy Wares, c., c., AND REY ADVERTISER Wholesale and Retail Druggists, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND, AND GODERICH, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Field and Garden Seeds, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combs and Brushes of every description. â€"-â€"â€" â€"-- m an: m 1T ‘IT‘ w E Of all kind and of the best quality. A choice selection of Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Horse and Cattle Just received the Best VVhite Canada Coal Oil, AND A LARGE ASSOTMENT or ()fi‘ers' Ilard'zcm'e at the Sign is receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Eumpe and A merica, he' is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. Tools, . The SI And has therefore obt themselves enuu'ij WWW”..- -_ ___ _, . . , . ” . l _ ! young scholars to smg correctly and scientifically, . v, ., while the tunes and words embrace such a varie- " CH U R i‘ ‘5! CH U R 1 Q S! ty of lively, attractive and soulâ€"stirring musrc and sentiments that no trouble will be experienc- ’ 1 The Best Ever Invented ! ! ed in including all beginning to go on With zea ' in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, beauty-improving, happines producing exercises of school life. . of its elements, variety and adaption of musxc and Churn for the County of Grey, begs to State that in excellence and number of . its songs, original, he is prepared to 5611 Township Rights, to per- selected, and adapted, it .clatms by much to ex- sons desirous of manufacturing this justly cele- cel all competitors. It Will be found to be the brated Churn, which is universally pronounced \ best. book. ever issued for Seminaries, Aoadafmifis (without exception) m be ‘and Pubhc 80110018- A few sample Pages ° t ° THE sssr CHURN IN THE WORLD. s-yielding, “Pd 0"qu The undersigned having purchased the Right In SImPhCltF to manutacture and vend the “Common Sense " Elements, tunes, and Songs, are given in a circu- lar; send and get one. It is compiled by Horace It completes the churning in an almost incredi- Waters, Author of “Sabbath School Bells,” , Nos. ble Space at time, producing good, hard butter... 1 and 2, which have had the enormou sale of generally in FIVE Mixerss- -â€"thus saving 5 m1 655,000 copies in 3.6 months. Price, paper 00:813. amount of time and labor. 20 cents. '51:) per 100, bound, 30 cents: $2“ P“ 2? The subscriber will be in Durham or : 100; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cent $30 per . . . . n , , . - _ Friday the 14th October (Fair Day) at the Brit 100, .5 copies furnished at the 100 price. Mail ish Hotel, to dispose of Township Rights, or to ' ed free at the retail price. . ' ‘ HORACE WATERS, Publisher. “"8 “den ‘0” Chum“- ' NO- 481 Broadwayr. New YOIk- Price of Churn: 88.00. r...“ 1 um? “4316- um- Terms of Richts. Cerfifium kc... snob Made by Messrs. Carpenter W are 6:, b0., 1' and Scales are equal to any, and superia kes, In fact in 1 ability 21nd finish, and Scales is kept on hand. 1 Durham, April 27, 1862 HE DAY SCHOOL BELL-«A new Singing! Book for Day Schools, called the Day School Bell is now ready. It contains about 200 pages of choice Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetts, Trios, Quarteets, and Choruses, many of them written expressly for this work, besides 32 pages of th Elements of Music. The Elements are so easy ' , that ordinary teachers will find themselves entirely successful in instructing even _ _LY-- .. a. r] an:nn*:fifl0“" W i IF Y 0U WANT CHEAP PRINTING, 2 GO TO THE STANDARDGFFICE. Oils, Paints and Colors, At such prices as will pay all customer.) in want 01 April 1, 1863. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. PARKER AND CATTLE, GILT MOULDINGS FOR PICTURE-FRAMES. xii?0fi31 AND OTHER SCALES. At Very Low Prices! PARKER CATTLE, nakers’ Tools, and a variety of other things ntion. The subscriber is also desirous to as- sist in encouraging 1862. enter Ware 3; (50., Hamilton; both Safes to any, and superior to most of the old 3 makes, in fact in point of qualtity, dur- are not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes Taylor, of Toronto, and of the DURHAM, OWEN SOUND Gcbnaxcn. 139-157-175.” . A choice selection of Teas, use. Horse and Cattle Medi- HE root of all diseases lies in impure blood, which becomes thoroughly purified by the use of Darling‘s leer Regulator. For sale by. PARKER CATTLE, Denna. The undersigned having purchased the Right to manufacture and vend the “Common Sense " Churn for the County of Grey, begs to state mt he is prepared to sell Township Rights, to per. sons desirous of manufacturing this justly cele- brated Churn, which is universally pronounced (without exception) to be THE BEST CHURN IN THE WORLD. It completes the churning in an almost incredi- ble Space (:1 time, producing good, hard butter- generally in FIVE Minoanâ€"thus saving a. mt amount of time and labor. it? The subscriber will be in Durham 0::- Friday the 14th October (Fair Day) at the 3m. ish Hotel, to dispose of Township Rights, or n- ceive orders for chums. Price of Chums 88.00. For Terms of Rights, Cerfifium, kc, sppiy RDfi ' " 3 109.. {September .nr. DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR! W. KOUGH. JOE.’ G. FRANCIS, 156â€"1) 194-1! .

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