Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 7 Nov 1862, p. 3

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L, PI. re be ‘0 {ciao .ZlDQ m nd m. '1 uk- ’ 10 311 ,1," HERBAS it. is eXpedient and necessary to 'V make attention in thu immdaries of cer- tain Wards in the Township of Glexwlg-pâ€" ' Be it therefore mat-ted by the Municipal Co:- poration J! the Township of (Hem-lg by and un- der the authority of the Comoli'hted Statutes of (3pr "attack, Chap. 54, Sec. 2'3 and it is here- by enacted by th' authority of we :3 x 9â€"- 1 That Lots number six to tWentyoeight 'mcltt- site, ”the Ninth Concession, be taken from Gen- fl‘eW'ard and added to 30th Ward; and that the Second Concesssinn \‘orth of theDurham R'ad,frem Lot number ten to the Town-line of Artemcsia, be taken from Centre Ward and ad- ded to South Waxrdzand Lots number one to ten inclusive on the First Concession North of the Durban Road. be taken from South Ward and aided to Durham Ward. ‘ .1 ° _ n_ ‘-_ nkfi1‘l‘nmp .‘u'u w unit-5'.- "-V And be it further enafiéd this By-law shall come into force and effect from and after the first. day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. 1 A u‘DQ l‘hfll‘. REEVI- LIST of unclaimed Letters remnimng in tier: tinck Post Omce, November 1, 1862. Anarm, Jon. Howard, Julia Anhlmry. Thos. R. Hopkins, Miss Sarah .Arbane, Mr. R. D. Kerr, Wllliam Hall, John Kass, J. Brigham Henry Linlin,Thomas Barker. Wright Langrell, W'm. Bonk, Jesse Lough, \V. Baxter, James Lawson, Wm. Benson M rs. Lindsay. Joseph Black. John MorrisornJohn Bell, “William McInnes, Dougalrl Cnthcart, James McDonald, Angus Crouiser, Saml. McDonald, Donald Clarke, H. Mz-Chesney, Robert Comb, Mr. McKinnon, Allan Cameron, Neil McGrmle. Patrn-k Coulter. John Miiler, John Cameron. John Orr, Snml. Duncan, John ()‘llenly, Donald Davidson, James '2. Quinlan, John Duglass. Thomas Ritson,John Dunn, Ann Robertson, John Ellis, John Rose, Miss Ellen Emerson, Urias Tilson. Edwin D. ’2 Grant, Peter Tribodn, John (hunt, Wm. J. Trout. Jolm Mr. "‘1. ‘ M..- JAS. BROWN, CLERK Council Room, Glenelg, ? Nov. 4th, 1862. 3 Harrison. Thomas Hicks. Amman Hams Jacob OT 50, 3rd CON. BBNTINCK, S. I). R. (JON- 7 .J 1‘.“st 75 acres, 30 of which are cleared, famed, and under excellent cultivation. There is a good Log House and Barn on the premises. Immediate possession given. Apply (if by letter postpaid) to ARCH' PAN" ) Executora. Wm. MATHER,§ Bentinck P. O. irant, IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, AND OTHERS. Harness Maker and Carriage Trimmer, At : hil- price, and by strict attention to business hopes to merita share 0: public prtronage. [3" ' ‘ 1y done on the shortest notice P. S.â€"-Ha ting uptards of 20 years experience in both Englanii, Scotland and Canada, his Scotch Collars are warranted not to hm. :3" Grain and Hides taken in Trade. “ct, 21m, 1863. 201:3m. I“ R35)! Edge Mills, in the. month of June last, a. two-year-old Heifer, light red color, with white face and red around the eyes, a little white on her mil, a d white on the two hind feet. Any person finding her and bringing her to Mr. Kelly, or leaving such information at the STANDARD Of- lice as will lead to her recovery, will be rewarded .‘fOl’ their trouble. Bentiuck, 22nd Oct, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSI' N888 W'ITH THE GOVERNMENT AS OPENED AN OFFICE IN uummu for the transaction of business of parties: roaming in Upper Canada, or elsewhere, with any ‘ of the Government Deparunents. ° All pre-mid communications addressed '0 Box 336, P at Office, Quebec, will receive immediate attention. Persons desirous of securing Patents for Lands, 0: having claims of any kind against the Govern- ment, or requiring any information obtainable at the Crown Lands, or other Public Oflices ma have their business diligently attended to by a a. Resident Agent, without the exmnse and in- convenience of a journey to Quebec. Patents of Invention mken out. - '0 1 Ac.” October 20, 1862. Quel: CC, SCP'. 30, 18 Win given, that it is the intantion of the- Corpontion of the Township 2' f Normanby at in next or some subsequent session, to pass a. By- izing a road along the base line between the first and second Concessions of Lots No. 29 to ' ‘ he 2nd Concessions, ac- That he has commenced business in that new building opposite Sigmund Brehm’s Hotel, where he intends giving GIBBS, ary Agent, OFFICE IN QUEBEC Begs most respectfully to inform the Farmers about ’ III a --------- J -â€" - number six to twentyoeight inclu- iinth Concession, be taken from Gen- .added to 30th \Vau‘d; and that ‘ ssiun \‘urth of theDuflmm Lat number ten to the Town-line of 2: taken from Centre Ward and ad- Wardzand Lots number one to ten the First Concession North of the _-._.I JOHN HOODB. (:1? G00!) won!“ 4:9 if) U DEPARTMENTS. STRAYED. [Esrmumm 1859.] JAMES EDGE, REE“ ' v Lawson, Wm. Iindsay. Joseph Morrison, John McInues, Dougald McDonald, Angua McDonald, Donald M C! meaney, Robert McKinuou, AHun Molixwmie Patrick Mi: ler, John Off Sam}. 0 Henly, Donald Quinian, John Ritson, John Robertson, John Rose, Miss Ellen '1 ilsou. Ed“ m D.: T I ibodn, John Tmut. Jnhn Mr. \Vehster, Thomas \Vidder, Hiram Wells, Benjamin ALEX. B. MCNAB, Postmaster. 186° MA RY MCTAGUIL 1862. flem'ig. 203- 4. 201-11. v 4, 46-3' 201-tf. ‘\ LL persons are hereby cautioned against pur- fl chasing um notes of handâ€"one for $100, dated Oct. 14, 1862, payable to James Kamahan, township of Normanby, or bearer; the other for $50, date' Oct 14, 1862, payable to the same partyâ€"as value therefor has not been received. ROBERT BASS. AND ‘ General Wholesale Merchants, Ready-Made 1'1 »‘“ILT0NQ £0LOTH|NG -‘ * Hamilton Oct. 14, 1862. QOQ-tf.‘ GROCERIES, of Egremont the Municipal Council of the To Wit : Township of Egremont, at a Meeting to be held at the Inn of Mr. Thos.Barlow, , in the village of Orchardville, in the said Town-3 ship, on Monday the 17th day of November next, will take into consideratlonâ€"with a View to the final passing thereofâ€"a certain By-law, No. 97, to Opon and establish a new line of road by which the following lands or lots in the said Township will be affected, viz ,--Lots Nos. 13 and 14 in the 3rd Concession of the said Township of Egremont, as shewn by a plan of the survey there- ‘of filed in the Clerk’s Office, of which all parties : interested are hereby required to take notice. HENRY WAKEFIELD, Reeve. Township 2 NOTICE is hereby given that Owen Sound, Oct 23, 1862. BENJAMIN ROGERS, Clerk. Egremont, 0a., 2nd, 1862. OWEN SOUND TO TORONTO HAYES Owen Sound every morning (Sun- 1 days exceptcd,) at. 7 o'clock, calling at the intermediate Ports, arriving at Coilingwood in time for passengers to take the afternoon train to Toronto. RETURNING. She will leave Collingwoud after the arrival of the noon 1min, calling at intermediate ports, and ar- rive in Owen Sound the same evening. For Freight, c., apply on board. W. H. SMITH, Master. rPHAT desirable Tavern-stand known 33' the Pringleville Hotol, half way between Durham and Price-ville, will be let for one or i more years as may be agreed upon. The building is large and commodious, with ex- cellent staliling and driving shedâ€"all nearly new. There are also titty acres of land zit- laclietl, which will be. let with the Tavern.â€" lmmediate possession given. For particulars apply (ifby letter post-paid) to the proprietor on the premises. STRAYED from the. premises of the subscriber, Durham Road, Ben- tinek, a Red and White Stag, r - rising four years, with thick pro- jecting horns. He has been missing since last June. Any person returning the same, or giving such information as will lead to his discovery willgbe amply rewarded. â€"â€" “_' f Owen Sound, May 15th., 1862. {$9813. W0”®L. ’ " HE Subscriber will pay the or in exchange for m of the East. and West end: of Lot. number Nine, on | the Second Concessionâ€"with about from twenty- Efive to thirty acres cleared, and a good Log 1 House thereon. i For Terms, an, apply, post paid, to JOHN MILLER, fox any quantity deuce, four miles "Old. :rn'mw STAND T0 RENT. Glenelg, ‘2‘2d 0a., 1869.. September 27th, 186 . 4) HE D lwuov â€"â€" ___v ' ‘IID uu uu‘. . 1 open an Auction Mart at No. 14 Garafram Street. Durham, at the Saugeen Bridge, in which he will have a monthly Auction Sale of Cattle and Goods of all descriptions, which may be brought to him for that purpose, thereby saving to dispose of the expense of calling a sale on their own premises. The stock or goods W111 be sold for Cash or on time as ordered, and his thorough knowledge of the residents in this part of the Country ensure those entrusting him with Goods, kc. for Sale, responsi? le parties for their Notes. Every convenience for stabling Horses, Cattle, be, and storage for any amount. of Fur- niture and Goods. "AUCTION MART. ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Tcrms will be very reasonable, either by per centage or otherwise, as agreed upon. Monthly sale, 3nd Wednesday of every month, I noon. Posters with particulars of sale will be distributed previous t9 the Monthly Sales. Anc- neatness. THE FINE STEAMER CAUTION. NOTICE. I M PORTERS 0F SUBSCRIBER H AS DgyEgMINED TO _ £7__ __ ntity oI‘WUOL delivered at his resi- miles west of Durham, on the Durham FOR SALE. FLANNEL R. PRINGLE, JOHN MGODIE, Licensed Anctionecr, Q9; Grey. HENRY BULL, Beatinck, P. 0. 198-6. 20L Bentidck, P. O. 2014f. Bentiu ck P. O. ' 1914 the premisegf of highest in Cash, 199â€"6. The whole forming a very extensive, complete, and general stock‘ of the best goods in every department, which he offers at veryl low prices for cash or merchantahle produce, to which he begs. ' ' e the attention of hlS numerous friends and publlc generallv, all of which Will be sold for a small advance on cost. ‘ as heretofore to pay the highest price for. BLACK SALTS, anill‘hlngil‘li)?gaiigfiielllisgfed at his Pearl Ashery, at Glenelg Falls, or at his Warehouse, iDurham. "nan-Elam infimflmfif T lB'I-lv. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, Consisting of on easy terms, and at reasonable rates, viz: No 10 fronting on Garafraxa Street. X03. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, third range, fronting on Queen‘ Street. 1 Noe. 1 and 2 on fourth range, fronting on Sad-1 dler Street. The above Lots comprise nearly a. quarter of an acre each; are situated in the business and grow- tion of the Village. and will he found wor- The above Lots comprise nearly a. quarter u. an acre each; are situated in the business and grow- ing portion of the Village. and will he found wor- thy the attention of parties for either business or Speculative purposes, as at no distant day Dur- ham will become the County seat. of the New ~ County of South Grey. For further particulars apply to JOIIH F. BROWN, Chemist, The subscriber ofi‘érs for sale the following Town Lots in Bnowx’s SURVEY, BRODIE’S HOETL, (LATE MAY’S) GWEN QOUM‘D October 9, 1862. 11E ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC OF Drums! and vicinity is directed to the above house. Its Vicinity to the Couxt House and other centres of business must recommend it to the tavomblo consideration of the travelling com- munity. Charges some other Hotels in town. ,, - --.| 1 A 10“.) 1Q” FARM FOR SALE!"! OT 13, 2nd Com, .1 acres, 19 of which under cultivation, is ofi't The land is excellent ‘ only two miles from 1] over. September 15, 1862. TOWN OF DURHAM, LLOYD’S REF)" ~-â€"_V Frnm recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1862 9 cost $20,000 to engrave it and one year’s time. Superior to any 310 map ever made by Colton or Mitchell, and sells at the low prire of fifty cents : 370,000 names are engraved on tlus map. It is not. only a. County Map, but. it is also :1 COUNTY AND RAILROAD M AP of the United States and Canadas combine-l in one, giving every Railroad Station ard distances ibetween. _-- on a... a: nnn v -I“ - Owen Sound, 10th Jun(-,186‘... UCL‘VCLHO Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per': da v, and will take back all Maps that cannot be , sold and refund the money. , Send for $1 worth to try. 5 Printed instructions how to canvass well, fur-\ nished all our agents. ‘ Wantedeholesale Agents for our Maps in every State, California, Canada, England, France and Cuba. A fortune may be made with 5a. few hundred dollars capital. No Competition J. T. LLOYD, No. 164 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses our Map of Viginia, Maryland, and Pennyslvania, cost $100,000, on on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpeburg, Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rhorers- FALL AND WINTER GOODS Kildress (if by letter post- Bentinck, 6th Oct, 186 . q OHIO, INDIANA, an is the only authority for Gen. Department. Money refund: an error in it. Price 50 cent. From the Tribune, Aug 2. i LLOYD’S MAP OF VIRGINIA, MARYL AND 3 AND PENNSYLVANIAâ€"This Map is very large; ' its cost is but 25 cents, and it is the best which can he purchased.” 1 LLoyd’s Map of the Mississippi River-F'romi Actual surveys by Capts. Bart and William , Bowen, .Iississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo., ', shows every man’s plantation and owner’s name ‘ , from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico-1,350 miles ! ‘vâ€"every sand bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back from the river-ucolored in counties and States. Price $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, and $2.50 on linen, with Rollers.â€" Ready Sept. 20. Navy Department, Washington, Sept. 17, 62. T. J. LLornâ€"Sirâ€"Sendme your Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles B. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squrdron, is authorized to purchase as many as are required for use of that squadron. - i G-IDEON WELLES. Secy. of the Navy- orto 3nd Com, llentinck, containing 1001 9 of which are cleared, fenced, and 1 Him), is offered far 39 1e on easy terms. ' excellent in quality, and is situated les from the rising village of Han- THOMAS BROWN, Port Elgin, Co. Bruce. MATTHEW WYLIE, Allanpark P. O. “of 1RR‘3- 199-1:.'. MALE Ab STEEL PLATE COUNTY AP OF THE UNITED \S, AND NEW BRUNSWICK. zys, completed Aug. 10, 1862 5' rave it and one year’s time. .10 map ever made by Colton 13 at the low prire of fifty th .3... o o m. 'uyuv-u -7. - . 0683331232? 311?; ”WilFlligg ‘ was (119:0 glfen for tueir Nos. 1 an iiver Films, of St. Louis Mo. iManufactu-nng Machznes. Prize ' dautation and owner's ,namé ; character were also awarded WA 3 Gulf of Mexican-1 350 miles ; Wheeler 8: Wilson and Wuuzer 8: Cc Hand, town, Ian din g, and all - chines over all others, by the Board : from the river-.- $010“: d in Manufactures, at the Mechanics’ ,3_ Price $1 in sheet: ‘5” ,ronto. ‘They also took First Extra " “! 1 several County Agricultural Fairs,- :.50 l ' ‘ .. : . on luen, mth Roders. 31:31.15, Gait, St. Thomas, Beamm :Cobourg, Bowmanville, in fact, it have been exhibited W AND FEMALE AGENTS TO SELL ;-paid,) Durham. HERBERT {ROWSWEE'JS 'Y0 196113. OF CANADA SEW QM MRWWE FACTORY RM. WANZER 81 00., Wheeler F¢ TERMS LIBERAL. will»... .. ...... ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, and lept too numerous to n in order for one year FREE OF CHARGE, when properly used. Every purchaser will be instructed at our office, or by our authorised agent. 11(DME We will deliver them at any point on the line of Railroads in the Province of Canada, free of And has therefore charge. {I}: All clergymen who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the liberal discount , Lof one-third from the retail price; or any poor 1 n their parish will be allowed Eififi indigent widow i the same discount on a Machine for her own use. ’ Orders to be given ivariably through the clergy- l man of the Parish. G’AGENTS WANTEDfl Made by We have now running in the City of Hamilton PL 1‘ 'I‘ F O ' EOVER ONE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our 3 own manufacture. to the entire satisfaction of the ' Made by MeSSTS l . . '3 purchasers which we CODSIdel‘ one of the strong- ‘2 i. est recommenda'ions. l WHEELER 8L WILSON’S. Country and 4m No 1 mPlain Finish with Hemmer .......... N0. 2.-â€"P1ain Half Panel . No. 3.â€"--Half Panel, Black Walnut or Mahog- any, with New Improved Glass Foot and Hemmer, .............................. , No. 4.--Half Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemmee ............ . ....... . ...... 60 Ho. 5.--Half Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemmer Black Walnut or Mahogany. . . 65 55 No. 6.-- Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer ...... 75 No. 7.â€"--Fnll Case, Extra “ Silver Plated. . . . ............................ 90 Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Oil Can, three extra Bobbins, and six Needles. Binders, (Borders- and Markers, ex- - .» L‘__ Q04 HAMILTON, C. ‘No. l.--Iron Stand, for Manufacturing Purâ€" : $75 I poses ...................... No2.â€"-â€"Iron Stand “ . . . . 85 . '2 our Agents will ‘ ' * E’Parties purchasing from have all the advantages extended to them, as re- gards terms, etc. , as :f dealing with ourselves. i 53’ The ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held inLondOn, Sept. 24th,:25th. 26th {and 27th, 1861, was given to R. M. WANZER i Go.’s, Wheeler 5' Wilson. The First Extra. Prize 'iwas alsogifen for their Nos. 1 and 2 Singer’s L :Ma-nufactu-rmg Machines. Prize of a similar ’ '5 Wheeler 8; Wilson and Wanzer Cos. Singer’s Ma 3 - chines over all others, by the Board of Arts and; l Manufactures, at the Mechanics’ Institute, To- ‘ ronto. ‘ They also took First Extra Prizes at tqe w : several County Agricultural Fairs,--at Hamilton, ‘ : Paris, Galt, St. Thomas, Beamsville, Whitby, Cobourg, Bowmanville, in. fact, in every place N00 ‘0.._l‘ ull UGDV! JJ-V-â€" 90 Plated. . . . ............................ Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-DriVer, Oil Can, three extra Bobbins, and six Needles. Binders, Gorders and Markers, ex- tra. Binders $5; eorders $3; markers $2.â€"-â€" Thread and needles for sale. Corner of James and Vine Streets. “wit-v'- - _ _ _' and 27th, 1861, Was given to Co.’s, Wheeleré Wdison. Th was also gifen for their Nos. Manufactumng Machines. 1 __.._An‘: ADVERTISE IN MANUFACTURERS OF SINGER’S. Fancy Wares, Wilson’s EfiEY ADVERTISER. THE STANDARD. AND ever WOW manu- Wholesale and Retail Druggists, OWEN SOUND, AND GODERICH, hemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, Field and Garden. Seeds, Patent Combs and Brushes of every Dealers in Pure Drugs and C Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Medicines, Trusses, btatlonery, description. -â€"'- ir m1 S T U F F s 153~1y Ofi'ers p8 T191108, Durham, April 27, 1862 I Coopers’ and Shoe-111‘ too numerous to mentmu. \ OWEN SOUND, June, 1862. // -_...â€"â€"-â€"-‘____________________-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€":"“ HE DAY SCHOOL BELL.--A new Singing{ DARLING’S Book for Day Schools called the Day School ; r 1 ‘ It coniains about 200 pages LI‘ ER REGULATOR ' HE root of all diseases lies in impure blood, Bell is now ready. nds, Catches, Duetts, Trios, which becomes thoroughly purified by the of choice Songs, Rou Quarteets, and Choruses, many of them written, . . expressly for this work, besides 32 pages of th iuse of Darling’s Liver Regulator. For sale by PARKER CATTLE, .. .. v-2- rmm Elements are 30 easyl “mun" Made by Messrs. Carpenter War and Scales are equal to any, and superior to d Amerlcans makes, in fact in poim and Scales is kept 011 hand. W. ' It contains about 200 pages ' of choice Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetts, Trios, Quarteets, and Choruses, many of them written. expressly for this Work, besides 32 pages of th iI Elements of Music. The Elements are so easy and progressive, that ordinary teachers will find ‘ 'n instructing even, , scientifically, ‘ ll beginning to go on . . in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, i " beauty-improving, happiness-yielding, and order producing exercises of school life. In simplicity of its elements, variety and adaption of music and ed in including a ft will be found to be the _ best book ever issued for Seminaries, Aoadamies , and Public Schools. A few sample pages of the Elements, tunes, and Songs, are given in a circu- _- lar; send and get one. It is compiled b " Horace , Waters, Author of “ Sabbath School Bells,” Nos. , 1 and 2, which have had the women sale of 3 100 , cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cent $30 per 100. 28 copies furnished at the 100 price. Mail- ed free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. Fe. 481 Broadway, New York. -‘An At such prices as will pay April 1, 1863. Best White Canada Coal Oil, PARKER CATTLE, AND CATTLE DURHAM, OWEN SOUND 8L Gcnmucn. 139-157-175-1y KO'U'G- er Ware 87. Co., Hamilton; any, and superior to most of the old lakes, in fact in point of qualtity, dur- not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes the Sign The Best Ever purchased the Right “ Common Sense” gs to stats that The undersigned having to manufacture and vend the Churn for the County of Grey, be Township Rights, to per- he is prepared to sell sons desirous of manufacturing this justly cele- brated Churn, which is universally pronounced (without exception) to be THE BEST CHURN IN THE WORLD. It completes the bhuming in an almost incredi- ble space of time, producing good, hard butterâ€"- in FIVE MINUTESwothus saving a vast ble Space ‘31 llulU, t1; vvvvvv o 13' ' generally in FIVE MINUTES-~thu8 saving a vast amount of time and labor. Friday the 14th October (Fair Day) at the Brit- ish Hotel, to dispose of Township Rights, or to- oeive orders for churns. Price of Chums 88.00. For Terms of Rights, Certificates, Arc, apply September 2nd, 1862. . JOHN G. FRANCIS. OI 156â€"13 Owen Sound 1.9 4 746,

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