Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 8 Aug 1862, p. 3

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Have a. two-fold and specific actionâ€"on the one hand, increasing the principle which CONSTI- TUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and on the other. being the MOST POIVERFUL BLOOD GENERfl TING .9 GENTS KNOWN. They act with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Scrofula, Mamsmus, Anemia, Female, Complaints. c., and in all disordeis of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immediateâ€"all the gen- eral systoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cong), check Night Sweats, diminish Expeetora tion, improve the Ap- petite, arrest Diarrhoea, and PROMOTE nnrassmm sneer. J EJIR ’I’RIJIL IS .4 CERTJJIN CURE. Nervous Debilify, Scrofula, Dyspepsw, Bronchitis, 6'6. This is the most wonderful curative agent known to medical science. It has effected cures in every stage of Consumption “ UNPJIRJL. LELEJ) IN THE .flNNflLS OF MEDICINE.” In Nervous Debility and Dyspepsia, the H YPOPHOSPHITES may be regarded as an almost. sovereign remrdy. Winehester’s Genuine Preparation 01" THE HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of D2. Churcfill’s remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profession generally. -â€" USE N0 O’I‘IIIzR, OR IN YRFMILDI' CON- TJINING IROY. I3” PRICES:-â€"In 7 oz Bottles, Sal-6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles, Sisâ€"Three for $5.â€" Circulars gratis. Sold by all respecta? le Drug- gists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N. Y. SUPERLATIVE TONIC and Diuretic; excellent remedy in all cases of gent; r31 bility.; For sale by A SPECIFLC REMEDY FOR Spermatonhea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Ir- ritability in either sex. This is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, lmpotency, :c., which has the approval of the medical profession Its success has been most extraordinaryâ€"etl‘ecting cures in cases where all other methods of treatment had failed One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakness, orlits resulting lmpotency, however aggrevated, whether constitutional or arising from abuse or 010883. WILL, by the power of one man, throw water at the rate of eight. gadons per minute, flif- ty feet high, with great force, and should be own- ed by ever house-holder. It does away with the necessity of a Hydrant. It is a light, portable force pump, always ready, easily used, and will come in frequent use by every Farmer, Merchant, and Mechanic in the community. 182 Washing Windows, Sprinkling Plants, Draining Cellars, Watering Gardens, Cleansing Cinema, Cleaning Insects from trees, Emptying Wu ter from Boats, Wetting Sidewalks, Wetting Sails, Sprinkhng Streets, A Spray Bath, to, 8:6. Mnnnfactured and sold, wholesale and retail by WILLIAM B. VANTASSELL, At Patterson’s Foundry, Front St, Belleville, C.W “I have used your Srscmc PILL in many cases of Spermatorhea, and with the most perfect success. “ J. Manor: SAxmms, M. 1)., LL D. “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Specific’ as any medicine can be. We have cured many severe cases with from six to ten doses.”â€"-Dr. B. KEITB: .‘Imerican Jour. of Med. Science. _ ‘iI have found them all that. could be desired. Their effect has been truly wonderful. E. P. KICKIE, M. D.” 33" This is not a. Homaopathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or when deleterious ingredients combined with it. “PRICEPâ€"Sl per bow; six boxes for $5, by mail, pre-paid. For sale at. the sze General De- pot. in the United States, by nndsundries too numerous to mention, the whoial forming a very extensive, complete, and general stock of the best goods in every department WbICh he ofl‘ers at very low price for cash or merchant- able produce, to which he begs leave to invite the attention of his numerous friends and the pub- lic generally, all of which will be sold for a small advance on. cost. FANNING MILLS. LUMBER, AND BED-TE A. n5 for sale. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, Beady-nnade Clothing GROCERIES, HARD WARE, BOOTS a: SHOES, L82 ragga? wgagg The subscriber continues as heretofore to pay the highest price for 151:: ck Salts and Raw Asheé, delived at his Pearl Ashery, at 61611913 F 3113. or st his Warehouse, Durham. ' IN THE WORLD, BECJUSB THE MOST .4 VJILQBLE, DARLI‘SG’S LI FE BITTERS. FIRE ENGINE THE HYDROPULT, your}! or uuor'r’s norm, wanna, Dealer in It is the best article ever invented for H. ROWSWELL, HERBERT ROWSWELL' txrhama June 29: 185! 13347 THE HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr. Churchill’s Specific Remedy) FOR CONSUMPTION, ROCKER“ o IMPORTANT “DICA L TESTIMONY. THE RIOST EFFICIENT J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N. Y- PARKER CATTLE. DURHAM. 155-1y MDLE. ARIANE FELECIA, the most beauti- ful and Thrilling Equestrienne, from the Cirque Imperiale, besides a gaunt) ot’such stars as Rob- ert Stickney, Mons. Rochelle, Thomas King, 8. P. Sticknoy, William Du Crow, and a host of others. Peformances at 2% and 75 P. M. The only one ever exhibited in America; iden- tical with the Behemoth of Holy Writ, of which Job says,“ Upon the earth there is not his like.” His Mammoth Aquarium will be drawn by a trian, Acrobatic c., and a. Large Company of of Vaulters, Equilibrists, Tumblers, Gymnasts, Wrestlers, Athletes, and the GRAND OPERA BAND, led by Charles Boswold. A Splendid Stud of Blood Horses and a Herd of Diminutive Trick Ponies. WILLIAM KENNEDY, the great Droll of the Ring,will enliven the performance with his wit and humor, and appear in his Monologue of Mo- ’nus. The Hippopotamus will be exhibited Afternoon and Evening in his Aquarium, and in the Ring wiflzout Extra Charge. from the River Nile, two thousand miles above Cairo, Egypt, and imported into this country at ' an expense of with its Inpu¢ers§ble Trpupe _of Artists, Eques-t The Trained Elepfiants, Antony and Cleopatra, Albert and Victoria, will also go through their wonderful performance. ___ ___- c.“- - Conducted by the Captor and Keeper of the Hip- popotamus. ALI, the EGYPTIAN. and followed by the Admission to the “'hole only 250. =UE root of all (1390:1303 lies in impure blood, which becomes thoroughly purified by the use of Darling’s Ln'er Regulator. For sale by PARKER CATTLE, DURHAM. Will Exhibit at Durham, on “'EDXESDAY, AUGUST 20111 Will en ter town (I: WEDNESDAY, 20th AUGUST at. 10, A. M., headed by the wonderful Will also exhibit at Mount Forest, August Owen Suum', do . L'hufon}, do. . Cullingwood, do. . HORSES WAGG-ONS GOODS HOUSEHOLD 8m. 8L0. “WILL COMMENCE ON THE 313i JUL Y, INSTANT, HIPPOZOONOMADON, L. B. LENT, MANAGER, The above sale is postponed until Mon day the llth August, inst. GEORGE SNIDER, __ SH ERIF F ’8 SALE. TEAM OF ENORLVIOUS ELEPHANTS, FURMTELTURE will be in Mount Forest on the let and 2nd August, and in Durham 0, W., at MIDDAUG-H’S HOTEL, 4th and 5th August, 1862. See accompany- ing circulars. Durham. ‘241h J uh . 1862.188. POSTPONBMENT. @3. fig 33%;??1‘3889 at 12, noon on-thc premises. 22nd July, 1-62. 1 CERTAIN CURE for all diseases of the 4' Throat and Lungs. For sale by HIPPOPOTAMUS . THE SALE OF MR. LEGATI'PS STOCK OF ATHL ECLYMPIMANTHEUM, LONDON, C, “7., omnma’s Cough and Consumption Remedy! August 1, 1869.. burham, 24111 July, 1862. SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! 1);; BLENG’S LIVER REGULATOR ! I'A BKBR A: CATTLE, DURHAM OF THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY OF GREY ADVERTISER. Sheriff. 189-2. 1884. ..19 ”()1 no ) . MANUFACTURERS Agency for the sale of 1 100,000 Watches, Chains, Jewelry, 830., worth $500,000, to be sold for one dollar each, no matter of “hat value, 8: not to be paid for until you know what 3011 are going to get. All of the following list of goods will be sold for $1 each. Certificates statnig what each one can have will be placed into sealed envelopes and given out regardless of favor, and on receipt of certificate you can see what article on the follow- ing list of goods will be sold to you for $1, and it is then optional, after receiving your certifi- cate, whether you send $1 and take the article it calls for or not. Articles to be sold for $1 each. K3” Lands inspected and valued, Conveyancing and Division (.‘ourt business attended to Books and Accounts made up with punctuality and ueatncss. . Chains. .' .................. 20 5000 V cst, Neck and Guard Chains $5 to 15 3000 Cameo Bracelets ........... 4 to 3000 Mosaic and Jet Bracelets. . . . . 4 to 3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches 4 to 3000 Coral: Emerald and Opal “ 4 to 3000 Cameo Ear Drops .......... 4 to 3000 Mosaic and Jet. Ear Dr0ps. . . . 4 to 3000 Lava and Florentine “ ..... 4 to 3000 C *ral, Emerald Opal Dr-’=ps 4 to 9000 Mosaic, Cameo and Band 7 dramas-«~44 Jâ€" ham and vicinity that he will supply them with all kinds of Fresh Meat during the season, deliiered every Wednesday and Saturday in each wee ROBERT LITTLE. Durham. 2nd Julv. 1862. 185-5. Monthly sale, 2nd Wed nesday of every month, noon. Posters with particulars of sale will be distributed previous to the Monthly Sales. Auc- tion Sales conducted in all parts of the County of Grey in a thorough business manner, and on reasonable terms. Established 51h September 1860. Bracelets,. W. . 4000 Gents Breast Pins ....... . . 3000 Watch Keys .............. 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides ...... 0000 Sets of Bosom Studs ........ 4500 Sleeve Buttons. . . . . ....... 7000 Plain Rings ........... . . . 3 9000 Stone Set Rings ........... 7000 Lockets ................... 7000 Sets of Ladies’ Jewelry. . . . . 4 :300 Gold Pencils .......... . . . .. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS DETERMINED TO open an Auction Mart at No. 14 Garafraxa Street, Durham, at the Saugeen Bridge, in which he will have a monthly Auction Sale of Cattle and Goods of all descriptions, which may he brought to him for that purpose, thereby saving Farmers and others who may have surplus stock to dispose of, the expense of calling a sale on their own premises. The stock or goods Will he sold for Cash or on time as ordered, and his thorough knowledge of the residents in this part of the Country ensure those entrusting him with Goods, c. for Sale, responsil'le parties for their Notes. Every convenience for stabling Horses, Cattle, c., and storage for any amount of Fur- niture and Goods. 9000 Sets of Bosom Studs ......... 2 to 7 “ l l I 4500 Sleeve Buttons. . . . . ........ 2 to 7 “ ! 7000 Plain Rings ........... . .. . 2 to 5 “ l 9000 Stone Set Rings ............ 2 to 7 “ 7000 Lockets .................. . 2 to 15 “ 7000 Sets of Ladies’ Jewelry ...... 3 to 15 “ 4500 Gold Pencils .......... . . . .. . 3 to 15 “ We shall charge for forwarding the certificates paying postage, and doing the’ business, 25 cents for sending a single certificate, live will be sent on receipt of $1; eleven sent on receipt of $2; thirty sent on receipt of $5; sixty-five sent on receipt of $10; one hundred sent on receipt of $14. Address W. TAYLOR 6.: SON. 1 l ! Box 415, P. 0. Hamilton, C W. Over $75,000 ‘Worth of Gold and Silver Watches and Solid Gold Chains, Has been sent out during the past year and re- ceived by parties in Canada, at $1 each. Send for our Mammoth colored spring circular, 3 feet in length, which contains a correct list up to date of the names of parties and places of residence of all those who have received valuable prizes. , Wan}- 2- A Terms will be very reasonable, either by per cenmgg 9r otpenyise, as agregd uppn. HE subscriber notifies the inhabitants of Dur- ham and vicinitv that he will suuolv them HE’This is the 01 terprize in Canada. Allour certificates are got up on especially prepared paper, and signed by us, and none are genuine unless so signed. P. S. -â€"-No unpaid letters taken out of the Post Office. 18"-l3. (LATE MAY’S) OWEN SOUND 100 “ Watches .......... . . . . . 100 ‘°' Ladies’ Watches ........ 500 Silver Watcher; ............... 500 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatclian HE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC OF Dmmau and vicinity is directed to the above house. Its vicinity to the Court House and other centres of business must recommend it to the tavorable consideration of the travelling com- munity. Charges same other Hotels in town. Owen Sound, 10th June, 1862. 182 BRODIE’S HOTEL, 100 Guld Hunting Watches. . . . ..... $100 each If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing tho blood, and for bilions comjlaints, Sick Heydache, Coating â€"‘-- L- â€". -‘-â€"‘.I __,. “.--n- .n-_â€" - - _‘_ ____ _ ‘ _ A Canadian Institution ! About three years old, and stands 14 hands high. Th8 owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges and take her swgy. f 08.1;IOPE'8 mgNPP‘JlTIC ngMENT, “0:301! worth“: trial, an an o ' as, urns, Said Sores, land or got. Eyes, Eruptions on the 8 n, and in out] an m an ointment is useful. It will recommend its]: d..- A“ H.‘ Monet-rid Durham, 2nd July, 1862. Durham, J uly 15th, 1862, ADVERTISE IN THE STANDAR Iglnrqmcdy now in'm. “Tr; nr'sam'si iii if“ r In for destroying Woman in children, SITTZIR'S YEM- RIG! CA_N DY 1gb: far thg mqgt_plemnt, mfg. {baffle} NO YANKEE HUMBUG! There came to Grant’s Hotel, Garafraxa Road, Glenelg on the 15th inst. ., A DARK GREY MARE. ALL PRIZES, NO BLANKS! Glenelg, 218! 3615', 186:2. AUCTION MART. 1 mt muons com hints, Sick Headache, 0036”- we should say RIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLI ['1‘ ESTRAY MARE. A GOOD THING. NOTICE. JOHN MC ODIE, Li_censed Auctioneer, 09. Grey. only legal and reliable gift en- NOTICE. CAUTION. WORMS. A.GRANT. 188-3. 187-ly. aJ 65 35 15 3‘ H fl H 8‘ H N H H fl u H fl (I H 6‘ Stove pipe with Stoves ...... 71d per length. Fixc per cent off Stoves to schools or churches. Agricultural F urnace .................. $14. 00 Morley‘ a Plough .............. . ........ 6.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ............... 6.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ............... 6.50 Coal Oil and Lamps, and Goal Oil by the bar- rel or gallon. A full assortment of Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. Pure Rock Oil at 50cts. per gallon. A lamp, a can, and a quart of rock oil for 3s. 9d. First class machine oil for 7bcts.-â€"- superior to olive oil. Tinware of all kinds on hand, or made to order cheap! very cheap.»- Wrapping paper at factory prices. Paper (‘1' Cash given for rags to dealers. Window sash 3d per light. 7 Among the leading stoves will be found the King of Stoves at ...... $16 usually sold for $32 Davy Clocket or Victor. 18 “ 30 Golden Fleece. . . ...... 17 “ “25 Maple Leaf ............ 26 “ “ 40 Iron Duke ...... . . . . . . . 28 “ " 45 Protectionist ........... 24 “ “ 35 The Stoves are furnished with copper bottomed furniture. Not Brantford make but MANUFACTURED on the PREAIISES. BOXES, very, very low Agent for Hay,Pla1form,and all kinds of count- er Scales. l deans, Alexandre Organs, and T. Gilbert Co’s celebrated JEoIin Piano, are the finest instru- ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A A libcfal discount to pedlars or country merâ€" chants. N. B.-â€"Rags, old copper, brass, pewter, old wrought or cast iron, sheep skins, c., c. 3:0. Every man who wants a Stove will save money by calling at W. B. CHOATE’S, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergus There is a first class Picture Gallery over W. B. Choate's Stove Depot, where you can get. as tram Likeness as in any place in Canada. Every picture warranted. large assortment can be seen at the new Ware- rooms, 481 Broadway, between Grand and Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low pri- ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new and second hand, to let, and rent allowed if purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments received for the same. Also, second hand Pianos and Melodeons at great bargains, prices from $25 to $100. Sheet Music, Music Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandize at War prices. HORACE WATERS, Agent. April lst. 1862. v4:16. At W. B. CHOATE’S STOVE AND PLO UGII DEPOT, FERGUS Can be seen the best assortment of Stoves 111 Canada W est, and at prices that will (3er com- petition. One call will convince you of that fact. PA'I‘ENT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGGON HE HORACE WATERS PIANOS, MELO- deons- Alexandre Ormns- and T- Gilhnrt STOVE ; PLOUGH TIN SHEET IRON is receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Eumpe and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. Qfl‘crs Iflzrdwarc at the Sign of the Big Keeps on hand 'a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Patty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. Coopers’ and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and a variety of other things too numerous to mention. The subscrlber is also desirous to as- srst 1n encouragmg HORIE MANITFACTURES, And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly established prrze Made by Messrs. Carpenter Ware 8L Co.,.HamiIton; both' Safes and Scales are equal to any, and superior .to most of .the old Country and Americans makes, in fact 1n point of qualtity, duf’ ability and finish, they are not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes and Scales is kept on hand. at KQUGH. ' OWEN SOUND, June, 1862 Fe'rg'us, January 16, [862. PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES Oils, Paints and Colors, Eififl'figfi’flQE SASES At such prices as will pay all customer: in'want of To buy 1‘ gram him, rather than 0' o to Guelph or Toronto. GILT MOULDINGS FOR PICTURE‘FRAMES. Manufactory. Made by J. 8c J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of tho ADD lGl-ly HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on hand, and is prepared to make, on short notice, an} article in the above hue. Of all kinds, either on hand, or done to order, for quality, and workmanship, cannot be sur- passed by any House m Guelph, und everybody knows N0 SURRENDER. Cook. Have done all the} can to run it of? the track, still it stands good against the E3” Inspectzcn Invited. REM} MBER THE STAND : Opposite Hinderhiu’s Taverna (Near the Post Office) Y HIS DAILY INCREASING RUSH IN business the Pubhc show that thc3 are alive to the fact that it was the ' “ THE BRANTFORD HOUSE ” That brought. And it is known to all that the Brantford House is the only bulwark against the return of the old and ruinous prices imposed on the public before it commenced. Although the rest of tho Stove Dealers PLQUGHS CHURCH STREET, fifi£fi??@fi® agaga Cheaper than any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. TO A Â¥ _ . Fair and Reasanble Price. BEST ‘VORKWIANSBHP IN THE. PROVINCE. Durham, 5th Dcc., 1860 JGHN WEBSTER, GUELPH, January 10, 1862. . lGO-ly. FURNACES, c. c.’ c.’ Manufactured of the Finest Material and GANG PLOUGHS General C‘ooPer-ing. CULT IVATORS, A LVVAYS A-HEAD. Parlour anc‘i Opposite Smith’s Tannery. GEORGE TUCKER. Box Stoves AGRICULTURAL AL W A YS ON 11:! ND .’ IN G UELPH, And Sells all kinds of AND 1201”]; Indâ€"«6m PRIVATE MEDICAL TBEA'I‘ISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL new of MARRIAGE. 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.â€"â€" Price only TWENTY-FIVE cax'rs. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the in- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bath sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginiugs, invol- untary emissions, ,blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lassitede, with confessions of thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a Col- lege Student, and a Young Married Lady, Ge, QC. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those comtemplating marriage, who entertain seeret doubts of physical condition, and who are con- scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- litled. anxcn FEMALE Plusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect. speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DcLancy‘s Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. â€" TO THE LADIESâ€"Who need a. confidential medical adviser with regard to any of those inter- esting camplaints to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. ventive to conception, and has been extensively used dunng the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of Youth {Tavoilcm .3 Treatise on the Cause ofPremalurc Decay-â€" of! solemn warning. Just published, a book showmg the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male andfemulofi qfth‘isfotal habit ; dointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing zahe whole progress of the piseasc, from the commmcemcnt to the end. Prick-$1 fiar bolt: They can be mailéd to any pagtpf the United States or Canada. THE "ELECTRIC GALVANIC Pnorzcrus. ”--For married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families ,may be obtained as above. It 1_s a perfectly safe pre- YOUNG MEN who are troubled with walk- ness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forget- fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AND‘ LON- DON TREATMENT. We have recently devoted much of our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS. availing ourselves of the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgens in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREGY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our PECULIAR department of profession- al Practice, for the past twenty-five years. ABBATH SCHOOL BELL, No. 2. 75,000 Copies issued the first twelve months of its publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the tunes and hyr'ns were written expressly for this volume. It will soon be as pepular as its predecessor (Bell No. l) which has run up. to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 months, outstripping any Sunday- School Book of its size‘issued in the country.” Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommo- date schobls wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No.2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100. Bound, 25 cents, $18 per 100 Cloth hound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $22 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents. $10 per 100. Bound, 20‘ cents, $18 per 200. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 cents, $20 per 100. Bel's Nos. 1' and 2 bound together, 40 cents, $30 per 1C0. 25 copies fur- nished at the 100 price. Cloth bound embossed l gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100. Mail postage free a; i the retail price. HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE; inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he 18 prepared to furnish an} of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except tho best quality of timber will be used. It will be sent by Mail on retcipt of two [3] re (Stamps. 53" Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 19 atnight, and on Sundays from 2 to 5, P. u. Medicines with full direct-ions sent to any part of the United States or Canadns, By patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busines cor- reSpondence strictly confidential. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH 33’ Dr. L’ s Otficé 13 still located as establish (1 under the same of DR. LA 05201th No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. HE DAY SCHOOL BELL.-_-â€"-A new Singing - Book for Day Schools, called the Dag, School Bell is now ready. It contains about 200‘ pages of choice Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetts, Trios, Quarteets, and Choruses, many of them written expressly for this work, besides 32 pa ges of the Elements of Music. The Elements are so easy and progressive, that ordinary teachers will find themselves entirely successful in instructing even young scholars to sing correctly and scientifically, while the tunes and words embrace such a varie- ty of lively, attractive and soul-stirring music and sentiments, that no trouble will be experience. ed in including all beginning to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in-one of the most health-giving, beauty-improving, happiness-fielding, and order producing exercises of school life. In simplicity of its elements, variety and adaption of music and in excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and adapted, it claims by much to ex- cel all competitors. It will be found to be the best book ever issued for Seminarics, Academies and Public Schools. A few sample pages of the Elements, tunes, and Songs, are given in a circu- lar; send and get one. It is compiled by Horace Waters, Author of “ Sabbath School Bells." Nos. 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sale (I 655,000 copies in 36 months. Price, paper covers, 20 cents, $15 per 100; bound, 30 cents, $22 per 100 ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cent, $30 per 100‘. 25 copies furnished at the 100 price. Mail- ed free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS. Publisher. .‘Co. 48! Broadway. New York. A pril l, 1863. v4.15 Me 395% ERQSWS 'tWAGGOM, HORACE WATERS, Publisher. No. 481 Broadway, New Yor k. Manufactm‘y. I‘47-ly

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