Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 25 Jul 1862, p. 3

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children it is imperative not to omit the im- portance of keeping the brain fallow, as it were, for several of the first years of thetr existance. The n‘ischief perpetrated by a contrary course, in the shape of bad health, peevish temper, and develOped vanity, is in- curable. Some infant prodigy which is a standard mischief throughout its neighbor- hood, misleads them. But parents may be assured that this work is not, by any means, all gain even in the way of work. i suspect it is a loss ; and that children who begin their education late, as it would be called, will rapidly overtake those who have been in har- ness long before them. And what advantage can it be that a child knows more at six years old than its compeers, especially if‘ this is to be gained by a sacraficc of health which may never be regained? There is some excuse for this early book work in the the case ot those children who are to live by manual labor. It is north while perhaps to run the risk of some physical inprry by them, having only their early years in which we can teach them book knowledge. The chance of mischief, too, will be less, being more likely to he counteracted by their after life. But for a child to be at bookwork the first WW3 ‘ b‘f‘hi's'fife‘,"wtm W Ms A . . n - '. __- .-| Ann-..“- I'V‘I-‘J ‘rv-v J v to exhaust in the least its- mental ehergy, which, after all, Is the surest implement! Mtuus. humanâ€"l see in your paper, as well as in many Nurtlwrnjournals aconttnual lrfel’l'nce tn the Cunlcdr’rale General, Jack- sou, l=y his well warned name of “ The Stone 4 “'all.” As many use tlu: title given the Gen- : vral and ltla ro-nmt‘m-d brigade without know-l ing ils o'izsin. I ask you to insert the follow-1 ing in the rulntnns 0|. yuttr paper, {or the benefit of tlmst: wlm have had no opportuni- tit-s l‘nr leatrniz-g the t-ircumstances under Which tlw title was firsl acquired. It was earned an the plains ut' Mnnnsms, and was girvn by the lamented (irneral Bee. of South (.‘uulnm. llis brigade was giving Wu} at on a period nftlm engagement, wl ll'lt circumstance m distrwssed (lo-n. 302- that he exclaimed, with a World of agony in his t'nice, “ Look ! looklnt my tmn falling back, while there stand General Jar-kson and his brigade asfirm 0er stone wall!” He was shot a moment after and did not live to see his [EN] 121”)" and phnre the triumphs of the Stone Wall Bri- gaffe .-‘ [his bn'vade Is Human-ed almost vulirel) of “Jun! ms hum the \ .IHI _\ nf \ Irgit. ia. It seems that on pulitit‘al idnl is erecicrtiMa)‘ ‘t ttum'tsu 3'“ The 'I'urii-s-tiu "perm rm!” allusion to any i eveii ‘0 h” a h819”i0 on» Who lzitrly spo. 28d 3 pass to Quebccâ€" ' ‘0 ht! a “7’38”"- autttl'thutt'd a t'utisidrrtubiv puttimt towards “Pith? "Be: “3 3.“?! tin-.9 errctiuu thems‘clves, and ti m: our pure . sprinkled with CNP‘ Reformer: haw pku‘ed thereon the capwhcaf. i agauwt the tree, 0 '1'ho' "nu. Juhn A. MavDOtt hi is above 31113:)": hung “P0" "‘3 thcr-xamph: we are tn fullow. By him we' nwantatron, 33d 3 afle'tu mum, fiwwmwrheirm‘jm‘mw ‘03“- oxamp'e, prm'rdmit, creqthiug which we: arr' ll) f0ii0\\‘. If 31 i‘liilifitt‘f NOW is guilty 0"! CHINESE SUICUI anything at which the people complaint-oh. I ofthisocczirred at 4 Mr Mar-Doriaid did the very :4 my! I} Mr. I the case of a you Fairy iz- accuse-d nf prtmtitutmg his other: In I had been unfurtun vanranirig the County of l’erth,-oh. s w ht)! husband. \thn c triennial, Mr. Maclknmld did the same in . complained to a 5, TIL m. It is Mr. Mar-Doriah! here, there and 1 tied “5mm and cm overvwhere. The ray first act ‘nfa Clear! durcd, and declare (Brit Mirmtry and their s'uppor'ers ot the press, 8 ing herselt. “0h 3 wag tu hunt up prrr-cdvnts for what tii(*)'§;rf{"hfl is triarried wished to cimimit : mad if they ean now 508' selves 100.” St), a dim shadow of the ”on. J. A. MucDonaid . gather, and, wall having mice pursued the same r'oirrse,.theyécame brides of d are ready to swmr to its being cunstitutrouali ' 'ozccr” in Blacku I .. liberal and wise. Mr. MacDonald must t arik r-ch his enemies for this token of . . _ ctiitidence ' i There is trouhh " {Three generals are Usattuttovs.â€"Smne ot’ the Munstermtpur- * “3‘3 are acting nngrm-iously in questioning the propriety ot the appointment of the lion. Mr. (lalt, as a member 0: the Council of: Public Instruction for Lower Canada, on the ground that he is an opponent at the Govern- ment. Tins is en-evdiuglv rich, coming from persons who pystemuticnlly denounced the late Ministry lut‘ selecting their friends in preterent‘c to opponents. The selection of; Mr. Halt is creditable to the Administratimnl an it shows that they prelered fitness to par- ' titannliip “no of the tizst arts of the Con- lition Ministry was similar to this, namely, the appointment of Mr. Langton as Auditor. June 16, 135 -... filmâ€"Tutor. Slt) Coosnz'u-‘ér'r BILLâ€"A $10 counterâ€"3 {wit of the ('ommen-inl Rank presented at‘.‘ the counter yc'ett-rduy and detected immedi-‘ ately.nlthough the imitatinn was exccrding! good. It was a $1 :tltcrml. The public.g should be on than guard just now, for many counterfeit Canada Bitts are in cirmfldtionfl owing to the base of the counterfextors’ range ’ operations being so greatly lessened by the‘ «at, together with the premium on Canada! money- The best way into write upon that back the name of the permn from whom a} bill is taken.-â€"Kingston an'g. ta Division, 0! course,c can ates as already In the f .tflv vvuvv ritt and its were two of the oldest and most respected “nhabitants of the Niagara District, and were always on terms of intimate friend- ship, though difi'ering widely in political viewsâ€"the Colonel being always a strict Conservative. In the war of 1812 Col. Clark ' was actively engaged and took a prominent part in several of the leading actions of that ' -..J-.. Another of those brave old veterans, whose lives are interwoven with the early history of Canada, has gone to his rest. Colonel John Clan k, of the 6th Lincohr Militia, died after a very brief illness at his residence near Port Dalhonsie, on Saturday evening last, in the 8011: year of his age: The Hon. M. Mer- (From fhs Baltimore Exchange.) The death of the Hon. Mr. Merritt, repreâ€" sentative in the Legislative Council for the ‘ " 13 Division, of course, causes a vacancy. ‘ aim we already in the field. The St. Catherines 100er states that “all appear M Webl‘lsq” is the man to "men. ‘ * r. Merritt in the representation of the Niagara inisica. 80 general is the . I'gion that he is the person, that we doubt "any opponent could secure 100 votes.” M r. Wm ami Mr. Currie are also spoken of, “ Stonewall” Jackson. Another Veteran Gone. l a o 3 l . i ' L ‘ r a " g {I TIII: NIAGARA DIVISION. A LADY 0.“ Till“. VALLEY. 80ch uf the Ministerial join- !rcct not running.-â€"-- To- About a fortnight since an old man, named Cherrett, residing at Corfe Mullen, had the . misfortune to lose his wife, and in proof of his l affection for her whom he had sworn at the! altar to love and cherish through life, he per- ' formed the last sad office in his power for her remains, by himself making the coffin. The funeral took place a few days afterwards, and when the inconsolable widower went to the clerk of Canford parish to pay the expenses, he stated, amid the tears that rolled down his cheeks in great profusion, that to save time he might perhaps as well do two things at ' the same time as well as one now he was? there. The clerk looked somewhat amazed, wondering what the two things were, when the old man informed him that he would pay for the banns being published of marriage to a second wife. The fact is, he had fallen in : love with the woman who had refused his first l I I one else to keep the birds from his cherry trees.-Sherbo¢ne Journal. The British Standard, speaking of the school question says :â€"â€"‘ The phase which the school question has assumed is, this: a certain amount of money is levied for a cerâ€" tain purposeâ€"Educational. Let us take the case of a ratepayer: he is compelled, by Eforce of law, to contribute a certain number lof cents on the dollar. Fairâ€" reasonable.â€" l But does he receive value for money paid? 'That is the question. Mr. Justice Haggerty - one of the most solid lawyers that ever adorned an Upper Canada benchâ€"has more than once stated toa Grand Jury that the fruits are not in proportion to the expend.ture. Let there be a cat-fight, or a dogâ€"fight or a woman-fight, or any other kind of fight, in me of Toronto’s many streets and there will be, forming a portion of the crowd, some fifty gor sixty young vagabondsâ€"the making of, lgood men, perhapsâ€"shunting at the top of ltheir lungs, no it, Molly !’ ‘Micl-acl, gouge .him!’ And this is what the tax-payer re- iceives for his money! Rightly or wrongly-â€" l correct or incorrect, one thing is evident: that lwlnch has been conceded to the Church of Rome, must, ifthe demand be unanimous, be conceded t0 the United Church of England and Ireland. Andâ€"although unauthorized so to speakâ€"we may safely express the iopinion, that the majority of the Church 5! members of the Diocese of Ontario approves 'iofthe action taken by the Synod ot Toron- i to.’ OLD CUSTOMS l-\' (‘oxxecrrox wmr rm: 1 APPLE TREE.-ltl Sussex, England, the bles- sings at the apple tree is still observed. On the eve of Christmas day, young and old people assemble in the orchard and com- mence dancing round a large apple tree, re- ;eating a rude chant to Wt rds of this purpose "God bless this tree to the use of the master. May it flunrish and bring forth abundantly, even to fill a hat, to fill a basket,to fill acart, to tiil a waggon.” In Devonshire, a certain apple tree, as a representative of the rest, is sprinkled wlth cider, or a bowl of it is lashed ~ nnnnn . In n.Au' i There is trouble in the Northern campaâ€" ‘Three generals are in difficulty. Gen. Ben- lharn is sent from Charleston to New York, 'under arrest, tor disobedience. Fremont is relieved, and it is reported that the President has accepted the resignation of General Shields. “r' .....\"l V' U... v-‘v‘v, agamst the tree, or cakes steeped in cider an: hung upon the branches followcd by an Incantation, and a dance round the tree, and meeu: Svrc:nzs.-â€"-â€"A touching instance of this occurred at Canton a few days ago, in the case of a young accomplished girl who had lveen unfortunately married to a brutal husband. When on a visit to her parents, she complained to a small party of her unmar- rierl sisters and cousins ofthe misery she en- dured, aml declared her intention of drown- ing herselt. "Oh I" said these young ladies, “if that is married life, we shall drown oui selves too.” So, they all joined hands to- gether, and, walking into a fish-pomee- came brides of deathâ€"“Six [rocks in (1 Tower” in lerck'wocd's Magazine.” The Widower Consoled. The Japanese Embassy have left England ,1, and intend to make the tour of Bumpe. The at English Government brought them out, and p Q the French Government is to send them back. The Three Rivers ‘Inquirer writes the at- tention of me press and the public to the pre- valent custom of using vitrol and Lther poisonous drugs and chemicals m the manu- ! facture of 11- nor, mlh.the View of securing, legislative interference. It is szud that by puuing black onion seed in boiiing water tor three seconds, it will im- mediateiy‘spruut and thus be three weeks ahe .7-..- ow“..- A B a At Siughampton. on the 16th inst. ELIZA- am DI’NBAR, wife of Mn JAMES Gcss, after prolonged illness, aged 50. The Viceroy of Egvpl. with his nephew Mustapha and a. numerous suite, are visiting England, and intend to stay about two months On the ‘21s! inst. OLIVIA. infant daugher of Mr. A. Wilson, Tailor, Durham. 33. %% MUWER: will be in Mount FurPst on the lat and 2nd August, and in Durham (7, W., at MIDDA‘UGH’S HOTEL, 4th and 5th Angust, 1862. See accompany- ing circulars. Durham- 24th Juh‘. 1852.188. About three years old, and stands 14 hands high. The owner is requested to prove pro- - V h. was and take her away. Pen"pa~ C 1" A r1: \\TT LONDON, C, ad 0! that sown in the urdumry manner. rbfifham, 24th July, 1862. A DARK GREY MARE. There Glens}:- 911‘t New Advertisements. ’0 came to Grant’s Hotel, Garafraxa Road, Glenelg on the 15th inst, ESTRAY MARE. DIED. Jul“. 336'. 3 0F l‘lg “VCIIDV “liva- u-uv v--- -, v . _' mon Iron Rods, such as is being offered by touching 3118131198 parties from the States we do not erect, as a few days ago, tn we consider them nearly useless. Good mplished girl W110 Rods, properly erected, protect ‘25 feet from married to a brutal the point. . :toher parents, she. ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR CHAL- rty of her unmar-lLENGE to the world to produce as good a. the misery she en- { Rod, for the same price, as the Galvanized intention Uf drown- i Rod which we are now prepared to ofler to these young ladies, I the public through our authorized Agents; 8 shall drown oui ‘allow no man to protect your buildings who 11 joined hands IO-lhas not our certificate of agency, with cau- lO a fish-pond. be- tion on the back against imposition. Orders “Six I'Vceks in (I sent to our address from the principal cities lagazine.” of U. W., will be attended to by O. R. Ken- dall in person, without extra charge. We subject a few of our numerous references. =_1\9"118r9,¢a"‘.P-" H. a. N. PIPER s: KENDleL, GOODS HOUSEHOLD HORSES WAGGONS 81c. 8Lc. WILL COMMENCE ON THE .313: JUL Y, INSTANT, SHERIFF’S SALE. FURNITURE . ‘.’ HE too-tgf‘ all diseases lies in impuré blood, which becomes thoroughly p..rified by the use of Darling‘s vaer Regulator. For sale by at 12, noon on the premises. 92nd July, 1 6‘2. A SUPERLATIVF.‘ TONIC excellent remedy in all 0: bility. For sale by LIGHTNING! LIGHTNING ! â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€", DARLfiVG’S Cough and Consumption Remedy! A CERTAIN CURE for all diseases of the waat and Lungs. For sale by PARKER CATTLE, PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY AGAINST DIREFCL EFFECTS or LIGHTING. 300,000 feet of the N EW PATENT ENGLISII ELEC THO-GAL VANIZ E D, ANNFALED 8: CARBONIZED L A LIGHTNING RODS, J nst arrived from England, Spralt’s renown- ed Platina Tipped Point and Enlarged In- eultors and Attachments. This Rod is prepared in England with es- pecial reference to its great conducting pow ers; is highly approved and reeommended by the best authorities. The White Non- coroding Surface prercnls rust and greatly increases it conducting power, completely obviating the great objection to the old rod.-â€" * Prof. Croft had a Spiral Copper Rod remorerl ......... r rIUIo \JIUI‘ "an up wr-.“- from the University Builrlirigs, Toronto, and subsituted this, on account of the perfect con- ducting power ofthe sutface, and not being liable to rust. We have erected them upon the Crystal Palace. and Custom House, at Hamilton. as well as mauv of the best build- ings in this city. By importing largely for cash, we are enabled to erect them at a t‘rifl- - - - -, 1.1;...1n__. 3521], Q8 are enabled to erect them at a mu - mgtdvaflce upmnhe WM: flan: man Iron Rods, such as is being offered by DARLING’S LIFE BITTE‘ errrtnsrrv COLLEGE, Toronto. Masses, PIPERS Sr. KENDALL,â€" I am satisfied that Galvanized Iron Light- ning Conductors, such as you recently at- tached to my house and offices, afford a very efficient protection against lightning. Not only is the conducting power of the Rod very much increased by the coating, but it is more durable, not being liable to rust. Ialso approve of your mode of connecting gyour Rods by means of Malleable Iron Nuts, ' which secure a continuous conducting med- ium, from the platiuized point to the earth, and likewise, that you adopt the precautionl nt bending the bottom of the Rod from thej Building, and continue it until you come to some permanently moist stratum. Spratt’s Platinum Tipped Point is undoubt- edlya very superior upward termination for a Lightening Rod. (Siemech) JOHN HERBERT SA NGSTER. l, Lecturer in Chemistry and Nut. Philos- ophy, PL N. School, and Prof. Chemistry. Medical Department, University, Victoria College. LIVER REGULATOR! Gsxrs,-â€"The Lightning Rod erected by one of your Agents on my Hotel in this place, was struck with a heavy charge of lightning, which it conducted safely tothe ground, rend- ing the earth, and coveringthe rod with a 8111. phurous mould. No harm was done. The Spratt’s Point was as good as when first put up. I recommend them highly l WM. GAGE. Toronto Observatory. Sept. 9, 1857. I consider Spratt’s Platina Tipped Point :1 good one for Lightning Rods. The platina tip is an essential part of it. 810., Sac. J. H. LEFROY. Captain R. A. ser THE SALE OF LEGATE’S STOCK OF "U statements as above to almost any amount l did space allow us. \Ve give the names of a‘ few rsons whose Rods have protected their: Buil ings under exactly similar oircumstan- i can. Spratt’e Points in every case have stood the test while others failed :--Jarnes Beaty, ,Trafalgar ; John Raine, Chinguacousy; Allen lTrull, Darlington ; Wm. Tool, Mariposa; â€"_- ' ‘ Lam-warm: I.\" rm; swaaxmnn 3;...i3t£,'Wfiitby; Clement Dawes, B'rook.’ lin, twice; J. L. Sterling, Greenwood, and many others. 11. 8.: N. PIPERSL KENDALL, 83 Yonge Street, Tt‘mmo Whitby, April, 1860. could multiply sugh c‘crtificates and DARLING’S PARKER 8.: CATTLE, Dmmu. PARKER 85 C ATTLE. DURHAM. TONIC and Diuretic; an in all cases of general de- 83 Yonge Street, Toronto. Dmuux 188-1. HE subscriber notifies the inhabitdnts of Dur- ham and vicinity that he will éupply them with all kinds 0f Fresh Meat during the season, delivered every Wednesday and Saturday in each of t? neatness. I “(sauna unv u.“ ..... K5” Lands inspected and valued, Conveyancing and Division Court business attended to Books and Accounts made up with punctuality and Durham, 2nd July, 1862. Established 5th September 1860. l A NUFACTURBRS’ A gency for the sale of 1 100,000 Watches, Chains, Jewelry, $50, worth $500,000, to be sold for one dollar each, no matter of \\ hat value, 8; not to be paid for until Juu Alllvvv .- -_-- - d - , .' u v All of the following list of goods will be sold for $1 each. Certificates statnig what each one can have will be placed into sealed envelopes and given out regardless of favor, and on receipt of certificate you can see what article on the follow- ing list of goods will he sold to you for S1, and it is then optional, after receiving your certifi- cate, whether you send $1 and take the article it calls for or not. Articles to be sold for $1 each. 100 Gold Hunting Watches ......... $100 each 100 “ \Vatches ....... . ....... 65 “ 100 “ Ladics’ Watches ........ 35 “ Chains. .' ............... 20 5000 Vest, Neck an . Guard Chains $3 to 15 3000 Cameo Bracelets ........... 4 to 7 3000 \lo=.11c and Jet Bracelets ..... 4 to 7 3000 Lam and Florentine Brooches 4 to 7 3000 Coral, Emerald and Upal “ 4 to 7 3030 Cameo Ear Drops .......... 4 to 6 3000 Mosaic and Jet Far Drops . . . 4 to G 6 7 131200 L111 -1 111111 Florentine “ ._ _. . . ._ _4 to 3000 (; ful, llmemld 61: (lpal Dr ps 4 to 9000 “051111;, Cameo and Band _ A Canadian Institution ! HE' SUBSCRIBER HAS DETERMINED TO â€"- .99 §;fl_ _p___ Durham, July 15th, 1862, Braeelets, ........... 4000 Gents’ Breast Pins ...... 3000 Watch Keys ........ 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides” 9000 Sets of Bosom Studs” 4500 Sleeve Buttons ........ 7000 Plain Rings .......... 9000 Stone Set Rings ....... 7000 Lockets .............. 7000 Sets of Ladies’ Jewelry. 4500 Gold Pencils ........... 500 Silwr“ :uttchcs . . . . . . . 500 G: 1d Guard, Vest and Chatcliau NO YANKEE HUMBUG ! mfiThis is the only legal and reliéble gift en- terprizc in Canada. CAUTION. All our certificates are got up on especially prepared paper, and s'gned by us, and none are genuine unless so signed. . I, , __,A -2 A1_- TIAâ€"1 VHSâ€".430 unpaid‘icttcrs taken out of the Post Office. 182-13. ALL PRIZES, N0 BLANKSI BRODIE’S HOTEL. (LATE MAY’S) OWEN SOUND THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC OF Dam/m and vicinity is directed to the above hous‘. Its vicinity to the 001111; 1101156 and other centres of business must recommend it to the tavorable consideration of the travelling com- munity. Charges some other Hotels in town. .AAA 1AA i HE subscriber will sell by PUBLIC AUG; TICN the following property, on i Wednesday, July 23, 1562, ‘ 0n Lot 1, 22nd Corr, Egremont, viz :n-l Span of Horses; 1 yoke of Cattle ; 1 yoke of Steers rising 4years; 1 yoke rising 3 years; 2 yoke rising 21 years; 2 milcb Cows; one yearling Bull ; 4 spring! Calves; 1 2-year old Heifer; 5 Ewes; 3 Lambs ; 2 Bureaus; 2 Sugar-kettles ; l Fanning-mill ; l Cutting-box; 1 Stove ; 8 acres of Wheat; 12 acres of Oats; 3 acres of Peas; 7 acres of Grass all on ‘ Lot 5, 22nd Com, Egremont. Also a quantity of 'Lumber, consisting of Inch, Siding, and Plank, l beside many other articles too numerous to men- tion TERMS.â€"-â€"An sums of $4 and under Cash, above that amount 8 months credit. will be given on furnishing approved J oint Notes. ALEX. WEBSTER. Giver; Sound, 10th J 11110, 1862. named or 8029 Eyes. Emptions on the Skin. and in every an mtg 92; damage; 15 use! '1‘. It mJJ recommend imns 7h} cacti-.1 Egremont, 2nd July, 1862. NOTICE. JOHN MCODIE, Licensed Auctioneer, Co, Grey. LS,-Ooo.oooouoogoo 3t Pins.......... 0 2 2 )bonSlides....... 2 )mStuds......... 2 :ons............. 2 2 2 2 3 3 y‘ ” slingSIOOOOOOOOOOO [:es’ Jewelry. . . . .. .ls.......¢........ A GOOD THING. ROBERT LITTLE. 52, 185-5. CREDIT GREY ADVERTISER. ..... 4m 7 ..... 4m 7 'oches4to 7 L1 “ 41.0 7 ..... 4to 6 s. 4m 6 4m 6 .oâ€" ~v .â€"o - firps4to 'Z (l H ‘6 H u u ‘£ 3mm 2t0 8 £0 to 187-1 to G 35 15 u {I (I ‘£ H H (t (L u fl (I 186ztf. HE HORACE WATERS P1§\OS,MEI-Oâ€" deons, Alexandre Organs, anfi T. halbert 5E Ubvuu, ‘A.‘c.---â€"vâ€" â€" _ Co’s celebrated :‘Eolin Piano, are the finest instru-r ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A . large assortment can be seen (it the new Ware- rooms, 481 BroadWay, between Grand and Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low pri~ ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new and second hand, to let, and tent allowed if purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments received for‘the‘same. , Also, second hand Pianos and Melodeons 9.1 great bargains, prices from $25 to $100. Sheet ”Music, Music Books, and all kinds of Music Merchandize at War prices. STOVE PLOUGH TIN SHEET IRON {A ‘L-â€"-fl At W. B. CHOATE’S STOVE AND PLOUGH DEPOT, FERGUS Can be seen the best assortment- of Stoves in 1 Canada. West, and at prices that will defy comâ€" l petition. One call will convince you of that. fact. i Among the leading stoves will be found the I l King of Stoves at ...... $16 usually sold for $32 1 Davy Crocket or Victor. 18 “ “‘ 30 Golden Fleece ........ . 17 “ “ 25 1 Maple Leaf. . .......... 26 “ “ 4-0 i Iron Duke ............. 28 “ " 453i Protectionist ......... . . ‘24 “ “ 35 l The Stoves are furnished with COpper lottomed'I furniture. Not Brantford make. but filANUFACTUREI) on the PREAIISES. Stove pipe with Stoves ...... 7 id per length. Five per cent ofi‘ Stores to schools or churches. Agricultural Furnace .................. $14.00 Morley's Plough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 6.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ............... 6.30 Coal Oil and Lamps, and Goal Oil by the bar- rel or gallon. A full assortment of Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. .Pure Rock Oil at 50cts. per gallon. A lamp, a can, and a quart of rock oil for 33. 9d. First class machine oil for hots.â€" superior to olive oil. Tinware of all kinds on hand, or made to order cheap! very cheap.â€" Wrappiug paper at factory prices. Paper or Cash given for rags to dealers. Window sash. 3d per light.“ ‘. -_ _- Apcil lat. £862. A Iibefiil discount to pedlars or country mor- chants; PATENT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGGON BOXES b, very, very low. Ag? nt for Hay Pia ”form and all kinds of count- cr Scales. v- va'vvâ€" N. B.-â€"Rags, old copper, brass, pewter, old' wrought or cast. iton, sheep skins, c., c. c. Every man who wanfsa Stove will save money by calling at. W. B. CHOATE’S, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergxm There is a first ctass Picture Gallery over W. B. Choate's Stove Depot, where you can get as true a Likeness as in any place? in Canada. Every picture warranted. .AA‘. ‘-I“ ‘ Qfi‘crs Ilm'dwarc at the Sign Fe'rghs, $amary 16, 186 Z. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. “‘7'. ECQOUGâ€"H is receiving;r from vessels direct from home markets and from the manufacturing districts of the United States, largo supplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Em’Ope and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. Keeps on hand a large stock Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivet: Putty, Cordage, ()akum, Coopers’ and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and a variety 0! other tmngs too numerous to mentlou. The subscrlber 18 also desirous to as- sist in encouraging “(313113: NIJlNUFACTUnE-g And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly established â€"A“‘â€"I‘ Made bf Messrs; Câ€"arpenter Ware 8L (30., Hamilton; both Safes r d superior to most of the old .. " .z lcs are e 11:11 to an} , a1} . . .I . 31115:; and Amgicans makes, In fact In pomt of 'quaéf‘jggdt‘grs ability and finish, they are not to be excelled ; a stock of at l a e and Scales is kept on hand. “7 ROUGH. 4') w I; N mthn, 111119; ”53 Oils, Paints and Colors, Luuv v PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES. ‘ ‘ L'- ‘L “at At such prices as will pay all customers in want of M anufactory‘. HORACE WATERS, A gent 0' 7 l on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, V ices, Nails, ns, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, My, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. GILT MOULDINGS FOR PICTURE-FRAMES. Made by J. . J. Tay v4:16. r61-1y THE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the puslic that he has on hand,and is prepared to nmke,on short notice, any articl‘ in the above 111 e. NO SURRENDER. 8%333??®R® 89353338 ALWAYS A-HEAD. DY HIS DAILY INCREASNG RUSH IN D business the Pubhc sh? that 1 alive to the fa ct? 3'11“ 1; was the “ THE BRANTFO T _ "0 That bran ‘ hid it is known to all that the antford House is the only bulwark arrainst the return of the old and rumous prices imposed on the public before it. commenced. Although the rest of the Store Dealers- Have done all thy can to run it off the track, still it stands good against the Durham, 5th Dec, 1860 Cook, ‘E’ ii 3:; 9 WA R E. General Coopcring. (101’, of Toronto, and of the 0:311 ‘k-inds, either on hand, or done to order, for quality, and workmanship, cannot be sur- plsscd by any House in Guelph, and everybody knows R'EM IaMBER THE STAND: Opposite Underhln’s Tavernv (Near the Post‘Ofiice) CHURCH STREET, prize. Cheaper than any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. BEST “TORKHANSHIP IN THE PROVINCE. AETZ-B {13:33:33 34.332523 AGRICULTURAL F U R. NACES, Manufactured of the Finest Material and P53” I'DSpecttcn Invited. GCELPH, January 10, 1862. «,and a V'aiiety of other things Ssubscriber 18 also desirous to as- j‘rANG PLOUGHS CULT IVATORS. Opposite Smidfs Tannery. GEORGE TUCKER. Parlour and AL WA YS ON [1:1 ND 1‘ IN G UELPH, And Sells all kinds of THE {max WEBSTER, AND Box Stove-B " the Bit? that: they are HOUSE ” m4~om lBO-ly.

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