Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 25 Jul 1862, p. 2

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‘ , 7 H‘ -..-.- u“. u‘unzus UL UK iiritish Constitutiun in a British Colony. But practically the snmii constituencies are anything hut grievances. Tub.- f)? instance, Niagara. That Barough supplies its own member; amt Mr. Simps’ufi is an intelligent and attive member 01 the Legislature. The largest v nstitumicies do not iumriztbly 59nd thcnmst titttliigent men to parliament. On a comparison of the re ~tive$ of the dme Boroughs with such, 1 con- tend that thty are fairly entitle-ii to detmnd that they be pro‘rcted from the-sacriiigious-hands of mg Gyths and Vandals-who a re rebuked by their superior intéiiigcncc. (Heath) ‘gain, presenta- n the - muttergstgnd as between t‘boaSc-I-hirmwh the iarger.constitumtcios ‘of North Watt“ " two Oxfords, North York and several other chécto~ ralgquntiea which might he name i. These latter saw are not in a [waiting to be saucy, I will noflgpsmselt‘to describe a emmtr}r constituen- cy Which does not possess Within its own limits :1 person capabie ufcitscharging irra creditable man- ner the duties of amiembet' 6? Parliament: or whicliisso 9r cgm"cd a;tg¢xpr¢ss its -ap1iro~~ $211203}! $012386 pant-30$! Whiz . . .. . mity. The Cartier- Mtcl'mtlci Gowmawutu-the Gln'ommont Which ‘ y: . A. was in power. mm: } "\tts eieaed~~-tt';ts deflated; on the Entity {orzthe sepumlxrcttfizzg- of the Mili- tia Bin; 1 Some of yozi wo'iihl Egan? the circum gg’jccsof that d feet} as being somewhat singu- hr,“ 29"} qthers agam have said that the late Migrant! his l'pper Carla-ht (2;.Ht‘ilgll'93 were such expert trickster; as to be able to contrive for tmgyfli Jet-y skilful ML There was no trick 0: ' ry ‘thnt that amfir. at all events on tho-”part, af-the Government: the tricksters this fgme were an the nther side ofthe Home. It was known fer streml previou; 41.1"» thm thc Got-m: ,, cm: are nut reuuln'e. lie hm! promisedâ€"«11ml journal says-«tn subsidize a. but! 10 Czll'l‘y the Maiis to Fort William 012 Lake Superior, but that his Lower Canada masters were opposed to the development of Upper Canadian interests. R9â€" mrning to tbs doomed Boroughs. Let us not be deceived by meanéngicss gencmlizies. If you ex- smine-lhe scheme you will find that it 21:. a clumsy exczcse‘for the adoptinn of that cuntemptible sub- terflge, the Double Majority schune, which the present Gavemnwnt had the remarkable assuâ€" mu 3 h present to the cmntry as emhodying a principle in: harmony with the working of the British Conslhutiuu in a British Colony. But practically the sum“ constituclicics are anything punt condemnation of these vci‘te‘nhie carport 110113. I venture tu say that neither uf these c0n~ stitueneies would select Mr. Atkins ti represent them. (fibula) Judging 0! thci; inteiligcnce by the-Cham'cter am! aihiiity of the persons who do represent them, respectively, and that ufthe Elec- tnt's 0f “11th District-«if Mr. Aikins be select- ed to represent the latter in the Legislative (.‘uun- uii-«the question should he, whxthet‘ the. larger or the snulleu‘. mstituencics slimzhl be disti‘anchiscd" (Hear, hem: ) ' The disfamehisement uf these small constituen- riéswacbtmlibg to the PUSlnlilStCl‘ General-«is détermined upon. By the way, if the Globe is an authority, the shiteatents of the Posmaster Gem cm! are not reiia'bie. He had promised-«that journal says-«to subsidize :1 him: in mrn- .tm The Army and Nau‘y-â€"Rc.~pnnd€d to by {taut-Co}. l) C McDoncH, and Col. \Vztlktar. Song by J. W utzson, Esq» a gontlcmau re- cenhy arrived in Durham, from Scotland. Ttast~0ur guest, (Scorge Jackson, Esq. M. P. P. for Grey.-â€"-Drm:k amid vocifuruus cheering. ‘ Mr Jackson made the following response: My politic-41.predifiections have always been on the side of Reform. A rew days after my ztrri~ val in this country I met Mr. Hincks, and Spent some firm in co versatiun with him on the sub- ject of the assessment lmv which the Government were preparinrr. I regarded him as a very able man, and such is my sentiment uf respect for him aux-.1 of reverence for the mmuury of the late ”on. Robesthaltlwin,that I regard it. as :tppruaching to blasphemy un'thc par; of the politic-9.! Upstarts of the pmeut thy who speak reprtmchfully’ of “mm. A‘ a recent. IHQCHII‘T Hf”!!! F‘qu'fnv: n}. l‘no vat m this country I met )It‘. Hincks, and Spent ; some tim:.- in co versatiun with him on the sub- ject of the assessment law which the Government; were preparitzo'. l regarded him as a very able ) man, and such is my sentiment (if respect for him ; aunt of reverence for the mommy of the late “on. } RobertBitltlwin,.that I regard it as :imu‘uzichiug; to blasphemy un'the par; of the politic-.11 upstarts 5 of the present thy who speak repnmchfully ufi them. At. a. recent meeting ufthc Electors of the § Home District, held at (Buuksvillc Mr. Aikins, a; candidate for that cunstitm'nt'f. is reported to have ; bausted that- his first vote in the ”mist: of Asst-uh? My was to put. Mr. Hincks on: u; whit-e. Now lg" Will take Upon myself to say that 311'. Aiki 3 did: then justiashé was bid; and that wait (1' them} not subsequently. has Mr. Aikins ever been able to 5 render an hitcliigibie reason far any rate which he ever recorded. Mr; Aikens is-rcpurted to have ' r:¢_.~zielt-mnmi the iittie' boroughs of Niagara, Brock-i the. and Comm-:1“. Now I ohicm m :32}; m...) great cost. The chair was ‘ occnt' Ees, Esq., aMy assisted vice-chm rmau 0n lfu the sweat ofthe even}: X ‘1 Rev \\ 1U Last evening the inhabitants ( and Vicinity entertained their wm semative (Mr Jackson) in the Assemb’y with u Complimentary the “Dm'hum Hotel” in this vi}! “spread” pzepared by mine host 0 Geo. Jackson, 5541., N. Esq, Arthur, and have neither time : Letters of mm! mm urmun‘by, )und THE STA \ DAR D. ants umly, was 3550 ‘ The Governor (h Songmnariucrs hm: 130)] P1 I)! ESTA R Y DIS S I} R for North mien of I 3, W ‘v C I 8 I81. R: I ‘9 b’ I". t ‘0 r N Orfui L r Hay, Mount 130 of 100 persons FRUH Y. J! 3. US 11036185 01 U! ample was: um; um: {Hut 2101! (T111911, ,- has 311'. Ailiins ever bc‘cn able to gible reason fwr any rate which Mr; Aikeus is-rcpurted to have 183' boroughs of Niagara, Brock- :1“. Now I object to {his flip- un of these venom“? corpora- tu say that neither 0f these con~ NRC IUHCI' )ccuvely, and that ufflm Elec- istrict-«if Mr. Aikins he select- Iaucr in the Legislative (foam- V83”) ltlL‘ tostm ister tienerut-«is , siult't't'sl. they have an opportunity for the prtetiâ€" -_t' the way. if the Ghflw is :m.’ . cal ilewloptneut of their principles which is of tents of the Postuuster (tenâ€"‘- vert‘ rare occurrence. The prospect, I must eon- 3- ”‘5‘ 1‘1”“! hrognisetl-«thzttj fess. is not ol'u very hopeful character. The. pub- Hitifze :1 but to etrry the‘i litvéit'the minels ot' the electors of this county (3 y n ” "‘3 Lil?” S“i’(‘i'5013 hilt that ' he lz'tli‘ll us an index --are not by any means sanâ€" msters a'ere ”i‘i‘DStVl to the " entitle. There :1 re persons who wore mtteh opposâ€" er Canadian interests. lie-,7 oil to the l its Government, some such are in this at Boroughs. Let us int he ' assembly who speak of the present Government less generalities. If you ex-' in ltnguage which they would qualify in refer- u will find that it is u clumsy ' enre to the past one. (floor, hear.) The feeling ion of that contemptihle sub-j in reference to Mr. Maedouguil especially fails to \lajm'ity scheme, which the: tintl expression in decorous language. They re- httel the remarkable ussu- member that in his virtuous indignation towards 'he cmntry as etnhm‘lying a ; the late Solicitor General Morrison, aroused part- 3' Will! the Working; of the‘. lv hy the audacity of the latter gentleman, for in a British Colony. But; n'hile mowing himself in favor of an increase in constituencies are :mything' the representation of Upper Canada, he had vot~ for instance, Niagara. That 2 oil to maintain the equality in the Upper llonse.‘ 3 out) member; and Mr- By the way Mr. MeDougall and all that‘peregri- gem and native member of ; noting parliamentntyfiction renders, voted simi-; e largest e nsliutomjiut do: larly on the motion introduced by‘lft‘. (‘ameronj ."c-nmst' intelligent men to ’ and myself. (Hear, hear.) I think that Mr: Bic-1 'mttarigon of the representn- , Dottgall should, if possible. Visit some of the chic“ Boroughs with such, 1 con- 5 points in this county before the meeting of Parlia-l rly entitle-ti to 1101314th that i ment. He came here of his own motion to tell you no the szteriligious- hands of ‘ that representation by population was to save the ts~who a re rebuked by their-haunt; ; he should now give his reasons for (Henri) Again, how does tJatl’opting the new remedy. He is no doubt a man- ’oetweeu thesislhiroughs ranch afribilityâ€"the most ableman in the Upper Cana- tios of North \l'aterloo. thei ilinn section of t' e Government-41nd probably wk and several utltereleetm; the most unscrupulous. [Laughton] In his re- ight be name t. These latter ? ereaney he can find precedents. IntSOSFox tle- msiti<m.t.o be Saucy. I win nuanced the Government” of Pitt foi- “‘25 having. scribe a country emstitnen- i prewar] Catholic Emaneimtigz it! the Royal. ssess within its mm limits 3 t Speech. By the end of the yéaifihe‘iinexpectediy. “urging iii-a creditable man-é fo‘md himself minister. Instead of being embar- _mem'oer or Pitrliameut: orl rasse l by hispneviottsproflssionshe concluded to. ed 21:2, lb ¢XB"¢SS its appro- : anticipate thegpology oer. MoDougall. 30‘." 'nhonfikg- I“! I. _ uly 0mm s\. M from BI! \\ toasts ned bv I‘d m I Met :rs whose H 10W: W (I S for “8501.! OWNS!) an is. H 1 :mr .’(‘X‘I]Tll(‘nt WhiCh ”was dei‘fl'mli agof the Mili- 3.110;!"th were M contrive for? oft nthusi Niagara. '1 hat 0:! bet: and Mr By Me member of; nut m:iuzencics do Bur Hisvent men to am the xcpxcsm nta- [)0 In such 1 con-{poi on .U'IZL’ ”62¢. )0 [Hi1 imnc, UZHHCS lsticail 1111f” tune at :\ mung [11H In 11111111 (2g {0 Lower Canadian 1101111111111ch “tutu (-1.101 11121 respectful protest against. {but i116; 11'i111i11ate vitupemtion whicn has 111:. t the up- 11101a+i of 11111113 professional politicians. I blam: them 1101011 account at the peculiarities and conâ€" 11311-1111:- otracc.’tho11gl1 I am not insensible of the difficulties interposed In mm in the working out (11‘ 311111131 L onstimtioml principles. The fact of 115 existence calls 191 an 1111101111101 forbearance and 0! ofliciui tact \\ hich docs not F11“ £01110 lot of 111z1n3'.'|.‘hc prm 13mm of the I aim \ct are taken M 1'1: '19} 1 1‘11 “1'1 M 9. 51518111 1)? 9.111111132111119 111111131 1.111r'mnpt1tib‘o 11 ith 3: 011.1:con11micalgm- 0;:301 iii Tli-C‘ 'ln'll'h‘ m?!" V '1‘. 51i1t‘mn11'1191i4 '1llv thatl have done the gentlemen no injustice in supposing that, under other circumstances, such uonld have been their language. Second, you mnstnotice the way in which they obtained ac- cess to the fold. A few days before, Mr. Mae- dongall moved a strong resolution mmlemnatory of the government for not having advised His Ex- eelleucy to promise increased reoresertation to l'pper Canada in the Speech from the Throne. In advocatingr the motion .‘ilr Macdougall promised his Opposition to any Government that would not grapple with the question. Mr. Foley, Mr. How- land and Mr. Wilson were all equally implicated in the purpose. Mr. Sandlield McDonald, the present first minister of the crown, consistently opposed any concessions to the l’pper Canada majority. ll" is claimed by the Lower Canadians. lle and Mr. fiicotte agreed in forming the theo- retiral basis ofa government: a principle ingre- dient of which is the recognition that a given nnmher of Lower Canadians, are equal, in all rc- speets, to the same number of Upper Canadians with 300,000 added. To the surprise of a great number of people Messrs. Macdougsall, Foley, W il- son and lion-land subscribed this creed. The former has attempted an elaborate jusitfication of his act; putting forth the very convenient doe- trine that a man in Opposition is relieved from re- sponsibility. Mr. Sandneld Maedonald entered the. fold by the door: his Upper Canada colleagues climbed over the wall. (Hear, hear.) Notwith- standing. Mr. John A. )lacdonald, both personally and by the exactse of his influence, accorded to them a support which may he termed magnani- to us. liueh to his credit he recommended that no opposition should be uttered to the new minis- ters at the hustings; and very singular was the sequel no Opposition was offered“ Everything conâ€" smml lmnesty, official ability, and of disinterested love of their country. They are men whose. servi- ces the country cannot well dishense with. It is true that. their Government died of a sort of inaumtion. ts term of usefulness was at an end. it outlived its vigor. There were in some of its departments gross mismanagement. As a. mem- ber of the Committee of public neennntsl saw such evidences of this as humbled and grieved me. I should hut weak -n the. force of my stateâ€" ment were I to multiply words on a subject. like this. The fact. is as reprehensible as it is deplo- me. I should men: were I to this. The fact ruble. I must ' the existing Ger what manner 1} First, a vacam Ill mcut would bu defeated. prx‘ards of twenty of their Lower Canada supporters were known to be native. On the day of the defeat. the disnflec- ted met and decided to move an auneudmem to the amoudxucu' o be proposed In M: Drummond or. the part of the. regular apposition, of such a cam-Amer as Would secure the ww 0f Mr. Drum- character as Wuuld: moml and his friend: parliamentary phru wind t. ut ofthe oppo. conspimtons beg-um: conspim 11 assembles; cadet of awe 0 re COVE D. gotten it vote ill. but it was defeated by a larger lower (3.1- fitness, 111111 not because ofthe accidents of r cc 1di:111 11111311ri11'.In voting for the second 191111- or ofu hlintl preference of {I11 plcjndices arising '15 of :1 liiil 11111 are understood to atlirm its prin- from sectional bigotry. It is undoubtedlv true pie but you are l)\ no means commuted to the l that u verv large proport1o on of the revenue 11c- PlztllStll10%e 31c usually adiustetl in (Tonnnittee l crues hum Upper Canada. The: proceeds at the 11.i .-.1 1l1e third reading. I voted “ith the U [1. Grant} Lands 111 1861 were from 17111111111111111111 rC.:11111li.111m:1jority: andthonghno 1nilit.1ry$276,660 and from Lowter ‘1111111111 $73,585. The 3111111113, tot I have sufficient British blood Customs Ileven e, to the extent prohnhlr of two- 1111si111r thiough my wins to preserve the from l thirds is the production of Upper ( 1111:11111. U n- c accusation of treason to my Queen and coun- l 1191 the circumstances I claim for the Upper (31b .V- i 11.11li11ns the 11(sse-ssion of a. degree of liberalitr (if the late 11.111: 1111110111 i1 is 11111 necessary that 1 without a parallel. .‘I. Sicottc is not accused of 11111111 11101111 at lcn'rth Its l1istmv is \11itte11.l p.133- essinnr .1 comurchcnsn 1- \1ewol'l’1ovi11cial in- Hi 11;: ts existence. the Um ositmn-«the genttc- terests From some utterances that escaped his e11 110 r- in (nine-«disputed the right at all per- 1 lips 1111lcha. e (1111' 110' the 111 t session, the inference 11s. outside of their circle, to gitc an opinion l tlmtheis more ofa Firencl 1111111 than 11 (1111111111111 than 111 1elerence to their nersonel or their poliev. does him no i11j11sti1c. He 15, however, .1 very re- 111111‘111t1‘1l to monopolize public 0pinion.-â€"â€" g:spect1blegeotlenmn. lleis externally 1111 exam.r 1ese censors “ill now be required to pass through ple of neatness Lrerv hum of his head 1s in its e with .11 011l1:.11. hut in 11 “1.113113 I hope and proper pl..1ce When he bids 1011 ‘good morninn” licve, 111111}; m we in accordance. with th' chnr- the once and the 11111111191'01 it cmninoes 1011 that . {or 111111 111.1011; 111 gentlen e11 'han thev could 1011 am honored by the condesccnsions of. .1 Min- 1 expeeted 111111111111. It 11111 thing I might -11) l 131911 of State. He is, us tl 111btless_1'ou are nnure, ran majority ill. but it me he lute government it is not necessary that ht Spf’flk at length. Its history is \vritten. 1; its existence. the ()gig'ositmn-«the gende- o-V in officeâ€"«disputed the right of all per- iutside of their circle, to give an opinion in reference to. their personel or their policy. afl‘eeted to monopolize. public opinionâ€"â€" censors will now be required to pass through tienl (intent. but in a way, as I hope and .3 much more in accordance with th . char- md usages of gentlemen 'han they could eeled tomtopt. If anything I might say he uttered in the hearing of ministers, I be promoted to suggest that they are wo- md his friends. This course, to u e a cunt actuary phrase, was intended to take the ut of the opposition sails. The decision of the mtots been me known. When the [louse .iied the leader of the Opposition and the of the conspimtors appeared to stand in ‘ ca ch other, and before either of them‘cayuld rfrom that state of indecision which is he- of deceit, the members- were milled in and 'Wd take A respectable upper Luna- ned the second reading of the tth by a larger Lower Ca- n voting: for me second read- THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY tstcntly i 1. reduction in departmental cXpeuditurei. 1““ “”5 l humid will compare as a grain to a bushel. It cannot mlians. adjust the expenditure in each section of the l‘t‘w e “’9‘" viuee to its population and proportionate 1*} the inng- revenue derived from (aeh section respecllvclfi. given for it has Stet‘cott petl the l‘cdet‘ntit'e characlt‘l' "1 all “3‘; the Union. It has made a bargain in hunt-'3 the radians t most satistitetot')‘ to Mr. Sicottc. its WWI" '5 u.”- ‘1 great mistakahly protective. The late Finance Jlnlh“ .‘3 Wil‘ ter proposed to reduce the duties. The proposal The t met the most determined hostility fr m Mr. Sand- Lli'm Ul‘i field Maedonaltl. ll) case 1 think is made out..â€" it doc- i There an be no chau ;e in the. mode ot‘raisingthe rum “3‘ revexue nor any change in the mode ol'its expen- entered diture. I claim not to possess the gift ofln'Ophecy testgues i but I do cla m to he able to trace some ecnnec- “WM“; tionbetwecn cause and cite t. So long as the sonally ’ present svsteni ot'raisin.r and expending the reve- lm'd 1.” t nue is coltti ued inst so long.r will the country be :{H'UN‘ l at the mercy of the most adroit political thitnhle- 3“ .thf‘t : riggers. ldo not. mean to be understood as as- 'm””5' l sci-ting that the advocates of indirect taxation: "13 ”"3 l and protective duties are necessarily dishonest, 115 0013‘ E but. l can scarcely conceive the possibility of de- l“'}0“‘i rising a revenue scheme of greater practical in- 1 ‘5 “f justice to Upper Canada, ortnore fatal to the de- él 90’“! velOpement of the national intere ts of the Pro- he Pub": riztce, than the one in force. amongst us. WC ll." 0 n " complain of the dearness and seareity of labour “5 Sfln‘t while we tax it to the extent of from twtttty to PM")? ' twenty-tire per cent. The temptation to extt‘n\'n~ “1 “"5 i ganee and corruption which indirect taxation Sttp~ rmnent ‘ , plies is incident to the system. (Hear) For the ,‘T‘ff‘r‘ 7 privilege of hiding from themselves the amount 1"?1'33 ' they authorize the expenditure of, they, the pee- r‘ms W pie, pay fully 4th in the pound. The people of ‘ hey 1'9“, (hands. would be none the worse of being educa-' mards l ted in the science of enlightened political eCono- 3 par ‘ ‘ my. The p.ea ehers would he very usefully cm» i".- l‘fi' novel! in seeking to familiorizc themselves with, "‘59 1“ these subjects. In preaching from the text, “ In ; “I "“l‘ the sweat of thy brow shall then eat bread,” they i llouse. . could demonstrate that capital is the 1'03"” 0‘ la‘i "9.3"!“ her. The advantages of (to-operation is fore-l d smn- shadowed in the dictum. “ It is not good fortnan i .rneron i to he alone,” and were well expressed by Solomon “'3 “‘3' i when he said, “That two are better than one he- 3 chiet‘l cause they have a good reward for their labor.” l’arlia- [Applause] And then what an admirable t Xi 91‘5")" for a free~trade discourse are the following words “'3 the of the Hebrew ”Preacher, “When goods increase "-5 f0" thev increase that eat them.” Irecommendthns a man sutfiect to my reverend hearers, and beg them to Cana- consider whether they cannot advance the future )bi‘bl! welfare of thtir lmrers hyrm‘a‘king them better his re- acquainted with the duties and privileges of. the 03 (19' present. Ihare he misgivings in my own mind having as to the adrfinhges and correctnesseof a free- ROX“ trade policy. Gusttu‘its duties operate unequally ;. “913;.” they are collected at 313136 cost; they lead. to rmbar-t immorality, andretnrd’imigration.‘ lit-adding dfd ‘0 largely to the'cast of living; the price 0918130! 15 enhanced, and the cost of p'oductton so Ill-{9315? 9‘33: 1. hiereased asimrrén’de‘r comparatively .nnremane-_ t that.‘ unit-212mg pmam§4£oc fields, Duff 13%”, and, h? “1" our domesticmt’uflmmréaz- v'tfhoflgxstéms returns; blame, , rresaum‘tws of: mmst: for ttstance, there Elm} ' were expended over. and above, lb? amounts: 001' e 0 _ lected, In 186‘], af'tlih’jtort of Dundee: ‘a‘place >rlimg about 70 miles twat-floaters»! $2,037; at JuaSpe 1e fact, $7,838 at (3013.3 guy Q9, and, at Collingwood "73““: i $1,853,111] the“ 7.80 s, tillfi'éome. out oftthc pock- '09 Offets'hfw; the. tillers “01?th soil. .In thhfifitflfitwce , . ~«¢~.- lake” t it niayi'hc rams lhéflfaeinas dammit)!!- 1"”1197 sn‘inerS‘.” such as ltm‘yfi‘s; doetdrSfiSWflfl‘s. g ?gav- htaeksmiths, joiners, are, but it. all comes out of ‘ 11'3“." . the soil. indirect taxation, gentlemen, is a nicelv . ‘ 1‘ leads 11) 11 1ioubié~ex11¢6dilu1c it 011113 for dupli- ; c.1113 depatunents, 111111 requires 11.1 1211111111111 of ex- “1011111111111.“ 111: aifiérd encuurarcmcnt 10 11 natiunul i 111ilruaui 1111 must 11111 i111 11 curreswnding 11111111101111!~ ,milcs in Lowm (31.111111i11 \\ ithuut regard to its 111:- f 111111 requirements. iuinuus :15 such 11 course ‘.111u.1 necessa 11311 1111,}.1111'1-1' (3111111111 engmsses the i 111111 341111111. 111 the 11111111111111 colonization 1011113, fur instance, we not 111111 expend 1herc,fur that [1111111030, 1111 111111111 share of the 11111111111 gmni,h111 3 during the last 1111) or three war-1 we have paid , out 01 Provincial 1111111158133 000 in addition for f opening up the Temiscouta 11nd Metapediat roads. iamd 111%! present Government 1131111111 and obtained $653,4‘ ’1 to finish 11111111. In a British ( ‘.olur \' the 111111i11mcmarv 111111 offici 11! initmiage should be I English. The laws should he 11"Oif01111. The 11111111- 11111113 of the Executise should be sciec1ed 1111‘ t eir fitness, .1111! 1101. because of the accidvnts 01 11.1.00. or 01'11 hiind preference of th- prcjndices arising -g. -o--...-u-‘p Our presentlpolitiml and financial condition is anythingbut satisfaetory. We have drifttd into a state of things which :‘ery ninth res'mbles a dJad lock. The quiet demise of the late goverrz~ ment. the advent to power of men who are unac- qnainted with the duties of practical statesman- ship, together with the fragmentary and disjoint- ed character of public opinion: in Ul'per Canada especially indicats s a gathering stonn. Our pub- lic debt of about $60,000,000 has been contracted for purposes of internal developments; but the periodical deficit in the revenue for ordinary ex- penditure is becoming alarmingly serious. If a man borrows money to defray the eXpeuses of livâ€" ing he is likely, in the long,r run, to steal or starve. In the case ofa Government WI ieh employs the surplus capital in the hands of its mvn people, :1 large indebtedness may not seriouslyal‘i'ect the national condition. But in a young con: try like Canada, to raise revenue to pa _v interest to outside lenders, is ruinous. [it our circum- SUUICCS, and “'ldl Olll' llOillllitiiUil, I have no hesitation in saying that ours is the most extmvagant system of government in the world. I desire you to remember that I am speak- ing of the system. You are not at a loss to un- derstaml me. With a tarill‘ stretched to a point which makes Smuggtmg a respectable athirefint<~ ble business; with a duplicate government and a sectional duplicate expenditure, conducted ac- cording to our American neighbors’ rule of log- rolline, nothing but. tinancial difliculti s can he looked for: Our last year‘s deficit is very conve- niently accounted for by ascribing it to sympathy with the American difficulties. This at the limit is buta plausible pretext. The revenue {rum ter- ritorial sources has not boot diminished, neither has our consumption decreased. Frauds on the revenue have become more systematic, and the operation ofour free ports may have facilitated the consumption offree goods, in Lower Canada, beyond the limits of the exemption. The present Qovermnent cannot either devise or put in prac- tice a remedy. It may to some small extent effect '21 friendly and ‘ mutually profitable intercourse would he. surrounded by a species ofmoral defence, which all civilized powers would be bound to res- pect. Such a course would command the appro- val of British Statesxnen and of the English manu- facturing interests; sud er 11 Mr. Goldwin Smith might submit his Colonial theory to reâ€"conside ‘1 - itiou. (Henna) Sueh a policy would extricate us from the mire of personal politics. For several years past we have revelled in s'auderous abuse of public men. Ambition has sought no higher grati- fication than the rerquisites of oilice could suppply. This is no very aggeezthle picture, but it is too life- like not to he recognized. Unr 'politicul’ {arty names keep up a distinction without a dlfi‘erence. Whether the Governnmnt is n Coalition; purely | Conservative, or unadulterated Clear Grit, its Emeasures and their effects, must be substantially { the same, so long as its general policy is so. It is idle to tell; of an improvement in the conditimi ot ' the people so long ns'tiie federal fian'i-Eicter 'of the ' Union i‘S‘ii‘isisted‘on by; tlié-Cfiflernment, and thei revenue obtained from duties (in- ‘imports. 1me really desire to increase‘our "poztula men by immi~ gmt‘ionmfl'er-fiirilities for living. -.It' you desire to have your forests cleared 3111 your langlfeultiva ted, remove restrictionsfmmtrade andcommcrae. It) you desire to show the} under the “British Constiâ€" tution the largest amount of liberality and of proSpE'rity earring enjoyed. improve the opportuni-é t}: that now presents i;sell'. Your best dafenee‘ mu i); found in the presyerms and happy cmsl I tation and pretensions. Some ot'yau may he star- , tied in hein: told for the gust time that over half l“ million of (hillars of puhlic monies are expended cinnuall‘v under the supervision of Dr. llyei'soti and .\lr.C-heave‘t't. linttst 'here do Ur. llyerson the justice to ohserve that he is far ahead of his po- litieal masters on the lt'pper Canada representa- tion question; for in a Common School Act which l believe was prepared by hnn, a clause was very properly introduced making ptovision for the dis- tt‘ihtttiou of the school grant to each section, on the has sof population. that of this half millio; the county of (lrey gets for Common School pur- poses about Show, while it raises by direct. taxa- tion within its own liaiitsahont $23,000, I intend these remarks to he merely suggestive. I would not rudely excite people’s prejudices, hat I would entreat you to think aht at this school husin ss.â€"-â€" In reference to military matters 1 have said a - ready that I atn unite a novice in everything that pertains to hard-hitting. I don't hate the. Ameri- cans, nevertheless should consider thatany other relationship to them than those arising out of or- dinary Commercial transactions would he calami- tous. I propose to remove every obstacle in the way of the most complete free commercial inter- course. It has been made :1 ea use of complaint against us by the New York Legislature that by the impositio~ ot heavy duties upon many articles we have intentionally excluded the United States from Canadian markets; and that we have in- tended to destroy the natural elfects of the Re :i- prc city treaty, contmry to i s spirit. Though there is no justice in the complaint,l would remove? even the appearance of proscriptiou. Open every ' Canadian port; to the. productions and manut'ac-f tures of the world, but; revimposc the canal tolls 7 a for there is no good reason why our public works should not yield a fair return. Free Trade would ; tend greatly to simplify ourmilitary operationsâ€" i A people whose policy invited thelwltole world to l ‘uireet tax on real estate. Our 1 rdinary expendiâ€" ture, leaving out the interest of the public debt, might be decreasedprobably to the extent of one- half. All ourannnal grants to educational, re- ligious and benevolent institutions, should be disâ€" continued. ’l‘he interfereuee by the state in mat- ters oi’this kind is sitnply to outrage the rights of "then". The legislature should provide, in one gen~ cral law, for the incoporation ofsocieties, whether they be skating-rinks. Dioceses or Sisters of Chari- ty. The expenses of the legislature can he re- duced by more than one~half, and Lower Cana- da might be permitted to enjoy the luxury of contributing its fair share towards the t urrent exâ€" penditure of the Province. To this general scheme, the deta'ii‘s of- which I do not pretend to give, there willbe opposition. Collectors of Customs, Tide- Waiters, l"re".‘entivc Officers, Smugglers. atti some few wâ€"‘hotnay be in the enjoyment of monopolies, will.1_it'oo-.tlily murmur. The more int iligent of them will. see that in the promotion of the general good th y cannot snfl' r. I am not very sanguine in the expectat'on that these view will be gener- allv entertained, for a very small proportion of the people‘are‘addicted' to thinking. The outside Opinion‘of the general iittei‘ifigencc of this country is by no means flattering. "From-when the candi~ date ras-a‘ l’urdiy or a )lcilnrrieh it might be ne- cessary to engage‘the services of'men of genius and provincial reputation in order to setforth their surpassing fitness as legi lators: 'l‘hese wandering stats beetune, occasionally, lixed Mr. .Tolnt .‘ilc- Nab, an old friend of ours,- who has been for sev- eral years a candidate for public fitvors,has re- cently received a solid/um. lie is the fortunate successor of the late Mr. Dempsey. He will be more reliable as an insttuctor of the Magisttacy in the counties of York and Feel than asa delinea- tor of charactcrand motives 0 public men. in due time Others of these zealous laborers in the politi- cal Vineyard, those treaders out o? the coup-will be ut‘tmuleed. (Laughton) You tvi't'ti w: tch with interestt 0 course of some of these old familiar triends, and you will observe how they vote on Mr. ,Slacdougall's re-produced motion on repre; sentation by population. if we are alive and wellnve shall meet. after the next session of par- liament, to compare notes. Avigilant efi‘ersight‘ cannot“ do any harm. De'l‘oeqncville has said, “tliagfill governments would be justâ€" as t‘ascally as tltfizpeople would let them he ” The applica- tiott'_"i.tlie part of the lloman Catholics for an tuners, Separate School liill has been quite a God},‘: to some noisy politicians. The matter has wipacen discussed either in parliament. or by except in a very loose or partial man- Catholics say tltill the enactment they ,_ T7 is only for the purpose of enabling them to 3‘ powers conferred under the existing ' cltool Acts. l! this is so it Would be manly to repeal the existingacts than grant concessions and wzthhold the 5"! tnea 5% why they may be. rendered available The? 3h 01 England is about to apply for So a rhools, because they have been conced- ed ‘tttholit-s. ()u what grounds can the .3 flittg'lattd or any other denomination be ret'u 55‘; have never heard a sa titactory reason, neitl 5,5“; '_j ‘5 think it possible there can be why one 5 ' s sect, professing Christianity, should be a SeparateSchools and others professing the: ‘5 th should he refused. lt, will be urged lia it“ fi'b‘i't‘bmteede‘ to l’mtesta'nts the riglfii‘ of Separate Schools, you will destroy our national school system. 1 reply that such a statement, is intended to insult. my undersanding; for how can a system that admits ot‘b‘eparate Schools for to- man Catholics be a national system. l shall not now discuss. the right of the state to educate the youth or the circumstances ‘-.'.lltl'cl‘ which it may be expedient to make some. provision t‘ol‘ education. 1 shall co tent myselt'by stating, as my own opin- ion, that our Common School system has been, and is now, very lunch overrated. l have opinions on this subject which are not inlly ext ressed in this sentence. The public are generally too indolent to inquire ittto matters ali'erting the interests of themselves and of their families, and int few per- sons comprehend the measure of their-reSpousi- bilities. I should to orry to see a factions or bigotted Opposition ofl'et'ed to our school system -â€" ititelligent, sober minded pers us, should com- memo and pursue an inves igation into its adap- contrived device. The. system will disappear in proportion to the increase of intelligence. Honest men will strive for its remow l. The ignorant and the wicked would rather that. you should my without. being myare ol'it. They Will try to im- pose upon you their protection theories, and in order to soften the thing down and to obtain your acquiescence they will ~nll itineidenml protea- teetion. Well, cull it by what name they like, it's a fallacy. The most direct way it: which a reveâ€" nue can be raised is obviously; the cheapest. The legitimate SUlll‘Ct‘S‘Uf revenue it. this country are,‘ the timber on public lands, 13a llk-SlOCkS, an excise duty on distilletl liquors, and petroleum and a direct tax on real estate. 0er ( rtlinarv exmmli- REY ADVERTISER.- my cha rge. , Classes in English Grammar I regrct are small, 'Ayc! small in pOpulation to the amount. of Pupils, Eager _t6?ea;'n, ' ‘ " , Ilnn'e’erl trust We machgrs one and all Will follow and adopt the advice and ram: Iy By me propmmded for their good, And the!) all shall be well; Such, Gentlemen, is my report le‘ the half 3'93 1', Which l’m required to make by Byrlaw ninety-three Think of it favorably and don’t forget the Broom. Allow ,me then, most worthy Gentleme‘n, T0 have lhc honor to remain Y. a: servant most obedient small Owing to sickness, apathy, bad roads and lack Of popuhtiun. (Hear, Hear.) Gentlemen! no longer I'll detain you, than to exâ€" press The o’erwhelming courtesy to me diaplayed, by ' peeple and; trustees W thin my charge during my visitation; â€"â€" And readiness of Pedagngues. ta adopt; the advice By me considered necessary fOr 83110018 within flu refure small. School Teacher No 5. too unliqualcd for the pre;. cnt age In, his ideas qf teaching, (:1 «55 B. mam be his lot. School clo ed at No 7 when Imus there But opened since {Cries pf hear, bean) An earnest Pedagogue there '8 m N0. ten, while No twelve. Is measly; and No. 2 requires a broomâ€"of that important. fact ' I pray you make a note. School No. 1 improved, In order, discipline, and march of intellect, Teacher away at Conference. Some Schools are bill For Schoolmasters, no manor what he be. School No. 6, class, B , is excellent, gives number seventy hm. ' Tr: whor A. at moral haining, and m the 561.00} The man/n! rulture seems devvlomd well. School .\0. 4AW‘CXB pymting haters, attendance L yomhs From Norma} School-Thoy want as many maps As pupils, and other requisites, including carpets, ' clnlirs, And lounges for Sprigs: of the elite. (Family counciHer. hflarlxcam) . Butstill my heart. is grieved to tell there is a con- trast strange, - In sume academies, in find Trustees and Parents, Agr'ed to auction schools, and take the bums! c I --â€"_... PVM'V school I scrutinizml 2 all are “ )7'01‘1'0331'1 - 9? ,,_ tees Of late, 1 9 2g fazr, Tm: I} \ incc a I \elier interest in the 50110013. and my '1 hey must have Teachers of a diflerentmnnld Graduates fwm Uxto (1 “0111.1 Le prcfmed to tq-(‘EXB- (“Omani Roam.- vave mz-l Comm?- mnn in mur‘lurr. Em‘nr Lam! Suyu'rinfwhim)’, mouslutbe mu] m’n‘s airs a [d \v'.¢zpulr0n R(’(_’l'(’.- l) nit r must “()I‘th) friend, “11.11. now is tin behest, Need t Hm mm Counsel ( 1‘ advice. ifsn “csmit To 1,. .1 flw 1;.10, q nd imp» not mu- ni “we. Lcc L .31 r. InQLiTR.â€"â€"Mo<t “om-(1W Reeve and councilmen, if not inhudiné (hi YOIU‘ precious time permit me tn recmmt The kuimzs scenes I iuitnesscd, in district No. two, “During" my Vise/(1.! ions.” Your worthy {yâ€"la“: Itvc complied with, and tion of the people. If these views reoommend' themselves 1.1111111’111111r.,v11l then’ follow up your Convictions hy 115ng the Briton’s privilege of pe- titiui’i' to the legislature (.11 1111 extensive settleâ€"â€" Demand respeettullv hut firmly, that the 3l‘10;000 unrepresented subjects of Her Majesty in Upper Canada are entitled to 0111111 the privileges, and to share in the responsibilities of freen1e11:that 11111113 shall be f1 ee and unrestricted; and that the 1e1e1111eâ€"-wltich you have ultimately to payâ€"â€"be raised without resort to that deceptiveand round- about 11:11' 11hicl1,- while it add! sl‘argeh to the expense 0i collecting generates the most reckless extta‘tagauce ie its expenditute. (Applause) fi- The Rcv. Ezra Adams will (D. V.) preach in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Durham, next Sunday umruiug‘.fl7llr ms! at lull-past mu A. 31., at the regular Quarterly service. H'e (10 mt hold ourselves responsible for the 0â€" piuimz of our mrrmpom/mls,ml! only give (hem pub/ir‘ityjbr MC [affirmation ”my vitamin. Thme‘ are ot‘l ‘191‘ tapics 10 11 inch I might have ' 1110118111 11111:: 1111 but it beemws me o apologize for 1111\ mg tres; 1153911 so [0110'011 30111 patience -â€"- 1 1111.11 thought 11f1eterri111r to the American \1 111'; to our relationship with Britain and t0 the pecu- liz11ilies 01 0111- gewn‘aphiml 1111511 on. But 111i di- mession would pruhahlv tempt me to 11 View the utilitatizm theory advocated by the Daily \cus 111111 other papers of 111111 e1ass,who me gi1ing particular 111.111 as I think ten 111111111er 111111111- 11ence 10 the peculiar doctrines of the Mlfibhestet schml ofpoliticians. I 11111 111111111115 that our con- net-11011 111111 1311111111 5111111111 1‘10 110111911111 ted The confiec 111w 0111116 should be (11111111 still closer. â€"-â€" "11111t it 811011111 be 111111 111 11111111: 11 interestas 111211115 ohicl‘eience. (1. 11t1111siastic cheering.) Our Local Superintcndanis Re port. lim'rmx No. 2. There were a great number of local" and Complimentary tmsts given and responded to. The proceedings continued until alate hour with the greatest good humor. The entertainment was eminently successâ€" ful as a social reunion of the most prominent persons in the County who came to do honor to their representative in the Legislature. Tm: Ilomx l\IU1mER.â€"~~EllenMcGillockrâ€" the woman who testified that Brown was the principal in the murder of Mr. l-lugatt--was recently arrested for robbery in Montreal, and confessed that Brown was innocent of the murtler. Whether she now tells the truth is a question. (Immy‘s LADY's Buox.â€"-~'I'he Angus! 1mm- luzr opens with a Splcudul steel engraving of Danie! Wubdvr at the Tomb of Shnksrcareâ€"m The fusLimxâ€"pl;ue is m.mrpus~uhlu “The l’ropcsul” is :1 life-like scene uf youthful days,zuld m which the married Ladies can vm‘ch for sis accurzwy There is a full :1- mount ufmusic, drawing, lettering and {ash- iors The lilemry dwpurtmcut cannot be ex- culled. MARRIAGE 01» TM: l’mxcsss Ar.rcr~:.â€"â€"â€"Her Roy-u! Highness the Princess Ali (3 was marâ€" ri'cdit'o Prince Louis of Hesse on the 151 inst. The marriage was performed prévately in consequence o! the bcrczu'en'rcut of our Royal Family by the death of the Prmce Cunsurt, the bride‘s father. KILLING CANADA '1'IIIS'I‘I.I:s.â€"â€"'I‘he Ym‘k Herald learns that Ihe flb'lll 27th and 281}: of Julyi Is the L'pmper lime to put Canada This. les III Index to dim! their I' L's“'?,,ll(fi0n ' the time when the zodiucui Sign is in HM, lILjart. C(JRRESI’()NDICNCE 130le E. II. " o fl 0 Try tho truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS la BELIEF, and if you are not Wed at it. W. tor using the medicine. the price will I» refund!!! 41 Agent. in all casgs. Price 25 «MI pr botflo. I“ ' al-_’-__ ._ _. )2-_._- _ Fedeml prisoners toleaoed on New Selma, Alabama, report the South . r-.. vast field of com and potatoes, w' in! enough cotton growing for and. o. GENERAL McCLBLLAN, the American Napo- leon, resembles the gentleman who whenever he opened his mouth. put his foot'in' it. "is mouthing addresses to his army, ‘t-c'e‘tifl of those Which the real Napalm initial to his soldiers. have made him the laughi a-uock of the world ; a result not likely to [30an- Ed by the small proportion which hitched; have borne to his words. During his com. mand of the forces of the Republic they din not achieve a single victory ;'tho army under his immediate leadership has :not with no. thing but disaster. He has loot more men, more cannon. and sacrificed more mated“ than all the other Unisn lmmanden put to. ether. Bragging an iying are poor enla- gerisatiu’s tor ruinous m which III cit. victories, but‘over whit-lithe {nation MM '“v â€"‘-‘T' In his his! address we believe be his mm far, and the ouhaged same of the WP“ '35“ call fur the dismissal‘of the useless braggm. â€"â€"Montreal Advertiser. filler: in medidlies APPOINTMENTS run CONFIRMATION It 31530? or HURON, l 2. ~â€"-.~c-\.- Au eioquext slpc'tkEr-is {651; neatly '1 M . ‘ I ‘ a nver~gteatest at the month. “I _-vv-..v uu-u sv “:5 IIIOJI IVIIUIIO VI haOWQ' ‘N’o He stopped making a calla: wall to go over to the «m! country and searchfin it. ’A laboring mam in Rochester, N. Y , has become heir to an Irish fortune of £260."UU. July ‘20, Gmle'iclt. July 2'2. Bayfieltl. ,- July 523 and ‘24, Clinton, 5m. July ‘25, Blythe. July ‘26, Aynsleyville. July '27, 28 and '29, Howich and Wallace. July 31 and August I, Dungannou, 81¢. Augud ‘2. 3, 4 and 5, Southampton, 81:. August 6, 7, and 8, Meaford, 0. August 10, Owen Sound. Auguat ll,‘ 12 and 13, Derby. Holland and Sullivan. Report has it that General Bragg has 40,- 000 to 50,000 rebels at Tupello, Miss. ;that they new short of provisions, 8w. It is abuut time the ‘sltort ot' provision’ story had a fur- tough. We have had the «hate rebel army in a state. of starvation eve: since Bull Run, but they seem to stand it wonderfully we". The Chinese Government has hired a find of gunboats (mm England. They are to be ntiicercd and manned by Englishmvn‘whow pay will be provided for by the Chinese.â€" Each gunbnut is to be under the command of a lieutenant uf flit: Foyal navy, the pay at whom is tube seven hundred pound; pvt '3’nnum. 'l’i'wle Will be six uftt-wse commands; the whole under the orders Ufa captain, nup- _erintcmlzmt‘or comnmdore. with mutant of three tlmuaand pounds a year. ART or PRINTING.*‘J\ jubilee will won be held in Vienna in honor uf the: four hundred yt‘flfb’ {wk-twice of the an 0‘ printing in that city. The tint Viexum printer. Uluch "anon. npmml his primmg ("fire in I462, but did not succeed, and cmigratvd to Rome. “c wan the cause of the blame"): Frederick Um [“uunh hcsluwing a privalege an the prime“ .I _ unfinn . , g‘ '. n .‘ fl '7 v V m the year H118, winch placed them an equal mnk mm the nobleman and scholars. and permitted them to wear a sword. A RfiAI’. AMERICAN Gumvmcr: --Then= i: one subject on which the Yankees are espeâ€" cially sore, and we admit that it is a griev- ance. Do what they will, declare themseiws. ever so loudly, the fastest nation in a" rrra. tion, they still lag five hours behind alon- oh! England. When we have got to five o‘clm-k in the afternoon, New York is only at mum. This justly enraues them, and we hear that when the North is subjugated, and the Eng:- lish and French are driven from America, and the Count de Paris reigns at the Tuiieries. and Cuba is a territory. prune action is to be taken in the matter. and the at!" is mire turn- ed the other way. or something: is to be done to maintain the honor of the old flagâ€"yes, sit, for we ain’t behind you nowdays, mittenâ€"â€" Punch. - 60>! of $56,065. T u imptovc the casual por- tion the sum of $8 400, is‘reqnired, making the whole sum teqnired to complrtc i! 319.. Inn. The old mad {tom the Restigoucbe u. Matias, known as the Kemp: load. rm our! the tops of all the mountains aftet the 0H fashiun and consequently was almost their“. The new road is by the Valley of the A'Iztlzxpcdizu‘, along the route surveyed fur a miIWny by Mujur Robinsod and Captain Henderson in 1847. The Mormons 0f Utah have organized that portion of the territory which they occupy into the Slate of Desert-t. and have appointed Brigham Young their Guvernot. Prim «2 Alma"! Is to Maud mumulwr to (‘3'). Iain 'z’Flrlctnn 3' little buy. It was under ( ap~ min larletun’ :3 command that "is R013! [lightness made his first my age. “Mullen rugs lune at last been "Mum-d m the wniu: uf 11w paper maker. In England 0 ‘d (mus, trcusers, blankets. 82m. Nth-rm m lnr iiu'e else than mauurr. are, by mum m met prov css, bleached and tramminrd ‘moo “him fibrous pulp, which u: free-l) thought up h} papr-r makvrn at £2 J per ton. and rice!â€" 1:115! paper, suitable for HéWspapcns, 0 n. A waterspuut appeared late-1y twat Lin-r- puul. It was seen from the leh Landing Stugv, over Bidslune “311.311.! mm! have been sven over the prim-ipuiity of Wale: fur mum iime. Its extent llpwatda was of great length, in a s “rpemiue fun". It waniiuch Ig- mg a dvuse clumi. and was «mm by many from the stage until a dark cloud ulm'urcd it. amount 9!: $28,081 00 0f 3 total animate-J August ['4 and 15, Artemesia and Palm Anna»! 16'. Durham. {ugust l7. Hanmer and Walkeflon. August 18.19.20 and 221, Kincatdinc, .1 IN), 19101:! real. ‘ \\ hisker: umxwa-days {0:29 .Scrnu. Diocese of llama. T“ 8-

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