Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 25 Jul 1862, p. 1

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_---- v-uitl ulbbbtl‘: taming which might be name L These hurt: my amyot in: a Imitium to be Saucy- I will i n "7~%mselffo describe a. country cmlitm-g cy 6' 3911 does not possess within its own limits 3 ! person mpabk: uf'hsclmrging in-a creditable man- net. Eh? duti’“ " ‘iurliament; or? tag _ 9.- y pofifiqfl xchgney; The C9 " l ,9 John-113 (novernalcut~--the (afi'nrnment which? Q33»: pager. @1191: I 4:253 flggid--7\vas defia'gdz: on the 93:105. foam §cszuml.re_u®gg of the 31m. “£38m: Some" of 3-62: wofi!’z,l peguurun cit-(1:35; cg{93>of :GIM d fezfitas being somewhat singu- 3 [15, {f ml, jnhérs agam hit‘v‘c said that the late @133 Upper Canada. cullmgues wen»i such expert trickster; as to be ahie to contrive furl gm! .5ka ’ ilful £1.11. _ .7 There was no3 ell-3’93"; afathc Gmcrnmcnt: the trickstsrs this! the gag on the other side of the House. It was: known (-35:19le pten'ifius '11)“; 21:32 the Rover :- g , ‘ _ Last evening the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity entertained their worthy repre- sentatige; (Mf- Jackson) in the Levislutit'e Assent”? with: :i Complimentary Dal nner, at the “Duiham Hotel” in this village. Th2: “epsead” piepared by mine host 01 the“Dur- halo” wait ample and luxurious, comprising many delicacies of the season piocuretl at great cost. The‘ch'z'tir was‘occnpietl bv W. H. (2. Co I- lea, Hap, ably assisted by John Millar, Es erg. vice~chazrmon. On the rinht of the chairsut the great of the evening, and on the let I the Rev Mr Hay, Mount Forest. There were tip- wartls at 100 persons present, many being from a distance. Owing to the bliOt'i time at our disposal we cannot particularize. Among tlwse present we recugnimil T. Scott and S. Lane, [15113. :0'.t'(’tt Sound ; Mr Bryant, Reeve Sullivan; T. (irtmey, Ex’t}, Reeve Osprey; ll. Wakefield, Esq., Reeve Egremom; J. Robertson, Est}, Deputy-Reeve Normanby; T. Smith, Esq” Egremont ; '1'. Crane, Esq” of the Mount Forest Examiner ; S. Smith, The dishawehisement of these small constituen- rléswacbonllng to the l’usmuster General-«is determined upon. By the way, if the Globe is? an authority, the statements of the Pusmaster Gen? eral are not. reliable. H9 hall promised-«that journal sa_vs~-~tn subsidize a lulu! to carry the Mails to Fort \l’illiztm 012- Lakc Superior, hat. that his Lower Ctmada masters were Opposed to the development of Upper Canadian interests. R9â€" turuing to the douméd Boroughs. Let us not bc‘ tieocijzed by meaningless genemlities. If you ex- minc'the scheme you will find that it Etta clumsy usmoâ€"fmi the adeptihn of that contemptihle sub- terfltge, tht;_Double llayyrity scheme, which the. present vaer'numnt hall the remarkable assu-' mucc t) present. to the cgmtryx as embodyinga ; principle in; lutrrnony with the working of the! British Constitution in a British Colony. Buti practically the small con‘stimeticics are anything but grievances. Talus figrlnsmnce,l\'iagztm. That? Baro Â¥ ' as; , ies it; ‘own.. member; and-'-Mr.; Si - i3. imflfim~ gnd acfictmemhér of t the - egislatttre. The largest (r nstimcncles dot not invariably 'semtzthemst intelligent, men to; mrl’ih‘mcm.“ "On a chrizparis'cn of the rcpt'csenta- ' fiveai’qf 118:de MtfghSAVlth such,l con- tend that thty arc fairly emitlet} to demand. gha they be pro*ected from the- saeriligiow hands 'ot‘l " “$12.13?ng rebuked by thcitj 2hr _ _ suing: intelligence. ("cit-T} ””A‘gnih‘, how (loci shimmmdfismmefirthewlbmrzhnnét‘ the urgenconstituencies ‘of North \l'atci'loo,thc2 two 03km”: North York and several other cleanâ€"l PAW; Inimht hm nan... a ma“ -_ 1 . . person mpa net the du 3M9 The cloth being removed, the cha proposed Ihc full on ing toasts “)8 Queen, uhich “as cnthusias responded to. The memmy of the late Prince Con: drank in solemn silence. Prince of \Valcs ,aud :1 1e red at i 1-. ‘ Eamily, was also duly .umorud. The Governor General. S'.‘ngâ€"~Mariners of England, by 3!? ¢ White. > The Army and Navy-Respmxded Dent-Co}. D C McDonnell, and Col. V Sung by J. \Vatsou, Esq” a gendeu canny arrived in Durham, from Scotlal Geo. Jackson, 85¢, I Letters of apology for unavoirlable ub- sencc were received from A. Walsh, Esq“ M. P. P. for Narfuik; A. Morrison, l:L-q. M. P. P. for North Simcoe; W. K. Flasher, Esq., Warden of this County; '1‘. Ryan, Esq.. Ndrmam'by, and (I. J. 0330, £541., Owcr- Sound. Psq., Arthur, and others whose names we have neither time nor space to record. .. .7 V_., v- ---y Ivy-guild '0 "U “U represent them, respectively, and that of the Blec~ mm of M’flotj'c District-«if Mr. Aikins be select- ml to represent the latter in the Legislative (foun- uilâ€"«the question should b3, whsther the larger or the smaller Qmstituencics shuutd pe dist‘mnchiscd" (“MK”) - than. THE SUN HARD. 1301] P1 IJIEN'I‘A R Y DISH I) I: FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1862. 2} m‘ 1 l , L TU F- Hindi-3‘: and 5W!” i dougall moved a strum: resolution eondemuatorv .‘tth him on the sulri : of the government for not having advised His Ex- “hiu‘” ”“3 Government! eellencv to promise increased reorescrtation to ‘ him “3 a "9"." 351*: } l'pper ihmada in the Speeh from the Throne. In ‘9‘” "f “’51-’90 t “’1' him i advocating the motion .\lr )lncdougall promised ”WY." 0f “29 NC ”011- Htis opposition to any Government that would not “I it “5 “wrenching .3 grapple with the question. Mr. Foley, Mr. How- ”w ttvlitiml urstms‘ land and Mr. Wilson were all equally implicated teak t'et'l'i’aChfilHY Ufi in the purpose. Mr. Sandiield McDonald, the ' “fill“ Eli‘Ct‘Jl‘S 0f the i present first minister of the crown, consistently ksville Ml“ “milk", a i opposed any concessions to the Upper Canada ”To 551'92‘01'Wd 101"ch i majority. It" is claimed by the Lower Canadians. l ”‘0 ”nil-50 0f -\5é0m-i lie and Mr. Sieotte agreed in forming the theo- 0‘” “’L ‘ifiii‘c- NM" 1 9 retieal basis ofa government; a principle ingre- ' that .lir. Ailti 3 did: dient of which is the recognition that a. given “d that “93' (‘1‘ then, i number of Lower Canadians, are equal, in all rc- ikius ever been “1’10 ‘0; Spects, to the same number of Upper Canadians n f” ““3" “‘19 “‘hiCh with 300,000 added. To the surprise of a great “'3 ism-ported to have: number of people Messrs. Ma cdougall, Foley, Wil- 2‘5 0f Niagara, BFUCR' ; son and llowland subscribed this creed. The I object. ‘0 this flip-i former has attempted an elaborate jusitfication of e "CHOW“? Wl'ltol‘fi'i his act; putting forth the very convenient doe- ; neither of these conâ€"‘ trine that a man in apposition is relieved'from re- - Add“ t‘ 1"~‘l’rc39ntiSpousihility. Mr. Sandneld Nacdonald entered i “‘Ci‘ intelligence by; the fold by the door: his Upper Canada colleagues f the persons With (10} climbed over the wall. (Hear, hear.) Notwith- and that ofthe lilec- ? standing. Mr. John A. .‘lacdonald, both personally f 51“ Aikins he SEEM-i and by the excretsc of his influence, accorded to ”"3 Legls‘hlli’fe (Putin-i them a support which may be termed magnaniâ€" “ll-“‘0‘ the larger 0” m us. Much to his credit he recommended that new be dist'mnchiscd" i no opposition should be .-:fl'ered to the new minis- i ters at the hustings; and very singular was the “359 SW!“ CWl-itimell- i sequel no opposition was otfered. ; Everything con- '3‘m-‘Ster General-«is? sidered, they ha vo an opportunity for the prtcti- '8y, if the Globe is an.i cal dorm-lament of their principles which is of t‘ the Posmaster Gen-i verv rare; occurrence. The pmspjeqtsth‘ osteoa- had twomised-thati fess, is not of a. very hopeful character. he ‘pub- 1 boat to carry the. lie ~it‘the'minds of the electors of this county on the Superior, but that be taken as an index --are not by any means sans' were Opposed to the: gaine. There are persons who were much oppos-g' :adim interests. 129-; cd to the lit-3 Government, some such are in this tuglrJ. Let us not be? aground} whoqwealr of” the present Government tiemlities. If you exs’; in language )vhieh they would qualify in refer;- ind that it Sea clumsy I; ence‘ to thc'past one. (llcnr,~ hear.) The feeling hat contemptible sub-i in reference to Mr. “$090338“ Qespociallyfails to v scheme, which the find expression in {decpqowus language. -They re- :he remarkable assu~ , member that in 11sz indignation towards Mr)“ as embodying a i the late Solicitor-Geiger“ Morrison, aroused part- the working of theily by the, audacity of the latter gentleman, for British Colony. Butiwhile avowinghimself in favor offan increase in neu’eies are anythingE the representation of Uppor €arhda,~he had rot-z tance, Niagara. That i ed to maintain the equality in the Upper Ilonse.j t member; and-Min; Bythe way Hr. Hearings!" M83 L.mregrt-: 5d aggro“! member of t noting mrlktmngmyfiction; Igttgsimi-j est c nstitueneies do larly on the motit'm mtr‘odn ‘ . men-on: ’7‘” intelligent men to and myself. (Hear, hear.) ,I think that 3111316- on of the represen’ta- Bengali should, if possible, Visitme‘ of the chief tbswith such, 1. con- points in thisc’uunty before themtingo‘ Perih- .itled to demand. that , _ out. He came here of his own motion tote]! you sacriligious heads or“ if nmntation by pepulation was to save the A... __L ‘ . ‘ ‘ . p: somewhat singtr said that. the late h 1:...lloagues were mhie to contrive for rebtzketl by their y; he should' ino§v give his reasons for Again; how does a: thing the; new remedy. He is no danbt a man- '“~- -lv .0 IV “U‘ ‘U. a "’0‘“ 1' at 11111111} ~"1hc most ablebmn 1n the Upper Cana- Nansen-1'10.) 1»: t c Governmentâ€"and probably the must unscrupulous [Laughton] In his re- cream} he can find precgdents, In. 11805 Fox dc~ inonnccd Rn: Government of Pitt for thawing 1 11113de C Ithglic Emancip‘qt ‘ 9M1]! the Royal E Speed). In the (1nd of the 31611? 611expo‘ctedly fo 1nd himselfministcr. Instead of being embark 1115311 I by his new: iounprofissions he concluded to 1111114111118 thgpobgy oer. \IcDoun‘aH V‘ ‘1 1 g Hf the L1 to gnwrmnent it. is not necessary that . I should Speak at length. 113 historv is written. During 113 existence. the 011108i11o11-«1he gentle- , men no 1‘ in ofiicemdiSputed the rivht of 1111 per- {80113,(1utsi1loof their ci1clc, to giw an opinion either 11) reference to their personal or their poiic1. they affected to monopolize public opinion. -â€"- These censors will now be required 10 pass through . the critical ordeal. but in 11 11113113 I hope and believe, much more in accordance with 111' char- meter and usages ot gentlemen ‘lmn 111131 could . character as wouldsecnre the Vote of Mr. Drnmâ€" must necessarily be, Lower Canada engrossés “19; "g mood and his friends. This course, to u e a cant lion’s Hinge. {in the nmtter of colonization roadé; ; tutrliamentary phrase, was intended to take the l for instance 'we not only expend. there, ”for that 1 wind out of the opposition sails. Thedecision of the i purpose, at equal share of the annual grant; lint 'conspinttms became known. When the House during the! last two or three‘years we lrzlt‘9‘*l""id ia‘ssemhled the leader of' the Opposition and the out of Provincial-Jinan $133,09filnt addition for leader of the conspimtors appeared to stand in opening " p the Temisconta anti Melafiédlil F0363: - awe of each other, and before either of thenrcimld and th present Government asked and obtained. ; recover'fz'om that state of indecision which is be- $6133" 'to finish them. l‘n a British Colony the gotten of deceit, the members were called in and parliamentary and oficial negro-gt: should 56 {3 vote was taken. A respectable Upper Cana- English. The laws should be uniform. Thc‘memj ; dian majority sustained the second reading of the bers of the Executive should be selected for t “cit Bill. but. it was defeated By a. larger Lower Ca- fitness, and not because of the accidents of_ race A nadian majority. In voting for the second read~ 0r ofa blind preference of the pl‘ej|ldi093 arising 5 Bag: of a Bill You are understood to affirm its prin- ; from sectional bigotry. It is undoubtedly true i ciple butyou are by no means committed to the i that a very large proportion of the revenue ac:- ; details: these are usually adjusted in Committee l crues from Upper Canada. The: proceeds at the ’ and M 3m. third reading. 1 voted with the Up- Crown Lands in 1861 were from Upper Canada 3 per Canadian majority; and though no military ”376,660, and from Lower Canada $753,535- The ; man myself, yet I have sullicient British blood Customs Korea 9, to the extent probably of two- Humming through my veins to preserve me from thirdS, is the production of Upper Canada. Un- the accusation of treason to my Queen- and coun. , der the circumstances I claim for the Upper Ca~ : try. inadians the prsse-ssion of a degree of liberality : Hf the late government it. is not necessary that t without a parallel. 31- Sicotte is “M accused 0f l i should speak at length. lts history is written. possessing: a comprehensive View of Provincial in- , During its existence. the 0m ositton-«the gentie- terests From some utterances that escaped his men no? in ottice~-dispnted the right of all per. lips in tleba'e :dur 09! the hit 5955“)“: the inference 3’ sons, outside of their circle, to give an opinion l thathe is more ofa Frenchman than a Canadian either in reference to their personal or their policy. E does him no injustice. He is, howevcr,‘a very re- - They affected to monopolize public opinion.-â€"- spectablc gentleman. lie is externally an exam-r é These censors will now be required to pass through pic of neatncss. Every hair of his head is in its. 5 the critical ordeal. hut in a way, as I hope and proper place. When he bids 3'0“ “£300“ morning” ? believe, much more in accordance with th ' char- the gracc'and the manner 0t it convinces you that actor and usages of gentlemen than they could : rouare honored by the c’ondescensious of a Minâ€" 3 ”3 expemed 1“ MW!- ” dumbing I might 33.“ i ister of State. lie is, as doubtless you are aware,- In :illndinglio Lower Caflfianiflonfidngcy, I} bcgto enter my réspectful protest againsf‘~ that’ infihcriafimte vitupemtionkhich has met the pp- provafi'ot’ many professional politicians.‘ [Mains : themmnt on new!!! of the {1-qu ”icon“ dinionsiof race. ghongh I am not insensible no! the difficulties interposed by me a in the wofking out of British C(matim(iomifptinfiples..â€" The {fact} of its existcmq» “31$ for an amountrofrfogbmmnce ; and of officiatf (51bit whichdocs nothll Mlle 10! cf ‘3' muny. The provisions of the Union Act are taken ; m quit‘y amt-9'!" (0 3 install of extra“! came :- which L, ichnrnftxtibEen'itil g' 0"}; Nonmjca’i LEG“- , omen-m. The douhicmajwrity SchCM'.‘ ymczically . meat would be defeated. Upwards of twenty of their Lower Canada supporters were known to be restive. On the day of the defeat. the disaffec- ted met and decided to move an amendment to the amendment. to be proposed. by Mr DrummOnd on the par: of the; ljeguhxr oppositiox‘, of such a he expected to adopt. If anything I might say could he uttered in the hearing of ministers, 1‘ should be promoted to suggest that they are we- t'ully' deceiving themselves. ly supposing that the real or fancied misdeeds of their predecessors will perpetuate their official. reign. The Minister of Finance has received from .Vr. Cult 3 little wholesome chastisement already. The press has very generally condemned the. interference of the Postmaster General i“: the. Perth election: and on the whole, an thserver of the signs of the times may \‘erv safely over that the delinquencies of others will not relieve those who profess to know better from the performance of duty. The Cartier- }.lacdouald eovernment, as such, is dead. I will do an act of justice to the dead. 1 will use lan- guage now which under any other circumstances would be regarded as flattery. Of Messrs. Car- tier and McDonald 1 am bound to say in all sin- cerity that l am not acquainted with two public men who are superior to them in point of per- sonal honesty, official ahility, and of disinterested love of their country. They are men whose servi- ces the country cannot well dispense. with. It is true that their Government. died of a sort of inauation. Its term of usefulness was at an end. It outlived its vigor. There were in some of its a vote was taken. A respectable Upper Cama- dian majority sustained the second reading of the Bill butit was defeated by a larger Lower Ca- :mdiau majorits. in voting for the second read- :g of a Biil \ou are understood toaflirm its prin- cipie but ran are by no means committed to the details: those are usually adjusted in Committee and at the third reading. I voted with the Up- pf‘l‘ Canadian majority , and though no military man myself, yet I have sufficient British blood coursing through my veins to preserve me from the accusation of treason to my Queen- nnd courr trv. mrmlmlts. mossmismanage. .ment. A; a mem- minds of twenty of: leads to a tlouhle-expeéditure. ltcztlls fur dupli- tcrs were known to cute deparunents,a aft] requires an equality of ex- cement. the disafiee- ? penditure. 11 we a rd encourgemen‘r to a national e an auneudment to railroad we must he a curresponding nmuberirf d bv Mr Drummoud miles in Lower (latitude without regard to its :16- rpositior of such a tual requircme ts. Ruinons as such a course crew of Mr. Drum- must necessar y be, Loner (:umda engrosses the memo, to u e a cant lion a chute. ;lu the matter of colonization roads, intended to ta" 0 the fur installee, we not only expend there, for that .Therlecisiou of the ; purpose, aft equal share of the annual gratit,’ but. . \\ hen the [louse . «luring the last two or three ream we have paid Upposition and the; out at Provincial F umls 31’” ,000 hf addition {or THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY OF GREY~ADVERTISERc ’1‘! Iowearancc ; $1,853, all tliésé iéfinfs $83113 3031:. Out $44116 9091“ .‘ tmhe lot Cf“_¢'5'§fi.t!"“ tings 9ft!» so", In tll‘p. IQ§QI§WCO ~‘ 9‘ are £13591? g it may he paid by 15¢..valgims tthrmu- nv‘n..¢.,- ' i5 hutn plausible pretext. “1111' revenue mm- .1. - ritorinl sources 11:15 not hee'. diminished, neither i h: 15 our c011511111ption ile11'1e1sed.I 11111115 on the 1"e1e11ue lune. become 111o1e systenmtic, 1.1111 the operation ot'our t‘rce ports may have facilitated the consumption of t': ee goods in Lower Canada, l)1' 1111111 the limits of the exemption. The present Government cannot tilllCt‘ de115e or put in prac- tiee 11 re111ed_1. It 111: 1' . to some small extent Cflcrt :1 reduction 1ndep111'tn1e11t11l expenditure; but this 11'illee11n1pu1e 115:1 grain to 11 bushel. It cannot adjust the expenditur'c 111 each section of the Pro- \‘IllCL‘ to its 1101111l:1tion 11nd proportionate 11) the revenue derived trout each section I‘CprCU" 013,. for it has stereotyped the tederntive el1'111ae101' 1“ the Union. It has made a I) ”gain in teznr} the 11105tsati5l1tcto1') to \lr. Sicotte. Its poli1'1 i3 U"- 1nist11k11bly protective. The. late Fin: tnee Mini;- ter pmposed to reduce the duties. The proposal met the most determined hostility fr 111 Mr. Sund- tield Macdonald. .‘Iy case 1 think is made out.â€" There can he no cit-.111 19 in the mode ofmising the rev-be 1.11: no: 11111 chunrre in the mode ofits expeno ditute. I claim not to possess the gift ofproohem but I do 1:111 111 to be able to trace some connec- Ition between cause and 0th: 1. So long as the present 51' stem of '11 1s111 1' and “pending the 1‘8\C- ‘ one is eonti 111-d iust so long will the countrv be :11 the merev ot the most adroit political thi111hle-. 1igger5.ldo not mean to he understood as 115-, smtiug that the :1d1oentes ot indirect tax 1tion .111d protectiw duties are necessarily dishonest: i hutl (. 111 scarcelt conceive the possibilitt' 0t de-g Using a 1e1'e11ue scheme ot greater p111etic'al i11-‘ ijustice to Upper Canada, or 11to1ctttal to the dc F1elopement of the national interc ts of the Pro-1 1ince,th:1n the one in force amongst 115.1 “cl complain of the dearncss 1111115 scarcity of labour] while we tax it to the extent of from t11'111ty toi menu-tire pet ee11t.'I‘he ten1ph11iontoextm1'a-‘ g" 1nee and corruption 11'h16l11ud1r1 ct taxation sup- . plies 15 incident to the system. Ulnar.) For the privilege of hiding from themselves the amount ;.tl1e) nuthonze the expenditure of they, the pee- fpie, pa} tully 403 111 the 1101111171111 people of i , Canada 11011111 be none the worse of being educa- ted 1n the science of enlightened political econo- 1ny.’lhepcaehers would be very usefully em- p oved to seeking to familiorizc themselves nith these subjects. In preaching from the text, ‘In the sweat of thy brow shall thou cut bread,” they could demonstrate that. 611113111 11 the result of la- bor. The advantages of eo-Opera tion is fore- shadowed 1n the dictum. “ It is not good for man to be alone,” and were Well expressed by Solomon 11' hen he said, ‘ That two are better than one be- cause they have a good reward 1211' their labor.” [Applause] And then what an idmirablo f xt for a free-tradodismme are the £11:ng words of the Hebrew 'Prétcher,’ “When goods Increase tMyincrease 1% at them.” Imminent]: this subject to my mend bench, and beg thouito wider whether ting'mmndnnoe the future wolfitre of their lat-ore bywmdldnfittliem {utter {minted with (the W aid piflileges of the present I ln’ée he 11mm in my 'own mind a: to the Woks-r and waneétumld‘ a free,- trade policy;- Mouths “53W W173- they are outlaw atr'asimg’o’ cost; they: Inuitfto immortality, Mumm'htimgutinn. .':-In adding. largely wtkmed‘lfiing, flit-spies nfik‘he‘rfi is enhanced and the cost ofp oduetion so Infiy W asibrrfle'h wardrmuno- Who, ”dam! .. for 11.1mm. M Were. 9‘ ' . looted; m 1861, at 21535.,11111 , . 1150;! "T sninfirsr 866)) as Law-M3; dob‘dfiflmflmm. bhcksmiths ,joinez‘s. b6, but i'. all éo‘mes 0111 of the soil a lawyer by profession, as are each of his Lower Canada colleagues. The only representative of the comm! rcial interests, in the Cabinet. is Mr. Howland. The principal debating talent in the Legislature is of the legal kind, and even that is of the special pleading order, and is generally 91‘ very little value or interest. A lalge proportion of the Bills presented have reference to law and" courts; the great object of which is to concentrate law proceeedings, and consequently the fees- as far as Upper Canada is concerned-11: the city of Toronto. Ten Members of the House of Assembly reside in Toronto, all of whom, with one txcepâ€" tion, are lawyers. I do not desire to Speak dis- paragingly of that profession, but I consider that the feet hetokens a state of things which is very much to he regretted. .â€"vvvâ€"- v Our presenfpoliticnl and timmciai condition is anything but satisfactory. We have driftui into a. state of things which tery much resnnbles a. dad lock. The quiet demise of the late govern- ment, the advent to power of men who are unar- qnninted with the duties of practical statesman- ship, together with the fragmentary and disjoint- ed character of public opinion: in Urper Canada. especially indicatt s a gathering storm. Our pubâ€" ,liggjgbtofobout $60,000,000 has been contracted lii’iirect taxation, gcnzlcmen, is a nice‘ l 'a friendly and ‘ niut‘ually profitable intercourse would be surrounded by a species of moral defence, which all civilized powers would be bound to res- . ‘pect. Such a course would command the appro- ; val of. British Statesmcu and of the English manu- : tacturing interests; and er n Mr. Goldwiu Smith ; might submit. his colonial theory to re-cousidera- . tiou'. (Heat) Such a policy would extricate us . from the mire summons: 90mm. {For several - years Qast we have rcvellcd in s'audcroas abuse of public men. Ambitimi his} sought no higher gm ti- . ’fication than the rerq‘iisites of oflice could suppply. . This is no very aggeezrble picture, but it is too life- like not lobe recognized, ‘Uur mlitical-«garty carries keep; up:34listinctio'u withouti'a ,tdifi'erence. ' Whethgruhe .Goyemuient. is gas; Coalition; purely ~ :Cealwmm 0r;medultel‘é‘e'd731931;? Grin its measures a tit}, their 'elll'e‘c ts, m as the élibstim Chilly -_the,,_s:tirue,; Sofiixougu'snits general policf‘is so. lt- is“ idle tbtalkof mi mprq‘rcmiém ' iii 2’3 Efcenditiéhfot j thejpeo’flé’so tong-"fifth fii’é'e'i-fil "Refer" forâ€" $11!: .; Union v 'yfiSi'st‘EdF-‘ilu 'brjtfifi‘dfléahmngjrndf"ihe w ’ revenue" obtained from «dutieSfifihMinpifi'tsp ‘ Jf‘m, will: desswmmom‘somsmua hair by tamâ€"l Wfbfiwfirilifirs forliviug. , illf; you desire ftp bu re your forests cleared an’l your la ufijealtirgggd, remevewatriytitmgfl «gage tgincl,cm:umefce. It. you desirc'to stow ll under e‘Brmsh Constiéâ€" tuli‘utr the ivlu'rgéié‘f‘fiéioiiht of lilwmlity and of gprosprritrcamhc enjoyed, improve the opportuni-s ‘ ty that" flow? presents, itself. f: Your: f-lggst defence ,irill h: found in the presyerous and bury c3:-di~.l ‘ cxpcu102iI U) "If! RC muntu1ntw~ “aw-u» -_9u._ ’ I shall co tent tiiyselt'lay stating, :15 my own opin- ion: that our Common School system has been, and is now, very much overrated. l have opinions on. this subject which are not fully ext ressetl in this sentence. The public a re generally too indolent to inquire into matters nti‘eeting the interests of themselves and of their families, and l ut few pen '5th comprehend the measure "of their -l‘PS})OllSi~ bilitics.- I should to orry to see a factions or liigotted opposition offered to our school system ‘-â€" Intelligent, sober minded tiers us, should cum- mencc and ‘ pursue an invest igation into its adap- cotfitifidefiriee. Ike system;- wigl disappear in i Pml’fitfiitd titanium-eased intellggejnee. Hone?! men will strive for itsremow l. The ignontntand the wicked would hither that {Hill‘- Should pay ivithoutbeing g __re,;ot'ite.-_1T§exaivdl try lQ‘iflh; pose upon yen“: 'eir yprot'eeti ' thedrié’e, and ‘ tn order to soften the thing do'fm and to obtain your “Qiiéceneegthey etvgillwiet’tll ,itgincidengtl Eprotecé teetion. :Well; cltll it bx What nettle they like, it’s a: litllncy. Thetnoet direct tyny ia'which a mere-â€" one can be raised iafibvibuSiil thechenfizst The legitimate soureesfitjareeenue it. thisâ€" country may the timber en'pnblic‘h‘t‘ndf; Ban '-stocks,“an noise-:- duty on distilled liquors, .‘md petroleum. and a 1.fdirecttnx on real estate. Our 4 rdinnry expendi- ture, leaving but the interest of the public debt, . might be decreasediprobnhly to: the extent of one-l half“. All our annual grants to educational, re-l ligious nnd benevolent institutions, should he dis-i continued. The interference by the. state in mats ters of’this kind is simply to outrage the rights of 3xnetr‘. The legislature should provide, in one gen- eral low, for the incoporntion of societies, whether they be skating-rinks, Diocesesor Sisters of Chari- ty. The expenses of the legislature} can he re- _(l:n-ced by more than one-half, and Lower Cann- dn might be permitted to enjoy the luxury of contributing its fair share to ends the torrent ex- penditure of the Province. To this general schemeJ the details of‘ which I do not pretend to give, there williie'Opposititm. Collectors of Customs, Tide- Vlltiéters‘, l’reretttive Ullicers, Smugglers, 21ml some few who-may he in the enjoyment of monopolies, \vill.p1't>imlily nutrition The more int lligent of them will. see that in the prmnotion of the general good tlr y cannot snil' r. I am not very sanguine. in the expe‘etnt'on that these view will be generâ€" alleen'tetptined, for u. very small proportion of the people‘are'addicted to thinking. The n .iiSlClt'. opinion‘of the general intei’tigeuce of this country is by no means fluttering. 'l'rue,-when the condi- da‘te rat-311‘ l’urdiv or a. llcftltu‘rieh it might be ne- cessary to engage the services of men of- genius and provincial reputation in order to set forth their surpassing fitness as legi lutors: These \ 'undering stats becmne, occusionalI‘y, fixed F.lr.-.Tolnt' Mc- Nuh,” an old friend of ours, who has been for sev- ernlycitrs n candidate for public {givers-has re- cently received a solialum. lie is the fortunate. successor of the late Mr. Dempsey. He will“ be more-reliable as an instructor of the MagiStmcy in the-icounties of York and Peel than use delineat- tor of charucterund motives 0 public men. In due timeLdiherS of these zealous laborers in the politi- cal t'ineyurd, those treuders out of? the coin,.will Le un'm'uzzled. (Lnuglxtetfi) You wii'f” watch with interestt c course of some of these old faitniliar tricuitgs, end you will observe how they vote'otr Mr. fiacdongall's re~produeed motion on reprc-j sentition by population. if we are ulive u'ntl3 \vellgwe shall meet. after the next session of par- liitnmfit, to compare notes. A vigilant o't‘ersight‘ enmity“: do any harm. De'l‘ocqueville has said, “that“: ll governments would he just as rascal”r us tl ' ople would let them he ’7 The applica- tution and pretensions. Some ot'you may he stur- tled in hein .' told for the gust time that over half a million of dollars of public. monies are expended annually under the supervision of Dr. llyersou :1 nd Mr.Ghe:tveau. ltnttst 'here do Dr. Ryerson the justice to observe that he is far ahead of his po- litieul masters on the Upper Canada representa- tion question; for in a Common School Act which I believe was premred by hun, a clause was very properly introduced making provision for the dis- trihution of the school grunt to each seotion, on the bus sof population. that of this half millio t the county of Grey gets for Common School pur- poses about $4,000, while it raises by direct tnxu- tiou within its own liiuitsahuut $23,000, I intend these remarks to he merely suggestive. l would not rudely excite people’s prejudices, but I would entreut you to think :tbtlll this school husiu 5s.â€" In reference to military rr‘atters l have _.suid a - ready that I am quite. u novice in everything that. pertains to hard-hitting. I don‘t hate the Ameri- cans. nevertheless i should consider. thatany other relationsnip to them than those. arising out of or- dinary commercial tritnsaction‘s .wmtld be calami- tous. I propose to remove every ohstacloin the way of the most complete free commercial inter- course. It has been made a co use of complaint against us by the New York Legislature that by the impositio of heavy duties upon many articles we have intentionally“ excluded the United States from Canadian markets; and that .we have in- tended to destroy the natural effects of the Reci- prc city treaty,-con'tm ry to i s-spirit. Though there is no justice in the complaint, 1 would remove even the appearance of prescription. Qpen every Canadian port. to the productions and mztlnufne- tures of the world, but recimpose the canal tolls j. for there is no good, reason why our public works should not yield'a fair return. Free Trade wenld tend greatly‘ to simplify. ourmilitu ry operations.â€" A lie-Old? whose policy ‘iuvit'ed' theiWhole world to “[11:15 as tl‘ limp amey God‘ has 1 he part of the Roman Catholics fer an LSepzu‘ate Schuol Bill has been quite :1 ito some noisy politicians. The matter Ewen discussed either in parliament. or by \tion of the people. If these views recommend themselves 10315111‘ 11111112. va’l theti 111110111 up your comictions hv using the Britons privilege of pe- titiun' to the legislatme 1111 an extensive scale.â€" -I)e111£111d respecltully; but firmly, that the 3110;000 1111112p'resented subjects of Her Majesty 111 Upper Canada are entitled to enjoy the privileges, and to share in the reSponsibilities of fregemen: that tmd‘e shall be free and unrestricted; and that the 1eve1111eâ€"which you have ultimately to payâ€"be "mised without 1esort. to that deceptiveand round- inbout Way which, while it adds largely to the expense of collecting generates the most reckless ext1-11‘1‘agance i111its expenditure. (Applause) small On mg to sickness, apathy, bad roads and lack Of popuhtjon. - (Hear, Hear.) Gentlemen! no longer Ill detain vou, than to exâ€" ' press The o’er“ helming com-tees! to me dIspIaI ed by ““43qu angtmstees W thin my charge duriigw Wan: 4" ' And readmess of Pedagogueg. tgydopt: the advice By me cor. sidered necessary for ethOQIa uifliin - e. 1 my charger Classes In English Grammar I reign-ft uré small, Aye I small In population to the amount of Puma, Eager warn.“ :1; Home’errttust ‘IIB teacher: one 5nd aII Will faIImIr 59d adopt the advice and rqme 13,.- 33* £72th trader] for their good «:5 aI‘I s‘IIaII be men ' - , 5mm Tinabmen; 13 my report, 6 t iII9 fir yfi r, 11'hinhI m required to make b3 By~Ia w ninety-flares, Tquk of It {as curb” and don’t fiatget the broom AIIow mé than, mést; Worthv Gentlemen, _ 4‘9 hfie IIIQ honor Io‘ remam ' ‘ 5" ’7‘ ‘ Y ar servant.- most. obedient. There are ot‘h’er tapics 10 which I might ha ve‘ preperly refeircti, but it becomies 111C 0 apologize for inning trespassed so longou 3our patience-â€" lhatl thought of referr mg to z’the American War; to our relationship with Britain, and to the pneu- li.11i1ies 01 our geomphichl posit on. But thi di- "18.31011 would probably tempt me to h Vch the utilitarian theory advocated by the Daily Neus' and otl1e1 papers of that class,- Who are giving particular, and as I think very unti1'11elv promi- nence to the peculiar doctrines of the Bunchester schml ofpolitici11ns.l am 11111111111; that our conâ€" nection W itli Britain should lie perpetuated. The commuting cmds should be (lmwn still closer. «- 'l hat it should be one of mutual interest as Well as 'of'preferencc. (Enthusiastic cheering.) tlu refore small. V School Tea cber No 5. too antiqued for the pres- . cut age ' In his‘idms of teaching, Cl ‘85 B. mum; be his lot. School 010 ed at No Tawhen: Imus there ' But opened since . {Cries 0f beanjlean) An earnest Pedagogue' (bere‘is‘ in N0; fen, whlle N0 twelve; - ' . " ‘ ’ ’ >7 Is measly; and No. 2 requires a. broomâ€"of that important fact. ~ I pray you make a. notc. School No. 1 improved, In order, discipline, find march of igdelleptg“ Teacher away at Conference. Some sxchoola are There were a great number of icon? and Complimentary tmsts given and responded to. The proceedings continued until alate hour with the greatest good humor. .N The entertainment was ernitierrtiy' success- ful as a social reunion of the most prominent persons in the County who came to do honor to their representative in the Legislature. Tim HOGAN Nonmemâ€"Ellen McGillock,â€"- the woman who testified that Brown was the principal in the murder of Mr. Hogan-â€"-was recently arrested {or robbery in Montreal, and cortfessetl that Brown was innocent of the murtler. \‘Vhether she now tells the truth is a question. chairs, And lounges for sprigs of the elite. (Familv 1 counciller. boar hear) ' Butstill my hem-his grieved to tell there is a con- trast strange, _ - In same academics, to find Trustees and Parents, Agreed 1'0 auctiun schools, and take the [mom bill For schoolmastcrs, no matter what- be be. 301109] No. 6, class, B , is excellen-t‘, gives number» seventy two. Tracker A. at moral haining, and m the school The men/:11 culture seems developed well. School \0. 4_wc‘re pylnting tatere, attendance MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCESS Amenâ€"Her Royal Highness the Princess Ali 8 was mar- ried‘tb Prince Louis of Hesse on the 151 inst. Thb marriage was performed privately in consequence 01 the bereavement of our Royal Fiunily by the: death of the Pnuce Consort, the bride's father. - l - ‘7 ‘- evcrv school _ I scrutinized: all are “progressing fair,” Trus- tees of late, “Vince a ] velier interest in the schnols.‘ and say They must have Teachers of a difl'erentmmfld. Gmdua tos fmm 0x10 (1 would Le prefored to KILLING CANADA '1‘msru:s.â€"-'I'he Hrrk Herald learns that the 26th 27th and 28th of July is the proper time to cut Canada 'I‘histles in order to cifect their deatrmrtiun; the time when the zntliacat Sign is in the heart. two, “During my Visitalions.” Your worthy By-law live complied with, and U'e‘db not hold ou’rsblfiek' rekpoizst’blé To'r the a- pinion of our correspondents, an! only give them publicity/fur (he irg/brnmlion they voulain. youths From Normal Schoolâ€"They want as manv ma [is As pupils, and. other requisites, including carpets, chxgâ€" Comm] Room: Reeve an-l Cnunril- mm in. c‘anr‘laro. Enfnr Lam! Superinlmvlunf, moustache and wi’riswm's (L [(2 Napoleon. Reeve .. Enter most xx orth) Friend, what no“ is tln' behest, Need st Humour 0011,1188“? advice, ifso, we “wait To hear tin t.-.ie, and hom- nut am of mic. Loc L Si P. 1.0QC1TE.â€"Most worthv Rome m; d councilman, if not intmding On \ our precious time, permit me tn recount The various scenes 1 ,ewitne sed, in district No Our Local Superintcndanis Re- port. 1.011105: N . 2. BUGLE: {sh- bx- can I111- :of “ V-) :11 y ye], :al 'ul 1 The Chinese Govemmem has hired a GM {of gunboa‘ls from England. The] no in bu indicated and manned by Englishmefitwfim “my will be pruvided for by the China- Email mmboat is to be under the mmand of in lieutenant of flit: myal navy, the pay of 'gwhom is to be seflth‘ hundred pounds: per f‘a'unum. 'I‘iiele will be six oflhvse command» 'Zlhe whole under the orders of-a oaphin, mp- ‘erintendam’or commodore. whit anhry of ~lhree thuuaand pounds a year. aproxmmsms roa coNfllfliA'rlou u manor or nunox, 1862. July 20, (Eode'ich. J uly 2'2. Bayfi‘eld.‘ , July 23 and 24, Clinton, 8w. July 25, Blythe. - ‘ July 26, Aynsleyville.“ ' July ‘27, 28 and :29, Howich and Will”. July 31 and Au us! 1, Dung-1M ‘ -' AuguM ‘2. 3, 4 afid 5, Somhmpldn, in. August 6, 7, and 8, Meal'onl, 8L0. Augmsl 10, Owen Sound. Allgtlsl 11,- 1‘2 and 13, Baby. Holland sad Sullivan. An'tust 14am! [5, Artemesia 304M. Animal 16 Durham. August 17. Hanmet and waters“. AugustiB, 19, Mand2l,Xincanlim,t ~Ec/m Wadi. Try tho truly great PAIN KILLER, Bl BELIEF,“ if you mint Math to: using an www.mpfiariEb m Agent. in all :35». Price 26 cent. ”1:921 “or; in Inadia’m , ‘ A Raul AMERICAN Gummxcs --Theu- is one subject on which the Yankees are ape- (-ially sore,'aml we admit that it is a griev- ance. Do what they will, decline themwln-s, ever so loudly, the fastest nation in all Pf'a. lion, they still lag five hour: brltitul that old Fedetal 91W ”load all W” Selma. Alabama, revert tho, M3 vast field of corn and W 5" £H0ll"h M109;â€" grown. “M (fin. England. When we have got to five o’clnrk in the afternoon, New York 'is only at noon. This justly enrages them, and we heat that when the North is subjugated, and the Eng- lish and French are (hiven- (tom America, and the Count ()8 Paris reigns at the Talk-rim. and Cuba is a territory. some action in to be taken in the matter. and the sun i~ to be torn. ed the other way. or something in to be done to maintain the honor of the old flag~ you, sit. {or we ain’t behind you nowdays, «listenâ€"- Punch. ‘ mouthing addresses to fit: army, thread“ of those uhieh the real Napofmn ind” hie soldiers. have made him did laugh «mack of the world; a result um likely to he ed by the small proportion thick Iii-bod: hate borne to his would. Dari ' mand of the toreea oftfio " " my did not achieve a single "story; ‘ my under his immediate leadership he: 3R 7% mo thing but disaster He has but more men, more cannon. and and“ m a.“ I} ‘ than all the ether Union comm ' ~ , ether. Btaggi and - “3 ’ 1 . I. ' gensatiore tor m‘ifim‘ “ m victories, but over which “W " ‘ ' In hislast address we lit-hen lie hum far, and the outraged cause (If M W“ call for the dismmaa‘lwfihe W brawn. ~Montreal Advertiser» Report has it that General Br haw,- 00010 50,000 rebeis at Tupello, “tuba: they Were short of provisions, he. It‘it'Ibom time the ‘short of provision’ outfit“ I for- sough. We have had the Whole rebel army in a slate of aarvation ever since Bull Run, but they seem to gland it w‘dhde'lfufly we"; Prim e Altred is to stand godfather to Cap- min Tarleum’ s: little 1m}. [1 was under (‘1;» min larletun’ at command tun! "is Ruyal Highness made his first my age. He stoppedA making a colhxhdl to go ova; to the (m! Country and whim“. _ 'A laboring man in Rochesler, N. Y , In; @pcome he§r to gm Irish fortune of £26031”. 0'...â€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- â€"‘w~Wâ€"? . “-C‘D’ An eioqueH speaker I. 'lo'o M“. a tiver~gceatest at the Mk.- GENERAL McCu-JLLAR. AMA-flint: Napo- leon, resembles“ the gggglyixan who M he opened'his mouth. ' ” fibfififl‘fl. His mouthng addreueii‘o in aunt. tum-ti- of A waterspom appeared lateh near Lin-t- pun]. I! “as seen from the Nth Landing Stzuw, over Bidatuue “all. and mm! hale been seen over the {Who palm of Wain fur same iime. Its extent upwards «'3: of 2m! lcunth, m a s rpentiue farm. It manna-ch r:- ing a dense (lumi. and “as sown by my from the Mage until a dark cloud ulu-rurmi it. \VnnHen rags have at last been reclm'mi m the service of the paper maker. In Euglam! old (-0315, ”(:szers, blankets. 8:04 Nth-rm fit for “We else than manurv. are, by mm». same: process, bleached and trammim-d ‘mu white fibrous pulp, which}: free-1y bought up by papr-r makvm at £25 per um. and o-tcel- lam paper, suitable for uefl'spapcrv, mule mat of it. ' ‘ amoum of $28,081 out (of a total 91(5th 605‘ of $56,065. T u imPIOVc the mud pol- lion the sum of $8400, i's'requiml, making the whole sum required'to comm it 319;- IUU. The GM mm! {m the “Will! I". Maths, known as the Kent}! loud-.1300"! the tops of aii the man-maids a“? til. 0“ fashiuu and consequently was aimed unfit-II. The new road is by the valley of the A'Ialapedizu', along the route surveyd for I- ART or annso.-â€"A jubilee will «non be held in Vienna in honor of the: four hundred yenrb’ exis‘lenc'e of the M1 0' ptinting in (bat oily. Tin: first Viexma ptinler. Ulnch Harlan. opened his priming ofiive in 159., but did not succeed, and emigrated to Roam. He Via: the cause of the Emperor Fmdctick In" Fourth bestowing a privnlege on the printers in the year 1648, which placed than in equal rank wnh lhe nobleman and wholm. and permilted them to wear a sword. The Mormons 0f Utah have organized that purliuu of the territory whtch they wcupy into the. State of Descxei. and have appointed Brigham Young their Guvernm. ruilwfiy by Main Robinsod 38d l-Iemlcrson in 1847. Try the Whisker: now-aedaye {qr 25 crusts. . truly great Mu: am. am tu- ,indif you‘mnotmdfi {thallium thapfiamlh W all case; Price 26 oak” tattle . 3 5.43.5... Diocese 9f Ilium, BEA ' fi"potu=""" i'ma' ’ ' Th3 nade him a}: Ingm- «m

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