Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 18 Jul 1862, p. 4

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V,â€" â€"â€"-‘ I.“ ‘ Horses do not naturally gather theirfood from trees, wh ,.1h.-.- pqld theybe compelled in ; a m a rack overhead 7-â€" Every 1 ’ " fini‘reciuireSOthe animal to as- the neck and with the graceful carriage of the head. May not the awkward manner in which my home- thrust their noses for- ward and upwaxd be attributed to the force of 4 habit aeqniled in’feeding from a hinh rack? O Q 0 O b Another serious objection to rack is, the dan- ger from the eeedg, dust, c., falling into the . .theanitmflt; and further, all the ef- fluvxa ‘Qfgtheifilabfe, the vapors from liquid the skin and from the lungs, pass upward and are to aomeextent absorbed by the h â€"â€"an edition neither savor nor healthiul.-â€" The feefilgoi maybe 6 equally conven- ient with! e rack, and is open to none of the gbovo objectiehs. It need not be large, and Vâ€"cvw- J V“ are going to use, mix the otbef‘witb cold water, having it the consxstency of thic}: batter; and a‘litfle salt, and set it to rise; It In the morning the cakes will be hgbt and crisp. Skimmings, where meat has been boiled, is best for frying them with. Fry slowly.â€"-â€"Hall’s Journal 9f health __ _ v.-~., vvm‘o ’51 SQULUSPUUHIUI of course corn-meal (Indian), stirred in a glass of cold water, and drank quickly. on rising in the morning, has frequently had an excellent etTect in keeping the system health- ful and free. Living for a week wholly on sweet, fresh, pure milk, with corn-meal mush, has 3a most wholesome effect where there is headaehe, dullness, cold feet, and an indifferent appetite. It would be well for dyspeptic persons to use corn-meal more free- ly m their diet, preparing it 111 a great variety1 of ways, so that it may not pall on the taste.â€" A delightful corn griddle cake is thus made : Scald at night half the uantity of meal you are QOiHE to use. mix 1 A «film. 11::0“ -4.) "that scents it, will, to get the 77. ‘3‘. ‘_ the barrel head. The head will? . ' 3‘ogfilt, precipitate him into the water, and resume its position. The rat in the wa- ter will swim to the leg, get on the end of it, and squeal vociferously. Hie cries will bring other rate, all of whom will be tilted into the water, and all of whom will fight for the only the rest, and can, in the morning, he drowned himself. We have seen twenty rats caught in one night by each a trick.” FEEDING-BOXES '13me 1mm .uv val-U1 u IJIIJU too ‘small to fit, and suspend it by two pins to the inside or the top of the barrel, so that it will hang as if on a pivot and easily tip by to _ either side. On this head. thnn “ Take a mackerel barrel, for instance, and fiii it to about one-thitd its height with water. Then place a leg endwise in the water, so that one end of it W)“ just remain above the surface; Make the head of the berrel a little .nn tuna-n“ ‘â€" p. ‘ - - ed. When the plum is about the size of a p83, it 13 the best time to appiy it, but it is effectual upon all plume not yet stung at any aeason of their growth. This mixture is good for cherries, and al} fruits troubled with in- seam-American Agricultun'st. -VAOJI {1“} 113655 thoroughly with a spatula or knife, and dis- solve in .about 3 gallons of water, stirring it well. To one half peek of quicklime add {our gallons of water, and stirr well together. When fully settled, pour oil the transparent lime water and add it to the soap mixture.â€" Addto-the same, also, say four gallons of tol- erably {strong tobacco water. Ap ly this mixture, when thus incorporated, wit a gar- den syringe, to your plum or other fruit trees, so that the foliage will be well drenched. If no rains succeed for three weeks, one appli- cation will be sufficient. It should be re- peated after rains until the stones are harden- ...l -‘ ‘ ' 7 nn - ._ Vanna. . luv “Inc: uas USP)" 1! W1“) success, :uzd now feels as sure of the plum crop as of years. To one pound of whale oil soap add {our ounces {your of sulphur. - Mix the mass ‘1 Aâ€"â€"-- 7 This enemy of the plum can be routed without the old and laborious process of jar- ring the tree, and gathering the insects on sheets. The followmg remedy has been several years before the public, and has the recommendation of some of our best pomol- ogisls.- _ The writer has used it with success, :11le now feels as sure of the nlum nrnn 9n n! The Worst Kind of Hahging~Hanging about a public house. Hopeleés old maidhood and bachelorhood is matchless misery. Inning Ratsâ€"A Nova Trap. I It’s full 3 brezidth ma wide? I wonder if Susannah A res AW tow a bri e 1 Log} ? What a voice Jane Rice has got! Oh; how the organ roars! 1’ 818d we’ve . t the singer’s seat ° ow hard Mrs." Johnson enoren ’I ’ Whatngly shawls are those in from! Do you observe Ann Wild ? Her new straw bonnet’s trimmed with black I guess she’s lost a child. I’m half asleep, that Mr. Jones! His sermons are so long ; This afternoon we’ll stay at 1166716, And practice that new song. a 12% botB will six in prayer; 3"" nming becomes the idow‘Ame - How Mary’s bonnet flail: ' 3 Do £00): at Naneyfilooper’gveil, ‘A‘ f II \ That tall young fellow’s here (0-day ! l womier what’s his name 2 His: eyes are fixed upon our pew-â€" Do look at Sally Dame. Who’s that young lady dressed in green ? It can’t be Mrs. Leach ; There’s Mr. Jones with Deacon Giles ! ‘ I wonder if he’ll preach ? . Lend rpe _you_r_far_1~_-it is so warm-- Wnox AND Commâ€"{1 tablespoonfnl ”A-“ ”A." I'- Pew Talk for Sunday. The vurcullon. rozwai this 11933, ‘tth RACKS.-â€"- John William McMaster, Esq" W. P. Rowland, Esq., m,p,p‘ George Michie, Esq, I Lawrence Heyglen, Esq., mos. M. SIMO'NS. PRESIDENT. JOHN YOUNG, ESQ. 5' ' “â€"J ESTABLISHED, 1847. ~ INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT 0]" PARLIAhENT‘ Improved and wild, situated in the Township of Holland, Sullivan, Proton, Artemesia, Gara. fraxa. c., c., at low prices and on liberal term of payment. CAPITAL. HomesteadsByndistm-bed CIVIL want. The subscriber is prepared to offer for sage ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, InSpector. Durham, May I, 1861. CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling Upon Freehold Property in Upper Canada, with- In two years after commencing operations are prepared to negotiate-further loans. m1..- mnnn‘....n â€"- - INSURANCE CINVIPANY FIRE AND LIFE. SECRETARY. DURHAM, COMMISSION MERCIIAN T May 1, 1861. MONEY T O LEN D Durham an: Aug., 1361: REFERENCES : Messrs. Baton, 11011131131011 8: Co. Tommie: “ Baowx, Gluten: 00., Hc’zmilzon. “ Tnonson 8: Emma, Tomato. Ronmn Putnam, Esq., Wen Sound. AV’ING cflacted loans to the DIRECTORS : London You Want Mohey ? FARM LOTS HEAD OFFICE. or Loxnozv, (wanna) ROYAL ALEX. B. MONAB, ALSO LB‘ MONAB w v OCV‘ I“. tank of Upper Canada ALEX, B. MCNAB. receive strict at'téhâ€"tvlgr: -. ALEX. B. McNAB, General Agent. - 125-ly. vxon-mssmsm. JOHN FERRIE President. Vice President. " ‘Mlll'fay, Esq” ‘3‘-â€" 3 1861. 125‘1y Agém pignager. THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND " EBQ' Agexit. 125-ly. extent of, 125-137} 139-tf° SUBSCI’HBE‘FOR‘ THE ,- < STANDARD. o -"--u _.-- --'- '3‘" “u“ ‘W V‘“ VV‘ YU‘.“ Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19 Bern'ers street, Oxford street, Lon don, Wholesale Agents zâ€"Barelay 00., 75, Far- rington street; may be had from Messrs. Parker Cattle, Chemists, Durh_sm,_and from all Chem. ists throughout thefieérla: - ‘ 'â€"‘ . u-wu, uwnua, uuw, uxwa, rrcwu out: ’8 .DCX‘O- fula, King’s Evil, Bad Legs, Bails, Bruits: Con- tracted and Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lumbago, Rheumatxsm, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Throats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, Tumours, Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, Arc. ‘13. lgd. and 23 9d. per pot. ‘ DA‘AML ‘._ ," ,. ‘A - For all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter, but will first bring all to the sur- face, and final] heal without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the following-â€" Piles, Boils, Bruises, Exoorlations, Blotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-wolms, Sore Heads, Eyes and Lips, Baldness, Chapped Hands, Chafed and Blistered Feet, Corns, Bunions, Chilblai‘ns, Frost Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Frechles, _Stings, Boro- nn‘- "0 . fl Dn. Bvcnw’s VEGETABLE Sum Omrunxr. Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its effects are wonderful, giv- in g instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands l have useti it, and declare it to he the best in the world. It is the only NATURAL REMEDY '30. U“., 5150’ UL lUUl' quuutlues In one, 3330 J .--- UR. bvcnan’s SUGAR-COATED Sansapaarnu VIS PILLS. D. IT is a W'ELL-LN OWN FACT that SARSAPA- RILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE lâ€"Tho Bowels regularilâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each ' to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indigestion, Billous, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, â€" Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, obstructed . perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. These Pills work their very way to the root of each disease, cleansing in their passage especially where mercury has been taken, and re- blood, when the stomach, body and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste 1 no time; strike at the root of your ailment.â€" f Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles, at ls lid, 29. 9d., 49 Gd., 5: 11s '1 Dr. Buchan’s invigorating Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL 1 WEAKNESS, at once restores and invigorates with magical rapidity the most Debilitated Uon- stitution, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, and a redoubled devel- opcment of the muscular system. Failure is im- possible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression of spirits, diminution of vital energy, emancipation, and for all female ('0 complaints. The medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity, and old age. The properties of this invaluable re-invigorating. .._ Essence act directly on the nervous and muscu- , lar sytem, enriching, increasing, and purifying each particular vital fluid; its action 18 never- failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of nature. As the falling rain vivifies the parch- ed vegetation, so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. { 4s. 6d., 118., or four quantities in one, 33s. B May 22nd 1862 VQVUVb" and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster. Worship Street, Your Street, 820. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Cler- gmegx, and others. LONG- LIFE Are within the reach of all, by the use of R BUQIIAN’S VEGETABLE DOMESTIC Medicines, prepared from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, c., c. Cures are daily made, and their efficacy proved in thousands of cases, attes~ ted before the Aldermen of Guildhall, The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of LONDON, 813d sitting Magistrates of Marlboroqgh Street] _ __-, .. . “w, mg nus, an mt'allible cure forall diseases of the 8km, such as scurvy, scrofula, ul- cers, boils, blotches, pimples on the fa cc and body, c. Price 118. and 333. per t-ox. Sold at Mersrs. R. L. Perry 8: 00’s Whole- sale Depot, No. 19, B erners street, Oxford street, London. Agents~ Barclay Co, 75 Inrnngdon street, London Perry’s Patent Concentrated Essence of Cepaiba and Cubeb Sugar-Coated Globules, the most spee- dy oremedy known. The Globulesj containing the . 43. 6d and 113. per box. Health Depends upon Pure Blood. Perry’s Purifying Pills, an infallible cure forall diseases of the skin, such as scurvy, scrofula, ul- cers, boils, blotches, pimples on the {a co and body, c. Price 118. and 33s. per log- ) a ’3' .93: ‘1150 for purify- patients. . the Preven ~, precludmg the poseibilit of conmgng‘go: Alan ’n ’11) ,‘n 1‘ r-A“ ‘ ,‘ I to manhood; {VIE}; tied life, containing a. lPreventgtivp Lotion. Grfzate§§ Medical on WOOLBN CLOTH THE Subscriber will pay the highest i or in exchange for FLANNEL E- Wrought Iron Shares made for any kind 0 zploughs. (5' Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. t :3,- Axes Jumped and Tempered. I3? Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their avantage to call on him. . Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 Or any quantjty of WOOL delivered at his resi: lance, four miles weattf Barnum, On the Durham IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work, Horse Shoeing, 'â€" â€"‘ ' ANDREW LIVINGsTo’N Bwfinek 8+1: Feb.,1360 62 4 The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, 18 prepared to take risks on moderate terms. ‘ HERBERT ROWSWELL. “-‘_L___ (‘1‘ *v vv '1‘. BANDERSON, Esq. kPEsE'dent Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Deputy- Chairman. HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq.; EDWARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P. ° J. H. MAIT- 1 LAND, Esq, Resident Secretary, Montreal; G. F. 0. SMITH, Esq., Resident Assistant Secretary; FRED.'A. BALL, Inspector of Jig-mews â€"v â€"vvvvvv v~ ,_ _ - - -- . a {Funds in hand (Deer. 1860), ...... $6,299 130.00 Invested in Canada, ........... . . . 200:000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Company’s Buildings, Corner qf Placegd’Ar- mes and,Great St. James Street, fl/Iontreal. CAPITAL-â€"- Two Millions Sm Z m rr pnnfla In kflht’ In..-_ innn\ A- _-- THE LIVE POOL LON DON the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Price FIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y __ ,_‘â€"' Durham, 8th Aug. 1861. I The Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught by W. P. SPENCER. 3 Scholarship, full course, payable inadvancc, . 40 ’ College open day and evening :--no vacations. Resident principals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT 8: W. P. Spaxcna. For further information, please call at the Col ege Rooms, or send for Catalogue and Circular nclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT STRATTON. Buffalo, N. Y. October 7. 1861. 17-1y QEEEBAE a®ammg AND ST. LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Bulfalo College, will be good in any of the others, either for completing the course, or for reviewing at any time thereafter. The Designs of the Institution, is to impart to young men and ladies, a thorough, practical busi- ness education. The Course of Instruction, is so arranged as to combine Hoary and Practice, and thereby secure to the student, a perfect knowledge of accounts. Book-Keeping in all its departments, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic and Penman- ship, are taught in the most thorough and practi- cal manner. ‘ Is an important link to the fiaiibfizfiâ€"C'hgin of Colleges, located in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, EB? 23 EB)- 13:17ng % f3 MERCANTELE COLLEGE Pdrties visiiing Owen Sound will find it. to their advntage to call beforepur c basing elsewhere. every artiele made on the premises and can be kgrfgnted, Pianos, Melodeons, F lutinaa, Accordeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. Rnsxonxcnâ€"Oppoaaite Wyllie’a Brick Building, Seropefitreet,‘ Owen Sonnd. fOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL TQE attention of the Public of Durham and we- inity to their large and varied stock of Cabinet Furniture, comprising Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sofas, Couches, Cupboards, Chairs, Tables 8:. in the best style) - - -.’ $19 00 FOREST KING’S “ ' “ 19 .80 BOX STOVES for 2 foot wood - - 6 50 u u 2; “ - - 8 oo Purchasers of Stoves will be supplied with Stove Pipes at six pence, currency, each length, and elbows at 10 pence each. in the best styie) FOREST KING’S KING of STD YESz (largest sxze, furnished STOVES, STOVES. SPENCER 13303., February lat, 1861. A. A. OOCHRANE. Durham Foundry, Januray, 1862. 162-tf MAIN . SENECA STREETS WEWILLSELL, FOR CASH ONLY Saddler Street, DIRECTORS : OWEN sum“), COUNTY OF GREY AND CORNER OF in Cash 139-ly 112-1y ePublic, fox-S rams,‘ ' Bruise On 36%: and all injuries to Hotsefleshp Good for min at: Pride, 26 cents per bottle. Sold b all Dealers. 319. m fin.- All carefully selected; and suitable to the trade of the county. Highest Price paid for all kind of Farm Produce. ' Durham, 22nd 'Jnn., 1862. 162-14 CROOKBRY, Wooden Earthen Ware READY-MADE CLOTHING, @ E Q @ $235 I B $2 3 NEW STOCK 0F GOODS, FOR THE PUBLIC, MILLER’S STORE OPEN A G A I N Call and see his Good. News HARDWARE, £3” The ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges atthe Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24th, 25th. 26th, and 57th, 1861, was given to R. M. WANZER Co.’s, Wheeler 6' Wilson. The First Extra Prize was also given for their Nos. 1 and 2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. Prize of a similar oharacter were also awarded WANZER 6; 003, Wheeler 8: Wilson and Wanzer Cos. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufactures, at the Mechanics’ Institute, Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairs,-â€"-â€"at Hamilton, Paris, Galt, St. Thomas, Be ' Cohourg, Bowmanville, in fact, in every place where they have been exh' ' ' muted Waxzsa J; Con. WHEELER WILSON and Wanzaa Cos. Srsesn, EXCEL, any Machines actured in the United States. We have now running in the City of Hamiltezt OVER ONE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our own manufacture, to the entire satisfaction of the E” All clergymen who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the liberal discount of one-third from the mail price; or any poor indigent widow in their parish will be allowed the same discount on a Machine for her own use. Orders to be given ivariably through the clergy- man of the Parish. WAGEN TS WANTEDQ TERMS LIBERAL . ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, and ’éept in order for one year FREQ OF CHARGE, when properly used. Every purchaser will be instructed at our office, or by our authorised a. gent. We Will deliver them at any poin‘ on the line of Railroads in the Province of Canada, free of charge. -_- ~v v-u- v- vantasyu, 10 L111] be suppliea or icmcdicd with the least possible delay. Hamilton, November 15th, 1861. are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any part. be broken or deranged, it can 1.. ~ no «. -- - - - ‘ Having had several years‘ experience in the man ufacture and sale of SEWING MACAIN E5 in the United States, we are fully confident that no Ma- chine has been produced in the United States or Canada that can excel those of our manufacture in Stitching, Beaming, Hemmz'ng, Quilting, Marking, Felling, Gathering, T wiring, Cordmg, Binding, 3-6. It is important to the purchaser to know that all the corresponding parts of these Machines DRY GOODS, GABGUNG 0H,- SUPEBSEDED. Corner of James and WHEELER 8.: WILSON’S 85 SINGER’S We would beg to call the attention of the Farming comm -’ , ment of Imparted TURNIP, CARROTT, BEET, and MAN GEL WORTZEL vast importance and gain attached to hnvmg good Seed, and the heavy lo and seller in the purchasing of poor seed; we have purchased from none I and extensive growers. Durham, April 27, 1862 comprising all kinds of mat on a Machine for her‘ 0%; {18'9“ ' No. 1.-~-Iron Stand, for Manufacturing Pur- Iiven ivariably through the clergy- , poses """ , """""""""""""""""" $75 rish. E’AGENTS WANTED.=§§ 1‘0- 2---1r0n Stand “ yw running in the City of Hamilton {GP Parties urchasin f o HUNDRED MAM-1.131133, of our have all the adpn g. r m our 53°“ "‘1‘ me, to the entire satlsfacuon of the s gards terms, etc., PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES! PARKER AND ADVERTISER. MANUFACTURERS 0F DURHAM, OWEN ([2 ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD. ON REASONABLE These Brick are Larger thz manufactured in this country, 1 prices. L tention of parties intehdigg E the com 19g season, that he IS prepa THE SUBSCRIBER desires tentirm nf muting imam“... Durham, 7th April, 1862. Durham 17th April, 1862‘ ' particular to our great assort- I‘, and MAN GEL WORTZEL SEEDS. Know ing the- : good Seed, and the bear y loss estailed to both buyer a have purchased from none but the most experienced Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Oil Can, three extra Bobbins, and six Needles. Binders, Gordon: and Markers, ex- tra. Binders $5; eorders 53; markers 32,- Thread and needles for sale. DURHAM BRICK MANUFACTORY. N o. 1.â€"-â€"Plain Finish with Hemmer .......... $45 No. 2.--Plain Half Panel “ . . . . . ..... 50 N o. 3.--I-Ialf Panel, Black Walnut or Mahog- ony, with New Improved Glass Foot and Hemmer .................. . ......... .. 55 No. 4.---iialf Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemmer ................ 60 No. 5.--Haif Case, Plain Paneled (‘ and IIenunL-r Black Walnut or . . N0. 6.-â€"-Full Case, Plain, No. 7.--Full Case, Extra “ Silvei- Plated ................ . purchasers, which w est recommenda 'ions mm», HARP, muons“. use. WALL mu) EXAMINE. MRS. anon ARI) choice selection of Teas, Horse and Cattle Medi- SIN GER’S. . Garden. Seeds, Patené and Brushes of every we COD 0 ., : lder one J. H. CLARKE. . 175:1}; ha :1 any heretofore ’, and at much Iowan E1'08 to call the at. ding to build during i prepared to Sunfish of the strong. 123,11: 1.53-Iy

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