Krcxmo Honsms~l~low T0 Connâ€"Horses that are disposed to kink in harness may he cured in one half d:u’s time by pursuing the following comse: Have a vard of thirtv to one hundred teet square inolost with a high and strong fence. ' Lead the horse into vard ; then put on him a regular hitting bridle, buckled hack verv close. so that he van have little or no play with his head; then take a basket and tie it securelv to his tail, and inst long enough so that his heels when kinking, will reach it, but not go into it Now let him kirk: meantime talk to him, but at the same time keen out of his W V- Should he throw himself. walk up to him and taking hold of the basket lav it upon him and all around his heels. After he has laid a little while, loosen one rein of his hitting bridle, and then the other until he can get up. If again he tries to kid: buckle the hitting reins and so keep him until he is quiet. When he shows no furthnr disposition to kick the bask- et, take it off. and put on his harness; then book a whitfletree to one tug and lead him around the yard. If he shows no fear of it. hook the Other end of it and let it hit his heels at every step; very soon he will not notice it. Now loosen his buckling lines, and letting him have free play of his head, drive him around. If he shows any disposi- tion to kick buckle up the hitting-rein again,‘ and drive him thus a while longer; themi again nochecl: him. and sopontinue to man- I are until he exhibits n . sign of fear ondis- 1 position to kick no matter what may htt his, he ls. There are few horses that may not be; cured in half a day’s time by pursuing the above course. Horses that are disposed to! run away whenever anything hits their heels; in harness, may also be cured in the same: manner. l each bud a teaspoonl‘ul of salt; then turn your hogs on them. They will eat the roots ofthe ~al eel plants first, and will thus acquire a fomlnue‘ for the mots. and will continue to eat tl em laily as long as any can be found. If but one hog can be educated in this way he will teach the whale herd to eat them, they will exterminate allon the farm.†TEACHING Hoes To Dzsmov Tumuns.“ A writer in the Southern Homestead says : “I will give a method of exterminating thisâ€" tles which I have tested, and found effectual. and which costs nothing. It consists in teaching hogs to eat the root of the plant.â€" Trump on the buds of a goodly number ofthe largest plants in :he spring and place on Pnomcl: BLACKBERRIES.-â€"Th088 of our readers who have now one or more of the New Rochelle blackherry plantsman increase the number ten-fwd in the Spring by snmply diging around the plant and cutting off pieces of the root. Every piece of root four to six inches long. if laid in the ground say one inch beiow the surface, wxll grow and form a plantâ€"Ohio Farmer. on Kelly’s lsluml,that are quite‘as plump and fresh as ifjust gathered from the vine.-- They are kept also without any extra care, havmg been packed in layers in ordinary cases. The whoie aecret of their keeping we‘ consider. is simply that the sugar is per- fectly elaborated by the late seasons of the Island permitting the grape to hang upon the vine until into November. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS.-Tlle necessi- ties of various nations during the last two years have quickened the public mind in Europe and America toward the importance of obtaining early and accurate information concerning the crops of each year. The several Stte Legislatures now in sessron should provide tor this matter by making it the duty of some of the State ofï¬ce» to as- certain and publish all the requisite facts.â€" The object is important as a measure of pub- lic policy, for every Commonwealth should know the exact extent of its products and re- sources ; and it is important also t! individual producers and consumers, and to all engaged in trade-as all trade is more or less affected by the condition of the farming community, in the plenteousness or deï¬crency of crops.â€" We would suggest that the members of the several State agricultural societies co-operate, whenever necessary, in urging upon their respective legislatures the ado; tion of a thorough statistical system the beneï¬ts of would be better and better appreciated the longer it were continued and the more widely its range of facts extended.-â€" World. KEEPING GRAPEs.--Om’ dealers m Cleve- land are now seihng Catawba grapes, grown Y? I‘ C An Hour at the cm Play Ground I eat me an the fence, John, That lies as in old time, That same halï¬panel in this path, We used so oft to climb-â€" And thought how o’er the bars of life Our playmates had passed on, And left me counting on this spot The ’aces that are gone. I took the old blind road, John, That wandered up the hill; ’Tis darker than it. used to be, And seems so lone and still! The birds sin g yet among the boughs, Where once the sweet grapes hung, But not. a voice of human kind Where all our voices rung. The chestnut tree is dead, John, And what is sadder nowâ€"- The broken grape vine of our swing Hangs on the withered bough; I read our names upon the bark, And found the pebbles rare Laid up beneath the hollow side, As we had piled them there. Beneath the grass-gum b1 nk, John, I looked for our old spring That bubbled down the alder path Three paces from the swing; The rushes grow upon the brink, The poel is black and bare, And no: a foot this many a day, It seems, has trodden there. The schoolhouse is no more, John, Beneath our locust trees ; The wild rose by the window side No more waves in the bouzo- The scatter‘d stones look desolate, The sod they rested on H33 been plowed by strangers ban-is Smce you and I were gone. I at an hour to-d~y, John, Baide the old brook stream, Where we were schoolboy: in old time, When manhood was a dream. The brook is choked with fallen leaves, The pond is dried away-- 1 scarce believe that you would know The dear old place 10-day. Useful luforma ion. ï¬Ã©gfï¬ï¬i BY KERRY MONFOBD. The. subscriber continues as heretofore to pay the highest price for Black Salts and Raw Ashes, delived at his Pearl Alhery, at Glenelg Falls, or at his Warehouse, Durham for sale. I: asked that was the bout Again. for cleansing an blood. and for bilions com um Sick Headache, Codiâ€. nose. kc" we should sar V RIGGS' INDIAN VEGETABLI LIFE PILLS. __ _â€" â€=- *0 andsnndries too numerous to mention, the wholal fox-mung a verv extensive complete able produce, to which he begs leave to invite the attention of his numerous friends He generally, all of which willbe sold for a. small advance on cost. FANG Y AND STAPLE DR Y-GOODS. Ready-made Clothing GROCERI ES, HARD WARE, PRICE :â€"â€"$1 per b0‘ ; six boxes for 35, by maiE, pre-paid. For sale at the sole General De- pot in the United States, by E‘ This is not a Homoeopathic Reme'd‘y, nor is there any mercury or 0 her deleterious ingredients combined with it. For destroying Worn: in children. 81112338 vsm I'UGE CANDY 1gb] {at the most pleasant, oak, and a“ u! remodynowu: an. Tait! mnmmt _-"Jâ€"‘_ “J. MILTON SANDERS, M. D , LL D. “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Sp~ ciï¬c ’ as any medicine can be. We have cured many severe cases wuh from six to ten doses.â€â€"â€"Dr. B. KEITH: flmerican Jour. of Med. Science. “I have found them all that could be desired Their efl‘ect has been truly wonderful. E. P. chmn. M. D.†FANNING MILLS. LUMBER, AND BEDSTEADS “I have uscd your SPECIFIC P1LL in many cases of Spermltorhea, and wit . the most perfect success. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Ir- ritabllity in either sex. This is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotency, c., which has the approval of the medical profession Its success has been most extraordinaryâ€" effecting cures in cases where all other methods of t'eatment had failed One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure. any case of Seminal Weakness, or its resulting Impotency, honever aggrevated, whether constitutional or arismg from abuse or excess. 53’ PRICES: --In 7 02 Bottles, $1-â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles, $2â€" Three for $5â€" Circulars gratis. 802d by all respects. 19 Drug- gists, and at the sole Gar.- eral Dev‘ 5: in the United States, b) J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N X HERBERT ROWSWELL‘ Durham, June 28, 1851. 133.17. ’VJ ‘[""I This is the most wonderful curative agent known to medical science. It has effected cures in every stage of Consumption “UfPflRJIL- LELEJ.) IN THE .‘INNJLS OF ME DI CIN .†In Nervous Debility and DySpeysin, the H YPOPHOSPHITES may be regarded as an almost sovereign remrdy. Have a. two-ï¬gld and speciï¬c actionâ€"on the one hand, increasing the principl- which CONSTI- TUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and on the other. being the MOST POIVERFUL BLOOD GENERJ TING .dGEN’ ‘S It" '0 â€TV. Thev .~ ct with prmuptness anti certainty in all general mt'rbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Serot‘ula, Marasmus, Anemia, Female, Complaints. c., and in all disorders of the Nervous on Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immediateâ€"ml! the gen- eral systoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous They increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Expectora tion, improve the Ap- petite, arrest Diarrhma, and PROMOTE anrnnsnmo SLEEP. .3 FJHR 'I’RLRL IS .4 CERTJIN CURE. Winchester’s Genuine Preparation OF THE IIYPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churc ill’s remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profession generallyâ€"â€" USE NO OTHER, 012 JINY REMEDY CON- TJINING IRON. 1V1. IONSâ€"The largest, best and most reliable Fashion Magazine in the world. Contains the largest and ï¬n-st FashiomPlates, the greatest number of ï¬ne Engravings, the latest and most reliable infomtion, three fullâ€"sized Patterns for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-work and Em- broideri g Patterns. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Milliner and Lady should have it. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway, New York, sold everywhere or sent by mail at. 25 cts. Yearly $1, with a Zaluable prem um. I EAV‘ES Owen Sound every morning (Sun- 1 days excepted,) at 7 o'clock, calling at the intermediate Ports, arriving at Collingwood in time for passengers to {aka the aftex noon train to Toronto. She will leave Collingwood after the arrival of the noon train, calling at in ermedia te ports, and ar- rive in Owen Sound the same evening. For Freight, 32c. ,apply on board. W. H. SMITH, blaster. OWEN SOUND TO TORONTO THE FINE STEAMER A ME. DEMORESTS B‘IRROR OF FASH- i IONS .-â€"Tho largest, best and most reliable NORTH or ELLIOTT’s HOTEL, DURHAM, Dealer in H. RO \VS WELL. The Summer number now Owen Sound, May 15th., 1862 0‘ A89 YAEQY “WAS? E Nervous Deb (My, THE HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr Chuuhin’s Speciï¬c Remedy,) FOR CONSUMPTION, IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMOXY. NOTICE. WORMS. RETURNING. J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Stree ,N. Y- l55â€"1y THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND ‘COUNTY OF GREY ADVERTISER Sam/:ula, Dyspepsza, ready. 178. 1 Book for Day Schools, called the Dag, School Bell is now ready. It contains about 200 pages of choice Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetts, Trios, :Quarteets, and Choruses, many of them written Eexpressly for this work, besxdes 32 pages of the Elements of Music. The Elements are so easy and progressive, that ordinary teachers tyill ï¬nd themselves entirely successful in instructing even young scholars to sing correctly and scxentxï¬cally, while the tunes and words embrace such a varie- ty of lively, attractive and soul-stirring music anc- sentiments, that no trouble will be experienc- ed .n including all beginning to go on Wlth. seal in acquiring skill in one of the most health-gimng, beauty-improving, happiness-yielding, and order producing exercises of school life. In suphcity of its elements, variety and adaption of music and in excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and adapted, it claims by much to ex~ cel all competitors. It will be found to be the best book ever issued for Seminaries, Acadamies and Public Schools. A few sample pages of the Elements, tunes, and Songs, are given in a circa- lar; send and get one. It is compiled by Horace Waters, Author of “ Sabbath School‘Bells.†Nos. 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sale of? 655,000 cepies in 36 months. Price " 20 cents, $15 per 100; bound, 30 cents, $22 per 100 ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cent, $30 per“ 100. 25 copies furnished at the mo price. Mail! ed free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. No. 481 Broadway. New York. April 1, 1863. r4:16. QABBATH SCHOOL BELL, No. 2. 75,000 '- Cupies issued the ï¬rst twelve months of its publication. It. is an entire New Work, of nearly l“2.00 pages. Many of the tunes and hyms were I written expressly for this volume. It will soon be Pas popular as its predecessor (Bell No. 1) which ‘has run up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 months, outstripping any Sunday- School Book of its size issued in the country - Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommo- datc schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100 Bound, '35 cents, $18 per 100 Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents, $22 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cents $10 per 100. Bound, 20 cents, $18 per 200. Cloth bound embossed gilt, '35 cents, $20 per 100. Bel 8 Nos. 1 and 2 bound together, 40 cents, $30 per 'CO 25 copies fur- nished at the 100 pri ‘e Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100. Mail postage free a; the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. " No. 481 Broadway, New York. 1 HE DAY SCHOOL BELLâ€"A new Singing Book for Dav Schools. called the Bat. School ' HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the abm'v articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the bes} quelity oftimba-r will be us< d. SLEIGH, AND PLOUG :13- Dr. L’s Oflicé is still located as establish d under the same of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. fl Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay- J1 solemn warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male andfemaleJ of this fatal habit ; dointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the m‘sease, from the commencement to the end. 51’7" Atterdance daily, from 8 in the morning 39 at night, and on Sundays from 2 to 5, P. M. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas. by patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busines cor renpondence_stri§tly conï¬dential. We have recently devoted much of our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our on re will now have the full beneï¬t of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our PECULIAR department of profession- al Practice, for the gust twenty-jive years. “__ h I u“'- u VI vuuttu“. TO THE' EXï¬IES;\l’ho need a conï¬dential medical ad viser with regard to any of those inter- esting complaints to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. Tun. "ELECTRIC Ganvnsrc Pno'rnc'ri'vn.â€â€"-For married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe pre- ventive to conception, and has been ext nsively used during the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled. 'v' ,v"' " anxcn FEMALE Plusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thousanus of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bael results, will use none but Dr. DrLancy’s Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. PRIVATE MEDICAL Tuninsn ON THE PHYSIOLofllCAL VIEW of MARRIAGE. w wâ€"' vqu I Pric‘e'$l 501- boi‘c: They can be mailed to any pag‘t’ofjhe‘UnitL-d States or Canada. 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.â€"- Price only TWENTY-FIVE carers. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the in- ‘rmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of beth sexes of all ages, causing dehility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with confessions of thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a Col- lege Student, and a Young Mamed Lady, 61;, é'c. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret. doubts of physical condition, and who are con- scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- litled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weak- mess, generally caused bya bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forget- fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. Me 3.95% QRIWS u‘naLGGomg Man “factory iflagam li’hly for any quantity of WOOL. delivexfed at his resi- dence, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Road. A NDREW ‘ LIVINGSTON, I {13" Wrought Iron Shares made for any 1"41d 0 iploughs. . ï¬j’ Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. 93' Axes Jumped a’nd Tempered. _ E†Any person in need of a Farrier win ï¬nd [it to their avantage to call on him. ’ Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 HE Subscriber will pay the highest in Cash or in exchange for PLANNED in the BEST STYLE and.“ Moderate Price IS PREPARED TO DO Hill Work, Horse Shoeing, Blacksmith and Farrier, Saddler Street, The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. HERBERT ROWSWELL. ' â€"‘ _-..-_, Deputy-Chairman.- HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq :EDW’ARQ J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P.; J. H. MAIT- LAND, Esq, Resident Secretary, Montreal; G. F. C. SMITH, Esq., Resident Assistant Secretary; FREDA. BALL, Inspector of .4gcnc‘es T. BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALE}; SIAMILS'ON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. C'mnmny’s Buiédi-ngs. Corner of Place’d’Ar mes and,Great St. James Street, Montreal. THE LIVE POOL LON DON (VAPITALW- Two Millions Sterling Funds in hand (0801‘. 1860), ...... $6.299 130.00 Invested in Canada, ............ . . 2 0,000.00 Bmtinck, 8th Feb, 186 The Spenccrian System of Pennianship is taught tum. _. SRESDPB. . Soho arsbnp, all course, payable mudvance, $40 College open day and evening zâ€"no vacations. Resident principals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT W. P. SPENCER. FIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y For further information, please call at the Col ege Rooms. or send for Catalogue and Circular nclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT 8: STRATTON. Book-Keeping in all its deparuï¬efnts, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic and Penman ship, are taught-in the most thorough and practi- cal manner. The Designs of the Institution, is to impart to young men and ladies, a. thorough: practical busi- ness education. attention of the Pubiic of Durham and vic- inity to their large and varied stock of Cabinet F armture, comprisxng Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sofas. Couches, Cupboards, Chairs, Tables 8. Pianos, Melodeons, Flutinas, . Accordeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. Rxsmnncnâ€"Poulett St., near the Market. Parties visiting Owen Sound will find it to their advntage to call beforepur c has ing elsewhere. every article made on the premises and can be The Course of Instruction, is so arranged as to combine Theory and Practice, and thereby secure to t-he_st1_1_den§. a _perf_'e_ct} kaowledge of accounts. AND ST. LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Bufl‘alo College, will be good in any of the others, either for completing the course, or for reviewing at any time thexeafter. val-famed, TE [3:331:33 ho MAIN SENECA STREETS Is an important link to the National Chain of Colleges, located in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, ‘ in the best style) - 4 - $19 00 FOREST KING’S “ “ 19 80 BOX STOVES for 2 foot wood - - 6 50 (t H 2} “ - - 8 00 Purchasers of Stoves will be supplied with Stove Pipes at six pence, cunencneach length, and elbows at 10 pence each. in the best style) * - FOREST KING’S “ BOX STOVES for 2 foot wood STOVES, STOVES. THE KING of STOVES, (largest stze, furnished oWEN sum“), “TOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ' attention of the Pubiic of Durham and via. Durham, 8th Aug. 1861. CABINET FURNITURE. SPENCER 13303., October 7. 1861. flgï¬gflgï¬ â‚¬Â©IBZEQ3 A. A. COCHRANE. Durham Foundry, Januray, 1862. 162-tf February lst, 1861. F; â€on; o .- c ‘J WE WILL SELL, FOR CASH ONLY DIRECTORS : OPEN CLOTH, CORNER OF Buffalo, N ‘ Y. J :7-1y 139-ly llZ-ly All carefully selected, and suitable to the trade of the county. Highest Price paid for all kind of Farm Produce. _ Durham, 223d Jam, 1862. 162-14 ï¬ai'énl Ei'béér’la‘tï¬Ã©â€™i‘nmï¬? 3M isms," Gallqs‘nd 0.11 injuries to Horsefluhs’ Good for mu: Price, 25 coma per bottle Sold 1) all Baden in w CROCKERY, Wooden Earthen Ware READY-MADE CLOTHINGJ @a©@£azgsg ’m: HARDWARE, m FOR THE PUBLIC, MILLER’S STORE OPEN A G A I N Call and see his NEW STOCK 0F GOODS, I? The ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24th, 25th. 26th, and 57111. 1861, was .-iven to R. M. WANZER 86 0038, Wheeler 5' Wilson. The First Exira Prize was also given for their Nos. 1 nd'2 Si ‘ . .\ nger’: Manufacturing Machines. Prize of a s: 1 ar character were also awarded WANZF R Cos Wheeler Wilson and Wanzer . Cos. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufactures, at the Mechanics’ ’nstitute, Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the sweral County Agricultural Fairsfâ€"«at Hamilton, Puris, Galt, St. Thomas, Beamsville, Whitby, Cobourg, Bowmanville, in fact, in every place where they have been exhibited Wanna 7: Cos. WHEELER a; WILSON and Wanna a: 003. SINGER, EXCEL, any Machines tlat ever were manu- actured in the United States. Good ' Né’ï¬fé "Em £13" All clergymen who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the liberal discount of one-third from the re ail price; or any poor indigent widow in their parish will he allowed the some discount on a Machine for her own use. Orders to be given ivariably through the ciez'gy- man of the Parish. WAGEN TS WANTED.Q We have now running in the City of Hamilton OVER ONE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our own manufacture, to the entire satisfaction of the - _ ...- yr ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, and ept ‘ N0. 7.--Fu}i Case, Extra in order for one year FREE OF CH.~\RGE,; - Plated ....... when properly used Every purchaser Wi‘l be. instructed at. our ofï¬ce, or by our authmised agent. ‘ We wil! deliver them at any pain on the line of . R'ilroads in the Province of Canada, free of. charge. Each machine is fur: Screw-Driver, Hii C -n, t} SIX NeedleS. Binders, C. tra Binders $5 ; Curd: Throafl our! “An : .. 0,, Having had several years‘ experience in the man ufaeture and sale of SEWING MACAINE in the United States, we are fully conï¬dent that no Ma- chine has been produced in the United States or Canada that can excel those of our manufacture in Stitching, Seaming, Hémming, Quilting, flIa-rking, Felling, Gathering, ’I’uciting, Cori-mg, Binnfing, :51). It is important to the purchaser to know that all the correstnonding parts of these Machines are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any part'be broken or detanged, it. can be supplied or remedied with the least possible delay. meal. or imparted mum, UARROTT, BEET, and'MANGEL 'u’on‘rzEL‘éï¬Ebs'.“ ï¬guring the vast importa cc and gain attached to havmg good Seed, and the heavy loss estailed to both buyer and seller m the purchasing of poor seed ; We have purchased frcm none but the. most experienced and extensive growers. We would beg to call the attention of the Farming community i ment pf Imparted TURNIP, (VARROTT, BEET, and MANGEL W0 vast imports. ee end gain attaghed to hnvmg good Seed, and the t ““1: AA“A-A :â€"â€" Corner of James and I MANUFACTURERS 0F W HEELER 8: XVILSOR’S SINGER’S $ewmg Maahmeg, N >RlGGS' BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who Inn tuned it, to_ be sugerior _to_ Gargling Oil, or a_ny athei- DURHAM, OWEN SOUND, AND GODERICH, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Field and Garden Seeds, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combs and Brushes of every description. Hamilton, November 15th, 1861. DRY GOODS. Durham, April 27, 1862 OUR GARDEN SEEDS ARE PUT IN PAPERS OF FIVE CENTS EACH†GABGLING on. SUPEBSEDED. NEW DRUG- STORE a: m E REA we All are Guaranteed to be Correcta'y Labelled A liberal discount allowed to Country Merchants purchasing by the dozen papers. PARKER AND CATTLE comprising all kinds of TERMS LIBERA! . PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES! r15- s1 amma : 80., If A 'RTTTh A r. rI‘T'i-h 1-.“ _ nd V ine Streets, (between Royal Hotel and Bank of Upper Canada.) PARKER CATTLE DURHAM, OWEN SOUND Gcï¬mucn. 139-157-175-ly I LATE ORGANIST St. John’s Church, London, - England, will give tuition on the above in- struments. A180 a few ladies will be instructed in the art of practical singing. ' ' - J tention of parties intending to build (111an the coming season, that he is prepared to furnish " an unlimited quantity of SUPERmR BRICK, i ON REASONABLE TERMS. These Brick are Larger than any heretnforo ' menufactured in this country, and at much lower - I ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD. HE SUBSCRIBER desires to call the at- tention of narï¬en intendinn- m hand Ann-3h†E?†Parties purchasing from our Agents wili ha ve all the advan ages extended to them, as re gards terms, em, as :f dealing with ourselves. No.1.--Iron Stand, fl poses ......... No. 2.--:'ron Stand Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Hii C -n, three extra- Bobblns, and six Needles. Binders, Corders and Markers,’ex- tra Binders $5; ourders $3; markers $2:- Thread and needms for sale. Durham, 7th April, 1862. VHIIJUL‘ 0 Nu. 2.-â€"-â€"Plain 1133 Panel “ _ No 3.--Half Pane], Black Walnut ony. with New Improved Glass Hemmer . . . . ....... . . . . V0. 4.~--Half Case, Plain Panele 3, * and Hemmer ....... . . . N0. 5.-â€"-Half Case, Plain Paneled, ' and Hemm 1' Black Walnut or M; No. 6.--Full Case, Plain, with Her purchasers, which we est recommenda ions. Durham 17th April, 1862. DURHAM BRICK MANEFACTOIY. GOOD STOCK BRICK 1.â€"-Plain Finish with Wemmer mm, HARP, MELonEoN. WHEELER 8:. WILSON’S A choice selection of Teas, 3. Horse and Cattle Medi- WCALL AND Exammx, MRS. ORCHARD SINGER’S. ....... ......... in_ particular to our br Manqu-ccturing Pur- Pa neled, Giasg Foot J. H. CLARKE. 175:1y. 'a l nut or Ma hag; I“ Q. 1' Mahogany. , Hemmer ...... ’ .....$75 “ 85 9‘" Agents will u Foot and ........ ........ s45 50 1 2336. l53~ly .t assort- strange 65 75 60 55