Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 16 May 1862, p. 4

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Majesty does not Wish - ..1=111» da} 10 be 11le 11 11.! M32". h: ...v_, -v Juv. “v“u. ' His age was but forty-flimsy“ he had. min-a 3.36 to accumulate a large 'fofluu’o, which ‘fie i Landed for the most part in real «me. In I {:ft, he tamed rhubarb and aloe: into comer! A man who some two yea rs since was known to our merchants as a traveller for a. commercial house in Montreal passed through this section a few days ago taking orders as of yore. After conveming‘fith the merchant upon business he would say, “good day,” and turn to leave, but suddenly wheeling to the merchant again wouldfsay, “Oh! could yon lend me a few dollars} I’ve; heendis- npgoimeyd in my? reinittanqes ;.» will jrethrn it‘ as soon asI hear from Montreal.” _, ,0nelent 1 tan $39,. “boiler $9.0, another 317, ’and in all he raised about $250 It has since transpired that e was_trareli on hiss A 7 t, and not or the Manure “new ' ‘hants have the credit of being as she'd as most men of weir-glass, but eyewthey get “sold” nome"times.-â€"~Nor;folk Ref A C. AD Bennet c Curtisb Gilbert ............ Laurence c Huddlestone l) G Moore. . . . Mgr-flock c Newcombe b G. Moore. . . . . . Qofiyn c Smith b 8. Moore ' Griffith 0 Gregory b (3.310015... . . . Swell run run out .................. Roche c C ,‘ b Conway ........... H. Siephenson c Newcombe b G Moore. 8. Stephenson not out. . O ............ Bennel, run on! ..................... Iddisou st Thompson ................ Griflhh c Gregory 1) Gilbert .......... Mnrtiock c Hilbert b Moore. ..... L . . . . C-afl'yn run out ............... . ..... E. Stephenson, at Thompson b Gilbert... H. Stephenson, c Costick 1) Moore. . . .‘. Wells c G. Moore 1) Gilbert.. .. ...... Swen cGregory b Moore............. Laurence not out ............. Heal-e c Curtis b Moore ...... . . U-v UWJ U 0 The Eleven proceeded to Bathnrst, an inland town, and phi) ed twenty-two of the district.â€" In the first innings the the Elevenacored 211 ; the local team scoring 49 in their first, and had six wickets down for their second, when a heavy fall of rain interfered, and prevented the game from being played out. Messrs, Spiers and Pond had by this time made arrangements that a second match should be played at Sydney, between the England Eleven and the United Elevens of New South Wales and Victoria, as the previous match between the same sides had been drawn. This match was commenced on the 13th of February, and resulted in the defeat. of the English players. in the first innings the score was -All England, :30; the United Twenty-two, 101. Second inn- ings: All England, 75; United Twentytwo, 36, winning with 12 wickets to fall. The following were the All England scores : Just hand this to a lady and request he to tell you in what column or columns her age is con- tained. Add together the figures on the top of the columns, in which her age found and yen have the great secret. Thus, suppose her age to be 17. You will find the number 17, only in two col- umns,. namely, the first and fifth, and the first fig- mofthose make 17. Here is the magic table : ? 2 4 8 16 32 3 3 5 9 17 33 E' o} 6 IO 18 34. . Bythe Au4tralian news. we learn that the Eng- 1 13h cncketars “we beaten’ at Sydney, on the 13th February. Thv following account says : MI... 'l’.‘!...4‘ Till the n hm: day i From the can, once 3! ll 13 15 17 3! 61 Curious Table of Figures. Till the stars of heaven are breaking Through the twilight, softang any, «oayw =" name; " Have thealiiiii‘gshenl gatbmzome; For the summer-time is faded, And the autumn winds have come. Quickiy, xenpera l gather ickly, The last ripe hours of my ear! ; For the bloom- of life iewith‘ored, And I hasten to depart. “ Only, waiting till the angels Open wide the mystic gate, At-whoseleet I long have lingered, Weary, poor, and desolate; ' ' Even now I hear their footsteps, And theixyoiees tar away i, ' If they can we I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. " Only waitingtill the shadows Are a little bugger grown ', ' Qn-ly waiting till the glimmer Of the day’s last beam is flown; Then from out the gathering darkness Holy, deathless, stars shall rise, By whose light my soul will gladly Tread its pathway to the skies'” 0n 1y waning ii” the glimmer 9? me da_y’ a last_ beam )5: flQWB , “ Only waiting till the shadows, Ate little long? grown .° N ADIAN SWINDLER OPERATING English Cricketers’ Beat: 9 26 31 35 U 43 43 47 10 ll 15 38 19 51 993231 ONLY WAITING. Total ............. SECOND INNINGS. FIRST IXNINGS‘ Tota 1 ...... 28 29 53 13 I4 15 50 61 62 63 31 4O 41 43 44 45 46 47 ll 14 15 3! 58 51 59 60 61 63 38 39 4 1 42 43 44 45 cow C: Qt 47 48 49 60 i The undersigned, 31'wa to Co’nstantinoâ€" iplo, has emined more than twenty difl‘e‘r’ent minds of Saving Maehines,and after some six :‘mks’ experience with Wilcox Gibbs’ Pitent be has puma-sod one of' them as the best semi AA Otx 015a \unnia A: 1.2.. 0.....SJA_ ed to £110 wantsof his famfixand as the 3:21;; liable to rgqyirg repair. OLIVER CRANE- ' “ We must, in justice, express our c‘onfidcnoe in the merits 6f the Wilcox Gibbs Sewing Mathias. We consider thm a great desideratum «has been summed by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads are not, as was suppdsed, n‘cces-E sary to a good instrument.”â€"Chrisfian Advocate and Journal, June,_ 21, 1860. E “ Taking into considera non thé simplicity,cheap nets, durability, and duing, all work, the com- _m_1t.tee were unanimously in favor of thejVn- («0: dz Gibbaas a single thread machine.”-â€"Pénn, syhania State ggficmtuml Society’s‘Repo' 4’ A- “9 _“Has combined With its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the high- er priced machines."â€"-Pennsylvanian. “ This machine, in the opinion of the com- mittee, fms more nearly the requirements of a per- feet family machine than any on exhibition.”â€" Franklin Institute Expibition Report of 1858. Two thousand Stitches, or two \ards of work ,Jw can be done in one minute Without droppinga 86101}.- Another feiture which deserves pattieular at- tention is E” The Wlbcox Patent Needle cannot be get wrong. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SU- PERIORITY PFCULIARY ‘ ITS OWN. Stitching, llemmlng, and Felling with a Single Thread. It forms a flat, even, and elastic seam, which is wannaxrl-zn not to rip in wear, even it the seam is cut at frequent. intervals, and also under all circumstances, “ to survive the wash-tub.” A patented device of great utility to learners, prevents the possibility of the machine being min in the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dress. HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that be is prepared to furnish any of the above articles. on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the lies} quality of timber will be usr d. Gobd nierchantablc lumber or farm produce taken as cash. .d Treatise on the Cause of Premature .De fl solemn warning. Just published, a book showhg the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both mtle mulfemalefl of th is fatal habit ; doinh'ng out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and dcccloPi-ng the whole progress of the mseuse, from the commencement to the end. Tue "ELECTRIC GALVAXIC Pnorrzcrivn.”â€"â€"For married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe pre- ventive to conception;- and has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled. - vwv v. mecn FEMALE Pramsâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy 0f which has been tested in thousanCS of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. l).-Lancy’s Female Periodical Pills. Tue only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :shonld not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the Wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe. and healthy, so gentle. yet so active are they. TO THE LADIESâ€"“W10 need a can ulcntiul medical adviser with regard to any of those inter- esting complaints. to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. “.7, vv Dvâ€"‘IV’ ‘1 v' nu t‘VyIVV'“lU IIIVVV. milflice $1 per ha. . Thevâ€"can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH It will be «out by Mail on reteipt of two [3] re istampa. 33" Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 19 at night, and on Sundays from 2 to 5, P. M. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busine’é cor respondencc strictly confidential. REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfuily distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our 1’ E C U LIA’R department of profession- al Practice, for the past twentyâ€"five years. “HLCOX , GIBBS}; 323122.341; mwmb H3” Dr. L’ 5 (Wide 13 still located as establish (1 under the same of DR. LA CROIX, at Yo. 31 Maiden Lane, Albanv, N. Y. -~ _ __ _ _._v .. u--." -; \Ius ; J ‘Juu, availing oursflveg of the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Cuminent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the mguiy NEW AND EFFICAOIOUS nhulr‘n'nru . ness, generally caused by a. bad habit in youth, the effevts of which. are dizziness, pains, forget- fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AN D LON~ DON TREATMENR We have recefi'tly’" dovOted much of our ’time in 250 PAGES AND 'I30 ENGRAVIN‘GS.â€" Price-only rwnxn~nvs carers. Seat-{rew-of postage to all parts ofthe Union. On the in- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bozh sexes of all ages, causing debiiity, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitafion of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, bushings, defective memory, indigestion and la itude, with confessions of thrilling interest of guarding School Miss, (1 Col- lege Student, and a Young Married Lady, km, 60. . It is a truthful adviser to the married and those comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret? doubts of physical condition, and who are con-1 Scions of having hazarled the health, happinessfl and privileges to which every human being is en- 1 litled. ' 3'0. 508 Broadway; New York. Dpposite St. Nicholas Hotel. ll tu a “SEEING 1:112 EUROPEAN" IIOSPI'I‘iLS PRIVATE DIEDICAL Tififnslz ON THE PHYSWLOGICAL VIEW of MARRIAGE. P ma with HEMMER mmi Durham, ‘28 June, 1860 33.8; M $33833? .~ Manufactm'y “â€" Semi for a Circnhlr. JAMES “3L1 DUPW $535 00. T H E D U R HAM 8 TA N DAR D, ANT): C (BURT Y OF 'GfR E Y T A DV E R T I SEE A. MCFARLANE. 82-4): " 'uvv-\, Manufitcmru. {LIVER cuffs: 147-1y th‘éfi’ .05: 3'...” _, :1‘35“ 1::- K r. e-3§:§;j‘ . FA’S‘P TABbES‘ae' ...... S '53 “exch- BUMAUS It»; . . ........... -. . . 19 “ CHAIRS per (1024 ....... . L ...... 6 “ .WAS,m,.,.,,,‘,_..,‘,,,,o.. TtO"$30. “CASH-STANDS, from ....... . . . 0.76 $611350: WRITING DESKSZfiom..‘........ 7 .. “’9 BEADSTEA DS ‘. . ............. The'puofio may rely upon the ml @513; or the workâ€"a. fact which gannotbe said of the trashy importation: from Toronto and clscwherc.'-1 as theircuslu'wed Chairs and. Sofas are mostly 'smfi‘ed with straw. ' Shop, south end of the bridge, Garafmxa slt’cet GEORGE KRISS. Durham, 10111 Sept. 1861. 100-153 f Conn; Now“ “ugâ€"h‘ T. E -SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO ISI'FORM tht bManisofDarhainaud Vicinity, Quilt he intends togglléausoxts-qffingez Wax-cat the lowest priest hefbanhbe La fnnywhere else in 51.2. [1,.____ 1 _ THE CHEAPEST ggmggfig WAEEEQESEE ~.â€".â€"Lâ€"â€"-â€"o u Deputy- Ch ainua-n. HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq.; EDW’ARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. 1’. ; J. H. MAIT- EAI): D, Esq., Resident Secretary, Montreal ; G. F. .wu, “ego, ltbcul‘blbb vyw you! 3, JuUILLICItt , u L 6“ SMITH, Esq., Resident Assistant Secreta;'y; FRED.'A. BALL, Inspector of .flgcnc‘es T. BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mun- treal), Chan man ALE}. SlMIiSCh, Esq. (PresidentOntario Bank) Funds in hand (Decr. 1860), ...... $0,299 130.50 Invested in Canada, .............. 220,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Company’s Build-in 3, Corner qf le'ctd’Ar- mes mzd,Grcat f‘t. ames Street, .Monlreal. THE LIVE POOL LONDON IIE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY N(')TII“IES the public that he has on lmnd,and is prepared to nmke,(.n short notice, any artiplo in the above In 0. CAPITAL-â€" Two Millions Sterling The Designs of the Institution, is to impg:t to young men c’and ladies, a thorough. practical busi- ness cdural 1011 ”-r â€"' 0F â€" QWEN $011M), OULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public of Duxlmm and 1ic- him to their' mrgc and 1aried stock of Cabinet Furmmre, comprising Bun cans, Bedstcads, Sofas, Couches, Cupboards, - Chairs, Tables 81. Pianos, 310101100113, Flutinas, Accmdeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. Bxsmaxcsâ€"â€"Poulett SL, near the Market. Parties 1isiti11g 011611 Sound “in find it to thcii advntage to call beforcpurcimsing else1111ore a1 ery article made on the premises and can be warranted, For further inform: ttion, please call at the Col ogc Rooms, 01 send for Pa 21100110 and Circulm nclosmglctterstamp. Address BRYANT 3e S'I‘RA'I‘TON.’ Buffalo, N. Y. FlRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y AND ST. LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo Colrege, will be good in any of the othem, either for completing the course, or for reviewing at any time thereafter. The Course of Instruction, is so arranged as to combine Theory and Practice, and thereby secure to _thc_sh_1_dcni. a perfect. kiiuwlcdge of accounts. Book-Keeping in all its dcpartrfients, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic and Penman. ship, are taught in the most thorough and-practi- cui manner. Scholarship, full course, payable ind-dfince, $40 _ Is an important link to the National Chaih of Colleges, located in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND DETROIT, CHICAGO, The Spent-ex Ian Sx stem of Penmanship 18 taught. In W. 1’. Sl’l-JXCE R. L A? College open day and evening zâ€"no vacationéQ Resident principals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT W. P. Smxcen. The undersigned having been appointed Agent in .Dgrham and vicinity, for the above Company, a f _ l . _._.,_.f i‘Od to take risks on moderate tiérmg; ._j = HERBERT Rows-WELL. ‘E: E ‘1! EVEEAE-G MERCANTELE COLLEGE, CORNER 01“ MAIN SENECA STREETS,- or my DH! mistake a ' ‘ Madam wic of Durham readers it a most desuable law For team, £0. ., apply to -~ 1 * JOSEPH PU LL AH Durham, 8th Aug. 1861. CABINET FURNITURE. SPENCER BROS. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 Ocmhcr 7. 1861. February lst, 1861. /: .‘lll . EKQ NWV\V . . Vfifififitmr . 8 \ .51. U \ . l 963' BLACK OIL is acknowledged by allwho have used it, to be superior to 6:1:inth Oil, or any nth” ’edicino now before the Public. (61’ Sprain; Bruises.‘Cu 51.3: and all injuries to Homfiosh, Good for. m 3 Erica, 25 cents per bottle. Sold '0 d1 Balers in m March 26, 1962. (10m; (ll 000;" 2 £21,: . 2.. 1y Opposite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. DIRECTORS : W. Pâ€". MARSTON, Gansm‘fib, Toronto (rmâ€"E can re of 164-43111 139-1y 171-3 112-13' 'Made by Messrs. Carpenter Ware 81. C0,, Hamilton; both Safes and Scales are equal to any, and superior to most of the old Cenntry and fimerieans makes, 1n fact 111 point of qualtity, dur- ability. and finish they age 1101: to be excelled? fii 111.71 163' both Safes aug§qgles fie $111191; gang (1 if at any time he should. he mt 11f stock of any particular Slze, WIllmprocme it at veify; short no« stock of any particular sine, He W11] procm'e it at ver short air tiCe, 1119.1er 1.111110111sz factory pricés éehvered at the etarvv, and adding a $111111} ”sum to cover freight if dellvered at the store of ‘ he subscribm ‘ ' U W. ROUGH. " i OWEN SOL-M», Apri123, 1861. 104â€"- 1y i _ ‘\ j r \ " {Jr :1} J .J - -i'\ ‘ ,. .1 1.}. Coopers’ and Shoe-1nake1s’ Tools, and a variety 0F othe1 things; too numerous to mention. 'll1e subscribm is also desirous teas-4 sist the good p80ple of this section to encourage HELD“ E MJiI‘TtJ FAC’R‘II RES, And 1111; therefoii’e obtamed the agencies of the justly estabhshed! ' - prize. 2 l 1 I Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japauned Saddlery Hardware.- COB} Oil and Lamps} and 00:11 Oil by the lmr- rcl or gallon. A full assortment of (foul Uil Lamps very cheap. Purc- Ilock Oil at SQCIS. per gallon. A lamp, a can, and a quart of rock oil for 3s. 9d. First class machincbil for Tums.â€" supcrior to olive oil. Tin-ware 0f.all kinds on “hand, or made to order cheap! Very cheap.â€" Wrapping paper at factory prices. I’ap'u‘ or Cash giten for rags to déalers. ll indow sash 3d per Iiglit. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Torontu. W. KOUGH at the opening GI, and dining “Migration, \\i 'l ln receiving from vessels direct fiem home mark cts and flour the manufactuling districts of the United States lame Supplies of everything it: the Hardware line, which fimh his practical ex- perience; both in Eur0pe and America, he is enabled to offer at ‘ unusually low prices. N. B.â€"-Rag3, old calmer, brass, pewter, old Wrought 01' cast ilon, sheep skins, c, c. c. Every man who wants a Stove will save money by calling at » \V. B. CIIOA'I‘ 3’8, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergus BOXES; ver’y‘, veéy‘ lbw. Agent, for Hay, Platform, and all kinds of count- er Scales. There Is a first class Pictme (mum over W. B. Choute’s Stove Depot, when you (an get as true a Likeness as in any place in L‘axmdm Every picture warranted. Eergdkaanuary 16, [8!) 3. 161 13' A libefal discount to‘pedlars or country mer- chants. PATENT THIMBLE SKEIN Wku 10V Among the leading stm es 11 ill vbe found the King of Stoves at ....... $1.13 11511:. 11v sold for $32 Davy C1oeket 01' \icto1'.18 " “ 30 Golden 11 leece ........ . 17 “ _ “ 25 Maple Leaf. . . . . . . . . . 215' “ “ 40 Iron. Duke ....... . . . . . . 28 “ " 45 Protectionistu ....... 24 “ “ -' 35 ..... fuunturé N01. 11'5ntfo1d 11111“: 11111 111 UVUF lCTURE!) 03‘! the. PREBIISES. Stove" pipe; with Stoves ...... ”M per length Fiveger cent off Stoves to schools or elinrche3. Ag1ic111tural Furnace. . . . . . . ....... $14.01) Morley s Plouvh ............ . . . ...... . 13.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ....... . . . ..... 15.50 Can be seen the best assortment of Stoves in Canada. West, and at prices that will defy com- petition. Qne_ can will convince you of that fact. TIN ' SHEET IRON .L“ will shortly close. All fiersons wishing m} btii‘fil good Likenessgs of themselves their child- ren, or Flignys ’_ oufidolso d8fin§51is month. A "new stock” 0} noy%ases 8m. just“ arrived.-- Family groups taken, pp one plate, at moderate pn'Ces; Likenesses for‘? Lockets, Broaches c., and to send in. Letters, taken on patent metalic plates. ‘ -‘ - " STOVE 8;: PLOUGH Qflers Ifilrduwu'c at the. Sign, FLA-TFO AND OTHER SEAL Qils, Paints and At W. B. CHOATE’S At such prices as will pay all customvra in want of E MD 371-30 UGH DEI’O '1', F. E R G U S "Madc'by-QJI (SLIJ; Taylor, of Toronto, and ofthe V13 YOUR TIME! Dvfihpl AMBROTYPE GALLERY Manufactory. ADD 16«~1-tf. Of all kinds, either on hand, or done to order, for qualhy, and \vorlx'nmnship, ‘ammt be sur- pxssed by any 1101150 in Guelph, und everybody ' knows REMf M BER THE STAN D: ()ppasfite Enderhiil’s Tavern- (R'eur (1:9 Post Uflice) CHURCH STREET, Cook. [.91 one card ‘ ‘5‘“ ‘31 ‘53 M fiWéflfifl g; r I3! " w mewâ€"a f” o M ' f: R E T E 3U “"’ REM m DR ”(H‘H'S M.\l.‘f\'!’.TlC OIXTBU'INT. is we}! worth 1 trial. in am ruse uf l’iics. :urns, Scalds. Old Sores, In- flamml m Snr9 Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin. and in every case Wsere an ointment is useful. It will recouuuend itselfi TO x " “ Fair and Reasonble Price. And itié knowfi to all‘ihnt Ahe Brautford Hons-c i the only bulwark against the return ufthe 0M am ruinous prices imln sed on th public: befumfi commenccd ‘ Although the; fest of jibe .Sfox‘e Dealers BE§T W70}? flmlANSfllP IN THE PROVINCE. an L a 1‘} cas- aen: @ ‘5 THE BRANTFORD IIOVSE ” ’ That broilght ' N0 SURRENDER. Cheaper than any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. 213’ InSpcctwn Invited; GL 'r .I .l‘ x I , J :1 nm . 1 I). 1 0 , 18 G 2 ' ' BoX'Stoves AGRICUL'I‘URs‘, L F 533’: NA {3 E S, Cg 1... ' ‘:., $30., Manufactured of the Finest Material and MM}- Pi.()UGrHS Y HIS DAILY- INCREASING RUSH IN busmess the Puhhc show that they are ' alive to the fact that it was the CULT ‘a V A TOR S, ALWAYS A-H‘EAD. Parlour and AL WJ 335‘ ()N [1.1 ND .’ 'And Sells all kinds of n # G ELELPH.’ A . GOOD THlNG. Add {5mm w EBS’E‘BR, A ND the B i1! Ion-u. stores-ifilfjmumvmm“ mm no mm, butinctosc'Oue 901mm 3 hatter. find on a in- ceipt of the moneyk t1“; £81?“ «13' or Remediawm be sent according-Em ya!“ ' ircctions, by Mi! a criprens postpaid. Address, _ ' ‘ ‘ ; ' ' “ADAN’L 8.. DARLIS’G, 1023 .‘stau St. Ne‘w‘ York, put up in 50 cl. 8: 8‘! Bottles each. excél‘ mien our dfildrbn or out ofsofls, “fir m a. few drops and it sets them an right I“ it mmmw " mmwmmmummm I did so, and found it to operate admit-ab! ,5. moving the Wand-«mm tb Sim to '9' Ihaveti'aoasuiitâ€"aom . ' DARLINGS LlFE BITTEKS, .111d’" was eutimly Ciro-1.1 hue by!” g“ _“\l Ln 2, D. Westenveltg ,E5q., of South 5th; neu- 8th Street: Willi-liming, L; L, “Tim: “ Kathi, 1860-Having teen troubled with a (inc-My in the Liver, and su', _ bilious attack“! us advised by a. frienuZr ‘ ' sine-c; Mrs. Youngof Brooklyn-,m‘itcs “Fm I 1860.-â€"â€"Iu Max lasu mas; sevm’amek of run: which confinedme to the house. [took anoint- tle of . it: affordimg immediate relief. It is. W Liver and bilipus remedy? Mrs. C. Tebow, ll- Christapher flint, H. Y., writes: ‘ Feb. 20. 1860.-â€"-l have been subject to attack; of Asthma the lastlwenty m. I luv. never found anything equal to I passed clotted blood by (he myth. now outichy cured, and mkc pleasure in mending these remedies.” n‘rims: “ Angus}; 1-}, 1860â€"! had a dimlnltj With-Kiéney Cmiwlé'niuf 1hr 19 yeafi, With bon- smut pain in the smal of my hack. I had used must. all a flu Séufié‘miédicifli", but fé‘lflno per- nmnrnt rclwf until I used It hmko up my rnld‘mvl f0 0! at nnce to this attack, I had been tm Mm! wit several mnmhs : l haw fvh nntlximrl doses X111! nmv consider myself mlirclg rural.” ‘8 7 ”cm. Julm A. (Truss, writes, "‘ Brooklyn, March 17., 1.55m, laud": spyhxgmflglfiéfl I took a seven cold, which irriuc‘ed-trvitflt’m few-ct. I look um Is a superior tonic and diuretic; exoefleat in cases of 1035 of appetim, flatulehcy, (and. weakness, iregula‘rities, pains in the side C“ bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding pilfl,£ld general dchiliiy. Darling’s {giver kcguhtbl', Muchbetters than pills, andlmucln easier to uh. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: Jas. L. lirumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New ank, writes: August 18. 1860; “I have been afflic ed ‘with pies, accompn. 3rd with Nets!- ing, the last three years; I used Iomovosgflxe morbids and bifliims deposits from the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver 31‘ kidneys, removing every « bstmction,,mtom a natural and healthy action in the Vital organ..â€" It is a superhn- ~ Blacksmith and Patti Saddler Street; IS PREPARED T0 no DARLING’S 15.13731; REQUEATGI .‘ Arc pure vegetable extracts. They cure all b,l- lions (lisurdcrs of the human systrm. They rogu- latc. :uul vigumte the liver and kidneys; they give tone to the digestive organs; they regulate the secretions, excretitms and exhalatio . 5:, equal- im the. circulatiofl‘mnd uurify the blood. Thus, all billiuus cnnflmntbsmne uf whirh are Torpid Liver, Sick ”Headache, Dysrepsia, Pile-e, 13M“: and Fevers, UnsfiVeacss or lawman-saw an «- tirely contwledaud cured by these remedm. I‘ARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR Hf? Axes Jumped and Tempcré‘d. ‘ E3” Any?erson in 119611 of a Farrier wfll i“ it to their avanmge to call 0‘: him. Durham: Nov. 25, 1858, . l H3" Wrought Ircm Shams made for any “4 o ploughfi ’ 14'? Mill 'Picks‘fiffldc {In} Sharpened mu ‘Vork, on woomfi ‘ ~. . .' '. . _ â€"_' tor any (yummy ot WOOL delivered at his mi; (‘1)??? fourmiles west of Durham, 9n the Durhlh REL'E P“ anix ‘ {m swam; writ m; m. ‘mglm in Cat, or in exchange for ‘ DA RLING’S LEVER REEBLMQR, .. DARLENGé-SMV‘ER WLA’DOB.‘ LIVER . ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb” 1860. 62- Darling’s Life Bitten FAMIL 1' fi'IEDIUiNE. ' the BEST STYLE and at Moderate I’d” mamgnguzzma. FAMILY (1f LIFE B RTTERS, LIFE BITTERS, LIFE BITTERS. I i :Ig’s Liver Rt‘gulator. 1' Rage; £35 9; At the *0 0d!» I) lRLI‘S u‘u’S FLANNEL ham! f0 «’1' at mice. PRYENI I been trn .Moa! Wit}. dyspeptia hzn'v f-ch xmthing of it since.” g . 1‘23 Eu 1 28th street, N. Y.. 14, 1860-»! had a difliuxltv AND AND AND AW, mlty

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