Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 16 May 1862, p. 3

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“7“." ”thawed throw, mm do- gérve the fame which has been M ‘0': it?" panning n. of in npangla and bind} in, ‘tho nih- ple fut comes out. in Infidel“ grandeur. There was 11 two daya’ conflict ietween two very con- oidenblo trance. , It was a drawn battle, and the first tredilablc moflcrmcw side which is taken pki-c' dur- igg “it war. .WO 19.an In“? “09¢! NW :fipvvvtv'itb these men on both ”a“, “though the sou‘h "r" “‘0" WW1)” Enxlish thtn the othe”: not to wish that, if they '51! fight, they any fight well. Apart from the facilities which the gm: navigable rivers gjvg to: "medal invader, this wpuld be a great anfedente victory; for to an imam, nutter the calm”: conditions of into.- vsaion, a check is defeat, and defeat in mi' . But .all former rules ofjaxffere an act it nought in 60mm 1e. +Ahuéylthmveubr move apprehension than hope in the North; and it will be seen from a private telegram which a ppeara in anomull ”13} mar, gore rife in, Balti- more of new nchievements by the Merrimac and nnd n repulse of McClellan ot Yorktown. These are, probably but indications of 3 state of ' public feeling feeling not very confident of an early consummation of the great Southern conquest. this Strange New-World struggle, When naval supremacy can be made auilsble many hundred miles from the sea, and an army can be sustained in'the midst of a great continent by supplies brought by steamboats from depots hundreds of miles distant; and when gunboets can run up and down tbtoughout tht continent, and take part in every battle“ hppens within cannon- shot of a river, the laws of European tactics do not apply. With such facilities in the hands of the Federals, Gen. 'Mt , ‘ y‘he able to afford even such victories a} he claims on the Ten- nessee. But we should be very much mistaken if weathoqht tht thh' effiir vns calculated to bring thew” to an end or to discouragethe Who were the first inhabitants of Britain, is among the unsettled questions of history. It is possible that a primeval people repre- sented at present by the Basques and the Fins wandered in pastoral tribes over all Europe, Awhile; Celt fnd‘Gefman were still east ‘of the Volga. Popular legend in every eountn‘ of Europe commemorates a race of dwarfs, .1 simple and kindly peeple, armed with stonetipped arrows, acqulimed with hidden treasures, and mostly keeping aloof from the haunts ofeommon men. These were perhaps the last of the sons of the soil, whom invasion lrad diupoesetl of their homes and who were not yet merged with the con- querors. But the only proof ofthip theory lxes in the low intellectual caper-Sty of very ancient skulls. and 3n the Mongolic features nt' a few village tribes in remote district's. Mere pmitive evidence la desirable for Eng- land. where legionarics from. the Lower Danube have been quartered, or for France. ever which the horsemen of Attila swept. Tm: FIRST IxrunITAfin or Bmpm. “'9 seem to be treading on firmer ground; if we accept the people of Wales as represen- tativgn of the men with who Cmsar fought in Britain.-’--Prqfusor Parson. OWFN SOUND 'm TORON’I‘ THE FINE STEAMER 1, BAYES Owen' 8mm} every :“oming (Sun- - days vxccp‘.¢d,; at '3 n'cluck, calling as; the intermediate Pom, uriviug at Collingwood in time tor passengers to take the 3ftcxnoon train to Tomato. She wil lcue Co llinzwood after the arrival ofthe noon tmin, calling at intermediate ports, and ar- rive in Uwvn Sound the same owning. For Freight, kc, apply on board. W. H. SMITH, filaster. SEWING MAC HINF PREMIUMS. 1118 Company, being duly iicmsed, thoir -_ - Machines are protected from infringement litigation. Persons desiring to procure 1 Sewing Machine should purchase the 6th. There is no Sewing Machine so fuily gnsrsntecd as ours; for we warrant every Ma- «line we sell to give bell" satisfaction than any other, or we will refund the money. 7th. We have still further reduced our prices, and when thequnlity of the lachiue is considered, itwillberesd 1y conceded thatfcr ‘ ‘ Sand it? 3 Omaha; which, with tho moo-1"“, FINKLE AND LYON ”Anni“ E for the following moons: and. There is m Sewing Machine 80 dunble, and so easily kept in order. lat. There is no Mschine, making the tight or locksticb, which is so ainmle and so easily under- stood. Agents wanted who will purchase Macbms. We tour consign. mum m5!” 88 WING MACHINE CGMPAN Y. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. NUIIVQ. g. z .‘7 ask!!! what «u I“. hast Ill-did“ for (loam-tug t. hood. sad for bihons to. .a-intsSick lenflw Post)“. new. Le. *0. shouts a” REG?" PND'AV \ m KTABIi 0'.“ cu...- 3rd. There is no Sewing Machine capable of doing so great a. range of work; no work are! required in Family Sewing, but. what. my ho done perfectly on ourhchiuo, from Lace 5th. With new improvements constantly being “Medâ€"with perfection of mechanics skill, ob- tained by long experienceâ€"we aim to produce a. Inchine which. shall be a source of profit and pleasure to the purchaser. 39f! gsmpleo of 3'qu dbnson “elm-350mm; lefpgnish the but and chap“ Inchino‘in tha Owen Sound, May 15th., 1862. 1â€"11.": mm 4th. Wherever our Inching have been my; Mbitcd in com with other-first ash Machines, we have en awarded FIRST name or Hush-rs nulngf _. ,_ TAKE KO’I‘ICE. .538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. New Advertisements. (From them,oftho_23rd) [‘INKLE 8L LYON M8 3‘”! COMPANY, RETURNING NOTHDE THE ei'ery Worrying (Sup- 78. ‘1 LL persons having recepts from Dr. Joseph . Moore, (formerly of .fiurham, Co. Grey, C. W”) for :1 counts collected trcm 6th J uly, 1861, until lat October 1861,1ri11 please present them to the undersigned, on the account for which re- ceipts have been given will be [at into court for collection. ‘ â€" i ToWnshlp or Bentlnck, 'will be held 111 the British Canadun Hotel. Kemp Creek, Durham Road, on SATURDAY the 71]! DAY ofJUNE next, at the hour of 10 o’clock, A. M. By Order 'I‘HE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Procures infornlaQigyz gbtamable [ram any of the Public Departments, Take: Out Patents of Inventions, REGISTERS TRADE HARKS AND DISIGXS, Departmental Parliamentary Agent, QUEBEC, xuvns‘rmxrns APJUSTS CROWN LAND CLAIMS, TAKES CHJYRGE 01" PR1 VJ TE BILLS During their passage through the Legislature, 51‘. For parties who are unable to devote their own time to such business or unwilling to incur the expense _of‘tfaveling;to Quebec. Business [with the “Crovrn Land and other Government Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can be trans- acted m a few dam and at a. small cost, by em- plow mg a resident agent. ME. DEMOREST'S MIRROR 0F FASH- IONSâ€"The largest, best and most reliable Fashion Magazine in the world. Contains the largest and flu st Fashion-Plates, the greatest number of fine Engravings, the latest and most reliable information, three full-sized Patterns for Dressea. and a sheet of new Braid-w otk and Em- broideri g Patterm. Ever) Mother, Diesemaker, \lillinor and Lz'ld) should have it. Published Quarterly, t 473 Broadway New York, sold everywhere or sent by mail at 25 cts. Yearly $1, with a. valuable prom um. COMPI‘ISXXG rm: New French Want. an Elegant Sic-etc. and a Aliases Sack, AND A SHEET OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Braid 8a. meruldenng Patterns, Together with nearly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for SUMMER BONNETS, CLOAKS, TRIMMINGS, C/n'ld'rm's Dressess, Eta. . Valuable information to Miliiners, Dress Mukere, Mothers, and Ladies gene any, presenting the largest and hes: Pas ion-Magazine in the World, published 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25“ ts., 01 «out by mail post free, on receipt of the amount, in stamps or 311 cor Y earl) $1, with the fullnwi g valuabit‘ premium. Each yearly s: bscriber will be entitled to a re- ceipt fur the selection of 50 cts. orth of p!ain patterns, from th designs in the book, or from the Show room, as they may be order-M and sent by man! any time during the Year, by paymg the postage. Four Large Splendid Fashion-Plates, Three Full-Sized Pattern: of I resses, Splendid Inducemenls to Canvassres. SUMMER NO. NOW READY MME. DEMOREST’S Quark-fly Dilrr al‘ of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND AD- mrmxs, THE SUMMER NUMBER CONTAINS lST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinek Post Ollice, May 1 1862. Arthur, Neil Garnett, Thos. Acheson, John Greig, Peter Bearpark, Wm. Gray, Mrs Mary Ann Blaney, John Henderson, Miss Mary A. Briars, Nelson Hall, Thomas Brindy, Flora Melosh, Geo. W. Buckingham, Francis McLeod, Duncan Black, Isabella Martin, Toranco Bothwell, James 2 Martin, Bridget Black, John .McNa ly, Robert, Cook Peter ‘Mellillan, Angus Campbell James McKay, Jno, F. l Collier, Thomas McDonald, J. l Casey Thomas Micks, \athan Davidson, John C. Reid, Robert momma: - Ryan,llichael - Deadman, Moses 2 Tucker, Sarah Groom, Thcs. B. ' Taylor, Robert o‘LEX. IB. MC4.1\B, l " Postmaster. May 6th, 1862. Bentinck. May 7th, 1862. .l ing of Mining Locations have been authoriz- edby His Excellency the Governbr General in Council: Dsunnmsr or Cnows LANDS. Quebec,‘215t April, 1862. T38 following changes in the mode of dispos- ing of Mining Locations have been authoriz- |lUIWch1J, wuuu us (In: nu. nuts: 1. g the LAST um 1km} ht m tmâ€"hsm mffshi kixr‘v 1’39: The Simmer riumber now rmdy. That ’n all {stare sales of Mineral Lands a Royalty o 2}. yet cent on all ores extracted he Cw; ptynblc in cash on the value of the are prepared for market at. the mine, and that Letters Patent be issnnd for such lands on the payment of the purchase mo ey without. any a ditionnl conditions ; also am Lots in surveyed townships, presenting indications of Mincnls, be sold at the same price per acre as the lands adjacent, sub- ject. to thegbovc mcntioncd Roynlty. ~ (Signed)“ * '-' 'GEO. SHERWOOD, Pnusfi with mica, an up ’3ch use {a D3. VQOR late of mutual, hive beg) placed 111 the bag a of Mr. (3,011“, of Durham, {or coalectfou ind memoir-Hana U! such accounts v]. . ‘3':; not. paid 011,511; 1161010 the 131.1}; “gafnjfla’m wm‘tho highest. rice” forBlwk Saks and Rafi-:51)“, F or destrn m1 Wot-1113' m 611: Mum. mfrzifiz’g vgnm 111051. 110mm eY'; 'bc plated in thei‘de1ived at 5 111m Alhcry, at. Glénelgi Fab colleen Winn “wry-mu as men accoums 1W vu 1 1?...w-wr-v- â€".....,.-,.,.. r} 1v1s on rat I 1 for recovery, without any further notice. mm 13. g 3‘ hi3 W‘"h°“3°1 Durham; " - : :0. s '- " {:0 WEI” CA W1? s 1134111 11:. 1110.1. 111mm 9110,3813 ‘efloct the LAST 116111101le tr MW? . HERBERT ROW SWELL‘ : I 5‘! Mnxed~ 111: w ”1 use 1‘1-1- {1' _ E921?- b3 (:1 km “ r.--_1-...a. 1111‘ ‘1 MM.“ 1'90: 1 1'- --m-__ n 4.--... 7---- no "3: 1" .1 1‘.- - '. 3.4"”?3 ‘ -» _ 1 ‘ HENRY GRIST, Annnxss, post-phid, to APT“),13_62 TOWNSHIP'NOTICE. ‘ * NOTICE.- 1218'! 01‘ 1513113118. MINING LOCATIONS. SEC URES' LAN D PATENT. DUNCAN CAMPBELL. Clerk. T Hi2: ; 91;“anme m Rum ‘ '" DR. CRAWFORD. HEXRY GRIST, 13.1 344, P. 0., Quebec. 177- 1 7. 176 6 i I‘ I‘L\$ $‘|.vwx 5'5 Auuuo “V" “65' unnam‘wsans 3' ' ' a; l !’-â€"'-A‘A fl fi; :. nndsnndries too numerous to mention, the wholal ubJ forming. a very extensive. complete, .1111 gancral t ’s stock of the best goods in every departmént whxch he offers at very low, price {oncash or merchant» ,. able produce; to which he begs leave. to, invite . . ' the attention df‘hisgnu'merous friends’nnd the 'pnb- .. {tic gown/31 81L“ 2 tyhloh‘ will be gold, . for a tsmall deswm 03.9.0“: - . ‘ ' ' " F‘IiNert; MILLS: wuss-n", 3636.- Wholesale and Retail Draggists‘, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND, AND GODERICH, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, 0118.. ‘?ai‘11ts;"'C'blozs, Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Field‘a'nd GardenijSeecls, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combsend‘Brushes 098???? description. ‘ n I? E s T "(.7 F F s 01' all kind and of the best quality. A choice selection; of Tears, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use, Horse and Cattle Medi- cines. Fishing Taclile, c., 87.0. We would beg to call the attention of the Farming community in‘ particular to our great assort- ment of Imparted TURNIP, (‘-ARROTT, BEET, and MANGEL WORTZEL SEEDS. Knowing the vast importance and gain attached to barring good Seed, and the heavy loss estailed to both buyer and seller in the purchasing of poor seed ; we have purchased frcm none but. the msst experienced and extensive growers. OUR GARDEN SEEDS ARE PUT IN PAPERS ’OF FIVE GENTS EACH” Corner of James and Vfiwe Streets, (between R0321! Hotel and Bank of Upper Canada ) WHEELER WILSON’S SINGER’S Sewing Machines, Having hn d several years‘ experience in the man ntncture “ad snleuf SEWING MACAINE in the United mates, weare fully confident that no Mu- o-hine has been produced m the United States or Canada that can excel those ofour manufacture in Stilrhimr, Semning, (lemming, Quillmg, Marking, Fe’lt'ng, Gulr‘ttring, Tanking, Con/mg, Birtfiltg, 51*. It is important to the purchaser tn know that all the curresyonding pa rts of these Machines are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that. if any part be broken or dcmnged, it can A ‘....A _, ____9L‘- be supplied delay. V. ‘5‘!- when pmperly used Every pnrchasgr wi.1 be instructed at our office, or by our authonscd agent. We will deliver them at any poin on the line of R-ilroads in the-Province of Canada, free of 01):: rgc. ‘ .‘ ‘D 10“ c‘.‘ .--_-_c_, 53" All clergymeu who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the lzheral discount of one-third from the re ail price; or any poor indigent widow in their parish will he allowed the same discount on a Machine for her own use. Orders to be given ivariahly through the ciergy- man of the Parish. {G'AGENTS WANTED._gn 'FAA'C Y AND STAPLE DR Y-GOODS, , Readyâ€"made Clothing,- § GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ? cnocnrazn‘r o EBOOTS SHOES. We have now running in the City of Hamilton OVER ONE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our own manufacture, to the; entire satisfaction of the I? The ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24th, 25th. 26th, and 57th. 1861, was .‘iven to R. M. WANZER é: Co.’s, i'hceler 5' [Whom The First Extra. Prize was also given for their Nos. 1 nd 2 Singer’s. Manufacturing Machines. Prize of a si i'ar character were also awarded WANZER a; Cos. Wheeler Wilson and-Warner 8: Cos. Singer's Maehines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufactures, at the Mechanics’ Institute, Toronto. . ”They also teak First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairer-mt Hamilton,”Paris, Galt, St. Thomfl'éyBéemsville,W'hitby, Cobourg, Bowmam'ille, in fact, in every place where they have been exhibited WANznn'a; Cos; Wnsmzn 5 Wagon and Wuzx‘n t Cos. Simian, EXCEL, any Machines that ever weremanu- fuctured in the United States. . : . ' . ¢. - f v I} -z, foi‘eele. The subscriber comm u heretgtgre to Durham, April 27, 1862 OI" Hamilton,‘~November 15th, 1861. , HERBERT ROWSWELL‘.' ‘ Duthem. ”71111698. 2.351 . ‘3 m soars or muon’s HOTEL, DURHAM, Dealer in H. ROWSWELL, flANAQA éEpflififfi? :15 mm: FACTORY 1 £33 £586?! ӣ83, All are Guaranteed to be Correctly Labelled A liberal discount allowed to Country Merchants purchasmg b? 1110 dozen papers SEEDS,SEEDS,SEEDS. PARKER AND CATTLE, TERMS LIBERAL . Iat‘fémedied with the 19a§t possible. EMIUM SEWING MACHINES! MANUFACTURERS 0F DRUG swam: E R E A all: ~ PARKER 8: CATTLE, , _; DURHAM, OWEN SOUND 8: GCDERICH. , 139-157-175-iy purchasers, which we consider one of the strong est rccommenda ions. No 1 .oo-Plain Finish with Hemmer .......... $45 No. 2.--Pluin Ha!f Panel “ .......... 50 No 3. --Half Panel, Black Walnut or Mahog- 0in with he“ Improved Glass Foot and Hemmer ............................. 55 No. 4.-Ha1f Case, Plain Panelc.‘ ,Giass Foot and Hemmer ...................... 60 No. 5_-o_-_Iial f Cage, Plain Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemmz r Black Walnut or Mahogony. . 65 No. 6.-â€"Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer . . . . 75 No. 7.--Full Case, Extra “ Silver Plated .............. . ................ 90 Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-D1iver,()ilCa11, three extra Bobbms, and six Needles. Binders, Cordcra and Markers, ex- tra. Bi11dcrs$5; eorders $3; markers $2:â€" Thmad and needuzs for sale. Ne. l.-Iron Stand, for Manufacturing Put. poses ................ . .......... . . . . . $75 No. 2.-â€"-Iron Stand ‘ “ . . . . 85 K3" Parties purchasing from our Agents will have all the ndmwages extended to them, as re gards terms, etc., as :f dealing with ourselves. gHARDWARE, FOR THE FUEL-,IC " MILLER’S stoma {WEN} . AGAIN * Call and see his NE]? STOCK:OF GOODS, comprising all kinds of Good - News READY-MADE CLOTHING, G a 0 G E 3 i E Q 3.. - CROCKBRY, - Wooden 8c Earthen Ware ..... All canefully selected, and suitable to' the tilde . . , of the county. _mghest Frico paid {oz-.1111 kind of Farm s-D_t1rham, 2nd .Jan.,-:18fi3.ga; WHEELER 8; WILSON’S. DRY GOODS; SINGER’S. 153Jy 162-14 HE public are informedtrhnt com will be " .-. i’etvedfilx’vith his. half-bad Dxifin’ni. Ball, at the rate of 50 cents each, cash. , , THOMAS'HUTTOR; - :: ATE ORGAN IST St. John’s Church, London, i (England, will give tuition on the above in- i‘struments. Also a. few ladies will be inst'rticted i in'” the art of. practical singing. HE public are hereby Cautioned against giv- ing credit on my account without my mines order, therwise I will not be weponsihle ‘ L L. J. PRIVAT. UBLIC NUTICE‘is hereby given that the P101011 Council will meet as a Court of Re- vision, at the house of John Anderson Lot 29 8110. 10-, on Thursday the 22nd day of Way next JOHN VERT, CLERK. 'THE public are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing or negociating two Notes of Hand in favor of Thomas Mofl‘a tt against John Sirr, for the sum of $55 and $12 respectively; also a Note of Hand for $16 against John McCummin in favor of Thomas Mofi‘att, as said Notes have. been paid. ; THOMAS MOFFATT. Normanby, 23rd April, 1862. 175-3‘ HF. SUBSCRIBER desires to call the at- __tention of parties intending to build during the coming season, that he is prepared to furnish an unlimited quantity of SUPmuoR BRICK, ON REASONABLE TERMS. These Brick are Larger than any heretofore manufactured in this country, and at much. lower prices. IMPORTANT NOTICE; 1 Burton (11 g confitry are respectiully i formed that H. Walker is H THE INHABITANTS OF DURHAM AND Burton: (11. 2‘ countrv are respectfully in- Groceries, SELLING OFF HIS at remarkably at his New Store; direct'y C PPOSITB THE ENGLISH CHURCH. Persons desirous of obtaining first-class Goods at the ldxnst possible prices would do well by callingat HUGH WALKER’S, THE KING of STOVES, (largest sue, furnished in the best style) - . FOREST KING’S “ “ BOX STOVES f01 2 foot wood - .- 91 - _ in the best style) - -' - $19 00 FOREST KING’S “ “ 19 80 BOX STOVES for 2 foot wood - - 6 50 u U 2* fl - - 8 00 Purchasers: of Stoves will be supplied with Stove Pipes at six pence, cmrency, each length, and elbows at 10 pence each. STOVES, STOVES. Béntinck, 28th Aprn,1862. Ben-tinck, lst May, 1862, Proton, April let, 1862. HE HARP 0F FREEDOM.â€"~Now ready, a’ new and superior collection of Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and “ Contraband” Songs, Solos, Duets, Quertetts, and Choruses. Most of the Poetry and Music has been vsritten exptessly for this work to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million 1n order to awaken a. deep interest in behalf of the “Contrabands,” whom God, in his providenc3, has cast upon the Free North to clothe and educate. BRICK! BRICK” Durham, 7th‘April,11862.r the day without a bit l. deans, Alexandre Organs,and T. Gilbert It 008 celebrated JEolin Piano, are the finest. instru. ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A large assortment can be seen at the new were- rooms, 481 Broadvray ,between Grand and Become streets, which will be sold at extremely low pri- ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundn makers} new and second hand,1o let, and rent allowed if purchased, as per agreement. Monthly payments? received for the some. AlaO, second hand Pianos end Melodoons at great bargains, prices from $25 to 5100. Sheet 1\fusio, Music Books, and all lands ..... - ' HGR'ACE WATERS, Agent. ._ 1 ‘April 131. 1862. ~ 1 _ v4zla‘3. I Durham 17th April, 1862. HE HORACE WATERSPIANOS, MELOâ€"' . deans. Alexandre Ornamnnd T. Gilbert It? DURHAM BRICK MANUFACTORY. January 10th, 1862. A 5; A. COCHRANE. Durham Foundry, Januray, 1862. 162-11' COURT OF REVISION. GOOD STUCK BRICK mm», HARP, MELODEGN. .mvpn'mrz IN THE STANDARD WE WILL SELL, FOR (:11ng O‘KTL}! fife-CALL AND EXABIINE.43 SEASON BULL. RIBS. ORCH All” LOST NOTES. Crockery, CAUTION. CONTENTS, IN PART. HORACE -WATERS, No. 481 Broadway, N. Y. LiquOrs, AT Windham Street, GUELPH. 160-6 m. J. H. CL ARKE. 1.75:1y. Fruit, 1 76-4. 177an ! MONEY TO LEN D EEQEBAE A6281“; Bentinck Post onicc, j . 001mm,. cor. in GREY. commission? mime “ANT DURHAM, 0n Freehold Property. ~ THE CANADA AGENCY JASSOCIATION, ' or Lox'nov (xxcuxp) . LIAVI'RG effected loans to the extort of Upon Freehold Property in Upper Canada with- in two years after comme‘fiCing opehtions are preAparegAtp pggotia te further loaons. The T0 RONTO BOARD have received a Ergo amount for immediate investment. and are now able to make advances at the above rate of Inten- est, for periods of five years, upon Impcoved Farms. LOA . S AT 8. PER CT. For form of application or other infatuation, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Sheet. near John Street, Toronto, or to. ALEX. B. MCNAB, Vi «Lcuon, Durham. Durham, Co., Grey, lst May, 1861. 125-1; , The money can be obtained as scam as the pro- per_t.y ig valuegi, and the: titie approved 95. A. ROYAL 'INSURANC'E BUILDINGS EIYEBI’QfiLT . . AND LOMBARD STREET CAPITAL. Two Millions. Sterling INSURANCE ON» “ LIBERAL TERMSwu PROMPT ' SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS WITHOUT -REFEREN CES TO ENGLAND. E} No Chargcfor Policies. FRANCIS II. IIE'WKRD. Improved and wild. situated m the Townships of Holland, Sullivan, Proton, Artemesia, Gara- fraxa. kc. , c., at low prices and on I (b01111 term of payment. ’ FARM ER S4 Do You, Want Money ? ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Manager. Inapector: TORONTO. ALEX. B. MCNKB. ALEX. B. McNAB, ..POSTMASTER, Conveyanccr,Commissioner i n Queen’s Bench and Comnnsszon General Ag‘l'tf. “sze flssurnare is' the Cheapest and the safest mode of making a certain and - secure investment for one’s Family."â€"-BENJAMIN FnAxKux. flomesteads BIFndist urbed Y CIW'IL 137/13:- In Durham, Hanover, Waikerton, Mount Forest. Owen Sound, and other rhing Fatalities, many at such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and Pri'.°ate:Residcnces, application, if by letter (prcopaid) will receive strictauention. ' ' ' ALEX. B. McNAB, Genera-l Agent. 'Durham, May 1, .1861. 12543: ENSDRAVCE COMPANY. FIRE {in LIFE. ' Messrs. Bares, Mclfcnmcn. . Co;-,-‘ Toronto, “ Bnowx, GILLESPIB 00., Hamilton. “ Tnoxsox Bums, Tmonto. Roman? Punaaox, £39., Gwen. Sound Mayl, 1861. .1 12mg Life Assurance Company. Durham 3m 1mg, 1861. INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. ‘ 'flflméféoaiflm T‘ fâ€" . "- 3-; FIU‘HV ‘I “\v o L iizwwhm; ManEam ' ’ ‘ President. W 1?.3 5053M Eu}, M.P. P., ~ Vice Pre‘sid'tm. Geome‘ 10911150. Faq‘ ' Alan;'*llum3‘,”an.. Law;eq99 Hayden, 1'18], “21:975., Austin, ’ Bath - ‘ ' rnnamax'r. ' ' ' " ‘ VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN YOUNG, 35¢, JOHN FERRIE, Esq BANKEI' S. Wm. : -- 63me» must THOS; BLSIMONS; . JOHN STRIKEMAN ABMCNAB, Agent, Durham. ON IMPROVED FARMST‘OR TNT Tum NOT EXCELDING TEN T was.{ "313/ ALEX. 13.3le AB, The subscriber is prepared t0 offer for 8a m Durham, May I, 1861. 1131900090009 PERMANENT BUILDING CAPITALâ€"ONE MILLION DOLLARS, THE FREEHOLD MNES ' LEJT 2 rnnnnxrnn '17 A 13mm t‘nn 5*ch 'Tt'b‘ TOWN AND PARK LOTS, ‘ REFERENCES: THE BANK OF MONTREAL. London .aLEX. B. VIC-NAB. FAR NI LOTS, '“fi‘omsfimg R 0‘71‘11 . . . .3549, OFFICE. 4 HAMILTON, c. w. "A’. TE" mm, m, Esumsnm, 1847. " MAKE“: A. G. RflMSAY‘ AND THE ALSO AND Bill-.4“ l 1394f“ Agent. 1291'}: 13002 fax; I“

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