Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 2 May 1862, p. 4

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25 CENTS. Enterprising Agents (wanted m every town and ' gaunt? throughout the United States and .Ganada) ml most profitable employment in selling thil um: article, as it meets with ready sales WV” shreds-has no competionâ€"and profits '-_- _-.___ I- granted on the most liberal tel-mes: In magmatic cheapness bring; it wiishin reach gflhe pinion. Sample sent by mai} on receipt of Remarkably Simple and Novel Invention No lady should be without it. It is also “just thg thing" fpr girls to use learning to: sew. Patent llemmer Shield, 'FOR HAND SEWING. hmnneediby all who have used it “just the “as" for thoae‘using the needle, as it completely meets the finger, and makes a neat and uniform while the Operator is sewing. One half the labor of sewing is saved by usmg this “J. MILTON SAXDERS, M. D., LL D. “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Specific ’ as any medicine can be. We have cured many new cases with from six to ten doses.”â€"Dr. B. Rum: America-n Jour. of Med. Science. “I have found them all that. could be desired. M effect has hem truly wonderful. E. P. Kxcxm, M. D.” I? This is not a. Homoeopathic Remedy, nor is time-any mercury or when deleterious ingredients “lined with it. menâ€"$1 per box ; six boxes for 35, by .32, lure-paid. For sale at the sole General De- ” it the United States, by A SPRCEFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrliea, or Seminal Weakness, and Genital Ir- ritablnty In either sex. . is the only remeely for Sexual Debility: Wiley, c., which has the approval of the medical profeasion. its success has been most extraordinaryâ€"efi'ecfing cures in cases there all other methods of treatment had failed One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will nently cure any or: :e of Seminal Weakness, or its resulting Impotency howevm aggremted: whether constitutional, or arising from abuse or ml; Important to the Ladies. l3" PRICES :â€"-In 7 oz Bottles, $1-â€"-6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz.Bott1es,$2.-â€"Three for $5.â€" Circulars gratis. Sold by all reapectalle Drug- fists, and at the sole General Depot 111 the {*niiod States, by J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Staci, N. Y “I have used your Spacmc PILL in many mof Spermatorhea, and with the most perfect Winchcster’s Genuine Preparation OF THE H YPOPHOSPHI TES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s remedy, and is myproved by the Medical Profession generally.â€" DSE NO OTHER, 0R JINYREJVIEDYCON- ‘TJININ G IRON. CU.“ vvuunsovttu’ uuvu Mil, UAAAVlllV LII UUVIIIIID’ “ Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmtxs, Anemia, Female, Cmfnts, c., and in all disorders of the Renous of Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tuberculsr condition is immediateâ€"all the gen- eral systems digtppearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Qougl}, check Night Sweats, diminish Expectoratton, improve the Ap- petite, arrcet Diarrhoea, and PROMOTE imrkssmxe .1 are. mnnnr [(1 A n"'\rf'IQt‘v CURE. Have a twoâ€"fold and specific actionâ€"on the one hand, increasing the principle which CONS T - TUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and on the other being the MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEM-3M TING .a GENTS KNOWN. They net with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, fib‘PER MflNTH CAN BE REALIZED. mm, A. ll. DOWNER, 142 Broadway, New York, Patentec and Sole Proprietor. N. 3,..- Geneml anq‘exclysive Agencies will be Nervous Debilify, Scrofulu, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, 6c. This is the most wonderful cumtiWe agent known to medical science. It has effected cures in every stage of Consumption “ I'NPJIRJL- ”LED IN THE flNNJLS 01" fiIEDICIN '3’ ’13 Nervous Debility and Dyspepsid,w Yh'e HYPOPHOSPHITES may be regarded as an almost sovereign remrdy. ’03 A. TERM OF FIVE on 310er YEARS A Cal-ding and Pulling Mill WITH lKiSIIlNG HO USE. which a fair rent will be given. or particulars address, ost-poid, '1‘ W 1’. 0., St! Vincent, ,. W. 10th Jan., 1862. It} Ct Y! New Store, directly ' OPPOSITE THE ENGLISH CHURCH. Parsons desirous of obtaining first-class Goods at the lowest possible prices would do well by bill-sat [HIGH WALKER’S, it rmrkabfy SELLING OFF HIS ereg, .L surrounding country are respectfully formed that H. Walker is HB INHABITANTS 0F DURHAM AND _sn§'roug_digg country are respectfully in- IMPORTANT NOTICE Innuary 10th, 1862. THE HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr. Churchill's Specific Remedy FOR CONSUMPTION, IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. SOMETHING NEW! SQWSEE‘fiS} .1 FAIR TEL/1L IS .8 CERTJIN Crockery, WANTED J. WIVCHE’STER, 36 John Street, N. Y- 155-ly Liquorg Windham Street, GUELPU. 163-3m. Fruit, 160-6 111. “We must, in justice, express our confidence in the merits of the Wilcox Gibbs Sewing Machine. We consider that a great desidemtum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads are not, as was supposed, neces- sary to a good instrument.”â€"Christian Advocate and Journal, June, 21, 1860. The undersigned, Missionary to Constantino- ple, has examined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after me six weeks’ experience with Wilcox Gibbs’ Patent, he has purchased one of them as the best adapt: ed to the wants of his family,and asthe least liable to require re ir. OLIVER CRANE. I3" Sen for a Circular._gj ' “ Taking into consideration the; simplicity,cheap nets, durability, and doing all work, the com- mittee were unanimously in fiwor of the Wil- cox S; Gibbs as a. single thread machine.”â€"-Penn- sylvigia State .Aggicugtural Society’s Report. “Has combined winh its own peculiar merits an the really valuable improvements of the high- er .piiogd ma (Emmyâ€"Pennsylvanian. “This machine, in the opinion of the com- mittee, 11113 more nearly the requirements of a per- feet family machine than any on exhibition.”â€" Frankiin Institute Exhibition Report of 1858. ‘3 Tokinn- :hfn nnneiAn-noznn 0L- -:___1: -u, Two thousand Stitches, or two yards of work, I can be done in one minute without dropping a. stitch. Another feaiturc which deserves particular at- tention is fi’ The Wchox Patent Needle cannot be get wrong. A patented device of great. utility to learners, prevents the possibility of the machine being run in the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a la_dy’a dress._ THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SU- PERIORITY PFCULIARY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hamming, and Felling with a Single Thread. It forms a. flat, even, and elastic seam, which is VVARRANTED not to rip in wear, even if the scam is cut at frequent. intervals, and also under all circumstances, “ to survive the wash-tub.” WILCOX 8; GIBBS smasmmmg .1. inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timber will be us¢ d. HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surroundinrr Oppesite St. Nicholas Hotel. 53' Dr. L’s Offlcé 13 still located as establish (1 undel the same of DR. LA CRUIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albanv, N. Y. .19 Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay-â€" fl solemn warning. Just publiSfied, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male amlfemale,] of this fatal habit; dointing out thefatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the wleole progress of the Disease, from the commencement to the end. It will be sent by Mazl on reteipt of two [3] cc tStamps. 313' Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 19 atnight, and on Sundays from 2 to 5, P. M. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patient. com. municating their systems by letter. Busines cor- resmncienee stgietly Aconfidentia l. SLEIGH, AND PLOUG TO THE LADIESâ€"Who need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any of those inter- esting complaints to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. THE " ELI-:crme GALVAXIC Pnorncrtvs.”-â€"F0r married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe pre- ventive to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled. __ ""J J-vv 5v“! 9. FRENCH FEMALE PILLs.-â€"-Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy cf which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. D~:Lancy’s Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the rar- ticulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are their. V7 _-_J,-v D vvvvv ,Jvu av uuuvcazv CHE}. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. _,\ ____~ _‘ __.. â€"_â€"â€"_v'_ wvmo w suâ€" Iitled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weak- ness, generally caused by a. bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dfzziness, pains, forget- eyes, loss of Human with melancholy, may be cured by the ammr‘é’xew PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. 250 PAGES AND 130 BNGRAVINGS.â€"â€" Price only TWENTY-FIVE cnxrs. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the inâ€" tinnities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bod: sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, hlushings, defective memory, indigestion and Iassitude, with confessions of thrilting interest of Boarding School Miss, a Col- lege Student, and a Young Married Lady, 612, 6‘0. ‘ It. is a truthful adviser to the married and those : comtemplating marriage, who entertain secreti doubts of physical condition, and who are con-' scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- Holt”! P ICE with IIEMMER FELLâ€"Eli ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL NEW 01‘ MARRIAGE PRIVATE 31 [3011' WAGGQI‘TQ 553.32» M $333393 Manufhciory. WWW/’3 $35 00. Mannheim-er. No. 508 Bgoadway, New York JAMES WILG ass, depression of spirits, pal .rts, suicidal imaginings, invol- blushings, defective memory, Lassitude, with confessions of .,,_7_ ,. A. . --. THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY OF GREY 5‘ L TREATISE 147-13' ~ The public mayme “POD ‘the goat} quality or the‘ winkâ€"La. fact which cannot be said of the trash importations from Toronto and elsewhere. as‘their‘cush‘toued ChairS‘hnd Sofas are mos y stufl'ediwith straw. ' 4 Shop, south end ofthe bridge, Garafmxa st:ee£_ A... \-_ THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO INFORM the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity, that he intends to sell all sorts of Cabinet Were at the lowest prices they can be had. anywhere else in this County. BREAKFAST TABLES at ...... 8 3 each. - BUREAUS at .................. 10 “ CHAIRS per doz ................ 6 “ SOFAS,from...... ...... .....e .7to $30. WASH-STANDS from. . . . . . . . . . 0.75 to 1.50 WRITING DEséSM;........ 7 «9 mmeHMfi@ fiumnmdu .rmwmfixo m1... RY STARNES', Esq. M. P. P.; J. H. MAIT- LAND, Esqu, Remind Secretary, Montreal; G. F. C. SMITH, Esq., Resident Assistant Secretary; FRED.‘A. BALL, Inspector of .flgcnc‘e: The undersigned having-been appointgd Age” for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. _ HERBERT ROWSWELL. T. BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mo;- treal), Chairman. â€" ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Deputy-Chafim. - HENRY CHAPMAN Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL, Esq.; EDWARD J. s’. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN. RY STARNES; ESQ. M. P. P-: J- n mum- Funds in hand (Beer. 1860),. . . . . ; $6,299 130.000 Invested in Canada: .............. 2«}0;000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Company’s Buildings, Corner qf PlaceId’Ar- mes and,Great St. James Street, Montreal. THE LIVE POOL LON DON CAPITALâ€" Two Millions Sterling HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on handmnd is prepared to make, on short notice, any article in the above hue. FIRE . LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y 00MB NOW 0“ NEVER! Durham, 10th Sept. 1861. The Spencerian System of Penmanship is taught by W. P. SPEXCER. Scholarship, full course, payable inadvnnce, 340 College open day and evening :â€"â€"no vacations. Resident principals at Buffalo, J. C. Bums? W. P. Spsxcm. For further information, please call at. the Col oge Rooms. or send for Catalogue and Circular nclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT 85 STRATTON. Buffalo, N. Y. October 7, 1861. 127-Iy The Designs of the Institution, is to impart to young men and ladies, a thorough: practical bust} new education. ,, _ .-, -- 1’ ....vv ..--v n .quV v- uvuuullta. Book-Keeping in. all its departments, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic andl’enman- ship, are taught in the most thorough and {tracti- cul manner. _ The Course of Instruction, is 80 arranged as to combine Theory and Practice, and thereby secure to the student, a perfgcg kqowledge of accounts. AND ST. LOUIS. A Scholarship issued from the Buffalo College, will be good in any of the others,_either for completing the course, or for reviewing at any time thereafter. " MAIN . SENECA STREETS, Is an important link to the National Chain of Colleges, located in Pianos, Melodeons, Fiutinas, Accordeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. Rasmnxcsâ€"l’oulett St., near-the Market. Parties visiting Owen Sound will find it to their advntage to call befor 9' purcllstsing elsewhere. oxery article made on the premises and can be wajrgntcd, Durham, 8th Aug. 1861. OULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public of Durham and via- inity to their large and varied stock 0! Cabinet Fumxtnre, comprising Bureaus, Beasteads, Sofas. Couches. Cupboards, Chairs, Tables 8:. GEORGE TUCKER. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 104- CABINET FURNITURE. SPENCER BROS. February lst, 1861 General Coopcrinv. March 26, 1962. NEW YORK, ALBANY, DETROIT, wn~m Opposite the Durham Hotel. 2.9 0 , WMMWZJ DIRECTORS : \ Q . V§§§m~® 39¢ \ N.\\.J 5. ‘5 \.\3.. N oootbcoovuro TO RENT. CORNER OF ..P MARSTON Gunsmitb, Toronto 1’. O. ' I'll-3 GEORGE KRISé. 100-] y JOSEPH IjULLAN, PHILADELPHIA, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, "-3 3 each. 0.0 10 u n U 2 each. 104oâ€"Gm 139-1y llz-ly Made by .Messrs. Carpenter Ware 8:. (30., Hamilton; both Safes and Scales. are equal to; any, and superior tomost of the old Country and Americans makes, in fact. in point of qualtity, dur- ability and finish, they ,are‘not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes and Scales is kept on' hand, anidfijflat any time he should be out of 1 stock of any particularsize, he Will procure it at very short no- tice, mé‘rel'j'fcharging factory prices delivered at the factorv, and adding aeamall sum to cover freight if delivered at the store of "he -.'subscriber-- _ t ‘ * ‘ W. ROUGH. OWEN SOUND, April 23, 1861. 104.1, " Go‘bper‘s’ and Shoevmakers’.. Tools, and 5a variety of other things too numerous togmention. The subscriber is also desirous toas- ..sist.the good people of this section to encourage Holt-IE NIAI‘TITFACTURES, And has, thereforeobtained the agencies of the justly established prize Esaugeaoos sues Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anviis, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. ‘ To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. W. KOUGH at the opening of, and during navigation, will be. receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the! manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of} everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex-4 perience, both in EurOpe and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. BOXES, very, very low. Agent for Hay, Platform, and all kinds of count- er Scales. There is a first class Picture Gallery over W. B. Choate’s Stove Depot, where you can get as true a Likeness as in any place in Canada. Every picture warranted. N. B.,â€"-â€"Rags old coppe1,bmss, pewter, 01d wrought or cast i10n,sheep skins, c., c. 830. E1 my man who \1 111113 a Stove will save money b\ calling at W. B. CHOATE’S, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergus Coal Oil and Lamps, and Goal Oil by the bar- rol or gallon. A full assortment of Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. Pure Rock Oil at SOCts. per gallon. A lamp, :1 can, and a quart of rock oil for 3s. 9d. First class machine oil for 7.50m.â€" superior to olive oil. Tinware of all kinds on hand, or made to order cheap! very cheap.â€" meping paper at factory prices. Papvr 01' Cash given for ’1“th to dealers. Window sash 3d per light..__ , PATENT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGGON A “ball discount to podlars or country mer- chants. Lust t Iltbhs Among tâ€"he‘leuvaiuvgqsâ€"toi’e-s' “ill the Found the L King of Stoves at ...... $10 usually sold for $32 Davy Crochet or Victor. 18 “ “ 30 Golden Fleece ..... _. . . . 17 “ “ 25 Maple Leaf ............ 2G “ “ 40 Iron Duke ......... ' . . . . 38 “ " 45 Protectionist ........... 24 “ “ 35 The. Stoves are furnished with copper Lottomed furniture. Not Brantford make, but [MANUFACTURED on the PREMIS IS. Stove pipe with Stoves ...... 7M per length. Five per cent off Stoves to schools or churches. Agricultural . Furnace ................. . $14.00 Morlcy’s Plough .............. . . ....... 6.50 Scotch Caua dian Plough ............... b. 50 PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES. Qfikrs Ilardwarc at the Sign of the [gig At W. B. CHOATE’S STO VE AND PLO U011 DEPOT, FERGUS Can be seen the best assortment of Stovesin Canada West, and at prices that will defy com- petition. Qnecnii will convince. you of that fact. TIN 8: SHEET IRON HE DURHAH AMBROTYP‘E GALLERY will shortly-close. All persons Wishing to ( btain good Likenesses of themselves,thcir child- ren, or Etiends, should do so duging this month. A new stock of FanCy cases. 5m; just arrived:â€" Famin groul‘ss taken, on one platé, at moderate prices. Likenesses for Lockets, Breaches c., and to send in Letters, taken on patent metalic pla tes . 1644f. STOVE . PLOUGH Oils, Paint and Color, Wig-us, January H3, 1862. ~. 2:1EEEESS”H§B WOW IS YOUR TIME! At such prices as will pay all customerzs in want of Mad’e'by J. ; J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of the Manufactory. a get as “afiHOPE'S MASNPEZITIC gINTMEN'gs’hOBonSomI a . . a an case ' es, urns, Son) 11- Camda lined or "rd Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and irz’very a can there an ointnmnt is useful. It will recommend its“: 101-] y m one his! CHURCH STREET, E” InSpection Invited. REM EMBER THE STA-N D : Opposite Underhlll’s Taverna (Near the Post Office) Of all kinds, either on hand, or done to order for quality, and workmanship, cannot be sur- passed by any House 111 Guelph, und over) body knons Of all kinds, either on hand. or done to order. mm agmma, Cheaper than any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. JOHN WEBSTER, GUELPH, January 10, 1862. 160-1y. A GOOD THING. When on: children or out of suntan give‘them a few drops and it sets them all right I find it I meets the, general wants of the stomach and bow- ‘ els when disordered.” Runnn, ifâ€"you need either or .bothoftheoe most excellent. Remedies, inquire for them at the stores; if you do not find themfinke mother, but incloseOne Dollar in a leterand on a re- ceipt of the money, the Remedy 201' Remedies will be sent. amending to your directions, by mil 0: express postpaid. Address, . . mm .5... puma... ‘ _ L92 l'd‘sasalr’St:_New York. Put up in 50 ct. 8L 8! Bottles each. 153-6!!! bitreet, Williamsburg, L. 1., writes: “Afigust 5 1860â€"Ha ving been, troubled with a difficulty in' the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks I was advised by a friend to try ’ - I did so,and found it to operate admimblrfie. moving the bile and arousin the liver to I haves so used it as a g “an“, FAMIL Y MEDICINE. and was entirely cured. I have hadn‘thek since.” D. W’estervelt, Esq., Sgreet, __Wil_liarpsburg, L. Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn writs “Feber 28 1860.-â€"-Iu May last I had a, sevenfumck 01133)": Tm): confined me to the house. I took one hot. t e o in afl'ordimg immediate relief. It is 3 Liver and bilious remedy.” Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Stneet, N. Y., Writes: " Feb. 20, 1860.â€"--I have been subject to attacks of Asthma the lastyftwenty years. I have never found anything equal to â€" wwwâ€" now'entirely cured, and take pleasure In recom- mending these remedies.” Otis Studle}, F «q 128 East 28th street, N. Y. writes: “ August 14,1860.â€"-I had a difficultv with Kidney Complaint three )ears, with eunâ€" stunt pain in the small of my back. I had med most an of kinds of medicine, but {01111an per. mncnt Idle! uatil I used DARLiNG’S LIVER REGULATOR It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attack, I had been troubled with dyépepsh several months ; I have felt nothing of it since.” Hon. John A. Cross, writes, " Brooklyn, March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I tookjwo doses of ' Darling’s Liver Regulator, Is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, i:regularities, pams in the side and bowels, hlind, protruding and bleetl’mg piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Brantley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, Writes, August 18, 1860; “I have been afllicmd \fith piles, accompax'jed with bleed- ing, the last. three years; I used DARLING’S ' And now consider myself entirely cured Removes the morbids and billions deposits fn the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver o kidneys, removing every obstruction, restore. It is a. superior FAMILY MEDICINE, FAMILY MEDICIN I Much batters than pills, and much easier D. ngtgyvelt! I . v-Uwuur outâ€"J ILBMIUW the secretions, excretion: and exhalatious, equal- ize the circulation, and purify the blood. Than, all billions complainfs~some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Hca dachc, DySpepsia, Pil'es, Chills and Fever-s, Costiveness or Loosenessâ€"are en- tirely controled and cured by these remedies. Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all b,l- lions disorders of the human system. They legw- late and vigorate the liver and kidneys"; they give tone to the digestive organs; they regulate ‘I‘IA finnm‘: A-kâ€" LIFE 'BIT'TERS. I pasgeq clottegl blopd by the moth, I DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR. LIVER REGULATOR Darling’s Liver Regulator. LIFE BITTERS, LIFE BITTERS, DARLING’S AND AN D liver and to take.

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