Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 25 Apr 1862, p. 4

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No lad} should b tho thing” for girls t. Imam eh m rifiion. Sam an price, lhlnral‘ Bis " ”misingiflgen fixqughom t1: mdaifiost profi‘ w article, 2 than: ofi'enedâ€"-he ”fringe. ‘ 0 BER MON"; ' mm, A. film 3... _ this “than: Simple and Novel Im' cation “J. MILTON Sauna, M. D , LL D. “,W'Q believe it to be as near a ‘Spficific ’ as ”3 medicine can be. We have cured many " cases wnh from six to ten doses.”-â€"-â€"Dr. B ‘ : Jmerican Jour. of Jleo’. Science. é'f‘fl‘hav‘o found them all that could be desired. “infect has been truly wonderful. E. P. Kxcxm, M. D.” 33" This isnot a Homeopathic Remedy, nor is No any mercury or 0 her deietc-rious ingredients “binrd with it. MOE;â€"$l per 130‘ ; six boxes for 35, by; awe-psi}! For sale at the sole General Dc- 1 “lily Important to tha Ladies. “I have uscd your Svacmc P:LL in many mof Spemtoorhea, and with the most perfect C its mulung Impotency ho» ever aggrevated, thethqr constitutional, or arismg trom abuse or TEis IS the onlv remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotency. c, nhmh has the approval of themedical prnf'esiun Its swcccss has been most extravrdinary~eߴcting 011188 in cases them all other methods of t eatment had failed Ono to six boxes of the SPECIFIC- PILL will permanently cure any ca: 9 of Seminal \\ eakness, pronounced by all who have used it “jun the 4 49: those using the needle, as it completely ” "the finger, and makes a neat and unitorm - while the operator is sewing. Ono half the label' of swing is saved by 08mg - - i’ - ‘ this 33' PRICESz-In ’2' 03 Bottles, $1-6 Bottles {0:85. In 16 oz. Botties, $2~Three for $5.â€" Circulars gratis. Said by all reschta' 16 Drug- gists, and at the sole Ganeral Depot. in the United States, by Milan-i, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, Female: complaints, 8m, and in a}! disorders of thé Nervous or Blood Systems. Thcir effect upon the tubal-cu)»: condition is immediateâ€"all the gen- us) systems disappearing with a rapidity which finally marvelous They increase the zyrvoua or vital energ , relieve Cx-ugh, check Night 8mm, diminish Expectoration, improve the Ap- ptite,arre§t [Liam-hem, and PROMOTE Rum-33mm 1'“ mâ€"‘._ -,_._ __ OF THE HYPOPHOSPHIT T118 is the only unable form of Dr. C1! are ilis emedy, and is :pproved by the \Iedic 11 Profession generally. ~â€" USE NO OTHER, UR 1‘: YREMEDY CON- nHINlNG IROV. Have a two-fold and specific amenâ€"on the one hand, increasing the principl- which CONSTI- TUTES NERVOUS EA'EIEG Y; and on the other. being the MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GENERJ '1 7313 JGENTS K; ’0 IVN. They tct with promptness and certainty in a]! general morbid conditions, such a3 Chronic Bronchitis, I AL; A Nervous, DebiliI-y, Scrqfula, Dyspepsw, ' Bronchitis, «5'6. Thijs‘the most wonderful curative agent gown ”medical science. It. has effected cures every stage of Consumption “UNPJRJL- LELEU IN THE .iNNJLS OF MEDICINE.” In Nervous Debility and Dyspersia, the HYPOPHOSPHITES may be regarded as an almost sovereign remrdy. THE HYPOPHOSPHITES P034 TERM OF FIVE OR MORE YEARS, A‘Cardlng and Fulllng Mill WITH WASHING ”0 USE. For‘wmch a fair rent will be given. For particulars address, post-paid, T. T. 0., Neaford P. 0., St. Vincent, C. W 20th Jan, 1863. 162-3112. {£1135 United States, by «mpg: If.’ f . I ‘1' I 1/ A; m mums “his Few Score, direct'y A. man ding cm. tormdthatfi. Walkerxa ° ' am P9 N “1 u: remarkably SELLING OFF HIS Groceries. A 3P1; CIFIC REMEDY P03 Spormamrrhea, or Seminal ' Weakness, and Guava! Ir- ritabuity in either sex. Winchester’s Geanine Preparation @WE“E S pat Hemmer Shield, 5-: FOR HAND SEWING. I“ c E N T s O 6min Circulars furnished on application. beraL Discount to the Trade. zmfinflgehm (wanted in every town and ghou; the United States and Canada,) 41“ est profitable employment in selling afil article, as it meets with ready sales tr ofl'eredâ€"has no eompetion-and profits fibrin. ' - ' ,PER MONTH CAN BE REALIZED. ions, A. u. DOWNBR, " M2 Broadway, New lurk, Patentee and Sole Proprietor. F9 General and exclusive Agencies will be [an the. most liberal fennel ‘ (3‘ M l 9 i. 7"“ SI e‘rsfi ,r should be without it. It is also “just for girls to use learning to sew. gums cheapness brings it Within mob ibn. ‘~ Simple sent by mail on receipt of (Dr. Churchill‘s Specific Remedy) FOR CONSUMPTION, SOMETHING NEW! WOBTANT MEDICAL TY-TSTIHOXY. .2 R111? TEL/1L 18 .x1 CERTLEJYN Crockery, ’ABITANTS OF DURHAM AND WANTED J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, 'AN T NOTICE. J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, N. Y. Liquorm respeczfuny in- 183-3122 Fruit, 155-1y sary to a good instrument."~â€"Christian Acivocate and Journal, June, 21, 1860 The undersigned, Missionary to Constantino- ple, has examined Inc-re than twenty different kids of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks’ experience with Wilcox : Gibbs’ Patent, be has purchased one of them as the best adapt- ed to the wants of his family,and as‘bo least liable to require repair. ' OLIVER CRANE. G'Send furs Chantal-‘5‘ ' ' JAMES WILGOX. _ . V. - 77-“- wv-UIJ a L‘VWI It. “ We must, 1n J“3t108. expnss our confidence in the ments of the Wilcox Gibbs Sewing Machme. We consider thee a great desr'deratum has ‘been supplied by It, In provmg, bevond doubt. that two tbleads are not, as was supposed, neces- sary to a good instrument."~â€"Christian Advocate and Jamie], ._Inne,_ 21, 1860 “Has combined wixh its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the high- er priced machines.“-â€"â€"Pennsylvania n. “ This machine, in the opinion of the com- mittee, nlls more nearly the requirements of a per- fect, family machine than any on exhibition.”â€" Fra nkiin Institute Exhibition Report of 1858. “' Taking into consideration the aim "-licity,cheap nete, durability, and doing all work, the com- mittee were unanimously in favor of the Wil- , v--- wâ€" v' v...’ can be done in one mimite without drovfiping a stitch. A patented device of great utility to learners, pmven's the possibilitv of the machine being run in the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a la dy’a dress. Another feature which deserves particular at- tention is 13" The WILcox Patent Needle cannot be jet wrong. lTHIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SU- PERIORITY PFCULIARY I'lS OWN. Stitching. Bemming, and Felling with a Single Thread. It forms a. flat, even, and elastic seam, which is wnnaxrnn not to rip in wear, even it the seam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under all circumstances, “ to survive the wash-tub.” Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. . v‘ y. can ‘J‘ . 'V‘u U0 "3‘ u. Good merchantable lumber or taken as cash. HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants: of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the abom- articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the bees: quplity of timber will be ussd. \VJLCOX 8: G18}??? 3mm mamas; SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH 250' PAGES AND 130 maximises-4- Price only rwsxrrâ€"nvs cexrs. Sent free .of postage to all parts of the Union. On the m- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of borh sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suiCtdal imaginit. gs, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lussitude, with confessimzs of thrilling interest of Boarding School .Miss, a C0!- - legs Student, and a lounge Marned Lady, do, 51‘. 1 It is a truthful adviser to the married and those i comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret doubts of physical condition, and who are con-' scious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- litled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled tyith weak- eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured' by the author’s NEW PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. W e have recently devoted much of our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in our PECULIAR department of profession- al Practice, for the past (”mm/31,9 years. T3 ..... ._ n__ A , n _ _- It will be amt byiilazvle'n'retezpz (if two [3] re (Stamps. 13’ Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 19 at night. and on Sundays from 2 to 5, P. M. Medicines with full directions seat to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busines cor reapondence strictly confidential. n- DI‘. L’s Office is Still located as establish (1 nnderthe same of DR. LA CLOIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. fl Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay-â€" fl solemn warning. Just publixlzed, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, I both male and female,} of this fatal habzt ; lointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the raffle,from the commencemert to the end. ---- vwvuguy Joys. 5"“. a. FRENCH FEMALE PILLs.-â€"-Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efflcacycf which has been tested in thousanes of cases, and never failed to effect Speed y cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. D Lancy’s Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies :should not. take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the Wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, 30 gentle, yet so active are they. D-:AAQI ._-_L_ m. - -_ , married ladies whose heaith wili not admit, or who have no desire to increase. their families, may be obtained as above. It is a. perfectly safe pre- ventive to concept'on, and has been extxnsively gsed during the last 20 years. Price reduced to 10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled. J -- â€"v wvusvv “Av tllDJ. Price $1 par box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. TO THE LADIESâ€"Who need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any of those inter- esting complaints to which their delicate orga- nization renders them liable, are particularly in- vited to consult us. P ICE with nmmmn ' 'FEILLEIS Durham. 28 June, 1860. PRIVATE MEDIEA'L TREATISE 0:: THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW or MARRIAGE. thohsand Stitchps, or fly? yard; of work, 2-..- 2.. Man “factory. 13333211313 $35 00. THE. DURHAM STANDm E. A} - j 0 d CI farm produce York. 147-1y IN I) II R H 1‘. 1'! THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO INFORM .the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity, that he intends to sell all sorts of Cabinet Ware at the lowest prices they can be had anywhere else in this County. ‘ IBREAKFAS’I‘ TABLES at ...... s 3 each. iB'UREAUS at: ............. .. .. 10 “r CHAIRS per doz ................ 6 “ SOFAS, from .............. .... 7 to $30. WASH-STAVDS, from ....... . . . 0.75 to 1.50 WRITING DESKS from....... . . 7 t' 9 BEADSTEADS ............... 2 each. The puolic may rely upon the good quality or I the workâ€"a fact which cannot be said of the trashy importatit us from Toronto and elsewhere. as theirlcusltioned Chairsland Sofas are mostly stuffed With‘straw. ’ " “ Shop, south end of the bridge, Garafraxa street ; ~â€"_“~â€" ..__ 5 COME N0‘VA 0R NEVER! THE CHEAPEST @Aamzw WéBEEQHSE The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. HERBERT ROWSWELL. - _ __ -7 "' vqu. Deputy-Chairman: HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq.; ED W'ARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P.; J. H. MAIT- LAN D, Esq., Resident Secretary, Montreal ; G. F. 0. SMITH, Esq., Resident Assistant Secretary; FRED.‘A. BALL, Inspector of .dgcncte: Durham, 10th Sept. 1861., “IRANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Funds in hand (Deer. 1860), ...... 36,299 130.6?) Invested in Canada, .............. 2 0,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Commny’s Buildings, Corner qf Placefd’A r- mes and,Great St. James Slreet, filonttreal. THE LIVE POOL LON DON FIRE 5.. LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y prepared to make in the above 11: e. HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES thy Apubliq that he has on hand,and is For further information, please call at the Col ego Rooms. or send for Catalogue and Circular nclosing letter stamp. Address BRYANT 65 STRA T'I‘ON’. The Designs of the Institution, is to impart to young men and ladies, a. thorough; practical busi- ness education. The Course of Instruction, is so armnged as to Combine Theory and Pracrire, and thereby secure to the student. a perfect knowledge of accounts. Book-Keeping in ail its departments, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic and Penman ship, are taught in the most thorough and practi- cal manner. The Snencerian System of Penmanship is taught by W. P. Seexcnn. ‘ Scholarship, full course, payable inndvnnce, $.10 Colleee open day and evening :-â€"~no vacations. Resident principals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT W. P. SPENCER. AND ST. LOUIS. A Schoia rship ’ssued from the Bufl'a‘o College, vill be good in any of the others, either for completing the course, or for reviewing at any time tbexeafter. Durham, 8th Aug. 1861. i v v attention of the Public of Durhamfincfvicâ€" finity to their large and varied stock of Cabinet % F armture, comprismg : Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sofas, Couches, Cupboards, Chairs, Tables 8L Pianos, Melodeons, Flutinas, Accordeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. RESIDENCEâ€"Poulett SL, near the Market. Parties visiting Owen Sound will find it to their advntage to call before purch .sing elsewhere. every article made on the premises and can be wa__rrz}nted, ,, __ .. vâ€".-â€"â€"nv-u v-Itlâ€"Iâ€"IQ’ Is an important link to the National Chain of Colleges, located in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICA GO, TWEB‘W?TA£O HERCANT. I E COLLEGE, ”An-O _.‘ ‘â€" ‘ 7'OULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention 0f the pn})lil‘_ nf' nilt’hah‘l ant} «'11- gtobeau perior to Gargling Oil, or any othor plugs? BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who hm n3 9 dicino now before 0511:, and m injuries to Homfloeh. Good (or m the Public. for Sprains, Bruises. Cm APITAL~ Two Illillzons Sm [inb «7 nnA- :_ L-..) I“- ._ ‘hnn\ - JOSEPH 13mm”, GEORGE TUCKER. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 104, October 7. 1861. SPENCER BROS. February lst, 1861. Pdcgzsmuwbotflo. Sold b m Denier-in m General Comm-ring. March 26, 1962. MAIN SENECA STREETS {:- fag/WW //fl€4az;z offl’izgzb’ml / fl/W/M GABGLING OIL SUPEBSEDED Opposite the Durham Hotel. DIRECTORS : oWEN sown), TO RENT. CORNER OF short notice, any articlfi GEORGE Kmsé. .P. MARSTON, Gunsmith Toronto P. O 171- 3 ...$ 3 each. ... 10 “'2 _‘- P. n 131152110. 2‘ of IO4~~6m 135.133 llZ-ly i . 3 Coopeis and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and a v'lriet f‘ 4 ' too numerous to ment' T ' c' y 0 otoer thmgs . 1 1011. he subscrlber 13 also desirous toas Slst toe goodpeople of tins section to encouraoe D “01.1 E NIefiN‘U’FACTU RES 3’ And has therefore obtained the 21 em. . g '135 0f the 1 , ._ 1. ‘ Prize Jus 1y ebtdbhbhed Keeps on hand a large stock of 11011, Steel, Anvils, V 1(.,es Nails Chains, Bolts, Nuts, hivets, Scnews, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cmdage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. W'. KOUGH at the opening of, and during navigation, will be receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of everything in the I'Iardwaro line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Europe and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. There isa first clns P:c1;;rc Gallery over W. A GOOD THING. B. Choate‘s Stove Depot, when you can {:01 as DR HOPE’S MAGNETIC ()INTMENT. is well worth I true a Likeness as in am place in Cimud. ”I“ m a“! c“? "f Pi‘e‘o,3urnfi~ Scams: 015 Sons. 1::- ! - . ' filmed or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the 31:11:. and in every = Every picture wurmn ed. 4 ‘ ‘ on w. 1.!‘0 an ointment is useful. It will mcommend itul‘ Fergus, Janualy H), 18b). 101 13' flat on. an! Q.“ Agent. for Buy, Pla form, and all kinds of count- er Scales. N. B.-â€"-Rags, cld copper, brass, pewter, old wrought or cast iaon, sheep skins‘ «Sac, c. (we. Every man who wants a Stove will awe money by calling at W. B. CIWATE‘S, Opposite Robertsw’s Mill, Fergus MANUFACTURE!) on the PREMISES. l Stove pipe with Stoves ...... 7gd per length. ' P Five per cent. off Stoves to schools or churches. - Agricultural Furnace .................. $514.00i ( Morley’s Plough ..................... 6.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ............... 6 50 Goal (ii and Lamps, and Goal Oil by the bar- ‘ rel or gallon. A full assortment uf Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. Pure Rock Oil at 50ers per _ gallon. A lamp, 8. can, and a quartot rock oil J l’ for 3s. 9d. First class machine oil for 7ocmâ€" J superior to olive oil. Tinuare of all kinds on ! Of :11 hand. or made to order cheap! very cheapâ€"J . . for 1 Wrappirig paper at factory prices.“ Pap r crlp.SS(t1:¢ Cash given for rags to dealers. Window sash! 3d per light. I“ A libefal discount to pedlars or country mer- chants. PATENT THIMRLE SKEIN WAGGON Among the leading stoves will 'be found the King of Stoves at ...... $16 usually sold for 832 Da vy Crocket or Victor. 18 “ 30 Golden Fleece ......... l7 “ “ 25 Maple Leaf. . . . ........ 26 “ “ 4.0 IronDuke............. 28 “ " 4.5 Protectionist ........... 24 “ “ 35 The. Stoves are furnished with copper tottomed furniture. Not antford make. but Qfi'crs Ifardsmre at film Sign qf {/10 {gigs At W. B; CHOATE’S 8 TO VE AND PLO UGH DEF o T, FERGUS Can be seen. the best assortment of Stoves in Canada. West, and at prices that will defy com- petition. Qnecall will convince you ofthat. fact. TIN SHEET IRON 1. will shortly close. All persons wishing to ( btain good Likenesses of themselves,their child- ren, or Friends, should do so during this month. A new stock of Fancy cases c. just arrived.â€" Family groups taken, on one plate, at moderate prices. Likenesses for Lockets, Broaches 8m, and to send in Letters, taken on patent metalic plates. STOVE <3: PLOUGH HE DURHAM AMBROTYPE GALLERY will shortlv close. All npmnnq manna. Ofls, Paint aflfi At such prices as will pay all custorm'ra in want of 1-\'I‘FORR'1 AND 0TH ER SPA LE A“ Made by J. BOXES. verv, vcr} inw. Manufactory. < mm}: 333%“ ADD REY I ADVERTISER. aylor, of Toronto, and offhe 164-tf. .9‘ 30 25 40 (1H6 1) UUGHS A\D (31.11/“11‘1’1 1. 11111.18: CHURCH STREET, H3” Inspcu ‘n Invited. RE ’ AMBER THE STAND: Opposite Einiivrfiaiafi’s Ta. (Near t! 0 Post Office) Of all kinds, eithor on hand, or done t» order, for quality, and Wurkmanship, cannot be smu p .ssed by any House in Guelph, und evez'ybod3 Lnuws Cook, And it is known to all {1 mat the Bramford House 18 the only bulwark against the return of the old and rmnous prices imposed on the. public before it commenced Although the rest of the Stove Dealers Have done all t1 ey can to run it off the track still it stands good ugiinst the BY HIS DAILY INCREASING RUSH IN business the Pubhc Show {hat they are alive to the fact. that it was the “ THE BRANTFORD HOUSE ” That brought “way,” than N0 SUB BEN DE R. GUEIWPII Jaw .mm TO A Fair and Reaganlflc Price. AGRICULTUR -§.L EST ‘VOREa’HAN‘é‘HIP IN THE PROVINCE. Parlour and ALW .x’YS A HEAD. AL WA Y8 ON [1.13:0 1' 11 r G UELPH, And Sells all kinds of an; 1332abiishzane “ CO UN s RY. n a: ‘5. THE AND Box Stoves ‘3? 7“! 1221‘ 35 ‘2‘ g A 160-15'. READER, if30u need either or both oftheaa most excellent Remedxe , inquire for them at the sures; if you do not. find them, take no other, b n inclose One Dollar m a. ietter. and on a to- calm or the money, the Re: nedy or Remedieswill be sent. according to your directions, by unit or en: 1. aid. Address, em W p DAN’L s. mauve, 102 31558115‘6. New York. Put up In 50 ct. a 81 Bottles ouch. -“ use-em a few amps and it sets them all right “I findii meets the general wants of the stomach and bow- els whez disordered. ” I did so, and found it to operate admirably m- moving the bile and arousing the 'lifer to gcfi'fit’ I haves. so used it as a ” ~ FAM I L Y MEDICINE. When our children or out of sorts, We give them D. Westervelt, Esq, of South 5th, near 8th Street Williamsburg, L. 1., writes: “Angnjts, ISGO-«Having bean troubled with a‘ dificulty in the Liv-r, and subject. to bilious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try and was entirely cured. I have had no 0M sinee. ” Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, “February 28, 1860.-â€"Iu May last I had a severe attack of Film, which confined me to the house. I took one hot- tle of 'Darling’s Liver Regulator, in afl'ordimg immediate relief. It isa thorong Liver and bilious remedy.” Mrs. G. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N._Y., writes: ‘Feb. 20 1860.-â€"-I have been subject to attack of Asthma the last twenty years. I have never found anything equal to I passed clotted blood by the uretha. I an now entirely cured, and take pleasure in recon! mending these remedies." It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attack, I had been no .bied with dyspepsia several months ; I have felt. nothing of it. since.” Otis Studley, Psq, 128 East 28th street, N. Y., Writes: “August 14, 1860.-â€"-â€"I had a. diflicnlt" with Kidney Complaint, three years, with con- stzmt pain in the smal of my back. I had need most all of kin ‘s of medicine, but found no per- manent relief until I used And now consider myself entirely cured." Hon. John A. Cross, writes, “Brooklyn, March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which in..;uced a violent fever. I took two doses of DARLING’S QI‘ETEE figgyaawaa Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writes, August 18. 1860; “I have been amic ed 11 ith p lest accompa..ied with bleed- ing, the last three yea rs; I used Is a superior tunic and diuretic; excellentin cases of loss of appetiw, flatulency, female weakness, i regularities, pains in the side and bowels, blind. p'otruding and bleeding piles, and genexal debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: . 2° ‘. .. . ‘: 3‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ {um ~V:"F‘ ‘L.‘ ‘31.- .‘|-' - 1:-.‘1 F. Kama (19:09118 from ‘. \ mum-Jae m} .. xx 3'5 I‘Tg‘ai ‘es tie liver and Tnoys, mun \iz»; ‘vczx bdrnctinn, restores I § I wzal aw!- . (1} by ac: ion in m:- vital organs.â€" -: is a su; Brit 1‘ FA .ilLY MEDICINE, 3-.1 uch betters than pills, and much easier to hire. ‘~' ‘ i “”‘J give {one to the. digestive organs; they regulate :he secretiuns, excretiuns and exhalatio 8, equal- ize the circulaziun, and urify the blood. Thus, by]. «Lou; ('21::‘311'01711‘3â€"301138 of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Iii-ushzche, I..‘ys;epsia, Piles, China an! Fevcrs, Cnsuve..ess or Looseness-aro en- -irely (outruled and cure : by these remedies. DARLIIG’S \re pure \egetnble extracts T.cy cure all 13,1- {iuus dism-dex: of me mman svstcm. They regu- ute and viguate the liver and kidneys; they r]\' n Q1. r\ n 91‘ “\A A- in~43__ _â€"â€"â€"v â€"vâ€" ‘I v ploughs. EC?” Mill Picks Made and Sharpener! {13’ Axes Jumped and Tempered. 113*" Any person in need of 8. Funk: it to their avantage to call 0', him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Price DARL! NG’S LIVER REGULATOR. IS PREPARED TO DO Hill \Vork, Horse Shoeing, Road: THE Subscriber will pay the highest in Ctlh‘ or in exchange for FLANNEL 5% ~23 e722 3 .‘J C?“ 222223, DARLING’S LIFE Brr'mns, Darling ’s Liver Bea gulator. Darling’s Life Bitters ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62. LEFE BaTTERS, LIFE BITTERS. fouo ht Iron Shares made for any Had o LIFE BITTERS, WOOLEN SEBAI J UBBEHG. nfi-_.‘ 4â€"â€"â€"-â€" \RLING’ Saddler Street, AND AND AND AND a.‘ Farrier win find

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