Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 10 Jan 1862, p. 3

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!er le :0 {ed of M} n) on- an! ‘11- [V88 mm! mp- ‘9 re 861. $0. 00 0.60 0.20 P it the 1' is 1.3m If fave the 00 Ht" UP 86 SPECIAL NOTICE. * To Consumptives.“ GUELPH MARKET: :â€"January 81h. Spring “’heat 80 to 81 cents per bushel ; Pork $3 to $4 per cwt. HE ADVERTISER, HAVING BEEN RE- smnnnto health in a. very few weeks by a very simple remedy after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dr ~ad disease, l'onsumptiz)n--is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy 0: the presenption used, (free 0t charge) with the direc- tions of preparing and using the same, which they “ill find a was CURE fur Coxscurnos, Asnu, ‘Baoxc c,ams kc. The onl3 object ofthe adverziser in sending the I‘rescrxption is tohenefit the af- flicted, and Spread information \\ hich the con- ceives to be invaluable and‘he hOpes every sufferer will try his remed§ , as it costs them nothing, and may prov e a blessing Parties wishing the prescription will please address . va EDWARD A. WILSON“, “'illiamsburg, King Countv, New Ych 181‘ of unclaimed Letters remaimng in Ben- ' tinck Post Office, January 2, 1861. Anderson, Mrs. Ann Du vidson, James Barker, Mrs. F and, Reward . Brackun, J reph Fuller, Henry H. Bmttou, Hubert McDonald, Roderic}: Brian, Mrs. Jane BIL-Donald, Donald ‘Chitzeck, Francis MéDon-ald, Archibald Campbell, Ma ry and to bo mt from the river flats and low lands on tho sand property. and to 0011333: of good sound godnbr, Hemlock, hlm,‘1‘ama.ruck,Pine, Oak or .000, .. EXDIZRS eWiil be receixed by the Proprietor until 121236111211}. of January next, ad- dressed to Ila-Hilton, C. Iii, (Post-paid) for get- tingo out a i the square and round timber ncces Ban for the emetion of a mill-11.1 on the above pro; may in t! m to! whip of Normanbx. T1 e “hole to he defiv rei on the nest bfink of the r11 er. above high water mark, at the risk of the contractor, contiguous to the Spot whvre the dam is to be built, on 1 r before the BELL PROPERTY Price to be Sm ted per '00 cubic feet, ora to- ‘tal sum for eac! 1 kind at the 01v :0 of party ten- dermg the M: W! tim 91' to be measured asif it were reduced tn Squat-,9 in (use the tender is :pcr hm. cub? c feet. «diners in medicine; SPECEFE i £1193?“ ' c.may be seen run applicvti n tn {12:3 Pnstmns: or and Gnge ’nt (hart, Ilsq , at \vton: 31:. Adam Fries, Inn kcc'wr, RUfIU‘S uIlI sunfl, G2: rufmxa. Roan; 0,01 :milh Egrmznm I’ II. II rzh\\'ii.~(m, I?.~q, P. I. Khan! Ft" 0.: : Jan: 9 D. 'I‘Immas, Esq, Kon- ilwm-th milIs; at the affine 0" the Snxmuo. Dur- h:,un and a the vat um cc at nrcI: ardvi‘ .c. THOMAS ROBE“. TSIH Prnnrietor, II multm, C. VI. P. S.-â€"â€"I‘aymcnt to be made when cnntmct completed tn the satiafaatiou of J mes I). Thom» s Esq., Kenhworth. 0n applimti n to {we 1 Bntvha rt, 1') sq, at A30 keeper, Rugsrs 0M sttmr’. Smith, Egrenmnt P 0.; 1 Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS’ MAGIC RELIEF. and if you are not satisfied of its superiority. a!- tcr using the medicine. the price will be refunded by the Agent. in all gases. Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by d! Tm: And as the winter season afbrds the best opâ€" portunity for taking out - J such armngoments as l the erection and com-pletmn Notice of the abnve is hertby given in order that parties wishinglngs cut int u Lumber. may goxern themseives accurdirrfly Aytnn, To“ “3} m of \m'manoy, I 3151 [)90tnlb0fi186}. S 1598 DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIE'I‘Y. HE when officers ”c: the ensuing year will be elected. 15?: day 0f April next. Dated 30:11 Dec., 1861. at 4 o’clock r. x. The pub ic generally are invited to at‘end. B. ROGERS. Semetary. ”mmnni “113 Jan“ 1862. 159-3 O ‘i DA 1 Is ’7? in June last. twn Steers '2 years old: one of the-m has a white sput in the lace, red about the eyes. and short mi: ; the other has small white spots in the face, and a white spot on each shoulder. Also oue-yearâ€"oltl heifer, Fed color. with a white strip on the bat-k. The abuve reward will he givmi L. any peggon returning the same tn the Subscriber, or .2ng ing such information as will head to their re- covery. MALCOLM .‘tc LEAN. Lot 3!. 8th Con. Bentiuck. m- "4'- 13“- 1584f. Sunyerl from the premises of the Subscriber Durham, lst Jam, 1833. R E main“; 3 7:2: Isa-3T, Y7. PT?! PUBL 1C \IEETIV‘ OF THE MEMBERS of the Oommnn and Grammar School A3- 50 iatiou of the townships of Advertisements. EGREMONT AND NORMANBY, will he 1101(1 in B ANNI’AL MEETING OF THE ABOVE Society will take place at the oflice of the Secretary, on EXDY FOR CUSTOM WORK AY'NJX SAW" \IILL. A Y v SCHUOL MEETIRG. Pr day, 7%: ‘. ins". SA W LOGS, . 26. 1861. {NOR’S SCHOOL HOUSE, $4 R E s A R n. FRY ETUR IS NOW \IXI {ING bv the F nod, Bernard . Fuller, Henry H. McDonald, Roderic}: McDonald, Donald MéDunald, Archibald A. a. MCNAB, u-..“ d- v S g. LEGxTE, Secretary. he how‘s will insure 1 of the above mill, QT NEXT, P0 39 .m ast e r 153 3 1. 9-3 Iâ€"3 HE LEADER, HE favor with which The Leader has been received by the public may be judged by the fact ttat since its commencement, in July 1852, it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it has ssvnaan rnocsaxo more subsc: ibers than any other paper in Canada Every exertion is being used to make it more and more indispensable forevery f..mi|y in the Pro- Vince Is published every morning, in time for the early trains, at SIX DOLLAT‘S per nnnnm, in advance. It is a large sheet, and contaizs the earliest and most reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. 13 published on Tuesdays and Fridays, at THREE DULLms a yea r, in advance. It contains all the reading matter of the Daily Leader; and for par-. ties who do not reside near .en’niigh to a Post Of, flee to call every nay, this paper Will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive from a. Daily. IIEnndersigned having entered into a part- nership for the more efficient prosecution of 1 nership for the more efficient prosecution of their Profession may be consulted at their resi- (17nco,r93pect1vely, between the hours of 8 and 10 A. 11.!“ Dr. Shaw, at the cv. A. Stewart’s. DR GUN , mm 900?. TO 3m BOYLE'S. All Professunul calls promptly atteuucd to. W. 7. SHAW, )I. R. C. S. Dublin JAMES GUN, M. D. Montreal. - Durham, 2nd Sept. 1851. 110-Iy. SF )1 UV 1‘: li KLY LEADER SPLENDID OPEYING FOR A For eith u- 2200 A CMZS OF LAND Containing 3 Acrea, with a never failing Spring arm _ c, ’ ' - o o . Four Qua-v Eimldnag Lots. Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, past-paid.) ’0 the Sub- scrihcr, will receive pmmpt attention. BREWBRY, flisliiim'g/ 0r Tannery. “ THE PATRIOT ” “-ASD" NEWS OF THE WEEK.” FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS. Roach-3:33:10 (Hauling GROCWUE S, HARDWARE, {AWE “AWL? Vii-Rae? ndsundries too numerous to mention the n ‘7); 31 tmming a very ex’tensive complete, ml generh stock of t' it best goods m cv pry «lep :rtment Whtc he offers at vcm hm price for cash or merchant- :Ible iii-mince, to which he begs leave to invite the attciitinn 01" his numerous friends and the pub- lic genera"), all of which will be sold for a small advance on cost. Park Lot No. 8,‘ (Hunter's Sur‘:ey,) imagining T [1"‘66’ Acrrs, ’lL‘lth a SPLi T'I)II) SPRING, FANNIXG MILLS. LUMBER, AND BE mpwm‘mgnna f0: sale. The subscriber continues as heretofore to pay the highest price for Black Salts and Raw Ashes, delived at-ins Pea r1 As'lery, at Glenelg Falls; or at his Warehouse, Durham. Medical (Em-Partnership. '3? rcsrcr'g', Bxsnop's BUILDINGS, MAIN SRREET, MOUNT FOREST. Mount Forest, Nov. 20, 1861. 154 Dur-Z DRS. SHAW A351) GUN. 1 to the inhabitants of Priceviile and sur- rounding country that he has commenced the above business in Pricevillc, and hopes by strict attenzion to business to merit asharc of public pa trgna ge . . . c . A l_-_-_A-_.. ___‘ -._-,--A_ _A-AI__ PRICE VIL LE : x'tv v- u-_ _ All t‘ljle latest American and Foreign styles made as desired. 1 Priceville, 2nd Dec. {861. - 155-3“ UE_ SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: THE DAILY LEADER The Public are hereby cautioned against par. chasiugor negociatmg Two Notes 0’ Hand in fav- or of Mr. Omiston, Owen Sound, and given by recoived for the same. _. Also, Three Notes of Hand gi:en by the same in favor of Christie 1: Corbett, Owen Sound. one note for $20, and the other two notes for $75 ach, as no value has been received for the same HERBERT ROWS‘YELL' Durham, June ‘23, 1851. 133-17. Conveyancing Office ; NORTH or ELLIOTT’S 110nm, DURHAM, Dealer in :ham, 1‘ HE SUBSCRIBER EEGS T0 ANNOUNCE J. D. GRA To“ “snap of 6:19:1ch . Ram; my? Ho. 8, FASIEHOXABLE TAILORI’SG mu 23 mag? or all of winch there cannot be a better opening. cry, Bistillm'y or 1' I. 4:) 37.3.9 ' 1:3 3 3.3373 (Hunter's Survey) l-{OBERT CALDWELL. 26th Dean. 1861. 158- “'ell suited for CAUTION. AND JOHN MILLER. 10 faihng bprzng THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, JANUARY 10, 1861. egs to present his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage ; and havmg been engaged in his Profession for. the past fifteen years, hopes that his large eitperienct. and prompt attention will further increase cmafidence. ' ~ ~ ‘ \ VII|J\1\. ‘1‘ ‘.. Those indebted to him are requested to re- member him early. . Long standing accounts. unless pend soon, will be reluctantly placed for collection Durham, Dec. 27. 1861. 158-4“ THE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on hand, and is prepared to make, (11 short notice, any artxclp in the above [L e. Nervous Debilily, Scrqfula, Dyspefla, Bronchitis, 6'6. This is the most wonderful curative agent known to medical science. It has effected res in every stage of Consumption “UNPfl .HL- LELEU IA THE ‘IAAflLS OFMEDICIN In Sen 0113 Debilitv and Dy Spe; sin, the HYPUPHOSPHITES may be regarded as an almost sovereign rcmrdy. Have a two-{hid and specific actionâ€"on the one hand, increasing the principl‘ which CONSTI- TU TIES IVER VOUS ENERGY; and on the other. being the MOST POIVERFUL BLOOD G E XE R“) TING .3 G E N TS 'NO IVN. They ct with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions, such :13 Chronic Bronchitis, Asthm-, Scrofuia, Mat-msmns, Ant-min, Female“ COmuYuints, c., and in all' (iisordeis of the' \'.- '. (HIS or Blood Systems. Their efl‘ect upon the condition is immediateâ€"all the gen- : ,‘H' C. . : e ;» -_ < -. !‘~T i" Appearing with a rapidity which it :~.-~ - :i-z. uc’ovs They increase the nirvous m- .‘ i m gr. :-o‘.ieve Cough, check Night Sum \ J “72‘ .9 Echtorntion, improve the Ap- pe ' 3 Mm L! r- ‘.«.cr. and mono“: unrassnmo sum-:3 J1 I’L‘UR 7.1:].0’11 IS .3 CIL‘RTflIN SLY-7?. (.‘L'RE Wimhrstor '< (Imminr Preparation 0!" Tiff-7 I! ’OP’M') PHITES is the only 1 ‘2' 1?. ( ills remedy, and is - -' 1' - VW' 1‘- 1‘1 0 9431011 generguyjlâ€" l V I'.‘ \n I. Wren; we .rlNY REMEDY CON- L", UNIX/f ’1; UN, SPECTIFIC PILL. A SPECIFIC BENEDY FOR Spermaiorrhea, or Seminal “'cakuesg, and Genital Ir- ritabilfly in either sexd This is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, 1m: potency, Ste-rility, c., Much has the approvai’ .f the medical prufecsion Its saccoss has been most extraurdinaryâ€"efl'vcting cures in cases where all other methods of t eatmont had failed One to six huxos (sf the SPECIFIC PILL will pommmm'y cure any case of Seminal Weakness, or its resulting Impntoncy, howeveraflgn-vated, WhOthPI‘ consiitutional, or nrismg from abuse or \VINCIIESTER’S Dug-ham, 5th Dec., 1860 EXCESS. “I have us (1 your SxECIFxc P:LL in many cases of Spermltcrhea, and wit. the most pexfect SlsCCESS. II“vv'vâ€"_ “J. MILTON Saxnens, M. 0., LL D. “ We believe it to be as near a ‘Specific’as any medicine can be. We lure cured many smere cases “uh from six to ten d03e3.”â€"â€"Dr. B. KEITH: .Jmericmz er. 0/ Med. Seienre. tilâ€"have found them all that could be desired. Their elfect has been truly wonderful. E. P‘ KICKIE, M. D.” £3" TLis is not a Hommopathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury 01' 0 her deleterious ingredients cnmhim d will: it. - PRICE zâ€"Sl per bat; sit boxes for 55, by mni!, {weâ€"paid. For sale by all respectable Drug~ gists, and at the. sole General Depot. in the Unit- ed States, by J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Stree', N. Y- General Coopcrmg. TAKES this opportunity of informing the in- hnbl ants of South Grey that he has con- stantly on hand a great variety of wmos R ROCKING CHAIRS, Bureaus. And all other articles required in the trade. N.B.â€"-â€".\'.o imported wurk.- â€"Every article man- factured on the premises, and warranted to give satisfactinn. Owen 8-11m], Jan. 28, 1861. 112-1y A STARY HEIFER ONE YEAR-OLD, DARK A br« wn color. ti“ of the tail white, a streak of white leading beneath the hell's, came into the enclosure of the subscriber, in the month of Au ust lust past. Any one proving property, and paying expenses, may have it by applying to the undersigned, on Lot No 231, 2nd conces- sion of Proton; otherwise alter 15 days she Will be said by ant tion to pay expenses. DONALD Mo AULAY. DR WISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, is raging recom. mended for Con ha, Coldl, Asthma, Group, an dim «ticking-u: Tin-«t. fianhporbotflo. COUNTY OF GREY FURNITURE EMPORIUM. used in to be superior to Gargling Oil, or any other dicine now before the Public. for Sprains. Bruises. Cm pRlGGS' BLACK OlL is acknowledged by all who h“. 9 Balls. and all injuries to Horsoflosh. Good for man 1‘ Owen 8-11mi, Jan. 28, 1861. THE HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr. Churdnll’s Specific Remedy,) FDR CONSUMPTION, Proton, 2nd Dec., 1861. Egon, ”can“ pot bottlu. Sold b 1n Dada-I in u DR. W'OOD, Opposite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER, IMPOR AXT MEDICAL TESTIXONY. GARGLING OIL SUPEBSEDED. H. 13". \VRIGHT Bedsteads, IMPORTANT. NOTICE. TUE W “‘3 AND Tables. Dk Cupboards. u‘ ER. ' - . . 104-o6m' lOf all kind and of the best quality. A choice selection of Teas, “Vines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Horse and Cattle Medi- cines. *3 3323333323? 3339 i 3., 4‘? E3 155-1y I) 156-3 m3. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND, AND GoDERICH,‘ Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Field and Garden Seeds, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combs end Brushes of every description. ' Victoria Carbon 01'], the best in market, and Coal Oil Lamps just received at prices to suit every one. All orders entrusted to our care the loweét market prlce. WHEELER WILSON’S SINGERS gewmg Maahmesg delay. Having had set'er'a‘l years’ experienee in the man ufncture and sale of SEWING MACAINE in the United States, we are fully cmlfident that no Mu- c-hine has been produced in the United States or Canada that can excel those ofnur manufacture in Stitching, Seaming, Hmmning‘, Quilting, fiflm’a’ng, Felling, Gathering, Tue-icing, Corinne, Bim’z’ng, 3“. It is important to the purchaser to know that all the corresponding; parts of these Ma chines are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any p51 rt be broken or deanged, it can be supplied or remedied with the least possible ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, and ’ent in order for (me year FREE OF CHARGE, when properly used. Every purchaser wiil be instructed at our office, or by our authorised a gent. We will deliver them at any poin on the line of Puilroads in the Province of Canada, free of charge. .33” All clergymen who wish a Machine for their own use will be allowed the liberal discount “â€"- of one-third from the re ail price; or any poor SINGER’S. indigent widow in their parish will he allowed , the some discount on a Machine for her own use. i 30- l.--~Iron Stand, for Manufacturing PUP" Orders tn be gi‘ven i‘variahlythro‘lqll thp Clergy-i liliSBS .......... o ooooooooooooooooooooo S75 0 YA man of the Parish. E’AGENTS WANTED.=§1;i \ 2---3ron Stand “ . . .. 85 We have now running in the City of Hamilton! if?” Parties purchasing from our Agents will OVER ONE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our . have all theradvan ages extended to them, as re own manufacture, to the entire satisfacrion of the '~ gards terms, etc., as :f dealing with ourselve-u In.“ if? The ONLY PRIZE awarded for FAMILY SEWING MA- CHINES by the Judges at the I’mvinrial Exhibition, held in Lon- don. Sept. 24th, 21th, 26th and 27th, 1861, wasgiven to R. M. WANZICR ISL C038, WHEELER 8L "VILSON. A - n -‘ A A - A Durham, 19th Dec, 1861 oruer of James and Vine Streets, (between Royal Hotel and Bank of Upper Canada.) MWQW SEWWE} mmams THE FIRST EXTRA PRIZE was also SINGER’S MANUFACTURING MACHINES. ‘D' vu-v v â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"~ Prize of'a similar character were also awarded W'anzer 8L Co.’s Wheeler ‘SL Wilson and Wanzer Co.’s Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and B‘Ianufactures, at the Me- ehanics’ Institute, Toronjo. --‘----vvv .____V Thev also took First Estm Prizes at the several County Agri- cultural Fairs,- -at Hamilton, Paris, Gait, St Thomas, Beamsville, Whitby, Cobourg, Bowmanville, in fact, in every place when: thev have been exhibited WANZER Co’s WHEELER WIL- SON. and WANZER 8L Co.’s FINGER, EXCEL, any Machines that ever were manufactured in the United States. ' Hamilton, November 15, 1861- : 153-1y DR HOPE’S MAGNETIC OINTMENT. is won worth 3 trial, In any .use of Piles, Burns, Scalds. Old Sores, In- land on- Son Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin. and in every an In." an ointment in useful. It will recommend Sta-01!; an an hint PARKER AND CATTLE, TERMS LIBERAL. A GOOD THING. MANUFACTURERS 0F PARKER CATTLE, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND GODERICH. 139-157-1y will be promply attended to af purchasers, which we Consider one of the strong- est rccommenda ions. N0. N0. No. 4.â€"--Ha~lf Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Fo‘o't - and Hemmer ......................... 60 No. 5.--H:.lf cagg, may: Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemnu r Black Walnut 0r Méihogony. . 65 No. (in-Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer . . . . '75 No. 7.--F‘u11 Case, Extra “ Silver Plated ................... ......... "90 Each machine is fnrnish‘ed with Wrenches,- Screw-Driver, Oil Can, three extra Bobbins, and, six Nee’flies. Binders, Corders and Markers, ex- tra. Binders $5; eorders $3; markers $21â€"- Thread and needles for sale. ). 1.--Plain Finish with Hemmer. . . . . ..... $345 w. ‘3.â€"-Plain Half Panel “ . . ........ 50 ). 3.--Ha‘.f Panel, Black xWalnnt or Mahog- any, with New Improved Glass Foot and Hemmer ............................. . 55 If asked what was the best medicine for’fcleansing the bloodtand for _bi1iox_15 Complaipfgb'igk Headache; Costivd- blood. and for bilious com laints. Sick Headache; Costivd- nese, 40“ we should my RIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. also given for their No’s 1 8L 2 WHEELER 8:. ‘W’ILSON’S NOTICE. COHNIKSSION MERE “ANT . AND Gfifiifigfl AQEET. Bentinck Post (mice, ' DURHAM, THE CANADA AGENCY ASSOCIATION, LOA S AT8 PER CT. ‘ Upnn Freehold Property in Upper Canada, with- in two years after commencing opeiations are prepared‘tp ngrgotiatq tuftiiey loaons. Q The T0 RUNTU BOARD have received a largo amount for immediate investment. and are now able to make advances at the above rate of Inter- est, for periods of five years, upon Improved Farms. The money can be obtained as soon as the pro? perty is valued, and the title approved of. For form of application or other infcrmation, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Street, near John Street, Toronto, or to. ALEX. B. McNAB, VALUATOR, Durham. fiurham. 00.. Grey, lst May, 1361- 1254! MONEY T0 LEND‘ fiurham, 00., Grey, lst May, 1861. ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDINGS Do You Want Money? EWEEm-QE ; AND LOMBARD STREET CAPITAL, Two Minions Sterling Messrs. BRYCE, MJMCRRICH C-o, Toronto; “ Baowx, GXLLESPIE 00., Hamilton. “ Taousox 8r. Bums, 'Iwonto. Roman? Puaasox, Esq., Owen Sound.- May 1, 1861. may INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMS.â€" PROMPT SET'I‘LEMEN'I‘ OF CLAIMS WITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND. 0:}? A0 Chargefm Policzes. FRANCIS 11. HS WARD ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Inspector. INSURANCE CGNIPANY. FIRE AND LIFE. ALEX”; B. MCN AB, Improved and wild. situated 1n the Townships of Hull-,md Sullivan, Proton, Artemesia, Gram fraxa c., c., at low [)llCCS and on liberal term of pay ment. In Durham, Hanover, Waikerton, \Iount Forest. Owen Sound, and other rising,r ioc 111t1e° many oi such beinrr admirabh adapted for mechanical purposes 1nd Pri ate Residences, amilicatoionfif by letter (pm-paid) will receive strictattention ALEX. B. McNAB, General Agent.- Durham, May 1, 1861. 125-ly. AGENT FOR The Canada Landed Credil Company, BENTINGK POST OFFICE, DURHAM, COUNTY on can: ALEX. B. McNAB, POSTMASTER, Conveyancer,Commissio1_zer i n Queen’s Bench and Comnnssio-n General Agmt. QRD PART OF LOT No. 6,151; C'ON.‘ NOR?- ) MANBY, 50 acres, 16 cleared, with a good log house thereon. For particulars, apply to ' A. B. McN. B, 0N IMPROVED FARMS FOR ANY-TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS. William McMaster, Esq, President. W P..Howland, Esq., M P.P., Vice President. George Michie, Esq., Alex., Murray, Esq., Lawrence Heygien,Esq., __Jas., Ausrin, Esq, John Lays, Esq, nker8,. o o o a o... o Durham, May} ,183 1. The subscriber is prepared to offer forsaxo or Loxnox, (ENGLAND) AVING effected loans to the extent of, Honmstcads [undisturbed BY BIWEL “Alia. $1,-oogooog PERMANENT BUILDING: AND Durham, Dec. 2, 1858. Durham, 16th May, 1861. THE FREEHOLD 0n Freehold Property. SAVZEGZS} SQGIE‘EE. MONEY LEN T TOWN AND PARK LOTS,~ FARMERS, Landau 1 FARM FOR SALE. - 0N ' CLASS" MORTGAGEI. Amity to ALEX. B. McNAB. REFERENCES: FAR .71 LOTS, ROXTI‘IJ IA. '1‘. Filtdn, Esq, DIRECTORS: mt - TORONTO. ALEX. B. RICK AB, Agent. [831. 12'-1y. .The Bank of Upper Canada. ALEX, B. MONAB. _ ALSO COUNTY GREY. 1394f- Manager. Agént. Solicitor; 127- 9

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