Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 22 Nov 1861, p. 3

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gthe ithe riw aw to 135 the N’s "I" he 19. ow in: lf’. I'- .IVB Y8- up, A! TB- nd h e f, 8? )3 md the 'he "I 11d 33 13' 159 i0:2 H) 93 sh \V ry M lfl. in Having had several ymrs' Pxpcriencc in the ma“! ‘ntacmreand salenf SEWING MACAINE in me Vixited States, “care fully confident that no Ma- rhine 1:213 been produced in the United States or Canada. that can excel those ofour mamatht-tm'v in Stitching, Seamiug, Hemming, Quifling, Jar/{inn Felling, Gathering, Tucking, C‘o-r :‘znz, Bimini", Corner of James and Vine Firm‘ts, (betwccn Royal Hotel and Bank of Upper Canada.) WHEELER 8;- WILSONS 8: SiNGEE’s Sewiflg Eachmes, CAEABA flWifljfi Mae 32m FACTORY ! R. M... VJAMZER 80., 3-». It is important to the purchaser to know that all the corresltonding parts of these )1 whines :uc alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any part be broken or deamged, it can be supplied or remedied with the least possible 'dehv. TERMS LIBERAL . ALL MACHINES WARRAN'I‘ED, and ‘ opt in order for one year FREE UK" CHA PAH-I, when properly used Every pnrchnsvr wi‘i be instructed at our nflice, or by our authmised a gent. We will deliver them at any poin on the lint: of it-ilroads in the Province of Canada, free of charge. In '01" Store will be'fuand every alâ€"‘ticle “71); and from Our long experience in the 'v usinesg support will find it conducted as such, I? All clermmen who wish a Machine for their own use 11'1“ he allowed the i bt‘l‘ 11 discount of one-third from the re ail price ; or an) poor indigent widow in their parish “111 he allowed the same discount on a Machine for her 01111 use. Orders to be given ivariahly through the ciergy- man of the Parish. WAGENTS \\'A.\'TED..§;3 PITRE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, ems; $54133??ng Em; a33:3533‘:SEE-sgamr-SEE‘TSQ Burning Fluids and Lamps, IMPORTED FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, Patent Medicines and Perfumery, TOILET 1" E‘IEPL‘ l‘A-T101"59 C. COMB:2 AND BRUSHESOF EVERY KIND. .‘-\ CIIOICI“. SELECTION OF STATIONERY, ELASTIC STEEL 'I‘IEUSSISS. SHOULDER ”RACES, 8113', a large quantity of FISHING TACKLE. _\\"I‘.\’I£S and LIQUORS tor Mcdival use. "V TE would respectfulb' begvto infonn the inhabitants of 13: new commenced a Drug Store in the above named plat Shoe Store ; where we trust bystrict attention to the wants of best quelity at the very 1owest remunerative ptices, to cnmman A 0..-..- -_3II LA 0 ‘ We have nuw running in the City of Hamilton OVER. USE HUNDRED MACHINES, of our own manufacture, to the entire satisfaaiou of the (it? The ONLY PRIZE awarded for FAMILY SEWING MA- cnfm-zs by the Judges at the vainrial Exhibition, held in Lon- don. Sept. 24th, fifth, 26th and 27th, 1861, was given to R. M. W'ANZER it C038, WHEELER 8:. WILSON. mammal SEWH‘W MQMZWES THY-3 FIRST EXTRA PRIZE was also given for their No’s 1 8L 2 SJNGER’S MANUFACTURING MACHINES. ‘ Prize ofa simihlr character were also awarded VVanzer 8L Co.’s W'heeler Wilson and Wanzer 8L Co.’s Singer’S'Machinds over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufactures, at the Me- chanics ’ Institute, To. onto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several Cdun’ty' Agri- cultural Fairs,- -a_t Hamilton, Paris, Gait, St Thomas, Beamsville, Whitby, Cobourg, Bowmanville, in f‘act, in evermlace where they have been exhibited WANZER 8:. Co’s WHEELER 8L WIL- soy and WANZER 3L L730 3 SINGER, EXCEL, any Machines that ever w ere manufactured m the United States. ‘ Hamilton, November 15, 1861- . _ _ . ' 1153..”1y , NQRTII OF EL]. IOTJI‘ 5 HO) EL, DURII AM, Dealer in FAVCY IVD STAPLE DRYâ€"GOODS Readv-made Chilling GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 00 122123-91") r. Dumam, 8th Aug, 1861 Our Stock will H. ROWS WELL, consist in part of the following: articles: M‘I‘INUFACTURERS 0F .- o. .‘.. ,3...“ .‘t N . 1’4" . «.5 s“, 3" - . .'..‘ me above named plaw, next door to Mr. Jonds’ Boot and ztion to the wants of all, and by supplying articles of the ve prices, to command a share of public .patronoge. which ought to bekept sna first-class Drug Establishment ; less we feel confident that all who may favor us with their DURHAM, OWEN SOUND GODERICH inhabitants of fiat-him and .néigh‘borhbodgthnt we have 1 1 FANNING MILLS. LUMBER,_ AND ‘1: { .BEDQSVI‘EA it Q; pnrchasms, which we consider one of the strong- est rccummcmln ions. No 1 -.--I’IainI 113511 11 i111 "cmmcr .......... $45 \n ‘2. ---I’l.1i11 IIai1 f I’.1n11 “ .......... 50 No. 3.--â€"II.1lf Panel, Black “admit or Mahog- 0113' “i111 3031 Impr'med Glass Foot and IIcmer ............................. 55 V0. 4.---IIa1If Case, Plain [51110103 ,Giass I‘oot and lIcmmtr ................. (30 X0. 5.---I'Iaif Case, Plain I’anelcd, ( 1.1.33 Foot and Ih-Inm 1‘ Black \Vulnut or Mahogony. . Nu. 6.---Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer . . . . N0. 7.--Full Case, Extra “ Silver 1,111 {Cd ............ . ............ . . . . . Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Oil (3311, three extra. Bobbma, and six Needles. 35mins, Borders and Markers, ex- tra. Binders $5; corders $3; markers $2:- Thread and ncc'Lcs for sale. { The subsetibcr Cpntixmes as: hcmtofim to pay. I the highest. price for BI. zck Splssandfigw Ashe; ! deliv d at. b38951 Aahér‘y, at Glen'élg Fails 's at ‘" WarehofiSe; *Durham. . HERBERT ROWSWELL‘ l L -. “nth-.1713, June 1’5“ 1951 ' 133 I7 N o. 1.--Imu {’3’ Parties purchasing from our Agents will hue all the advan'ages extended to them, as re gards terms, ctc., as :f dealing with ourselvci. pUSC3 . . . N0. 2 “tron forming a very extensive, compkete, and general stock of the best goods in every department whrcb he offers at very low price for cash or merchant,- nhleéprbdrrce, to which he begs leave .‘to linrite, the attention-of bis numerous friends and the pub"- lic generally, Islli of whicflav’ifltbé’fsold for a small advance on cost.._ .- _ '- ,. _. 1 1): sale'. \V Stand, for Manufacturing Pur- 5 Stand “ . . . . 85 SINGER’S. 139-1y 13;) THE :DURHAM’S'I‘ANDARD, DURHAM; NOVEMBER 2é§"1861 ‘1I11(1(1 by Messrs. C111penter “Hum (31. C.0, II 1111iIton , 1111(1 S(1'.11esa1e equal 10 am, and supmior to most of the 01(II (' mmtry 111111 Americans m11kes,il1 faet 111 point of quaItitV, (I1Jr-I abilitv 111111 fi11is11,111(1y are not to be excelled , 11 stock of both Safes and Se: 11es is kept on hand, and ifat 111111 time he should be out 01 \1(1( 11 (11"11111' particular size, he will pros me, it 111 verv shert 11o- tiec, 11111111111 chanting factory 111'1.i(3(sdeIive1'e(1 111‘ the fuctorv, and 1111(131115 a s1n1111 sum to 001 (11 height if (10’ ivered 111 the 310111 of the shbscriber. XV. EKGUGH- OWEN SOUND, ApriI 23, 1861. ' 10-1-13 .To buy from him; rather than 0'0 to Guelph or Toronto. W. KOUGH at the openinn' 01,1111d (luring navigation, will be receiving from vessels direct frum home markets and from the 111111111Facturi11g distiicts of the United St11tes, lurwe suppliL s of everything 1111 the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both 1n EurOpe and M111 erica, he is enabled to 011m at unusually low prices. . ' Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, nggs, Wlndow Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosm, flames, and Japanned Saddlery HardWare. Coopers’ and Shoe- makers’ Tools, and a variety 0f other thinas too numerous to mention. The subscribe1 is also (lesi1ous toas- sist the wood people of this section to encoumge IICD‘NI E NI :3 WIT rmcrm‘m flflEgig And has therefme obtained the agencies oftl1e justly established pl'lZL‘ Or if you cannot go yourself send an order and any article Cider; ed will be sent to you as correctly as if you went yourself- Ofiérs Ilardware at the Sign "bf'g‘flzc Big HORSMAN BROTHERS keep a very'large' stack QfJHardware, comprising One of the largest assortments' in "Canada, 'th‘éy haire also, a Heavy Stock, 6f Ofall shades; OIL‘ofallkinds; Glass, Putty, 'c.', all Of Which they are selling beloflvtlxeprices of laStye'gir. ' Anype‘rson warm ing to Build this season cannOt do better than send to HORSMAN BROTHERS with'as littlé delay: as _pOSfiSi'b,llâ€"3 ; .Ol‘hny personlgo; i n'g to paint Should purchase what (hey .~\va.nt- wilh’out relerlayjas ”163' Will: 83“: money ind-hing so. ‘ _ . HORSM AN BROTIHERS 11111111 ever .1 1 y 211111211: in P1 AINI FIG URES and have on! y O\E EPRICE from which no reducnon can be made, as .1113 extreme lown‘eSS of t11e1r pnceb 1111111101 admit 111a reductibq HORSMAN BROTHERS 11101114101110.11ng mun PEA TFO RM A ND 0TH ER _ SCALES, Qils,‘ Paimg and fiaim‘s, GUELPH, March 19th, 1961. -‘ . .. u a . h r ' . .7 " at .such [wees as W1“ pa} all customers 111 want of Made by J. . J. Taylor, of Toront.o,.and of the IRONMONGERS, â€".>GUELPHâ€"‘; e. W, KQUGH g- OF 'ANY KIND GO TO ' ' 3:3 '11:}: . finu-n.‘ 118-tf [SF of 1111cl1imed Lette1s 1emai11ing in Ben- tinck Postfiice,-Noven1bér 1 18111. Bothwell, James ‘ McArth .1, :chh. 2 301d,Douga1d McAlistcrrArchJ- ‘ "" Black11'ellOW.'2‘ ‘ McGilvom‘y, 'Arcli. 803k, Jesse , ' Mch 10111.), John CrOziar, T1168. .â€" McNally, Robert Dobné1,Jol1n McRessv, John Elliot, E. J. ‘ Mellllhm, Angus Emery, Mrs. Martha MeDougall, James Foreman, Chas. 2 Mcinnis, D. . Grant, Wm. Malcolm, .\'S.r Angus Garnet, T1103. - ' " Morrille, Alfred Hopkins, James Moore, Wm. " Hartley, Mr. Nowlome, Lawrence‘i Jones, A. . . _ Neville, George. Jackson, B. 2 ‘ Rickard, Thos‘. Jackson, Jno. R on, George r v Lewis, Alex’r . Robinson, R Lee, T1103. Riddle, Hugh Lee, Geo. Schoobv A. 2 Lindsay,James Spence, Edward Lawson, Wm. . Sinclaig-Wm McLean, liugh . -_ . . AKES,~§hj3_ Qpfioxtiélitfi‘ofiinfoiining the in- _ ‘ _habfii,an_t_sulof South Grey that 119,119.35 con- étah‘cly (in: 5:113:63); great variety of ' ' ‘ ' ' WINDS‘JR ROCKING CHAIRS, Bureaus, g3"; _' v. '. " .‘ _ n.*'o ‘ TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tl'l AT ' persons “he .may have purchased (Ctoun 01‘ School) lands in th} Coun‘y 1f B1uce; iu the Townships MAJ: lie 11, Gre3, 'rlowick, \lorris, l11111beror3',111111W2111anosh, inthe County of Huron; in the lownslnpa of Elma and Wallace. 111 the Count3 ol Perth , 11111115 11111 nships ofAnemesia, Bentinck Der- b3,Esrren1or1t,Glenel,g,Helland',Melaucthm, (New Surve3), Norrimnby. 05111.93, Sullivan and 83111111ham in the County of Grey' , 111 the Townshi s of 11111111, and Mime. .iu 1l1_e Countjr f lVellingtOn, U’ C. ; mid lave not 1.111112 plietl 11111111115canditjouoftne sales, as re- .5:'111ls sett' ement on the land, are fequirerl to complete. theit *purehases,‘ forthwith, :11 the rate of 10.54. ($2) an acre witu 1111011351 thereon from 1hrn (1.110% of the respectives sales, and with the addition of Is 31l.(.‘2.-100)an acre so 11111111113141 11133 be i. su ed 311.011 110. 411i yerse 1; aims ex1st. - . In default of 11:13 me 111 before the F I R ST of FEBRUARY next, 1.11e111111ls will be re- sumed and otléred at Public Sale. CHM R: FAT 1:0 37y Persons having made the necessary im- provements are ,requnrml «0 furnish the Agents of the Department \Vlth evidence thereof. N-.B.‘--â€"No imported work.-â€"Evei‘y article man- factured on the premises, and warranted to give satisfaction. And alllother articles required in the trade If asked what was the beg; medicinp fim elegant!“ blood, imd for biliou's comp lzfi'nts‘. Sick Headic‘he. 'Cdsfivo- mess c.. we should say BpRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFIC PILLS. OWEN 3GUND SPECIALINOTICE c.“ To Consumptives. HE ADVBRTISER, HAVING BEEN RE- STORED to health in a 3011} ten; 33 eds 133’ a very simple iemcd3 que1 liming sufieied se3era1 years 33 ith ,0. severe long affection, and that druid diseaée, ('onsumptiori---is anxious to make ~331103311 to his feilow Stiffez‘ers the mea us of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a cop-3'0: the presenptib'fi'used, (free of charge) with the direc- tsnns of preparing and using the same, which they win find a sum: emu: fe1 Coxs camriox, ASTMA, ; 8110 NC: uns, 1'1: e. The 01113 object of the 1dvertiser ,1 in sending the Prescription is to enefit the af-' flic_ 1-,d 11nd Spread informatim which the com; eeixes to invaluable and he hopes every suffjerer Will 11y his remedx, as it costs them nothing,and 111:1) prox e a blessing n- ~ cm.- 0“ ‘ I Parties “ishiug the prescription will please address ‘- for any quantity of WOOL delivnged at his resi- dencgfomj miles west of Durham,'on the Durham THE Subscriber “ 111 pm the highest in Cash or in exchange for FLANNEL ' ”:2, OR WOOLEN -CL "HE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against pnrchgsiqg Lot~23. 2nd concession, South of the Durham Road G1en91g,â€"-â€"offcrcd f1;- sale by Bama‘bas Iankson,»as the at is legally mine having made all improvements on said lot the tit t1e to winch has been withheld from mg by fraud. ' . J OHN' WATERS. Glené1§:'"3nd EOct. 1861. *-_ . . 119-17 R0341: HE St. ANDREW’S sommY OF DUR- '3 in} RAM will Dine at the British HoteL an - Fudaj Fflenm, 29th itist at eight. ohclpck. . .. D C MLDONLLL ‘ -;. Seeretaryz L D rham 15111No'v.«1861.= .. 152 2. z [TOTICE IS HERE??? GIVEN '_ CMT'M‘Y 9F GREY FURNITURE EHPORIUM CROWN LANDS .7'.";:v ‘1', ' :,;L D. C.- . bl} I'h am , 1 5311.. NOV-1831. HOPE’S 33; gm TH GNETIC OINTI Owen S.-und, Jan. 28, 1861. ' VLVI W109“ .' . 3 . ' Dvrham 15th Nair. 185-1; . - 15: 324.: .145; GABGUNQ OIL SUPERSEDED. i's " ' ‘ BLACK 01L is “howled Mged by .11 who 1:». ‘ - 54'! Eggi, to be an rior to 11:32.31... 31,0ruu1y 1 r 1 how THING. .« Cm,” a 9’3 MgNglnc gmwgfi‘ 1.01:5.11 worthlnt 332.11: and :11 magic. to Hbrseflesh. Good“ form any use a a 891-93, - as . flamed 01- 80:0 Ey “Eruptions on the Skin, and 111 ovary.P1-ioe, 26 cents porhottle 801d b all W SI! ‘0.“ unwhmsnoinhnentimuful. I'm-111mm”; aims. Munch-1111 .1 . .. Glenélgi‘Z‘Znflicht. 1861." W'â€" - :3. â€"_ " "‘1‘ ‘1 r" _ i' ', H. "EV. EVRIGHT ' B’Cagicaég DEPARTMEE ’ 1 P. M. VANKOUGHNET. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSQN, CAUTION. NOTICE. AND Tables, "Winiarfighuém King Countv, \ew York 2-3m A. B. MCNAh Postmaster. 0111111155101“! 1'. NT Cupboards. 152-6 is all original,‘and would cost. 25 cents (the price 'ofthe' ‘BoOinfi t! e music stores ;'but most of it is copyrighted. and cannot be obtained except in “ Godey.” . T11}? LI TERfl TURE is of that kind that can be 1'; ad aloud in the fam- ily circie, and the clergy in immense numlers «0 subscribers for the Book. than FJsbionoplates of the old style, and nothing but ouf Wonderfully large circulation enables us to gixe them. Other magazines cannot afford it. We 'nevei spare monev \x hen the public can be Benefitcd, These fashions ma‘y be relied on. Dresses may be made after them,and the wearer will not subject herself to -' ridicule, as would be the case if she ,x'isiied tine La rge cities dressed after. the style of the plates given in some of out so called fashion maganzinesf in .hnerica contribute to its pages, and we have some that mite far no other magazine THE MUSIC OUR IVOOD ENGRfl VINGS, of which we give twice or three times as many as any other magazine, are often mistaken for steel. Thej' are so far superior to‘ any others. ES SSS ZSSS S 3062. a}? or 1862. THE WORLD’S FAVORITE :3 or 321‘5'02115 the Standard Maga‘zilié; - P1 onounccd by thc Pre33 of the United States, . [13.11593 Magazine in the H arid, and the Cheapest. All efforts to rival us in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do, funny more' and infinitdy better engrav- ings than are published in any other work. Beware of them. Remember that the Lady’s Rook IS the original 1) iblicahon and the cheapest. If 1011 take Godcv 1'011 want no other magazine. Everything thét'i's useful or ornamental in a house" can 129' found in Godey. are Such as can he found nowhere else. Cooking in all its varietyâ€"Confectionerynthe Nursery- the Tomiâ€"the Laundryâ€"the Kitchen. Receipts m on all 911133666 are. to be found in the pages of tin“ Ladj,’:,' ‘ Book. We originally started this ‘(ie- pm uncut, and, have peculiar‘fac: lities for making it. most perfect. This department alone is worth the price of the Book. Godey’s is the only work in the world that gives these immense plates, and theyare such as to have excited! the wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates cost FAR AHEAD OF ANY- FASHONS IN EUR- OPE OR AMERICA. No other magazine gives them, and we have given enough to fill several large volumes. me (9}. fl! (7'! 1313.12st DOL‘BIE SHEET FASHION PDATI. Containing 1-) 9;» fire (0 sum full leugth Colored Faqhwm on ' each plate. ()1 her magazines give only two. Term 3 to Subsmibors in the British Provinces. One cepy one war, S3. Tuo copies one 313111355. Tinec copies 30119 )chx‘ $13. Five copies one :11 1-1, and an extra. copy to the person sending the. club, making six copies, $11 This department comprises engravings and de- scriptions of every article that a 1:1 dy wean. At these prices subscribers in the Provinces W111 have 110 American postage to pay. Godcy’s Lady’s Book and Arthur's Home Maga- zine both one year for $3 50 Godey's Lady's Book and Harper’ Magazine both one year for $4 50 .lodey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent oneyear, on receipt of$6 00 Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks taken at par Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address I" A. GODEY’ 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' Collcze open da y ant} evm‘ing zâ€"no wamlions. ‘ Resident principals at Buffalo, J. G. Brunt ;\V P. Samoan ' '~ -. i For further information, please ‘call “the Col- i ioge Rooms or send for Catalogue and Circular. iinqlesing letterstamp.1ddrcss ' - ' . ‘ . ' BRYANT a: STRATTON. 3 ‘ .. "' Bufl’alo,NY. 'Tâ€"bé Designs of the Institution, is to impart to- young men and ladies, a. thorough; practicalbm- ness educttlion. " . ' AND’ ST. LOUIS. A Schohrship ?ssued from the Bufialo College, will be .. goqcl..in any of the others, either for completing the. cnursc, or for revieWing at any, timmthel ea-fte r. The Course of Instru ction,‘ usso arranged as to combine T/zqory and Practice, lband thcrcb) secure to the Studerit a pexfect knowledge of accounts Collégesjoca téd in NEW YORK, ALBANY, DETROIT, Book-Keeping in all its departments, Commer- cial Law; Commercial Arithmetic and Penmano ship, are taughx. in the most. thorough and practis cal'nianne’r, " ' _ . ‘ ' ;I‘i1“ew§1:é-z’1fce1 ian Sysbcm of Penmanship is taught, by W. P. Spcxcsa. _ SchOlarshiy, fu‘il ‘cqurSc, payable ix; adyugoe, ’I'EE EHPEALQ HERCANTLLE COLLEGE, an 111‘ THE I 11 ‘ SBY’S FRIEN D. Novothcrmaga'zinc has this department. October I, 186}. MAIN SENECA STREETS, 1n important link to the National Chain of. SPECIAL CLCBBIXG WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. THE BEST LiDY IVRITERS LADIES" WORK TABLE. 0 UR S TEEL ENGRJ VINGS DRA WING LESSONS. "Ac-oh ovuno n. , - , 1W ODE L 00 TTAGES. $10,000 MORE 0 UR RECEIP TS 1311 TA TIONS. GODEY’S CORN ER' 0-? PHILADELPHIA, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, ) i7-ly

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