Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 26 Jul 1861, p. 4

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£0]! SAVE THE QUEEN 2 ! m WJm 20, 1361.“ 13 2-8 Largé sales, quick return, and small profits, IS the order of :businessa. J tity. _ In shelf and heavy Hardware will be found the usual assort- ment suited for the county, Locks, Latches, Barn-door lliilges, Bar Iron, Cut, Wrought fond Pressed Nails; Moore’s Blood’s, Higgin’s and other make 0 Scythes, Patent Wag- on Boxes, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Colors, c., 84.0., 8%. Grape ’ine, Two-post, Half Mully,‘ and E‘slully Cradles. Time Pieces, 36 hour and 8 (la ’ clocks. Ladies’ Fine prunella Sewed @0018, 80015. Mens’ Strong Co- three 101' . - 00 25 Hay Forks,steel, each 00 37% Grass Scythes, each 00 80 Scythe Snathes, “ 00 37:3,; Grain Cradles and Scythe (complete) - - 02 50 Cut Nails, 4Jcts. by the quan- U bangs, S51 250$. Good ~’Fair: Sugar, 5d. per or 12:} lbs. for - - $01 Hay Bake, 10 (:18. each three for . - Oi) SAM’L E. LEQATB. (newest style) CIHIP, STRAW SILK BONNETS, jai'ibbans, Laces, GLovBs 3031312323 CLOTH . SILK CAPS, “WMWL: RWNNE «N «am mm<>>m wjo nz< >Mmgoomo Ladies’, Misses’ and Chi!drens’ GAITERS, SHOES ARI) SLIPPERS Gents‘ Congress Gaiters, Calf, Kip, and heavy Boots, Shoes. and Cobourgs. A general assortment of REABY- MADE CLOTIHNG Caps, Hats, Coats, I ' “4: m :3: 5333 STRA EV HATS, DRESS GOODS. GREY DOMESTICS Staple and Fancy Dryeaeds‘g BB SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING thanks to his numerous customers for past patronage, begs to inform his friends and the general public, that he has just received and 13 Opening out at his new and comodious Store, t .e lirgést stool. of General Mechandize ever before ofl‘ered 111 this market. Hi3 stock of BUSIN E88 NOTICE CO TT’OJV BA GS, MANTLE--CLOTHS, I) 0E SK 1 NS, T WEED S in variety. A very large stock of CANTON FLANNE comprises the follcwing in part, viz: Ladies‘, Missea’ and Childrens’ And an immense variety of 5d. per lb. - $01 00 01‘ and Bruce. ADVERTISE IN THE With the distinct understanding that if this does ' not turn out to be a more Valuable Map~ if, in all things considered, it does not give better and more general Satisfaction than any Six Dollar “ Copper Plated Map” (see Globe of the 5th Feb- wary), advertised or offered by those Parties from the United States, Tackabnrv, Brother 8: 00.,â€" C then the Subscribers shall not be bound or expect- ed to take Map ordered. GEO. C. TREMAINT Publish’er. Toronto, March let, 1861. 121-3m. i It will be Engraved (not Lith well Printed, Colored, put on ed and Mounted, and will be 1 scribers for FIVE DOLLARS, pay: the Map in Good Order and C up for the Pocket at $4.50. The undexsigned proposes also to Publish an Edition of the above Map without the Engravings or Tables, with that part. of the Province East of Frontenac and Renfrew. placed in the south-east portion of the sheet. Ofa General Patmmgc, the manently fmed at Sxx AND 1b] ble (only) on delivery or the and Condition, handsomely and Mounted. $13” Put up f0 50 to $6.00. To accomplish this important Work, the Map (Size, including :1 Border formed by a tasteful arrangement of the emblems of Canada, at least 6 feet from East. to Weet M 4 to 4.1; feet from 7 North to South), will be completed here, In from one and a-htflf to three years. -- vs IIJD run."- lara. Suspension Bridge, 11000111111112: ed by :1 Dec scrintion of it; 1.1111011 View of the Qucenston Bridge and Brmk’ 's Monument. A130 Views of the Provincial 131131111ngsâ€"thc \cw Houses of Parliament. the 13111111111 School, the Lunatic 2131111111, 05200119 11:,111 '11'3111'ty Co-Iege, and the Toror. to University the 11151. said by competent Judges to be the F 2311111115ng of its Class in! Amfricao [LLUSTRATED By wen executed Views of the Cities --~- way. \u U; L'l. libfi Kings‘ on, Toronto, Hamilton and Lou 10x1; iew 0‘3 the Falls of Niagem; a View of the Ni: uucs, uuu AClifgl‘ilptl flattens as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post Blaster Gener~ a], by Jom: Dave, Esq., Post Ofiice Inspector: the general Boundaries, THE new Dzsrmcr 0F ALGOMA, Counties, Townships, County Towns, Cities, Town, Township, concession lines, and numbers designating. the location of Farm Lots ; and Incorporated Village in the Province; and other Imps rtant and Amwopriate Information, compiled from the Census Statistical Returns of the present year "an...” a, qunaj ouuluus, and mag: Route Connection; the Post Offices, Money Order fices, and Telegraph Stations :13 shown on Map prepared by order of the Post Blaster Ge] :11, by Jon): Dave, Esq, Post Ofiice Inspect the general Boundaries, THE HEW Dzsrmcr ALGOMA, Counties, Townships, Countv To“ In. a vâ€" -..7-.. w â€"~ '7’” Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and Canals, Rivers, and Priqcipul Min Sir-em Railways, Rail my Statipns, and Stage R _â€"- "- Descriptive Maps of th": Popuious and Wealthy Counties of Norioik, Oxfmd, Brant, Halton, York, and Ontario, an of which have been Favombiy Noticed by the City and Country Press, proposes to Publish, Drawn to as Large :1 Scale as six miles to an inch,â€" A Topoompmmn, STATISTICAL, AND ILLUSTRATED afi'l‘hc Bess Map will Win !. 0 (only) on delivery at the Map in Gnod'Order Id Condition, handsomely Colored, Varnished, 1d Mounted. 313‘ Put up for the Pocket at $5.- ' to $6.00. GEORGE C. TREMAI‘NE, Tonoxro, January, 1861. Publisher. HE undersigned. Prujector and Publish Descriptive Maps of the Populous Wealthy Counties of Norfolk, Oxford, E Ualtop, York, and Ontario, all of which OFA NEW £6 EMPRQBVE ED ELM? OF OUR COUKT RY. of Canada West. See frdin the Prospectus in the Subscription Book, that it is TACKALURY BROTHERS Map Agents are now canvassing for Subscribers in those parts of the Province not already canvass- ed, and all will be called upon in due time. The public are cautioned to beware of imposition, as parties are endeavoring to obtain Subscribers tor a Map which purports to be similar, but is only intended to be a Lithograph Map, made on stone, which can in no way compare with a Copperplate EnAgraVing. tâ€"vâ€"v‘l'"- .v"“ The size of the Map will be Sixty-fourigtlchcs square, will be HandsomeZy Engraved on (3093):: beautifully culorcd and mourned, and finished in the highest style of the art, and will be furnish- ed to Subscribers at SIX DOLLARS per copyâ€"4 while other works of a similar style sell at ten dollars. â€"'--‘ There will also be Ggologiczil'and‘illeterolog‘i- cal Map, as well as a Time Table, Table of Dis- tance, and the General Statistics of the Province as shown by the new Census; also, a Business, Directory of the Cities and principal Towns. mL- - n -- ‘- --- ‘ ‘ .â€"-x\usL'J|I "I be given to main, gravel, plank, macadamised roads. The location of all Towns and \-"ill:2.ges will be shown, and those which have Postâ€"emces will be designated, from those which have not. All the. Rivers, Lakes and Hills will be shown, with the general topography of the country. The various Railroad Lines will be a prominent fea- ture o" the Map, and each Depot and Station will be carefully shown. Prominence will be given to the principal Cities and Towns, by an enlarged plan of each in the margin of the Ma] . ML--- _ 4°11 I TACKABURY BROS. 6; Co. - London, Feb. 21, 1861. 120â€"6. . HIS MAP IS BEING PREPARED FROM full and complete surveys of the entire Pro- vince, and will show Upper Canada. with far greater minuteness of detail than any Work of the kind heretofore attempted. The Map will be drawn on the scale of six miles to the inch, and will Show each County‘divi'ded into Townships and in each Township the Concession and Lots will be shown, with their resyective numbers.â€" All‘Roads will be shown, and those which are travelled will be designated from surveyed roads which are not Opened. Particmar attention will ARE ABOI‘T TO PUBLISH A LARGE, FULL AND COMPLETE TGYGGRAPHH‘AL (BURT? T933853 MAP OF CANADA \VEST. CANADA WEST ‘0 FARM FOR SALE NEWTCQPPEBPLfi'EERHAP CSSI‘S PROSPECT? OT 15 AND 16, 2nd RANGE SOUTH OF ' Durham Road. For terms, c., apply WM. R. ROMBOUGH, ‘ Bentinck P. 0. 127-20 IN ANTimPATION 100 ACRES. sFENCOURAGrD 0- sT.§.CKAB‘-i dBY, B “95. 3:00 OF LONDON, c. w., «N : :Ul PATION other branches of business carried on by us at the .tronwge, the Price has been per- “Slmfalor” EstrzM-zsknzcnt, t Six AND A~IIALF DOLLARS, pay. - livery of the Map in Good'Order V1.2; €11,513 done 00f “50 largest ewndanigstfcomploet: handsomely Colored, Varnished, £13)th “tam? vigim :1 2 comprising e 0‘ meo 1- --- e, c e, t_ , 3: Put up for the Poeset at W)" Book and 312)!) Printing, including the publica. tion of the Na tional Series of School Books, as we] as the execution ofevery vn ricty of plain and fancy letter press printing ; Boole {Mi-sag, (this depart ment carried off the first prize at the Provincial Fair in 1857,) including Blank Book Manufacturâ€" ed proposes also to Publish an ing, and ruling and paging by the most improved ove Map without the Engravings machinery; Limo” ° . 1 bat part of the Provmce East of gravingand Printing, embracma’ GEORGE C. TREMATN‘F J) lary, 1861. Publisher. 98?. Map wm Win 24:3 _ . g Invoices, Ca. (lg lenfrew. placed in the south-east Maps, Plans, Autographs, c., c.. with every set. variety (-f Mercantile and Blank Forms; Stationery, {IYCd (not Lithography!) on Stone embracing a. select and varied stock of British, .lored, put on Canvas, Varnish- American and Canadian made papers, the. and will be furnished to Sub- GILLESPY . ROBERTSON. DOLLARS, payable on delivery of l _ SPECTATOR armor. ) nfiflnâ€" A‘-“ n ‘.‘ S TANDARD. 0F 3, Hmhors and Ports; pal Mill Streams; the audition. B’S’VPut of (Wm W3 loutes m Uf- ily circle, and the clergy m immense numbers are subscribers for the‘ Book. _ THE BEST IMDY WRITERS in Americz contribute to its pages, band-we have osomth write for no other magazine. - Lady’s Magazine in the World, and the ' Cheapest. - - THE STflNDflRD for THIR TI"- ONE YE 9R8 Pronounced by the Press of the United States Srlacm'ron ormcp, Hamilton, C. W. July, 1858 _ - -â€"-â€" v- U l‘ ’M :IL“ \T} 3.-â€"Letters containing remittances, addressed and rcgaszercd, n 311 be at nm- 1 v __V_.-’ ‘‘‘‘‘ u 1‘. IIALD already been approved by all, and adopted by many Canadian newspapers, with mutual profit to the publishers and the. public. The Credit. System, however advantageous in other departments of business, has nothing to recommend its application to ’ezt-sprzprrs. for waiie the individual Subscrip- tions are so trifling that neither hardship or diifi~ culty can remit from payment in climate, the. aggregate amount is a mat‘ .er of serious conse- uence to the )uhlisher and the ex )ense of collee- Q. 1 j ,. a 7 i In announcing to the. public the adoption of the Cash System as applied to subscrzpiions, the pro- prietors of the Spectafor may remark, that it has already been approved by all, and adopted by many Canadian newspapers. with 'mnhml “mm u CLUBS. The success of the clubbing: system as a, means of suppq‘ing’ tire. pubiic with CHEAP NEWS has :1? end)“ been tested by the S;:cclalor. The plan, W zieh was at first only applied to the Hie-Iclg/ has now been extended to the Semi-”291.13; edition, and the rates myohle in ndvn nee are, Semiâ€" IVeeIci’yfi or more eoniesr. 2 a year per cepy Weekly, 10 or more copies, $1 a year per copy {13’ When Clubs are sent to ONE ADDRESS one copy for every five Scmi- I'Vcclely or ten IVeeIdg, will be given FREE to the. getter up of the (‘hlb but Where each paper is addressed from the office of publication no free papers will be given. GILLESPY 8; R013 ' RTSON, Pubiisficrs and Proprietors. We also bcg to direct pubhc attention to t From the particular attention paid to Contmer cial inteiligence, the Spectator has acquired a rep utation for reiiability, which has secured for it the Patronage of the Mercantile Community of Wes- tern Canada. The geographical position of the City of Hamilton, with its superior Railway con nection, alfortls great fac‘lity for the speedy trans mission of the Daily ngt‘tator to the numerous thriving towns and villages between the Niagara and Detroit Ilivers,-â€"-an advantage of which thC proprietors have not failed to avail themselves The, Semi~ W'cri’rly 111111 Who’s!» editions (made up from the reading matter in the Unity) containing a grea t amount of news, at an extremely low price, enjoy a large and extended circulation among the 7 agricultural classes, and those. not immedia'ely engrossed with the cares of politics or commerce. to whom the stimulus of a daily paper is not a necessity. The Spectalor (Daily,Semi-chl<lyand Weekly) is therethre an excellent medium for advertising , The rates charged are the same as the published irate, generally adopted by the Canadian press, except for the weekly edition, for which double the usual rate is-charged, on account of its large circulation being confined almost exclusively to the farming community, thereby admitting only the profitable publication, in its columns, of ad- vertisements suited to this particular class. if? The rates of subscription, payable in .dtln vanee,are:~â€"~ Daily, per annum . . . . . . . . . . €5.00 per copy. Semi-Weekly, “ .........."3.eo “ \l’eekly, “ 1. 50 “ Postmasters and others acting as Agents will be allowed a handsome commission from the above mentioned rates, and parties sending the natnol't {our new subscribers, with the cash, till he enti~ tied to one c0py free. “ .‘ AMSLTON SPECTA" OR.” A POL 1TH} AL, Commercial, and Genera 1.1 \‘w spaner is published at Hamilton, C. W., by the prom-1910113,“ ILLIAM GILLESPY and ALEX- A 1mm ROBERTSOS. It isissund dailv,scmi-wee1dy, and week}. :11111 has the largest 011011311011 of 11113 0111111111 11 paper west of Toronto. Application, with reference to any of the above Pmperiiifi, (if by letter, post-paid.) 9.0 the Sub- scriber, wili receive pmmpt attention. “ZOO ACRES OF LAND For eith at or all of wliic‘h'tlgc cannvét be a better _ } Opening. PARIS L93? P30. 8. (Hunter’s Survey) Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring ' AND Four ether Baaiméng Lots, Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, (Hunter‘s Survey,) Contam-zng Three Acres. SPLENDID OPENING F OR A a,» m _ . . in ewe: y, Distillery 02' .I‘ I: 1.? The BREWERY Distillery or f ‘.' lamzery Durham, Feb. 3, 1859. THE DURH -1M STANDARD, DURHAM JULY 26, M IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS the following Property, viz; ‘ammg Three Acres, '11;th a SPLEN DID SPRING, Township of Glcaelg. TUE CASH SYSTEM Park Lot" 'Nc always the Cheapest. ’ell suited fl mg rcmxtmnces, properly will be at. our risk. i3 EQQE: attention to the JOHN MILLER. 10 Corrzcr Emma, and E’Dividendsof Interfegg and .I’rofits' will be made annually or semi-annuall ', as may be expe- dient. ' " I ’ ' E’Applications for Insurance received, and all necessary information givenby Members only, in sums from $20 upwards, a terms of from One to Six Months, (renewable) on such Personal or other Security as may be ap- proved bythe Directors, at sach- rate of Interest [not exceeding one pereent. per month] and mode of repayment as may be agreed upon.. v__â€"") n-gvuvulJ,UL \" Instalmeaté. Interest allowed from uate spective payments. THIS Company conduct their business on the Proprietary and fifuthl! plan for terms ac- cording to clmracter and situation of property, of from one month to three years. PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken in any number from one to fifty, and Insmlments of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company in Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly ‘ I"u+n ‘mn‘ui Tn ‘nfinfi‘ A “ .. __ - J l‘ President Secretary I Treasurer Authorized Capiial $500,000 "in, 12,000 Shares of $44) each. Insurers partici- pate in the prqfiis mil/2.0m any lia- bz'liiy beg/022d thefuzmu-nl of their prcmzum. ’i‘he mafia Fire Esgszrzzme Emma? , “31’“‘3 Hoimt Fox-est, Mfl”’2‘y £15860. The Principals and Teach ‘rs ef this Ch:1'n of College have an extensive acquaintance in seven large eiiies, and always e:.nsi<§er it a pleasure to further the best interests cf their grades tes. Students entering any, one of these Colleges, by the payment of $4.0, becommntilled to the prin- leges of the entire “chain,” cbglpgksing: seven of the most. thorough, extensive, practice] and pape- lar Basin .53 Schools in the world. :For Cata- logues and Circulars call at the College Rooms, or address as above. Our standard “Spencerian.” Students can. « are :‘0 vacations “Casper Insz' fizzle,” .é_o‘!(n .l [(I’T. PHIL ADEL’H’H A, Corner 1:}? an! (Justina Streets. CHICAGO. Corner Gian-'3 (H251 Ints’zizzgton Sis. BRYANT 6’5 STRATTON.‘ Buffalo Sept. 12, 1860. ‘ SPECIAL CLL’BBIXG WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey’s Lady‘s Book and Ar.lm.z‘s Home Maga- zine both one year for $3 50 Godey's Lady’s Bi 0}; and Harper‘ Irfagazine bath one year {or $4 50 Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent. one year, on receipt. of $6 00 Notes of all solvent banks taken a t par Subscribers in the British Provinces, who send for clubs, must. remit. 343 cents extra on every sub. scriber, to pay the A inerican postage to the lines. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Eleven capie 3 one “1211331111 an extra copy to the person sedding the club 820 And the 011 .'y magmine 1h 11; can be intzoduced into the 111101 e club: 111 p13 00 of the Lad} 3 Book IS Arthurs Home Magazine. Elm“;- One copy one year, $53. Two copies one year, Three copies one year, 36. Five copfes one year, and an exit-a copy to the person sending the club, 310. Eight copies one year, :md'an extra. copy to the person sending the club, $15 $5. This department compliscs engrax ing s and do scriptions of eveny article 1:11pm. lady “ears. “ Caspar of Knitti1w,thting, or some other “8(le branch of' .adi s’ “ork is given in every n 1'mer. SIXTY FULL FIGURE 111315111033, which 1s 1%: 191-321: more than any 01110111151 9111211111 gives- and they are really th e f 151110113. W hieh 01} 1-- 013 me not. We challeno‘e eontnuiietion 11 hen we state that the fashions of oth er 1113011231115 have 11: ver been seen in the streets of Pi filed. 111‘ 11in. or New York, 01' in the d. awinrrâ€"ro 1113 cf either place. Gode3’3 are the only 1eliz1bic fashions. OUR TVOOD W011? "131’ of uhieh “c gixe t“ we or tlaee 1i11 e: as many as any other magazine. are often 111M :111e11 f01 steel. They me so f1r superior to any others. ' OUR STEEL E1 'GRfl VINGS All efforts to rival us in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do, many more and infinitely better engrav- ings than are l‘nublished in any other Work.‘ 0 UR I19 S H I 0N PLfl TE S. Our long eXperience gives us greater advanta- ges than are possessed by others. We give in the Course of one year at- lcast THE MUSIC is all original, and would cost 25 cents (the price of the Book) in the music stores ; but most of it is copyrighted. and cannot be obtained except in “Godey” are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking in all its varietyâ€"Confectioneryâ€"~the N ursory- the Toiletâ€"the Laundryâ€"the Kitchen. Receipts uron all subjects are to be found in the pages of the: Lady’s Book. We originally started this de- partmeut, and have peculiar fatalities for Bulking it most perfect. This department alone is worth the price of the Book. No other magazine gives them, and we have given enough to fiil several large volumes. ESTABLISHLD BY AC T3 OF PARLIAMFB I" Everything thzit'i's useful or ornamentailt in house can Le found in Godey. Beware of them. Remember that. the Lady’s Book is the original publication and the cheapest; If £011 take Godey, you'want'no other magazine. No other magazine has this department .m02<>m< z. :30 .w ,EE. Miu'n Sh'eds. N. Y. CITY Address BITE? FJKIA O. i ,é/ZJ (2‘25; 0197’ 2/ //:-j 27’) / /’/’ 2., fl / ’ (:6 L /3'{ COLORED ENGRA VINGS LADIES’ WORK TABLE 323 Chestnut Sheet, Pizz'lcz; EU (I of P0225: .MODEL COTTM ‘E b’. Hommo YATES, Esq., M. D. JOHN A. WILSON, Esq. WM. AXGLIN, Esq, City Cham- berlain. » J AMES BURLEIGH, Inspector DRA WIA G LESSO VS. «u A .A «J VA ... m LOCATED AT 0 UR RECEI P TS lfin.m. a? Le... {a Pm... 4W... MU TA TIONS. H.317. STOVEL. L. A. GGEBEY, J30. Cor. ”5/2“ 9‘ Va; 20 Streets. A LB \NY, N0. 448 - Broadway at any time, as there ’ornrr Emem mi Saw 2!;‘3'537‘ Sis. this Chain of tance in seven a, pleasure to CLE ’ELAND D 1'2 T RC IT, 70 U'bodward .9218 72219. ST. LOUIS :1 fly}; in, Pa. .flgent. 7 7 of ré- ,, 1861 94 scribers, whose subscriptions expire with the pree~ "TO ALL WHO CAN READ! Everyone who can read the English language, _we believe,.will be benefited by subscribing for the Scientific flmerican and receiving its weekly visits ;. and while we depend upon all: our old patrons renewing their own subscriptions, we would ask of ca ch to send us one or more new names with his own. A single person has sent. us as many as 160 mil subscribers, from one place, in a. single year! The publishers do not expect every «one‘will do so tnuch; but if the 7,500 sub-1‘ '10 THE MILLWRIGHT AND Ml .L-o VNER! l Useiul and practical information appertaining -‘ to the interests of mi‘lwights and mill-ownersE rill be found published in the Scientific .ré’mcrz'can, which information they cannot possibly obtaini frem any other source. To this class the paper i is specially recommended. l l i E To THE PLANTER AND manna! Subjects in which planters and farmers are in- , terested willbe found discussed in the Scientific. .dmerican; most of the improvements in agricul-l tnral implements being illustrated in its celdnms. l TO THE MAN-OF-LEJSURE AND THE- MAN-(1:4 SCIENCE! ' l Individuals of both these classes cannot fail to f be interested in the {Scientific flmerican, which? contains the latest intelligence on all subjectsl appertaining to the arts and science, both practi-l cal and theoretical; all the latest discoveries and} phenomenawhich c::ne to ourknenrledge being early recorded there .21. . ' . ' uczzu use 01 we cmmzs (:1 all ‘5") }‘?{1i"IliS i.‘ ‘ from the United States Patent. (:ifice during; the week previews; thus giving the correct history of the progress of i:.»venti:.,»ns in this country. We are also receiving, every “-‘ee'l;z the best scieniiéic journals of Great i-Icitnin, Fifi-1.1.9 and Germany; thus placing in war l‘nossession all tin .2 is transgrâ€" ing in mechanical science and art in those old countries. We sh. il cominue to transfen‘ to our columns, copies extracts from these journals, of Whatever We 111:1 y deem of interest to our reader". '10 THE aIECllANIC AND BIB-.CHIKISTi No person engaged in any of the. mechanical pursuits should think of “doing without.” the Scientific flmerican. It costs but four cents per-l ‘ week ; every number Centainsfrom six to ten en-' ‘ gra.vings of new mncliix es and inventions, Winch 3 cannot be found innny other pnhiicution. It is‘ an established rule of the publishers to ins-rt; none but originnl'cngriwings, and those of the: first class in the art, drawn and engraved by ex-i perieneed persons under their own supervision. l TO THE 'cnmnsr AND ARCHITECT! .. Chemists and architects will find the Scientific i .fl’merican a useful journal to them. All the newi discoveries in the science of c emistry are elimin- ateti-in its columns, and the interests of the archi- f tent and carpenter are not overlooked; but all? the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits are published from week mi week. . The ; m’mzz’g‘ffl: u’?‘:u1‘:11:3£ is in erv inventi'n, as it not 0313 c. descuntions of n- :nrh’zll the i the) Came out. but end 2 numbe {icial li~ st of the c iaims Of all hum the United States Paton: mmod (1f labgr and enterprise u'iil do ii) :0 keep up the regzumiim they have earned during the FIFTEEX Ymns they have been connected whiz its publication. (JV The bricnliflc 12::0‘7‘333 h..s 33 e renuni? home and 3:33; (32,133 at 339' as: the 330-3 ca: ion dex oted tn I330€3h...11133 1331:: .- 911331303"13(3'J3Ei3;:_<3,fl2‘431330 pubiis 3301" '1 mined (if 121b331‘a1zd 0331: 1 53:35:: 33111 0 ii) 10 5..“ Some 0232 tic-22 223 12:22:22 2222.20! 2222 22:; 1222322 as 60 000; 22022012233 {2'22 222 313090.12222 ex {sat 0f the Ci. (:22- 121222222 2'2'222212 9 12222221222223 2.: the pap-3.2“ 222221 22122.23 0222' 222212 c223 39 em 32222 {isd with the Q22: 2222222’ 2.2222] 2122221221: :fn 222th 1120.2 get in one V8211 ‘ D .‘IIIID- bsz (3222222122 232229; 2:32 {22 2‘93 and (3052222122: 0222), $2.) the 13222222322023 2-1222 2‘ 2.222222222122221 20 still impmve the 1.222202 during 22222. (’0222222;r_ \ (2222'. THE POST AND OUR PREMIUM PLATE. . F or one copy of the POST yearly, and me of the Magnificent Engraving, “A Merry Making in the Olden Time,” $5. Fora club of L’sérfy copies of '1‘ IE ‘09?) and Tllz'rl'z/ Dollars, we will send as a PREMIUM a copy of the ling-raving, gratis. For a club of furi y, and Early Dollars, we will send the Engraving, and an extra copy of THE POST. Subscribers in the British Provinces will re.- quire tn rt-mit, 26 cents extra to pay the postage. o the lines. ' '~ Hi. . . . . 8mg“ 9.0% . . . .. 2 00pm; . . Q? 1 Qopy of Post L. {3939:3211 S; Pefiez'gan, N0. 325? FE-I‘zé’md 81273615, Philadelphia, Phluldplia \0?. 3,1860. 1 But to see exactly; \‘ mt will always be fougdin THE POST. Our Sto- ries for the lastiyear have been genera 11y ac- knowledged to be of the most interesting charac- ter; and we design not to allow any falling off in this respectâ€"though any improvement. is hardly possible.» But TH E POST also aims to instruct; it- contains weekly AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT CHOICE RECEIPTS, DOMESTIC AXD FOREIGN NEWS, THE MARKETS AND BAKEâ€"NOTE LIST, LETTER FROM PARIS, MISCELLANEOUS ENFORMATION, 8:0. u t} 10 getter-up of a. club of‘ larger clubs, V\ e send a com no lotigam‘ay of premises. They may simlply State that they design making THE POST for the future, wlmtit has been for the past, a. repos- itory alike of delightml amusement and equally entertaining .ili'struction, interesting Stories and choice Sketches by §plenéid Stories, Sand? Informa; tion, Ens‘imzcfive Skezches. 1N laying their; Prospectus again before the public, the Proprietors of the “ OLDEST AND BEST-OF THE W-EEKLIES” need enter_up0n “A ‘Aum A.-- --¢ â€"- Another 8: More Splendid Engraving; TWO'LARGE AND VALUABLE WORKS AS ' PREMIUMS! ' Saturc'i‘ay' Evening Post. ADDRESS 33.830 THE 3 T0 '1‘ A I H; ‘v‘ ‘-- r . C0 P?" a. Arthur’sMag’zine 3.00 " 5.00 “ 10m “ ..........‘....15.00 “ 200C) “ f a. club of 8, or either of th send a Copy GIQITJU. m (JD T WRITERS, ‘22-22 is imis 229221)} e to cv- 02213 (2222: {:2 2223 iiluslmted 2112123 bus t invenziuns as 1222222221292 (2021221223 an of- 3 Of 2111 the 221122213 issued- THE PER “'3! . . . .3200 ---------- l; LLAU' foul cg: Its 1303-) F ’gg *3 ANB T9WN llor SiX101Ln (31-. (37-13;; fl , - ‘_ (3333332 35, 33333033 3 ($34.33.? 3;" f . . iL31ti0n.It is 38%;“ 3033 to ins 373;: V ILL.__ in.” 4 I. .“Q mg for? E13? W903i}! Â¥ in :0 k2 P D 7/ (0'; ’ 0.1 i the 9 FE?” The 1321:3119 IUI‘)’ Of; C us:‘ 81‘ i] I «A ”:32”: for; EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, day} in the town of Durham, containing ONE, dd; ACRE, with a dwelling house thereon. The site. W8; is eligible and commanding, and will b68013 on 18W! moderate terms. .n. ma 1‘. ‘ 100 fl 5 01" No.54. 2nd COX, OLD SURVEY, BEN- " J tinck, one mile and a half from the town of {‘Durham, c0ntaining 100 acres of good land, gtwenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Saugeen River runs'throu:gh it, forming. an exod- Ient. mill-site. There is: also considerable excel»: j lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a. great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be giveq, A'NA HE SUBSCRIBER. HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on haud,ami is. prepared to make, (.n short notice, any article in the above 11. e. South half of Lot {Egrg'fraxa Street, Durham containing a. iacre, with a, comfortable house thereon. Title Indislmmble. Terms Liberablezâ€"Apply (if by letter, PDQ-1 paid.) to B. B. MILLER; West Arran, P. 0. 00. Bruce Bentinck, 28th May 1860. I - â€"â€"--v- ---w v-“Aluu BERKARD H ALDEN, 123’ The P!t?3319?3 of this Company confineden c1353 '21)“ to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their con- tents, on 1‘21 vcmble terms, and at rates. otfpremiqg as low as that of any other responsible Campany. .53” T onus of Application, and all necessary in- formation to be had on applying to SAM TEL E. LEGATE Agent at Durham. 1' nm-Apn TOWN LOTS F01! SALE Durham, 5th Dec., 1860. April 4, 1860. Ii1fes. ° fox D21 fly four pence a Izne, fcr first mp. 5g: 231;.1, 3111 0110 1mm (3 ch subsequent insertion, the V1 0011111195, six pence a line fut each Insertion Gezzm'al Caopcr-ing, he large circulation of The Leader mak 1,130 very host medium of publishing notices of kind. W1: cc Le .‘IJ '0'?- ! * E “HE favor with which The Leader has been i :1 received by the public may be judged by the i 1101; um. since its commencement, in July 1852, it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it has SEVRRAL momma mere same. ibers than any other paper in Canada , Ever; exertion is being used to make it more and inure indispensable forevery fimily in the Pro- vmce. THE DAILY LEADER _ .~..._~â€"..._ ' vâ€"v- Onc (it-)liiil' a year is added to each Edition when not paid in advance. Is publisned every Friday, and “ THE PATRIOT, and the " NEWS OF THE WEEK” are published every Ye nesday at the rate of one dollar in ad- vance. These papers are primed on a. h? 'ge cheat any.): contain the most important part of the read- ing matter of the Daily Leader. Market Reports are. particularly attended to in them. These are the cheapest papers in the Provinces. Apply, if by Igtter [postpaid] t9; Jan. 27 1.859. U: \ published on Tuesdays and Fridays, at Trials mujmzsa year, in advance. It contains all the emlzng matter of the Daily Leader: and for par- t: s who-do not reside near enough, to a Post Of- 1303 to call every day, this paper W111 supply them 1'. 3:13 5111 the intelligence they 0 mld rcceive from a Daily. T 1 I r r‘ \. a Is published every morning, in time for the early trains, at. SIX DOLLAT‘S per annmn, in advance. It is a large sheet, and contains the earliest and 1: get reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part: of me world. {eat volume, will send each a singlenm , their ewn, they will confer. a leveling; pl: upon us, they will be reWarded for it In t provement we shall be enable ‘to make ih Ca udia n suLscribers 1 Si}: cents extra oneach pay postage. Sontherfi,’ Western and C. Post-051cc stamps taken at p: Fxfteeu Copies, for Twelve Mon Twenty Copies, for Twelve Mon For all of'Twenty and over,t scriptioz“ ison'ly 31 50'. Names c difflrenc times and from different Specimen copies will be sent gm: of the country. I -.-"'U To mail subscribers: Two” One Doiiar for Six Months. one complete volume tcomprise one year. the first of J ANUARY a of 416 [mg-es, two volumes The volumes commences on ad J ULY. SEMI-WEEKLY LEADER THE WEEKLY LEADER Wiih A vâ€"‘rw I '59. Five Capies for Six MOSES. Ten Copies, for Six Months. . . . . . Ten Cogies, for Twelve Months. . . P-residcnl .- Opposite the Durham Hotel; GEORGE TUCKER. it? EEE PURATED $400,000., 185]; MUN N 8: Co. Publishers, No. 37 Park-row, New 3~--~. 311:1: in ێrect, Toronto, genci es all over the PlOViDCQ. DIRECTORS: Lasq. “73930:- JOHN HOODIE, Land Agent, Bennmsk, P. o. A REV ERTIS ERS. . .Axc L's Mumusox, Esq. ”BANK UPPER CANADA. t‘rom diifcrcnt Post-Offices}; m be sent gratis to any part taken at par for subscriptions. Jets will please to remit twenty- “*AXD-v- PATRIOT " Thomas Ha worth, Esq. t I. ', n .11. Henderson, ESQ. Waiter Ma cfa rla ne,Esq. Vice-P re-gz'dem: «10. Mickie; Estic years subscripuon to pre :Months.... 16 ch e Months. . . . . . 22 elve Months ..... . 28 1 over, the yearly sub. Names can be sent 111 at Leader makes it [Obâ€"Gm 3 New York any

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