Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 28 Dec 1860, p. 4

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head, saymg in a faint voice, “EVho is that?’ He was informed that it was his relative."- “ 01), ab,” said he, “ yes, yes. He must be a-cokl. Make him good wan-n toddymyeq, some toddy.” “He ain’t crazy,” said the visitor to the friends standmg round; “he talks very nfionally.” A man residing at some distance from:- near relative. received a message one cum evening in December to hasten to his resi deuce, as he was in a dying state. “’5. 3n he arrived he was told that hi: relative was a little better, but that his reason but entireiy left him. The sic}: man presently turned his Never marry an undertaker’s daughter. unâ€" less you wish to undertake to raise a hearse- ute family: nor a miller-‘9. (laughter, unless she is the Hour of the family. Nor pay yogu- addresses to the (laughter of :JMVyBF. for fear her existence may be brief. "If you must choose between a doctor’s or a banker’s daughter, take the latter. for her drafts are more easily swallowed. Nor should Von wml a nobleman’s (laughter, for her “offence is rank ;” nora gardener’s daughter, less site should take to a rake. Avoid marrying a drowned sailor’s daughter, for she will have an aversson to water; neither condole with a shoemaker’s girl, for she’ll wish you waxing near your end for your all. If ynu marry a blue stocking, you will go with holes in your own. You cannot marrv a baker’s daughter. for she will not be of the upper crust, ml of course ill-bred. If you care to marry. marry some woman wnese father was hung. Then you need not use a 1099’s end to her, for she will remember the paternal application.â€" Pick a sexton’s daughter, for she will be of a grave turn of mind, and experienced in epita be suitable for a bereaved family, whic is a convenient thing to have in the A “’OHDERFUL Spsz.-â€"fifcafca. 3 an ° “ Come, come. my dear rizadnm, 1 ' dentbr smnefhinz: wrong: make a (‘{'3131-:21:;i of me.” Blighlcd Br'ld’: " ‘Vb‘ii. doctor, it was always my great ambitim: ($95) to bv the wife of a (sob) draper, and mow I have thrown mpself away upon a hardware (sob) dealer; and a!!hough the dear fnilaiw is as kind as He can be ($05), and brings me home any quanti’y of scissors, and flies. and door- krwobs. and things. yet what are these to the (30?); wounded spirit that exam-kw! means of brocade and point lace?” (Sub, sob, sob.) A LAWYER 0.: LAW. â€"-â€"T'I10'a gsh can): it an adept in ju: 52.711IIence. the pr: sun: Lord Chancellm, when Chzaf Juszi'eofIImO19.».101’5 Bench, was V‘er} :iItlc inclined to ex: It}: i.: :1 . lawsuit himseII (a camion razher :100011Iis:0!o 5;ng all great laxners). One mam, on hi1 re Ium the I I I I I I I I ‘v to Kniphtsbridr, I133 stew; .I'II came in to tea 'I I “I him that one of his tent» .nts haul -::I (I0 .I n Ivm I 1.1:: great trees upon a. farm of which his lordship I III: was ploprietor. “ H CH,” said Lonl Camp- IIy lIel’, “and what did ymj say to IIIm ?”--â€" “ng hm. to him. why I IoIIl him. v.0 SIIOIIIII tumwe'pxa him well with a Iax11-su1t'.”-â€"â€" “Did yo ir()z‘. said his lordship. “ Then mu 1 118:0".qu it {Em on yourseIf, fOI I shall mt make) em); ‘1..;I Ihe about it ” I me: A Woxpzn or Woxnms.-â€"Earnum is a- bout to add to his collection of marvels the greatest eurosin in the warld-a happy man. A lady, writing: on the can: of the day, to the improvement in female edzu'atE; says, “Let men be what they 324mm 12:: men, before they pronounce judgement up us as women. Until then, we 53m?! :0 very much aswe have done If we were perfect as they wish. Where shoutd we 13 suitabte husbands ? Ye should alt of us ti and die singie, or 9150 be sadiy mismaaet'z. If they (1021’! “5!; us, they may do without â€"-â€"if they can.” “That’s 21‘ said to a yr: “ Am! that’s the lady, bur; were once a remark that ‘ father beturc decided; literally r meg in i! A younur your)" man and says it do batten Boa consuictors are the most affection- ate creatures livingâ€"always ready to em- brace any budy. Rhyming lovers generaily woo their sweet- hearts in such wretched verso that it is no wander so many of them are jihad. A young lady in Sussex advertises {m- the young man th; t -" erzsbmced an Opportunitv,” A f Proof of Rationality. The X Advice en Eii'arriage. ‘5 Bx; t ladies, 1h Though she And yet W What can it t ’resident of that the “ Ir. meant null: th; t “ en'sbmce he will} come to Woman’s L868 ol 110 ne 823313} a 10W“ 19' f if" the “tube «V “but durin" M .96 ; water in th ’5'” j re: .dil) , thus tarongi: all !i: ml heart wood ine'ghbm‘ Whl SEED IN Wzaus.-â€"â€"-A singfe plant of the common s‘intzing nettle (Urtica dipica) pm» (10089 100,000 seeds in aseason. feverfew, 125,000, and the foxnglnve (digitalis par. par-ea» 640.000. ‘Vho can wander at th'é HARD CRUST FORMED IN PLOCGH:.\'G.~-â€"-It is well known that when laml has been plough- Bti for many years at a uniform depth, a hard crust is formed at the bottom of the furrow.â€" Tlte Country Gentle-man says: “ We lately had occasion to inspect a piece of ground that had been ploughed aml was soon flooded by a creek, and all the loose or ploughed soil washed completely away, leaving this under or :st untouched, and showing every mark and scratch of the plough as it passed over.â€"-- The crust had been made so compact by the whole weight of the plough and that (-f the turning sod superatltled, that the flQOtl'mallfl not the slightest impression upon it, although the soil was naturally quite uniform down to a depth of two orthree teet.” ' 'm in; » “ P Pr‘v-U! Of “‘CCdS .o‘. correspnmient at Gnodwineviiiet I. J., has had good success. in keeping eggs in the following tttatmer, hoies were bored in shelves. which were put up in a cool cellar protected from frost. The eggs, as fast as milected. were set in these holes, with the iittie end (irm'nward. Some were used In three months. and the balance in a little over a year from the time of storing. and a” were reported as perfectly good. The cellar tn which eggs were kept so weii.must,we think, have been very dry and cool. It would be weii fur timse making this experiment to try a small quantity at first; they might not keep as we}! miter all circumstances, as in the case above.~â€"-Ib. ‘ -II. I‘ .4 p {aw-t season tor cutting ttmt er is about mid- summer. His explanatiun wasfiimt durirg the latter pmt of June and early in July, gtvi 9n the t‘nfingc is in its {Mia-t vignmhc up- ; ward draf! ttt‘t'ttt the sap is so great that very i iittie moisture is left in the tree, consequent- iij.‘ the timlwr seasons hard and sound; but that during March and April thvre is so much \VZtZL‘f in th wood, that insects Lore intuit muddy, tims {armincing “ powdi‘r post ” through nii the sap portion, and even into the heart. wuod. Ho mentimwd the instance of a neighbor with cut his timber fora tense in June. but when he came to vork it out in the Winter, lacked same ribs or slats apart which to uni the iong moi shingles. Remit enough .9- .«zipgaiy the deficiency during the Fetter part t' ‘. ’inter. and compieted the house. Attert he .apse of a few years, he examined the; 'nof, and found the slatq which were cut in‘ Summer, perfectiysnund, while those out ini “Writer. were badly affectmi by dry rot and} “ pt'm’t‘ier Dost.” Our informant had also proved the same thing himself. He also re- mzn'ked that whmt the nhjvct is to induce a free growth of new hoot“, for future wood or, forest, he ’preferred to cut in March, as the; stumps sucker much more freely them. than .ixhen ant away in Summer. The iatter, however, is the heat season to clear oil a growth of wood; the old .tumps decay soon-i Eeep Plowing-Oppcsi5: Resuits. fly, for the at of the owner. a weaned n32. 52'riculm T6. son .- fevérfew, 7715': LITEII’J TUBE d‘tgitalis PUT“ is of that kind that can be had aloud in the fam- Wonder at th‘é‘g ily circle, and the clergyju immense num" crs are Isrxlsscrfb‘c‘rs for {1:9 Book. 2..“ arni‘ r507. THE S 'Ilv’INDflRD for TJ'IIIZ TY-OIVZE YE.£1€S' Pronounced by the Press of-thc United Sfates, . TIE-1E3} EEQ’E Lady’s Magaziae is: the is arm, and the (Istapest. Cne Dollar 3 year is added to' above edition, if not paid in advance. Toronto, Not, 1880. {11100. “ News of the ”Keck. advance. ’sze Dme Loafer only Six Dollars a. year in advance, or 12;: Cents a Week. “ Semi-IVeekly Leader, Three Dollars a. year in advance. “ ”Emily Leader. . . . One Dollar 3 year in ad Y8DCC- “ Il‘yuahlu Dull-:11! I)... ha?!“- .. -.-_._ 2-- _ s Advertisements of vaants Wantinrr Situations, O and Servants Wanted, are inSrrted at Twenty- five Cents each insertiau. Would very much (90113111: their own interest by taking advantage uf tins great. inducement to advertise now held out to them. free. ,Which, since the purchase of the Colum‘st Newspaper, has the largest circulation in the I’rm'incv, and is consequently To fiiemharrts anc'i Others; mg, and ruling; ., and 2 .2 H! t! ‘.C 2.1. .;t inuu‘fnvc: mrchincry: I2t’am., .222-, and (anew/11:59 2’32: . qmupgnnd Fri/22222? ,002 23.23:; _â€".- 122:3 2 C33, 0.2 215; 315,5, Plans, 112220522192 .10., 5.2.. 2.22231 men variety(flit-2022222391 and 2:1 222k Forms; 25:: thuem, embraci.2g a. select and varied 52. vol: of Bz'ztzsh: Amcrics '222 and Cmmdi. 2212‘ -5321»: 1:21; 202'5, :2. GILL LSPY 3.31 10131:?” .2. :TS “" SPECTATOR 02-22%, H" 212212.322, C. “'5 J2 .1231 5523i «‘14 a DV :34 the time to advextise in -3 A D E R3 Which is me of 11:: M2323: and must feumgsietc ofthe kind in Can: 2L2.) - cuuzpiiz-iug 1!; . niiuwiuu Departments, viz: v .Iiookzmxl J92!) I’ri.»z.’.'z:s*, imimiiug the 11 ibiica tion of the .Iatimmi QC ~* 001. Cichool i oaks, as we} asti‘ oexecn‘umofexesznetyof;l innndfancv iota 1' press plinting , Book 132‘: 212' 22:. (this demfi meat carried off the fir; 112329211 the vain in! Fair in 1857,) including Blank Book Manufactur- ing, and ruling; and 2222;: up; 1‘.th must impuwcd machznorv: I. fluff)?!“ 2.11:1"? n1: J-(i I'.112:~nv1-.Iu2’.o If... THE DURHAM STANDARD, All advertiscmeutu inserted in the. Morning lmou will receive one insu'tiun m the Evening, To advertiser in. CLUBS. The success of the clubbing s 'stem as of supplying the public with CHEAP N] already been tested by the Spectator. 'i which was at first {mly applied to the W now been oxtended to the ScxzziJl'eefzh vmzce, are :â€"â€"- Daily, per annum . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 per copy. Semi-Weekly, “ . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 “ ‘Yeekly, “ o o o o o o o o o o 1.50 “ Postmastcrs and others acting as Agents will be allowed a handsome commission from the above mentioned rates, and parties sending the nzu‘nuft four new subscribers. with the cash, will be enti- tled to one copy free. ’ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , uuu “CBC!“ [1 Newspaper, is published at Hamilton, C. W., by the proprietors, “'3me GILLESPY and Aunt- AXDEP. {onenrsozxn It isissned daily, semi-weekly, and weekiy, and has the largest circulation of any Canadian paper west of Toronto. From the particular attention paid to Commer cial intelligence, the Spectator has acquired a rep utation for reliability, which has secured for it the Patronage of the Mercantile Community of Wes- tern Canada. The geographical position of the C'ty of Hamilton, with its superior Railway con nection, afl’ords great facility for the Speedy trans mission of the Daily Spectator to the numerous thriving towns and villages between the Niagara and Detroit Rivers,â€"-an advantage of which the proprietors have not failed to cwail themselves The Semiâ€" lVeelrly and ll'ccfclu editions (made up from the reading matter in the Daily) containing a great amount of news, at an extremely low price, enjoy a large and extended circulation among the agricultural classes, and those not immediwely engrossed with the cares of politics or commerce, to whom the stimulus of a daily paper is not a EXERCIHAN'E’S AND GTEEE‘ H'ee’cly Pat-riot. . . . One Dollar 3. year in adâ€" \ POLITICAL, Cpglqaquigl,n;u;d G The Best is always the Cheapest. (C TERMS-SUBSCRIPTION. BEST PAPER GOOD N ii 3‘2’8 FOR PAMILTON SPECTATOR. v..- 4‘. . ‘ printing ; Book 1322212221.“ (this damn} d of? the first 312329 at the 1’2221'3222. 3321!; I7,) including Bizank Book .‘Jannfzzctur- . ling and 2 221;: 22g 12;; the 222. st i2 22222212'02’ } L2‘hx’ag‘i2ffr’l .-222.-, 222221 (3222220121:- 221-3 132: ,2 thul? ,032 2.32.3 (3:53 3'121'2'026233,C 2‘s “fig/‘1 ‘2 s, .1222052'2122 3'20 2., $323.. 12221 (ex-cu ercantilc 2222218122212 1722122232525: Haven, 2 select and varied stock of Bzztish, 2 [In 011121213121 m-nlr- 122nm»: .2222 i C‘ is added to each "of the . . .One Dollar 9. year in avas, m: a me 1r not con sent to ONE ADDR 1voarpcr 003v D '5; 1 a 392W per cm x R. 1‘( 33 a means VEAYS has '1 he 1 Ian, H {eluly Ins e'y cd 101 {10:1, , {13" Dividends of human and Profits will be made! anhuallv or; semI-anuuall's', as .-. 33' be ex‘pe., client. .. . ' ‘ « ‘ E‘Ayphcahons for Insumiiéc :cccived ant Ian heci‘ssarv fnformation given by ‘. , . . Io. . it?” The Funds (1' the Company to m: lent Members only, in sums from 8-520 upwards, 9. terms of from One to Six Hand's, (renewable] on such Perscnal or other Security as may 2e 81:- proved byzhe Djrectors,at such rate of . Interest [not cxc‘eeding‘gne pepcent. per month} and mode of. repaymes- tas may he agreed upon. ’1‘HIS Company conduct their business on the Pmprfctary and fl'Iutual plan for terms ac- cording to character and situation of property, of from one month to three years. ' PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken in any number from one to fifty, and Inztalments of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company in Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Instalments. Interest allowed from date of reâ€" spective payments. _ ' President Secretary Treasur r Authorized Capital 5500,00 in 12,000 Shares of $40 each. Insurers partici- pate in the pro 13 without (my [111.â€" bifiity beg/rm the amount oftheir prem 2 u. m. 'i‘ize anazia Fire Ensgragme Campany cf i Kingston. Students entering any one of these Colleges; by the payment. of $40, become entitled to the prin- iegcs of the (Entire “chain,” comm-Mn? seven of the most thorough, extensive, pmc icnl and popu- lnr Business 550th in the world. For Gala- Iognes and Circulars call at the Coifegc Rooms, or address as above. GE 55:11â€"13... EN? 13’1‘3/5'2” N. 0111‘ 5::1111'!:1_d ct :“ezusza'uzsaig 13 the flunaus “Pp:;2rm'i~*5;.1.” ' _ Students can commence at any time, as there are to vucniinns. ‘ The Primi; :s11 and Teachers 01" 1’33 Chain of C0111'g1S have an cxtensim acqum 11 ance in sewn huge Chit, and 11111 «vs 111. 11Si<1cr 11 :1 pleasure. to further the bes‘ 111181031»: 1f 11111. 51111111111193. “C'chgwr 112351.561! ,’ stz‘o‘r Pluto. PHIL-flu 7" ur‘IHA, Caner)“ ml" animumu‘t «Mala. COLORED '4'}. 1' :P H 1 ".VG'S of Kn it? 115:, Neving or smnz: nth or ruaai’ul branch ot'Ladi 5’ work is g'ix. n in (mm 11 vmbor. are such as 2:111 be found 1113. 'he1e 9151:. Cooking 1111111 its 1': 111(41-«1. 13 «1311111101‘1â€"4318 \urseiv- 11: c Tn.l11-U;c La 1111 Innâ€"~11; 1: Kitchen 3{eceiptz 111011 :13! 5111330615 an: 10 13133111111111 111 the pages of {1131.110} 5 Bud-2.11: (”1131111111 81131111311 this do- 1::1r1111cnt,n111 1.1111; 13.31:: 1'1 113 11101111135 for making itmostpcxtect.{111311111111131111119 is 11.323 the] price of the 131101;. BRYANT 5c STRATTON. Buffalo, Sept. 12, 1800. ‘ Beware of them. Remember that the Lady’s Book is the original p'abEication and the cheapest Iffifill take Gmley, you want no other nmg‘azine Everything that is useful or Oi'nzuucuml in a house can 10 found in Godey. BRA WING LESSOAZS'. No other 1:133:12in given enough to .51! se vâ€"H vv" ”-UVJ‘|4’ .lm' u: xi, of \\ 111011 “e giVe t“ 1cc 01 three limes as many as an) other magazine a1e 011011 mistaken for steel TLey me so far superior to any 0111913. SIXTY FULL FIGURE FASHIONS, which is thirty-32.1: more than any other magazine gives ; and they are really the fashions, which oth. era are not. We challenge euntrmlietion when we state that the fiashions 0’: 011‘. r nmgazincs have n: ver been seen in the streets ot‘PhiL‘zdelphia or New York, or in the d.awing-r0. ms of either piace. Godey’s are the. only reliable fashions. OUR “’0 OD EN 11’. =1 VINGS. 0L R STEELEYGR. “’13. OS All efforts to rival us in this hme ceased, and we now stand aluue 111 this dc-par’mm1t,cT 0iving, as “e do, mung. more and infinite 3' better engras- ings: than are publisl: ed in an} attic: “ark. 0U ’ F.‘ o [1103 Ourlong experience gives us greater advanta- ges than are possessed by others. We gve in the course of one year at least THE MUSIC is all original, and would cost 25 cents (the price of the Book) in t: e music stores ; but most of it is copyrighted. and cannot be obtained eztccptin u Godey.” THE BEST Li}? Y IVRITERS in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write for no other magazine. XIIIQAGO. Com-3r. J'(’z’ar.~" (2321 ', 01-161” 1:032 553. DURHAM, DECEMBER 28, 3.860. L ADIE. " V032? '11} 5115'. This dcmmnent comprises @119; M incs and de- :iptions 01 even artic afloat a luiy nears. N0 othc 'ornrr ESTABLISIILD BY ACTS OF PARLIAMFXT‘ [MODE L 00"" 'ia’rz’uS'. r othcrmzzg: Kim: 11 15 this (km: {1111. nt. ERR..5‘, 0213;! I34 A‘Dv’AN: B 7""? ‘ [TL ALB HonAno Y ATES, F =q., M D Jon}: A. Wmsox. Esq WM 11. ANG; 1N. Esq, City Cham- bellaiu J AMI-:3 BUBLEIGH, Inspector to Iii! 30'. L13! 1:1; vrhmcs. 0L 1; PEG-Eff; To '(t (I ‘ I 31! T41 T103382 (griginaliy stzu'tc-d this do- ud'mr fin: 131303 for making legartxncn alone is wax-11‘ 3H). 70 3 Illa-(1 13mm, and we have S'I‘. LOUIS. 7"“!‘1 '11 D1“: i u'\ 1!. 11637.0}. ‘nlii’. Br «2:2.3wr: r: rn-l Sn rd «Ive To ALL ‘WHO CAN READ! Eve1yone who eail read the Engliqh langua 29 we believe, W311 be benefited by subsccilnng fol,- the Semi: fie umerfean and receiving “Its Weekly visits g: and White vse depend (mama outcold 1511120113 3621 Whig their own anhscriptious, We vvcmid ask of each. to send 4.315" 996 or more new 10 THE 111111311115 111‘ AND 11111.: owxen! U 503111 11111! 11: aetienl in formation an; .mmininu to the interests of mi lwicrhts and mill-ownezts \- ill be found published 111 the Scimiifi: Jamaican which information they cannot possiblv cbtain fiem anv other source. '10 tins class the paper is specially recommended. , TO THE PLANTER AND FARMER ! SubEects in which planters and farmers are in- terested will be found disc1 seed 111' the c.cnt2/‘ c .Emerimn; most of the inmrovements in agricul- tural implements being illustrated 111 its culgnms. TO THE MAN-'OF- 1515111115 AND 1111»: max-1 F- $0112; “14.! ‘ Indifidnals of both these classes cannot fail to be interested in the. Scientific American, which contzuns the .nt‘est intelligence on all subjects appertaining to the arts and science, both pram. cal and theoretical ,- all the latest dismveries and phenomena. which come to our knowledge being ea r13 recorded therein“. w - ‘r, ..._.‘..-‘ .i ,. -. - '1 he 8:15.255“; mglh‘t'LlLLul 13.1, s. ensnllle to GY- ery inventor, as it, not; only“ {Rams illustrated descriptions of nearlyaill the inventions as they Come out, but each numb contn ns an of- zticinl list of the claims of all the patents issued ifrom the United States Patent Office during iii? i week previews ; - thus giving die correct history of l the progress of inventions in this ('l'mntry. We are also receiving, every week, the best scicmiiic gjournnls of Grant i‘il‘lltllll, France and Germs. 113g; E thus placing in our possession all that is trnnspiiw ing in mechanical science and art in those ultl countries. We shall continue to transfer to our columns, copies extracts from these journals, of whatever we may deem of intel‘cs: to our readers. no THE MECHANIC AND IJACHINIS'! I No person engaged in any of the mechanical pursuits should think of “doing without” the Scicn.!,{fic .‘imerz‘can. It costs but, four cents pci week ; every nnmbcr contains from six to ton on- ”swings of ncwmnchines and inventions, winch cannot be'found in anyâ€"oilier publication. t is an established rule of the'pnblishcrs to ins rt none but original engravings-and those of the first class in the art, drown and, engraved by ex- perienced persona-nude; théirromi supervision. _ TO THE CHEMIST AND ARCHITECT! _ Chemists and architects will find the Scientific .flm’crimn' a use’fnl'jonrml to them. All the new discoveries in the science of c emistry are elimin- ated in its columns, and the interests of the arcliii feet and carpenter are not. overlooked; but all the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits are published from week to week. CLJ‘LLE1 9.11311; LLze Lt‘z-Lr'nlifi:‘.L1.LLeLicL:,1 :15 1.x: 1‘93“ 1f.- i1-;mc :111L'LLLb1LL1d, of beiny’zihe best rs?“ .. inn (1C V0! LL IUHIL‘L "1:: 1.11311! amL i11du~ 311-: £113 an s: 1123 now published, and 6113' pm bii has L-LrLr. LL11 ‘r-5 :1") 11¢. Ld (if labs-r and cm ML; 230 will do it) to kcvp : up the reputn ti L11 the} ham earned day [an the . i I i 1 L i ‘7‘ ‘Q- I‘.‘ r ' ‘l . ‘9.) V I 1 LL..,.\ 1: . 1.:5 flay '.L: 8 been 3011220 L-La-Ll mm 11:»- . {Lubii- :atlc a weekly paper. 35* the fifllnwing list of térms you will set: ifmt THE POST is not on'y the BES' ‘, hat. the (7' [I I": A” P E S T O I" '1’ [1 1’3 (NR. E.\(z...\‘"" FRET-xi] NIFICEN'J‘ PIC PU! {Eâ€" (u) mium this year s the celcbza nod gm mug of A.” \ A U RN U LTU 1’ AL DE PARTMENI‘ Cl“ [C E MI(‘- E IP'XSI DCL‘M‘S'Y {I A.\[) 10!) 310A NEAS TUE MARKETS A\D BA\Kâ€" NOTE .‘ST, LETTER FR OM PAP IS MISC‘LI L A\EOUS \I‘URMATIO‘. 8:6. But to see oxalic“) what. THE PO ST 1S mite. for .H $331!???” 4 “3} ?§E§;§{ L “PHI! ‘ 111 LC sent gratis to any one desirous of subscxibi 21;: fur «(ti 3:. (Ll “a n30 ‘2. . p it». will always be found in THE POST. Our Sto- ries for the. last year haw been generaliy ae- lnum'ledged In be of the most interesting charac- ter; and we design not to allow any filling of? in this resyect-tlmngh any impmv- ment is hardly possible But THE POST also aims to instruct; it contains weekiv N laying 1111311 Prospectus again 11111111, the public the Proprietors 0f the “ OLDES 1‘ A\D BEST ()1, THE 11" BERLIES” need enter 11; um no long auay of 11110111131331 They 111111' 51111} 111' state that thev 11031011 making THE P05 "1 for the fut111',e what it has be en fin 11111111131, 11 repos- itory alike of delightful a11111-seu1e111 3111.1 equallv entertaining instruction, in‘eiesting Stories 11d choice Sketches 11v Spiendid Stories, Send Infurma- (£033, Instructive Sketches. Anether £2 Mere Spienzlial Eng sa ’iag TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE WORKS AS PREMIUMS! T H E Saturday Evening Posst. Phi Mount Forest, Ma.) 24,1860. THE BEST ‘b lay-232261;:- n L, ('5 I 3 u. that H. H. STOVEL, WRITERS, I.-â€"-A MAG flgent. '4 U" £13" Subscriivtion Money my be sentby mail at my risk, agd you need 11, t “ register ” the letters, Address Jessy!!! HARRIS, Publish); ‘an’id. Proprietor, Rochester. N. Y. Our Agents and Competitors far the above Pzemiums, will lexnember our tefms. are always 1:? A r179 . ‘an‘ IN ADVANCE. "1. 0n? Doh’ar ti} the pcrso: who shall send us the twenty-“21‘s 1 highest list, as above. 1‘). T 782 Dollars to t! :c pexson who shun send us th e m m: te_<’n_th highest list, as above. 18 Fz: m 001113 to the DCISOD who 8133!! send 113}le (jg. ‘xtecntp highest list as above. ‘ Yaw Dollars to the person who shall send us the twmiieth big? ust list, as abov e. 17.1"ice Daliars no.1he person who shall send us the scvvnteemh highest list, as above. 12-. Ten Daflars to the person who shall send us the twelfth highcst list, as above. 2. 1 Tue Dollars to the person who shall send us the thirmenth highest list. as above. 14. 15 igufiz Dalian-s to the person who shall send us the fourteenth highest list, as above. 15. Seven Dollars to the person vmo, shall send us the fi‘téeuth hig rest list, as abate, 1;’;,_ Sin: Dqllars m t1)“ 1101:5011 who 3113.11 gsnd us the sixteenth highesfiâ€"list‘,'as abbfé.‘ ’ “'3' 3‘ - ’7’ 137'? an Dul’m in the person who 5179.11 send us the 5:: Link high (:51 1151, as above. 8. 1' L 7:: {can Dulizrs to the pen son who shall send us :17:- fight 11011951 1151, as above. 01:57-17:75» })o.’:J :22; to the per on who shall sex: (1 us 71: c ninth 17icrhestlis,t as above 1C T:.uc’ 7e Bu.” ms to the 170-5071 “hos hall 3: nd us the tenth 1713;1th 1157 as above. 11. 73! vuz Dola'ars to th: person \V 170 shall send us the eleventh 7.ig1:est 1331, as above. 512271962: Dui'frn‘s to the person who shall semi us ‘ 8 third ligncst 1: 2111111156 as above. .4. If 55:15.72: I)0Ilz}.rs 10 the pe 1‘5 «:11 \x 110 811311 5921.! :23 the fare arm 1 1311-3: list, as aho‘ve. u. . guru-nicer: Dawns to the person who 831111 3911:} us 1h 3 fifihhi "rlwst 1:5! as abate. an IJOII;:J;; m the pm‘mn \\ 110 shall send 343:1} hmhost Iis=,:1s;1l)m'.c "I" an “0131!?" i' i the nersun who 91ml] com! Diirbafi’f,’ 7'.“th wary. '1 ize 212212205 nfsucce>s.a-I coulpcthonj, 15.1112 :01‘ V2"; .1120. 1213121291121 ~1111~1.2122.1., “‘21! be 2122212:- 221021 22 1132?. 171132912 1-. .w 2 «1:: 1 . ‘ 1. .22‘2‘HL-‘1AL'EV2 ‘ralh .g! i 222212, 2.2221 the premiums 1. 121922; J 221:1 loaf.- 23, in (‘21 22 m the person '22-'12) 332121150222! the 12115051 2.21222h:~2~:2f 5221:251122'122525, (:11. the 11212931 (1121!) {322111113 01'375 cents 2222012,). hem-e 1}; 1.13112 21:12 ' --.f Januarv. 18230 (The n21.2- J»._ [223" must 8he 212268562: ’, 222212122111cd,on or before the. 1513221‘ Jzzn‘ :22'2’. 2. {1"52: -2212; 0315223 1121 91213213022 who shall send 223 112C sec-222211 ‘1iyr'2cs‘ - 11322212112225 2212:2219. TEST- 1'15"?“ the Depositary: A lxmxtcusupp y 1;} elggantglnding. LA -r" UST receivcé an aSsb‘i‘gment of BIBLES AND mamas AND raggrAmest: 11 LUURL' 1.5 U!) ilgt‘llf 101' (he farmer 111 Your {(2531}, will net 1.2', incl zmdvz, act as age M for 125 in your 110% a} lmrh :0d1’The Genesee Fanner is so camp that ewz5 5.210 imcz'c-szed in the cul- mtml ef 11 3 Si?” w; I! subsczibc, ifasked; and fat do so uni: <5 the are as ed. Sb w them a cup; of 13:9 12:1 we and toil them its price, and fire; can n I I'm", {.242 [unic- 2!. \"ill not all our himdsâ€"v 4‘ 3m: 5, 21, sirâ€"make an effort to in~ (10 88011-2“ ‘hi (i SUB") 3'”: 01's far 1800? \Vt’ “'i” uni 312' Sean \ Ii! Shank-11215, Sf :Ci :mcn 001103, C., ii ym v.13 act as agent. Below will be found our Premium List for 1860. Our Specific Premiums are the same as last year, except that. we do not offer Specific premiums for larger 13.525 than twenty-four, for the reason that any larger list. than this will probably ta e a Cash premium. The anntary Juslz Premiums are large-- and xxx-orc- mum-mus than ever before. Few {£13qu c-qzmeie fur tlzcm, and very small lists wil Sax-arr». 12:91:}. A few hours spent in car.- --\- ._-.\- ‘» “ ‘1 __vâ€" I‘_I‘Ih\]. Five Copies for Six Months. . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 Ten Copies, for Six Months. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ton Copies, for Twelve Months. . . . . . . . . 15 Flft‘sflll Copies, fur Twelve Months. . . . . . 22 Twenty Copies, for Twelve Months. . . . . . 28 _ For all of Twenty and over, the yearly sub- scriptior is only $1 ,0. Names can be sent in at dial-rent times and from different Post-Ofllccs.-â€"- Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. southern, Western and Canadian money or Pest-office stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cundian snlscvihers will please to remit tn enty- six cents extra on each years subscription to pre- my postage. . â€"I.‘“.U. To mail subscribers: Two Dollarsa Year, or One Dollar for Szx Months. One Dollar pays for one camplete volume of 416 pages, two volumes tcomprise one year. The vo‘mmes commences on the first of J ANY-ARY and J LTL‘I. names with his own. A single person has sent us as many as 160 mail subscribers, from one pla cc,- in a single year! The publishers do not expect ever) one will do so much; but if the 7,500 sub- scribers, whgse subscriptions expire with the pres- ent volume, will send each a. single name with their own, they will confer a lasting obligation upon us, they will be rewarded for it. in the imâ€" provement we shall be enable to make. in the pa- per by thus increasing our receipts. The follow- ing; are the-â€" I f Publishers, No 111m; na: 13 Races.»- ) agent for gun, ind re;- than {his vim pm The January 341 nmre numerous 13m mpete fur them, 3. them. A few hour: :ii is “C(‘Cféai‘tl'y. agent for the F1 :4", ind reader. ac S‘SK‘IJ i) h‘; the [gtfcanth a": n: Hues (:f511cco~s.a-I Ct mpctitorg, n ‘ 3731)”? (It guns-3.1111212, “'11, be arr Lmiuz (2" av sending in 12‘} «m a! mum be of {11C vu- 03:39: to comes: this practice as v.3. {,1} i .213 be 2.1 and Yon nu- ‘1] PL‘.’112i-..Dl;5 ‘1'? [he giCdlC‘St H|~ij 5(131I] 1" ‘ElC‘ rhcanm d5; m :2 ‘ whz‘; 331213535 S1\£E.\ hulk ) 3‘. (-13.4; 155315. ".f in 114:0”. V1- “"551 send one 6111:; inwwr and one copy ofihe ‘1 {.29 p9 rem) who 51: all send zml):z, as above. to the person who shall t uzunhcr. as above. 5 ii PREMIUM Q Li mu )m of Sub. :mbe rs. 37 Park-row, New Ymk M [’NH 5:: Co‘ 11 of one-fourth we In Efic l remiums as "CI: ‘15 LU 101111 L lUbS. 7‘ is us muzn‘ Sub- iz'rIy-s‘crcy: an" a }~.I.;St:1,0 paid, a can bank, the I 1" 9 7.8

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