Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 28 Dec 1860, p. 3

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"en- the! It’ci her j.,,,- :bh' :1 uric! Cl" n11 oid of no b3" {ml N)- 1t H it H J against purcLasmg nr neguciating a No‘e of Hand, given In mp in favor nfS.1mnel Vill- san, or boa ror, for the 3:; m of Thirtv-a :m‘u (Irllass ,and a half. famed Rentinck. and drawn nn the 20 inst ,and due twelve months after date, and «witnessed by James \\'iflson,-as no value has been received for the 3:.1me HE PI’BLIC ARE HERE W CAUTIOXED RQRIHSI DUI‘Phflginfl' u!‘ nl‘fio|(';flf;nn‘ n Yn‘n .I all persons nut tr: purchase a Note of Hand given by me in the ymr 1956, in fztffll' o. Manassch Lemnn, Nevins Jams. and II. S Schn- field, as no value has been rec-shed fur the same. .10le ELLIS (Opposite Hunter‘s Notch) OPEN DAILY FROM :20 TILL Dts° HE SUBSCRIIER HEREBY XOTIFIES all persons nut t» mtr wage a .\ntr nf‘ "an I BontTnck. P 0. Durham, Dec. 12, 1360. 105..4 K3‘ Galt Reporler my four insertions and send account. to the above. Ambrotypc Photographic GALLERY.- DURHAM. A LOT“ F L...‘~D (‘1’). l‘ .-\'.\I.\( 5“ ACRES. \\ 32h nhvnt tiairu charm}, and under fcnm The Lam! is in gum! cum“ inn, and “vi. situa- atc-d, wix'u 1.x 0 Saw mills Huge h} _. a 1 1'3. 31mm and DistiIk-r‘ “mun two n.i.c<: the Grav {ml Road frmn Gulch h to 0mm Sound "assing at the same diszamc: and x. ithin fire miks of the Vii- 1320 (f Durham. For pardowas apply (if by latter, pmtpaxd) to JOHN MILLER. Jammy, 196731, by i'cimrei SN‘tion Nu. W 3rd L‘nntfef.-‘SE(-n, Bern'Fm-k. n Senna) 'l‘oac‘ or hold- inga Third ("lass (’z-rtiiicme. Salary lihomL~ 'l‘v me, 3:12. made known on applimtion (if by letter, prepaid) to the.1mdwsigxxd, at the Elm- tinck, 1’. 0. fur any quantity of W001. defivcrod at 1:15 resi- dence, four milv: “1-51 of Durham. on the Durham Rom. ' 3 bubscriher b'mt fuur months since, a dark coim' red ire-iff'r rising 31.1w years. The owner 23 reques ed [0 (Name fur$\':1l'!?, pruvc property, ray charge 3, and take her away. “n which is an (‘melleut Mill Site, and only five ‘niles from Durham Terms liberal {3" Clear Deeds ‘v m be given fnr ’?~9 abmre. Appliratiun, (it by leué}, prepah .) with refer thee to either of the above. ti: ' ' ’ I 'Containining 4 acre; and w perches, is in 3 gm state of cultivation, and only 3 a mite from the above. ONE ACRE OF LAND IV THE CENTRE OF the hum of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"8 rods on Gnufmxa-st, 30 rods on (31185- ter-3L, and B‘rnds cm Queen-5n; is within a few rods of the Rial-k6! Square. '1 he lot is in the high- est sin to of cultivation, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which have been hearing fur several years past. There IS a good frame (,hvcliing house. maroon, 2% x 3‘3, con- taining 8 rooms, and aworksholi 2!) x 30, besides, 'a never-titiiing spring of water. Brant, Co. Bruce, Dec. 13, 186‘). Ll. PERSOYS BIN-28TH!) to DR J MOORE I . are Wren}: quuested to take notice, that all notes and book JCCnunts, are in my hands for col ection. Exrly attention to the above solicited. _ . JAMES HUNTER. Durham, 5th Dec, 1860. 194-30: EMBERS OF L. 0 L., No. 632, are res- pectfnlly reansth to attend at the Lodge Room. vn the 27m inzt , for the purpose of Electâ€" ing Ufliccrs, to serve for the ensuing year. HENRY WA!» .. Bentlnck, 29th Nov, 1850. 1 ’3' Childrens‘ Likenesses taken in 3 seconds Nov. 16, 1860. 10'1-m n t. . ‘ o, 1‘ ) E c 4.! C) Nov. 29, 1860. 'Durlmm 2am ’wmfnc J WOUDLAVD Sec’ty. Durham' Dec.19!h,1880 106-1 Also, 100 acrrs in Normanbs, HE Suhsrrilwr will my the highst in Cash, or in exchange fur HP21_.F3__(‘..\‘JE Tn Tm: PREMISES OF AXTPID, ON OR A1201"? THE FIRST 1le L}KENESSES. ALSO A PARK LOT N0339C2 l “ . «J ,3? (3'1? 1 C 811% \Y Iii ICIF! P. JI'HIV U. EDGE.) ALLAN MCKEUHNH'I, > Trustees JMIX’ CLARK S CA U T103". 1“()]{ S .'\ 11].). h April, 1961). 3 L 'i‘ ii A (I H V. X\ ”fill Cauti l" LAN 3' EL .\ NDREW LI'CENCS'H ‘.\'. SAMUEL IRVINE, huafmxa Rum], Egremrmt. 109-4 G. J. MATTHEWS, [Sentimk P. n. 195:), 73-1!“ £01. [20.1“ ] 0.1â€"3 103~6 l f) 5- I" ”E SUBSCRI rR OFFERS FOR SALE ‘ Lot 52. 22ml 00".. Giezwlg, uminmuu ‘ 100 acres. '28 of which m’e cleared. {mu-mt, pun! under cu tivmion; with a gum! My: barn theon. and situated only 2’3 mifes {rum the a.” ------- uu. uuu Ollllal lCII UN" ‘3 [Dues ‘rU‘ rising tusu of Durham. These is 113 exec lcm .~pring of “'3!” on the above. TERMS REASONABLE. For further particulars appiy. if by letter (pre~paid) to the Susan!) Office. or to the subscriber, all the Bentinck Post Office. Would can “In a-ttcntiun 01' Rhwksmiths, Cal'pvllH-H‘S, Farmers, ; Builders, and the pubh" gcnvrzzHy, to his large and we” assorted é stovk of {111311, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hand Sledge HA MMERS, FILE-IS, RASPS, NAILS of all kind::, I Nuts-x Buns, §Ci‘(‘$‘¥§, hiu'zz’ls, (1"3339'9 I I PAINTR. mu, core-ass, SCALES, WEIGHTS. az-v. at... (ii-(X. a The Snbxmiim luv in Canada \\ 0 svloct from. A“ of which hv is mu m; JP; ML :Pmm WWW AND CANADIAN I‘vIARKBTS. Eiaz’d‘wai‘e 2:31 fiweu Sound THOMAS COLLIER. 619391;. June, 15, 1860. 804! Ownx Socxn. December, 7th, 1813.. L r {3}“. HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE IN THE STONE BLOCK, CORNER OF UNION AND SCROPE STREETS. WITH AN EXTENSIVE STOCK mm mould partimlmiy invite 1t- t'. min“ to the qnaiiiv and plices of lht‘il' is now replete in (may branch. In connection with their large and we“ sulvcted S'l‘UCh of ‘_ R‘ - "-7’3 3’ /€. , .. ; . '(‘ -‘,.¢‘ ’fi;--~.7-‘-.~ (“r-J _, ~ - .1 a?” m. J ’0 99¢ oi" 3.5.1 . J.‘L‘_’ ‘4‘}? “his“ tn 19‘; mo Chen”) a: the inuost pnssih h: wins: and [20.371336‘8H1Hh in- H19 the p;31>§1(_,t0 iflspoct tiza‘ir gmck bcibrc. purchasing viséu'hvro. Their Gmmmumg, E‘ g H ‘s in; O '3 i 5!};l‘ ”0 ?\ A" (Y C .0 l u 1 ‘7 ‘\ r {\ x '( ‘3' :"( rd _ In: (3 S 1.: pp! 3: as of Hi .3 A? B I” xiiihum) 43138? Which has been purchased in the best (NEXT DOOR T0 R. PATEksox‘s) OWEN SOUND, max I‘ll mifes {rum HEB were ls aiso an stock remains m: varied an assortment as , which parties W2” find in their :uivumago Their sine ' l\ of ware-d to 3:41.- freight whim! most. reapecta le references Addwss, ry Good store,. The given. was mm- T H Spring heifer c.. If, w {h a white face. is “‘Q‘K‘stcd to come t'orward Chill ”('3‘- H “I, ’3'! Ln )In“ -- cu... -â€" ERE CAMOE TO THE PREMISES OF the su scrxher about sxx weeks snce. a , prove proverty, pay -_- 'v."|.‘“ Chaagt-s, and {a ke her uwaw ’m-u: nun-1m} wrammm), DURHAM, DECEMBER 28, 1.36.9. ‘Bentinck, Aug. 30, v M" 13A), 1800,: SI'I'UA'I‘I: sN 3" or lwiuw 'i‘oronto prices, R. MCCLINTON, lot 30, Garafraxa Road, Bcntinck. ‘OI‘n -86--9.’i--tfi W A. N TED Allan Park P30. 91 94 1 04-41; 101â€"5 April 4. 2853. " 01‘ No.54, 2nd CUR, ()LD SUHVEY’, BEN- [J tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Saugeen River runs through it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. 57f- EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, 1- in the town of Durham, containing ONE ACRE, with a dwelling ; ouse thereon. The site is eligible and commanding, and will be sol .. on modemte terms. J. lot No. 8 Brucc‘stq Durhmn, containing a lmlfam-e of land, well fenced, with a cemmodions d confurtuble dwelling house thereon, '21 x ‘26 ant, antaining Four Eieganfly Finished Rooms, Beaidcs a 1:1 rare kitchen :1 ttached- South half of Lot 7 Garafmxa Street, Durham containing a 1 acre, with a. comfortable house the_1_‘eon. '_l‘ itle I udmpumble Terms Liaerable zâ€"Apply (if by letter. post- paid.) to B. B. MILLER, WestArran, P. 0. Co. Bnuce. or to the Suxmw Office 1 J. inhabimn 3 cf 01111111111 and surrounding (-mmtry, that he is 11' e;:1: ed 111 fumish any of the a!» 1' articles 011 3311:2111 1101icc,nnd of supminr \\ 011111111r1z'1111 an i (11:11 , :13 nothing except the hes: q1:111i 3. ofti ZHb' 1' wiii be 115 d. IllE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the followmg valuable property, viz: Lot. No. 1, 2nd con. Egremonz, containing 100 acres, 40 or which are cleared, and a comfortable dwelling house thereon. There is also an 'xcel- lent saw-mill on the above farm, with 13} feet ‘ head ’ of water on a chrontiling stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durhav‘ 5‘. I Besides ii. large kitchcz attached. The above is situated in one of the most desim hie localities in Durham Immediate possessia will be given. anda. clear title. HOUSE \VD LO FOR SALE. gallon. First quality White Lead, 153 per lb. Best Refined Iran, 173 6d per 1001bs., and all other goods eqally cheap. To give a list. of Hardware, kept. on hand by IIURSMA .\' BROTHERS would fill a newspaper, sufliee it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. BEING LOT 24, 113 CON, NORMANBY. Also 112 acres on the Barium] T1 1 vi, 14 improved, with house, barn, 3:0. Apply to WILL.IAM ASHDOWN, Sorekceper, HAXOYE". April 34, 1650. tf-T3 .‘miul niez-clmmzible lumber or farm produce nkcn as cash. 4 cents per lb. Wrought nails, 10 cents per lb. Axes (warranted) 81 ca ch. Glass 7x 9 and 8 a 10, 113 3d per box. Glass 10 >412, 123 per box, 10 ><14¢, 12-3 Gd per box, and other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. Shot, 10 cents pet-1b. Smoothing Irons, 6 cents 1391' lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per 100 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardwme will take place imn. ediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will Show: â€"- Cut nails 1n q:m_r_1titiesâ€"~10 lbs. and upwards--- are now doing one of the iargést Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingathey attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can he purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. and will continue to receive supplies during the winter mo 1111' from the Blitish and Continental markets, by \esscls discharrring at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph.‘ HAVE just. received large additions to their - Stock of FAR}! AND TOWTN LOT FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. Bentinok, 38th May 1860. Durham, 28 June, 1880. TERMS LIBEQ A’ . Appiy, if by letter, (pro-paid) to the prepric tor D ROSE, Bentinck P-O . Durham, 15.11Fcb., 1830. 63â€"1.! T0\VN HADTS E76933 SALE LEIG H, AND PLOUG H Dec 2, 1859. HOR§HAN BROTHERS HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE HE PROPRIETUR ANNOUNCES TO THE Apply, if by letter [fostpaid] to JOHN MOODtE, Land Agent, Bantinck,P. HORSM AN B R! )THERS, uumflflw; 1337' W err-mm: 9 TERMS REASONABLE. Bergman Brothers, $3 azu'f 391:9"? HORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironmongcrs, Gunlph. +A LSD)“ I LJ ‘3; 4y ,. ‘1 \ x." I“ JI-W KL, A. MCFARLA NE. *fâ€" 78 tf- :o-ly. 5 Capital Rice Lewis, Esq. I Thomas Hawaii), Esq. James Beatty, Esq. . Wm. Henderson, Esq. T. P. Robarts, Esq. ! Walter Macfarlane,Esq. .\I. Rossin, Esq. Secretary Treas,. .BERNARD HALDEN, Esq, Solicitor, .......... ANGUS L‘Jonmsox, Esq. Bankers, .......... BANK UPPER CANADA. Benjamin Switzer, Esq” usgiector. 33' The Business of this Company confined ex- clusively to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their con- tents, on favorable terms, and at m {es of premium as low as that of any other responsible Company. Munâ€"n m I. A no President .- isaac C.Giimor,Esq. Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Horsman Brothers will receice an immense addiâ€" tion to their heavy stock 01 Hardware, which, they will sell verycheap, as usual. HORSMAN BROTHERS Head Wicca-Church S: reef, Town: 0, With Agencies all over the Prox mce. '31:? Terms of Apfilication, an‘d an necésâ€"égg-Iiw formation to be had on applying to SAMUEL E. LLGATE , Agent at Durham. Date‘s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87%ccnts. HORSMAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt. Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe 7ficents. 490 mmmeIl-jg of AXES, Which they mu sell hr the Box as f01'0WS:-â€"- Township of Glenelg. Application, w ith mfezcncc 10 any of the above Properties, (if by lettex, post-paid. “ ‘0 the Sub- scriber,11111 lcccive pmmpt attemion. SPLENDID OPENING FOR For eith ‘.r or all of which there cannot. ‘z-e a better openinO’. “200 ACRES 0F LAN ‘5 (Hunter's “tirveyg ContainingB 11121133, W111 :1 nc ve1 failing Sp 1'111g ASD 390:1? (Bfiwr Bzaiiding 5191‘s, Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, Assuwmm Cmnpmzy OF TORONTO, C. W. HE CANADA POWDER. COMPANY hercby gixe notice I”! at HORés‘Mj’V BROTHERS ,Izonnzongr':2, ($3.11)}: C. H.,xsii1, from this date 12mm}. Countrv Stmckccpen, and others with P0“ 01”., (if all b1and2, made h} us, at the same prices charged at our Mills there- by saving the pm-zch Her the exisense of transport- ation IQ Guelph. Regs Blasting C I C 81 1'38 9d Ier keg of251ts. Kegs Sporting F 215 3d keg if 251133. Regs “ FF2 265 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ Canister FF 123 (5d 1:0. (107. ;lbs. 203 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 133 9d per (102. in élbs. 213 3d per doz.11b3. “ Duck Shooting 105 3d per duz. in; ‘lbs. . 265 3d laC‘l (102.11133. “ Pmridge 165 311 per doz. in gibs. 265 3d per (102. in 1113.3. The fol lowing IS a list of our brand which can be had 111 any _qnant 15', at. B) .0: 3‘. Ac 2.!" ‘7' . 9 g? )istill I () Vr Ei' 0 3. BREWEEV .g. , ifiésfifiwy 0; immcry. also good assortment of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut h) the. thousand He is deter- mined that nothing shall be Wanting on 1le part to mm 1t a continuance oftheir fiivor. In returning thanks to the inhabitants for their patronage, would respectfully intimate that he in tends to keep constantly on hand a good supply 0 Delivered at his Pearl Works, Glenelg F all, Roekv Saugeen, 2 7; miles fxom Owen Sound 7 do. Durham, 3 do. from D. Donolme’s new Stand, Gam- fmxa Read, 5 do. Durham Road, and 1; miles from 8.13. Chefl‘ey’s 1Mills. His teams will gather ashes Within a circuit of seven miles. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SIâ€"lOEWAREf 1000 Tons of Black Salts NE“? ۤ0§DDS ARRIVED. And Cash or Merchandise 100,000 Bussheis Raw Ashes, (Unntcx 3 Survey) Tnnl‘aining Three Acres, 74?th a SPLEN DID SPRING, Jan. 271859. Durham, Feb. 3, 1859 PEARL WORKS, Jan. 23, 1860. GLFNELG FALLS MILL, "aHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: The Subscriber will pay the highest price in CASH, for OR SMAN TB OTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. - fl (1 fl DRY GOODS, TEA, G UN POW DER. CASH. CASH O CHOPPERS Canau diqn Rifle] 123 3d pcr (102. 265 3d 101' (107.. in 1131;. Diamond G; min 213 31 per 602. 30‘s 3d :CI' (107. in libs. Kl!) 121110235 91 pm (102. in ii”: 61“} 1.01. (.nz In 11.): Pan's: Lot No. 8, - - - - - $400,600 INCORPORATED, 185.2. PiRK L0” Yo. s, RDADY-MADE CLOTHING, DIRECTORS: WESTERN Well suited,-i‘or ll (tlle Ki! ((l51L L) IIORSM AN PP! ‘THERS, HERBERT ROWSWELL. I‘romzwngérs. Gtm’flu Ironmongers, Guelph Vice-P resident : Geo. Mzcme, Esq. JOHN \IIL ER. doz. '42â€"â€" 5' all of 10 Rice Lewis. Esq, 1 Thomas Haworth, Esq. James Bcaty, Esq, Wm. Henderson, Esq, T. P. Robarts, Esq , ' Walter Mcfarlane, Esq. M. Resin, Esq., ‘ Secretary A} Treas. .Baaxnnn HALDAN, Esq Inspector, . . . . ..... Bax.” my Swnzsu, *‘ Soiicdnr, ........... Axons Moaumog, u Bankers, .......... BA"K OF U PI’ 23' CANA 13A. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all dc:criptions of Buildings and their contents, on favorable terms, and at rates 0 Premium as low as the nature of the risk propos. ed wiil possibly admit of, consistent with safety PUliCit‘S issued for such short periods as may be dcsired, insuring Buildings. also Merchandize Grain, and other produce contained therein. Fohns of Ap lica't" ' qe had on 32,111)ng aim and fail mform (n t.) H. H. Si‘OVEL, ' Amm Mount Fm: 1.8 The above highly respnctahle Companvis stricc iv a Provincial Inszitmion, the apiml Stock be» ing held bx parties resident m the Province. it?)ll Claims" pr mptiy Settled 0:: satisfac- tovg' proof ".f Loss. ggg CANADA WESTERN x‘xb‘SUH ‘XNC'I CO \‘IPANY. OF TOROHNTO C. W CAPE? AL - - - $4209 ,00) INCORPORYI‘EI), 1851. _ Prcéiilent : V ice-P resident .- ISAAC C.Gu.noa,EsQ. Gag. chms, Esq. 1‘0 unli- HE. J‘. H 9 Blacksmith and Farrier, % FEW YOUNG SOHS OF THE ABOVE .L . Sn; 22325222‘ Rm: 223 .‘(uith “hich Pedigr- 8 Wm be $2? :22) and a s22 some Thorml'rh bred Covhin-L‘hina F22 22} 22f 22222: year ( bred from 5202-}: 2mp02led 2f12'222-2 from Cochin-Chum) al- so T’mmugh- [2292! Game Foul now for sale at M). C02,: ES 3 farm, D222ham Co. Grey. Address as 222202.22 1322222222 k.P 0. N0. €122ber~2.1860.102-6 .WW'b- ‘‘‘‘‘ In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate "Price Eff Wtfifight Iron Sharesjmade for any "ind o ploughs. Hf?” Min Picks Made and Sharpened ‘33” Axes Jumped and Tempered. E” Any person in need 0! a F :eriez- will find it. to their avantagc to call 0': him. Durham; Nov. 25, 1858. l E" 71TH IBIMEDIA'EE PiZlSSBSSION, THE W House and Lot <);:;..).:Ete the stor of Messts. 'illson 3: Co. The house is 24 x 36, with kitchen-cellar, of the same dimensions, and con- .ains 8 roomfi. Stable 20 x 24., with hay-lot well of excellent we. or; and half acre of land well fenced. The above premises sue wci} adapted for busi- ness, being shun. ted m the best part c f the town. APPLY TO J. W. SCOTT. Durham, Nov. 29, 1860. 103â€"4 IS PREPARED TO DO HE” fi’ork, Efiqxersc Shutting, AND THE suhscriirr, in eonsequence of his intended removal to Engiand, 0112. s for Sale the third part ' f Lot 30. l, 13:. C oncesfion Normanby, Garafmxa Road, containing 50 acres, 30 of v. hic 1 are cleared, fenced, and in a. good State of culti- vation, with a good 10;; houseand double log barn thzreon ; also an excelicnt spring of water con- venient. to the i itimings, and a. fine creek running across the lot. The above property is only two miles south of Dorian), on the leading road to hue‘ph: and the land being of first. quality, offers a most desirable opportunity for investment. THE undersigned offirs er sale the flilowing vaiuabie property belonging to the 1.! 19- An- drew Park, viz; Lot. 51, 2nd Concession, South of the Durham Nomi, b’eutinck, containing 76 acres, 35 o ' which are cleare , fenced, and in a high sta'c uf cuitimti: 13. There. is a goodlog house. and ban) on the premi es also an excellent epx-ingcf Waltz'r. This propemy has a leading mad on hm 5311 sand is n i}: % miios fron t. a rising town of Durham. The land is of excellent. quality. T212313 LIBEM ;. Application to be made 10 For partimflars 31.33;»! 3' (if-by letter, preâ€"paid) at the Smxw. 111) Office, or to the proprietor, JAM ES TURNER. 1’ HE Subscriber hereby notifies the public of Durham and v ieiuitv that he has commenc- ed tle C1binet business in Mexabs 111d stand, thre 0 doors 1301111 of the HM 1:1 1101111119112 1e has 111112135 011 1311-3, (or will make to order) a. choice assortment of Cupboarés‘, Cent re Tablas. “fining flasks, Book-Cases, And every other artiv‘ao ‘n the line, as cheaply as they can be purchased in Guelph or Toronto, of as good qualsty, and at as low rates. Cali: and 33;“: fer E’usirseivcs. GEORGE KRAIZ. Durham, You 9, 1860. 100-137.. Bureaus, m .5- the pubiic that he has on hand, and is prepared to make, (u shcrt notice, an} article 111 the above L: e. CABINET V‘VARE Normanby, “cl. 17, 18:30. Dentinck, October 17, 1843 Vafiuabie yam: 'E e-Let or Sen. Durham, 5th 1390., 1800. General (.‘OOpcring. HE SUBSCRIBER. HEREBY NOTIFIES THOROUGH-BRED ESSEX f§0§§7fi Opp ysite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. FARE FOE: SALE. Eaddier S: met, rlmzam "2mm; WU I rm METHER, § 13 sweaters, entinck P. O. 14 1843 97-tf 1':4--6m 97-6211

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