Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 28 Dec 1860, p. 2

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l‘hn'vd by ‘Mr. McMahon, secunded by Mr. “Vinkit'r; That the bond nf Thomas NM’iH "be accepted and that the Corpmatiun of the Townshipof Nut-manly give a bum! {urn «19¢»! ‘10 the said Thomas Nowill of the 03d mad, ‘2 rods Wide. m-rnss Ms intâ€"Curried. By-Iaw No. '24, for clnsing ‘np the North half 0! the original madallowmu'e ofthe side line between Lats NH. 5 8c 6 in the 13 ovum! the-Township of Normnnby. and for cumb- iiShing in lieu thereof a new mm! across Lots 4 8:. 5 in the 13:?) Convession, as laid out by Hugh “’ilsmx. P. L. 5.. ; and By-Xaw NO. 535 convey a deed in Fee Simpieof {to north half of the original tom! aHuwance of He side I'm- l‘etween Lots Nos. 5 8.: 6 in the 113th C(mves- sion. of the Township 0! Normanby to anl» B. Forlcr, were read a first, second and third time and passed. Moved by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. W'inklel ; That the vamhip (Tierk com. manicure \virh the Resident Land Agent. in order to find Out What lots in Mount Forest. Township 0! Nnrmanhy. are yet to b:- so]! ‘ and reviselne Nun-Ruddy": Schoul Taxes on Union Sch 0be Sec. um N0. 4, as far as the bi] presented by the Trudecs is. concerned ~â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMahon. semnded by Mr. ‘Vinkter; That. as the anlvet’ for the North Miami is not present at this Meeting, NW Count-ii would recommend. that the petitions 'of School Sections Nos. 8 8L 9, he laid over until the first Meettng of the Council next yeahâ€"Carried. Min ' ' ‘ ' I; urea of last met-(mg read and confirm- 8L . Moved by Mr. MrMnhnn. set-Untied by Mr. “’inkier; That the Reeve he authorized to emp‘ioy a Licensed Snweyor m sumgvthe line of mud in the South \Vzmt, previous!)- su‘rvpyed by Mr. Burke-r, in nrder to have thx mm! Ivan}. and that the vxpvnses he charged to the South \V':arti.-~~C(Ir-r1'etl. Moved by Mr. McMahon. seoomied by Mr. Stewart ; That the following pen-(ms in indi- gent circumstances be exemp: from taxes fot the year 186”, viz: \Vidows men, Bnyk‘, Stinson, Geilfuss. Sheohay, Hyss!on, Ben;- hard and McFalriand.â€"Carried. Parties intending to pay their Flfi'scription to the STANDARD in \Vnod, will require to de-- liver the same before the 1811) nine.“ J: "nary. All kimlgof Mrrchzmiable {arm produce taken in payment of :u-coums. Minutes of t‘.o 81h MeMing of the Mnnici- pal Council of the Township ”f Nurmanhy.- The Coum-il met pummul tn adjuummem, (m Fri‘lay the Nth day of December. at the luv- em 0? Mr. Andrcw Zettlcr, in the ViHage o: Neustadt. aned by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. \Viukler; That the Reeve be authorized to draw $60 from Thomas Lackey. Collertor. for the South. \Vard, to pay :he Tavern Duties, due to the Receiver General.â€"-Carried. Members present: The Reeve. 1‘78“” Stewart, Mt-R‘Tahan and “’iukler. The Been: in the Chair. R'Iovett amt St‘Cflttdf‘t'; That the Count-ii adjaum unti! tn-mmrmv manning: at 9 o'clock, to meet at the S'nno p321 naâ€"C'urrt'ed. ("OK‘NCIL Rom. Satin-(luv. ) Dc‘c. 15th. 9 O‘c'm-k a. tn. ; Mg! put-anal)? tn adjournment fr-‘m yesterâ€" d ‘37. Th" same memhc's preset '. The save in the chair. Moved h)‘ Mr. McMahvn, Seconded 35’ Mr. Smwart ; Tim: the Township Cierk he in- -5trncteJ to infurm the Cmmty Treasurer that the tare: mt Lot No. '2. in the 11th Cnt’tCCSatOtt. Lots Nuz. 3. l9. 5:. ‘26. in the 14th Cuncessinn. Lnt Na. '7 in the 15th Commsdnn. have l'epn sati<fzxctori?y sewed with the Township. amt that the (‘mmty TreasurPr he. rr‘quested tn _st the off the said t:tV93.â€"C-trfl.€d. T H. E? ST A \DAR D. Moved by Mr. \Vinklcr. semmh-d by Mr. Stewart; That the (‘mmrik after Mr. Mo- Mahon having furnished ranches for the amount mentioned in the AmHors’ Report of last year. l‘mlaidt'l‘ everything correctâ€"Car- Tied. m7 d 3.1;4115'3'. and 33': en really needed. flan-3 13' no man-. X'I. -â€"B\' a'l means arrange it so that lm last “'9sz ‘etwven 3m: and 30m chiuirel- at Med tirre. aspen-(:33 the youn-rer m; e, shat! be wo ds 0! unmixed lovingness and afic- tl‘ no M Wm! by Mr. Mr.“ 11%)”. sevondecl by Mr. \Vinkler ; That the orders given! by gap, COllllt'iH‘H' ml the Trvaeurer for payment of Binnie; for wnrk perfnrmpd up tn this date be sufficient vmtchers for the Twasumr: the amount coming: to each W’an! being SI9O and any Ware! nut yet having rec-nixed the full amount. the Councillor "f the “’anl may con- tinue to give order; to said mount {in the 318! day of this '730nth.â€"Carried. ‘Moved by Mr. McMul-(m. sevomled hr Mr. ‘Vinkler; That Park Cmmriihzr let \\'(;lk in his respective \Vanl to the amount of $30, being the apgmnim:m-“m nf the Land 1m- movement Fund for each “7am {m 1850. and that each Cuzzncillnr gEVe a‘) nr. er on the. Treasurer for the same.â€",C'arried. The following orders on the Treasurer weze Willi“) DECEMBER ‘28 [860. N am anby Council. Cord wood. 6:? Same time uirme We puialishpd an ac- t-mmt Ufa (litficuhy “hirh nm-nrred bvtwveu the City Cnunvil 0 Toronto and the 13mm! n! Commlm School Trustees.â€" lhe former refus- 1 v: to levy the um um! hf money rvqnirwl by the) [an ~r fur Svhnnl pnrpnses. in runseqneum- OI :h ir emmvztgmwe. The math-r has beer. clmsidml in the High Cnurts, compelling lhv (‘ny Coum'il tn rilis‘l.’ the mnney â€"- a duly lhr Trustees were ashan ml to (In themselves. The :vext township elections for Bentinck Will be h id as fulluws : 1.4:. Ward. Durham A Cochrane, Ret’ng Offi- rer. 'Zml th. at Blr. Flvlcller’s, C Fletcher (l0. 3rd. do. Allan's school House, A.Stephens “ itlt. (ln. lot 15, 41!: con... M. Cliittick (l0. 3th. (in. Gzillm'ltet’s house, M.M(°Ni('lml “ COUIH'il meets again on 5th January, 1861. DIVIsmN COURTS. ~ The next Sittings of the Divisiun Cour! wi I take pla-ce at Durham m: the 14th Jammr 1861; at Mnunt FUTE>l (H! the 16th; Prmoa, on the 17th; and Sullivan n the 9th. (1:? We '8 m frt‘m the Cullingwnml En- rirprt'sc. that a line (I Stages will soon vom- tnmwc running {mm the latter place to Dur- tzmn. penses ...................... 52 00 To the CounciHors, two days attend- ance at C(mm'il. ........... 1‘2 00 Mowecl by Mr McMahon, seculr'esl by Mr. “’iukler; That this Council do 1.0x adjourn for the year and that the Clerk be rtqu sled to m“ the first me: ting next year ’0 the Non}: W ani.â€"-C'a rricd. We again call the aizemion of our readers to the intended Fete .0 be given in the Orange Hall, Durham, on New Year’s D:1y.'i‘i«kez~ can be obtained at the door, which will be wooed at hill- -past six, P. \I. \Ve regret to learn that Mr. John Ellis. one nfthe oldest and mast tespeeted inhabitants of Caledon. was a lew days since attacked and dreadfully gored by his bull, a large and furious animal. It appears that a stray ox which had come into the inclosure of M r. El- lis. and was remaining v ith his cattle, had become an especial olject of hatred to the hull; and Mr. Ellis had upon several occas- sions interfered and proteeled the ox from his savage and more powerful antagon‘st, the ball which at such times evinced sym ptoma of dis affection towards Mr. Ellis. On the day in question Mr. Ellis having entered the barn yard where all appear. d quiet, the bull im- mediately charged most furiously nprn him~ threw him down and gored him i l a dreadful manner; tearingnpen the alnlr-mett to the ex- tent of four or five inches, passing a horn 1850 . ................ To the Clerk. for postage . . . “ Hugh \Vi son. P. L. 5.. I “tin g done . ....... To the Reeve for postage . . . " the 'l‘reamrcr tor pnstagn “ “ sdnry an) traveil (If? E. Hatter, who shot his cousin, Mor- gran Dcvkstnter, was hung in Brm-kvme on the 20th inst. Both parties were from the State of New York. but were on a pYeasure excursion on the lakes north of Brockville, when the deed was committed. A Man Terribly Gcred by his Bull. 9:? The British and Fund) fort-vs are now. in Pekin. the Cnpitui n: China. The limpc'r‘ nr's summer palm-vs h we been sucked. and immense spoils taken. The Emperor has fled m Tartar-y. This war will uiuiiiiilvtedly bring about a better shue of things in this secluded coum ry. grazzu'd :-â€"- To Sherifl'Snyder fur proclamalion of a Fair in Orvhmdviiée ....... $2 50 To the Clerk, balam-e 02' Salary for nearly thnmgh ore of his legs, larerating it terribly. besitlvs inflicting minor injuries to nthvr portinns of his hntly; rml notwithstand- ing: Mr. Ellis’r cries for nsiatztm'c, he contin- uml hts‘ {minus attack and doubtless would have kill ’tl him ntttt‘ight haul not the ox cmm.» tn the tesrue ()f his former frio-ml, amt l) furiuusly mu! t’fit‘t‘lllillly charging the bull <lt('(’eclt'(l i 1 driving: him away. Th3 i ‘38.!- va-uti'n of the UK at this t-rltiv zl mnment can- not be regarded in any other light than a spt‘t'ial interpositiun nf Prov (letICI’. “Fr are happy to learn from Dr. Gamble the medical attendant that Mr. Ellis is in a Li: way of re 0. megaâ€"Leader. Genrge Harris, W: u was onnvirted at the las' Guelph As~izes uf murdering the woman with whom he (rohal'itvd. was exm-uted at Guetpn on the 'llst inst. The fullnwing vou- lessinn. whzch he m de cm the scaflidd we extract from the Mercury : “ MY FRIENDSâ€"l Mam! hm‘e before vmt a misemhle manâ€"I Ina-“e been brought Here thumgh drunkenness. My fric-uds. shuz. vtrUchuness :tml dehmu'lwry. “’hiskey was the cause 0t this dreadful d nth \\'§!it'h I am to dw. l teavua miserable and sinful drunkenness and dehzuwhvry. “’nid me cause of this dreadful d nth th to dw. I leave a miserable and war d for a better one. I am glad to here; I hope yuu will take warmmg Here, I "UPC )l1u‘bll 1 Ianr' “II-lulu; [I] "3‘ late. IIInpe IIIII III” :III shun I.I;II SIIIIIâ€" IlzImIIimr IIQ'HN' “Men is running I: ke a river Iimmu: )(NH’ 8 W11.“ there Is an} hen- IIIIII seII ”I: It quI l‘ to their I ma! Ires. I Imp» III. y IIIII hear tue ImmIII of ID) I'IIiIe. [ Impv they IIIII give up the SIDIII'iIJInnIIIg ‘r'oflic winch is IIesImIin; sn szIII III()IISIHII~I III Ihvir I remotes, but I soul and IIIIIII. On, IIII :rienda do not «m to those In nagIIgzIes of the IIeI'II. 0'“, that God AInIIghty wqud show Benthck Elections. Excution of Harris. New Year’s Pete. Sling ex- for sur- glad In see yau 10 l m V all of ynn farewell l The Rev. . M. Strwart then read a por- tion of the funeral Survive of the Church of England; thv tiisone' then ask '1! him to make thu St't‘Vtt‘t’ as short as possilne. us the he was getting tired. In a few minutes the wrvu-R ('(Htt’ltutetl, and the exvcutinner ad- justed the rope rcund the prisoner‘s neck. placed him on the (lmp, and drew the black rap over his head. The halt was then drawn and the culprit tell through; death wan al- most inptantanrous,une or two convulsive mutiuns lneing the only signs of life atter the full The body was taken down after hang- ing tie usual tzme. . It may he of some interest to the public to kmm. ‘hatt un Thursday. a yuung Wt mun called at the Sheri“ 5 (drive. a: d asked to lie :1 lowed tn see llm'rls. The Shetill inquirt'd it. she were any relation; she sand nu: lntt she livwl with the man tit-hire he murdered his firxt wife in Nu) Queen's Hush. Kim mid he killed his tirst “'th with a stir-k. and he ai>o killed their Child in the Mime Way. The young wumnn Sltt)\\'t!tl at devp Mare (m the right arm. t‘mnainttt” iron] :1 \Vunml 5hr rm-ein-d {rum Harris \Vttlt :1 Mick whilst at- tempting tu save his‘ Wife from his furyâ€"- There appeared to he no grnund to doubt the girl's s’OrV. O , in me rXiU r yin who rme in tire Chm-vii. you :Iiinlsters who naue ( harm: in the c:- t r: 1:- es In bank}: the Use of inluxicahng liquor, as far as 3011 we able. God will not receive you: saurifices uhilst V011 use intoxicating liqnun: t3- es have bionght me here. But \wep not iur me, I am bound fox heaven.â€" (Il'd has promised me (ternnl happiness. throngh repentance. I trust I have received His panlun. I bid you all 20nd bye. Fana- “'L'iiâ€" sinful perverted world, {aren't H ; IIqunr that IeIt me. w (mg; and brought me; :t l :I~I to this dwmlfnl death that I am to suffer. Oh. that (Sud “Ollltl enlighten 30h all so that 3nu \\ ill give it up. No “0! (let that the jails are fii led, “him the Homes of God are not: no wonder that thousands : to going to ever- lasting penlitinn I‘IIGHIIS, I am glad to see anI here; look at me a poor unfortunate wrctoh. Imuk “hut h: s brnught me herrâ€" hquu’. IIieIItle, I am chat-gel with \Iilful muttlet‘; this I tmtgel deny, its LII my judg- ment leads me. I\ I wish to FII3'. l on e In: ill will to any living soul. If I hme (If- t‘I-IIIII (I any .4 e. l heme he wIll ntgIve me.â€" those w! n .«eH liquorvhow they a‘e destroy- i"! 118 thunsuml- of pour creatures who drink hqlmr! In the former part of my life. I was brought up in gmliy. torm; my parents 2“. re me good Educ-sum“. H Was' i .tuxicating liquor that ted m». wmgng; and brought me as! Nute.- .1! “I” he ohsmvcd that Harris has .h-uimt truth the LIHHUXV.‘ the cmumissiwn ut wilful mnrdvr. But lav Eldllliflr'tl hufim? hr mime tn tl e a: air. J, t‘mt if the wnmzm was murdered. as uppvarmtt- t}: e m idem e gum. nu the hint. hc- must haw: tlcmu it. [unto r tlw inilumu'v u: iiqnmuuutt dxtl nut kt:t!\\' u! .1 hr was‘ about. He dwvlnn-d km (me the umM have kitted her but hims't’if. The meeting for the m .c (‘2 inn nf hm" gate to attend the (,mmty Cmnemitm tank plan: on Fliday evening lust and resulted in the ap- pointment of 'léhos. Scott and Rubt. Patterson, Esqrs. ; 1 Political Efieeténg in Gwen Se and. Aftv'r this bufiness was arcampiisiwd, a 1'6- Organizmim, 100k pku‘c for the purpose of hearing Mr. N. C. Gownn. who was present. ()n no questions did he so partimdariydweii as to enunciate any remed} of his 0 for existing evils. except those of education and finance. \Vith regard to the former he would cheap-3n education by leaving School Set-tints as they now exist, abolishing: the separate school provisions. establishing Grammar Schools in every Township, and Seminaries in every County Town. We recommend such a scheme of “ cheap education ” to the Careful consideration of the farmers ofGrey. 'A'ith respect to financc he wt uh! hegin to ecomise by reducing the salaries ofthe pub- lic officials. The Provincial Secretary’s of- fice was cited as one of the “ Augean Sta- hies,” and the emph yment of so many cierks in it, was empi aticaHy denounced ; but un- fortunatety for the gentleman’s argument, when asked what the duties of the office were he was. 0 liged to confess he knew nothing about them. As tothe question of representation by popu- lation. he was favorable to it as an ahstract prim-ipie. hut thought that territory and taxes- He spoke fur a considvae lime in the usual disvurxive style of parliamentary aspi- rants, who sit ashram”? of the fencp. must be taken into amount, before jnetiz'e (-th he done to the rural districts. This pm- pnsitinn was not exphinmt further than by an attempt to show that, if pnpulatinn alrnv wa< the basis of n-prescntatton, the I r29 vities mmld have a preponderance in the ngisluâ€" tum. Havmg invitmt any one who desired tnfnr- mat‘mt tn pmpnse que>tinns to him. Mr. Gor- don desirmt tn vnquire of the. gentteman, as he so much deplored the emptt state-0f the} excheqner. “he-ther he “011M think a person who would send his setters to persons in this county, from Toronto to Quebec to a member of the Legisiature freer, and have them frank- ed hack to Grey. by that member, thereby evading pmtage attnm'ther. a “ {it pen-arm to represent our constittwm-y in Parliament E”â€" Mr. Gowatt hesitatt‘tt to answer. as well he might. and then askml fur pmnf. wherpn mu Mr. Gurdnn stated that he had himself seen a letter sighed t-y N. C. Gown” addressed to to a pvrsrm in this county. an! in whit-h Mr. Guwan had writtmt “I 5m (1 thisto Quehet- for my father to frank to you ’ ut words to that ethact. Being thus hrzmght to book, Mr. lowau had no ahernatit’e hut to admit the soft impeachment. and trim! tu get out of the fit he was in by saying. that “ he had rmty availed himselfnf the pt'ivilt’ze gin-n by an Act of Partiunwm passed by the government of whwh the gentleman whom he suppused Mr. Gordon W ts suppnrting. was a member.” This. huWM’ur. was prnmptfy mvt by its 1 c- iug shown that the law was intend d only tn (.0an mp. correspondence of members. and not that of their families and Connexions, and that Mr. Gowan was defrauding the revendg to the extent of five cents {0: every letter so 391 :1 1M 51 -1\\ JMRI), I)U"HA\i, H EC EM 2%}??? 222222222! as disgrace 5211 in amt man, 1-2222 par- lieu Marl} to one s'evkiug the ('(mfiuelu e at the :publiv, and making one 02 his reasons his de- 2 sire to retrem-hmem. is 5,922! a proceeding which “as j2<2 22y charac- i The following is the section of the Post Of- fice [- ct referred to ;â€"â€"Letters and other mari- abie matter addressed to or sent by the Speak- er or ChiefClerk of any of the Legisiative Council, or of the Legishitive Assembiy. or to or by any member ufthe Legislature at the seat of Government, during any session of the Legislature, or addressed to any members or oflivers in this serum mentioned. at the seat of Government as aforesaid, during the ten days ”9-“ before the mt’elit'g of Pzzriiament, shall] be free of postage.” Mr. Frank Stinsnn, son of Mr. T. Stimson. of Hamilton, committed deliberate suit-ide a few nights since. The deceased was in his 23nd year, and was a fine making man of up- ward of six feet in height. He retired to bed abnut midnight, and EiilTIO‘t immediately dis- charged one of the b: irrelsnf a «ton! ile- barrel ed «run close to his iigt it breast ; so close in- dcetl, that his coat was burned by the dis- charge Mi tiit'fli aid “as imiuciiiateiy called but he died almust inst: anti). A ditfii-uhy with his father w.“ thy my '3» nuke {or the C ram act. Will Mr. Gowan say with this quotation be- fore him that any one to interpret its meaning Tm. t be a “ (iiscemer 1 f spirits, ” or of other men ’s thoughts and intentions? More anon. «~Times. “ Lelters sent to or by any member of the Legislature ;” nut letters sent to such mem- ber by another person for a third party. 'cr IIIe RI'V. Mr I’IIIIIIIIIII. ”l the IIIIsIIIHix'II- I’Il (.‘lIIIII II III SIIIIIIIIIII. l‘l‘r‘SIIlIJHI in Nirliug. was IIIIIII' elvs lI-is IIIIsI'kIIIIpPr. II Mrs. Arm)“. From what we can gIeIIII uI' IIIe IIII Is. iI ap- pI'III‘s IhIII IlIe Rev. LTPIIllI.‘ -Im III lIIIIl IBIIIPIl for lht’ lllL’flIl. and had fallen into II pIIIIIIIIIIIl ~lI-ep. II IIeII llI‘ IIIIs EI\\°. Ilit‘lll- II I} II IIII II II; .- ()II the: llL:JlIl Ififlltlt‘d‘ I _I' \\ (III IIIIIII‘\\'”fll 'l?‘ as»- ('I‘IIHIHI' I. III lw II IUIIIeIl PIIH I- (:I III: ',III -:I~I'II lIIr IIIIIIIIIliIIg [H’PlhIL’dk. “If IIIIIIII~IIiIIII3iI :.I- IIJmpIIIl {II I‘I~'I . “'3: I II ‘13. n I (HlVQIf I'IIIIIII or lrlnw, lIUI IIIIIIIIIIIII II SIICLI III. ’I3II in m Hit. 2 out II lIeIl IIIIIl fil‘l'lill.if his II.ISIIII:::.<IIII;, \I‘IIII II'IIiI-II he III-all II lIlnw upon We head (I his Ilr‘ST-IllI-IIII IIIII'l LIII‘II‘liI-II lII?r IIIIII'II. UPI)“ III??- III: sIIc III'erIIIl II lIIIIII gm. .III. when Mr. IIIII°IIIIII, I‘f’(‘€IQIlIZlII;_ r IIIII \I)!“". I vaIIIIIII Il: “ My (Iml! Mrs. \‘H\.. I\ I3 IIII }'III ° II ..III II” you muzm '2” Tu ‘fLIZ III iI she II pllcil’â€" , “ Yes. II c IlevIl II II Pltâ€"‘tl I‘m . ” NII‘. lIIII-IIIIII IIIIII \I'I‘III (lU‘.\"I shim IIIIl lI. II INN” LII: IgIIII I. 10 Il '_)'I'II. XVI {'II s? P. II as IIIIcI'WI-I IIIs IIIIIIIII, SIN? km! :1 I. i: H” IIeI II: III‘I U‘.‘III I0 nI. :IIIII IIIHII'IIIleIl igIIOI‘nIII'e OI III WEIOIIe IIIIIIII‘. She had been ('INHIITIIII‘Il for III-l. Article~ belIIIIgiIIgIII Mr. Bilt‘llafl were found in lIt’T Hunk II‘IIICILleIIIIs In IIIe cum Ina-Ion that had she succeeded in her Illfpf‘St.‘ slIII iIIIe: IIIIIl i0 3"“) and I!Ol)‘:b!\ . fire the house. MI. PIIIIIIIIIII is II gI.-IIIII3II.III.I III-{Ir 5'.) years of age, and Illuugh Si‘VI'I‘I'l)’ lIIII°:.\I'e Hr!" glIIIl IO learn, $7 doing \‘.C‘ll.â€"â€" Bel/grille [III‘I'II’I'gI'IICCIn ATTEMPTING 'rc MURDER A ('LERGYMAN.â€" One nigh; lust uerek :1 brutal :mempl In mur- ACCEPTED ~-The Revvro III I‘m: 33-219. of LlIle'ImioII, who proposmi Io go into the: forw- most ranks oi the sec-ession war, with :I BiII‘e in (IneIImIII 31'“! a rI-i'oh‘m in the: IIIIIIJI‘, has met with his match. The RI..-v<-II'I-II(I Horr Schweitzv, of IIIIIiz-IIIopoIis. proposes to mveI the above gt‘IIIII’IlIZHI :It aIIv lime and IIIm-e agreeable to him. cqmppeil will) \VaIIS' “\mns In one hand and :I tonie k. Iife In the IIIIIor.“iIII his coflii on his 1.11 k. The battle to open with :-‘ HuI‘ .; from III e tombs. ’ DIs- t neeâ€"fur enough to ‘ feud cnchamment to the view.’ [BIRTHL At Allan Park, on the 14m inst” the wife (.1an George B. Allan, of a daughter. On the 25th inst, Mrs. S. Boltrcll, Durham of a daughter. me the ‘ Witness.’ FLoumâ€"Feeling in market firmvr; sales yeflvrday of scvvml Immlrm! lfill'l'l‘l~. at $4.95 lnr Nn. l. Superfine, without iuspertinn :md amperage. Asking: privu 10-day $510 $5 10. 0-an Sevvral safes fur May delivery a! $3.10. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET i The Best, Cheapest, and Must Popular. i 7‘ OORE’S RURAL NE‘V-YORKER, THE Leading: and Largest Circulatcul. as it is: Leading and Largest Cil‘ClllfltC‘lLfiS it is conculcd tn be the Best and Most Uszful AGRI- CULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, [dram-my AM) FAHILY NEWSPAPER of the Age, will enter urzuu its Twanvm VOLUME in January, 189']. WHAT THE EUR} L NE a J’GRKER i8. THE RURAL is the most popular flgricufluml and II.)rtir'u.’tur.'tl authority of the day, and combines s :01] an ammmt and variety of Reading: fur the Family Circle. that it has become a fuvuritc in bOIh Town and Country. Tm: RURAL is a National, aye, Continental ‘imtitutiuni being taken. read and admired thronghnut the American U. .inn, British Provin- ces, «£100.. b9cause it seeks to promote the Best In- terests and Home Hzppiness of all cl xs'es. THE RURAL 13 prrm-mncml, by both Press and People, the best rombincl flirifultural, Litcrnry (m ; El. ‘in Newsmpcr ,' u.‘)l.'3..’;p.]._ and highly cs- teemed 1:} U‘n.q of thousands for its indt-izeml'ence and sterling merit Tm; chu. is :m admcato of Irdustrv, Skin, Progrnss,11hhl‘0\‘€ment Mandi!) E lucatiun, and whatevea tends to advance and ennohle Human- it.\â€"a Jonrnwl cxprcssiy intended fur the Fire- sides (.f :1 Progressive People. AINFUL CASE or SELF-DES'I‘RUCTIOP 1N H \MILTUN. Tm: Rt'RAL i3 sunoriwr in Style, Iilxi39mvti.)11.=, c.~ enulnys the host Talent «and is taken by hosts 0: leading Farm rs, Horticulturisw, )Iechan igs, More ants, c.. in (3mm 1'), Village and City, from Canada to California. ' 'Address * o. o. T. MOORE; - ~ . Rocuzsna, XX Flour per bbl ...... Wheat, per hush. . Pork, per cwt. . . . '2! IE MONTREAL M A RK HTS. DURHAM MARKETS DURHAM, Dec. 27, 1860 ..S2_50 to $4.00 M ’2": ‘5 n an an “*5? an: 11!.Mm‘u 0.15 U Dec. ‘l 5 00 “.18 CONTINUED Duties of Assessor. SECTION XXVII. And it shall be the Duty of each Assessor appointed by the Municipal Council of. each Township, City Town and Incorporated Viliage in Upper Canada, at the time of making his Assessment, in each and every year, to make diligent enquiry, at each and every dwelling hsuse, and each and all other places used as such, in the h’lunicipality, or such part thereof, for which he is appointed Assessor,-â€"tbr and of the number and names of children between the ages ufnine years and sixteen years respect- ively-hath male. and teznaleâ€" but distinguishing the sexes, then residing in such dwelling house, or other place used as suchâ€"stud ol'the names, and places of residence of the legal guardians, or persons claiming to be such, of. Sl‘Cll children, Whether such gtgtardians be the parents of such children or not, and whether such parents or guardians he or be not 88888894 fur HHV property and shali duly record the same, and the plztc :s where such Chil- d ren were then respectively residing, in his Assessment llOll for that year and place. And also to enter into his Assessment iioll For such time and place all School premises as such, in a part of his Roll, separate and distinct from a I other entries in the said Roll, with a full and particulardescription ut'the localityot each, â€"-to:_wther with the assessed actual, or yearly Value thercof'(as the case may he) that he may be required thereto i: the manner pro Vided lur h}; Section 19 of this (3!, but not otherwise. And it shall he the. duty of the Clerk nlieach such I‘t‘Iunicip'rlity, a‘tcr the. final Revision and Passing; ut'the :‘tssessment lie“ for such Mun- icipality by the (hurt at i-‘it't’iSls-tl thereof, (in swine day not later tltrttt Illt‘ Iilst .(lgty if .ittifi', it} {"2it'il year, it) t't-‘t‘lil'y it) titt‘ Sitld ('mrncil of Public instruction tin' Upper (It 1min, and in such limu as the said (hum-ii shall p“t’:~(‘t'tl)t‘-~- the numhvr otchildren (ifstfltuwl age residing: within such Finni(:ip:tlitt’â€"-:md the total -:m<mnt etithe assessed actual mine. or yearly value (as the case may he) of the ztretsttstét‘tl and p0 terty therein, as the same shall apnea' upon the said then his! i * V l . I ierzscd L§.ss<*â€"s:s::1eztt Roll Oi that Municipality. ’7“ Q L L A fig: 313;?» I011 U PPER “.435 Mm a To make lmttcr pmzvisimz for the assistrmre and m‘zwin‘ugmmzt of Education in Upprr (L'anm/a; and t0 snare to Parents and Guardians t/emzlv ”siding, (lav just I’Q'C’I't‘iSfl g. f t/u'ir Mala-veal)!» Nights and Li'crties, as lid/isle, Snbjrrts, in the I'M-zfurmam'e of their wspc’ctivc duties of Educating their (/1 ild-ren. pun-o 10:11:»): XXIII}. .5'1111'I it :.~.l__1_:I1 11> 1'1".) 1111111111? to, and Iawfitl {2111,1310 1i1111i1 11ml {'1111 111 it Many sari: ..‘1I1111i1:ip;11t.\', as 1111'11ti1111- ed in the next price (ling Section, at :11‘13’ti1111', to :1pp:1i11t,:11:d .1111I11'11' 12:21: 11111-1 111' more, fit and proper person, or persons, to examim'. Candidates 01' Applicants fin' (.‘13'1'titicat1's of Ability to teach :1 Puhtic Scluml, and t0 1'1'fuse, or to grant such (jvrtiticz1t1's,â€"â€"to be in fume only in that 1‘1‘I1111i1flipalit}, when, from anv c:111<.o,111r g1e'r;:111â€"â€"â€"(1tl1111' ti] an the Board 11f iix 1111 incrs as pmvidcd tin‘ h} Sub sectiov :3 of Section 3 11ft‘ 11is Act t, is appointed and autlmrizeit h" the. said " 111111141 of Public 111st1‘11('ti1111,:18 p111vi1l11l t'm' l1} Suh- 81:11:11). 6 of Sution 3, 11ftl1i>< ‘11:, 11151111111 :1 I mtit 111?:111', mt‘vr- t1l1(.1t '11? Abilitt',tt11 b01111 fuz'ri'::1:11IcIl:1't in thatit-Iu'1i1'ipalit1': pIOVIdI‘ s1l 11111.1“ th' 1t 1111 pas: 5:111, 01' {1115111153 so app minted hy am 3: WI! Manicip iI Ci: uncil sh: 1ll l:1. 11:) p.111: 1 111 u1'=:111 anv ('1: titic: 1t1~ of Abilit} 0f :1I1i1rl1:31 1 l: 155 than M 11'11:"l1:1 (011111111181I111ul; and p10vid1111lwa1-s, that i11111111liat: IV upon the appo: 11tme11t and authorization Iiv “a .:-111t,ottl1::sai1‘l Council 11f Puhf' 11 Instruc- ti011---â€":1spt'11vi1I:1I for In, thv :1t111'1ssaicl Subâ€"N '1' tion 6 of 8111 tiua 3 â€"â€"â€"0f :1 p1 18.111: to g::.11t C1 1't1111-at1'x 11f Abilitx to I111 in far: 1) and elf: ct in that Mimic ip:1litV,â€"-â€"-th:' power :111 I antaaritx of the: s: 1i(l person and pts rsnns, so app1i11te1l .1114 authorizv (I In such Munici- pal Councit tl1Lrot11.,-â€"â€" shall cease and determine. Jubilee Days. _ SECTION XXIX. And it shall he the duty of the Head of tilt”. Municipality of each Township, City, Town and Incorporatcd Villagc, in Upper Canada, with tho aid and assistancc ofsuch other fit and WWI)” and dlet'c-‘ct Pt‘t‘sons who shall be aDDmycd utithcrc- litl' hy thc (‘ouncil of that Mul‘licipdlity, to calf and asscnxhlc' Ingcthcr, on thc 21st (lay of .iunc in cach and cycry ycar, and which day shall hc callctlith School (,i'hiitlrcn’s .luhilcc Slay, all thc chi‘drc: , cxccpt‘ Stndcnts in any t. 'ollcgc. or Univcrsity, then of School ago, and residing; within that Municipality, tugcthcr with all othci‘s whrzsc p‘ircnts, or guardians, choasc to pcrmit thcir attcmlancc,â€"â€"-cithcr in um, (32' mnrc, hut not to cxcecd fch com‘ prmics and plat-cs, within thc .Viun'cip tlity; and tucxaminc such, children in such may and manuct‘ as to him shall appcar lit and: pmpcr, touching thca'pv‘ogrcss in l arniagr, and thcir gcncral good conduct ;ian(l to makc 2.11 Gratin], or Jrations, unto them. briefly sctting‘fitrth then-in. thc history ofCrcationgâ€"tln' Duty-of man to his Crcator,-â€"â€"tlw History of Mankindy-and' giving a concise vicw ofthe Solar Syfstem, and licography and" ofthc. various Arts and Scien'tccs gcnrally, and showing the ohjcct and utility oflcarn- ing, and an eXplan:-ttion of Private and public; indiVidual and social. duties, and such other matters and things as tho spcakcrâ€" shall (lccm propcr, and giving an cxhortation to a virtuous and cxcmplat‘y coursc of Ill}: and conduct. But no such spcalx'cr sltail in any such Oratiou or discoursc. in any way cntcr, or touch upon any controvcrtcd or disputcd puiétt of any Rcligions Doctrinc; or upon any t‘Xt'ilillzf Political. or othcr topic or question of thc thcu proscut time. And it shall has lawful aml compctcnt tothc Mun- icipil Council of cach such Municip‘tlity to appropriatc in cach ycar, a sum not cxc<~.‘cr‘l_ingr $430 ~â€"tho samc to hc paid from thc gen- cral fluids, and charge to t’se incidcatal and ordinary cxpcnscs of" such Pt'Iunicipality, for the purpasc of procuring: suit thlc Books for l’rizcs and l=“c\tr..a'tls to he (lestrilmtml tummy thosc oftl‘ic'childrcn a's‘scmhlcd on tltc said 'Jnhilcc Day who, in the Opinion of such Council, shall bc most dcse‘rvinz of thc S-‘tHH‘. And also to grant and pay “to thc Orator, and Or :tor.~z. appaintcd for such (I IV, such rcasonahlc rcmuacratiun as In such z"ouncil shall appc-trjust and pf‘opcz'. And it shall hc. thc (luty Ol' each Public School Teacher kccpinfr'SChUOl incach such \iuaicip'ility to bupt‘csont on such :Jabilce Day, and assist thc Head of such.~ Municipality, in such Emanncr as is by ’him required and directed. ' ' 1‘0 Am: cosnrcs‘n. . .Q.o\â€"..,_ . notes a: COI fClit E“ rly TO W [red Room. on ing Uflice streetsâ€"~1 tor-est .. m “n wlxicl ‘nilcs (m: K? Clea! Appliv «bee in (‘ rods of d est Sta {8 largo um been hen good frm mimu! 5 'a never-1 (3 011m in' state of above. Cn’lor m reqm-s e 'chargla fur any dcnvc, fa 101d. 'l‘v "1:“, letter, [ tinck, I Durha Du rlza Mod, u and I) Rand f same «1 {ago ( send a given \la [1‘181 field, a of Ha 80h, 01 and a 20 in! «fines Also 0 url OPE s c. Nov NI? . 11131 La. P; 123ml Rt ,nt HIE? ’wm Du r: HI 0] t?! ~n| )l' I! uh.

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