Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 21 Dec 1860, p. 3

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’9‘40-“(1 ' 31529... 5-Cthn aHow- as and Y 2 DID: 738;! in fictions '8} ap- rim: of Chis-I iwhivh 9s m onn! n on shun erm- hmi- ska” hat is all be '9“ '8'! [a {in ,itimh mil be iunt o mamâ€" (3v , OT TH I! ll -1 all persons nut to purchase a Note of Hunt! given by me in the year 1x56. in faxor of Mannsaeh Lecsnn, Nevins Jones, and H. S. Scho- field, as no mine has been received fur the same. l ngainstpnrehasing or negnciating a Note of Hand, given b) me in favor of Samuel “’ill- arm, or hearer, for the sum of Thirty-seven dollars and aâ€"half. dated Rentinek, and drawn on the 20 inst, and due twelve months after date, and witnessed by James Willson,â€"as no value has been received for the same. A Illhl'OtylH‘ Photographic GALLERY, DURHAM. (Opposite Hunter's H0191.) (333E); DAILY FRO“ 10 TILL DUS . Ja'ént. Bentinck. P 0. Durham, Dec. 1'2, 1960. 105-4 [3’ Gait Report" copy four insertions and 39nd account to the above. HE PI’BLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED agninstpnrchasiug or negociating a Note . LOT OF LAND (W’XTAINING 50 ACRES, J. . with about thirh' cleared, and under fence. The Land is in good Cumiiliun, and we“ situat- atod, with two Saw mills close by: a. (irist mill and Distillrry within two miles: the. Gravoied Road from Guelph to Owen Sound passing at the same distance; and within five miies of the Vil- lage c-f Durham. For particulars apply (if by letter, nostpsid) to JOHN MILLER ) HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES all Dersons nut to mxrchase a. Note of Hunt! Januaiy, 1861, by Schooi Section N0. 10 3rd concession, Bentinck. a School Toad-er hold~ ingn Third Class Certificate. Salim": liberal.â€" 'I‘v ms, flux, made known on application (if by let-sex; prepaid) to the undersigned, at the Ben- tinc’t, P. U. for any quantity 0f WOOL delivered at his resi- dence, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham “Old. - “7 OR WOOL N CLOTH Cuntninining 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a goon state uf cultivation, and only 5 a mile from the above. ‘ n which is an excellent- Mill Site, and only five "HER fmm Durham Terms liberal F3” Hear Deeds M]: be given for "5‘: above. Applimtiun, (if by lettgr, prepaix .) with infer once to eiflzer of the ulmvo. t1: NE ACRE OF LA ND IN THE CENTRE OF the town of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"~53 rods on Garafmxa-st., so rods on Ches- ter-3L, and 8 rods on Queen-32.; is within a few rods of the Market Square. The lot is in the highâ€" est state of cultivation, and is planted with a large number of chuice fruit trees, which have been hearing for seven! years past. There is a good frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, con- taining 8 rooms, and awnrkshop 20 x 30, besides, a neverofailing Spring of water. TOWN AND PARK LOT FOR SAILJE. . HFN ' Bentmck, 29th Non, 1850. RY WALLIO I3" ( 113281-0113 Li‘mm‘ssc 5 taken :11 3 50". 16, 1860. JOHN ELLIS Brant, Co. Bruce, Doc. 13, 1860. l “If EMBERS OF L. (STâ€"L” No. 632, are res- J » 3 pectfully requested to attend at the Lodge Room, on the 27th inst, for the purpose of Elect- ing Officers, to serve for the ensuing year. J. WOODLANDLSoc’ty. Durham‘ Dcc.19th, 1860 . 106-1 SC 1100 L TE A (I W A X 'l‘ E I ). are hereov requested to take notice, that all notes and booi: accounts, are in my hands for collection. Early attention to the above solicited. JAMES HUNTER. . Durham, 5th Dec, 1860. 194-3!!! Remind-t, 10th Dec, 1860 AXDRIHV LIVLVGSTONJ Bentinck, 8th Feb, 1860. 62. Nov. 29, mm Dmimm, 2.717}. . 7T”. 13 3 Also, “)0 acres in Normanby, HE Subscriber “ill pay the highs or in exchange fur ASTED, ON OR ABOUT THE FIRST OF If "'Px‘r “\ - In \ESSES AL Q JOHN H. EDGE, ALLAN MCKECHXIF, Trustees JUHN CLARK CA I'TIOAZ Caution F LA X .\' [I L A P_ARK LOT, 3mm frn m (i. J. MATTHEWS, l-fcntinsk P p I? x H? ,Ilgrwnmn'. 10.?«4 v1 \' {-7, 9901;11d3 ’l.‘ {'7‘} 'l.‘ 103-6 ‘, a dart: , nwnr-r IS cr’y, pay 62-1] r’. U. 73-: ' ' ” _ - _- "."‘“‘ 15 lcquusteu :0 come forward 1 Lot 5‘2. 2nd com, Gteuelg, contammg chatges,and mke bet-away. 100 acres. ‘28 of which are cleared, fenced, R, MCCLINTON, and under cu'tivation; with a good log bam . Lot 30, Garafraxa Road, Bentinck. thereon, and situated only 2.3 miles from the 50“ 13th, 1860. . prove pererty, my lOl-â€"5 rising tom of Durham. There is also an , , , “'7“ , . eXLzellent spring of water on the above. . {SI FUA FIUN ‘1‘ A I\ TEI) TERMS REASONABLE. “-Y A YOUNG MAN 21 YEARS OF AGE, _ For further particulars. apply, if ‘by letter havmg some ‘31‘1’31'1'311‘3e in the business as - . ~ assistant in 3 Grocery or l‘ry Good sto Th ( re-patd) to the STARPABI' Office, or to me x _ 112,. e sgbscriber, at the Benunck Post Office. “‘05" “”9”“ le reference; given. Add: _ ' i “THOMAS COLLIER. I - 988, JUHV’ VEHY’IE, Tm} supsqm m OFFERS FOR SALE The Subscribe ‘my in Canada V to solvct from. -vv-' stovk of firs-n. Sfeel, Anvilz-s‘ Vices. Bellows, Hand 8c Sledge HA \UHCRS. “LU“. R:\\fP8, NAILS or all kinds, Kata, £3355“. 74(fri’W'si, Rivrh, Glass, 3, “97*: rm! ' «I ‘- -'-“ t‘t‘" P' .A , , , e00 ~. -;-.~...AL;:i-5. 833.313“! TR 33 ELEM” QWERWM AND CANADIAN IVIARKBTS. Hardware in Owen Sound Glendg, June, 15, 1860, OWEN SOUND, December, 7th, 1860. HARE??? WARE, 2F whirh HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE IN THE STONE BLOCK, CORNER OF UNION AND SCROPE STREETS. WIT}! AN EXTENSIVE STOCK tIIeI wouId particularly imite at- ti‘leIUEl t0 the quaIity and pIices of {IIoiI ' which they are offering at the lmwst possible prim-s, and I'esgu-fctmily in- vite the pubiic to inspect their stock before pm'chusing Msmvherc. Their is now replete in every branch. In CUHHCMIOH with their large and we“ selected STOCK of 31323333221, QM” (fin $69. ALL 3%3‘333 ‘33 3333338 33333333 03? 3 . 5 ; 3. 4. .1; 4 its 3" x; 1";“i31,"«?"51‘)32e§1§5"§P;§;!! Iscriher’s stuck cunmins as varied an {issortment ac ada “QM, \Vthh parties will find to their advantage mama aw rmzeia'cd largo suppfics of Which has been purchased in the best lu' . ‘i. “ILLSON Irma/1719; (Sun (350.. a; is pnpan-d in SP” -: {might added. (NEXT D009. T0 R. PArsusuN’s) WEN QOUI‘TDQ Their stack 01 THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, DECEMBER 21. 1860 ' 4 HERE CAME TO TE 1 the su scriber about spring heifer calf, mth a wh. is requested to come forward charges, and Lake her away. Beatinok, Aug. 30, 1860. “'1‘{ \Y GALE ' or bvluw Toronto prices, IE TO THE PREMISES OF iher about 31x weeks snce, a ’, mth a white face. The owner . KOUGH. JOHN Wang Allan Park P 0 91-4 104~1y owner 1 OT No.54. 2nd CON., OLD SURVEEBEN- J tinck. one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Sa'ugeen River runs through it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a great, quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. -â€"__A Terms Liberable :â€"â€"‘â€"Apply (if by letter, post- paid) to ' B. B. MILLER, West Armn, P 0.. Co. Bruce. or to the Susana Office South half of Lot 7, Garafraxa. Street, Durham containing a iacre, with a comfortable housé thereon. Title Indi3putable. EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, . in the toxin of Durham, containing ONE~ ACRE, with a dwelling l: ouse thereon. The site is eligible and commanding, and will be 5011 on modemte terms. Apply, if by letter [fostpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, Land Agent, Bantinck, P. O. J. lot No. 8 Bruce-st, Durham, containing a half 1010 of land. “e11 fenced, \\ ith a commodious and can fmmble dwelling house thereon 21 x 26 1:, containing Four Elegantly FinishedRooms, A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter (post~paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. T0 r “HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the abmrv articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timber will be use d. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the followmg valuable property viz: Lot No. 1, 2nd con Egremont, containing 100 acres 40 of which are cleared, anu a comfortable dwelling house thereon. There is also an xcel- knt saw-mill on the above farm, with 131 feet ‘head’ of watet on a m w r-failing stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durham. ‘mbd nicrchnntu'ble lumber or f: taken as cash. HOUSE A\D LO FOR SALE. ‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE lot No. 8, Bruce-st, Durham. containing a I Besides a large kitchen attached. The abeve is situated in one of the most desim ble'hcaiities 10 Durham Immediate possessio will be given. anda clear title. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH .32 acres on the Durham slut, gallon. Firstquality White Lead, 155 per lb. Best Refined Iron, 17s 6d per 1001b3., and all other goods eqally cheap. To give a lisn of Hardware, kEPtâ€" on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would fill a newspaper, suffice it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. 4 pools oer lb. Wrought nails, 10 cents per 1b. Axes (warranted) $1 each. Glass 7:4 9 and 8 >< 10, 113 3d per box. Glass 10 >412, 123 per box, 10 >414, 1‘23 Gd per box. and Other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per 1b. Shot, 10 cents per 11). Smoothing Irons, 6 cents prr lb. Ba r11 Door Hinges, 4d per 1b. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint 0i], (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per 100 AU {ES OF LAND FOR SALE. Would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardware will take place immediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will Show :-â€"- Cut nails in quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. 'and upwards»- are now doing one of the. largest Hardware tratics in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town. in Canada. and will continue to receive supplies during the winter months, from the British and Continental markets, by Vessels discharging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. ' l IAVE just received large additions to their Stock of Hardware” FARM AND TBWN LOT FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. April 4, 1860. AARON VO-LLETTI Egremont, 20th Aug, 1860. 90 Bentinck, 28th May 1860. T0‘VN LOTS FGR SALE Durham, 28 June, 1860. TERMS LIBERA’ . Apply, if by letter, (pm-paid) to the prOprietor D ROSE, Bentinck P0 . Durham, 15thFcb., 1830. 63â€"“ April 84, 1860. BEING LOT 24, 16 CON, NORMANBY. Dec. “OBS-HAN BROTHERS HORSMAN BROTHERS; “‘7 AA G «isâ€"0mg TERMS REASONABLE. 14 improved, with house, barn, c. Apply to WILLIAM ASHDOWN, Eorsman Brothers, 185 . Man uafiwtory. ‘1 dfw ~ HORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironmongers, Guelph. tfâ€"-â€"55 "TAIISOCâ€" Also A. MCFARLAXE. 82-4}. Sorekeeper, IIANovntt. tfâ€" 7 3 '11 rm tfâ€"78 produce 90â€"tf ?0~tf g Jan. $71859. Rice Lewis, Esq. ’ Thomas Haworth, Esq. Jaqfes Beauty, Esq. Wm. Henderson, Esq. '1‘. P. Robarts, Esq. ‘ Walter Ma cfarlancfisq. ‘M. Rossin, Esq. ' Secretary Treas, . .BERNARD HALDEN, Esq. Solicitor, ........... A NQUS MORRISON, Esq. Bankers, ........... BANK UPPER CANADA. .. Benjamin Switz‘er, Esq., Inspector. 213’ The Business of this Company. confined ex- clusively to the ,Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Firexon all descriptions of Buildings and their con- tents, on’favorable terms, and at rates of premium as low as that of any other re ponsible Company. m m...-.- A! ‘_._‘:__A=_- HoadflQfiioo---§Zhuph Shoot, Toronto, President __: Isaac C.Gilm0r,Esq. ‘ â€"Yrvâ€".v-~ v vml‘unuJ . I? Terms of Appvliésiiianiand, all xiecessary in- formation to be had on’ applying to SAMUEL E. LEGATE Capital Immediately on the Opening of Navigation ,IIorsman Brothers will receice an immense addi~ tinn to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they will sell very cheap, as usual. HORSMAN BROTHERS. Date‘s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87%cents. .- HORSMAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt» Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe 750ents. SPLENDID OPENING FOR A HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: 40%} BONESQ of AXES, which they “ill sell bv the Box as fol ow:s -,-â€" Containing Three Acres, until a SPLENDID SPRING, For eith er or all of which there cannot be a better opening. 200 ACRES OF LAND Township of Glenelg. Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, post-paid.) to the Sub- scriber, Will receive prnmpt attention. Assurance * Company OF TORONTO, C. \V. ‘----‘ g.“ I. 11e1eby give notice that HORSM’IN BROTHERS Ironmonge' s, Guelph, C IV, 1111, from this da,1t.c supply 0011113111 ' Storekeepels, anj othms with POWDER, of all brands, 1113118 by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills the re- by saving the p111chaser the expense of transpor- atipn to Guelph. The following-is a list of our brands, all of which can be had in any quantity, at HORSMAN BRHTIIERS, Ironmongers, Guelph. Regs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of251bs. Keg‘s Sporting F 215 3d keg if 251133. Kegs “ FF 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ Canister FF 123 6d per doz $1133. 205 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 135 9d per doz. in glbs. 213 3d per doz. llbs. Duck Shooting 165 3d per doz. in .5 lbs. 265 3d per doz. llbs. Pa triage 165 3d per doz. in iibs. 263 3d per doz. in llbs. . Canadian Rifle 163 3d per doz. in} lbs. 265 3d} er doz. in llbs. Diamond Grain 213 3d per doz. in glbs. 36s 3d per doz. in llbs. Kelly Rifle 23s 9d per doz. in ilbsr-k 42s 6d per doz. in llbs. “ (C H H H PARK LOT N0. 8, (Hunter‘s Survey) Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring AND Four fitiwr Building Lots. Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, also good assortment of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at. his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut by the thousand. He. is deter- mined that nothing shall be wanting on 1125 part. to merit a continuance of their favor. HERBERT R0 WSWELL. Delivered at his Pearl Works, Glcnclg Fall, Rocky Saugeen,‘ 27; miles from Owen Sound’ 7 do. Durham, 3 do. from D. Donohue's new Stand, Gam- fraxa Road, 5 do. Durham Road, and 1% miles from S. B. Chafi'ey’s Mills. His teams will gather ashes Within a. circuit of seven miles. BREWERY, Distillery or Tannery. HE CANADA POWDER COMPANY hereby_ give notice that HORSMJN “_ A ~_â€"-.“__ Brewery, Distillery 0r In returning thanks to the inhabitants for their patronage, would respectfully intimate that he in tends to keep constantly on hand a good supply 0 1000 Top§ pf glad; Salts; UARDWA RE, GROCERI ES, SHOEWAREf NE‘V GOODS ARRIVED. 1 00,000 Bushels Raw Ashes, Durham, Feb. 3, 1859 GLFNELG FALLS HILL. 6.: PEARL WORKS, £111.23, 1860. The Subscriber will pay the highest price in CASH, for 012.331”. BROTHERS, of Guelph, have DRY GOODS, TEA, With Agencies allover the Frbvince. GUN PO’WDER CASH. just received. O CHOPPERS. Park Lot No. 8, (Hunter’s Survey) - - - - - $400,000. INCORPORATED, 185]. And Cash or Merchandise RDADY-MADE CLomnxG, 'nt __: Vice-P resident : Ior,Esq. Geo. Mickie, Esq. DIRECTORS: WESTERN \Vell suited for Ironmongers. Gue’ph. 213 3d per doz. in glbs. in llbs. 9d per doz. in $1138.â€" in llbs. Agent at Durham J OHN MILLER. SH In... [V3 10 Rice Lewis, Esq., ‘ Thomas Haworth, Esq. James Beaty, Esq., Wm. Henderson, Esq., T. P. Robarts, Esq, , Walter Mcfarlanc, Esq. M. Rosin, 1655].. Secretery «5} Trca3.. .BERNARD HALDAN, ESQ Inspector, . . . . ..... Barnum): SWITZER, “ Solicitor, ........... ANGUS MORRISON, u Bankers, ........... BANK or UPPER CAxADA. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their contents, on favorable terms, and at rates of Premium as low as the nature of the risk propos- ed will possibly admit of“, «insistent with safety. ' n_1:_:-_ 2_____Jl’--_ __L__ _ 23’ All Claims pr mptl.) Settled on satisfac- tory proof of Los_s_ =51 _â€"â€"‘v ' Policies ,issoed for such short periods as ma? be desired, insuring Buildings, also Merchandize, Grain, and other produce contained therein. Forms of Application and fuil inform on qe had on applying to he above hirr‘ziv respectable C ompany is strict- [y a Provincial Institution, the Capital Stock be- ing hel_d by Radios resident 1n the Province. Prcéiifcnt : ’ V iceâ€"President .° ISAAC C. GILMOR,ESQ. GEO. MIcmE, ESQ. 33" Wrought Iron Shareszmade fofiany "3nd 0 ploughs. :13? Mill Picks Made and Sharpened, FL”? Axes Jumped and Tempered. \ {13’ Any person in need of a Farrier win find it to their avantage to call 0:1 him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. l OF TOROHNTO C. W CAPITAL - - - $400 .000 INCORPOR ATEI), 1851. In the BEST STYLE and at ModeratevPrice 'fl-‘o $1.} ER. 11W, Blacksmith and Farrier, ‘HE undersigned offers ror sale the following valuable property belonging to the la 19 An- drew Park, viz; Lot 5], 2nd Concession, South of the Durham Road, Bentinck, containing 76 acres, 35 of which are cleare f, fenced, and in a high stone of cultimtivn. There is a good log house and burn on the. premi-‘es galso an excellent Spring of water. This property has a leading road on two sides; and is o :ly 5.5 miles from t e rising town of Durham. The land is of excellent quality. TERMS LIBERAL. Application to be made to “IITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, THE House and Lot opposite the store of Messrs. Willson Co. The house is 24 x 36, with kitchen-cellar. of the same dimensions, and conâ€" tains 8 rooms. Stable 20 x 24, with hay-loft well of excellent water; and half acre of land well fenced. 18 P 113mm!) TO DO Hi" \Work, film'se Shoeing, CANADA WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, FEW YOUNG SOWS OF THE ABOV E Superior Breed, (with which Pedigree will be giVen) and also some Thorough- bred Cochin-China Fowl of this year ( bred from stock imporn’tel ( irect from Cochin-China) al- so Thoroughbred Game Fowl now for sale at Mr. COLLES’S farm, Durham, Co. Grey. Address as above, Bentiuck P. O. JIE subscriber, in consequence of his intended removal to England, (alias for Sale the third part e:f Lot No. 1, let Concesdon Normanby, Gramfrnxa Romi, containing 50:10rcs,_30 of \s hich are cleared, fenced, and in a good suite of culti- vation, with a good log honsennd double log barn thereon ; also :1 excellint. spring of water con- venient to the lnildings, and a fine creek running across the lot. The above property is only two miles sonth of Durham, on the leading road to (.1 ue‘pli,and the land being of first quality, offers a most desirable opportunity for investment. V i HE Subscriber hereby notifies the public of 3: Durhams 11d vicinity, that he has commenc- ed the C:31b net b1: moss in Mckab’s olds Q11-11113, three doors north of the British Home], where Lo has always on ham! (or W111 make to order) a choice 11550111111 at of Cupboards, Conire Tables, “Tiling Desks, And cv‘ery other article in the line, as cheaply as they can be purchased in Guelph or Toronto, of as good quality, and at as low rates. Can and See for Yourselves. GEORGE KRAIZ. Durham, Nov. 9, 1860. 100â€"1): Bureaus, For particulars Emmy (if by letter, pre-paid) at the STANDARD Office, or to the proprietor, JAMES TURNER. Normanby, Oct. 17, 1860. 97-6111 SIPPORT [33MB MANEFACTI‘RE 3 3 3 HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on land, and is prepared to make, (11 short notice, am article in the above In 9. CABINET W’ARE Bentinck, Octobér 17,1860 November 2'2, 1860. VafiuaMe Farm 1 o-Let or Sell. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860'. General Coopering. THOROUGH-BRED E S S E X S 0 W S. To Let, or Sell, Opposite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER FAR}! FOR SALE. Saddier Street, APP} H. H. STOVEL, Agent at Mount 1' ores £6 ARCHIBALD PARK, ,g \\ ILLI U1 \IETIIER Executox. 4 lieutinck P AND AND 104~Gm 10‘ «J 9 7-tf

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