Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 26 Oct 1860, p. 2

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lowed in five orher carriages. T hey. were es- corted by the Is! regiment, nuclear command of Col. Sweat, consisting-of the Portland Me- chanict Blues, Portland Light Infantry, Port- landrhigh! Guard, Portland‘Rifle Guard, and Pbrtlaml Rifle Corpsâ€"which latter acted as a body guarh-«and by the Norway Light in- fantry, Lewiston Light Infantry, ani Auburn Artillery, with several band‘s. The procession proceeded to the Victoria] ‘Wharves which were built for the “Great; Eastern,” where the Royal barge was awaitâ€" ; mg him, and embarked at 3 15, the military ‘ presenting arms, alter shaking hands cordial- ly with Lord Lyons, the Mayor, and others. A: the Royal barge left the wharf, the Brit- ish squadron fired a royal salute of '21 guns. Similar salutes were fired from the city arzd from Fort Preble. The harbor was full of steamers, sail boats, barges, c., which ac- companied the royal barge, and which was surrounded by boats from the Royal“ squadron filled with British officers. [is the flotilla neared the Royal squapron the yards were manned,~and this, with strings of bunting and flags flying from every point, formed a mag- nificent spectacle. SERVANT GiR L WANTED in a family near TORONTO. Applicants will please call at Hunter’s Hotel, Durham. THE STANDARD. Owing to a series of uncontrollable mishaps we are this week obliged to issue only a half sheet. “ There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.” “ Law makers should not be law breakers,” ' is an old saying, and a true one. We are sorry to state that this good old adage has been . entirely forgotten by the members of our ‘ County Council ; for we are informed on the | best authority that both Reeves and Deputy‘ Reeves of said Council are employed as in- spectors on our County Gravel Roads; and most at them know no more about road-mak- iing than the Man in the Moon. But with their knowledge we have nothing to do, for even if they had the necessary qualifications, we argue they have no right to be employed ; and are by theStatutes of the country, dis- qualified. The Municipal Law says, “ no persons re- ceiving any allowance from the municipality, or persons, having by hin‘ self or partner any interest in any contract, shall be qualiged to be, or be, elected Alderman or Councillor.” This is very plain language, and cannot be1 easily misunderstood. We would have i thought that the members of the County Coun- cil would have profited by the lesson they receiVed last year, when the By-Law allow- in; mileage to Councillors was declared by the Judge to be illegal, it being made in op- position to the Statute Law. But it seems they have not profited by past experience, or they would not have employed and paid members 0! the Corporation for inspectors of County Roadsâ€"Admit the principle'of Coun- cillors employing themselves, and we may bid adieu'to justice, and our purses into the bargain. County uoaas.â€" Adm" tne pnnmple 01 noun-1 1 Lot 52, 211d con. , 01831116 g, contain“)? Dino" employing themselves, and we may 1 11‘0 acres, '28 0! which we cleared, fencetl, 5“! adneu t0 1‘15"”, and 011? PDT-588 into the l and under cultivation, 11 ith :1 good log bani bargain. " thereon, and situated only ‘2‘. m1 les frOm the rising to 111 of Durham. 'lhe1e is also an “ For och! mankind arennco weak, , _ _ excellent sprmg of water on the above. An’ little to be trusted ; If. self the wavering balance shake, ' 1‘ l‘RVIS RE ASONABLE. “'3 rare1y right adJ‘lSiCd! 1 For further pzuticnlnrs apply, it by letter â€"-â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"-â€" (pm- ~pai1l) to the SrumMD Office. or to the subscriber, at the Bentinck Post Othce. THOMAS COLLIER. Glenelg, J1111e,15,1860. 80â€"tf 101m Summon: HOGAN, M. P. P. -â€"Na in- z 3" .1. fl ‘3' a O 2 5 n 1.4 C; 0' 4 GD 3 3 0 P. J‘ 917 4 CD 0 5?? '1' live, ~ or if dead, for information of the fart, end the circumstances attendant on his death l l ative to his present place of residence, if ml l l .1111 1mm. l Couxcn. mmxcs.â€"Glenelg Council will meet at Atgyle Hotel, Durham, on the 6th of “nut November. Egremont Council will’meet at Boss’s Ho- tel, Mount Forest, on the 9th Nov. ' I’Q’ormanby Councii witl‘meet'at'T. Roger’s Inn on the 6th Nov. fiMr. Hamilton, the Ministerial candi- date, has been elected to the Legisiative Council for the Inkerman Division, by a ma- jority of 1487 over Cook, the Grit Candidate. - GonlY’s LADY’s Boomâ€"The November ' number of this work contains upwards of six- .ty superb illaetrationa. The fashion plates 1 and ongflvinga stand unrivaled». The supe- yiodtoy of this magazine over any other pub- fished on the American continent. is- umfispm- ed ; therefore those wishing to obtain a mull- Mfam of all that is elegant, useful and goodunboctibo for :GodeY. . fiAelight shock of earthquake was felt _ fi-We learn from the Guelph Advertiser, that: man named Black, latterly of Mount Forest, committed suicide in Puslinch last web'by throwing himself on a heap of W3 brush. Another victim. of intempe- DURHAM. OCTOBER 26, lSGO. in Lower Canal: on the 17:11 inst Advertisements. “ For och! mankind arcâ€"unco weak, An’ little to be trusted ; If. self the wavering balance shake, It‘s rarely right adjusted! LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post Uliice, October 1,1860. Agurs, Robert McDermid, \nn - Aplin, Joseph McMecbin, dc Baird Bradley, Thomas ‘16 Arthur Donald Chitlick, F. )chrede, Patrick Collins, Jeremiah McMillan, Murdock Drimmie, John ' McLain, John Emery, Marsha ' McGilvorary, A.,P. Flynn, Walker - .- McPi:erson, Miss Ann Graham, Donald Mclfanneil, Neil Gager, 0. 1"5 MaDonald, Mrs. Grant, \Vm. Maudie, Wm. Gallogher, Jno. Pace, James Horton, C. II. Richard, Thomas Ilunt, Thomas Scan an, Smith Long, Robert Shaw, James Lennard, James Smith, J no, Little, James Tilson, Richard Gullogher, Jno. Horton, C. II. Hunt, Thomas Long, Robert Lennard, James Little, James Ladiew, 'Alcx. ‘llE undersigned offers rot- sale the following valuable property belonging to the late An- drew Parl', viz; Lot 51, 2nd Concession, South of the Durham Road, Bcutinck, containing 7.6 acres, 35 of which are cleared, fenced, and. in a high stateof cultivation. There is a. good log house and barn on the premises ; also an excellent Spring of water. This property has a leading road on two Sides: and is o ly :3; miles rom t (- rising town of Durham. The land is of excellent quality. TERMS LIBERAL. Application to be made to ’4‘ no---“ A q. in “ A “1" \ F10: 1r per Dbl ....... W heat, per bush... Oats, u ‘ Buttfl‘J per lb. Eggs, per doz. Oats Fall wheat pgr bush. Spritw “ “ ])urley U ‘C 6‘ HE subscrihar, in consequence of his intended I removal to England, «die. 3 for Sale the third r part f Lot No. l, lst Concession Normanby, } Garafraxa Road, containing 50 acres, 30 of which ' are cleared, fenced, and in a good state of cultiâ€"t vation, with a good log house and double log barn thereon ; also an exccllz nt spring of water con: venient to the Luildings, and a fine creek running across the lot. The above property is only two1 miles sonth of Durham, on the leading road to huelph; and the land being of first quality, offers a most. desirable Opportunity for investment. .\ U ‘U v-- Fm p9 rmularc apply (if by letter, pre-paid) at the STANDARD Office, or to the proplietor, J AMES TUR\ ER. Valuable Farln 'l o-Let or Sell. MAY’S HOTEL, IllS Hotel has all the advantages ofia. first elasr one, and is the moft convenient to the Steamboat Landing and Court House. Stages leave this house daily for Durham and Snugeen, also for Collingwood, daily, during Winter, Good stamina! atta'ched' find a Vcarcful" hostler alwz'lys on hand. (‘harg es same as ether Hotels 1n town. THOMAS M AY, Proprietor. Oct- 17. 1860. ‘ 97-15 Nurmanby, Oct. 17, 1860. gentinck, October 17, 1863.. Oct. 1 7, 1860. 'UST rec-cited an assortment of BBBLES AND TESTAME.'TS at the Depositary. A limited supply in elegant Binding; ”EDepositary at the Post Office. Durham, Oct. 18, 1860. 97-8 BIB LES AND TESTADIENTS. PHILADELPHIA, ' ’ .-. . DETROIT Corner IN: and Chestnut ‘No.. 70 W'oodwarh flve‘ Streets.. mu CHICAGO. '- Corner Clark and ST. LOUIS, "7‘5" 5’81"" 513° Cor. 7th «3' Vine Streets. GEN ERAL INFORMATION. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE Students can commence at any time, .as there are no vacations. Our- standard of Penmanship is the famous “Spenqerian.” .0 n‘ “-v The Principals andTeachers of this Chain of Colleges have anoextensive acquaintance in seven large cities, and always consider it a pleasure to further the best interests of their graduates. ~ _- . .u .uwâ€" '-â€"v Students entering any one of these Colleges, by the payment of $40, become entitled to the privi- leges of the entire -“ chain,” comprising. seven of the most thorough, extensive, praczieal and‘pOpn- lar Business Sci:oo!s in the World. For Cata- logues and Circulars call at» the Co!!ege Rooms, or address as above. BRYANT 8; STRATTON- Bufi'ai‘o, Sept. 12, 1860. -' â€" ' _. 94,. VALUABLE PAERM BAY STREET, OWEN SOUND, C. “R Advertisements. BUFFALO, Corner Seneca- and Main Streets- N. ‘1'. CITY, “Cooper Institute,” fistor Place. 'V‘w V . .z"‘â€"' J (C TORONTO MARKETS. DURHA )1 MARKETS FAR 3! F011 SA LE. P“. 0"... .- (s C‘ mmvflwrww - (C MN 1113 XLD P XRR, 7 VX [LI LU] METHER, S Executors, Bcntiuck _P. _O. Drumx, Oct .......$5.00 ..... ... 0.70 0.25 0.10 0.06 ALEX B‘ MCNAB; Post Master. LOCATED AT Oct. 31 ‘24 l 00 0 63 O '26 ALBANY, X0. 448 - Bro; CLEVE’AL, A‘fD, Corner Stneca @7111 Su- perior Sis. 25,1860 to $4.50 ‘5 (C ‘C (I H U (K 0.80 0.36 0.12 0.08 9 74f Bréadu‘ay. “5/“ â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.â€" THE DURHAM STANDARD DURHAM OCTOBER 26' 186 HORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. 400 znwmfiagfi‘g of ARES, “him: they will sell 1)) the Box as fol 0W < :â€" Date’s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of ' 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87gcents. IIORSMAN BRUTIIE {S can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe ”(Scents. . Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Horsman Brothers will receice an immense addi- tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they will sell very cheap, as usual. 1 Inno .\,1.\ ‘.\T n l)n'I‘HFRR_ BEING LOT No. 28,-2xn COX, GLENKLG. _ _ Squth of --Dlll‘ll§1fll Road, containing fifty s of excellent land, 12 of which are cleared acre and fenced, and is only half a mile from tlie'Dur- ham and Collingwood Gravel Road. - TERMS LIBERAL. . Applications, if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, Bentinck, P. O. SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BRBWBRY, - Distillery or Ta mzey. May 9th 1860. Containing Three Acres, wu‘h a SPLENDID SPRING, " Durham, 3Ofl1'Agg. 1859. TO CHOPPERS. Brewery, Distillery or For eithnr or all of which there cannot be a better Opening. _ which they are eifering at the burst possible prices, and l'esi'Jeeihillj,’ in- vite the public to inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Their IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SXLE the following Property, viz.: Park Lot No. 8, (Hunter s Survey-Q FARM F03 ELLE; is now 1eDlete 111 01 L1) 1)! (111911. In connmlion with theil 111100 and Dell selected STOCK oi they would particularly invite at- tention to the quality and pflCOS,‘ their is HOW more conmlcte t1'1m'2hitl'101'lo, they having extended that branch of business, to which especial attention ‘ has been given. " A large stock of CRQCKERY . always an hand. ‘ - 58-4“"€58~-75--86--95--tfi \ d {we received large supplies of ’ii'dii‘SR'iAz’xN BROTHERS, lron-mongc-rs, Gue’ph. TM 33568319 Well suited .. for . M. SVILELSON «8:. C0.,. 1% 5w Their stock of 74â€"0111. Containing 3 Acres, {Pour CES:1‘1"§EH§§€3§EI§ Emtés, Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, 200 ACRES OF LAND Township of Glenclg. Application, with reference to any of theabovc P1'0pcrties,»(if by letter, post-paid.) to the Sub- scriber, will receive pmmpt attention. JOHN MILLER. n-on‘\n‘n F111] 2 IR?!“ "10 rehy give notice that. HUI-23431.43 BROTHERS, Ironmongors, Guelph, (I. -W',, will, tmm this dute'snpply Country Stm‘ckecpers, and others with POEVDER, of all brands, made by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills, there- by saving the purchaser the expense of transport- ation tn Guelph. . The fullowhlg is a. list of our brands, all of which can he had in any quant'ty, at , . -' ‘ llOllSMA NBRLC‘TIIERS, Irommmgcxs, Guelph. fr HE CANADA POWDER- COMPANY: llC i Kers “- FF :263 3(1â€" » “' chs ' ‘.‘ l - FFFV 83 9d “ _ l. Canister FF 12s Gd per doz 111â€"1)» 203 111‘ doz. 11h. “ FFF lSS‘Od per doz. in glbs. 213 3d per (10%. Flhs'. ' ' " “ Due-k Shooting 165 3d per. doz. in % lbs. 265 3d.- per doz. llbs. . .l‘ “‘ , ‘nn_nj Durham Feb. 3 1859 J 1 1000 Tons of Black salts, 100,000 Bushels Raw Ashes, â€" Deliiv'ered'at his Pearl “'orks,Gle11elg Fall, Rocky Saugcen, - ' ' 27; miles from Owen Sound '7 do.Du111am, ’1 3 do. from D. Donohues new Stand Ga”- ‘ fmxa Road; 5- do. Durham Road, and ' 1.1 miles from S. B. Chafl‘e5 5 Mills. His teams will gather. ashes 11 ithin :1 circuit of semen miles- In returning thanks to the inhabitants f0} their patronage, would respectfully intimate that. he in tends to keep constantly On handa 300d SUPBIY 0 HARDWARE, GROCERIE‘S, SHOEWAREf @3@ EMS} @E ngzgg at w h __ 7 7 also good assortment of all kinds of‘ Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing ’dbne‘ to order, or cut, by; the tlgopsand. ' He is deter.- mined that nothing shall be wanting on 1133 15mm merit a, eofitifiuance of their favor; nnhnnnm “(\‘XTC‘fiTnY 1' ' The Subscriber will pay ' C A,SH fOr GUNPGV u L \V 60998. AER-REVERE. fl Guyana EALLsth, PEARL WORKS, Jtha, 1300.. (L DRY GOODS, TEA, Patridgc 163 3d perdoz‘. in éibs. ' 26; 3d ficr doz. in illbs.‘ ‘- ' - ' Canadian Rifle 165 3d per ,doz. in; lbs. 263 3d per doz. in libs. _ . Diamond Grain 21-3 3d per doz. in‘ glbs. 363 3d~-per doz. in libs; ’ Kelly Rifle 23s 9d per doz. in §1bs.â€"’ 423 Gd peif doz. it; llbs. _ . And Cash-0r Merchandise 'BQABY-M-ADE 01.013136, with a never failing Spring HERBERT. ROWSWELL.‘ the highest price in 26, 1860. U E just received llrgc atldzuon. to their Stock of Haréwme” ahd’will contigiue to Emcelvé 511$);ng 6111'ng the winter months, from the Bif‘itish d antin’ental markets, by Vessels discfiargil fiatffgo’puand, ficnce by Gem Tnifik Railway magma]. are now doing one of the largest Hardware traées in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astonishing success in business, to their Having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. New Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than ‘can- he liati ’in any 'tO’W'n in ’Canada". 111mm 1111111 attention to the fact, that a f‘mther reduction in the 111iee (it Ilarduare “ill ta‘ {e place immediately, as the following list ofa few articles 511111 by tl1em “ill Show: -- 01111111111; in quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. and 11pmuds--=.- 4 1:11:13 111:1 ll) \-\111111:l11 11ails,lO cents per 1b. Axes (warranted) fill each. .. _ Glass 72 9 and 8 v.10 113 3d per box. ‘- (‘lass 10/: 12, 12s p131 box 10?. 14,123 6d 1f---. ‘xl|ll’D 1‘} 7‘ 1-1, Luu llUL Much, ------ I per box, and other sizes prolun‘tionally cheap. ; Putty, 3d‘per ll). ‘ i Shot, 10 cents per 1h. Smoothing Irons, 13 cents per lb. Harn Door-.Hiages, 4d per 1b. _ Paint Oil, (raw) $1 iper gallon. __ ‘ l’ainl. Oil, (hoiléd) '1 dollar andÂ¥~10 cents 1202‘; gallon. First qualiiy “'hitc Lead, 153 per ll). â€" Beat Refined Iron, 17s 6 d per IOOlbiL, and all other goods eqally-l-cheap. ‘ To give a list. of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSBIAN BRUTl‘I-IERS would fill a newspaper, suffice it to say, that. anything required. can he purchased of them and their prices warranted to giVe satisfaction. - â€"_ â€"_‘-A-â€""““fi gDcc. 2, 1859. BEING- LOT 24, 10 CON‘.,-"NORM‘AN'BY. ' Also 42 acres on the Barnard Ram}, 100 REES 0E LB ' - FQR SALE. “(HE‘SRE‘AN BBQTHERS Iâ€"IORSMAN BROTHERS, SLEIGH, AND .PLGUGH Horsm an Brothe’m “‘J‘.-.-‘.-â€" j. inhabitants of Durham and surrounding: country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short, notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as within}; except the. best, quality of timbgr will be 113‘: d. ,__ 1‘ - n‘\‘ -s u‘n I] I! an .JK'QU \l\s 1;; I __ - _ Good; merqlzantdblc lumber or farm produce takenns cash. 7 .. ~ , > ’ A. .‘xICFARLAXE. “-1101\011\ 0Q ‘nnf‘ 1R‘3fl- 82â€"1)’0 HOUSE - A ":9 {:‘1 D LOT 34643153. PCB in. mHE SUBSC‘RYBER OFFERS FOR SALE 1 lot; No. 8", Bruce-st, Durham, containing a- lmlfaere of land, well fenced, '{ltil a commmlieus and conzfimtable dwelling house thereon, 21 x '26: at, containing Four Elegantiy Finishezlkeems, " Besides a large. kitchen 21 t'tzielieil. The above is sitn‘at'cil in one of the must (lesii‘n- ble localities 1n I)lll'}lfllll Immediate pussessinn r“ -, WlubC given..and:a icleur title. . ; -. it _ : __-_;_‘ - I “ «‘5 April 34-, 1'8 00.. “HE SVBSU‘EIBEP 01* 7131.3 the folk)“ 1110' mlunble plonerjt‘ uuv--___ I. {he following valuable. property, \‘iz: Lot‘ No. 1, 211d con. Egaer’mnt, containing; 100 :lCI‘CS, 40. of" which are cleared, am} a._ comfortable dwelling house. thereon. ~ 'l‘herois a’lso ari ~x'cc'l-r lent saw-mill on the above form, with 13}, foot ‘ lic'ad’ of” Water on xi ncvc r-faiiing strcain‘,‘ midis only foutmilcsifroni the rising town of Durham. ~25 CLEAR DEED GIVP3§.. I‘or‘partmulmzs apph to the propric‘tm 0:1 tie prcrzxiscs, or if by letter (mat-11.1111) to the Ben- ti11ck,P.O. T0 AARON YOLLET'L‘ Eglemont, 20 b Aug, 1869. ._ 174:90-11 Durham, 28 June, 1880. FAR-1V1 AND S A W MILL ' FOR-SALE. IKENESSES‘ TAKEN “IN 'A FEW S”; cb‘NDs, at the - " " i imbrotype art-11 Photographic Gallery, _ . . _Burhaflae ;' - f, . (Qpposite Mr. Hunter’s 'Iâ€"‘Iot‘el. . flfi’Thls gallery contains 300 feet of glass :11 roof and sides, which enable LIKEfiESSES to be takeri’m dark weather, equally as well ‘ ' as in sunlight. cording to size, and mounting, and cases 3:? Taken also on thin metalie plates, fo ' transmission in letters, by post. No likeness given out unless approved. of. Capies of Pictupes _ takem. Durham. Co.._Grey, . .. - . HE PROPRIETOR AN\OU\ (‘F S TO THE Apply. if by later, (1‘ BEING Nos. 2% AND ~22, QUEEN STREET, in. the town ‘of Durham, containing ()NE ACRE, with a dW‘ellifigiliouse thereon: ' Tbe’site is eligible and commanding, and will 'be é'old on moderate te'rm’s‘. ‘ ’9 i " ,7 -- * V“ ‘Applgji‘f‘by letter- [postpai‘d'] to ’ . .‘ , ‘ _ JOHN MOQDIE; Land Agenflffiéntinckg?” G. 14 hnproved, with. house, barn, 5.2.0. Apply to YVILLIAM ASHDOWN, Smoke epcr, IIA\OVI“ In. Tam; ‘ . ifâ€"IB Bentinck, 28th May 1860. ham, 15th Feb, 18 60. TERMS R ,_ :- ASONABLE. iERMS EWBERAL- NE a :3 u fiat-$011312. LIKENESS-ES. HORSE-IAN BROTHERS, Jag; earsâ€"mm? Ironmongcrs, Guelph. * J .3. .‘1?e*ba id) to the promict: ’1' A “â€"4. Bentinck P.(_) . 03â€"?! FOR 't'f-L-‘Is Blacksmith and Parfier, IS PREP ARED TU DU Hill EVork, Horse Sharing, -‘ AND CEFEFALJ08BJING1 In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Price E5” Wranght Tron Shares made forgmy kind 0 plbnghs.- 33-” Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. F3” Axes Jumped’ and Tempered. it? Any person in need of a Farrier will find it t0; their avanta ge to Call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1853. ' l QR WOOLEN CLOTH, liar any quantity of “'UOL delivered at his resi- ucnce, fmu' miles west: of Durham, on the Durham ) t‘Jld. ' ‘ ' 'E‘IIE Subscriher will pay the highfit in Cash, .1- or in exchange for 0T No.54, 2nd COX, 0L1) SURVEY, BEN- tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenccds Tho Saugeen River runs through it, forming- an. excel- lent mill-site. There i; also considerable excel- lent pine. timber on tnc Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be gwcu. South‘half of Lot 7, Ga ra'fraxa Street, Durham containing a iacre, with a. comfortable house thereon. Title Indisputable. paid.) to 11119 SI BS \‘CRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE Lot .\0. 137, 1-11 cum, 01d Survey 51111111 0f D1111111111 Road. (1101111111. containing 11:1) 1111103 :10 eiemed undjcnccd, 11'i1h 11.1 9x00119111 d11clii11g 11111150 thereon 111 0 stmics high, 1111111211 11111 111113.. tc1ed 11183.11 "9 , also an excellent spring well of 11111- 101.11111'ing ‘16 feet of 11111101111 1011-11 nor-mam A ‘ 'li1e above 111:1}:01t1 is cunnmscd of cxccllmt 111111,! and Within" ...‘;,111iles of the fiuurishing Imus of Dtiflmm. T131! 118 C -18..” A\DR1‘< \\ LIVINGSI‘ON, Bentimk, 81‘.1Fcb.,1860.6‘2- For [mrticulars apply to the-proprietor on tht 1.:rcmiscs, or if. by letter (prcpaid) to the Boutinck- 176ij AND PARK 1.0T - 'NE‘KCRE OFLKTND i\' THE CENTRE 01” the .tmvu of- Durim m, fronting on three streets-”3 reds 0n Gamfmm-st., sf) rods en Chesa tor-3L, and 8 rods on Queen-31;; is within a few rods of the Market Square. '1' he Tot is in the highs est state of euhimthm, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which ha ve been .hea ting fur several years past... There is a good frame (lxx'eiiing house thereon, 24‘ x 32-, cea- mininr: 8 my 3331.3, :1 mi aWorkShop‘ 2‘0. X 30, besides, a neverâ€"fixiling spring of water. V .9: ‘- . ¢ Maw: 01 above. FARM AND TOVVN 101‘ MSG, 2‘15“ acres HI 1111111 112111111 273’ C! 1011‘ Deeds 115111 be given for the above. "11‘ 11 Tmh 1:: R11 excellent Mill S1113? .1111 onlv five. miies fmalDurhanl. _'lcrms libcml "1.11135 “.031 Ullrlldlll. _ 1U! IUD ll'Jblull A1.11l .°.i(a t1111‘. (iflnj letter, 11112113111) “M1 refm race to (3111191.: 111 the 11110 e. to . ,- Terms Libcral)1e::â€"A'p1.sly (if by ictter, push April 4, 1860. “ .câ€"o- 'E i1?(‘anzis§a Fire Insurance Company of Kingston. tonininhfing «More; and 1011-)crolxes, is in a goon tat: of cultimtiun, and oxfiy ; a mile from the Glcnolg, 24th April, 1860. .- ' -.: 3‘ 'k ‘ . Pi‘csul'cfit Secretary Treasurer *1uilmrim'cl Capital $500,000 in 12.01 Shares of $-'1t)cach. Insurers particio pale in the prqifils willmut (my lia- (11°1in beyond the .mnomzl of (lmi r ‘IHS Company cam azét melt nusuwss uu no 5 . .I‘roppagtarx a;1d-11[utua.1,,vplan;fur; terms “47-. ccz'tllng to character and situation of property, of from 013; month at; three years., PRQBRfETORYAX-D LOAN chn. Jun-cs in the Guarantee Capital canbc Mk?) L'. any number trim; one to. fifty, and .Inm‘lmfi‘J-f- of $1: per Share can by pgxd to t uthh’or'xzcd ‘A £1911“: of 11m} Tammany in Weekly, Mm “IE”, 03‘ ertcr y hzanmlvaents. Interest. allowed ftpm mate of f0... spectivc paymetjts. . D 3‘- _ “AHMnI' «‘A h- '0‘}, éggétivc payments. . 113’ The Funds of the Company 19 0c lent. Members only,_ it; sums from $20 "inwards, a terms of from'Onc to Sun Months, (renewable‘j on such Personal or other Security 4.8 may be ap. proved by the Directors, at such late. of Intel-es}. (ceding one pet cent. per month} and mode of repayment as may be agreed upon; -1 E’Ditidpnés 9f Interest and Profits will be made annually or Isemi7an9ual ', as u ay be expe.‘ “by“; Iprplications. for Insurance received ; neccsmn information giwen by ( , H. H. STOVE MSG, use aeres in Nermauby, Durham, 2611: Alyn'il,‘ 1960; for a Road” SALARY Mount Forest, May 24, 18.60, SCHOOLTEACHER WANTED. Bcnfiixck, 15th Sept"! 1860. ESTABLISIILD HE UNDE_RS_I_QNED:WILII 33051er AP-- PLICA'ngfiL'gnfil thé’first Off‘next November 3 codipetetfificacher‘for. School-Sectm-No. 5,’ ,3. concession} Beatincka. NPIt-h 0‘ Durham. Saddler St refit, umpatxy cm'irluét {heir business ' Jm r._ M. FLAKNEL â€"_â€"ALSO,_â€" Homififi YATES, Esd., M. D. Joust - ‘Wmsox, Esq. WM. ‘xaux,;1isq., City Charm - - bcrlain. J .ums Brmxmn, Jaspertor; B. I}. MILLER, “'est Arran, 1’. 6). C 0. Brucm or to the STANDARD (mice BY VAC-TS m; muzznu‘xr' pram: u m. $55 431a: .4 E3: G J.\IATT«11.\\.- , Bcntinsk i‘. "JAMES norgms; R SC 0117. c "3-0-‘1' Trustee. :flgent. 77 (m am. a

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