From the Toronto Leader we learn that tl-ere was a large attendsnce of Protestants on Friday evening, 5th inst., in St. Lawrence Hall, called by the Mayor. in obedience to a numerously signed requisition to that efl'ect, tor the purpose of expressing an opinion upon the proscriptive course pursued by the Duke of. Newcastle towards the Orange Society, du- ring the recent visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of W'ales. The room was crowded to its utmost capacity, about twelve hundred finding accommodation within its walls, while hundreds went : way unable to gain admis- sion. Among those present, on and about the rlalform, were the Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, Grand Master of the Orange Insti- tution, Ogle R. Gowan, Esq., M P P, and G. 1. Allen, Esq, Past Grand Masters; Andrew Fleming, Esq., Grand Secretary; Alderman "arr. District Master ; Alderman F. H. Med- calf, and D’Arcy Boulton, Esq. County Mas- ters ; Hon. H. J Boulton, D. B. Read, Esq., Dr Bovell, Alderman Moodie, J E Smith,Car- ty, and Vance, Councilman Bell, c. The proceedings throughout, although a good deal of excitement was at times manifested, wort cowl: cted in the most orderly manner, and evidently to the satisfaction of those calling the meeting. The speeches were of a high order and well received, and we regret that our space prevents us from giving them. The foilowing are the resolutions, which were passed unanimously :â€" Resolvedâ€"That in the opinion of this meet- ing. the course pursued by the Duke of New- castle, Her Majesty’s Provincial Secretary ot State for the Colonies, towards the Orange Association, a body of men, uzzited together on principles of unswerving,r loyalty to the Throne, and devoted attachment to the Pro- testant institutions of the country. by repressâ€" ing their patriotic demonstrations of welcome to His Royal Highness the Prince of “Wales and interfering “iththe action of various mn- nicipal hodi es timder whose auspices or with whose sanction they were im'.i ed to join in the general rejoin ings “lll’l their fellow-sub- jects of all classes and creeds produced irri~ tation and heart- burning. and left a feeling of dissatisfaction and discontent among the Pro- testant population of Canada. which never “onld have existed had the Duke tememl er- ed that His R0) al Highness was the guest of the Province, and that throucrh the Governâ€" ment alone should all his communications have been addressed to the Canadian people. Great Protestant Meeting In To- ronto. Resolved~That the marked contrast in the course pursued by those III authorit) dIIriImr the prnjrressof the Prince of “I ales through ( auad: I. tmliflerent Rel gions and Nationali- ties. the tax or she“ n to Roman ( atholic func- timIariI-s and establishments, and the blind- ness to the Hunting ofthe tI'i entered flag on the one hand, the (mines exhibited towards th e npresematiws of various Protestant de- ll‘)l!1il]fltt()n8, and the remhuess to See and take offence at OIaIIge hanmIrs and emblems on the other, III-Iswrve amt receive trom this meeting the St. wrest censure and condemna- tIOII. ’ Rvsolvcdâ€"That this country acknowledges the obligation that the country 0"'es to the Loyal Orangemen of this city for the modern-- tion manifested by them under the peculiar circumstnncvs in which their Body was re- cently plat-cit by His Grace the Duke of New- castieâ€"a moderation and forhezirzmve which this meetiyg bczliuves to he entireiy due to their (ievmxt attzu-ht’nent and allegiance to their hehwvd Queen, and which were not less ureahtable to them than satisfactory and ad- vantageuus to the ponple at large. Result-wlâ€"T‘hnt a cummit‘ee, composed of the movers and seconders of the foregoing re- mlumms. and 31.05er Hudson and Mchabee appointed to prepare am address to the Queen, aid i-uth Houses-ofthe Imrcria! Parliament, and also the ditTere-ut branches of the Canadi- zu: Legismum embmi) mg the foregoingr res- nlutimns \\ im a narrative of the difï¬culties out of “hit b they hase arisen, \\ ith power to lukr such ï¬rms as iiu ) may consider advisa- ble :0 u: like: he Winnie: peerile of I pper Cana- da m the minptinn of similar proceedings. Resolvedâ€"That this meeting while sympa- thiying with the Orangemen as the parties who have been most immediately affected by the conduct of the Duke of Newcastle, cannot refra in from expressina their indignanon that “hil e the people of C anada possess represen- tative instituti ns, and have their own Parlia- ment and the management of their own loâ€" (a1 affairs, any member ot the Imperial (lovernmeiit who owes no responsibility to them should dictate the course to be pursued by the inhabitants of the country and make direct communication to their municipal au- thorities in matters of purely local arrange- ments which not only did not contravene any law of the Province, but not any law of the Empire. (From the New Orleans Picayune, October 7.) A new ditiicuity has sprung up between the Nliramon government and the Briiish repre- sentative at the capital. The Vera Cruz Pro- g'reso of September 18th thus states it,‘ appar- ently on official information : l" P .1 “ A letter from the capital, from a perfectly trustworthy source. says that the English re- presentative (Mr. Mathewsflms passed a com- mnnication to Miramon. to the effect that his goretnment cannot continue to recognise the reaction, on acccnnt of its illegal exac’ions and the excesses its ofï¬cials have committed against English citizens, giving him at the game time to understand, that the English government will consider the employment of the monster Marquez as an insult.†From this it would appear that the English government contemplated an entire SUSPGBSiUD of diplomatic relations with the Miramon gov- ernment, if it has not «lone so already. iThe General Marquez alluded to. it will be re- membered, was the principal author of the butcheries at Tacuhaya. and the rObber of the English conducts at Guadalajara. “Us.--" ---_~,-V- . A private letter from Vera Cruz, written the day before the above news came to hand, says, also, that the British representative, Mr. Mathews, had‘again proposed the editation of his government for the restoration of peace, but that his proposition had been rejected. v --------- v-_‘V_, It is. possiiwie, therefore, despairing of ever receiving justice or seeing pe. ce restored m \his distracted country, the British govern- ment has at last decided upon some moxe de - cisive and energetic course. Meanwhile, things would seem to he tend- ing to still further complications. The treas- ury of the constitutional government is entire- ly exhausted, and to use the words of a letter, ‘° the payment of tie English convention debt has been SUSPCIi;lPtl.†By this we under- stand that that portion of the revenves of the port of Vera Cruz which was set apart for the fulï¬lment of this national obligation has been diverted. in the impoverishment of the gov- ernment to other purposes. Important from Mexico. Of the progress of the civil war we have but little besides the oft-repeated statement that the Liberal army was marching on the capital. Their combined force was put down of 18,000 men and 50 pieces ofartillerv ; that of Miramon, in the capital, at 7,000 men at the utmost. ' ‘ Castillo, however, is said to have 5,000 to 6,000 men somewhere between the capital and Guadalajara, while \Voll and Marquez have each their respective commands amouno ting in all, probably. to about the same num- ber, in or near the latter city.- With these forces an engagement ,was expected before anything would be attempted against the cap- ital. The Liberals were conï¬dent of success and one of the passengers by the Potomac expresses the belief that a change of govern- ment has already been effected. In the meantime it is stated that the Span- ish Minister has received the most urgent advice from the authorities of Havana to treat the constitutional government with the great- est respect. "‘ We understand that the Supreme Court, on the last appeal, has ct nfirrned the decis- ions of the District and Circuit Courts, which declared the Maria Concepcion to be a law- ful prize, modifying these decisions oniy in referent-e to the disposition of the vessel and cargo, which will be confiscated to the Sn- preme Government, instead of being divided among the captors, as at ï¬rst decided. The question is, therefore, entirely disposed of, and already belongs to higtory.†The decision in said to be in full harmony with the Spanish law, which, indeed, was so clear on the subject that no other judgment could be rendered. Copies of the proceedings were taken by the Spanish representatives at Vera Cruz, and transmitted to Havana by the Veiasco, whence they will be sent to Madrid. The Vera Cruz Progreao, of the 18th, thu ‘ formally announces the conï¬scation of the Spa.}i_§h bar}: Mari} poncgpcign. Swmnrxo IN Tm: Amrmrsmnon or 1m: (Im'unxnt ST.â€"Tllis ceremony took place at the Government House, Place D’Armes, at one o’clock yesterday afternoon. in the prev sence of the Members of the Executive Counâ€" crl in their diplomatic costumes, the Judges ot‘the Court of Queen’s Bench, and Superior Court, and a number of other ofï¬cials. His Excellency Sir W. F. Williams, Administra- tor, was accompanied from his hotel to the Government House, by his stafl' and a guard of honor of the 17111 Regiment, drawn up in =tl‘uet, paying him the uustr mary compliment as he passed. The oath of ofï¬ce was admin- tered to him by Chief Justice Bowen. As soon as His Excellency was duly installed and the formalities over, a salute fired by the Royal Artillery, from Durham Terrace, pro- claimed the fact, and the Administrator re- turned to his harshâ€"Quebec Chronicle, Oct. [3. PROVINCIAL GRAN-h Lannaâ€"A special mes-I ting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the ' Loyal Ora-lac :\<sncia’i(m has been called by thv P G. 31.. 'I. H. lllli(:kle_\'.l".sq., to be held at Hamiiton on the 21th of this month for the purpose of taking mtn consideration the recent Prmcriptive Course pursued towards the Dr- angemen of Canada, at which all County and District Masters and R'Instcrs of Private Lodges are requested to attend.-â€"â€"Hallon New Era. By the Rm: J. IIutcbimon, on the 5th 11“., Mr. Smnuel Little, to Miss Eliza Jane Brownlee, both of the township of Normnnhy. 1’1 the $11119, on the 18111 11113., at the residence of the brides father, Mr. John Shields of lime- mom, to Miss; Jane Mol’auiaqe of Ngrmgqb) By tHe same, on t'e 16111 inst, Mr. Joseph Sharp, to MISS Sarah Pollock, bozh of the town- ship of Egremcnt. BIR'I‘II. 0n the 11m inst, tlc wife of Mr. Thomas Walton blacksmith, 1:,)urh:m ofu daughter. By’the same, on_t}.e 4th inst, Mr. Alekander Ferglsml; to Miss Catherine McLane, both of the township of Protnn Bv the same, on the 15th inst, Mr. Thomas Hickling, to M 83 Charlotte Carter, both of the townshipot ( :urick. L Lot 52, 2nd con., Glenelg, containm; 100 acres, 28 of which are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation; with a good log barn thereon, and situated only 2.5 miles from the rising town of Durham. There is also an excellent spring of water on the above. TERMS REASONABLE. For further particulars apply, if by letter (pre-paid) to the STANDALD Ofï¬ce, or to the subscriber, at the Bentinck Post Ofï¬ce. THOMAS COLLIER. Corner 7th and Chestnut Streets. CHICAGO. Corncr. Clark and ST, LOUIS. ""(lshmg'lon SIS. Cor. 7th 6. Vine Streets, GENERAL INFORMATION. Our standmd of Penmanship is the famous “Spczzcerirn.†Students can commence at any time, as there are ro vacations. The Principals and Teachers of this Chain of Colleges have an extensive acquaintance in seven large cities, and always consider it a pleasure to further the best interests of their graduates. ~ -- - I“. V.-'â€" --_ Students entering any one of these Coileges, by the payment of $40, become entitled to the privi- ieges of the entire “ chain,†comprising seven of the most thorough, extensive, prnczica] and-popu- lar Business Scl:oo!s in the (forlfl. For Cats. ‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE “A ‘Iuv-â€"â€"'_ ingnes and Câ€"ii'culars call at the Co!!ege Room, or address as above. . BRYANT J: STRATTCIN. Buï¬'alo, Sept. 12, 1860. 94 Gleneig, June, 15, 1860. BUFFALO. Corner Seneca and 11112232 Streets. CITY ‘C'ooper Institute,†.tlstor Place. PHILA DELPHIA, VALUABLB FARM Advertisements. /// fig/«j [1/ 2/ 01ml 10.†â€6d MARRIED, LOCATED AT ALBANY, No. 448 - Broadway. CLEVELAND, Porncr Seneca rm! Su- perior Sts. DETROIT, No. ’20 I'Voodward Ave- 80-tf THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, OCTOBER. 19, 1860. ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. 400 '1' IBONES, of AXES, which they “ill sell by the Box as fol‘owszâ€" Date’s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87gcents. HORSMAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be bad Holt 8; Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe 7 Scents. Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Horsman Brothers will reccice an immense addi- tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they Will sell very cheap, as usual. lions MAN BROTHERS, _ EING LOT No. 28, 2x1) CON, GLENELG. South of Durham Road, containing fifty acres of excellent land, 12 of which are cleared and fenced, and is only half a mile from {in} Dur- ham and Collingwood GmVL‘l {ma-l. TERMS LIBERAL. Applications, if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, Bentinck, P. O. FRESH ARRIVALS. Just receiving and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store in Durham, at very reduced prices, an assortment of POTASH KETTLES, Do. Coolers. PAELQE BQ'Xi 5,1139 23" FLUTED BOX STOVES CooKlNG STOVES, (IMPROVED M T’I‘ERX.) JOHN MILLER. Durham. 30th Amt. 1859. 39â€"6 SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BREWERY, Distillery 0r Ta nncy. (Hunter’s Survey,) - Containing Th1 ee Acres, walk a SPLENDI") SPRING, Brewery, Distillery 0r For eitbv: or all of which there cannot be a better May 9th 1860. Durham, 30th Aug. 1859. TO CHOPPERS. IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: FARM FOR SAL ‘E. Durham, Oct, 1860. which they are offering at the lowest possible prietvxs, and respectfully in- vite the public to inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Their is now replete in every branch. In connection with their large and well selected STOCK. of they \‘Vould particularly invite at- tention to the quality and prices of is now more complete than hitherto, they having extemled‘that branch of lmsiness, to which especial attention has been given. Park Lot No. 8, PARK LOT- No. S, (Hmrter’s Survey) mmvg F. M. WILLSON 00., have received large. supplies. of WSW NW WQWER SNM Well suited for lronnwngers, Gue’ph. Nï¬ï¬m G @0359 a rare 2 shwk of CHOU KERY {11me on hand. 50 h --69-â€"75 -86--95--tf. Their stock of Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring AND Four (i‘thcr Building Lots, Quarter Acre Ea ch. ALSO, 200 ACRES OF LAND Township of Glenelg. Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, post-paid.) 3.0 the Subâ€" scriber, will receive prompt attention. HE CANADA POWDER COMPANY hereby give notice that HORSMJN BROTHERS, Itomnongcrs, Guelph, C. W, will, from this date supply Country Storekeepers, and others with POWDER, of all brands, made by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills, there- by saving the purchaser the expense of transport- ation to Guelph. 7 â€The followihg IS a list of our brands, all of which can be had 111 any quant ty, at HORSMAN BROTHERSL Kegs Blasting C I C B 18s 9d pcr'keg of 25lbs. chs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 25lbs. Kegs “ FF 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 28s 9d “ Canister FF 123 6d per doz glbs. 203 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 135 9d per doz. in glbs. 218 3d per doz. llbs. “ Duck Shooting 168 3d per doz. in ; lbs. 263 3d per doz. llbs. “ Patridge 163 3d per doz. in iibs. 268 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Canadian Rifle 163 3d per doz. in; lbs- 263 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Diamond Grain 218 3d per doz. in glbs. 363 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Kelly Rifle 23s 9d per doz. in §lbs.- 42s 6d per doz. in llbs. NE \V 0-0008 ARRIVED. 1000 Tons of Black Salts, Delivered at his Pearl Works, Glenelg Fall, Rocky Saugeen, 27} miles from Owen Sound 7 do. Durham, 3 do. from D. Donohue’s new Stand, Gala- fraxa Road, 5 do. Durham Road, and 11 miles from S. B. Chaï¬'ey’s Mills. His teams will gather ashes Within a circuit of 50‘ en miles. In returning thanks to the inhabitants for their patronage, would respectfully intimate that he in tends to keep constantly on handa. good supply 0 also good assortment of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut by the thousand. He is deter- mined that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of their favor. - HERBERT ROWSWELL. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SHOEWAREf RDADY-MADE CLOTHING, $39 EAEEY wgggsg Dun-1min, Feb. 3, 1859 The Subscriber will pay the highest price ' CASII,‘ for Gwynne FALLS MILL, a: PEARL worms, Jan. 23, 1860. GUN POWDER. DRY GOODS, TEA, CASH. ‘ CASH And Cash or Merchandise Irenmongers, Guelph. J OH N MILLER. 10 and will continue to recewe supplies during the Winter months. ï¬'om the British and Continental markets, by Vessels d1seharg1r g at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. AVE just received large additions to their Stock of Hardware†are now doing one of the largest Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. New Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can he had in any town in Canada. would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardware will take place immediately, as the following ï¬st of a few articles sold by them will show :â€" Cut’nuils inâ€"10 lbs. and upwardsâ€"â€" 4 cents per 1b. Wrought nails, 10 cents per lb. Axes (warranted) $1 each. Glass 7>< 9 and 8 v. 10, lls 3d per box. Glass 10 >4 12, 128 per box, 10 K 14, .128 6d per box, 21nd other sizes pmportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. Shot, 10 cents per 1b. Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per 1b. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per gallon. - First quality Y‘Vhite Lead, 153 .per 1b. Best Reï¬ned Iron, 17s 6d per 1001bs., and all other goods eqally cheap. To give a list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would ï¬ll a newspaper, sufï¬ce it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. 42 acres on the Durham Road, 100 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES Tomas inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice and of superior workmanship and quality, as no 111g except the best quality of: timber W1_11 be used. I. 1 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE lot No. 8 Br11ce-st.,Durbam, containing a half acre of land, well fenced, with a commodious and comfortable dwelling house thereon, 21 x 26 feet, containing Four “Elegantly UFinished Rooms, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. HORSNIAN BROTHERS Besides a large kitchen attached. The above is situated in one of the most desira- ble localities in Durham Immediate possession will be given. anda clear title. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following valuable property, viz: Lot No. 1, 2nd con. Egremont, containing 100 acres, 40 of which are cleared, and a comfortable dwelling house thereon. There is also ‘an excel- lent saw-mill on the above farm, with 13} feet ‘ head’ of water on a never-failing stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durham. A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. To AARON VOLLETI‘. Ambrotypc and Photographic Gallery, Durham. (Opposite Mr. Hunter’s Hotel. afrThis gallery contains 300 feet of glass in roof and sides, which enable ernnnssns to be taken in dark weather. equally as well as in sunlight. ' Gallery Open from 10 till Dusk. Likenesses from 25 cents to $10,30- cording to size, and mounting, and cases (If? Taken also on thin metalic plates, {0 ' transmission in letters, by post. No likeness given out unless approved of. C0pies of Pictures taken. Durham. Co. Grey, z ' 7 July, 20th, 1850. t 86 BEING LOT 24, 10 com, NORMANBY. Also April 84, 1860. EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, in the town of Durham, containing ONE ACRE, with a dwelling house thereon. 'The site is eligible and commanding, and will be sold on- moderate terms. Apply, if by letter [postpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, Land Agent, Bentinek, P. 0. HORSMAN BROTHERS, FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. Apply if by letter (pm-paid) to the proprietor ’ ’ D. ROSE, ‘ Durham, 15th Feb, 1860. Egrcmont, ZOih Aug., 1860. TOWN LOIS FOR SALE IKENESSES TAKEN IN A FEW' SE- ! corms, at thé Bentinck, 28th May 1860. Horsman _. Brothers. WAGGOJW, 14 improved, with house, barn, C, Apply to TERMS REASONABLE. TERMS LIBERAL . LIKENESSES. Manufactory. WWW} HORSMAN BROTHERS, WILLIAM ASHDOWN, Ironmongers, Guelph. tfé-55 Sorekeeper, HANOVER. tfâ€"7 3 Bentihck P.0 ._ tfâ€" 78 90~tf Saddler Street, IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work, Horse Shoeing, In the BEST STYLE and at ModeratevPrlco ‘3' Wrought Iron Shares made for;any kind 0 ploughs. ' 33" Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. 5'3" Axes Jumped and Tempered. 13’ Any person in need of a Farrier will ï¬nd it to their avantage to call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. l on WOOLEN CLOTH, for any quantity of WOOL delivered at his resi~ deuce, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Road. - ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62â€"ly OT No.54. 2nd CON, OLD SURVEY, BEN- tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Saugeen River runs through it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a. great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. â€"ALSO,â€"-= South half of Lot 7, Garafraxa Street, Durham containing a l acre, with a comfortable house thereon, Title IndiSputable. Terms Liberable zâ€"Apply (if by letter, post- paid.) to B. B. MILLER, . “'est Arran, P. O. CO. Bruce. or to the STANDARD Oflice. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE [Lot No. 67, 3d con., Old Survey south of Durham Road, Glenelg, containing 100 acres, 20 cleared and fenced, with an excellent dwelling house thereon tw 0 stories high, lathed and plas- tered inside; also an excellent spring well of wa- ter, having 16 feet of wate1 at low -Water-mark. The abhve prOpe1ty is composed of excellent land, and within21 miles of the flourishing town _of Du11.13m TERMS C XSH. For particulars app13 to the proprietor on the premises, or if b3 letter (prepaid) to the Benunck P. O. 7 R SCOTT. TOWN AND PARK LOT ONE ACRE OF LAND IN THE CENTRE OF the town of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"8 rods on Garafmxa-st., sO rods on Ches- ter-sh, and 8 rods on Queen-st; is within a few rods of the Market Square. The lot is in the high- est state of cultivation, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which have been hearing for several years past. There is a good frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, eon~ taining 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 30', besides, a never-failing spring of water. Containining 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a goon state of cultivation, and only g a. mile from the above. Also, 100 acres in Normanby, E? Clear Deeds will be given for the above. (in which is an excellent Mill Site, and only ï¬ve miles from Durham. Terms liberal Application, (if by letter, prepaid ) with refer ence to either of the above. to FARNI AND TO‘VN LOT The (Janiila Fire (ï¬gurancc Company of Kingston. Authorized Capital $500,000 in 12,000 Shares of $40 each. Insurers partici- pate}? the prqï¬ts without any .lia- President . . Honrno YATES, Esq., M. D.‘ Secretary . . JOHN A. Wmsox, Esq. Treasurer . . Wu. ANGLIN, Esq., City Cham- berlain. J ms BURLEIGH, Inmector THIS Company Conduct their business on the Proprietary and Mutual plan f1“; :e' ac- cording 3:: character and situation of property, D! from one month to three years. " PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. _ Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken in any number from one to ï¬fty, and Instalmenta of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company in Weekly, Monthly, or‘ Quarterly Instalmeuts. Interest allowed from date of re- spective payments. ï¬' The Funds of the Company to no lent Members only, in sums from $20 upwards, at terms of from One to Six Months, (renewable] on such Personal or other Security as may be ap- proved by the Directors, at such rate of Interest [not exceeding one per cent. per month] and mode of repayment as may be agreed upon. April 4, 1860. £3; bividends of Interest and Proï¬ts will be made annually or semi-annually, as may be expe- dient. E'Applications forlnsurance. received, and a“ necessary information given by ‘ . ‘LLULsu v4.45â€;- the Subscriber, abouâ€"t month since, a red and white colored steer rising two yeats. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, dtak himawa . m e y WILLIAM CROZIER,‘ Lot 35, 7th con, Beatinck; A“ HERE CAME TO THE PREMISES OF the Subscriber, about a month since, a red - - - - â€"â€"--.... mu- HE Subscriber will pay the highast in Cash, or in exchange for Glenelg, 24th April, 1860. eznggm aï¬smacg Durham, 26th April, 1900. FOR. SALE. Mount Forest, May 24, 1860. Oct. 4, 1860. STRAY STEER. FARM' FOR SALE. ESTABLISHâ€) BY ACTS OF PARLIAMFx'r'j ALSO A PARK LOT, ate in the p-rqï¬ts without any n bility beyond theymount of their FLANNEL premium. AND G. J. MATTHEWS, Bentinck P. Q. 1900. 7341‘ H. H. STOVEL, Jam- 77