Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 12 Oct 1860, p. 3

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'7 “ l' AMILTON SPECTATOR- POLITICAL, Commercial, and General XeWSpapcr, is. published at Hamilton, C. W., by the proprietors, WILLIAM GXLLESPY and ALI-tx- ;xmm Ronsmsox. It. isissmd daily, semiâ€"weekly, and week‘y, and has the largest circulation of any Canadi 1) paper west of Toronto. From the particular attention paid to Commer cial inte ligence, the Spectator has acquired a rep nation for reliability, which has secured for it the Patronage of the Mercantile Community of Wes- tern Canada. The geographical position of the City of Hamilton. with its superior Railway con nection, affords great fa c'lity for the speedy trans 4 m'ssion of the Daily Spectator to the numerous1 thriving towns and villages between the Niagara and Detroit Rivers,-â€"an advantage of which the proprietors have not failed to avail themselves The Smi-H'eel.-ly and Il'eeklu editions (made up from the reading matter in the unity) containing a great amount of news, at an extremely low price, enjoy a iarge and extended circulation among the agricultural classes, and those not immedia'ely engrossed with the cares of politics or commerce, to whom the stimulus of a daily paper is not a necessity. _--- g g \ The .‘pectalor (Daily,Semiâ€"chl:ly and “'eekly) is therefirre an excellent medium for advertising. The mics charged are the same as the published rate, generally adopted by the Canadian press, except for the weekly edition, for which double the usual rate is charged. on account of its large circulation b07212: confined almost exclusively to the farming couniunity, thereby admitting only the pr--vf.t.-- le Publication, in its columns, of ad- vertisements suited to this particular class. T3" The rates of subscription, payable in .ld- We, are 2-â€" Daily, per annum ..... . . . . . S5 00 per c0py. Semi-Weekly, “ .......... 3.00" “ Weekly, “ .......... 1.50 “ Postmaater and others acting as Agents will hallowed a. handsome commission from the above mentioned rules, and parties sending the namuft {our new subscribers. with the rash, will be enti- tled to one copy free. “ Spm'z‘airrr” Esta/)1; sizmm t,- ‘Vhich is mm of tlze largest and most. completef .ol' the kind in Canada ; comprising the following % apartments, viz: B001: and Job I’rfm’inz, including the pnblica 1 tion of the Na tinnal Series of Sclmnl Books, as wel f .as the execution of every variety nfplain and fancy letter press priming; :_ Bum; Bim’in.~‘:. (this depart ment carried all the first prize at 1hr Provincial Fair in lSST.) including lilzmk llook )lnnnfiictnr- ing, and ruling and paging by the most improved machinery: liMogrulu'u'nz, and Copperplute Enâ€", graringanfl Prfnfin'", enilimcing lnvoices, Ca (lg Maps, Plans, Autographs. 60., c.. with every warifly i f Mercantile and Blank Forms; Stationery, embracing a sol-set and varied stock of British, American and Canadian made papers, kc. _.‘ .\ -‘-‘ nml‘.\" --...-----W GILLESl’Y s; 'ROBERTSON. SPECTATOR orncr, ? 5 Hamilton, C. “1; July, 1858. 1 “Cooper Institute,” Cornzr Seneca Md Su- x, 3'. CITY, l CLEVELAND, ; Jstor Place. i pcrior Sis. PHILADEU’HIA. .. . DETROIT ‘ 3, .1 ,. z ' ~ ' ‘ Corner 3:21;?“me at )0. 40 l'izztzward Jrfi, CHICAGO. Corner Clam and l ST, LOUIS, W’ashmgton b,“- Cor. 7t}: .3- Vine Streetsu GENE-RAL iNFORMATION. Our Stan-”taut of Penmanship is the famous; “Spence ring.” ! Students can commence at any time, as therei Are ;-0 Vacations. The Printipals and Teachers of this. Chain of Colleges have an extensive neqmuntance in seven large cities, and always Ct nsicter it a pleasure to further the Lest interests t f thei: graduates. Studentslentéring any one 0t these Colleges, by the yayment of $40, become enti 10! to the prin- Téges 0f the entire “ chain," comprising seven ot the mom. thorough, extensive, praeieal and popu- lar Business Se uoTs in the warm, For Cata- logues and Cut-cu}: rs call at the Cohege "Rooms, or address as above. m: 'ANT s STRA'TTOX. Bnflalo, Sept. 12, 1800. ' 94 UM“ 'cratr Seneca 31:! Main b‘zrcets. BUFFALO // (/y// [J/flfl/Z/ _1> 1 Illl‘mlflz 0F LETTERS REMAINING IN BEN- ecx, P. 0., September 2, 1860. 'enry MOT .visi , Alex, alph.‘ McGrede, Pat'k . ., James 2 Sim, Alexander r, John Stokes, J. B. ,1") Second. ‘V. E. “neg Thompson, “'m. E. - T3] at, Wm. 2 " 1', John Th9mpson, M r. honms Tracey, Peter _ LOCATED AT .‘XIJBJXN‘,’ No. 443 - Broadway. A. B. MCNAB, Postmasttr. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following valuable grog-emf, viz: Lot No. 1, 2nd con.,Egremont, Cblfzzglzu' ; ,1“. acres, 40 Of which are cleared, an ; :: C’jl}':1=):‘t..l)1c dwelling house thereon.‘ There is also an Icel- lent saw-mill on the above farm, “uh 1371, feet ‘ head ’ of water on a. m vet-failing stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durham. A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. To AARON VOLLETT. JOINT STOCK COMPANY’S THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE DURHAM Lecture Room Company Are hen by notfied that the Of the said crimpany are. now 0pm and ready for signature at the offi e of the undersigned, and that the first call will be required to be mun in, on or before we 13: of Goober next. JOSHUA W UUDLAND, Secretary and 'l rcasurer. FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. imbrotype and i’hatographic fiallery, B :3 rhmn. (Opposite BIL Hunter’s Hotel. This gainer}; contains 300 fed of glass in mufam! sun-s. which enable lenxassns to be taken in dark wca‘her. equaliy as we“ as in sunlight. Gallery Open framn 19 till Dusk. katmesses from '25 cents to $10, ac- cnniing to 67.9. and mum ting. and cases cf? Taken all-u cm thin metahc plates, f0 trunsmis‘siun in luners, by post. No likenvss given on: units-s approved afii (Inpies'nl' Pic-hues taken. | Egremont, 20:11 Aug, 1860. S T0 (J K If 0 0K S :{_EI.\’G N03. 21 AN?) 2?, QUEEN STREET, .5 i in the town of Durham, containing ONE ACRE, with a nwolling house thereon. The site is eligible and comnmuding, and will be sold on moderate terms., , Apply,“ by letter [1' ostyaid’; to ' ' JOHN MOODIP‘” Land Agent, Bentinck, P. O. T913937 L43 3’ $6 roars MILE Durham, 23 Aug, 1860. FEIXG LOT X0. 28, 22m COX, (ijLA'hLLU. ) South of Durluuu Road, mumbling fifty acres of excellent laud, 1'3 of which are cleared and fenced, and is only half a mile from the Dur- ham and Collingwood Gravel Road. Terms memn. Applications; if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, ' Bentinék, P. O. J‘ coxvs, at Dmham. Cu; Grvy, Juiy, 5202b, 1850. [KEN ESSE LOWEST THE OLD STAN I}. SAM’L E. LEGATE. Bentixlck, 28th May 1860. HE SUBSCP BER Oi FERS FOR SXLE _ Lot 5... 12ml cum, (Hem-lg, contailimg 100 acres, 528 of which me cleared, fenced, and under cn'timtiou; with a good 30g barn thereon, and situated infly 2'; miles from the rising toxn of Durham. There is also an excellent spring of water on the above. TERMS BLASONABLE. For further pm‘ticulars appiy. if by letter (me-paid) to the STANDALD Odie-e, or !u the subscriber, at the Bemiuck l’usl Oflice. THOMAS COLLIER. May 9th 1860-. CANADA WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, ‘ 0F TORONTO, c. w awn“. .- - .. - $44 TERMS REASONABLE. The above highly rc-Spccmble Company is strict- ly a Provincial Institwion, the ‘- apital Stock be- ing held by parties residt 11: m the Province. Rice Lewis. 1359., ‘ Jamas Batty, £501., '1‘. P. Robarts, Esq, M. Rcsm, Esq“ Secretory <$ Treas. . Inspector. . . . . . . . . Solicitor, .......... Banker-s, President : ISAAC C. Gumomfisq. Durham, 5111 Juiy, 1860. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all (lee criptions of Buildings and their contents, on Favorable terms,and at rates of Premium as low as the nature of the risk propos- ed will possibly admit of, consistent with safety. Policing issx'tédfor such short periods as maiy be desired, insuring Buildings, also Merchandize, Grain, and other Produce cqntained therein. Forms of Application and fail information to qe had 01'! dfiplying to H. H. STOVEL, Agent at Mount Forest. '59 ' an? All Claims "pr mptly Settled .on éatisfac- tory proof _ of L083- :53 Gleneig. June, 15. 1850. EOTICE. VALUABL'L “ PA 1M FARR} B303 9 u. - - - - $400,000.. INCORPORATED, 1551. er "‘AKE‘ Trans. .BERNARD HALDABI, ESQ . . . ..... Hummus Swnzga, “ . . . . . . . . ,2XNGUS MORRISON, “ . . . . . . . , .BAM: (JP-UPPER CAHADA. A ND TH E 28 2m cox, GLASEL‘G. Q I {EN IN A FEW SE- m 2-3, Q1 EEX STREET, I\\"z ‘T H E AT J3; - r' 1 @@333 Thumas Haworth, Esq. Wm. Hendersun, Esq, ‘ Walter Mcfarlane, Esq Vice-Proficient .- GEo. MIcuu-z, Esq. 90-“ 74â€"6m. 9O ' ’T’HE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM,‘ OCTOBER 12,1860 tf-â€"- 78 83â€"13 86 SUâ€"tf Immediately 1111 the Opening nf\1vig1tion Iiorsman Brotl1o1°s111ll 101101011 1111 immense 1111111- 13011 to their 110111'1' stock of 111111111‘11rc, 1111icl1, ' 1 110': 111.1 31:“ 1'01‘1 cheap, as 11311111. 1 ..... ha... .\1 1111n'1‘t11‘nc of AXES, which they “ill sell by the Box as fol'uwszâ€" ORSMAN PROTIIERS, of Guelph, have just receiv.ed 400 B0M.E§9 Dute's, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 d02011,or by the single \xo, STéccâ€"nts. HOl-l SMAN BROTH 1Ijlll§ can recommend these Ach as the hhst to he had Holt Cos Axes 8 Dollms :30 cents per Box of 1 dozen, 01 b1 the single \7:' 751-21113. GR VEL ROE;Z‘~ HORSE FSOR SALE. V HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE BY private bargain an excellent horse, six year: old, stand 16% hands high, and is an excellem draught horse in either single or double harness; free from blenish, and in good condition. Normanby, 28th March, 1860. Just receiving and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store in Durham, at very reduced prices, an assortment of POTASH KETTLES, Do. Coclers. @LBEOR EDS STQYES FLUfED BOX STOVES SPLENDID OPEYIN’G FOR A HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE f the following Property, viz: ' Park Lot No. 8, (Hunter‘s Survey) ' Containing T hree Acres, walk a SPLENDID SPRING, BRBWBRY, Distillery or I mmcy. For eithnr or all of which there cannot be a better Brewery, Distillery or TO CHOPPERS. Durham, 30th Aug. 1809. ooKIN G STOVES, (IMPROVED m Z‘TERN.) JOHN MILLER. \n-‘snm Qnth Ann. 1859. 39-44;? which they are offering at. the lowest possible pricrs, and resg'xectfully in- vite the public to inspect their stock before pm'chasing elsewhere. Their â€"‘ ’ \ .J v is now replete iii 'ei’i‘zry' branch“. In connection \Vlth their large and We” selected STUCK of ‘ - they would particularly invite at- tention t0 the quality and prices of their ARCH. McLEAN. Lot” “5, 17 con. Normanby,Bcnt1nc.<, PD, is now more complete man hitherto, they having extended that branch of business, to which espccm} attention has been give: . A large stock of CRUCKERY always on hand. F. M. “7“ LSON C0. ., haw lecei‘é ed Hang supplies of PARK LOT No. 8, (mm W833} TMMRK HORSSI'AN BROTHERS, I;'.v:;-::-no'ngers. Gup’ph. Well suited for NEEE? $8 QB 39 AND Thai 1' stock of 69 â€"tf Contxining 3 Acres \\ Mr a ne‘. ex failing Spring AND .' Emu- (Zthvr Building Lots. g In ramming. thanks to the inhabitants for their * patronage, would respectfufly intimate .that-he in a tends to keep constantly on hand agoodfiupply 0' Ex.) .4 ""N ) Township of Gieneig. Appficatiun. with reference to any of the ab‘ove Properties, (if by letter, p05t-paul.) 20 the Sub- scriber, will receive pmmpt attention. _A--‘- .n'f Y ‘\“ '1‘ HE C \N’ \DA POWDER COMPANY homby gixe notice that HORSJIIflN 7:32 ’1' IIERS I) 011111010013 Guelph, C. W'., will, :1 1211 this (1:110 31'. mrlv Country Storekeepers, and M ms with P111101: 1, of all brands, made by us at the same mices ch mgcd at our Miils, them-- b) 3111' ing the p111cha~er the expense of transport- ation to Guelph. V'."I"i-o‘f'o.;"10 ”111013 a list of our brands, all of which can be 1nd m any quant ty, at HORSMAN BR"THERS, Irom 1.03nger Guelph. Regs Blasting C I C B 188 9d per keg of 251bs. K0955 Spmting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. Ken's ' “ FF 268 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 285 9d “ Canister FF 12s Gd per doz élbs. 203 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 133 9d per doz. in 51133. 215 3d per (1075. 11b3. ’ “ Duck Shooting 165 3d per doz. in is lbs. 263 3d per doz. llbs. AA A‘ 1090 Tons of Black 'Saltss Durham, Feb. 3, 1859 199.099 Banshels Raw Ashes, Del vu'nd at his Pearl \\ orkz, Glenelg Fall, Rock) Simgtmen 27} miles from UW en Sound ,_7 do. Dmham, . 3 do. from D Donolmes new Stand, Gau- fiaxa. Road, 5 do. Durham Road, and . 1, miles f1 om S. 8.011213% 8 Mills. His teams “ill gather ashes within a circuit of sex on miles. also good assortment 'of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut by ghe thousand. He is deter- ’mined that nothing shall be. wanting on Ins : part to merit a. continuance of their favor: hn nnn nm “1’\ 117nmnv ' HARDWARE, GROCERIES,‘ SHOEWAREf The Subscriber will pay the highest price in CASH, for CASH. CASH GUN P QEVDER. l! GLFXELG FALLS MILL,‘ (l PEARL WORKS, Jag. ‘23, 1860, fl H DRY GOODS, TEA, I’zm'idge 163 3d per doz. in gibs. 263 3d per rloz. in libs. Canadian Rifle his 3d per doz. in} lbs. 263 3d per doz. in llbs. Diamond Gmin 215 3d per doz. in ilbs. 363 3d per doz. in libs. ' Kelly Rifle 233 9d per doz. in ilbs.â€"- 4'33 6d pér doz. in llbs. Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, And Cash or Merchandise $30998 ARR;VEB. RDADY-MADE CLOTHING, HERBERT no WSWELL. 215 3d per doz. in 11b3, 9d per doz. in in llbs. J‘OHX MILLER. 10 I IAVE just received large additions to their - Stock of Hardware” and will continue to receive supplies during the winter months. from the British and Continental markets, by Vessels discharging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. are now doing one of the largest Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, aslow, if not iIOWBI‘. than can be had in any law in Canada. “vvncwv.-- to their having brought down Hardware in Guelph. Now Hat purchased of Horsman Brothers, lower, than can be had in any_t< would draw attention to the fact, that a, further reduction in the price of Hardware will take place immediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will Show :â€" Cut nulls in quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. and upwardsâ€"- ., 4 cents p-er 1b. Wrought. nails, 10 cents per lb. Axes (warranted) $1 each. Glass 7 >< 9 and 8 x 10, 113 3d per box. Glass 10 >4 12. 123 per box, 10 >4 14, 12s 6d ‘2‘“A1‘CI Ulaba 1') 7" Lu. 1‘0 ,... .-.,_, _ I per box, and Oltller sizes proliortionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. - ~ . Shot, 10 cents per lb. ' Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per 111‘. «m - l Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. ' Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and. 10 cents per , gallon. First quality White Lead, 153 per lb. Best Refined Iron, 17s 6 (1 per lOOlbs, and all other goods eqally cheap. . To give a list. of Hardware, kept. on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would fill a. newspaper, suffice it to say». that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. HORSMANâ€" BROTHERS, Ironmo-nge-rs, Guelph. Tina 2- 1359- tfâ€"55 42 acres ' on the. Durham Read, 100 AGNES 01* L XND FOR SALE. HogsamN Blw'rnsns HORSM AN BROTHERS, SLEIGH, AND PLOUG Dec. 2, 1859. .1. inhabitants of Durham and surrounding: country, that he is prepared to furnish any pf the abuve articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of Iimbg-r will be. us: (1. -u 0‘ “cm hnnr‘nnn BEING LOT 24, "" '1 v . Good mcrclmntable lumber taken as cash. Moore’s Rural New-Yerker Agneulém'ai, Liiei‘az’y 8; Family "."eekiy T1113 RURAL NEW-YORKER, now near the close 01' its Tenth Year and Volume, is universally known in the East and West, North and South, as the Standard in. its'Sphm of Journalismâ€"being pro- nounced far THE BEST, as it; is the Largest Circu- lated, AGRICULTURAL, HORTICL’LTL’RAL, Lt'renam' and FAMILY NEWSPAPER of the Age. Ha ving out- stripped ell Competitors in Merit and Circulation; it is the acknowledged CHJLMPION 01" THE RURJJL PRESS .' April 34, 1860.- THE RURAL is not only a. favorite with the Farmer, the Horticulturist, and the Housewife“ but Sr‘ught and read by the Educator, the Man i of Science, the Moralist, and all members of the Family Circle, in both Town and Country. In Value and Variety of Contents, and neamess of .flppcarance, it excels all imitators and rivals ; and as it has in thepast, will more. than ever in the future maintain its position as-Tnn Model Rural and Family News- paper. ‘ . ANEW Qumran commenced with October,â€" and hence, Now is a Good. Time to subseribe for 5 either a year, or three months on trial. THE ELEVENTH VOLUME, for 1860, (commencing with January,) will FULLY EQUAL the present in all respects» quality of Matter, Paper, Printing, Illustrations, c. D ‘ Q ‘ O ““7. .A-_- 4...; Horsman Brothers. Llll‘whl "tlvlbw" -_ .- As the long evenings and leisure of Winier are I coming on apace, every one should secure THE‘ RURAL, which is the leading advocate and pro- moter of Real ‘l’rogzess and Improvement "â€" which ignores trash and humbug, and ever faith- fully s‘eeks to advance the Best Interests of Irdi- viduals, Families, Communities and'the Country FORM, STYLE flND- TERMS. THE 'RU-RAL NEW-YORKER is published Weekly, each number comprising EIGHT DOUBLE QUARTO PAGES. An Index, Tifie Page,‘c., given at the close uf each Volume. _ Durham, 28 June, 1860. TE RMSâ€"[N ADVANCE:â€"Two Dollars a year; Threé Copies for 35; Six for' $10; Ten for $15 ; FifteenTorfisZ'. ’; Twenty for $25; and any greater number a]; the same rateâ€"only $1.25 per com?! Club papers sent to diflcrentpost-offices, if desired. As we pre-pay America-.1 posta gc $1.37 is the low est Club rate for Canada. - Address Fall and Winter Rural.Campaignâ€"ISSQ-GO. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE lot No. 8 Bruce-st, Durham, containing a râ€".â€" . . lot N0. 8 Bruce-st”, Durham, ‘ containing a} half acre of land, well fen',ced with a commodious i and con fortable dwelling house thereon, 21 x 26 HOUSE AND LOT ~ FOR SALE. - IIE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE L i 1 ‘7 i“ 1 1511811 “001115, ' Beadys a large kite 1en attached. The above 13 situated 1n one of the most desira- ble locaiities 111 Durham-- Immediate possession will be given: ands. clear title. 1:, containing 14 improved, with house, barni 8:0. Apply to WILLIAM ASHDOWN, Sorekeeper, Hmovm. 1 a4 mnn- tf__73 -“ ‘1‘: TERMS' LIBERA‘ ., . _ Apply, if byilet-ter‘ (pro-paid) to the proprietor ' D. ' ROSE, Bantinck P.o . Durham, 15th £60.; 1850. Tm: mexc A‘XD‘MOST POPULAR. RE annfiwmry. 16 CON, NORM NBY. ' Also ' . MOO R-E,‘Rbc}1ester, N Y. A. MCFARLANE .. ished Rooms, or farm produce Blacksmith and Farrier: IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Wark, flame Shoeing AND GEE-1335a J ngififig In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Price ploughs. if? Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. {13’ Axes Jumped and Tempered. 313’ Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their-avama ge to call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. I . H E or OR WOQ for any quantity of WOOL deiivcrcd at his 'res-i- deuce, four miles West of Durham, on the Durham Road. ‘ ANDREW LIVINGSTON; Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 6243' twent' . 'Of “' .Ch‘éw.[thw% “‘“J Mam-“’TIIU caâ€"mgeen‘fii‘v 1‘ runs tnrohgh 1t, toz-mmg an excel- lent. mill-site. There is also crmssidc-mblc excel- lent pine timber on tne Lat, and a great quafitity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be. given. . -â€"ALSO,â€" ’ " ' _ South half of Lot 7, Garafmxa Street; Durham containing a« iacrc,wi1h a ccmfcrtablc house thereon. Title Indisputable. -_ _ Q _ __ \ OT No. 54. 2nd CON. 0m) SU’ YEY, BE: tinck one mile and 21 ha if hum the town of Durham, poniqiliing 1W) ac:-s of gnod land a. .m- ‘Cl‘j]\,‘ 23’ Wrought Iron Sharcsjnade forgany kind Terms Liberablczlâ€"Apply (if bf? letter, .p‘ostr- paid.) to h -\ ‘cvr-r-T‘h ‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE . Lot No. 67 3d eon. ()ld Survev south of Durham Road Glenelg‘, containi 11: 1f 0 acres, 20 cleared and fenced, 111111 an a xcv- ilent dwelling house thereon two stmies high lathed ani Blas- tered inside . also an ette' llem m 111g v. ell of wa- ter, 11:11 mg 16 feet of “1111:; at lou- alarm-111.1111 1' .__AA The above property is cm; land, and within 2-3.; miles-of 1‘: of Durham. TERMS CASH. For particulars apply to the pmpriemp 'On the; premises, or if by letter (prepaid) to the Bentinck P 0-. R SCOTT. FARR! ANEB 'E‘ifififfi 5,0}? TOWN AN‘) PARK LOT NE ACRE OF LAND V; THE CENTRE 01“ the town of Durium, fronting .un trthrce streets-«8 rods on Gun: hum-$1., 50 rmis 011 Ches- ter-st.., and 8 rods on Queen-$1.; is Within a quV rods of the Larket Square. "1 he 101,35, in the-highâ€" est, state of cuhivmiou, and is [vigimcd with a. iarge number of choice fruit trees, which have been bearing for i=evcmi years past. 'J'hcre «IS :1. good frame dwcii ’ng‘ house 1?:{1‘91‘01}, 24- x 32, (3011- mining 8 rooms. and a.\\‘()r‘;;.:ho;1 ‘20 x 30,.13esilles, est, state of cultivation, and i iarge number of choico fruit been bearing for vcvcml years good frame dwcli 'ng house- 111::1' mining; 8 rooms, and aw m1; sin» :1. neverâ€"failing spring of water. I I Coritainiuing 4 acres and 1‘?) perches; Nate of cultivation, and only 5, 21 m above. Also, 160 acres in K aman if? Clear Deeds will be gix on for the abrivc. ‘n which is an excelle ut IxiiilE ite. and only five miles from Durham. Tom 3 ii banal April 4, 1860. 1 Appli<°atinn,(if1)y letter, pro}. Once to either of. 329 above. tr;- Durham, 26th April, 1960. 73-tt’ The'Canada' Fire} EEiSZEi'aIiCQ {‘ompzmy of Kingstcn. ‘ Authorized Capital $500,000 in 12,006 Shares of $4!) eneh. Insurers partici- pate in theprqfizs wilhimt any lia- ' bility beyond the amount of (/1 {:i r pram u m. Glcnclg, 24th April, 1863-0. President Secretary Treasurer THIS Company conduct. their business on the Pr0pr'.etary and Mufu'zl plan for terms .ac- cording to character and situation of property, of from one month to three. yea rs. PROPRIETORY AND LO AN FUN D. Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken '1 any number from one to fifty; and Imtalments of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company in Weekly, Monthly, or mermrly [nst-rlments. Interest allowed from date of re- spective payments. ‘ ' .. . . {IE’fl‘he Funds of the Company to no” 'Ient.to Members only, in sums from $20 upwards,- at terms of from One to Six illontis, (renewable) on such Personal or other Security as may le ap- prqved by the Directors,at such raie of Interest {not exceeding one per cent. per manthj and mdde pf repayment as may be agreed upon. _ . g . 11:3” Dividends of Interest and Profits willjbe made annually or. semiâ€"annually, as uaiy'be exfie- (Lent. - .~ 1. . .. f”; u.‘“" o ' . z _ fiApplications for Insurance recexx'_§§r3?}'?g-9ll necessary information given by H r H. H. STOVEL,‘ , ‘ - afgegt: HERE CAME TU EHE PPEHISRS 0? the SubSciiber, about a month since, ljted and white colored steer ris: ng two ve: its. ,The 0» nor is request «1 to p: ove 1n operty. pay (:11an and; take him away. -. ‘- " WILLIAM CROZIER, Lot 25, 7th con” Bentiuck. n» A. 19.60- 9593‘ Subscriber “ill pay me highest in Cash, in exchange for Mount Forest, May ‘24, 1860. FARM FOR? SALE: Oct. g 1860. W ESTABLISIILD BY ACTS OF PAILIAMFNT' ALso' A FARE": LGT, set, {1' (Idler S Sa FLAXXEL HORATIO ans, Esq, M. I): JOHN A. 11 11.5w, Esq. WM. ANG 1x, E< s.q, City Cham- berlairs.n J A511,; BL 1811, 1113p ctor RB. MILLER, ‘ West Arum, P. 0. Co. Bruce. or to the Smxnmn Office 'io-tf SEES :flE_JEo G. J. MATTHBW‘S, _ . .. Boutinsk P. 0. 19m- 73-tf 3.6.st 'of' excellent 0 flourishing- "tbwu shes; is in a goon a mile from (the id) with refer-

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