Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 14 Sep 1860, p. 3

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T0 Tl": rNVBNTons! The Scientific .flmericrm is indispensable to ev- ery inventor, as it not only contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contn ns an of- ficial list of the claims of all the patents issued from the United States Patent Office during the week previous; thus giving the correct history of the progress of inventions in this country. We are also receiving, every week, the best scientific journals of Great Britain, France and Germany; thus placing in our possession all tlzat is transpir- '10 THE mLmecn'r AND MILL-owsm! Useful and practical information appertaining to the interests of mi'lwights and mill-owners will he found published in the Scientific .Iflmrrirrm, which informatiun they cannot possibly obtain frem any other source. To this class the paper is specially recommended. TO THE mernn AND mum-1n! Subjects in which planters and farmers are in~ terested will be found discussed in the Scientific dmerirun; most of the improvements in agricul- tural implements being illustrated in its Colanmsl To THE MAN-OF-l.EISUBE AND THE MAN-(F- SCIENCE! Individuals of both these classes cannot fail to be interested in the ?.V"-"I‘::t§,lic .‘iuuriclm, which contams the. ‘httf‘St intelligence on all subjects appertaining to the arts :unl science, both practi- cal and theoretical ; all the latest discoveries and ghennmenn which cizmc to mu‘ knowledge icing: ing in mechanical science and art in those ‘old countries. We shall continue to transfer to our columns, copies extracts from these journals, of ”who tevcr we may deem of interest to our readers. TO run MECHANIC AND maemxrsr! No person engaged in any of the mechanical pursuits should think of “ doing without” the Scientific .rilmerican. It costs but four cents per week ; every number contains from six to ten enâ€" gravings of new machines and inventions, which cannot be found in any other publication. It is an established rule of the publishers to insrrt none but original engravings, and those of the first class in the art, drawn and engraved by ex- perienced persons under their own supervision. TO THE cnnmsr AND ARCHITECT! Chemists and architects will find the Scientific .rlmerican a useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science of c emistry are elimin- ated in its columns, and the interests of the archi. teet and carpenter are not overlooked; but all the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pnrsnits are“ published from week to week. 1-honunwna which Come to early recorded therein. TERMS -â€":8L 50 perannum,»tnct1vm advance $2 .00 at the end of the year; and 82 .50 if not so paid. Five Copies for Six Months. . . . . . . . . . . . $4 Ten Copies, for Six Months .......... . . . 8 Ten Copies, for Twelve Months ...... . . . 15 0‘) Fifteen Copies, for Twelve Months. . . . . . .-. Twenty Copies, for Twelve Months. . . . . . 2 For all of Twenty and over, the yearly sub- scription is only $1 50. Names can be sent in at diff-rent times and from difl‘vrcnt Post-Offices.â€" Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. I. To mail sa‘zfiscribers. - Two 001' ars a Ynnr ,or One DollarfimSii‘ Months One Dollar pays for one comple e volume .35 41“ J 1): gas, um "Names 1‘comprise one year. The \olumcs commences dn he first of J A\UAR\' and J LLY southern, Western and Canadian money 01 Post-office stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Candian suhscribers will please to remit tn entyo six cents extra on each years subscripuon to pre- pay postage. The PrOprietor begs to inform the Public tln. he will be most happy to attend to orders for all descriptions of Printing, such as Pamphlets, Invitation Cards, Circulars, By-Laws, Programmes, Show-bills, Hand-bills, Business Cards, La bels. Fancy Cards, Blank Deeds, Promisory Notes Memorials, Ministers’ Plans, Indentures. fixerxnnc xx .20 can n- ul the r.- nirlix“: -l langu: :0, we helium “ill be benéliicd in «Juii‘lnn? llu lac \rierctijrir ~Iuermm,1nd me Oh rig its w eelslx \isits; and “Mia “e :lepcml lupin all our (:lfl patrons rcn “inf; their mm Slibsl‘FllliUHS, “4: would ask of each to 50ml us one m‘murc new names with his own. A siuwie pors :01] l‘flS sent as as many. «3 in!) mail subsmilwcre, fmm one place, in a simrle wax. ' The pi: ll; ism-rs d ) 1 0t expect (war) one “ill do S!) much; lmt l the 7, 3'30 sulr scribvrs. “In so sulnscriptiims expire \\ itli the. pres- ent volum'e, will 30ml 93(1) :1 singlcnan.e with their own, the} “ill cnnfcr a listing obligati inn upon us they will be newardcd fun it in ti: e im- provement we . shall be enablé to make in the pa- per by thus increasing our recei; ts. T111. folk)“- ino- are the- Five copies,sens to one address for ........ S 7.00 Eight do do ........ $11.00 Tweive do do ........ $16.00 For any targer number at the rate of $1,125 each. BY A YOUNG M xx 21 YE ms OF AGE, having some expenence in the business, as assistant in a Grocc ry or Dry Good store,. The most. respectable references gix en. Address, .1931}: FHYI_E,_ __V_ J v"- ”0' VVV“ 30,000 corms PER wen: ! Some editions have reached as high as 60,000; none less than 36,000. The extent of the circu- lation evinces the popularity of the paper; and while our re.1ders seem satisfied with the quantity and quality of matter they get in one year’s num- ber (comprising 832 pages and costing only, $2), the publishers are determined to still improve the paper during the coming yea r. The Srient-éfic Jmen‘wn has the reputation, at. home and abroad, of being the best weekly publi- cation devoted to mechanical and industrial pur- suits now published, and the publishers are deter- mined (if labor and enterprise will do it) to keep up the reputation they have earned during the FIFTEEN runs they have been connected with its publication. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY In announcing the. above fact, the publishers embrace the opportunity to thank their old patrons and'snbscribers for t .e liberal support they have hitherto extended to this journal ; plac- ing it, as they have, far beyond any other publi- cation of the kind in the word, in point. of circula- tion. The average circulation of the Scxsxrxnc MERICAN during the past year has beenâ€"- v.- "- ‘0. v: uul} utAb, KILN 111111} \thllb of the “VNEW SERIES” of the Scnzxnnc Amm- OAX Will be commenced. 513’ fill communications must be pre-paid. Book and Fancy Job Printing Establishment DU R. H A M . Beatinck, Aug.“ 00,1 860. DI'RIIAIH STANDARD .On the lat of Julxgext, tth‘UIRD VOLUME $.15“- A._._ SIXTEENTH YEAR 2?: SITUATION W A NTED MUNN 5; Co. Publishers, No. 37 Park-row, New York PUBLISHER AND PROPRXETOR. TO ALL V. T0 THOSF FOR-MING CLI’BS IS PUBLISHED IN DURHAM CLUB RATES. S. L. M. LUKE, r can run] the. be benéfiied 'zerimn, :1 ml to He“ we depend up: Lac 0.: own TERM AN READ! be English lang d by subsu'ibin; Allan Park, P50. 91 -4 1 . V «r ‘3'". ‘17 E 3 § \RGLM SIOL .-El.\'G LOT No. 29, 2ND C0.\'., GLENELG. South of Durham Road, containing fifty acres of excellent land, 1‘3 of which are cleared and fenced, and is only halfa mile from the Dur- ham and Collingwood Gravel Road. Tums LIBERAL. Applications, if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, Bentiuck, P. 0. f HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE 3 the following valuable preperty, viz: Lot . No. 1, 2nd con. Egrcmont, containing 100 acres, .40 of which are cleared, and a amnion-tabla ~‘ dwelling house thereon. There is also an- xcel- lent saw-mill on the above farm, with 13} feet ‘ head ’ of water on a new r-failing stream, andis . only four miles from the rising town of Durham. IKENESSES TAKEN IN A FEW SE- 1 corms, at the .tmbrotype anal Photographic Gallery, Durham. (Opposite Mr. Hunter’s Hotel. ef'l‘his gallery contains 300 feet of glass in roof and Slth’S, which enable szxxnssns to be taken in dark wea‘her. equally as well as in sunlight. I I Gallery Open from 19 ml Dusk. Likenesses from 25 cents to $10, ac- cording to size, and mounting, and cases (3:? Taken also on thin metalic plates, fo transmission in letters, by post. No likeness given out unless approved of. Cupies of Pictures taken. Durham. Co. Grey, 2 July, 20th, 1850. 3 86 FIXING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, J in the town of Durham, containing ONE ACRE, with a dwelling lzouse thereon. The site is eligible and commanding, and will be sold on moderate terms. Apply, if by letter [F ostpaid] to Of the said company are now open and ready for signature at the ofl‘i -e of the undersigned, and that the first call will be required tt’be PAID in, on or before the 15! of October next. JOSHUA WOODLAND, Secretary and Treasurer. 0F TORONTO, c. w CAPITAL - - - - 34¢ {[‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE TEE OLD {TAN D. SX‘”L E LEG-ATE. 1 L015‘ "1111 c1111., Glenelg, containing 1130 acres, 28 01 which are cleared fenced, 211111 111 Mm C11 ’-tiv;111011 , with a good log barn thereon, 11ml situated (111ly.. ”.1 miles from the llsillg toan of Dmham. 1here is also an excellent spring 01 \1 ater on the above. CANADA WESTERN A SSURA NCE COMPANY, The above highly respectable Company is strict- [y a Provincial Institution, the Capital Stock be- ing held by parties resident in the Province. THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE DURII Lecture Room Company A re hereby notified that the TERMS REASONABLE. For further particulars apply. if by letter (pro-paid) to the STANDAIJ) Otfice, or to the subscriber, at the Bentinck Post Oflice. THOMAS COLLIER. ' Rice Lewis, Esq, Thomas Haworth, James Beaty, Esq., Wm. Henderson, 1 T. P. Robarts, Esq., l Walter Mcfarlane )1. Rosin, Esq, Secretary Treas.. .Bsnmum HALDAN: Inspector, .......... BENJAMIN Swnzn Sol-icitnr,. . . . . . . . . . .ANGUS MORRISON, Bankers, ........... BANK or UPPER CA] JOINT STOCK COMPANY’S A CLEAR DEED GXVEN. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the prewdses, or if by letter (poet-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. To AARON VOLLET’I‘. Egremont, 20th Aug., 1860. 90-“ President : ISAAC C. Gnmmnfisq. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their contents, on favorable terms, and at rates of Premium as low as the nature of the risk propos- ed will possibly admit of, consistent with safety. 'nA1242-_ 2-----.1 P._.. _-_-L -L-,,. Policies issned for such short periods as in} be desired, insuring Buildings, also Merchandize (ml 1n and other produce contained therein. Forms of Application and full information to be had on applying to I]. H. STOVEL, Agent at Mount Forest. 16 {13’ All Claims pr..mptly Settled on satisfac- tory proof of Loss. .53 8' TO (UK B 0 011' S M1 ( v _ 9 8h 19 «.60 Bentinck, 28th May 1860. Durham, 23 Aug, 1860 T0‘VN LOTS FOR SALE Glenelg, June, 15, 1860. Durham, 5111 July, 1850. FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. VALUABLE FARM TERMS REASONABLE. FARR! FOR SALE. NOVIHCEQ LIKENESSES. AL - - - $400, 000. INCORPORATED 1851. THE .‘v‘ ..... BENJAMIN Swnznn, “ . . . . .ANGUS MORRISON, “ ..... BAYK or UPPER CANADA. JOHN MOODKE, Land Agent, Beniinck, P. O. T H E Wm. Henderson, 'Esq: Walter Mcfarlane, Esq Thomas Haworth, Esq. ‘17.. Y? Viceâ€"President : GHQ; MICHIE, Esq. m. 7-1 â€"! tfâ€" 78 SUâ€"tf 90 13 A M THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, SEPTEMBER 14, 1860. nf AXES, which they “111 sell by the fa} 'ows :â€" Datc’ s, all palished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or In the single Axe, 87lcents. IIORSMAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt“. 9' Co’s Axes S Dollars 50 cents per‘ Box of 1 dozen, or In the single Axe YSCents. “@an 133035533259 Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Ilorsnran Brothers will receice an immense addi- tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they will sell very cheap, as usual. -‘An". A ‘f ‘\hl\m“fi“.‘ V HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE BY private bargain an excellent horse, six years 016', stand 16% hands high, and is an excellent draught horse in either single or double harness ; free from blenish, and in good condition. Just receiving and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store. in Durham, at very reduced prices, an assortment of POTASH KETTLBS, Do. Coolers. PLEE’QE Box 319723 FLUTED BOX STOVES £10 I}; Normanby: 28th March, 1860. GR VBL ROADS. HORSE FOR SALE. FEE SH ARRIVALS. COOKING SToVEs, (IMPROVED Pfl T'I'ERN.) JOHN MILLER. Durham, 30th Aug. 1859. 39â€"?! SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BREWERY, Distillery or '1 'an 1163/ . Containing Three Acres, wztlz a SPLENDID SPRING, For either or all of which there cannot be a better opening. PARK LOT No. 8, Brewery, Distillery or Durham, 30th Aug. 1859. ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. TO CHOPPERS. IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: Park Lot No. 8, ' (Hunter’s Survey,) ARCH. McLEAN. Lot 25, I7 con. Normanby,Bcnt1nck, P.O \Vhieh for quality and prices can- not be surpassed, if equalled. F. M. W. (30., especially innite a trial of their @Efig which were bought before the late advance, and will be foand to he the cheapest iv the market at the present time. N, B.â€"â€"â€"A first rate TEA at: 50 cents per lb. fifl®fi£fl£fls R We 1W0 $3.9 have also on hand a large and well selected STOCK 0t DRY (£59038. Beg to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are now clearing out at BUREAM, JEL'Y, 1860. SUMMER $TOCK mmms @BEWM REBBEEB P3338339 Ifo‘fiSfliANBRbTHERs, HARDWARE, 'ell suited for Ironmongers, Guelph. F. M. VVILLSON 8: (30., The remaimder of their (LATE HASTIE a: WILLSCN) 69-tf AND as 1200 A GEES OF LAND Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring Township of Glenelg. Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, post-paid.) 1.0 the Sub- scriber, will receive prompt attention. 7'" HE CANADA POWDER COMPANY .1. hereby give notice that H ORSMflN BROTHERS, 17 onmonge'rs, Guelph, C. ”7., will, from this da te supply Country Storekeepers, and others with POWDER, of all brands, made by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills, there- by saving.' the purchaser the expense of transport- ation to Guelph. The following 13 a. list of our brands, all of which can be had m any quantity, at HORSMAN BROTHERS, I ronmongers, Guelph. TV “1 .0 "'1‘--- NE‘V GOODS ARRIVED. Kegs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 25lbs. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. Kegs “ FF 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ Canister FF 123 6d per doz ilbs. 203 pt doz. 11b. “ FFF 133 9d per doz. in glbs. 218 3d per doz. llbs. Duck Shooting 163 3d per doz. in g lbs. 263 3d per doz. llbs. Patridge 163 3d per doz. in gibs. 263 3d per doz. in llbs. Canadian Rifle 163 3d per doz. in} lbs, 263 3d per doz. in llbs. Diamond Grain 213 3d per doz. in glbs. 363 3d per doz. in llbs. Kelly Rifle 233 9d per“ doz. in abs.â€" 423 6d per doz. in llbs. u C‘ H U H The Subscriber will pay the highest price in CASH, for 1000 Tongs 9f __Bl_ac}_: Salts, 5 (10. Durham Road, and 1; miles from S. B. Chafl‘ey’s Mills. His teams will gather ashes within a circmt of seven miles. ' also good assortment of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut by the thousand. He is deter-' mined that nothing shall be‘ wanting On his part to merit a continuance of their fav’or. HERBERT ROWSWELL. A In returning thanks to the inhabitants for their patronage, would respectfully intimate that he in tends to keep constantly on hands good supply 0 HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SHOEWABEf A39 SQEGX VASES» 100,000 Bushels Raw Ashes, E‘our (Ether Building Lots, Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, Durham, Feb. 3, 1839 Dclivercd at his Pearl Works, Glenelg Fall, Rocky Saugeen, 27} miles from Owen Sound, 7 do. Durham, 3 do. from I}. Donghue’s new Stand, Gam- Gnmm FALLS MILL, 8: Punt. worms, Jan. 2'3, 1869. DRY GOODS, TEA, GUN POWDER. CASH. CASH And Cash or Merchandise snow-nuns CLOTHIRG, J OHN MILLER. 10 "ue gallon. ‘ First quality White Lead, 153 per 1b. Best Refined Iron, 1736d per 1001bs., and all other goods eqally cheap. To give a list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would fill a newspaper, suffice it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. 42 acres on the Durham Road, 14 improved, with house, barn, kc. Apply to WILLIAM ASHD’OWN', Sorekeeper, HANo'vnTt‘. April 64, 1860. tfâ€"73 per box, find other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per 110. _ Shot, 10 cents per lb. Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. Paint- Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardware will take place immediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will show: -- Cut nails in quaAi‘ititiesâ€"IO lbs. and upwards-â€" are now doing one of the largest Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astpnishipg _succe93_ in basiness,_ to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. 4 cents per 1b. Wrought nails, 10 cents per lb. Axes (warranted) $1 each. Glass 7% 9 and 8 K 10,113 3d per box. Glass 10 N 12,125 per box, 10 K 14, _128 6d 100 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. and will continue to receive supplies during the winter months, from the British and Continental Wmarkets by Vessels discharging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH I [AVE just received large additions to their Stock of HardwareJ HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding J. inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short, notice, and of superior workmanship and qhality, as nothing except the best. quality of timber will be used. THE RURAL va-YonKEn, now near the close 01’ its Tenth Year and Volume, is universally known in the East and West, North and South, as the Standard in its Sphere of Journalismâ€"being pro- nounced far THE BEST, as it is the Largest Circu- lated, AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LITERARY and FAMILY NEWSPAPER of the Age. Having out- stripped ell competitors in Merit and Cireu'iation; it is the acknowledged CHflMPION OF THE RUML PRESS! Moore’s Rural New-Yorker Agricultural, Literary Family Weekly T1111 RURAL is not only a favorite with the Farmer, the Horticulturist, and the Housewife, but sought and read by the Educator, the Man of Science, the Moralist, and all members of the Family Circle, in both Town and Country. In Value and Variety of Contents, and nealness of .flppearance, it excels all imitators and rivals, and as it has 1n the past, will more than ever in the future maintain its position as THE Model Rural and Family News- paper. A NEW QUARTER commenced with Oétober,-â€" and hence, Now 18 a Good Time to subscribe for either a year, or three months on trial. THE ELEVENTH VOLUME, for 1860, (commencing with January;) will FULLY EQUAL the present in all respects-â€" quality of Matter, Paper, Printing, Illustrations, c. As the long evenings and leisure of Winter are coming on apaee, every one should secure THE RURAL, which is the leading advocate and pro- moter of ’Real ‘Pro‘gtess and Improvement ”-â€"â€"'â€" which ignores trash and humbug, and erer faith- fully seeks to advance the Best Interests" of Indi. viduals, Families, Communities and the Country FORM, STYLE JIND TERMS. Tm; Rt‘lRAL NEW-YOBKER is published Weekly,- each number comprising Erenr DOUBLE QUARTO PAGES- An Index, Title Page, c., given at the close of each Volume. ' TERMSâ€"71)? ADVANCE.-â€"Two Dollars a. year; Three Copies; for $5; Six for $10; Ten for $15 ; Fifteen fot‘ $21 ; Twenty for $25; and any greater number at the same rateâ€"only $1.25 per copy! Club papefs' sent to difle‘rentposboflices, if degsired. As we pre-pay American postage $1.37 is the low est Club rate- for Canada. - Address LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben. tinck Post-Office, August. 1, 1860. Ardwsmith Thos., Ellison, Mrs. Brunt, Ralph -â€" Fletcher, James Brown, James F. McLaughlin, Patrick Burgess, Eiiza McKinnon, Don’d Beanstead,!S. McGee, Rebel-ft Black; Geo: McKinnon, Alex.- Collins, W. MéGfegor, Alex. 5 Connor, Edw’d MCDo’nald, Neil Camel-(mi James McDonald, James Dobsoti, James 2 ka8, J. B. Diborne‘, Thom“ Thompson, Mr. ALEX. B. 15mg; _ Collins, W. Connor, Edw’d Camerén; J amen Dobsofi, James 2 Diborne',1‘homai Dec. 2, 1859. BEING LOT 24, 16 CON, NORMANBY. Also BORSMAN BROTHERS Fall and IVinter Rural Campaignâ€"ISSQ-GO. HORSMAN BROTHERS, WAGGOIU" ms@ @533- Eggfims. Horsman Brothers, THE LEADING AND MOST POPULAR Manufactory. WWW D. D. T. MOORE, Rochester N Y. HORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironnwnge-rs, Guelph. tfâ€"55 Pod Mister. v ' é ploughs. ‘. 1 I3“ Mill Picks Made and Sharpenedfi-‘j.’ £3” Axes Jumped and Tempered. .7“ 1 fi’ Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their avantage to call on him. ‘ 1 Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. ‘ l OT No.54, 2nd CON., OLD SURVEY, BEN- tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fencht The Saugeen River runs through it, forming-1th 'excel- lent mill-site. There is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. South half of Lot 7. Garafraxa Street, Durham containing a teen, with a. comfortable house thereon. Title Indisputable. In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prices Terms Liberablegâ€"Apply (if by letter, post- paid.) to . B. B. MILLER, V West Arran, P. 0. Co. Brucd‘ or to the STANDAhb Oflicé IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work, Horse Shoeihg, WGQL W00!» for any quantity of WOOL deliVered at his resi- dence, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Road. ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62â€"ly Blacksmith and Farrier, THE. Subscriber will pay the highest in Cash, or in exchange for FLANNEL HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE Lot No. 67, 3d com, Old Survey south of Durham Road, Glenelg, containing 100 acres, 20 cleared and fenced, with an excellent dwelling heuse thereon two stories high, lathed and plas- tered inside ; also an exciellent Spring well of wa- ter, having 16 feet of water at loW-waterâ€"mark. on WOOLEN CLOTH, The avae property. is compased of excellen: land, and within 2} miles ofthé flourishing town“ of Durham. TERMS CASH‘ For particulars apply to the preprietor on the premises, or if by letter (prepaid) $0 the Bentinck P. 0. R. sco'r'r. ' TOWN AND PARK LOT FOR SALE.- NE ACRE OF LAND IN THE CENTRE OF the town of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"8 rods on Garafraxa-st., s0 rods on CheSo ter-stq and 8 rode on Queen-51.: is within a few rods of the Market Square. 'lhe lot 13 in the high- est state of Cultivation, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which have been beming for several years past. There is a. good frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, con6 taining 8 rooms, and aworksl10p 20 x 30 besides, a never-£1 11mg spring of water. The Cinidaâ€"Firc Insurance Company of Kingston. 53’ Clear Deeds will be given for the above. (%n which is an excellent Mill Site, and 'only five miles from Durham. Terms liberal Application, (if by letter, prepaid) with refer- ence to either of the above. to Containining 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a goon state of cultivation, and only §_a mile from the above. HI-S Company conduct their business on the Pronrietmrv and Mutual plan for terms ac- Authorized Capital $500,000 ii: 12,900 Shares of $40 each. Insurers paw-it'd: pate in the pro is without an. (id- bility beg/0 the amount qft ir J. Proprietary and Mutual plan for terms ac- cording to character and situatiofi of property,- of from one month to three years.- PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. Shares to the Guarantee Copital can be taken it. any number tfom one to fifty, and Instnlments of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company m Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Instalments.‘ Interest allowed from Gate of re- spective payments. V Pfesidenf Secretafy‘ Treasarer m; SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HANS, AND for SALE 3 large Supply 0f IRES” GROUND 0J1 TMEAL; Shimble for pan-alga. a favorite dish Wigh many, pspecinlly’ Scotsman fibividends of interesi and 'P'rufits in“ be made annually or semi-annually, as may be expe- dient. WAppfiatiom for Imam remind, and all necessary informatiofi given by H. H. ervEng as? The Funds of the Company to be lent to Members only,“ in sums from $20 upwards, at terms of fromOne to Six Months, (renewable) on such Personal or other‘fiecurity as may be" ap- proved by the Directors, at such rate of Interest [not exceeding one per cent. per month] and mode of repayment as may be agreed upon. ' FARR! AND TOE’VN 1.0T 213'": Wrought Iron Shares made for any kidd o‘ff Apri14, 1860. Glcnelg, 24th April, 1860. Durham, 26th April, 1960. Mount Forest; May 24, 1860; Also, 100 acres in Normanby, GEEZEAE EQBBZEQ, ics'manzsmb BY ACTS or manunmrf' FARM FOR SALE. OATMEAL. ALSO A PARK LOT, Saddler Street, Honnxo YATES, Esq , M. '0. Jam: A. Wmsox, Esq.. “M. ANGLIN, Esq, City Chaim- berlain; Jums BURLEIGH, Inspector Apply it'thefipoat binge. premium. G. J. MATTHEWS, Bentinck P. O: A. B. KoNAB. 70-tf 73-tf 77

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