Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 7 Sep 1860, p. 3

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ever forget it. Not before half-past 7 did the Prince return to his palace in the barge, which bore a beautiful silk Prince’s standard at the stern, glowing in the red light of the setting sunâ€"not until then did any of the delighted spectators leave. In the evening* there were huge bonfires which reddened all. the skies, and all the hills, and a fine illumi-l nation which lit up all the streets. There; was also a procession of the Physiocarnivah l ogicalist Society, but after the splended in- cidents of the day, they were comparatively of small effect. “ Judgment was given in the Common leas to-day against W'allace in Adamson’s case, on the ground that “'allace’s father, be- ing declared by tlae Inquisition an alien, could not make a will so as to give any title to the plaintiff. Thus this case is ended._ The judgement of the Queen’s Bench in lewitt’s case has not yet been given but will without doubt,be the same as in the Common The farmers of Woolwich, but especially Mr. Adamson, will be glad to learn that the Judges have at length set this matter at rest by giving their decision in favor of the de- fendant. It is stated that the Judges were very strong on every point against the plain- tiff; the Court having refused either to grant a new trial or to s t aside the verdict render- ed some time ago in favor of defendant. M. C. Cameron, Esq., who has managed this case with so much credit to himself, and whose conduct exhibits such a striking con- trast to the double~dealing of his agent, \V. H. Bowl‘oy, announces to the lastnamed per- son the result of the decision of the Judges, and the grounds upon which they rest it.â€" Mr Cameron says :â€" Pleas.” Now that this action is over, it is to be hoped that some steps will be taken to re- lieve Messrs. Atlamson and Hewntt of at least a share of the costs attending their defence, especially as we may say nearly the whole of Woolwu-h was interested in the result.â€" Berh’n Telegraph. The September number of this old and well-known agricultural paper is received.- 'We notice that the publisher offers to send the papers for the three remaining: months of of this year free to all who subscribe now for the next year’s volume. The Farmer is one of the best agricultural papers published. and is decidedly the cheapest. Only halfa dollar a year! By enclosing seventeen three cent stamps in a letter to JOSEPH HARRIS, Roches- ter, N.Y., you will get the remaining num- beret ofthis year and the entire vo‘ume for 1861. This is a rare chance. Fifteen months reading for fifty cents! th0 need be with- out an agricultural and horticulturaljournal? A New York druggist informs us that the consumption of opium in the United States i- larger than in any country in the workhexcept in China. A hrge eportion’of this is sold in the form of Iaudanum. ' There is no one poison in habitual nee, which is worse than Opium. Tobacco. as commonly used. may be more disgusting ;‘ ardent Spirits gzvc mare scale. dd, and cause more outrages. but opium is the most sconc- tive, dcmomllizing, and do di) of .3") .9.“ Pp! hasheesh, which has not come imo common use. The legislature. of New York passed an act at its iast sessmn. requiring that even“ drug- gist sailing Opium. and (attain other poisons, should register the name and resident e ofthe purchaser, and label the artivie pmson, under a fine of fifty dollars. Is it like-1y that such a law will be obeyed, whf-nopinm is be! ight reâ€" gumriy v) timu ands of pa rsons, just as: 6} buy brandy or tnbaccoâ€"bongi it also 1)) thous- ax‘ds \\ in) wmmi not be sevn drink int;r a glass of spirits, while the) are in the habit of tak- ing a more destructive poison. Arrangements are being made for fi-rhts lien 1ween Johnny Roach, of this city and Jchnri} Glade of Boston, and between Hart) Lazarus and Jammy Pagan of St. Louis. A balloonist states that he has made the following discovery :â€" “I take a bar of brass Whit‘ h, when it was weighed on the. emth 3 surface, actually weighed 15 pounds, ihen I ascend up to three miles in the atmo<phere and weigh the brass bar, it actually weighs, b) a spring bal- ance, only seven and a half pounds. Five miles up it only weighs three pounds and a quarter. What is the cause of this? The want of atmospheric pressure on it, aml the sun ’3 attraction, which becomes more appar- ent the nearer we approach his orbit. HE FIRST' ANNUAL. MEETING OFTHE CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION will be held at Humiiton in the La cal Lommittee Room of the Provincial Exhibition, at 8 o’cloCk P. 31., on WEB- ES‘DIY, SEPT’R. 19, 1860. CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIA'I ION. Members of the Press ,throughout Upper Cana- da. are respectfully requested to attend. . W “GILLESPY- BY A YOUNG MAN 21 YEARS OF AGE, having some eXpenence in the business, as assistant in 3 Grocery or Dry Good store,. The most respectat 1e references gix en. Address, JOHN WHY'I E THOMAS SELLAR, Secretuy. Hamilton, Aug. 16, 1860. Flour per bbl ..... '. AVREa t, per bflsh" Oats, " . . Butter, pe’r 1b. . . . 3 Eggs, per doz. . a . . September 4, 1860. Flour ........... . . .84 50 to $6 00 Fall wheat per bush ..... $1 .10‘.‘ $1 20 Spring *‘ “ “ . . . . l 05. “ $1 08 Barley “ “ “ O 6.5“ 0 67 Oats “ “ “ O31“ O33 The Wallace Land Claim. Bentinck, Aug. 30, 1860. ’3 SITUATION WA NTED The Gencsec Farmer. TORONTO MARKETS. DURHAM MARKETS. Opiana-Eaiing. TORONTO, 27th August, 1860. NEW YORK, August 29. DURHAM, Sept. 4, 1860 '° *9: ' $3.50 $9. $440.0 Alla 11 Park, P.’ 0. 91-4 .- ijres‘iflemt. 0.10 0.06 0'.‘ {l It 0.08 l HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE l the following valuable property, viz: Lot 1 No. 1, 2nd con, Egremont, containing 100 acres, ! 40 of which are cleared, and a comfortable dwelling house thereon. There is also an excel- flent saw-mill on the above farm, with 135 feet ‘ head’ of water on a never-failing stream, andis only four miles from the rising town- of Durham. IKENESSF S TAKEN IN A FEW’ SE- coxps, at‘ne xmbrotypo. and Photographic Gallery, Btu-ham. (Opposite Mr. Hunter’ 5 Hotel. (ff-This galler) contains 300 {Btt of glass in roof and Sides, which enable LIKENESSES to be taken in dark wea her. equally as \\ ell as in sunlight. Gallery Open fl om 10 till Dusk. Likenesses from 25 cents to $10, acâ€" cording to size, and mounting, and cases (ff? Taken al>o on thin melalic plates, f0 transmission in letters, by post. Nolikeness given out unless approved of. Copies of Pictures taken. Durham. C0. Grey, ; ' Juxy, em, 1850. 86 I Of the said company are now open and ready for signature at the offi c of the unuersigned, and th it the first call will be required to be mun in, on or before t1: e 13! of October next; JOSHUA WOODLAND, Secretary and Treasurer. JOINT STOCK COMPANY’S THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE DURHAM Lecture Room Company Are hereby notified that the A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. To , AARON VOLLETT. Egremout, 20.11 Aug, 1860. 90-tf . .EIN’G LOT No.48, 230 CON, GLENELG. South of Durham Road, containing fifty acres of excellent land, 12 of which are cleared and fenced, and is only half a mile from the Dur- ham and Collingwood Gra-velkoad. .Tmus LIBERAL. Applications, if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, Dentinck, 1’. 0. EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, . in the town of Durham, containing ON E ACRE, with a dwelling house thereon. The site is eligible and commanding, and will be sold on moderate terms. . Apply, if by letter [[ ostpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, Land Agent, Bentinck, P. O. V. F( “6» "EM mm .P «r fig 0 8 LOKVEST P1 ICES, ARGEST STOCK I I THE OLD STAN D. SASI’L 1a. LEG ATE. f ‘HE SUBSCR~ BER OFFERS FOR SALE Lot 52, 2111! con. ., Gleuelg, containmg 100 acres, 28 ct which are cleaned, fenced, and under cultivation; uith a good locr bani thereon, and situated only 2} miles from the rising toxn of Durham. lhere is also an excellent spring of water on the above. TERMS 'RE \SONABLE. For fart-her particulars applt?x if bx letter (prc- paid) to the SHNDMD 0 ea, or In the subscriber, at [La Be: niack Post Office. THOMAS COLLIER. CAN ADA- WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF TORONTO, C. W C £PITAL - - - $400, 000. I\CORPORATED,1851.- ' FARM AND SAW MILL ‘POR SALE. S TU CIC B 0 011's The above highly respectable Company is strict- ly a Provincial Institution, the Capital Stock be- ing held by’p'anies resident m the Province. President: ISAAC C. GIL\IOR,_E§Q. Rice Lewis, Esq” James Beaty, E__5q., T. P. RObalv't'S, £3.92, ' “falter Mcfarlahe IE" M. Rosin, Esq., .. .. ‘ ."1 " bq Secretery Treas.. .BERNARD HAiDA’N, Esq Inspcf'tor, . . .- ...... ‘-.~BENJAMIN Swnznn, “ Sol-2011073., . . . . . ; . . .ANGUS MORRISON, “ Bankers,. . . . . . . . . . .BAKK or UPPER CANAfiA. Durham,” .3 Aug, 1860. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their contents, on favorable terms, and at rates of Premium as low us the nature of the risk propos- ed will possibly admit of, consistent with safety. Policies issued for such short periods as may be desired, insuring Buildings, also Merchandize, Graig, and other produce contained therein. ' May 9th 1860. ' E’Afi Claims prumptly Settled on satisfac. tory proof of Loss. :5; ‘ Bentinok, 28th May 1860. Forms of Application and full information to be had on applying to H. H. STOVEL, Agent at Mount Forest. "' 1.6 T0“’N LQDES FOR SALE Glene1g, J'une,;15, 1860. VALUABLE FARM TERMS REASONABLE. FAR RE F03 SALE. NOTICEQ . LIKENESSES. A ND THE T H E THE Thomas Haworth, Esq.. Wm. Henderson, Esq., Walter Mcfgrlane, Esq Vice-President : GEO. Mlcmn, .ESQ. 74â€"6m. 83-13 tfâ€"- 78 90 SOâ€"tf THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, SEPTEMBER 7, 1860. E ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. 4:313:13 momEgg of AXES, which they will sell by the Box as fol‘ows:â€"â€" Date 3, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or b) the single Axe, 87§cents. HORSM \N BROTHERS can lecommcnd these Axes as the bhst to be bad Holt 8; 00’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box ofl dozen, or b} the single Axe 75qents, Immediately on the Opening of Navigation llorsmau Brothers will receice an immense addiâ€" tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they Will sell very cheap, as usual. llORSMAN BROTHERS, GR VBL ROADS. HORSE FOR SALE J. "piixn‘e baurrain an excellent horse, six years old, stand 16% hands high, and is an excellent draught horse in either single or double harness 3 free 110111 blenisl1,and 111 good condition. ARCH. McLE AN. Lot 25, 17 con. Normanby,Bent1nck, P.O. Just receiving and for Sale by the Subse1iber, 1t his Stme i11OD111ham, at very reduced prices, an assortment of POTASH KETTLES, Do. ' Coolers. PABEQE {@5153 ’Sg‘igvasa FLUTED BOX STOVES Normanby, 28th March, 1860. FRESH ARRIVALS. SPLENDID OPENING FOR A * BREWERY, ‘ Distillery or Tan my. SPLEN DID SPRING, Brewery, Distillery 0r For either or all of which there cannot be a better opening. PARK LOT N o. S, (Hunter’s Survey.) Durham, 30th Aug. 1859. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE BY T0 CHOPPERS. OOKIN G ST'QVES‘, (IMPROVED m T’I'ERJ.) JOHN MILLER. hn-lmm 30th Ann: 1850. 39â€"tf IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. SALE the following Property, viz; B’fi 3AM? $83.37, Beg to inform their friends and the public in general, that they‘are new clearing; out at I §WMMEB gTOG \Vhich fur quality and prices can- - not be surpassed, if equalled. ~ F. BE. W. (30., especially invite a trial of their @Egg which were Lozwht before the late advance, and “ill be i0i111d to he the cheapest in the 111arlget at the p1ese11t time. N, B. â€"â€"â€"A first rate TEA at 50 Cents ; 1361 lb. ' ' RRRRRRR RRRRRRR RRRRRR WNW?!» m . 5'. ‘ I ', -' - '3. ' t ,- e. N I ‘ ' we me We (39 have also on hand large and well selected STOCK - of ' Well suited for F. M. WILLSON 00., Ironmongers, Guelph. The remaimder of their (LATE HASTIE WILLSCN) 69 -tf AND Containing 3 A ci'es, With it never failing Spring ' AVD Tom“ Gitlwr Building Lots,- Quarter Acre Each. ALSO ' 200 ACRES OF LAND Township of. Glenelg. - Application, with reference to any of the’abo’ve Properties, (if by letter, postâ€"paid.) 9.0 the subâ€" scriber,'will receive prompt attention. HE CANADA' POWDER “COMPANY. homby give notice that HORSMflN BROTHERS, Imnmngcrs, Guelph, C. W will from this ‘da te supply Country Storekeepers, and othms \\ 1th POWDER, of all brands, made by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills, there- 113 311V ing the 11111c‘1aae1 the expepse of tranSport- {111011 to Guelph. T‘w. following is a list. of. our brands, 3,11 of which can be liad in any quant ty at HQRSNANT BROTHFRS, _ . -. Kegs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 251bs. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. - Kegs “ ‘ FF 26s 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 911 ~ ~ Canister FF 12s 6d per doz 5113.203 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 13s 9d per doz. in glbs. 218 3d per - doz; libs. . - “ Duck Shooting 163 3d. per doz. in g lbs. ~ . 268 3d per doz.11bs. “ Patridge 168 3d per doz. in iibs. 268 3d per doz. in llbs , ' “' Canadian Rifle 163 3d per doz.- in} lbs ‘ 263 3d per doz. in libs. ., .“ Diamond Grain 218 3d per doz. in §le “ ~3‘63 3d per 1102. in libs. '7 “ 2 Kelly {ifie 233 9d per do_z. in _g"-31bs. .‘, 423 6d per doz. in llbs‘. ~~ NE‘V GOODS ARRIVEIL 1000 Tons of Black : Salts, 100,000 Bushels Raw :18th 1 Delivered at his Pearl Works, Glenelg. Fall, Rocky Saugeen, " 271 miles from Ow en Sound 7 do. Durham, 3 do. from D. Donohue’s new Stand Guid- fraxa Road, - ,; .1 1L, 5 do. Durham Road, and , ’ .. .1” 1‘ miles from S. B. Chafljey’s Mills. , His teams willc (rather ashes within a. circuit pf sev en miles. In returnmg timfiks t3 the inhabitants for the‘i‘r pa tronage, would respectf111‘: y intimale: that he ii“. tends to chep eonstantly 011 haiida go’o'd'Siipply 9 nlso good assortment .of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber,lat.his Saw Mill. Sfiwinfz done to order, or cut. by thé thousand; ‘He isfdetet- mined that nothing shall. be .yvn‘nting on; his part to merit n continuance of their favor. . . ' . HERBERT '. ROWS-WELL. DRY GOO3S TEA, _ HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SHOEWAm Durham, Feb. .3, 1859 The Subsc1iber will pay the highest price i CASH, for , 50â€"1yâ€"69â€"75â€"86. tf. GLFNELG FALLS MILL, PEARL WORKS, Jan. 23, 1860, GUN'PO‘VDER, 1- " CASH. CASH. T. And Cash or: Méréhéhdise RDADY-MADE ’pLOTHING, Ii'o'rgn‘mnger's, ‘Quélfih. JOHN MILLER. 10 would draw attention to the fact, that a further lreduction in_ the priée» of Hardware Will take 1 place immediately, as the following list of a. few articles sold by them will show: -â€" Cutnuils 1n quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. and upwardsâ€"- are now doing one of the lar est Hardware trades ‘in ‘Canada, Whicfi"“i’s rapi y inbreasingâ€"thcy attrinnte their astonishing success in business, to their hafing brought down _t_he prices of Hardware-in ”Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, 39 low, if not. loWer, than can be. had in any town in Canada. and will continue to recelve supplies during the winter months,-frorn the British and Continental markets, by Vessels ' ‘dis‘chafging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph; I IAYE just received large additions to their Stock of Hardware per box, And other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. ' Shot,‘10 cents per 1b. Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per lb. Barn Door’Hinges’, 4'd p’er 1b.. ‘ Baint_0il, (raw) $1 per gallon. . Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per gallon. ‘ First quality White Lead,15s per 1b. Best Refined I1on,17s 6d per 1001bs., and all other goods eqally cheap. . To give a. list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS Would fill a. ne11spaper, suffice it to say, that anything requi1ed can be pmehased ofthem and their prices 11 arranted to give sa tlbfd ct1on 4 cents per 1b. Wrought nails, 10 cénfs per 11). Axes (warranted) $1 eacli. ‘- " -. Glass 7:4 9 and 8 >410,11s 3d per box. Glass 10 x 12,123 per qu, 10 :4 14, _123 6d 42 acres 011 um Durham Road, 100 ACRES OF LAND ,FOR-SALE.. q . - HORSMAN ‘_ BROTHERS, S LFIG H A-Ngb...f P LO U G H “- â€".;a' T’" ‘- “-- .! “.V "7-; Amcultqral, Literary Family Weekly HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUVC‘ES TO THE " inhabitanfis of Durham ahd‘ surrounding count1‘.y,that he 13 p1cp_a_red to furnish a11v of the above articles on short notice, a11d of s11ge1ior ~w orkm‘anship and qua lity, as fibtbing except the best quality of timber will~ be used. .- -'. - TEE RUEAL NEW-YORKER,_110W near the Close 0: its Tenth Y (1111 and Volume, is universally known in the East and West, North and South, as the Standard in its Sphere of Jourrialismâ€"being pro: nounced far THE EE31*, 'as it is the Largest Circu- 1ated,AGI§1CELrU11An, Honnosmomn, LITER mY rand FMHLY \‘E11 ST’APER of the Age. Having out- stripped ell competitors iil Merit and Circu1=1tion; it is the acknowledged” CHflMPION 01* THE RURflL PRESS! THE RI'II'!AL' is not only a favorite' with the Partner, the Horticulturist, and the HOusc11'1fe, but sought and read by the Educator, the Man of Science, the M13ra1ist,and 111 members of the“ Family Ci'1:c1e,' in both; Towin 11nd 70011111231; In Value and Variety of Contents, and neamess of iflppearanbe it excels 'all imitators and rivals; ahd as it has 1n the past, 111]] more than ever in the future maintain its position as THE Mo’del Rural and Family Hews- Mppxe’sfiural NieWIr'Yorker Dec. 2, 1859. HORSMAN BROTHERS BEING. LOT 24,5416 CON, NQRMJfiNBY. ‘ ,‘ .' .Also , ‘ ‘-’~v ‘â€" ‘ "TERMSâ€"IN AMA-NC Ezâ€"JITWO Dollaré 'a "year; ETlu-ée: iCQpiéS’ f9: $55. Sixifor $16 ;‘ Tea for $15 '; Fiftegnfor $2.! ; Twenty for $5255 49d any gljeater mizhbeffat theéame' rate-iébifly $1.25 1391* "copy ,1. GlnbpafiérZS spat {cg diflgrggtpostâ€"ofiioes', ifwdesired. 'As We pie-pa Americag postage $1.3? is the low est‘UliiH filth or Quad»): 1 ~‘ ' ‘ -"Addre-Ss¥’ , . " a ' ' paper. A NEW degn'rmp: commenced with. Camber,â€" and hence NOW IS a Good Time to sdbseijibe for either a’..- year, or {face months? on ti'ial ' .; ' » THE ELEVENTH VOLUME, for 1860, (commepcing with Januarv) will FULLY EQUAL the present in all respects» ‘qua‘lifiy of Matter, Paper, Printing, Illqstraâ€"tiqns, '_c. x._-/.-- a ’ '1“. Jim . Apr}! 84, £860. RUIuL, whichjs the leading advocate and Dro- mofer of Real ‘Progress. and Imgrov ement”â€"â€" ‘ ' which 1g'nores trash and humbug, and ever faith- fully seeks toadvanc-e the Best interests of Ir di- viduals, Families, Communities arid the Country; ' ' TORfiI,_: STYLE .dND TERMS; ‘ A's the long, evenings and leisure Of Winter are! coming on apgce, ev_ery one snould sécfire THE THE RURAL NEW-YélzKER is published:Weckly, each number comprising EIGHT Ddu'BLii QUARTO. 84698.. a :An :Igéem'l‘i. e Page; 3%; min at the. 61936‘ of eaQ11_Vplume. _.__ __ i '~ 'â€"â€"â€" .IST of unelnimed ‘Letters remaining in Ben- -* tiimk Pest wee, Angustl,1.860 -‘L . lFA1-ow111111_1§tla3-Thos. ..-, . ..- .Enig'ml, Mm . Bran}; Ralph“ ___F1etghe1:, James 1Biown”; JameS‘F? hféLafig‘hlin, Bntrick Burgess, Eliza. _. McKinnOL, Don’d ,1 BeanSteaH,‘ S. . . McGee, Robert Black, Geo. ~ L: - McKinncn, Alex. Collins W _ ‘ _ McGregor, Alex. Gannoi',Ed1iv’d _. McDonald, Neil Cahieron, JameS” 3- McDonald, James Dobson, James 2 Stoks, J. B. Diborne, Thomas’ Thompson, Mr. ALEX. B. {RNA}; _ ’ ”gigging? .fi-nfl._. “ '1: WA "GE-0M9 Fall unit‘- Mater Rufalg campaign-3- 1859.760. Ebrsman Brothers, 14 improved with house than}, $20.: Apply to , WILLIAM ASHDOWN, . ' Sorékeeper, . -. - . '7, .- . IIANOVE‘I'. l 84! 1’860. . ' . 1 _. _ . :r ‘, ‘ ‘. tff‘.‘ 73 ~ V 1mm ‘gEnDiika up MOST Forum, Mam! factory; mi); TuMOhREE Rodimm 7: g . - . . z k HORSMAN BROTHERS, Iromrmngeafs, Guelph. tfâ€"55 .4 32:3? @2385 Blacksmith and Farrier,- ' Saddler Street, 53° Wrought Iron Shares made for any kind of ploughs. 213’ Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. iii? Axes Jumped and Tempered. it? Any pelson in need of a Farrier will find it to their avantage to call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. l Is' PREPARED TO DO Hill Work, Horse Shoéing, for any quantity or WOOL delivered at his resi- dence four miles W est of Durham, on the Durham Road. . - ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62-15? In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prices THE Subscriber will pay the highast in Cash,- ' or in exchange for FLANNEL OR WOOLEN CLOTH, OT No. 54, 2nd CON“ OLD SURVEY, BEN- tinck one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land twenty of \\ hich are cleared and fenced. The Saugeen Rix er runs throu h it, forming an excel- lent. mill-site. " There 13 a so considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be g1ven. Terms Liberable â€"-:Apply (if by letter, poste- iiai'd.) to B. B. MILLER West Arran, P. 0. Co. Bruce. or to the. STANDARD Office South half of Lot 7 Garafraxa Street, Durham containing a 9; acre, with a comfortable houso thercnn. Title Indisputable. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE Lot No. 67, 3d eon, Old Survey south of Durham Road, Glenelg, containing 100 acres, 20. cleared and fenced, with an excellent dwelling house thereon tn 0 stories high, lathed and plas- tered inside; also an excellent spring well of wa- terr 1131 mg 16 feet of water at low-water-mark. rThe above l‘lOpCI‘tj’ is composed of excellent 3kind, and withinz 1‘miles of the flOurishing town of Durham TERMS C A.SH -’ . ' For particulars apply to the proprietor on the, premises, or if by letter (prepaid) to the Bentinck TOWN AND PARK LOT“ NE ACRE OF L AND IN THE CENTRE OF the town of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"6 rods on G arafrz -1xa-st., sO rods on Ches- 'te1â€"st., and 8 rlods on Queen-st. , is n ithin a few rods of the Mmket Sq11a1e.'ihe lot 13 in the high- est state of cultivation and is planted with a. large number of choice fruit trees, which have been bc:11ingor sex e131 was past. There is a. geod frame dwell 1110' house thereon, 24 x 32 con- ,taining 8 1001113, 11 nd av. orkshop 20 x 30, besides, ;a never~failing Spr'ing of water. "Authorized Capital ‘ $500,000 in " 12,000 ‘4 Shares of $40 each,‘ ”Insurers‘ partiti- __. pate in the-pfifits without any tip- ”. ‘ ‘bility beg/o ‘theoamountqfthreir' ._ | -- ‘pmmwm. "‘ i u . < ' Also, 100 acres i111‘Normanby,~ {13” Clear Deeds will bé‘gi=veh for the above; Un which'is an excelled Mill Site, and only five miles from Durham. Terms liberal Applitation, (if by letter, prepaid) with refer- Nice to either of the above, to Contain 111mg 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a. goon state of cultivation, and only g a. mile from the above. >â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"- ___â€"__._. The Canada Fire Insurance Company of Kingston. PARKE APSE} TOWVN LOT Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken in anynumber from one to fifty, and Instalments of $2 per Share can be paid to aughorized Agents 10f ’thé Ccnnpan y in -Weékly, Monthly, 0: Quarterly Iziggalmeqts. Interest allowed from- .datenf re- spective paxments. . ,President‘ Secretary ’ Treasurer ’ HIS Company conduct. their business on the Preprietary and fiIutua 1 [Ian for terms ac- cording to cha ractcr and situation of propert y, vof from one month to three years. PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. April 4, 1860. K’s’Thé Funds of the Company to no lent to Members only, in sums from $20 upwards, at terms of from One to Six Months (renewablej on s’uch Personal Or other Security as may be ap- proved by me Dixectors, at such rate of Interest [not exceeding one percent. per month] and mode of repayment as may be 'agreed upon.” . 1?;Iliiridends of lnterést mid Profits will he made annually 9r semi-annually, as may be qxpe- a cut. {G’Applications for Insurance receivéd, 9.11% a!) necessary information given by- H. H. STOYEL,'_ THE SUBSCRIBER; HAS ON HAND, A for SALE a‘large sapply of' FRES . GROUND Ofl 'l‘fvbflL. Suitable foi- porridge,“ avontc dish thh many, especially ScotSInen APPIy at the Post Oflioe. A. B. MC." V" at Glenelgz 24‘ h ADI-,il 186 0. Durham,’ 26th April, 1960. 3.19am. Eonest, May 24, .Fflm @JECBZJEd F ARM FOR SALE. ESTABLISHLD BY ACTS or Punwxr- ALSO A PARK LOT, Bonnie Xuns,-E_sq,, M. D. JOHN A. “1150):, Esq. WM. AMLIN, Esq, . City Charm bcrlain; . J A3128 Emmett, Inspector -â€"ALSO,â€"â€" AND EQEBIEE, G. J. MATTHEWS, Bentinck P. .0. R. SCOTT. ‘ ' 704w 73-tf

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