Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 31 Aug 1860, p. 3

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Letany one, while sitting down, place the} left leg over the knee of the right one, and permit it to hang freely, abandoning all mus- cular control over it. Speedily it may be ob- served to sway forward and back through a limited space at regular intervals. Counting the number of these motions for any given time, they will be found to agree exactly with the beatings-pf the pulse. Every one knows that, at a fire, when the water from the en- gine’ is forced through bent hose, the tendency is to straighten the hose ;and if the bend be a sharp one, considerable force is necessary to overcome the tendency. Just so it is in the case of the human body. The arteries are buta system of hose through which the blood is forced by the heart. “’hen the leg is bent, all the arteries within it are bent too, and every time the heart contracts, the blood rushing through the arteries tendsto straight en them; and it is the effort which produces the motion of the leg alluded to. Without such ocular demonstration, it is dificult to conceive the power exerted by that exquisite mechanism, the normol pulsations of which are never perceived by him whose very life they are.â€"â€"Jos. IV. Sprague. ' The Toronto Colonist publishes the follow- ing estimate, which comes very near the probable cost of carryinrron a d: 1in office. al- though the pr. ce of labor is a little above the mark m some localities :â€"F.ditors and Sub editors. £20 per week ; three Reporters, £10 ; London and other correspondence and oc- casional reports, £3 , cler‘ks £2; publisher and assistant publisher, and riews carriers £7; composition and presswork and general expenses. £100; in all £113 per week, or abort £7,500 per )ear. The whole of this amount has to be reimbursed by the chnrzes for advertisement. The cost of paper. which about canals the subscription price, varies from £5,500 to £7,500 per vear according to circulation. Uudvr the credit system. which has only latelv been resisted in Canada, all this outlay had to be incurred before am; im« portant rvtnrn could be even looked for. Credit is still given {or :sdvvrtisvmc'nts. The Lon- don publishers n'iro no (‘ rm. ',it eitlu r tr. r sub- in riptions or advertisements ; cotiscqzz out: \ a Paih jonrrmi is as formitlal le an Lmlort al- 11.}! in Toronto as. in Eyeglzuul, if not more so. gays :-â€" Last Mondat'. they arrived in this city on the steamer Lebanon a man and wo- man, who represented themselves to be a man and wife. 0n the arrival of the boat. the. couple started up town. the husband di- recting that their baggage .«honid be sent to tho Southgate House. “'lmn the twain reached the intersection of \Valnnt and See‘ and streets, the husband concluded that the)" had better put up at W'almzt street House, and leaving his wife on the corm r.he hurried back to the boat to countermand the order upon the baggage, but neglected to return. The poor woman 'aited for him a long time, and then, burst into tears. told her story to a merchant in the vicinity, who conducted her to the Henrie House and at once advised her friends of her desertion. he says they had been married two weeks. and were on their way to visit some friends in Kentucky. Before leav- ing his newly-made bride, the rascal obtain- ed possession of hengold watch and $140 of her money, all she possessed. \Ve purpose:- ly suppress names. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. â€"On the l3th inst, as M1. DmneHy and Mr. VVHIdham Ball, of Euphrasia. “ere fis‘finjr from a canoe 011 Beaver River, the canoe capuized, and “e are sorry to say that Mr. P-ull “as drown e? The other yountr man managed to swim to the shore -â€"0. S. Tunes. On the 17th inst, the wife of Rev. A. R. Camp- bell, Attemesia, of a son. Cost of a Daily Newspaper in Canada. CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. HE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION will be held at Hamilton, in the Le' cal Committee Room of the Provincial Exhibition, at 8 o’clock WEDIESDAY, SEPT’R. 19, 188%). The Provincial Exhibition. The Cincinnati Enquirer of the 11111 inst Members of the Press throughout Upper Cam- [13 an: respecttully requested to mtt-nd. W GILLESPY. THOMAS SELLAR, Secret try. Hamilton, Aug. 16, 1860. Flour per bbl ........ \tha t, pe‘lf bysh ..... The Power ofthe Heart. Oats, “ ‘b . . But'9r, per 1b. . . . . Eggs, per «102. . . . . Flour .................. $4 50 to $6 00 Fall wheat per bush.. ..SI 10 “ $[ 20 Spring “ “ . . . . l 05 “ $1 08 Barley “ “ “ . . . . 0 65 “ 0 67 Oats “ “ “ . . . . O 31 “ O 33 A “our" 953 ‘3") match. TORONTO MARKETS. DURIIA H MARKETS. BIRTHL DURHAM, August 30, 1860 .. ..... . . .3350 to $4.00 August 98, 1860. . . .S4 5010 $6 00 . . .3110 “ $120 0.25 0.10 0.06 President. fl (t l‘ 0.30 0.12 0.08 HE SVBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following valuable prOpert), viz: Lot No. 1, 2nd con. Egremont, containing 100 acres, 40 of which are cleared, and a comfortable dwelling house thereon. There is also an xcel- lent saw-mill on the above farm, with 13; feet ‘ head’ of water on a never-failing stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durham. A CLEAJ! DEED GIVEN; For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. T0 - A-A‘- -wn-""â€"m JOINT STOCK COMPANY’S THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE DURHAM Lecture Room Company Are hereby notified that the Of the said company are now open and ready for signature at. the offiz-e of the undersigned, and that the first call will be required to be PAID in, on or before the let of October next. . JOSHUA WOODLAND, Secretary and Treasurer. Amhrotype and Thatographic Gallery, B an’ham. (Opposite Mr. Hunter’s Hotel. . . fifiPThis gallery contains 300 feet of glass in roof and Sltlt'S, which enable LIKENESSES to be taken in dark wea‘her. equally as well as in sunlight. Gazlery Open from 10 till Dusk. Likenesses from '25 cents to $10, ac- cording to size, and mounting, and cases (if? Taken also on thin metalic plates, f0 transmission in letters, by post. No likeness given out unless approved of. COpies of Pictures taken. ' ' l Durham. C0. Grey, July, 20th, 1850. l 86 -EI.\'G LOT No. 28, 2x1) CON, GLENELG; South of Durham Road, containing fifty acres of excellent land, 12 of which are cleared and fenced, and is only halfa mile from the Dur- ham and Collingwood Gravel Road. TERMS LIBERAL. Applications, if by letter [post paid] to GEORGE TUCKER, Bcntinck, I’. O. )EING Nos. 21 AND 22, QUEEN STREET, 3 in the town of Durham, containing ONE ACRE, with a dwelling house thereon. The site is eligible and commanding, and Will be sold on moderate terms. Apply, if by letter [r ostpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, Land Agent, Bentinck, P. 0. FARM AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. S ’ ’0 CK B 0 0K S LG‘WEST PRICES, tilâ€"B QLD STAND. SA.»I’L E. LEGATE. I’l‘HE SUBSCRBER OFFERS FOR SALE % ’ "I‘ J% W 1'] ‘~-./~_/~.‘/ I v ‘ a 1 Lot 52, 2nd corn, Glenelg containing 100 acres, ‘28 of which are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation; with a good log barn thereon, and situated only ‘2}: miles from the rising tom of Durham. There is also an excellent spring of water on the above. TERMS REASONABLE. For further particulars apply, if by letter (pie-paid) to the STANDALD Otiice, or to the subscriber, at the Beutinck Post Office. THOMAS COLLIER. Durham, 23 Aug, 1860. OF TORONTO, C. W CAPITiL - - - $400, 000. INCORPORATED, 1851. TGfiVN LOTS FOR SALE CANADA WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, Bentinck, 28th May 1860. The above highly rcsPectable Company is strict- IV a Provincial Institution the(‘ apital Stock be- ing held b3. parties resident 1n the Province. May 9th 1960. Rice Lewis, Esq., Thomas Haworth, Esq; James Beat}; Esq., Wm. Henderson, Esq., T. P. Robarts, Esq., ' Walter Mcfarlane, Esq M. Rosin, Esq., Secretary (8' Treas.. .BERNARD IIALDAN‘, Esq Inspector, .......... BENJAMIN Swn‘zsa, “ Solicitor, .......... -.ANGUS MORRISON, “ Bankers, ........... BANK or UPPER- CANADA. President .- ISAAC C. Gmwafisq. IKENESSES TAKEN IN A FE‘V SE- ‘t coxns, at the ssnmnces effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their contents, on favorable terms, and at rates of Premium as low as the nature of the risk propos- ed will possibly admit of, consistent with safety. 1 ___L _.-__-J_ -.. n-.. ‘1“ UV-.. 1- '___ Policies issued for such short periods as may be desired, insuring Buildings, also Merchandize, Grain, and other produce contained therein. ul‘.[|‘, “U\l VI/uwt rnvâ€"v- flfa’ All Claims pr mptly Settlcd on satisfac- tory proof of Loss. 65;} Fofims of Application and full information to be had on applying to H..H STOVEL, Agent at Mount Forest. 1.6 Durham, 51h Juiv, 1860. Glenelg, June, 15, 1860. VALUABLE‘. FARM TERMS REASONABLE. MQTICEQ TAR 3i fi‘éBRS SALE. LEKENBSSES. T H E 8131 STOCK I I THE Vice-President : ”'" GEO. MICHIE, ESQ. 74-6nl. tfâ€" 78 83â€"13 90 SOâ€"tf THE'DURHAM STANDARD,â€"DURHAM, AUGUST. 24, 1860 of AXES, which they “ill sell by the Box as fol’uws :- E ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just receix ed. 400 ROLES-(Egg Date’ s,°all polished, 9 Dollals per Box of 1 dozen, or b} the sinrrle Axe, 87% cents. IIORSMAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt 00’s A xes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe 75cents. Immediately on the Opening of Navigation llorsman Brothers will receice an immense addi- tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they will sell very cheap, as usual. IA“[’"“ A \Y l31‘AmI'hnl‘ GR VBL ROADS. HORSE FOR SALE. .1. private bargain an excellent horse, six years old, stand 16% hands high, and is an excellent draught horse in either single or double harness; free from blenisli, and in good condition. ARCH. McLEAN. Lot 25, 17 con. Normgnbyfientmck, P.O. Normanby, 28th March, 1860. Just receiving and for Sale by the Subscriber, at his Store in Durham, at very reduced prices, an assortment of POTASH KETTLES, FRESH ARRIVALS. Do. Coolers. EQELQE @3133 SEQ/3233 FLUTED BOX STOVES COOKING STOVES, (IMPRO VED m TTERN.) JOHN MILLER. Durham. 30th Aug. 1859. 39â€"tf SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BREWBRY,’ Distillery 0r ' '(mm; y. H E thl Park Lot No.8, (Hunter’s Survey,) Contazmng Th1 ee Acres, wzth a SPLENDID SPRING, For either or all of which there cannot be 9. better Opening. . Brewery, Distillery or Durham, 30th Aug. 1859. TO CHOPPERS. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE BY IE. SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: Beg to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are now clearing out at ‘Vhieh for quality and prices can-5 not be smpassed, if equalled. A F. M. W. (30., especially invite a t1ial of thei1 533?,313 which we1e beuoht befme the late advanfié. and will be [0111111 to he the cheapest in the market at the present time. N, B.â€"â€"A first rate TEA at 50 cents per 1b. ERR-993%”?! REMQD PRMEESS, PARK LOT No. S, (Hunter’s Survey) ' Wamawg 3 9 W] K13} figs? have also on hand lame and well selected STOCK of ' 11012331sz BROTHERS, F. M. WILLSON “8: 00., Well suited for I'ronmongers, Guelph. The remaimder of their (LATE HASTIE 82: WILLSCN) AND 69-tf 1200 ACRES OF LAND Containing 3 Acrcsywith a never failing Spring AND Four (Ether Building Lots, To“ nshfip of Glenelg. Application, with 1eference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, postâ€"paid.) 10' the Sub- scriber, will receive pmmpt attention. HE CANADA POWDER COMPANY hereby .givc notice that HORSMflN BROTHEgS, Iioguponqcrs, Guelph, C. 117., will, from this d: 1te supply Countrv Storekeepers, and otheis with 1’0“ DE R, of all brands, made by us, at the sarfi'e prices charged at our Mills, there- by smi1.g the p111 ehacer the expense of transport- ation t0 Guelph. The followino is a list of our brands, all of which can be had 111 any quant ty, at 1101 s_.\1 AN BROTHERS,_ Regs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 251133. Hogs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. Kegs “ FF 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ Canister FF 123 6d per doz glbs. 20$ pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 13s 9d per doz. in 1lbs. 213 3d per doz. llbs. “ Duck Shooting 16s 3d per doz. in 1 lbs. 268 3d per doz. llbs. “ Patridge 163 3d per doz. in §ibs. 26s 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Canadian Rifle 163 3d per doz. in} lbs, 263 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Diamond Grain 213 3d per doz. in glbs. 363 3d per doz. in llbs.. “ Kelly Rifle 23s 9d per doz. in abs.â€" 423 6d per doz. in llbs. NE‘V G ("DDS ARRIVED. 1000 Tons of Black Salts, 100,090 Bushels Raw Ashes, Delivered at his Pearl Works, Glenelg Fall, Rocky Saugeen, 27% miles from Owen Sound, 7 do. Durham, . 3 do. from D. Donohue’s new Stand, Gam- fraxa Road, 5 do. Durham Road, and . 1-; miles from S. B. Chafl‘ey’s Mills. Histeams will gather ashes Within a. circuit .of seven miles. ' ‘ Durham, Feb. 3, 1859. In returning thanks to the inhabitants for their patronage, would respectfufly intimate that he in tends 'to how constantly on hand 5; good supply 0 HARDWARE, GROCERIES, SHOEWAREf raga EAEGE? waflgsg also good assortment of all kinds of Merchant able Lumber, at his Saw Mill. Sawing done to order, or cut by the thousand. He is deter- mined that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit a. continuance of their favor. _. - HERBERT ROWSWELL The Subscribegwillppy the highest price in 50â€"1yâ€"69â€"75â€"86 tf. GLFNELG FALLS \IILL, PEARL WORKS, Jan. 23, 1860 GUN POWDER. 'fififécbns, “173A; " CASH. CASH And Cash or Merchandise Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, npADY-MAng CLOTHING, CASH ,ifo'r Ironmongers, Guelph. 213 3d per doz. in glbs. in libs.. 9d per doz. in film.â€" in llbs. JOHN MILLER. 10 and will continue to receive supplies during the Winter months, frOm the British and Continental markets, by' Vessels discharging’at Portland, thence by- Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. are now doing ogre: of phe laygpst .Hardwgre trades A]. -_ I IAVE just received large additioris to their Stock of Hardware in Canada, which ‘. is rapidly increasing-athey attribute " ih‘eir astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the. prices of Hardware in. Guelph. _. New Hardware can be purchased "of ‘ Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower; than can be had in any town in Canada. would draw attention to the fact, that a further. reduction in the price of Hardware Will take place immediately as the following list of a. few articles sold by them Will shOW: â€"- Cut nails in quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. and upwards- 4 cents per 1b.! Wrought nails, 10 cents per.1b2 Axes (warranted)$1 each. ~- Glass 7x 9 and 8 >< 10, 113 3d per box. . Glass 10 >4 12, 123 per box, 10 x 14, }23 6d _ ‘I‘_ ____,_ â€"' ' ‘-’ â€"â€"" L"_ ' I ' ' per box, and other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. Shot, 10 cents per 1b. . Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per *lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. ° Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per. gallon. Paint Oil, ' (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per gallon. - First quality White Lead, 155 per 11). Best Refined Iron, 17s 6d per 1001bs., and all other goods eqa-lly cheap. . To give a list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMA-N BROTHERS would fill a newspaper, sufl‘iee- it to say, thatanythiug. required can be purchased of tliem and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. " -' HORS‘MAN BROTHERS, 42 acres on the Durham Road, . 14 improved, with l‘lousctbarn, 8:0. Apply to ' WILLIAM ASHDOWN, Sorekeepcr, HANOVEII. . Anrils4. 1860. W. tf-r-73. 100 ACRES OF LAN FOR SALE. HORSRIAN ~BRQTHERS .. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding countrij, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timbgr Will be use-d. I! ‘I Dec. 2, 1859. Moore’s Rural New-Yorkér BEING L-0T,24i 16 COLL,- NORMANBY. Agricultural, Literary 5L Family Weekly T1113 RURAL NEW-YORKER, now near the close oi its Tenth Year and Volume, is universally known in the East and West, North and South, as the Standard in its Sphere of Journalismâ€"being pro- nounced far THE BEST, as it is the Largest C11 cu- lated, AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LITERARY and FAMILY N E11 SPAPLR of the A.ge Having out- stripped ell competitors in Merit, and Circulation; it. is the acknowledged CHJIMPION OF THE RURflL PRESS! April 54, 1860. HORSMAN BROTHERS, THE RURAL is not only a favorite with the Farmer, the Horticulturist, and the Housewife, but sought and read by the Educator, the Man of Science, the Moralist, and all members of the Family Circle, in both Town and Country. In Value and Variety of Contents, and neatness of Appearance, it excels all imitators and rivals; and as it has in the past, will more than ever in the future maintain its position as THE Model Rural and Family Newsâ€" - paper. A NEW QUARTER commenced with October,â€" and hence, Now is a Good ._Time to subscribe for either a year, or three months on trial. _A‘o\ THE ELEVENTH VOLUME, for ' 1860, (commencing With January,) will FULLY EQUAL the present in all ’respectsAquality of Matter, Paper, Printing, Illustrations, 8:0. -. As the long evenings and leisure of Winter are 30ming on apace, every one should secure TEE RURAL, which is the leading advocate and proâ€" moter of Real ‘Progress and Improvement ”-â€" which ignores trash and humbug, and ever faith- fully seeks to advance the Best Interests of Indi- viduals, Families, Communities and the Country FORM, STYLE flND TERMS. THE RURAL NEW-YORKER is published Weekly, each number comprising EIGHT DOUBLE QUARTO PAGES. An Index, Title Page, c,, given at the close of each Volume. i TERMSâ€"IN ADV ANCE.-â€"Two Dollars a year; Three Copies for $5 ; Six for $10; Ten for $15 ; Fifteen for $21 ; Twenty for $25; and any greater number at the same rateâ€"oniy $1.25 per copy! Club papers sent to diflerentpost-offices, if'desired. As’we pre-pay American postage $1.37 is the low est Club rate for Canada. Address IST 6f unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben.- tinck Post Office, August 1', 1860. Arowsmith Thos., Ellison, Mrs. Brunt, Ralph Fletcher, James Brown, James F. McLaughlin, Patrick Burgess, Eliza - McKinnon, Don’d Beanstead, S._ McGee, Robert Black, Geo. . McKinncn, Alex. ' Collins, W. ‘ . McGregor, Alex. Connor, Edw’d ‘ McDonald, Neil Cameron, James . McDonald, James , Dobson, James 2 Stoks, J. B. ‘DibornetThomas‘ Thompson, Mr. ALEX- B- Meme. Fall and W'intcr Rural Campa-ig-nâ€"1859-60. WAG-Gum, E1233? @2‘ 512.32: an m] M) TIIE LEADING AND MOST POPULAR Manufactory. WM]? D. D. T. MOORE, Rochester, N Y. I7 onnwngers, Guelph. ' tfâ€"55 Post Mdst'er. Blacksmith and Farrier, IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work, Horse Shoeing; $13” Wrought Iron Shares made for 'any kind df ploughs. E” Mill Picks Made and Sharpened.‘ - i131: Axes Jumped and Tempered. i113” Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their avantage to call on him. Durham, Nov.25,1858.1‘ In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prices for afny quantity of WOOL delivered at his resi: deuce, four miles west- of Durham, on the Durham Road. -‘ ' ANDREW~ LIVINGSTON, Bedtinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62-ly OR WOOLEN CLOTH, OT No.54; 2nd CON“ OLD SURVEY, BEN- tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Dur‘liam, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The. Saugeen River runs through it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There 1s also considerable excel- lent Bine timber on tne Lot, and a. great quannty in the' Vicinity. A clear Deed w ill be given. ' ‘ â€"ALSO’ -" o g. ‘. . I smith half of Lot 7, Garafraxa Street, Durham containing a %acre,'\xrith a comfortable housé thereon. Title Indisputable. ' . Terms Libcmble :â€"Apply (if by 1ctter,post-‘ paid.) to B. B. MILLER, 3. West Arran, P. 0. Co. Bruce: ' i“ or tathe STANDARD Office. . Avril 4. 1860. 70-tf ’ J. Lot No. 67, 3d 'con., Old Survey south of Durham Road, Glenelg, containing 100 acres, 20 cleared and fenced, with an excellent dwelling house thereon two stories high, lathed and plas-r tered inside; also an excellent spring well of wa- ter, having 16 feet of water at low-watermark, The abave property is composed bf excelleht land, and withinZ 1miles of the flourishing town of Durham. TERMS C A.SH For particulars apply to the proprietor on the p 15,133 or if by letter (p1epaiQ) to the Bentinck P. O. R SCOTT. TOWEâ€" AND PARK LOT. NE ACRE OF LAND IN THE CENTRE OF- the town of Durham, fronting on three streetsâ€"â€"8 rods on Garafmxa-st., so rods on Ches- terâ€"st., and 8 rods on Queen-st; is within a few rods of the Market Square. 'lhe lot is in the high- est state of ' cultivation, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which have been hearing for several years past. There is a good ‘frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, con- taining 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 30, besides, a never-failing spring of water. FARM AND TQ‘WN LOT Containining 4 acres and 10 perches, is in augood'. 0 state of cultivation, and only % a mile from the above. 0 ' § Also, 100 acres in Narmanby, . i113” Clear Deeds W111 be given ior the above. “11 which 18 an excellent. .lill Site, and only five miles from Durham. Terms liberal - - Applimtion, (if by letter, prepaid) with refer- mace to either of the abm 13 to ' HE Subscriber will pay the highest in Cash, or in exchange for . April 4, 1800. . .0“ '- "-9-" The Canada Fire Insurance Company? of Kingston; Authorized Capital $500,000 in 12,000' Shares of $40 each. Insurers partici- . pate in the prqfits without any lia- bility beyond the amount qf their 3 premium. President . Secretary . Treasurer . HIS Company conduct their business On the Pr0prietary and Ahmad plavi’for terms ac-, cording to character and situation of property, of‘ frbm one month to three years. PROPRIETORY AND LOAN FUND. Shares in the Guarantee Capital can be taken in any number trom one to fifty, and Instalments of $2 per Share can be paid to authorized Agents of the Company in Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Instalments. Interest allowed from date of re? Spective payments. . Glenelg, 24th April, 1860. I?" The Funds of the Company to be lent to Members only, in sums from $20 upwai-ds, 'at terms of from One to Six Months, (renewable] 'on such Personal or other Security as maybe apâ€" proved by the Directors, at such rate of Interest [not exceeding one per cent. per month] and mode of repayment as may be agreed upon. - it? Dividends of Interest and Profits will b6 made annually or semi-annually, as may be expe- d: ent. . E’Applieationb' for Insurance received, and all necessary information given by iIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE .l for SALfifzuaréâ€"eâ€"msufiply of FRESH ‘GROUND‘Ofl THE/2L. Suitable for porridge, a. favorlte dish with many, especially Scotsmen. ' Apply at the Post Office. ' A. B. McNAB, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON‘HANQ, for SALE a. iafgeasglpply 9f F1 Durham, 26th April, 1960. FOR SALE. Mount Forest} May 24, 1860, FARM FOR SALE. ESTABLISHLD BY ACTS OF PABLIAMFNT' ALSO A PARK LOT, OATMEAL. Saddler Street, FLANNEL HpRATIO YATES, E‘_sq., JOHN A.W1Lsox, Esq. W'M AhGLIN, Esq, City Cham- bcrla-in. J AMEs'BURLEIGH, Impectgf,‘ AND QQQQ QQQQ, G. J. MATTHEWS, Bentinck P. O. H. H. STOVEL, 73-tf '77

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