Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 28 Oct 1859, p. 3

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‘01! b! )(‘TS before “d. 110i. Fins; on 11‘. or. Y0 CV8? f the itrry” upon ». and all mic. ‘osmgo USE?! HEN- Km, labs 1:5; 3K m1 YUI’ R Lsiaa, clg F11, inmn'd Mrham 'eyor 5: circuitof WELL. 1 '0? UL) £73 In 11109 )113 lmL mm 42â€"- 1! hr ‘ 3 )V rice in Dar- era, buc- ll HE Subscribers announce to the inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that they have opened a Two doors north of the British Hotel, containicga TABL Which for excellence of quality and lowness of price, has hitherto been unpreCcdented. CI? Farm. Produce, and all hints ofseastmed ,m",.,,,,.,,1,,l,[c Lumber, when In exchange, at 'ush. 111111543 Any amide in the fine made to Order on‘the shortest notice. Blacksmith and Farrier, URNITURE DEPOT IS PREPARED TU no mu "furk, flare“: Shocing, In WRMWEE BE?3T Ba it enacted by the annsllip 0f ( (Hem-lg be (livid: follows :â€" Drum); wn rti, Sntfu ward, Camus ward, W23? ward, and Non?" ward. IM‘RHAM ward to cnnmin from lots sixteen to thirty inclusive, «m 1110 first mkmcssi-m PilSi. of the Gamfmxn Road, and from lots thirty-six tusvvmâ€" ty inclusive, on the SQCMHi and third mnccssmns east of the Gamfmrm Road, and frvm luts one to ten inclusivv, cm the second and third vnncCSsimis munh Hf the Durham Road, and fmm lots one In five inclusivgun the fingz‘th and iifiah conces‘aions nun-1h Of tinnurimm Rtiad. 'A \ GARAFBALA STREET, $133133, TS" \\ rought Iron lmuflls‘. SO‘CSIDII, "1 Durham I cessiun m fiflfi‘ERS, an] third um asums mist maul, a! so fmm number one (Insixe 0n the sixth, sew: tenth. elev,emh tnclfth t1 and fifteenth concessions. NnuTn ward tn wntuin :11} her fivc nu tlzo truth, clcvcm i 3" MEI] Picks Made and Sharpnnccl. )3" Axes J‘nmpcd and 'l'cmpcrcd. 13" Any pen-sun in need of a Farrim tn flurir advantage to call on him. Durham, SUV. 2:», 1358. To mum: “ma vaxszm’ ()F GLESELG Is'ro “Cums. day (if Devon and fifty nine AND €3.13 K 3$:ATLL O B the BEST STYLE and at ,lrham, June I, 1859. Snim bio for thissection of the country; for quality and style of fitsmon not. to be ant-mascd in Canada, which he will sell at the lowest possxble price for Cush- ALSO, All Kinds of 833300 Finding, Sjnmish Sale Leather, «Ste. Anol surrounding country for the liberal support given him, rcspmfully intimate-s that he intends :0 keep constantly on hand, a large supply of all .v â€"_ a’Fm- iists pf the lots and conditions of sale, apply :0 Ebenezer Perry, Esq., Crown Land Agent, at Tamworth, in the Township of Sheffield, County of Addington. ANDREW RUSSELL, R! BY-LAW M). 8. Crawn Lands Department. A (‘an is respectfully solicited. A. 3: J. MINTERN. Cupboards, £20. 0 ifiTlCE is hereby given, that the Lands in the , Township of Abinger. in rear of the County frmtenac, U. 0., will he Open for Sale on and er the THIRD of NEXT MONTH. 7 Durham, 50'. (“.3011 (”€GC TH HE subscriber. in returning thanks to the inha bitums of LARGE STOCK 0F thi {um}, and Saddler Sheet, :wmovm‘fifim EQth fin V‘QPVI 31‘. Kinls 0f Shoe ”I’m-g f1 1859. {mu I JAMES 12mm, chre. J AMES BROWN, 'l'ownslzip Clerk. DURHAM the Municipal Corpnmfinn of lenelg, That, the Township of limo five muds, named as ll 25,1858. «or onactml, that this By-law {a and take effect on the first one thousand eight hundred ‘ . 11 the lots: on the first, cmnccssions‘ Smith at the he lots in the first cun- mm ' {oz-.d. 3 ma dc fur Assistant Commissioner. :1 Patriot will find an him. TORONTO, July 8, 1859. Kurt1 Modem te Prices 3 first Crimea-$9101. me’i from number he (m the second 1f the Unratraxu , number five in- h, eighth, ninth, tecuth, fuurwcmll E ADS, :1 my kind of from n'2mh0r and third ! frnm Ml 'rnm num- thirtN-mh, > the Ilzirdi the .m “'(‘St 0| £0 ll G") Iron, Steel, .-\nvils,Vices, Bellows, Drills, Sledges, Rasps, Files, Nails, Borax, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Pic , Spikes, Seythes, Snaiths, Rakes, Candles, Sickles, Forks, Spades, Shovels, llocs, Locks, Latches Hinges, Glass, Putts, Pumps, Chains, Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Saws, Cutlery, Emery, Rope, Twine, Oakum, Brushes, Grindstones, Joiners’ Tools. Cab- inet Do., Collin Furniture, Paint. Mills. Carriage Trimmings, Hair Cloth, Curled llair, Engine Pa cking, Blasting Powder, Safety Fuse, Seed Drills, Bar Lead, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Uil Cloth, Quadrants. Builed Oil, Raw Oil, Olive Oil, Lard Oil, Elephant. Oil, Whale Oil, Cod Oil, Coal Oil, Copal Varni Coach Body, Porcelain Varnish, Flowing Varnish, Polishing Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Besw Denna r, Walnut. Stain, White Lead, Zine Paint, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Fireproof Paint, Indian Red, Vermillion, Rose Pink, Brunswick Green, Hibernia Green, Chrome Green, Paris Green, Imperial Green, Patent Knotting, Shellac. Drop Black, Dutch Pink, Yello‘w Uchre, French Uchre, Imperial Yellow, Chrome Yellow, Carmine Yel- ' low. (Mange Chrome, Mineral Blue, Celestial Blue, Fig Blue, Prussian Blue, l'ltamarine Blue,Autwerp Blue, Dryer-"s Patent, Litharge, Sugar Lead, ;.l;:3"l J1; MM IIory Bhwk, Gold Leaf, fiihcr Leaf, Bronze, Imbcr fianldpkc Brown, Terra dc Sienna \Vhiting ,Pipc, (3533, Park. V’hite, Bane Vitriol, Coppcras, Ghee, Pifich, Tar, Regina, Rope all sizes, Hemp, Flax, Cotton, 8: Linen Twines, "Q Eu ’3 ”Hi 813M313? FIRE AND BU LGLAR PROOF SAFES, {CC}? Only One P7"l-C(‘.---E 1.3073] Artzclc nun/ted m plaznjzgurcs. H )IPSmrckccpers Supplied 0n the usual terms. A ' ETURXS his thanks tn his numerous ons- . tumors fur thv liberal [mmâ€""lag“ "95‘0““ N] (m’him sine: his commencement in “13311055 in this place, and intends in future. to n:mmtiwturc of the host terms as m J g 221:: :25; s:- L: 1 a; 1;.) Commission Bierchant anc‘e. GENERAL AGENT, HAS on hand a GOOD ASSOR'IMENT of F.1311'IJY GROCERIEb ‘ AND .â€" C ERQBC KERN; man 9 Which he is prepared to Sell at the Very Lowest PRICES 3:? The Store is opposite Mr Miller‘s Old Stand. The Subscribex is Agent for the Corn Exchange Fire Iniand Naviga- tion Insurance Co. Surplus, over $28,000 FOR CASH ONLY. r{cmnmbcr the stand opposite the Inkerman vaufl‘y. They are prepared to take Risks on reasonable terms. Department of Public ‘Vcrks \TOTICE is Hereby Given, that the Office of i this Department will be CLOSED at Toronto for the transaction of Public business on the 14111 Day of July, instant, and will be OPENED at Quebec on the 25th day of the same month. munications for the Department are required to be addressed to the Secretary, at Quebec. JOHN Rt iSE. Durham. Dec. If mujma 311:: 4m; (1:; 3:: (m and A§ii IV“); 1VIA““'U?ACT O RY. 3... a! alldescriptirns. executed in like manner. Durham, 30th Aug. 1359. INSURANCE. ($1101ph,Ju1y, 1859. u “mam, simzm 0117115125, (5%. Toronto, J uIy 8, 1859. ADVERTISE IN THE STANDARD” 1211318 COLORS, GLASS ETC” “st matciaL um! um can be pn'clmscd, 1-15 JOBBING, In fact, everything that should be kept in :1 Hardware Store, can be had at F WHICH THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST: JOSEPH ALLEN. 1858. l J 011)? MILLER. . 39â€"tf ---E-z:ery Article 7226;7de in plainflgures. c531} I-IORSMAN, BROTHERS, ., ff“ " â€"~â€".â€"â€". "\.,""‘ ,. .â€"-~~ - . ,. ' here. Commissioner. m1 m ntzl goons workman- THE DURHAM STANDARD; 1‘ SPLENDID OPE-KING FOR A |i1,“ lmle Oil, 0011 Oil, Coal Oil, Copal Varnish, ,Polishing Varnish,HF11r11itnre \arnish, Best lied I end, \ eneu 1n lied l ircpmet Paint, k (lreen, Hibernia Green, (‘ hwme Green, ing Shellac. Drop Black, Dutch l’ink, allow, Clnomelellow, Caumine Yel- ”DUE SI'BSCRIBER ()FFERS FOR SALE For either or all of which there cannot be a better opening. (Hunter‘s Survey,) Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring. 200‘ ACRES OF LAND, Township of Glenelg. Apuli cztinn, \\ i111 rewxenee to any of the above Properties, (it by lefltter postâ€"paid.) 10 the Sub- scriber, will receive prompt attention. BREWERY, fiéstéllcw/ m' E'mmcry. Fr ,(mmi) " 2212;: T Mac 1102‘“ u'zlh ‘ ’ SPLENDID SPRIL‘C G- FARM FOR SALE. i ment in Farm Property, have an opportunity of doing so, by purchasing Lot No. 43, 2nd Com, Township of Normanby, COUNTY OF GREY, Conslsting of Fifty Acres, Twenty-five of which are clea red and under cultivation ; A House and Earn thereon; A never-failing Spring Creek: Three Acres of Pine and Cedar; is :1 Corner Lot on the Ayton Road, well adapted for a HOSE derirous of making a. profitable invest- ment in Farm Property. have an opportunity TAVERN or GROCERY. The Clearing can be divided into five equal fields, so that the Creek will run through each. TERMS: $500, Cash; or 8600 Credit, by paying one- third down, and the remainder in three equal an- nual instalments. For further particulars, apply (if by letter, post- paid,) to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES CANNON, Normanby P. O. A‘ a O -‘ nA-A Four mmr Bueiidfing Lots, Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, F5 TEN (”” Durham, Feb. 3, 1859. Romanby, June 13,1869. the. following Property, vim yuan L03? 3 . S, Title Indisputable. “ark HAM: F50. (Hunter's Survey) GWELPEMo ’I... |' [.0 .CI.‘ '1') w I'ln' Borax, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Picks, Jl C 4!; 0“ Well su 3}”: W. 33:9 w, or for JOHN MILLER. 10 “"0 hm Specimen Bunk and (Hf the 1:“ also a great P211133 R “‘08 11 ith our busin Supply “'ood Boards, in the Printing Office, Manufacturers. . make we offer a! Cash, from Spe Specimen Bo tion estimates liberal credit g but all orders terms desired," drawn accordi We allow te fifteen cents perl for new nmtorial livered to us free‘ ter purchase. Publishers inse their Paper and s titled tn their pay J mout of their Bill in 011 rial. The Saturday EV] Devoted to pure Literature, JV 65c. c. 8:0. THE proprietors 0f the Satu - would callthe attention of longâ€"established sheet, and e3 brilliant arrangements for the c Post is peculiarly adapted to the Families, as it contains weekly, amount of the Best Literature, but Agricultural Essays and Inform Receipts, Accounts of the Market In its Literary Department meatsu ken tn render the coming year one 0 est. Determined to obtain for the P talent that could be procured, we rangements with the distinguished a. JAMES, Esq. for the aid of his brill" pen. We design. opening the year toricztl Nave-let by this gifted author, t BY G. P. R. JAMF 1S, ESQ. Authorof“1{iclxelicu,’ “Mary of Burgun Old Dominion," c. To show that “9. 11m 9 hesitated at no hle expense to procure the very best talent readers, we [may be allowed to state that ' Mr. James for the above Novelet the sum cordance with the usual rates that Mr. Jame high reputation enables him to command. may further add that Mr. James will write exclu sively for the Post. an amount which, though large, is simply in! \N In addition to the Cavalier, we have already; secured Three Stones fmm a lady Whose. name. and litemn abilities are pro- bubly known wherewr the English language in spoken. In this Series, which will probably run through thewhole y,ear our readers may anticipate a. lit- erary treat of no common character. A Noveiet. by T. g, Arihur, our renclem’ find the public‘a 01d and approved friend, has also been engaged to add to the Irene- ures of the New Year. Uur admirable weekly which have been Sn well received by our readers, will also he continued. I 11 {11111111011 to the 1L-m1cs of G P. R. James, flIary Hewitt, Grare Grc- “7,1111000' and T. S..]rthur, we mavnwntinn 1Hrs. 1711.1 Dcnis:1n,ftfz'ss Emma [lice Bruwnr, “ Florence 1’ch J,” Mi as Martha Russell, and the Author of “My Last Cruise,” as among the regular contributors to the Post. T110 produc- tion: of mam other “'1itcrs, 0f c011r<c, will at in- ten-.115 grace and adurn our columns; and F ebruaryfilsw. Choice 89163131311119 of €111 kinds,f10m the best. forezzzn and domcstu mums shalloontinuo 1011091511eretof01c,:11011d111g 1111111111ofourpupor. The Stories ESSEI"S,S1{GIC118:, Agi icultural {1111 Scientific I acts, c. ,c, obtained in this way fOP‘t‘he 101111013 of the Post,a1'c among the most instructive 113 well as interesting; porti011 of its contents. The very cream. of the Pciimlical Literature of the British Isles being thus given to our readers. While the Post thus presents Literary attractions nf the YCI) highest orderâ€"designed f01 :1 111016 intelligent. class of readers than those who take delight 1n the “ blood and murder" and “ sawdust” litcm tme of the “ fl: 1811 weeklies, ’ it does not neg- lect these departments that the Family Circle equallx requires. It publishes weele', AGRICUL- TL Rd‘ L ARTICLES , 'IIIE NEW Sâ€"FOREIGN, DOMESI‘IL‘, 3; C‘O‘IbRLboIO‘VALâ€"RELEIPTS useful to the Housekeeper and the F .1rme1â€"many of them worth more than the cost. of a Vears sub- scripti011;I’IDDLES and PPOBLEMS, THE MARKETS, BANK NOTE LSIT, c. c. c. Terms {Cash in advance)â€"-Single Copy $2 a year. 4 Copies, 8 “ And one to the etter u') g t of the Club,) ........... 10.00 " 13 “ fit one to the getter up the Club.) .......... 15.000 “ 20 “ (And one to the getter up of the Club) .......... 20.000 “ Persons residing in British North JImerica mus remit Twenty-five Cents in addition to the subscrip tion price, as we have to prepay the United States postage. Adress, (Always Post-paid,) BEACON PATERSON,, N0. 132 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. HE Subscriber hereby informs the public that he is prepared to undertake the completion of All' kinds of Buildings, Furnishir‘ig the material if so required, as he has a. full Stock of SEASONED LUMBER on hand. ALL‘ KINDS OF TURNING CABINET-WARE _ Made to, Order, on the shortest notice, at his Shop No. 22, Garafraxa-st., Czty Sig/Its and Thoughts; BY \GRACE GREENWOOD. TEE CAVALIE G. J. MATTHEWS Durham, Nov. 2a 1858.1 urniture 84 Cabinet Ware PROSPECT l LPNfl'SjTOfi’L Paris, MARY HOWITT ; $1,680,09, IS FO1 AND ........ $5.00 a year. getter up name- Lands ships i mainin , upon 10. the per} which t1 11. T1’ nflel‘efl :1 locutml :1 from the, shall no l( hear/11 f ) li<, sale ll} 'l‘mvnslzip i the 9:11.412: fer :Crown Lands Department} f Tqrgnto? 13th Jennings] 7 That :1 shall he subject tent. in 11111' case (e1 in full 111 the time of {111 such 111111110 1111;; person 1 - or the person or persons 1111 have taken possession of such 11111111115 11fthe time 11"s111e 11111.1 shal continuously 1111.111 been .1 boua fir] 111111 1esi1'1ent on the 111.1111 fol 111. 1 and have. cleared and rendered {it 111111 1111111, 111111 111111 under crop f1 1211‘111est from the time of sale of th 1111' theieof in the proportion of at to even one 1111111i1e11 acres, and thereon 11 h ruse hamtahle 11nd of 1.11 :11 least. sixteen by twenty. feet. 18.’1‘1111t 111 other 11111115 not em}; f 1-13-10111: e11tee111'11e exposed to s \111 111111 11111111111113 or in the (liseretir 111isi<i1111er of C1o1111 Lands half 1'e11rl such 1111118 111111 places 11nd at such u1 the Commissioner 01 Crown Lands sl 14. That the lands known as “ 0161-1 be sold on the same terms and in the s as other public lands in the Townshi‘ they respectively lie. ‘ is. That prompt payment. in all ca of the essence of the contract, and an, be on pain of forfeiture of all previou and of all right in the lands. 16. That in the cases of sales alre payment of arrears be required, and t] notice in the Official Gazette, and th' usual channels, that unless such arrea within twelve months from the 1st of 1859, the land in respect of which de: continue will be resumed by the Crown 8 and that in the regard to all purchase 11: interest hereafter to fall due; prompt pa; be exacted. . SQUA‘rTERs. 17. That the system of recognizing an: occupation of land commonly known a ting,” be discontinued subject to the provisions, viz : A That public and general notice he gi' Crown Lands Department, that no cla eruption by reason of such occupation ‘ tertained after the first day of Septer and that no claim to such pre-emption : a state to he admitted can be made go act of the party hereafter, and that ‘th labor will be thrown away. “fiat the prices above fixed for law p1);th Upper Canada. only. 11-- ‘The prices of lands in Lower Canax regulated by Orders 111 Council from ti -.P M. VANKOUGI Co:

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