Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 21 Oct 1859, p. 4

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“Well, no, it’s no matter,” stammered ”“33 M., coloring-â€" “‘ Good-morning.” C. I]. CARSON, M. D , 3;. the sub- stance of these have n .w made theira ‘Eppearance in book form. “3 The lid) press is giving About ten years ago the Lou- donderry tauiard published a series of letters upon “ The form of the Horse,” written by JAMES “ If, ” safd Solomon, “there is anything of yours that I have got, I shrll be happy to return it. ” L ’9 “I beg your pzudon,’ said the discomfited lady, “ but I made a mistake. I quite fortrot your fumbl‘ena, which I borrowed some time ago. Here it is. I was thinking ofsomething else.” “ V‘ hat! 1301 3'0: 1' umbrella." exclaimed Solomon in amaze- ment. “1 think you must be mistaken, I don’t think I’d Jike, to exchange mine for it, for mine was given me.” 3 “ His heart, he mmms, ’ said Miss .l‘v'l., aside. “Well, sir, it may afford you pleasure to learn that you have mine in return.»~ It is fully 8L entirely your own.” “ Oh, no, ” simpered Miss M., “I don’t think it at all strange, .., in fact, I have been 3011.9- how expecting it.” “011,” said Solomon, rather surprised, “I believe you have in your possession something of mina.” a little delicate about asking, but! hope you wont think it strange.” _ “I suppose,” thought Mixs .Merit, “he means about the ‘state of my heart.” “You see, as I was coming "by, I thought I would just step in SL ask you a question aboutâ€" athat is, about~â€"-” But we wont divulge the thought that passed through the lady’s mind. “ How do you do, Miss Merit.” “‘ Pretty well, I thank you, Mr Periwinkle. Not but I feel a ilittle lonely now and then.” “ The fzict is,” said solomon, who was rather bashful, “I feel Mehita‘olc Merit, a young lady over twenty-nine, who now; had a chance to change the al- literative character of her name, was seated over the fire in her little sitting-room, when a knock was hearp, 8L who should make his appearance but Solomon El‘eriwinkle. ' “ W hy,” thought she, “1 war:- der what he’s come for ; can it [A country newspaper, smarting under the dew Iinqnency (fits subscribers, gets off the foilowing fora New Year’s lament.) Agriculhu‘c, d 'Oh, it would yield us pleasure sweet, A few delinquents now to meet, Asking of us a clear recei; ., The prOSpect darkens; on ye brave, Who would your very bacon saveâ€"- Waive, patron: all your pretexts waive And pay the printer honestly. ’Tis so that scarce 12:: we we begun, To plead for time 12:02) a dun, Before then-8i; another one, Wheh to despair we’re almost drivel There’s precious little fun in living. When our last copwr’s rudely riwn In seasons when our funds are low Subscribers are pmvnkmg sin-w, And few Snwfies 3999 m; the fluw. When interest' Lengthening t Exit larger yet t'nefiurxs shall grow, Our bonds and due bill Whén dnns c Commanding Ea ch‘ seal and 3 ln-aadln Breedlnw. ’4 it and Ifmn .313. Km: 11‘. ” The Printer’s Hohealinden. Speaking Tao Soon. PQ-ifâ€"«BY- For papers taken réghlarly. Demanding pay ferdciously. From hands that m. Id it lminrrly. interest’s added on below, :ening the chain 8. feet or 80, While gazing at them hopelessly. ,th threats of U! are arrayed-â€" disrxlnverd. an driven, 1M, Chancery. Registration is not an absolute guarantee a gainst the miscarriage or loss of letter; but a Re.- gistered Letter can be traced when an Unregister- n ed Letter cannot; and the posting and deliver , or non-deliver. can be proven. A Registered Let- ter is thus secured against many of the casualties, which from incorrect address, forgetfulness ol the receiver or other error, may afiect an Unregistered Letter. S. SMITH, 17 Post Master General. min or l3ritish North America, ~ 0 2d On Letters for the United States, - - 0 3d On Letters for the. United Kingdom, - 0 7’d 011 Letters for British Colonies or Pos- sessions, sent via England - - 1 3d On Letters for France and other Foreign Conn- tries, via England, an amount equal to the Post- ‘age rate. as \1'1311 as. the best short-horned :11111111, we ever 11:211,\\'1_-'1'e very 1:11:1C1 (x (1 1sely 111 hred. To a certain 1 1110111 this \1 as unavoid- 111114, wh: 11 the s11111s 1‘); heids :were first {1.1-1 .1ed , but it 1112111115.: 1litt' e (1111:1'11'1 ce ‘..11e:her it was 1the result 111 necessity, or of f1hoice. It has 11111111151111.11111111 1111c 11111‘111‘11'1se adv antafrc of breeding in- and- -in, vher the steel; is 1311119er ht sort' , i11:.1e :1 11 can see no 01111: possible way ‘01 retail’1ing the perfectionsI of ' (1111' partie:111 ‘1'st‘1'ai11tha11 .11at 10f retnrnimr treqnentlv to 1111? same blorifid ‘11:: must he car”.- 1111. 11.1.1131 or, to obser.e that the individuals we select to breed from are as near perfection as possible, both in then’iseives their ancestors. We will 1111111 ,securethe transmission of their 521300121 qualities. (‘1: the other; 1hand, it there 1s any Special 1111 f: ct it will oe cure to pass down, 111111311 it is thrown 111-: :11:1- -in, 131; twill hardly ever he got rid of. 1 1}, think it is owi: 111, in :1 great ,. measure, to want sf: 1tte11tion to lchis rule, that thereis so much e,prejudice . againstelose 1m. eding. SUI: W111 succeed 111111; when 111: ,k1g 0'ood qualities hear an immense 1e 1 preponderance m er the bad ones. 1n; CXperienced breeders verv , properly place great reliance on . blood. In shor,t this just a- "in- ounts to the faot, that good lbad qualities are all hereditary e’Liiâ€"ie oeoets like. No person ev- 1e er saw a Clydesdale {11:11 got hyl a blood- horse out of a blood n mare, or a short- horned calf 111' h. :1 long-horned ball out ofa 10110-1 hornebd cow. Sacha thing is} 1 1 1 1 1 1' ~’ :1 never expected. 11, then, these. ' general charicteristics are 1111. a- riably transmittee, have we not some re: won at least to concl ide, that all things are heredit:1n'-â€"-. ', SIn fact, that the oflspring will 111- :herit, the most 111111111: peculiar , 6ities of their ancestors, some-i: 1 times taking more after the one '7 1 palent, . sometimes more after , the other, or beluga mixture of 1 ,both, as the case ma" be. “- hat- 1 ever the peculiarities are -- , whether soundness, dis ase, t ’ form, te: 1,snper softness, strength, .1 _durabilitv, speed, wind, or any other thingâ€"~they pass down 1 F C 1 .'. "U '19 1 from generation to gendration. We should, by all 111 :1ns,11eep {to the good olood; but, at then same time, we milst be careful 2 j to select the best specimens of] t that blood, it we wish to attain" _ to high success in [Y1 FARM SAW 3H}- L 1 BE subscriber offers for sale his Saw Mill, which cannot be surpassed for speed in the country, with a \ever-failing Water Power 6f 14': H had, and may ha afilyin‘cmld to 'lhe charge fuf Registration in addition to the Postage is as follows, viz : On Lctter§ _t(_> fir}; ogher place in Canâ€" Persons posting Letters containing value. should be carefu} to require them to be registered, and to obtain from the Post Master 3 Certificate of receipt for Registration All Letters for the English Mails must be pre-paid. ON and from the lst April, 1834,2111 Letters for Great Britain or Ireland, or for British Pos- sessions or Colomes, or for F ureign Countries, in- tended for the English Mails, must he. pre~paid when posted in Canada. I’m-payment should be made by Stamp whenever practicable. some extracts to their readers, 8: we are thus enabled to obtain the follmvmg. passage Upon in- and-ln breedmgzw “There is mat the slightest foundation {321‘ the strong preju- dice which exists. in the public mind agaf:}st‘~in-and-in breed- ing. Mmzyof’the best horses, Notice to the Public. Registration of Letters Advertisements. FOR SALE ’4 fl‘i‘; CARDS, POSTERS, c. one Copy, one year ................... $2 Tllree C()?\ies, One 3.931. ooooooooooooooooo 5 Five COF‘ieS’ (”'10 year oooooooooooooooooo 8 Ten Copies, one year ................... 12 T‘Venty COPIQS, to one addTESS, at the rat-e Of $1 per annum .................. 20 Twenty Copies, to address of each. subscrib- er, and any larger nvmber at the rate of $1.20 each ................. ....24 Any person sending us a. Club of tw cut; or more will be entitled to an extra copy. Subscriptions ma 3: commence at any time.â€" Terms always cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY $3 00., Tribune Buildings, N assau-street, New York. Within the present. yea r, T719 Tribune has pro . vided itselfwith a. new and Faster Press at a. coat of $30,t9¢'it'l, merely that some of our s::}«;_r-.;ilu9;3 may receive their papers 3 mail earlier than ti ey otherwise might do. With correspondents It the most irnportant points throughout the citilized world, and a staff of Writers chosen from “none the best in the country, we believe that cvei littme who dislike the politics ofonr sheet. concede. In it frankness in avowing its convictions and thility in m timaining them. We appeal, then, to those who believe that an increased circulation of Tris Trihme would conduce to the political, intellec- tual‘ind moral well-being of the Republic, to aid as in etfectinir such increase. As we employ no travelling solicitors of subscriptions, we. ask our present patrons in every locality to speak to their neighbors and friends in our behalf; we shall glad ly receive from any friend lists of those whovvnuld receive and :ead .; syecimen copy of one of our editions, and shall he particularly grateful to those who may send us such names from post offices at i which we have now no subscribers. Whatever! additions may thus be made to our circulation! shall be paralleled by increased efforts and expen- ditures to make our issues more valualle and use- ful than they have hitherto been. The Tribune is printed on a large imperial sheet flilded in quarto form, and mailed to 3mm on the following 1 New- York, Sept, 1858. tfereun, and even 11111101311 flan 1111011 1311111111- minish the. sum of l11111111.1 misexy frnm 1111111111 11! 0111111113‘1111111t 0r inn (191111th 111111111111111se~0v11r§ scheme 03,1(ciaflv that seeks to {191111119 mfmtu- nate by 011111} 1111131111 tmclnng them to 111-111 2.111111- 11911 113â€"1111 st eummund our earnest sympathy and co-Opomtion. Pr 111 1115 (hmugh internal (i11'11‘1 1. 3111.1 431’, n19i1« 02111241: “:1 3101‘ than H} ex: ennui ag1'1'113231111n1d extensionâ€"ail I ha Wm: 11. miner MLVB the. Nuionai re5111.zce"5111'n1‘11i :11 {.113 canstructinn 11f: Rdrnad to the P1 M1? than :11 the pmcimse (11' 01111111131111“ Mexicu,.\'i(‘m11g11a 11: (1'1 Elmâ€"ail who W111 In ic~ tn-nch r111}: 111111 11m } reaeut innrdizmie Federal expenditures i5;- abolishing or imnmnseh 1111:1zci ng the Anni? and \avv and expending the 1111:1111 thus mun! 11: 1 Works 11f 1111111112111 11111 3. .1i1'} 1 111131 1111- dun to {111153 0111' c11il1iren~nii 11311.1 11'111I.11.-u1i i1 realize that “ Rig/'zh'ousm'ss exaheth a n:1ti1 n, ”and that 1111 real advantage can (“81‘ acuue in am person 111' Cnmmuni tv fmm acquisi 111113 or 32111111 sâ€" 305 achiewd by 1111.111. r151 which contravene he laws of Eternal Light. The fire 1111111111111111113111111111 pnrth‘ms 11f the l’uhlic Lands to Achml Fett‘u'rs TERMS 2 Daily Tribune, per annum ’0... SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBU One Cnysy, one year,. . . . . . . . . Two Copies, one year. . . . . . . . Five Comes, (me yea r. . . . . . . . Ten Copies: to one address. . . . which has attained the 111111111‘11‘Ied~ ff more than 2110111111 311 barriptions, ~ ‘ cits its slime of 1! 16 new 1111111111113 11 -.‘ , trnpnlimn 11153 is I111r-(1f111tl1 1111:1911 _;_ heavy wevkly cost,111 111111111". It 331-13 1111 ciall; the 11air111111g911111l acti1 11 favm ,1If 1:3}1uf11171‘1m3â€"41I t1 11139 1171111 hate all £11115 11f 11111rt1ssi0n Md desire t‘mt every ratismnl ‘111 i: 137 shall be free: 111 emplm his faculties m sucl innucent 11111111191 1:: he shall d11em‘11est-â€"0f 1111119 11l111 1111111110-11'1111111 Libmtv and limit Slaveryâ€"mu: it mel {11 1111 pealslikewise to all WI:111(1o1k and labnr fnr the 1'16111‘11 of \11- timml II: :ift, 1:1l11111' ,111‘1 5111:211' tlm 11.1141 the I’m- 11111111111 of America :1 Imiustrv I11 Wii?I)‘\1I! 11312111111- :11ng (ll: Lies on i1111111rtsâ€"11ll who f11v111 National Wnr‘ d thataphearcd pug: larly (man 'u ‘. page sheet at an low 1. price as t“: 1113211151111: 11611111 ofa Nicholas 01' “1 diixigtuxi. :11 any countr" which touches the fai’ermnean the Iquine the Black Sea or t. M1331 00:811. .1111 be published in Nev. Ymk thn nextfnumincr if 111.1. on the vex] day of its occuxrenze. In 11 mwuiem, as it were, we have been ti”- rovn into 1}»- i111: 1101! 1119 infillectuai neighlvmnumlg m wiwic Ci"? ”zed and a large 11111111111 of 111 e mum-h 11310118 world. The rise and full of stocks in Lmdon or i’ saris wi1! hencefurth‘ we reported fm. .1 1131, to day in the journals of: 1111- sen- buard cities. The ho! d- THE successful laying :1“ \the tans-Atlantic Telegraphic Gable marks a new era :- the history cf Human l’rugress. Henceforth, EtrupeflYestex-u A 53:1, and Northern Africa, Within an hour‘s disâ€" tance from our shores, and the battesvhich de- cides the fate of a kingdom, the ciigture of 3 Vienna 0‘: Gibralter, the fall of a fi'uasty, thr~ triumph of a usurpation, the birth offal; heir to This New York Tribuhe. 116 acres of exc: Hem: La? 3F! (Urn ‘: both properties treme 10w figure. Amplication, a paui) to the un paper. twenty feet. c J; r‘ive 3 iles from the flourislr 111g X illage ofDurham 301‘: properties Will be sold toget-x’cr at H er- *“1‘ ”Mb-9c-.- QWSLL 1:465}! QUE B A R 1‘1, Stable, R001 House, afic. «EC. rat THEDITRHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, OCTOBER 21, WEEKLY TRIBUNE. , as to terms, c., if b 1' letter (pom- undera signLd or at 112:: viii cc 0! this Attached to the aboie is TRIBUNE. Jultivationjith a good ‘ it? Now 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE ANL FROM CLUBS for the New Year and Volume. Specmen Numbers, Show-Bills, Prospectuses, c., cheerfully furnished (by mail or otherwise, at our expense,) to all disposed to lend a portion of influence in be half of the RFEAL audits objegts. Address - _ -_‘ - TERMSâ€"IN ADVANCE.â€"-TWO Dollar a year Three Colwies for $5 ; Six, and one free to club agent for $10; Ten, and one free, for $15 ; Sixteen, and one free, for $22 ; Twenty, and one free, for $326 ; Thirty-two, and two free, for $40, ( or 50 for :53 7.50) and any greater number at same rateâ€"only 531.25 per copy !-â€"With an extra copy for every Ten Sub- scribers-over Thirty! Club papers sent to difierent post-offices, if desired. As we pre-pay American postage $1.37 is thelowest clnb rate for Canada. THE RURAL NEW-YORKER is published Weekly, each number comprising EIGHT DOUBLE QUARTO PAGES. An Index, Title Page, c., given at the close of each Volume. THE TEXTH VOLUME will he Printed and Illustra- ted in Superior Style. While its (ECHTENTS will vie with its improved APPEARANCE. All wuo desire a paper which ignores trash, humbug and deceptinn, and earnestly seeks to promote the Best Interests and Home Happinexs of its myriad of readers in both Town and Country, are invited to try the Model FARM AND szsxm: JOURNAL. “ Excusmn” its glorious Motto, and “ Progresn i an}. improvement" Its laudable (.hjects, {lie RUIlAIl continuously excels in MERIT and reports (lecidcn l PROGRESS in (SIMULATION and Tlsnrtwnss. As ad 1 Agr‘cultuml, llnrticultuml, Literary, Family mm ‘ News Paper. combined, it has long been unrivalled. l Not. a monthly (if only twelve issues )‘Cfll‘l", but i: 5 Large und Beautiful \X'EEKLY,â€"-Wliicli embraces 5i one a greater number of Useful and Timely Tupi c than sevcml ordinary journals,â€"-THE RURAL its par excellence, The Paper for the People am! the. Times : - w u w. ,.... ”t-wvmu U, Tm: RURAL NEW-YORKER is so Widely and fiwo- } and residon‘! on the [and for at least five years: rabiy known in the East and West, North and 1 and have dearer! and rendered fit for cultivation Sanlh,: 8 L150 must pnpuia AGRICFLTL‘IIAL, Lz'rnu- ’1 and Cffl'f), and ha (I under crop for fum- years at RY AM) F.=x.~:xLYNBWSPAPI;u ofthc Age, that we. omit ' farthest from the time of sale of the land, :1 quan- uil oxpletives in announcing: the Tenth Volume. I my thereof in the proportion ofat least. ten acres Suffice. it to say that. 110;:1‘0per cfi‘nrz. or expense 3 t0 (jvcry nnc hundred acres, and have, erected will be spared to fuliy maintain and increase its ,‘ thormn a house habitable and nf the dimension reg-altatiun as the BEST JOURNAL OF 173 LAMâ€"â€" ‘ of at has: sixteen by twenty feet. rendering it emphatically, the Standard ’ 18. That all utherhmds nut, embraced in the Hurai and 'fi’auniiy $51343an iforvgoing category b0 exposed to sale by Public igricmi :1; a}; Literary 4g. Faméig Mama’s-s. Rural flew-Ycrker New ("bl-auto, New Dress, and New Ciub T arms. (111.1114011' a: 1.0L] Rl‘b 'ON. 521 FCTA'IOR OF’flfub é Hamiltun,(). \\..Ju15,1828 1 _ r" r , _ “ S/mrrulur” 3, t tab/.- 322 mm! , Which is one of the largest. and mast cumg'iote (if the kind in Canada ; comprising the falimvin Departments“. viz : Bani: an 1 Jul: Prinf‘ina, including flu? pubiim {inn (:flhc Nations" Series of Schwi Hawks, as we} as the 0xvmztiun (oh-vs: ry vaz‘iwty of plain and fa 1m) iég-iti-r Yl-H‘SR z-rinfiug : Um}: Hurling, (tints dospm 11mm carris-d NY the. firs: prize at the Pruvinciail Fair in 19:37,) including: Wank Book Manufacturâ€" in}:7 and rulivg and pug'ng by the most improved muchin *z‘y: fzilwg‘ryzp/‘in‘r, and Cupperpiatc Em, zr‘m‘nzmnd Printing, cmhmcing Invoices, 33 (3g Mays, Plans, Autographs, (Ht, 320.. with every 'arimy c- {Mercantile and Blank Forms; Stationery, embracing a soiect and varied stock of British, American and Canadian madc- 1411x4313, etc. I’ll-1‘.":'.S.’:i'r1 if); ; 1’." :, 'fitlurs. We. aim 1m; to direct [“th axvu-ntii'n to flu.- other branchvs 01' business ca rricd an b3. us at the tum and lUSSfl‘S fm‘m at heavy iit'lll which llf‘ is Cum; died to levy on the fr~m3¢t subscriber Wlm takes the benefit nf the crmii ; lwzurv llw public can undvrsmml Why nmvwnprrs ms], 2n or 2?: her Cent. more a: the em! than at the l’wgizming of the year. The tilmlitign of such a system will no don-ht 12 eat with the uppmml of the public, and while we will give every subscrilmr rum in nut lnwks rowmnnhh: time tn my up arreamgos. we shall But in future receive any suhwrilwrs has! 111039 Win» pay in advance. ()mnplwm arrange- mu-n‘s will 3‘» made for nutifyinz subscriiwx's hvtlnr the expiration of their terms: ufsulwcrigitiou. N. ll.â€"â€"-Leétors containing l'i‘lllilL'HM‘E‘S, grrnpt‘rly uddrcssml and I‘e';’s'1'e-1'.).--{ will he at. am. rigig. 7 CLUBS. The success. of the claiming system as a. means of sumuying the public with CHEA P NE‘.\'S has already heen teated by the S‘pw‘mtur. The plan, ‘v-Ihich Was at first unly applied to the IHwix‘lylms new been extended to the .‘~'m:£~H'ee‘3m'y ediziun, ,md the rates payable in advance are, .“' ,. .-ii'm’v1y,5 or more cnpies,$2 a year per col-.3 a!” @4335, 1!) 01' more c0;’>ies, $1 a. year per co; y '44" When Clubs are sent to ONE ADDRESS pm wry for every five 58:1: 2'- H'ccé‘ly m- t~n H'n'm’y will be given FREE to the gutter up of the ciub, but where each paper is addressed from the oilice of publimfiun nu free papers wiil be given. t3 tlzerethre zir. exceilent medium for advertising. l 5. That one. third of the. quantity of land in the r! Y . ‘ i . ‘ ‘ ~ - . llie rates Charged are the. same as the published . Towmtt;p shall he setticd upon Within two years rate, generally adopted by the Canadian press, _1 from tlte tint-.3 if sale; one third more settled upon except for the weekly edition, for which double L within the following five years, that is seven years the usual rate is charged. on account of its large from the time of sale; and the residue within the circulation being Confined almost exclusively to ’ further period 30 three yturs, i. L, ten years from the farming; eutmumtity, thereby admitting only i the date of saie; the settlement required being the profitable. lmbiietttion, in its columns, of ad- - that there shall he at lens: one 110m flde settler in vertisements suited to this particular class. authorized occupation for every two hundred acres if?" The. rates of “inscription, pay-able in .dt‘i- oflund; nil land not so settled at the expiration Mitre, are :-â€"~ of ten yea rs from the time of sale to become for- thily, per annum . . . . . . . . . .$5.(afl per copy. i fetted and revert to the. Crown absolutely, cit-9p: Semi-Weekly: “ . . . . . . . . . . 3.30 “ ' such }nt}!‘ll01‘.3 thereof as shall he found unlit {Ur “'eekly, “ . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 “ ’ zettlement, or such yurtiuna' as are of very inferior Postmitsters and others acting as Agents wiii ? quality and by reason thereof have renmined un- be allowed a handsome mmmission from the above l occupied, in respect to which the Governor in mentioned rates, sin-l parties sending the unmet: l Council may, upon application, dispense with the four new subscribers. with the cash, will be enti~ : fu'feiture and cause the same to be conveyed to tied to one copy free. i the original purelmser or his assignee. CLUBS. 6. A Ct ntmct (if-Sale to be made with the. pur- The success. of tile clubbing system as a means chaser from the Crown Stlbjea to the fliregt’fing of supplying the. public with CllEA P NM '8 has 9 and foliuwing Conditions: but Patents 'for the Am), a ,. ._ _-_ __ ..1_-.\_ _l__ 1 - “A p n... engrossed With the cares u! politics or commerce, t0 whmn the stimulus of a daily paper is not a necessity. The Spectator (Dai‘;,-Semi-‘chiiiy and \Veekiy) , is thereflnre 211‘. exceilent medium for advertising. The mtes charred are the. same as the published , rate, generally adopted by the Canadian lire-3,6 except for the weekly edition, fur which dunhle : the usual rate is charged. (in account of its large ; circulation being Cunlillt‘il nhnust exclusively to the farming cunmmnity, thereby admitting only the profitable pnbiieiitiun, in its columns, of ad- Yertisements suited to this particular class. L1?" The rates of Sibtxseripticn, payable in .51.!- vanne, are :â€"~ Daily, per annum .. .. . . . . . .$5.(ifl per copy. u-.. “1......- ..q.. Q... ...4.â€"- .-â€".-s Semiâ€"Weekly: “ .. . . . . . . . . 3.30 “ \‘x'ccklj’, “ C . O . C . . O . U 1.50 “ Postmasters and others acting as Agents wiil be alluwed a handsmne mmmission from the Khan“? -câ€".v‘._â€" H THE “ SPECTATOR,” ‘ } POLITICAL, Commercial, f and General Newspaper, is published at Hamilton, C. ‘W., by the proprietors, WILL-1AM GILLESPY and ALEX- ASDER ROBERTSON". It is issued daily, semieweekly, { and weekly, and has the largest circulation of any Ca nn (ii: 11 paper west of Toronto. From the particular attention paid to Commer- cial inteligence, the Spectator has acquireda rep- utation for reliability, which has secured for it the Patronage of the Mercantile Community of Wes- tern Canada. The geographical position of the City of Hamilton. with its superior Railway con neetion, afferds great fac lity for the Speedy trans mission of the Daily spectator to the numerous thriving [nWllS and vi} ages between the Niagara anti Detroit Rivers,-â€"â€"an advantage ef’v:l.ich thU proprietors have net failed to mail themselves The (Semz‘-Ii'ca~i‘iy and HEM-:5: editions (made up from the reading matter II. the 1);:1'151) containing a great amount of news, :2 an ext 2321er low price, enjoy a it-trge and extended circulation among the. agricultural classes, and those not immediately engrossed with the. cares of {elities or emnmeree, u... “M ’â€"â€"~-....._.. ‘“ â€".-‘~.5â€"WA¢-- ”wk..."- F 0123!, STYLE .xflVD TEIM‘IS. THE LEADING AND LARGEST CIRCULATED 1'0;qu KL. for was: . AL and its objects. Address Crown Lan SDEpartmenfn i. D. T. MOORE, Rochester, N Y. -. {Tm flaw) 15mm; 13359 G ILLES? miely low price, .tion among the: 3: immediately 5 0r cmmnerce, ' pape ‘ is not a. 4. That such Survey shall be made by a duly iicensed Provincml Land Surveyer approved of by the Commissioner of brown LtIJdS and acting under his instructions, who shall make his return with Fieid Notes, $7“, c., in the usual method observed by Surveyors, 19 be also approved of bv the Department. ~ ...._..§'â€"~Qâ€"'.â€". _ u-.. -., --....- iy and \Veekiy) i :6 J Gama}. I» "a The pf'ihes of lands in Lower Canada shall be regulated by Orders 111 Council from time to time P. M. VANKOUGHNET. That the prices above fixed for lands shall ap- 1313’th Upper Clix-nada only. 1" c l 7. That the system of recognizing unauthorized occupation of land commonly known as “ Squat- ting,” be discontinued subject to the following provisions, viz: That public and general notice be given by the Crown Lands Department, that no claim to pre- emption by reason of such occupation will be en- tertained after the first day of September next, and that no claim to such pre-em'ption not now in a state to be admitted can be made good by any act of the pa rty hereafter, and that therefi; re his labor will be thrown away. I 18. That. 1111 other 1:111:15 11:11 embraced in the foregoing 171110111111 be exposed to sale hv P1 Mic 1 Auction 1111111111111, 111' in the dis motion 1f the ,11m- missi 01101 of (‘11 m1 Lands imif 19:11‘13’ for (1141.111 3 such 111105 and 11111 ce~ and at such upset 1111003 as i the Commissioner of C rmvn L11 Dds shal‘ fix. 5‘- 14. [11:11 1116 la._‘I1dS 1111111111 11$“(chrgy .93 911193 1 be 8"]!1 (1n the same terms and m the 3:111'191111111110: ; as 01111 1‘ public lands in the Tuwriships 1n which I they respectixelv lie. 16 Tl; nt in the cases of sales already made payment of arrears be required and that tpnhli c notice in the Official Gazette and through the usual channels, that unless such arrears he mid Within twelve months flom the lst of Jan: :11r1‘, 1859, the land in respect of which default shall continue will be resumed by the C rnwn and resold, and that m the legard to all purchase monevsand interest hereafter to fall due; prompt payment will be exacted. 15 That prompt pavmcnt in all cases he made of the essence of the conirlct and anv dcfm It to be on pain of fmfvimre ,fall pr'evious pa) ments and of .111 right in the lands. 11. That all lots oflzmd which slznll have been oflcrcd as “ Free Grants" and shall not: lul (3 l???“ lUCfllf"l and m-vngiiwi at the l_‘X;:ll‘:l.ilv"-=i1(““0210j'titil' from th: :‘n-iu MC s-imc shall 32:: ve been s.) atl‘u-rstl shall I'm lnngcrrmnztin as “ Free Grants," hzzt slml be 01,011 for private: sale or shall he expgswl to 12:2}:- lic sale by Auctiun as tart of the lands in tire vanship in Whiz-h the same are sitnatgand upon the same tQmis as other lamils therein. 1‘3. That all lands (excepttlv')so311-m' cxmnpt) shall be subject to settlcmcnt duties, and no l’n- tent in any (use (even though the. land he I‘fllll far in full at the time of purchase) shall issue for any such land to any person who shall not by himself, 3r the person or }‘101'scns under whom he claims have taken possession of such la id Within six months ufthe time ()f’sale, and shall from that. time mntirmmsly have been a (mum fin‘c occut'xant of, and resident. on the land for at least two years, and have cicm‘erl and rendered fit for cultivation 0; en tor primtt‘ sale at t1 1e said npse t yriv 0 12:11.3] the period of one meek next hefure the timeat which we. next public sale shall .4 316‘ Mam mason min ymtwe yawn M the ('nmn men {Mm .~ In: nit} mi fur 3:219 hv i 1:011.“th ms twice ‘31:. «i f 1‘ {Let}: 321 or at such ether Intent 3»: ('0 us under cmnstam-Cs may he mmwc‘ by the (7 9. That lands he sold fur ans-‘3 at seven: 3' cents peracrc and 011'me um: {:10 full 2mm: (cams, viz: hue «i. liar 1,01 acre, one tr?” :0 he sid at the 222;.“ «:f the «ash, ami- 1} § rmzaini ng {: r fifths in fut? Might! 22‘!!! 2S] instalments WM: 1;:,::£‘t':1 :«n 8. '1‘131113'1‘1 u 11,4 Mg 3 wick-1111111111113maven 2121!! 111M wit it!!!» 1112.4, 11111. 11113143 11113114 1111' nuw 011M911 1'11: 3119 1111‘.» :.r 11311114: gm acrv nr “11-1113 111 1111111.: have as 3’01 b16511 11131-21931?» 9111:? :1nd in ”111112131111 1.11131.“ THIVG} m y“ «.1 be Surveyed m- tiom. tn Wit: _ 1. 0 m 1m 1m??? '7 s. All L‘ndg vhich Shall undu‘ the finegoing 00:):3313: 32‘. rm Yt‘l‘! to {[20 i z'wmn 5.1M} be exposed tn unlvut PI.- Ema: Xizcfi‘ mu such :im Hand [HMS uni m s: 1‘; H w 3! price in 1b. C xmzxi.~,~;i+ was u!‘ { In“ 11 hum.» sham] bx. plied 222.222 12.22 Cunlrractwizh 122m, fur 2m in 2223:2222! 22: such 12222130222222“ lot: 22222212222§2novideyce tint the 122221;." applying, or 22.32222: one 122242.22: 221222222 222: (21a E2223, 2222s 12222222 22 resident on th‘ 24-2241 1222. £32: at 12122432 124222 years 0222’2222222222231y, 22220: that 2222022 21.22 3222222: (22221. 0220242232223; two hundred acres“) at 202252 ten avrc‘ 2722 2222022 «22222 2222321202! acres 322279 222022 c1922.: 222! 2222! r0222}. r2221 222 22-22 cultiv: 2222222 22222. crap, and }222 222 222223 actualiy under cmp and 132222 21 )22212222222122 12222232 in «222 2222214222224 222 123223. sixt 02222 122 22222222} 22 222 34 22222: (-2! 22222322 22 222221 22222222 122222222222 2 2 21222. 4 .2222 222 222222" 2122322214 224 1 ’22222 2222 Fees to cover (*X§2€1B€‘3,2’i8. The nature. um} dcgcrh {ion of 2 2' 22 f 2222222222 refened :22 be settled and {res cribed 2.2. 22.0 (‘ “2222228722222” 222' (,22222 22 222222213. lzmd tn izlrlue only in the nccupunzs hf the 1.: t3 pur- chased deriving chins nude-r the YElidé'i’ of the {In wn, 02‘ m the axsignets chiming undsr such gm chasm-a and mug-nuts win. 331M! M w (mm- piied with the cvmdiiium uf St‘tflt‘lhf‘llt Lvrcinafter menthmed mum a certifimte ur 01hr:- edeHu-e that .tMy haw: paid such vault? or his 83:52"’I1(‘C at c-. 1;:- 'fi 33.03 the sale and management of the Public Lands approved by His Excellency the Gov. arnor General in Council. k M ' 1. That the lands in Townships which have al ready been delineated or shall hereafter be delin- eated on Survey by the exterior lines only, may be offered for sale en bloc on the following terms, viz : 2. T hat the price shall be ones-half dollar per acre, payable at the time of sale. 3. That the purchaser shall cause the lands to be surveyed at his own expense into lots compris- ing either one hundred or two hundred acres of land in each lot; and on the north sher- of Lake Huron into quarter sections of 16.0 see-3.5 ea ch ex- cept in Spots where the configuration of the Town- ship may render such exact. quantities impractica- Lle, and then as near to these allotments as pos- sible. 1'! téw-w x 5"t' 1320110 V RE G ULA T IONS SQUAT'TERS. «'11 Ha? lands in :1 Turn hi , 3m pr 91%: Cur ‘m Ha: ftfif‘l' pal-l the lands mm M a! the ex; imt}: *7 1:11: l1]! rn-inu MV- MEANUFA» “TUR’NG INTEREST 3f the brand " PROVIVCIAL MARBLE WORKS,” which will enable them to offer Z: reater variety at Low Prices. In addition to their former fa cilitiesfiave purchased TH E 3:. ’3‘ 45 W. Vida}: TORU \ 7'0 CITY” MARBL WORKS 138, You #9 Street. EXTENQIVE STOCK Gnome LANDS Dmmmyax'r, Toronto, 1711) June, 18 u.9 Dealers are requested to examine theil stock. Elia” O. H. Van Allen, Agentl Byrhim,“ C W. “INN" attention of persons in possession of Crown Land, Without purchase, is called to the Regnizniun on this hoad, contained in the { Win in Council of the 10th January iast,whereliy it is prm'ideii that no Squatters’ claim will be en- tertained after the F iRST day of SEPTEMBER, 1359. This Regulation will he srrrtiy enforced. P. 31. VANKOUGHNET, resyect of whi the Crown, or i (litions of 5:110. ( r 11111. 1 r in 1111;: person claiming 11111101 him. 11ill l1? 1111235111911 «1r Iecognizcd 111 11113 case Whom the 111111014513 nmnev due to the Crown. is in ar- 11.11:, .1 11d 11111111id,or the terms. or conditinns of Sale or anati: 111 rcma 111 unfulfilled, :1111'] that no Licvnse of ”0011 ,1111inn will he issued fur I 1:1: d in resuect of which there i: def :111lt 111 111111110111. to the C1‘o11'n,_or in c0111pliance with anv of the con- 3' NE Cnmmissimer of Crown Lands, (with the sanctiam of His I‘Ixccllency the Governor (Sm-119m] in Council) gives notice that no assign- ment: by the Purchaser or Locatbe from or of the i T /:(’ Markings of tho. AGRICULTI 3 to no State or Tn‘rimry, but ur ! u-mzfs qfall ser'tz’cms of the mum‘zj A oil-it'zles, tfiz’s Journal is twig AXE} gAccTEn. g FORM A ND SIZE. Each nu f large (fumble-quarto pa gee. The 1121531111411151311411 Ilz'tra' 111’ Fii'wm Subsc: 1191.: (T1 1111111111 1:1 011 (1311.111 edhiun FREE FE!'.I).‘3.~â€"â€"'i'u prumotc the diffusion of valrtnhle Field, Sank-n, and Fiswering Plants, the Publisher annual‘y distributes a large variety of s‘eeds free to all subscribers. ‘? TERMS : VOLUMEs.â€"~'l‘herc will be two volumes 9. year. of :1 bout- 75m 11)}‘211 (wmvo ya get; each, commencing in January and July, and ending in June and December, rusyoci'melgc, making six numbers to each VCR-11m, and {valve numbers to each year. tigiwcrlvgihn may: (-nmmence at any time. Efil'FllRSp-Tie sir; regular Editors, and a multitude lif(hgzxtrilulters, andall ymclit'u/ war/(ins: men, located and lulml‘lllg in vat-inns parts of the Com} :y, wlm send tlre results if their experience and observmiun t: the eummun sturelmuse. lLEMAlil.l*I.â€"â€"l’latin, c. tmnmrsense reliable, and instructive remling matter fills the pages of the. .iKari-ruftzzrist, tn tin: (‘XClllSlhn 0f the visionary tlwurivs 0f impracticable men, and “ lax-grinding" articles designed to further tLe business interests of individuals. I L Ll’STl-l A "l‘IUNSâ€"T he .igriruiturist is more beautifully and pry-falsely illustrated than any ~tlivr similar jamz'zml in the Wul‘ld. Each annual nolume contains 400 to Um} fine engravings of neml and Dnmes-tic objects. CHEAPEST JOI'RNA L IN THE WORLD.â€" (lwing t0 the immense cirenlatiun, the i’mprietoi is able to. and does furnish tli-e Vivien-[twist chea- per by far than any other journal of like cost and rmi value. The engraving: alone cost more than ‘llw l‘llllt‘t' 01:th ml! 1mm? innmnls gold at Hm ilw wtis'v outlay a?! Imus; junmnls sold at the ' 211218 price, while u», mirer Dollar Magazine pays a fuzmth as mm'h fin“ grand articles. ()4 Toaox'ro, 8th July’ 1859. , ’OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the sur: .3 veyed La nds in the Townships of Wollaston, Faraday, Herschel, McClaro,Wicklow, Monteagle, Dungmmon and Limenck, in the County of Hast- i 4:5. U. (3., will be Open for sale on and after the THIRD of NEXT Bi-LPXTH. Crown Land Department. my; L153: and am: Toronto, 2151; January, 1859. The Largest, Best, Cheapest, a Iated, Journal of the kim 13 PUBLISHED ‘TOI. 18’ Egg-590 American Agriculturist For lists of the July 11, 1859 SQUATTERS. LAB GES T S TOOK IN C ‘M -lDA. 25,000 Squirmc pa rods of seeds were sent 1. charge to the subscribers of the A’gricul- uerman emtaon is of same size and co ins the same matter, engravings, 820., as the English 2 22d is furnished at ‘5'.“ PA HTM EN T. P. M. VANKOQGIIXET, AND ritlvy, Lad ur cadapted to the 30’ an? count: -'z-'-â€"us its name in- } z!l.’-.2ri. pr mm I’ruwiclor, 183 Vx 11 Er Mreet New Y ork. AGRICULTI‘RIST are confined ORANGE JU DD. L :\ N US Axxnzcm IN ITS Cm- Commissioner. in LEERMAN. Commissioner. 24 Ill mm! widely-circa {/20 H'orld. ., and con- 32

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