lands to 11 years ghin tho ts from being tfler in (1 acres iration have 31‘ na- delin- .may be am be for at on the t least 0 been EDS. ihe pur- ' U KCEI)‘ nï¬t for nedmr Dts_ purâ€" M 01‘!) I that Men I 'yri «wing 02; used fl places bners of. :eguing for tho in the Public 6 Com- cash, at, riecs as lrzeyed we now It when) , am! in be 609’- :9 have Leserves r: made xémIt to symenta owing .m at ï¬fths. 'St on N for- lent [UH -11 LC 1135 Chi] the premises adj SC? in th: I‘tLiCui I have, at all times, a large assortment of Goods on hand, of every description in the above line, which I can safely say cannot be surpassed for cheafmess and workmanship in U'i’per Canada. Any thing in the ahove line. made to order at. the shortest notice, at the most reasonable price. Durham, Dec. 2, 1855. 1 {PIKE Conrerancer, Commission 37' in Queen’s Bench and Commwsion General 40mm. Ha 14:13? occï¬pie be happy to a! which will be and dispatch.‘ Sugermr Accommodation, COW PORTABL E TABLE, THE BEST â€I“ “’EXEié-‘é, LEQEERE, c.,:c. 33’ Every possible fort, of the travelling 7256513191" than ever. AGENT FOR The Canada Lamlefl man Sompany, .BENTINCK PQST OFFICE; DURHAM, COUNTY 05 G REY CORONER, LICENSED TO PRACTICE HEY-SW, SERGERY AND MiEWEFERY, D U R H AM . Durham, Dec. 2, 1858. 1 issuer 01' Marriage Licenses, MOUNT FOREST. paid. Lem eyaneer,. Commissioner in Court of Queen’s Bench AND Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Chaï¬ey’s Mills, Glenelg, Jan. 12, 1859.) 7 TERMS :-â€"-$1.50 per annum, strictlym a! $2.00 at the end of the year; and $2.50 ifm Five copies sent to one Eight do d1 Twelve do '11 For any larger number J. W. MCDONNELL, Carpenter and General Builder, GEORGE STREET, EDGE'S SURVEY. EVERY FRIDAY-[MOI S. L. M. LUKE, “' P'LE i. EJU '- 5 (NEAR [THE I? Plans and Speciï¬cations at a reasonable rate. Dec. 2, 1858. . 1 LGEnnna ï¬ttorney at Law, Solicitor“ in Chancery, Conveyan- SAMUEL E. LEGATE, asvmn (PF 33 anagrams LMEKSES DURHAM. J. ZE‘. BROWN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, EEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye Stub, Stationary m, be. Dorian; Doc. 5, me. 1 All Orders promptly executed at Prices to suit the times for Cash or Country Exchange. ’E’ 11‘? 21353 V‘HE subset-i} er informs the public that L 'm 1 :U‘Ed to execute all orders for 323:3 him; and E’lastcring Durhu MOUNTFORESt IX c. 2, 18 )8. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. ~ D.BQN®HEE, I ENERAL MERCHANT Traveller’s Home Inn, hrafram Rom}, ï¬ve miles from Durham. Heme); Dec. 2, 1858. l 3urham, Dec. 2, 1858. COUNT] EB 0F WELLINGTON AND GREY. Mount Forest, July 21, 1859 ' VOLUME I. 111' (30133111061qu Siabï¬ng. AND AN ATTENTIVE HUSTLER. H. COLE, ham, NOV. 25, 1853. ï¬ll cmnmunications must be Ive-paid. Subscriber announces t5) the Public that . EHEBTâ€"szm AND if GPPERr-EW AERE. ' T0 moan roman} owns .193 sent to one address for†.. SCHOOL HOUSE, :Upie-l by J. WILSON, Tinsmith ; and will to attend to all orders in the above line, 3.1 be promptly executed, with neatness PUBLISHER A51) PROM MOUNT FOREST, mrkmanlikc style, and at moderate CHARLES D. MCMILLAN. ’Jec. ‘2. 1858. 2 3ec TAELO I) JLL IS PUBLISHED 11" Dr. Dunbar, 2%. B. MCNAB, POSTMASTER, mmnccd t joining the attention paid to the com 7), ‘ ’ 1 auhc. cg} at the rate of $1,25 each BRIDGE) JOHN ELLIOTT. .1 I ........ s 7.00 .....$110 ........ $16.0 I711 he is 33 i112" The Business of this Company conï¬ned ex- clusively to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire,- 'uOIl '1 ll descriptions of Buildings and their con- tents, on fa. arable terms, and at rates of premium as low as that 01 any other responsible Company. 1 1:; " Terms of implication, 1111111111 necessary in- 1 forum 111111 to be had on applying to l SAMUEL E. LEGATE, 35am {2; Lice Lou-is, Em . Thomas Héworth, Esq. James Batty, {£511. Wm. Henderson, Esq. T. P. .Robarts, qu. Walter Ma cfarlune,Esq. M. Russia, Esq. Seth-'43? - Twas ..BERNARD HALDEN. Es , 3’ r . q Snlr°¢_':°i0r, . . . - . . . . . -ANiiâ€"US MORRISON, Esq. jjzzrzzkers, ............ BANK UPPER CANADA. Be .‘amia Sx'Fifzer, Esq... Inspeacm’. IE3" Every attentlon paid to the comfort of the mvelling community. Fergus, Dec. 16, 1858. 3 E3†E very utte’ntion paid to the 601131011: 0: 1 mum-Hing public. 33†Good Stabling and an attentive hostler. A 31?: DflIL Y. THEODORE ZASS, 26 mil‘ iieasï¬ (mitten-«Church ‘étreagt, Torentog » 1m Ag: (fencic-s all over the Provinc.e â€5 ‘IIE Subscriber is desirous of renting for a 1“. term of years, his HOTEL, situated in the Village of Orcharflvifle, CONVEYANCER, Fire Life Insurance Agent, 1"» f“ 1.5"." M"; 'â€"“-./"r"“ EQEEZ‘? E’QEESEE UNION HOTEL Bi: 'ham and Mount Forest, The Driving-house. is 32 x 40, and very commodi- ously ï¬tted up; also a. good Well and Pump. This House is at present doing a good business, and from its central yosition on the principal tho- roughfare through this Uountry, must still com- mand a. large share of trade. The House, which 13 32 x 30, is lately built, 8; ï¬tted up in excellent style, and a- good cellar 14 :v; 18. 16 Building Lots for Sale, ON EXCEEDINGLY EASY TERMS. Thu'cllcrs’ Home 171%, Composed of Park Lot No. S, Fronting on Lambton; Sadler, and Kin- cardine Streets. ERMS :â€"-â€"0neâ€"tenth down, balance in nine yearly instalments, without interest. For farther particulars, (if by letter, postâ€"paid) apply to the Subscriber. JOHN MOORE, Durham, Bentinck P. O. 16 BUILDING LOTS 306K . Jam PRINITNG BEE-IA SWAIEQBD OFFICE. Mount Forest, 8. W. August, 2 1859. 35â€" Bci ng one ot the most convenient situations in the Country. Arthur, Dec. 16, 1858. For particulars apply, if by letter, (post-paid) to R. CAIRMOUN T, Normanby P. 0., CtW: Orchardville, June 8, 1859. Durham, April 20, 1859- an. 3 WESTERN 1:535; (in 8 Cam pang, 017' ’1 U115 1‘1'1‘0, C. M. Executed with neatness and despatch, AT m ngeral Stag 6 Ofï¬ce: EEEQUï¬a . H. STOVEL, Township of Arthur, 195 from Durham, 10 from Mount Forest, and 17 unles from Fergus. P T‘?S‘I.(ZI.’T'7:’£ -‘ '37. 1859. mte’ntion paid to the comfort of the .COULSON. HALF-WAY BETW’EEN Gr Sell. a. ‘EEEEYB RE 2529., AND BY BY Agent at Durham. Viceâ€"P resident.- If“ F31 Zl-ly DURHAM, COUNTY OF GREY, C. W., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1859. An English critic, in condemning a large compilation on the subject of British Biogra- phy, complained that it commemorated too many insignificant names. Amongthese, he i said, was that 'of Eugene Aram, an obscure ‘ man, who had no claim to be remembered by the world. The critic was answered by Mr. Paley, the lecturer on Moral Philosophy, and the schoolmaster’s right to a place in the Biographia llrittanica was established. ’ Mal Paley stud (l; a ma 't hut had, '3‘“: $‘°.!'\:'.~"’~ l. had some cairn to notoriety,†especially when 4 it was remembered that in Eugene Aram’sl case his deeds and their punishment were alike the work of his own genius. In more recent times the pen of the novelist has tr. ne- mitted the name of Aram to immortality; per- haps we may find a brief condensation of his real history equally instructive. Eugene Aram was born in the W’est Riding of York, in 1704, and was connected by birth wrth some of the families of gentry of that county. Having obtained a good educa- tion, he commenced life as a poor scholar, and adopted the business of teaching, and devoted himself with great ardor to the ac- quisition and teaching of various languages. At the age of thirty, he arrived at Knaresbo- [ rough in embarrassed circumstances, but ah‘ “‘13â€".- b ready distinguished by his knowledge of the Hebrew, Arabic and Celtic languages, with many branches of modern science. He was already engaged in compiling a poiyglot lexicon, which promised a large addition to his fame, and had written some tracts upon British Antiaptities. In the immediate vicini- ty of Knaresborough he had examined many ruin-s of earlier centuries; among these were dwellings excavated from the cliffs of the River Nidd, and the chapel which the hermit St. Robert, of the thirteen century, had cut out of the solid rock, and in which he performed some of his greatest miracles, atâ€" tested by the old traditions of the country peOple. A mile further down the river is St. Robert’s Cave, which was the usual residence of the saint. For eleven years Aram pursued l ‘his avocation as a teacher, and the world wasl ranxrously expecting his great literary labor Ito be completed. In 1745, a shoemaker named Clarke 1ocrrowed a quantity of plate, l with some other articles, from his'friends ut - der different pretexts, and soon afterwards disappeared. It was supposed that he had car- ried off the plate, and the houses of Richard Houseman and Eugene Aram were searched for evrdence of participation in the fraud.â€" ,No plate. was tound, the investigation was abandoned, and the subject was nearly for- gotten. Thirtecn years passed away, in the course of which time the learned schoolmas- ter left KnareSborough, and became usher of a large schodl at Lynn, in Norfolk. Among his pupils were some boys who afterward rose to position far higher than their teacher was ever to reach. One of these was Coiling- wood, the admiral, and sharer with Nelson in the glory of Trafalgar. The youthful hero often told of the lessons of Eugene Aram, in which the stories of great criminals were narrated, begi ing as far back as the'tirne of the ï¬rst mur erer; Of lovely folk cut off unseen, _ And hid in sudden graves: - Of horrid deaths in groves forlorn, And murders done in caves; IEEéscellanwus Readin U Give lettered pomp to teeth of Time, So “ Bonnie Doon †but tarry; Blot out the Epic’s stately rhyme-â€" But spare his “Highland Mary 1†Not his tho’ long Whose thund’rous cm: Eternal echoes renderâ€"â€" The moumful Tuscan’s haunted rhyme, And Milton’s starry splendour! But who his human heart has laid To Nature’s bosom nearer? Who sweetened toil like him, or paid To love a tribute dearer? Through all his tuneful heart, how strong The human feeling gushes! The very moonlight of his song, But think, while falls that snaue n The erring one and Heaven, That he Who loved like Magdalen, Like her may be forgiven. Lament, Who Will, the ribald line Which tells his lapse from dutyâ€" How kissed the maddening lips of 07‘ wanton ones of beauty. Let those who never erred forget His worth 111 vain bewailings; Sweet soul of song! I own my debt- Un cancelled by his failings. BY JOHN G. WHITTIER, 03' NEW ENGLAND. From the 67th Republic Monthly. TUTERATURE, EDUCATION AND AGRECULTURE. And-how the Spirits of injured men Shriek upward from ahe sod, Aye, how the ghostly hand will point To show the buried clod, And unknown facts of guilty acts . Revealed in dreams from God! He told how murderers walked the earth Beneath the curse of Cain. With 0 ' on clouds before their eyes, And flame about their brain; For blood has left upon their soak 1'8 8%ka We...†Robert Burns. rhile falls that shade between Whose thund’rous chime OF KNARESBOROUGH. Wme, DEVOTED To THE ert’e cave, Where Aram speedily knocked! down and murdered Clarke. With the aid! of Houseman, the body was buried in the cave, Where the bones had now been found, and the clothes were brought to Aranr’s house and but red. i The trial of Aram took place at the York Assizes, August 3d,1759, and Houseman was admitted tes :tify against him. Houseman’s story was that Daniel Clarke had recived his Wife’s fortune, amounting to £160, the night before he was murdered. He called at Aram’ s with this sum in his .alpou {,et and car- ring also the plate which he had borrowed among his friends. Aram requested Clarke and Houseman to walk out toward St. Rob- The emu 3f the murdered man was new produced 111 court “ a ghastly 7 witness against the prz. :rmer.â€.- On the left side was a tree-7 ture w 1icl‘ac01ild only 1137 e been made by the stroxe of abluntin strumenr; the piece tribune was 1'711 man it 7.17.7 .7. 2717:. 31377.7(? on}; ‘137717 been r.3plafli~‘7."11e:r77733777217. The 011l7' medzcal ( I. ~.s.!“’r 7. 13:311. 011?, ' 77743572133. 01 177.1. 1'. 7‘WCJC--; (â€731; L31}. 71 that “11:: such breach as that pain .tcd out in the skull could have proceeded from natural decav ; that it 7735 not a recent fracture by the instlu meat 13} which it had been duo 113, but seemed to be vof of manv veers ’stalrcling. 3’ Houseman now knew there was no way to save himself but to turn “ king’s evidence,†and bring to justice his accomplice. Eugene Aram was named as the principal perpetrator of the crime ; and oï¬icers hastened to Lynn, arrested the learned usher, and brought him before the court to confront the cowardly Houseman. The mind of the teacher was not at rest, for he perpetually feared that the Angel of J us- tice was watching over him still : and his old friend Houseman still continued to be a prey of gloomy terrors. In 1758 a human skeleton was dug up in a ï¬eld near Knarseborough, and the excited people endeavoured to iden- tify the discovered body with some lost in- dividual, Whose fate had never been known. An inquest was held by the coroner, and many remembered the disappearance of the shoemaker, Daniel Clarke. Houseman was brought? before the cononer’s jury,'and he dis- played in his, countenance and voice every mark of fear and consternation; but he at- tempted to disguise his feelings as he ap- proached the decaying skeleton, and, with an air of levity, took up a bone, saying at the same time, “this is no more Dan. Clarke’s bone than it is mine.†The effect was dif- ferent from that which the witness expected. The jury was convinced that he knew more than he had ever revealed about Clarke’s death. He was told that he had as good as confessed that he could tell something more, and was at length induced to disclose the story of the murder. “ Go,†said he, “ to St. Kohert’s cave, and you will ï¬nd the bones of Clarke, just by the entrance. and with the head turned toward the right.†The prosecution proved 'nothing further, and Arum called no Witness for the defence. Relying solely on his own eloquence and in- genuity, he delivered a Vtitten speech of great power which strongly impressed many present in his t"aver. It is a grand principle 111 English law, that no man can be con- demnedfcr murder unless the bodyof the person supposed to have been murdered be found and identiï¬ed. In this case, no proof that would be satisfactory. The skeleton was not proved to be that of Clarke ; neither the age, the sex, nor any of the many points of identity which in the present age would be elicted, were broug 1t out. Aram denied any knowledge of the bones exhibited, and pm» sented powerful arguments to prove that they must belong to some hermit who had, in former times, dwelt in the cave, as the holy Saint Robert himself was known to have done. ' ' But all the eloquence and learning display- ed by the prisoner in his extroardmaryl speech failed to convince the jury of his in-‘ nocence. t was even believed that the astonishing abilities he exhibited contributed only to the clearer establishment of his guilt The celebrated Dr. Paley, who was present at the trial, was afterward heard to say, that Eugene Aram had “ got himself hanged †by his own ingenuity. He was found guilty by the jury, and sentenced to death. Despair seized upon his mind in the prison in which he awaited the hour of execution. He con- fessed his guilt to the clergyman who con- versed with him; and afterward wrote a feeble justiï¬cation of suicide. On the morning ap- pointed for his execution, he was found in a dying state in his bed. Fainting from loss of blood he was, at the appointed hour, suSpended from the scaffold, and his body was then exposed in chains at St. Robert’s cave, the scene of his crime, committed four- teen years before. The secret of his life “ was one that earth refused to keep. Since the trial and execution of Aram, the scientiï¬c discoveries of a century have added largely to the resources of human society in the detection and punishment of guilt. VVith- in the present century, science has unraveled many a complicated web of crimes, and startled the guilty by fearful revelations. In many instances, the moldering dust of the siâ€" lent grave' has been called forward to give evidence against the murderer; and the poison, that terminated the motrallife of the innocent, has been rendered up, grain for grain, after years of delay had calmed the fears of the criminal. In Lyons, in France, a woman was charged with poisoning her father seven years before, and a chemical analysis of the shapeless tissues found in the cofï¬n revealed the Whole truth. It was a voice from the grave, against which no defence could be made. A few years ago, a more remarkable case occurred in France. A heap of bones“ With little else, was found in a tomb, which had been closed for eleven years, and the ends of justice rcquired that their history should be ascertained. The questions which law and justice had asked: of chemical science were answered by M. ‘Orï¬la‘ and his associates. The dead body was identiï¬ed by a series of minute particulars with that of an aged perm the had eleven years before Whatever were the expectations of the spectators, Gardner seemed to have perfect confidence, and proceeded as if the business was no new thing to him; he had evidently assured himself by previous experiment and practice. The spot selected was one Where the bank receded directly into deep water. Supporting himself on the start by a pole which was held by several persons on shore 7, on reaching the end he let loose, and stood upon the surface of the water! Gardner also used a balancing pole, for the same purpose and in the same manner of the tight rope per- former. He proceeded directly out from the shore, with a kind hf swinging gait, his body swaying to and fro as he stepped. A short distance from the shore the apparaâ€" tus was hardly discernable and the pedestrian had every appearance of walking upon the surface of the water with no artiï¬cial aid, with the exception of his balanciï¬gsngeu~ His progress was about thesame As in 017195;. 0 1 In accordance with an invitation, a limited party of gentlemen assembled yesterday at- ternoon at a post up the river, a short dis- tance above the second dam, to witness an experimental performance by Mr. J. Gardner, the water-pedestrian. Taking our seats in a carriage, we started more with the anticipa- tion of enjoying a pleasant drive than of Wlt- nessing any remarkable exhibition, but we were destined to be disappointed. Arriving upon the spot we found Gardener nearly ready to proceed with his feat, and a party of thirty or forty gentlemen in attendance. At about three o’clock, Gardner adjusted his ap- paratus, and was ready for a start. ____ n tance above the second dam, to witness an experimental performance by Mr. J. Gardner, the water-pedestrian. Taking our seats in a carriage, we started more with the anticipa- tion of enjoying a pleasant drive than of Witâ€" nessing any remarkable exhibition, but we were destined to be disappointed. Arriving upon the spot we found Gardener nearly ready to proceed with his feat, and a party of thirty or forty gentlemen in attendance. At about three o’clock, Gardner adjusted his ap- paratus, and was ready for a start. thatever were the expectations of the spectators, Gardner seemed to have perfect confidence, and proceeded as if the business was no new thing to him; he had evidently assured himself by previous experiment and practice. The spot selected was one where the bank i'ece"ed directly into deep water. Supporting himself on the start by a pole which was held by several persons on shore 7, on reaching the end he let loose, and stood upon the surface of the water ! Gardner also used a balancing pole, for the same purpose and in the same man er of the tight rope per- former. He proceeded directly out from the shore, with a kind hf swinging gait, his body swaying to and fro as he stepped. A short distance from the shore the apparaâ€" tus was hardly discernable and the pedestrian had every appearance of walking upon the surface of the water with no artiï¬cial aid, with the exception of his balancingaprjwâ€" His progress was about the same its in ordn: - ary walking upon land, and apparently with 2.“- .1- .,‘ iL" ..-4 l he us Since the arrival of the Douglas from Brit- ish Columbia trade has been unusually brisk. Large orders have been ï¬lled by our mer- chants for all parts of the mining country.â€" The Douglas and Otter carry up a very large freight. From the advices from the mines, a permanent revival of trade is anticipated.â€" We are persuaded that both British Columbia and Vancouver’s Island have seen their worst days. The future to us a pears bright ° and as soon as the natural an governmental obd stacles are removed, trade will become healthy, and be placed on a more substantial basis than or er. For our part, we have never seen occasion to «,loubt the ultimate prosperity of the country, and are confident that those -who have steadly adhered to the countz through good and evil reports will, in the on be amply rewarded. The reported discover- ies of gold on Canal River are creatin a very great deal of excitement both here andt ough- out the mines. As will be seen by mr‘ Yale correspondence a pack train has left there well supplied for the diggings. As "yet, how- ever, there has not been any news that our correspondent considers perfectly reliable.â€" Mr. C. Le Roy, a Frenchman, known here as a reliable person, and who has a trading post at Pavillion, seven miles above the Foun- tain, writes that there-is no doubt that rich diggings have been discovered on Canal River, '5. miles north of Fort Alexand .m- Hip two , srtners ha gone hp, and 3 635 -- . 35?va rtensed _ liners-t1: . . 1 h’ . 7- ' 0 $15 to 5,. ) 3533)" cu, be made. Horseaflhrch 'T'Sf-i' :~\llix1rr ul- {11¢ m‘Y.'iizi.'-1:1 {at ï¬rm“ nan! C neaziy 111-; same case. He tea-1.111111 the is}; posiie shore Without stopping, in six minuie 311d 3 qua cuter. Mr. . (xdid not step upon 11;; sh<11e,but merei} rested his feet 3 11101111311 or 1110 e, 511119011 ing 311d bal3nci1'1g himseif by placing his izoie 11 pan the bottom. Short}; atzer he st: tried upon his retmn, and reached the middle of the river, again steed still. But criminals are not always detected and punished in the present life. They often es- cape for years, though they feel everywhere that they step upon a volcano; which is liable at any moment to explode beneath their feet. How many have said to the terrible voice Wlthmâ€" Here £9.11lne1‘11'11'11e'3 himself around sev- 5131 times without: movinw his feet, but sim- ply by the act of .511 iwrinp' hi: balance Dole. He the 011 staited :frain, and quick]; strided to the sho1'e. ’lhe spectators were struck with ainaz. ement and d1, â€"'li0ht at the complete suc- cess oi the experiment. Mr. Gardner 011 sten- ping ashore received the hearty congratula- tions of all. The whole time occupied upon the W“ ater was a trifle o?eighteen minutes. It Is the opinion of all w 0 were present on the occasion that Mr. G. has sec med :1 for- tune by his invention. His exhibitions can- not fail to create afurore and draw 11nmcnse- disappeared. The perpetrators of the murder were arrested and condemned to the galleys for life. Innumcrable other instances might be given in which the various medical sci- ences have unvailed the mysteries of the temb. “ Conscience, what art thou? Thou mysterious terror. . That dost inhabit us without our leave, How dost thou light a torch to distant deeds. Make the past tremble and the future frown!†A correspondent of the New York Evening Post, writes as follows to that paper from Luzerne, Pennsylvania zâ€"General John S. Eustace, With whom I was intimately acâ€" quainted for some time previous to his death, and who formerly held a major-general’s com- mission in the French armies. gave me the following as a genuine copy of the celebrated spaach of Logan, the B‘Iingo chief. He (Gen- Eustache) informed me, that he was on terms of intimacy with Lord Dunmore, in Virginia, and frequently an inmate of his house, and the speech, as 1 now send it to, you, was pre- sented to him personally by Lord Dumnorc. I do not consider myself an accurate judge of Indian eloquence, yet it appears to me, that the speech as published by Mr. Jefferson is not worthy of those high encomiums which be bestows upon it. Speech- of Logan, â€a Mgngg 0554f: Biezgre Speech 0 Logan, a Mingo Chief, Before Lord unmore,fornwrly Gove'mwr of Vir- gima. My cabin, since I ï¬rst had one of my own, has ever been Open to any white man who wanted shelter: my spoils of hunting, since ï¬rst I began to range these woods, have I ever freely imparted to appease his hunger and clothe his nakedness: but what have I seen ’2 What! but that at my retun at night and laden with spoil, my numerous family lie bleeding on the ground, by the hands those who had found my little hut a certain refuge from the inclement storm; who had eaten my food and covered them- selves With my skins. What have I seen? but that those dear little months, for Which I had sweated the hvelong day, when I return- ed at eve to ï¬ll them, had not one word to thank me ï¬r_=n1y toil! . ‘ From the Oswego Palladium September 3. What would I resolve upon? My blood boiled Within me, and my heart - leaped up to my mouth, nevertheless I bid my tomahawk be quiet, and lie at rest for. that War, because I thought the great men of your country'sent them not to do it. Not long afterwards, some of your men invited our tribe to cross the river and bring their venison with them; they, un- suspicions of design, came as they had been! invited ;. the White men then made them drunk ‘7 killed them, and turned their knives even a- gainst the women. Was not my sister among. ithem ’I' Was she not scealped by the hands of [of that man Whom she had taught how to es- The True Spcach och-gan. ‘Walking on the Water. Printing in Colcrsï¬old, Silver Bronze. cape his enemies, when they were scentin out his track? W'hat could I resolve upon . My blood now boiled thrice hotter than be- fore, and thrice again my heart leaped up to my mouth ; no longer did I bid my tomahawk to be quiet, and lie at rest for that war, be- cause I no longer thought the great men of your country sent them not to do it. I sprang from my cabin to avenge their blood, which I have fully, done this w r, by shedding yours from your coldest to yourihottest sun; thus re- venged I am now for peace, and have ad- vised most of my countrymen to be so too ~â€"â€"nay ! what is more, I have oflered and still offer myself as a victim, being ready to die if their good require it.. Thin not that I am afraid to die, for I have no relations 1e]: to mom for me. Logan’s blood runs in no reins but (/1 086â€"1 would not turn on my heel to escape death, for I have neither wife, nor child, nor sister to howl for me when I’m gone. o. a, vs- .' _â€"J vw.‘ â€". â€" V’wvâ€" 9" “â€"V '-.'.';.13- '.-\3111:1w g :31: the n: 33111111 for $50, no"! 13 '3- 10133 sed 10:3 3' “I; 01' 3150.811301]“ the 119.5 prove as rich and e:- 381151313 as r03- pom-311 ‘03: Mr. Le R03 theze cannot be a doubt of a return of imn igration. The wisest course, however, is to wait till Ihe discoveries are placcd beyond a doubt.--â€"C'olumbia Coiémkt; The Proprietor begs to inform the Public that he will be most happy to attend to orders for all descriptions of Printing, such as Pamphlets, Invitation Cards, Circulars, By-Laws, Programmes, ‘ Show-him, Hand-bills, Business Cards, [Abehr Fancy Cards, Blank Deeds, Promisory Notes. Memorials, Ministers“ Plans, In dentures. Evils 0f Denomimaï¬ienai Schools. We cut the foollowing extracts from the Upper Canada Journal of Education. The ï¬rst paragraph is from a speech by Sir James Sl‘umleworth, late Secretary of the English Privy Council Committee on education. The other extract is from an article on Education in Newfoundland in the Nova Scotian Jour. m1}. of Education. These extracts merit the attention of all thoughtful men :â€"- DURHAR STANDARD “The defects conimonly imputedto the Cleo“ nominational system are, that it needlessly wastes funds in the building and support of sepe ate schools; that it rears scholars in separate camps for future sectarian warfare; that it thus undermines the charity of our com- mon faith, and subjects minorities either to a. submission to conditions inconsistent with the rights of cons‘cience, to a mere toleration, or to exclusion from the civil privileges of the school.†“Looking to the future, it is deeply to be regretted that no brighter View presents itself. it is now contemplated to subdivide the PIO- estaut Grant between Episcopalians, Wesley- ans, and other Protestants. A bill for this purpose was introduced last session,»was read a ï¬rst time,-+aiid met with no 0 position : and next 3' ear it will probably be t 6 law of the land. The effect of it will be that Epis- copalians and W esleyans will have Seperate Schools :â€"--The Episcopalians number 42,6}8 â€"-â€"V\"esleyans, 20,144Lâ€"other Protestant de- nominations ‘2,‘2113. The Protestant Educat- ional Grant will be subdivided into thtee shares, praportioned to these numbers. T e consequence will be that the number of schoo in the (lil'lerent settlements will be augmen- ted, and, as a necessary result, the salaries or teachers lowered, and the poor education al- ready attainable, it is to be feared, will be deteriorated. Jealonsies, rivalries, and de- nominational dinereirces will be increased and embittered gâ€"the Protestant denomina- tions, educated apart from one another, will be more alienated and less capable of united action 5 and there will be no counteraction to sectarianisrn. The progress that has hithorto been made in education will be checkodnnd. the money will be handed over to encircle-i nomination to be expended very much... they please. Teachers ' will be practically m dominion of their respective clergyéwln {he evils that have arisen from divimat H be perpetuated. In stt lements where“; " ’ would be sufï¬cient, and one ’teah‘hot ' . have a respectable income, there will; three poorly qualiï¬ed teachers on . , pittances.†- .‘ ’ , ~, We advice every youugmanwï¬ï¬ah following and paste 1t upwherem m it daily_: EnergyZâ€"ffil‘le logger I [Siam 95.9.9 '.A'4_.1§ certain I aniuthat thcg'reitdW‘Ba mén in energyâ€"~imfincible {W an honest purpbse onoeaï¬zs’d, mm or victory. ' Thgs ,qpalitg Will: 52"“ that can be done intheworld ;;L ' " A no 0P2". tunity, wifl'mï¬e‘ unfunï¬â€™i .4 a g" H _it.--'Bel'nwntl Book am: Fancy Job Printing Establishment, DU RH A M . NEW SERIES, NO. 42. Trade, Mines, Land. TERMSâ€"~CASH.