Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 3 Jun 1859, p. 3

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{or ’ith Lt! of Salem, Mass” believes in trees. There are dwo thousand Six hundred and fifteen trees on :the streets, commons, and squares. art, ahd among them Miss Hoemer’s spirited little statue of Puck on 3 Mushroom, which has attrated so much attention. TOWN HALL ron ST. MARY’S-â€"Th8 subject of building a town hall and market in St. Mary’s is being discussed bythe inhabitants. A start will probably be madeduring the pre- sent season. RAISING THE WIND mm rm: CROWN JEW- ELs.â€"The Courier de Marseille mentions as a further proof of Austria being greatly in want of funds, that the Emperor Francis Jo- seph has caused the crown jewels to be de- posited with the heirs of the well known ban- ker, Baron Sina, as a guarantee for a loan of ‘ .AA AAA Richard Ausdale, the well-known animal painter or London, purposes to Visit this coun- try during the present season, for the purpose of studying the buffalo of our western prairies. The New York Courier says that the chan- nel in the East River is rapidly closing, and w here five years ago vessels of any draft could safely pass, now those of ordinary draft find bottom. The .Seneca Falls Knitting Factory has a contract to make socks for the United States Army. One thousand pairs are produced daily. ' Te eaggregate of all the vessels of war now m 58 of construction at the several Eng- lish ports is twenty-seven, mounting in all 1,571 guns, and 15,010 horse power. Mrs. Douglas Jerrold died in the Isle of Thanet on the 6th ult.. aged 51. The British Government have issued an order for '80, 000 rifles and 60 ,000 bayonets. A wharl rat weighing thirteen pounds was killed m Portland, Me., on the 16th inst. All the saltpetre in the New York market has been withdrawn to anticipate gunpowder necessity. The trustees of the State Inebriate Asylum have issued an appeal to all the churches of the United States for aid, It is understood here that Jerez, the Nicar- aguan Minister, has received intelligence of \Valk8fis meditated forzw upon Central Ame- riva, and that the English and French Ad- .miruls'on that coast have instructions to seize him and his followers either-ashore or afloat. A Connecticut deacon utters this sound ad- vice : “ There are three things in the choice of which you should no; hurryâ€"a wife, a minister, and a horse.” [t is said by many of the Western papers that prices of lumber will rule unusually high throughout the coming season. There are about 600 Post Offices in London, :(Eng..) and mt a smgle house that is over 40 was 1mm some one of them. ‘ithas'been stated that Lord Lyons is of the :opinion that the British Minister in Mexico “will soon, if he has not done soaiready, recog- nise the JflUTt'Z Government, and that it is un- derstood that he has instructions to that effect. But there is no foundation for this statement as it is reliably ascertained that Lord Lyons has no infin’rmation respecting the intentions of Her A'iitj‘fa'iyzs Government with regard to the contending parties in Mexico, and has ex- 3ressed no opinion on the stzbject. \ A man one hundred and two years old en- tered a quarter section of land at the Menasha Land Office, on Friday “’eek. Despatches were received'to-day from Gen; Lamar He states that the Belly Contract has not been ratified. 1 The Prince of “Wales, on his recent visit to Rome, made sonic feypurcfiases of works of The Free Press says ‘° we learn that Pro- fessor Croft has succeeded in deoderising the natural oils found in the County of Lambton, and of which we gave a short account some time since. This was all that was required bbefore placing the oil in the market. Its il- luminating qualities are unequalled, but it had an unmistakeable effluvium. That re- moved, no obstacle remains to its use and as the proprietor, Mr. Williams, has already se- cured some 30,000 gallons in its crude state, we expect that it will soon be on sale. Its 'gpriee will be $1 per gallon, or 50 per cent. below the price of the various coal oils now soldâ€"There is little doubt that the supply will be amply sufficient for the wants of all the consumers in the colony, and will form an item of domestic manufacture of no mean kind.” P1110}: or A MAss.â€"At the convent of St. Laurent, about a mile out of Rome, there is a priviledged altarâ€"that is to say, every mass said at this altar has the priviledge of draw- ing one soul completely out of purgatory. It consequently enyoys a great reputation, and IS much sought after by the fatthlui. One day the abbot tound his convent 6,000 masses in 11rv-p_1râ€"-â€"1lt 1‘. Is, he had received payment for ..6,,000 masses at a crown each, more than had been said. He repaired to his Holiness Gregory XVI., and begtred him, since he was mnnipotent, to grant cthat a single mass shnuld dr'Iw the whole 6,000 souls out of 31:11-11 1I1 'l‘é1e Pope considered awhile, .1..1 1 most 11 :10»in to the desired effect.â€" " l‘he add 111 1 mi 111111 the feet of the hoh fa- ther, expre~sed his gratitude, and was about to retire, when (hegory XVI. called him back, sa\it1:_'â€"-â€"”\ mass ofb ,000 crowns; such a 111:1 s is fit tor a pope , bl will say it 1nyssll;”:1nd1111eri1y the following mor- ning he repaired to the content of St. Laurent performed t. 11: mass and the abbot had to hand him over the 6 000 piastres, equal to a- bout #1 ’00. â€"â€"Jaflsh Winonide. The St. Joseph, correspondent . of the St. Louis Democrat notices the arrival at that place of 100 returned Pike’s Peakers, who bring deplorable accounts of the mining pros- pects and suffering on the Plains. It is esti- mated that 20,000 men are now on their way back, all or the most of whom are destitute of money and the necessaries of life, and are perfectly reckless and desperate. Threats are made of burning Omah. St. Joseph, Lea- venworth, and ether towns, in consequence of the deception used to induce emigration. Two thousand men are reported fifty miles west of Omah, in a starving condition. Some of the residents of Plattsmouth have closed their business and fled, fearing violence at the hands of the enraged emiglants. The Pike’s Beak Humbug. The Enniskillen Oil. I Sumnmry. WASHINGTON, May 2 . 0N MoNDAY EVENING, Gst inst. (3:? Farm Produce, and all kinds of seasoned merchantable Lumber, taken in exchange, at Cash priceéfil Oats, “ . Peas, “ Barley, ‘ ....... Potatoes, per bushel, Pork, per 100 lbs. .. . Flour, per hbl. . . . Hay, per ton, ..... Butter, per lb. .. . . . air-A Call is respectfully soiicited. 4:11 A. dz J. MINTERN. Durham, June 1, 1859. 26 Which for excellence of quality and lowness of price, has hitherto been unprecedented. Any article in the line made to Order on the shortest notice. TABLES, BEDSTEADS, B U: E A U S U Cupboal as, c. c. ., Two doors north of the British Hotel, containinga LARGE STOCK OF FURNIT URE DEPOT $133 Eififimfiw Fall \\ heat per bI‘IShel,“ Spnng F lour per bbl. "‘ M HE Subscribers announee to the inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that they have opened a. Wheat, per bushel. Flour, per bbl. . . . Oats, per bushel. . Potatoes do ..... Butter, per lb ..... Eggs, per doz. . . . Hay, per ton . . .. . . Bread, per 4 1b. 10: A great effort is making to render Cuba a cotton producing island. Planters in almost every section of the island have been led to devote attentit n to the cultivation 01 cotton, by the promises of aid, should it be required, of loreign (English) capital ; and the government has decreed that the Joint Stock Cotton Grow- ing Company shall be allowed to import the gins, and other machinery requisite for pre- paring cotton for market, free of duty. The lace makers of Mcchlin, who spin the thread for lace and also for French carnhrics, are obliged to work in confined, dark rooms, into which light is only admitted partially by a small aperture, and by being thus compelled to pay more constant attention to their work, they discipline the eye and attain the faculty of spinning the llax of that web-like firmness which constitutes the excellence of these two fabrics. WOMAN AS A FARMER.â€"We learn from a Southern paper, that the most extensive plan- tation in Louisiana, is managed by a womanâ€"- Mrs A. E. Flint. During the last year she raised 1,800 hogsheads of molasses, and 400 bales of cottonâ€"the largest crop produced on any plantationgiu that State. H UMBOLDT’S LAST Wonns.â€"The sun shone brilliantly into the room where Humboldt died, and it is reported that his last words, addressed to his neice, were, “ Wie herrlich diese Strahlen: sie scheinen die Erde zum Himmel zu rufen 3 [How grand these rays 3 they seem to beckon Earth to Heaven l”] A teaspoon was recently plowed up in Stockbridge, Mass., on the farm formerly owned by Timothy Woodbridge, a Judge of the Common Pleas Court. in 1761, hearing the initials of himslf and wife. The field has not been plowed for 100 years, but the spoon was as as “ good as new.” The heavieSt reward ever offered for the de- tection of crime is that announced by the in- surance companies of Boston, for the arrest and conviction of the incendiary who set fire to the mechanical bakery in that city some time since. They have offered ten thousand dollars for detecting the miscreant. THE VICTORIA Blancaâ€"The speed with which the works at the Bridge are being car- ried on, and their already advanced state, al- most enables the Pilot to say with certainty that, by the middle of September, they will be __fairly completed. A.- _ - Q Q FATAL ACCIDENT AT STONEY CREEK.â€"A man named William Macintosh was instantly killed by the bursting of a small cannon, at Stoney Creek. A fragment of the gun struck him in the forehead and carried off the top of his skull, killing him on the spot.â€"~Spectator. Swanâ€" The British sloop-of-war Alert, having $2,500,000 of Mexican specie on board arrived at Acapulco on the 12th from Mazat- lan and San Blas. She left for Panama on the same day. This goes to England. PUBLIC F omnxms.â€"It is proposed in N ew York to establish public fountains and by- drants, for drinking purposes, in frequent pla- ces. The design is an excellent one, alike for health, comfort, and morality. The City. Marshal of Rockland, Maine! lately seized liquors at various places in that city to the amount of 37,000; About $2,000 worth were tak'sn from the Commercial mammam Durham, June 2nd. 1859. N GARAFRAX A STRE E'E‘EEAIg QEAIRS, SCHOOL HOUSE D URHAAI PRO TEC TION MOU NT FOREST MARKETS. Advertisements. 3e23, .............. per bushel, ..... . ........ 100 lbs ................ hbl. ...... . . . . ...... “ TORONTO MARKETS. DURHAM MARKETS. F.00uocOOoooOoooon Hmâ€"OOOOCO0.0COCCC.C. Coo-0000.00.00.00...“ ...~cuh............. Will meet at the Mouxr FOREST, June 1, 1859. ...... ..........$2.00 “ 0.1 ............... . 8.50 “10: OF THE Toronto June 1 1359. u 0.46 . . 0.50 . 0,80 1.00 . 0.50 7.00 . 3,00 .. 9. 00 . 0.20 . . $1.70 to 0.12;“ ‘C ' 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 I Durham, Dec. 7. 1858. 7.00 0.00 HARDWADE TRADE. â€"Their Store is crowded with buyersâ€"every one who wants cheap bargains of YOU CAN SAVE One Dollar on every Three, Laid out at this Store. THEREFORE, WHEN YOU GO TO GUELPH AND NEXT DUUR' TO John Hogg’s Dry . Goods Store. . Guelph, Dec. 16, 1858. 3 Wheat, Oats and Pork. @QESMAE BEQEfiEES@ Opposite the Post 0flice, HORSMAN Believe that Honesty is the 'best Policy, and have ONLY ONE PRICE Put in their Mill, they are prepared to furnish the best superfine Flour at nearly the same rate that common Flour is usually sold in this locality, for Cash only. J. 8: R. DICKSON, ROCKY SflUGEEN MILL. March 28. 1859. 18 The only HARDWARE STORE in Guelph, whefé every thing is marked in plain figures. KEEP THE Largest quantutyof Hardware TERMS :--One half to be paid on the fist of January, 1860, and the remainder one year from the latter date. FLOUR, FLOUR. HORSM AN BRO’S. Wit-11 the Best and Cheapest. HARDWARE. Al: kinds of Buildings, Furnishing the mztlter :11 if so ”eqllired, as he has a full Stock of SEASONED LUMBER on hand. Set of Harness and Sleigh. Has long been wanting in this County, and sifice ALL KINDS OF TURNING Made to Order, on the shortest, notice, at his Shop No. 2:3, Garafraxa-st., J. and the publiq geixcrally, that having recently had a FIRST CLASS WHEAT, oATs, PORK, on Other Farm Produce. Five years old, well adapted for general use Also, a good A THOROUGII G0 0]) mmmg 3mg THE Subscriber hereby informs the WNW he is prepared to undertake the completion of Furniture 8'. Cabinet Ware ERMS:â€"-Oneâ€"tenth down, balance in nine yearly instalments, without interest. For farther particulars, (if by letter, post-paid,) apply to the subscriber. JOHN MOORE, Durham, Bentinck P. O. Composed of Park Lot No. S, Frontiug on Lambton, Sadler, and Kin- cardine Streets. I‘Vlzolesale and [fetal]. 16 Building Lots for Sale, ON EXCEEDINGLIY EASY TElfilfiw “a. ETURNS his thanks to his numerous cus“ tomers for the liberal patronage bestow- ed on him since his commencement in business in this place, and intends in future to manufacture of all descriptions, executed in a workman- ~llke manner. Remember the stand opposite the Inkerman Foundry. JOSEPH ALLEN. of-the best material, and on as advantageous terms (.3 can be purchased, elsewhere. 16 BUILDING LOTS Have opened they are sweepmg the‘whole Waggon and Slewgh MAN U I" A C T O RY; Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. March 28, 1859. 50 barrels of SALT for At the lowest figure. Priccville, April 19, 1859‘ Durham, April 20, 1859. ELLAR TO ATTIC, Durham, Dec. 2, 1858. II E subscribers beg to inform their customers N EXCELLENT SPAN OF ' Carriage Horses, HORSMAN BROT HERS‘ \VAGGoNS, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, gee, ' HORSMAN BROTHERS Highest Price in Cash Will be paid for any quantity df DURHAM Or send, remember the name, THE DURHAM STANDARD, Merchant Bolt Their Store is filled from JOBBING, CABINET-WARE GUELPH, IN GUELPH E’s @3333 ALWAYS GO TO G. J. MATTHEWS. IRA G AGER ' Proprietor. 17 JOHN MILLER. BRO’S. Zl-ly 10. That when thelands in a Township have remained opn for sale for one year after public notice theréd', the lands unsold at the eXpiration of that. eriot shall,’ at a time be fixed, and after reasona "I’htiee given by the Commissioner 0- Crown Landsbe ofi'ered for sale by Public Auc tion at the upét priceS fixed for their sale as above or at such oter upset price as under special cir- cumstances my be named by the Commissioner - 7. All lands which shall under the foregoing conditions revert to the Crown, shall be exposed to sale a! Public Au'ctionst such times and places and on such upset price as the Commissioners of Crown Lends shall fix. 8. That 1n Townships which have been surveyed and laid out into lots, and Where lands are now offered for sale at four shillings per acre, or where no lands have‘as yet been offered for sale, and in Townshlps under survey or yet to be surveyed in- to lots, lands be sold under the following regula- tions, to wit: 19 W sold for cash at seventy cents per a e an! on time upon the following terms, viz: one ddlar per acre, one fifth to be paid at the time of he sale, and the remaining four fifths in four equal annual instalments With interest on the pur_c_hast money unpaid. 6. AVCL ntra ct of Sale to be made with the pur- chaser from the Crown subject to the foregoing and following conditions : but Patents for the land to issue only to the occupants of the lots pur- chased deriving claim under the vendee of the Crown, or to theassignees claiming under such purchasers and (ccupants who shall have com- plied with the conditions of settlement hereinafter mentioned upon a certificate or other evidence that they have paid such vendee or his assignee or com- plied with the Contact with him, for or in regard . , ‘ ' .. v: and upon evidence that the ‘ hay" pplying, or some one under Whom he claims, has beena rcsident on the said lot for at least two years continuously, and that upon the same (not exceedirg two hundredacres) at least ten acres for each one hundred acres have been cleared and rendpred fit for cultivation and crop, and have been actuallgr under crop, and that a habitable houscLin dimensions at least sixteen by twenty feet is elected thereon, and u on payment, of the sum of four dollars as Patent ees to cover expenses, c. The nature and description of proof above referred to be settled and prescribed by the ponlmiss'iOnerpf _Cro_vvn Ifands. OR the sale and management of the Public Lands approved by His Excellenc3 the Gov- £31m $03111 in Cfiuneil. it t the lands 1n Townships which have al ready been delineated or shall hereafter be delin- eated 1n Sm fey by the exterior zines only, may be ofl'er fur sa *e en bloc 011 the fol 0“ 111g terms, viz: 2. That the price shall be one-half dollar per acre, Payable at the time pf sale: 3., That the purchaser shall cause the lands to be surveyed at his own expense into lots compris- ing either one hundred or two hundred acres of land in each lot; and on the north shore of Lake Huron into quarter sections of 160 acres ea eh ex- cent in spots Where the configuration of the Town- ship may render such exact quantities impractica- ble, and then as near to those allotments as pos- siblc. 4. That such Survey shall be made by a duly licensed Provincial Land Surveyer approved of by the Commissioner of Crown Lands and acting under his instructions, who shall make his return with Field Notes, 850., 820., in the usual method observed by Surveyors, to be also approved of by the Department. Registration is not an absolute guarantee a- gainst the miscarriage or loss of letter; but a Re- gistered Letter can be traced when an Unregistei- ed Letter 1:;annot and the posting and deliverx 01 non-delivery can be proven. A Registered Let- ter is thus secured against manv of the casualties, which from incorrect address, forgettulness of the rmix er or other error, may affect an Unregistered Letter. S. SMITH, 17 Post Master General. 5. That one third of the quantity of land in the Township shall be settled upon within two years from the time of sale ; one third more settled upon Within the follow‘n g five years, that is seven years I ‘ "ale ; and the residue Within the furtheri Eeriog 30 three years, i. e., ten years from the date of sale; the settlement required being that there shall be at least one bona jidc settler in authorized occupation for every two hundred acres of land; all land not so settled at the expiration of ten years from the time of sale to become for- feited and revert to the Crown absolutely, except such portions thereof as shall be found unfit for settlement, or such portions as are of very inferior quality and by reason thereof have remained un- occupied, in respect to which the Governor in Council may, upon application, dispense with the forfeiture and cause the same to be conveyed to the original purcluser or his assignee. ‘~ - 'lhe éhnrge to} Registration in addition to the Posmge IS as follows, viz: On Letters to any other pla ce in Can- W North America, - 0 2d 0n Letters for the United St ttes, - - 0 3d On Letters fortthe United Kingdom, - 0 7§d On Letters fur B1itish Colonies 01 Pos- sessions, sent via England - - 1 3d On Letters for France and other Foreign Coun- tries, via England, an amount equal to the Post- age rate. Persons posting Letters containing value, should be careful to require them to be registered, and to obtain from the Post Master a Certificate of receipt for Registration, ON and from the lst April, 1859, all Letters for Great Britain or Ireland, or for British Pos- sessions or Colonies, or for Foreign Countries, in- tended for the English Mails, must be pre-paid when posted in Canada. Pre-payment should be made by Stamp whenever practicable. All Letters for the English Mails must be pus-paid. WHOLESALE“ RETAIL. V “TORONTO 6717*)?» MARBLE WORKS, AA â€" G1 138, Yonge Street. In addition to their former facilities,have purchased THE EXTENSIVE STOCK N MANUFACTUFQIRIG INTEREST Of the branch “PROVINCIAL MARBLE WgRKS,” which will enable them to offer Notice to the Public. lets are requested to examine thei1 StOCk. O. H. Van Allen, Agent, Durham, C. W. , _ D. C. W. YALE. Registration of Letters. REG ULA TIONS In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Pvrices £13” Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. £3” Axes Jumped and Tempered. '513’ Any person in need of a Farrier wil find it to their advantage to call on him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 Blacksmith and Farrier, Saddler Street, IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work, Horse Shoeing, AN D GEEEEAE mummg '- “1‘“!!! mm??? 1-. -- - Suitable for this section of the country; for quality and style of fashion not to be surpassed in Canada, which he will sell at the lowest possible price for Cash. ALSO, All Kinds of Shoe Finding, Spanish Sole Leather, 4'0. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 EEQMAS @QEESE CHEAP BOOT, SHOE, @Application, with referénce to the above, if by letter, (post-paid), to The above will be found worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase, as the land is well adapted for all kinds of agricultural purposes; sufficiently supplied with excellent rail timber, and only 5 miles from the flourishing town of Durham. It is Within a. mile and a half of a Grist Mill and Distillery. ' TEnnté:â€"£-100 down; the remainder in three equal annual instflmeqts, with interest. 40 feet long, with two good fire- places therein; also, a good LOG BARN, 52 feet long. ND in an excellent state of cultivation There is an excellent young ORCHARD of Apple and other Fruit Trees on the premiSes, some of which have already borne fruit. Also, two good Wells of Water, besides numer- ous living splings. There is an excellent LOG HOUSE, Lot No.10, Second 00...”, Townshifl‘ of Egrewwnt, CONTAINING 17. That the system of recognizing unauthorized occupation of land commonly known as “ Squat- ting,” be discontinued subject to the following pI‘OVISlOHS, viz : > That public and general notice be given by the Crown Lands Department, that no claim to pre- emption by reason of such occupation will be en- tertained after the first day of September next, and that no claim to such pre-emption not now in a state to be admitted can be made g 00d by any act. of the party hereafter, and that therefore his labor will be thrown away. That. the prices above fixed for lands shall ap- ply to Upper Cfllladgl only. The pffces of lands in'Lower Canada, shall be regulated by Orders in Council from time to time. P. M. VANKOUGHNET, Crown Lahds Department, Toronto, 13th January, 1859. 16. That in the cases of Sales already made, payment of arrears be required, and that public notice in the Official Gazette, and through the usual channels, that unless such arrears be paid Within twelve months from the 1st of January, 1859, the land in respect of which default shall. continue will be resumed by the Crown and resold, and that in the regard to all purchase moneys and interest hereafter to fall due; prompt payment Will be exacted. 15. That profnpt payment in all cases be made of the essence of the contract, and any default to be on pain of forfeiture of all previous payments and of_all right in the lands. 14. That the lands known as “ Clergy ReServes” be sold on the same terms and in the same manner as other public lands in the Townships in which they respectively lie. 18. That all other lands not embraced in the foregoing category be exposed to sale by Public Auction annually, or in the discretion of the Com- missioner of Crown Lands half yearly, for cash, at such times and places and at such upset prices as the Commissioner of Crown Lands shall fix. â€"vâ€"â€"'-'â€" “v â€"v- vuauvtivlvu and crop, and had under crop for four years at farthest from the time of sale of the land, a quan- tity thereof in the proportion of at least ten acres to every one hundred acres, and have erected thereon a. house habitable and of the dimension of at least sixteen by twenty. feet. 12. That all lands (except those now exempt) shall be subjeet to settlement duties, and no Pa- tent in any case (even though the land be paid for in full at the time of purchase) shall issue for any such land to any person who shall not by himself, or the person or persons under Whom he claims have taken possession of such land Within six months of the time of sale, and shall from that time continuously have been a boua fide occupant of, and resident on the land for at least two years, and have cleared and rendered fit for cultivation 11. That. all lots of land which shall have been oflered as “Free Grants” and shall not have been located and occupied at the expiration of one year from the time the same shall have been so offered.t ehafl no longer remain as “ Free Grants,” but shall be open for private sale or shall be exposed to pub. lic sale by Auction as part of the lands in the. Township in which the same are situate, and upon the same terms as other lands therein. Egrcmont, Feb. 24, 1859. all lands - which shall remain unsold in the mean time shall take place semi-annually at times to be named therefore by the Commissioner of Crown Lands until the whole of the lands in the Town- ships shall have been disposed of; the lands reâ€"' maining unsold after such public sale to continue open for private sale at the said upset price until the period of one week next before the timeat which the next public sale shall take place. FOR SALE. CONOMISE: Yflvfi RIflNEY. LEA THEE STORE. 25 of which are cleared, Kinds qf Shoe IVare SQUATTERS. BENJAMIN ‘CRITTENDEN, - Bentinck P. 0., C. A. CA- AND Commissioner- 13 13 [ BIGNDAY, 6th JUNE, . 1 Between the hours of 1 and 3, and 7 and 9, P. l ALEX. B. MCNA‘B, Secretary. Durham, May 26, 1859. " "25-2 -â€".-- IN Presbyterian Church, LIST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post Office, May 4, 1859. Anderson, W McKinnon, Lachlin Boyd, John McJol, Walter 2 Bailey, John McFarlane, Dug’d 2 Bryce, George McGualy, Rob’t ‘ Brown, George McLean, Alex . Blake, John Marshall, Jno Brunt, W'm Mitchell, R Baird, Jno 2 McGilvary, John Cuningham, Aron Moone, W. Cr Campbell, Duncan Magee, John Daley, James Miller, Elizb’t. M Elliot, Jno 2 McKinnon, Maloom Fergason, -J no Muir, Arch’d., Senr Folson, Joseph McDougal, Niel Fleming, Thos 2 McDougal, Angus Gilles, Lauchlin McCahan, Allan Grahm, Donald McDonald, Neil Goreman, J no 2 Nicholson, David, Hooper, J no Sterret, Thomas Hargrove, Wm., J unr Stewart, Donald \ - Harrison, Daniel Starret, Mary Jane. . , - ' Hooper, J no Asloy Stewart, Robert _ . Lane, Jno W Schooley, E. if . - - ‘- Leslie, George , Small, Walter ‘ Lindsay, Samuel Tay\0r, Alex Labra n, Thos Tayl n, W ruin. Lawrence, Jno Wilson, Geo: m Levingstone, James Wils0 ge Langrell, Isaac Watson, Wm McKinnon Angus !8% Q? EEEQEgBS. For either or all of which there cannot be a better opening. Four Other Banding; Lots, 200 ACRES OF LAND; Application, with reference to any of the abOve Propc1t1es (if by letter, post-paid., ‘ to :the Sub- scriber, will receive prompt attention. Brewery, Distillery. or CROCKERY, Which he is prepared to Sell at the Very Lowest. PRICES PARK Lfl'l‘ N0. 83' (Hunter’s Survey) Containing 3 Acres, with a never failmg Spring: FOR CASH ONLY. a©gntggaggg Commission Merchant and GENERAL AGENT, HAS on hand a. GOOD ASSORTMENT pf FAMI L Y GROCERIES AND NOTICE is hereby given to all those who are desirous of obtaining Single Sittings or Fam- ily Pews in "the Presbyterian place of Worship, Durham, that parties will he inattendahce there for the purpose of letting out the same, on Park Lot No. S (Hunter’s Survey) Containing Three Away, with a . SPLENDID SPRING, 3 THE S SCRIBEE OFFERS FOR ”SALE thefol Wing Pxopert), \iz.: SPLENDID OPENING‘FO'R A BREWERY, Distillery or mezéry. CORN MEAL . a. 1. 'J "' 1"”"0‘" Printers of Newspapers who choose to publish this advertisement, including this note, three times before the lst day of August, 1859, and for- ward me one of the papers,.$ilLW!d1heh‘ bills, at the time of makin 3 purchase from me of five times the amount of ymanufactures. Address, I3” The Store is opposite Mr Miller’s Durham, March 3, 1859. Durham, Feb. 3, 1859. Edge Mills, May 26, 1859 TYPE FOUNDRY, May 23, 18594 Has now on hand an immense stock pf Township of Glcnelg. WWERVa OF GOOD QUALITY, Quarter Acre Each. A-Lso, Wu. Well suited for NEW YORK McGilvary, John Moone, W. G . Magee, J obn Miller, Elizb’t. M McKinnon, Malcom Muir, Arch’d., Sen:- McDougal, Niel McDougal, Angus McCahan, Allan McDonald, Neil Nicholson, David Sterret, Thoms Stewart, Donald Watson, Wm“ ALEX. B._M<~l\[48, AT JOHN MILLER. '10 Fancy Type, German Type, Ornaments, ponders, 25-10 14 The Pike’s Peak Humbug. The St. Josephcorrespondent; of the St. Louis Democrat notices the arrival at that bring deplorable accounts of the mining pros- pects and suffering on the Plains. It is esti- mated that 20,000 men are now on their way money and the necessaries of life, and are perfectly reckless and desperate. Threats are made of buz'iing Omah. St. Joseph, Lea- venworth, and ocher towns, in consequence of the deception used to induce emigration. thousand men are reported fifty miles west of Omah, in a starving condition. Some of the residents of Plattsmouth have closed their business and fled, fearing violence at the hands of the enraged emigrants. The Ennlsklllen 011. The Free Press says ‘r we learn that Pro- fessor Croft has succeeded in deoderising the natural oils found in the County of Larnbton, and of which we gave a short account some time since. This was all that was required ‘Dcllirf: placing the oil in the market. Its il- luminating qualities are unequalled, but it had an unmistakeable etlinvium. That re- place of 100 returned Pike’s Peakers, who back, all or the most ofwhom are destitute of Two 3" The City. Marshal of Rockland, Maine, lately seized liquors at variorm places in that city to the amount of 37,000.- About $2,000 worth were taken from the Commercial House. PUBLIC F ounrnm.â€"It is proposed in New York to establish public fountains and hy- drants, for drinking purposes, in frequent pla- ces. The design is an excellent one, alike for health, comfort, and morality. SPECIE.â€" The British sloop-of-war Alert, having $2,500,000 of Mexican specie on board ived at Acapulco on the 12th from Mazat- lan and San Blas. She left for Panama on the same day. This goes to England. FATAL ACCIDENT AT Sroxsv CREEK.â€"A man named William Macintosh was instantly killed by the bursting of a small cannon, at Stoney Creek. A fragment of the gun struck him in the forehead and carried off the top of his skull, killing him on the spot.-Spectator. THE VicroioA Biancaâ€"The speed with which the works at the Bridge are being car- ried on, and their already advanced state, al- most enables the Pilot to say with certainty that, by the middle of September, they Wlll be fairly completed. The heaviest reward ever offered for the de- tection of crime is that announced by the in- l moved, no obstacle remains to its, use and as surance companies of Boston, for the arrest 9 THE DURHAM sTANDARI), DURHAM, JUNE 3,1859. 00K new...“ M A R ‘1, E Waggon and Sleigh MANU PACT O'RYI 5. A: E E E E ___._ ETURNS his thanks to his numerous c1134 :5 i, _. tomers for the liberal putronage bestow- .' Q' . We Ea E :9 ed on him since his commencement in business in “ TORONTO (1'1 TY, ’ this place, and intends in future to manufacture M A R B L E W O R K S \VAGGONS, SLEIGHS, 138, Yonge Street. CUTTERS, ea, of-the best material, and on as advantageous terms (.3 can be purchased, elsewhere. I s... .â€" WHOLESALE _ THE RETAIL. In addition to their fotnter facilities,have purchased EXTENSIVE STOCK AND MANUFACTURING [NTEREST J O B B I N G- , or the branch “PROVINCIAL MARBLE of all descripticns, executed in a workmati- WQRKSI” Wthh Will enable them to Offer like manner. A Grea‘ ter variety Remember the stand Opposite the Inkcrman Foundry. JOSEPH ALLEN. Durham, Dec. 2, 1858. l 16 Building Lots for Sale, ON EXCEEDINGLY EASY TEigi lers are requested to examine theii StOCk. ,0. H. Van Allen, Agent, Durham, C. W. D. C. W. YALE. l the proprietor, Mr. Williams, has already se- cured some 30,000 gallons in its crude state, W: expect that it will soon be on sale. Its price will be $1 per gallon, or 50 per cent. ‘ belowthe price of the various coal 0118 now soilâ€"There is little doubt that the supply will be amply sufficient for the wants of all the consumers in the colony, and will form an item of domestic manufacture of no mean kind.” â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"- Paicx or A Musâ€"At the convent of St. Laurent, about a mile Out of Rome, there is a priviledged altarâ€"that is to say, every mass said at this altar has the priviledgc of draw- ing one soul completely out of purgatory. It consequently enjoys a great reputation, and is much sought after by the faithful. One day the abbot found his convent 6,000 masses in ,,,..,...r_.v1 .5. is, he had received payment for liJX/‘Ornasscs at It crown each, more than had been said. He repaired to his Holiness (ircuorv XYL. and begged him, since he was'oninilwtent, to grant that a single mass should draw the whole 6.000 souls Out of 'l m.- Pope considered awhile, w in-igrt to the desired effect.â€" Tliv,‘ an} -i- c251 mm :l 1118 feet of the holy fa- titer, expressed his gratitude, and was about to retire. wln-n Gregory XVI. called him lack, sn\‘ii::â€"~~".\ mass of 6,000 crowns; such :1 lllil‘T“ is lit for a pope; I will say i‘. inyss-Is': “ and in \erin the following inor- :iing h».- re-puircd to the Convent of St. Laurent pt‘l'iln’ltlt‘il the mass. and the abbot had to hand him ovr-r the 6,000 pinstrcs, equal to a- bout ..t.ll,21)O.â€"Jitnish C'ltroniclc. ____,_____. WAsntxcrox, Ma)- 27, ‘11 has'iioou stated that Lord Lyons is of the . . ii... ‘»'- "|r:.' .1 go will soon. if ln' has: not done soulrcaily. recog- nisi- lltt' .lanz‘i-z Hoveriniiciit. and that it is unâ€" derstood that he has iiistrUctions to that effect. But there is no foundation for this statement as it is reliably ascertained that Lord Lyons has no information respecting the intentions of Her Majesty’s Government with regard to the conteinlingr parties in Mexico, and has ex- pressed no opinion on the subject. Despntches were received to-dny from (Jon. Lamar He states that the Belly Contract has not been ratified. It is ll‘lllt‘l’Sll‘Ull here that Jerez, the Nicar- aguan Minister. has received intelligence of Walker’s ineditated foray up in Central Ame- l I l Iii-a. and that the English and French Ad- Tnuotnyseed, | l «opinion that llll' British Minister in Moxieo a small zipertnre,and by being tlins compelled ,mirals on that coast have instructions to seizi: l him and his followers either IsllOR: or afloat. 1 Sn m m (I r”. A Mrs. Douglas Jerrold died in the isle of Thanet on the titii ult.. aged 5-1. A be British Government have issued an order for 60,000 rides and 60,000 bayonets. A wharf rat weighing thirteen pounds was killed in Portland, .\le., on the ltitli 11151. All the saltpetre in the New York market has been withdrawn to autic'ipate gunpowder necessity. The trustees of the State lnebrinte Asylum have issued an appeal to all the churches of the United States for aid.§ It is said by many of the \Vestern papers that prices of lumber Will rule unusually high throughout the coming season. A man one bombed and two years old cn- tered a quarter section of land at the Menasha Land Office, on Friday Week. Salem. Mass, believes in trees. There are 'twothonsand six hundred and fifteen trees on the streets, commons, and squares. There are about 600 Post Offices in London, (11:11.. and wit a Single house that is over 10 rods from some one of them. The .Seneca Falls Knitting Factory has a contract to make socks for the United States Army. One thousand pairs are produced daily. ' The aggregate of all the vessels of war now .. W in worse of construction at the several Eng- lish ports is twenty-seven, mounting in all 1,574 guns, and 15.010 horse power. vice : “ There are three things in the choice of which you should no; hurryâ€"a Wile, a minister, and a. horse.” Richard Ansdale. the well-known animal painter ul London, purposesto visit this coun- try during the present season, for the purpose of studying the buffalo of our western prairies. The New York Courier says that the chan- nel in the East River is rapidly closing, and , where five years ago vessels of any draft could safely pass, now those of ordinary draft find bottom. The Prince of “lakes, on his recent visit to Rome, made some few purchases of works of 6:?A Call IS respectfully solicited. .59 .art, and among them Miss Hoemer’s spirited little statue of Puck on 3 Mushroom, which ,has attrated so much attention. but”. v ' Town HALL ron Sr. Muir’sâ€"The subject of building a town hall and market in St. Mary’s is being discussed by the inhabitants. A start will probably be made during the pre- sent season. RAismo nu: WIND WITH rm: CROWN JEW- ILs.â€"The Courier de Marseille mentions as a further proof of Austria being greatly in want of funds, that the Emperor Francis Jo- seph has caused the crown jewels to be de- posited with the heirs of the well known ban- ker, Baron Sina, as a guarantee for a loan of 32,000,000. l 1 Connecticut deacon utters this sound ad- TABLES, BEDSTEADS, and conviction of the incendiary who set fire to the mechanical bakery in that city some time since. They have offered ten thousand dollars for detecting the miscreant. HUMBOLDT’S LAST Wormsâ€"The sun shone brilliantly into the room where Humboldt died, and it is reported that his last words, addressed to his neice, were, “ Wie herrlich ERMS:â€"Onc-tenth down, balance in nine diese Strahlen: sie scheinen die Erde zum yearly Insulmefltsi WitllOUt inter?St-- For Himmel zu rufen 3 [How grand these rays _; farther Pam‘fflal'si (If by 190913 POSl‘Paldy) 121313]? they seem to beckon Earth to Heaven l”] to the subscriber. A teaspoon was recently plowed up in Stockbridge, Mass, on the farm formerly , owned by Timothy Woodbridge, a Judge of Durham, Aim} 20; 1859- the Cornmon Pleas Court in 1761, bearing the â€"‘“â€"â€" initials of himslf and wife. The field has not been plowed for 100 years, but the spoon was as as “ good as new.” WOMAN AS A Russianâ€"1V6 learn from a , Southern )a er, that the most extensive plan- . . tation in liouiisiana, is managed by awomanâ€"- Pumlture £2 Cablnet ware Mrs A. 1%. Flint. During the last year she ‘ ‘ raised 1,800 hogshcads of molasses, and 400 HE Subscriber pet-01,,â€" informs the publiet baics of cottonâ€"the largest crop produced on he is prepared to undertake the completion of any plantationfiin that State. All kinds of Buildings, A great effort is making to render Cuba a Furnishing the material if so required, as he has cotton producing island. Planters in almost a full Stock of SEASONED LUMBER on hand. every section of the island have been led to , ALL KINDS OF TURNING ‘16 BUILDING LOTS Composed of Park Lot No. 8, Funding on Lambton, Sadler, and Kin- cardiiie Streets. JOHN MOORE, Durham, Bentinck P. O. 2l-ly l l l devote attontir n tothe cultivation ol cotton, by the promises of aid, should it be required, of foreign (English) capital: and the government AND has decreed that the Joint Stuck Cotton Grow- CA B l N ET'WA R- E l ing Company shall be alIOWed to import the Made to Order, on the shortest notice, at his Shop gins, and other machinery requisite for pre- 30. 22, Garalraxa-st., paring cotton for market, free or duty. D IT HR II ‘1 1‘1]: . G. J. MATTHEWS. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 The lace makers of Mcchlin, who spin the thread for lace and also for Fiench canibrics, are obliged to work in confined, dark rooms, into which light is only admitted partially by FOR SALE. 0 L 0 pay more Constant attention to their work, AN EXCELLENT SPAN 0F they discipline the eye and attain the faculty ; 1" of spinningr the flux of that web-like llrnitiessl ‘ Carnage Lorses’ which Constitutes the excellence of these two FWC years 01d; “'9“ adapted for general “50 fabrics. Also, a good “=- “ fl . 1 w “ ’ . . a: nose and Slci‘rh. DURHAM MARKETS. 5“ of ‘ ‘ '5 TERMS tâ€"Onc half to be paid on the fiist of Dunn”: June 2’ 1809' l January, 1800, and the remainder one year from Wheat, per bushel, ............... $1.80 t.» 2.00 the latter date. Flour Canadian, ................ 10.00 " 0.00 IRA GAGER‘, ‘ “ Western, ......... ' ..... 8.00 “ 0.00 ‘ Proprietor. Corn Meal, .................... 7.00 “ 0.00 Price-ville, April 19, 1359, 17 Oats, “ ............... 0.46 “ 0.5) , Peas, “ ............... 0.50 “ 0 60 I 3 OI ] R We, ................... 0,80 0,00 FLOL I. , FL . .............. 1.00 “ 1.21 r 4 ,<1 , r M ‘ £331“; 11"; iii?“ 1’ """""""" 938 n g 33 HE subscribers beg to inform their customers {‘1 ‘1 p ‘ 3 """""""" " , ( ' and the public O'cncrallv tliatliaving recently .. our, pcr bbl. ................ 8,00 3,00 ‘. , "1' CLTSS " flay, per ton, ................. 5.00 “ 7.00 had 9. ”Lb ‘ Butter, per 1b. . ................. 0.20 “ 0.00 Merchant Bolt .â€"_â€"â€"-â€"+â€"_ MOUNT 'FUREST MARKETS Put in their Mill, they are prepared to furnish the best superfine Flour at nearly the same rate that common Flour is usually sold in this locality, for Mocxr FOREST, June 1, 1859. Wheat per bushel ........... . . . . . $2.00 “ 0.00 i Cit-5‘11 only. - Flour, ,per bbl ................... 8.50 “10.00 i J' 87' R' DICKSO‘M Oats, per bushel ................. 0.70 “ 0.00 ROCKY SJUGEEN MILL. Potatoes do .................... 0.75 “ 0.00 , n i:- 18 Butter, pcr lb ....... . ............. 0.10 “ 0.00 :WA-m Eggs per doz. . . . . .- ............. 0.12.1“ 0.00 ,3 ' ,‘ 11.5,}... t... ......... . ........... moo“- 0.00 I’V/iolesalc and [{ctml. b‘rcad, per 4 lb. loaf .............. 0.12;“ 0.00 A _ ,_ ,- . " h TORONTO MARKETS. The only HAR'mAaE Srona in Guelp , where every thing is marked in plain figures. Full Wheat per bushel .. .- ........ 81.70 to 1.70 - hill-g... '2. ”3.32 $33123 HORSM AN BRO’S- KEEP THE Tommi) June} 18°9' Largest quantityot'llardwarc .a' "c-nmzamm . . Advertisemeiits. IN GUELPH 4 "'4 “ - » f .. *‘ ”he” €53?$33333.I?"ll.l’§§iif§i“"’ m l‘bllh ITORE DEPOT ‘ ‘ ALWAYS GO TO HORSMAN BRO’S. Their Store is filled from CELLAR TO ATTIC, Wit-11 the Best and Cheapest. HARDWARE. HORSMAN BROT HERS‘ Believe that Honesty is the best Policy, and have ONLY ONE PRICE. A THOROUGH G0 0]) 888001888 80088 Has long been wanting in this County, and slime HORSMAN BROTHERS Have opened they are sweeping the whole 1 THE Subscribers announce to the inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that they have opened a. 98113808 it I‘ll I- fit P3' 031 GARAFRAXA STREET, . , l DUEEAI, Two doors north of the British Hotel, containinga LARGE STOCK OF basins. B U :33 E: A CU? S @ Cupboards, c. c., Which for excellence of quality and lowness of price, has hitherto been unprecedented. . . . 'OU CAN SAVE Any article in the line made to Order One Dollar on every Three, ' Laid out at this Store. on the Shane“ 1101160. THEREFORE, WHEN YOU GO TO GUELPH - Or send remember the name 0:? Farm Produce, and all kinds 0 seasoned , .. ’ ' ~ 4 merchantable Lumber, taken in excl-range, at EGGS-AG BBQ‘T'EIIEEESg opposite the Post office, Cash prices); - GUELPH, AND NEXT DHUR TO John Hogg’s Dry . Goods Store. The Oficers and Members. _. Gneiphmec. 16,1858. 3 or THE Wheat, Oats and iPOIk. DURHAM PROTECTION The Highest price in Casi. ? 3 R E E M g R g I! Willbepaid for any quantity of W,“ m... an... WHEAT, oATs, PORK, on â€".â€". A. 6: J. MINTERN. Durham, June 1, 1859. 26 Other Farm Produce. SCHOOL HOUSE _ _ «H mm 1mm. 5° ””‘ilsatl..iil‘.Ԥ..‘°”a’°’ Got inst. JOHN MILLER. .aâ€"nâ€"d Durham, June 2nd. 1859. 36 9 d Durham, Dec. 7. 1858. iv HARDWADE TRADE. expenses, c- Notice to the Public. ‘ All Letters for the English Mails must be pre-paid. ON and from the lst April, 1859, all Letters for Great Britain or Ireland, or for British Pos- sessions or Colonies, or for Foreign Countries, in- tended for the English Mails, must be pro-paid when posted in Canada. Pre-payment should be made by Stamp whenever practicable. Registration of Letters. Persons posting Letters containing value, should be careful to require them to be registered, and to obtain from the Post Master a Certificate of receipt for Registration, The charge for Registration in addition to the Postage is as follows, viz : On Letters to any other place in Can- 'North America, - 0 2d 011 Letters for the United States, - - 0 3d 011 Letters forrthe United Kingdom, - 0 7§d On Letters fir British Colonies or Pos- sessions, sent via England â€" - 1 3d On Letters for France and other Foreign Counâ€" tries, via England, an amount equal to the Post- age rate. Registration is not an absolute guarantee a- gainst the miscarriage or loss of letter; but a Re- gistered Letter can be traced when an Unregister- ed Lettcr cannot; and the posting and delivery, or non-delivery can be proven. A Registered Let- ter is thus secured against many of the casualties, which from incorrect address, fbrgetfulness of the rseeiver or other crror, may affect an Unregistered S. SMITH, Post Master General. Letter. 17 ._-â€"--â€"¢ OR the sale and management of the Public Lands approved by His Excellency the Gov- a or'lkicgal in Cbuncil. Â¥ 1. but the lands in Townships which have al ready been delineated or shall hereafter be delin- eated in Sur 'ey by the exterior lines only, may be 011'ch for sale en bloc on the following terms, viz : 2. That the price shall be one-half dollar per acre, payable at the time of sale: 3. That the purchaser shall cause the lands to be surveyed at his own expense into lots compris- ing either one hundred or two hundred acres of land in each lot; and on the north shore of Lake Huron into quarter sections of 100 acres ca ch ex- cept in spots where the configuration of the Town- ship may render such exact quantities impractica- ble, and then as near to those allotments as pos- siblc. 4. That such Survey shall be made by a duly licensed Provincial Land Surveyer approved of by the Commissioner of Crown Lands and acting under his instructions, who shall make his return with Field Notes, 350., c., in the usual method observed by Surveyors, to be also approved of by the Department. 5. That one third of the quantity of land in the Township shall be. settled upon within two years from the time of sale ; one third more settled upon Within the follow‘xig five years, that is seven years 1‘ ‘ "ale; and the residue within the further i‘eriod 30 three years, i. e., ten years from the. date of sale; the settlement required being that there shall be at least one bonajidc settler in authorized occupation for every two hundred acres of land; all land not so settled at the expiration of ten years from the time of sale to become for- feited and revert to the Crown absolutely, except such portions thereof as shall be found unfit for settlement, or such portions as are of very inferior quality and by reason thereof have remained un- occupied, in respect to which the Governor in Council may, upon application, dispense with the forfeiture and cause the same to be conveyed to the original purcluser or his assignee. 6. A Ctntract of Sale to be made with the pur- chaser from the Crown subject to the foregoing and following conditions : but Patents for the land to issue only to the occupants of the lots pur- chased deriving claim under the vendee of the Crown, or to theassignees claiming under such purchasers and (ccupants who shall have com- plied with the c01ditions of settlement hereinafter mentioned upon a certificate or other evidence that they have paid such vendee or his assignee or com- plied with the Contact with him, for or in regard ~ , : and upon evidence that the 5 my5 izpplying, or some one under whom he claims, has been a usident on the said lot for at least two yearr cortinuously, and that upon the same (not exceedirg two hundred acres) at least ten acres for each one hundred acres have been cleared and rendered fit for cultivation and crop, and have been actually under crop, and that a habitable honsu'n dimensions at least sixteen by twenty feet is erected thereon, and u on payment, of the sum of four dollars as Patent ees to cover proof above referred to be settled and prescribed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. 7. All lands which shall under the foregoing conditions revert to the Crown, shall be exposed to sale of Public Auctionat such times and places at Low Prices. 1 l l EEEGML‘AAS The nature and description of All Kinds of S1108 and on such upset price as the Commissioners of _ Crown lands shall fix. . 8. That in Townships which have been surveyed and laid out into lots, and where lands are now offered for sale at four shillings per acre, or where no lands have'as yet been offered for sale, and in Townships under survey or yet to be surveyed in- to lots, lands be sold under the following regula- tions, to wit: 1d '1‘ h t t ;i 9. EW so or cos a seven y cents per a an! on time upon the following terms, viz: one ddlar per acre, one fifth to be paid at the time of he sale, and the remaining four fifths in four equalannual instalments with interest on the purchasi money unpaid. ' 10. Thatwhen thelands in a Township have remained opn for sale for one year after, public l , ’noticetheréd‘, the lends unsold at the eXpiration ofthat. ‘6 shall, at a.. time be fixed, and after reasons ""iiti‘ee given by the Commissioner 0- Crown Landtbe ofl'ered for sale by Public Auc tion at. the 111381: pricgrfixed for their sale as above or at such ate;- upset price as under special cir- cumstances turbo named by the Commissioner do“... of Crown Lands: and that such public sales of h R I T ‘ all lands - which shall remain unsold in the mean _ . ' t 1‘ ' T time shall take place semi-annually at times to be NEW YORK named therefore by the Commisiouer of Crown Lands until the whole of the lands in the Tom- ships shall have been disposed of ;' the lands re; maining unsold after such public sale to continue TYPE FOUNDRY, Has now on hand an immense stock of open tor private sale at the said upset price until Roma 4 ’ the. period of one week next before the timeat CopmtpTgeeScripg (2:12; TTpe’ which the next public sale shall take place. Music Type O r n tsype’ 11. That all lots of land which shall have been Chess and Checker T e Brngmen ’ oflered as “Free Grants” and shall not have been Brass and Metal Rule;p ’ Lordem, located and occupied at the expiration of one year Brass and Electra Cird ea 8, les and Elli ses Labor Saving Rules, Corficr Ouads, , Metal Furniture, 6m. HE TYPES are all cast 1:" steam ower T from the'hard metal peculiar ate this fmihdry. The unequalled rapidity in the process of casting enables me to sell Lnese more durable types at the lowest prices of ordinary types, either for cash or credit. Presses, Wood Type, Ink, Cases, Sticks, kc, furnished at the manufacturer‘s lowest prices. A specimen pamphlet of Fonts of Letters onlv, and prices, mailed to printing ofices, on the mcbption of seven cents, to pro-pay the postage. Printers of Newspapers who chaose to publish this advertisement, including this note, three times before the lst day of August, 1859, and for- from the time the same shall have been so offered. shall no longer remain as “Free Grants,” but shall be open for private sale or shall be exposed to pub. lic sale by Auction as part of the lands in the. TOWnship in which the same are situate, and upon the same terms as other lands therein. 12. That all lands (except those now exempt) shall. be subject to settlement duties, and no Pa- tent in any case (even though the land be paid for in full at the time of purchase) shall issue for any such land to any person who shall not by himself, or the person or persons under whom he claims have taken possession of such land within six months of the time of sale, and shall from that time continuously have been a boua fide occupant of, and resident on the land for at least two years, and have cleared and rendered fit for cultivation to every one hundred acres, and have erected ,.._. 1., m... f... .. , actuarial: use“ ; 'W. “m" adhest from the tune of sale of the land, a. quanâ€" of m: t' h , purc 9-50 from me my thereof in the proportion of at least ten acres e lmes t e amount 0f )7 manufactures, Address, thereon a house habitable and of the dimension of at least sixteen by twenty feet. 18. That all other lands not embraced in the foregoing category be exposed to sale by Public Auction annually, or in the discretion of the Com- missioner of Crown Lands half yearly, for cash, at such times and places and at such upset prices as the Commissioner of Crown Lands shall fix. 14. That the lands known as “ Clergy Reserves” be sold on the same terms and in the same manner as other public lands in the Townships in which they respectively lie. 15. That prompt payment in all cases be made of the essence of the contract, and any default to be on pain of forfeiture of all previous payments and of all right in the lands. 16. That in the cases of sales already made, payment of arrears be required, and that public notice in the Official Gazette, and through the usual channels, that unless such arrears be paid within twelve months from the 1st of January, 1859, the land in t-eslicct of which default shall, Edge Mills, May 26, 1859. 2540 continue will be resumed by the Crown and resold, and that in the regard to all purchase moneys and sums interest hereafter to fall due; prompt payment will I IN ' be exacted. ‘ . SQUATTERS. l Presbyterian Church, 17. That the system of recognizing unauthorized “ i I) D R III-I .231- Mo. occupation of land commonly known as “ Squat- tiiig,:’_be discontinued subject to the following pI‘OVlSlOIlS, viz: That public and general notice be given by the Crown Lands Department, that no claim to pre- emption by reason of such occupation will be en- tertained after the first day of September next, and that no claim to such pre-emption not now in a state to be admitted can be made good by any act of the party hereafter, and that therefore his labor will be thrown away. That the prices above fixed for lands shall ap- ply to Upper Canada only. The prices of lands in Lower Canada shall be regulated by Orders in Council from time to time. P. M. VAN KOUGHN ET, Commissioner- GEORGE BRUCE, 13, Chambers St., New York. ___* 26-3 100 BARRELS C O R N M E A. L OF GOOD QUALITY, EGG» GAGE GREY. â€"ALSO-â€" Good Flour always on hand May 23, 1859. OTICE is hereby given to all those who are chirous of obtaining Single Sittingsor Fam- ily Pews in the Presbyterian place of Worship, Durham, that parties will be inattendance there for the purpose of letting out the same, on MONDAY, 6th JUNE, l Between the hours of 1 and 3, and 7 and 9, P. M. l ALEX. B. MCNA‘B, Secretary. ‘ i '2 5-2 SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BREWBRY‘, Distillery 0r Sl'amzéry. Durham, May 26, 1859. Crown Lands Department, Toronto, 13th January, 1859. 13 I? ‘0“ EALEQ Lot No.10, Scoond 00..., T Township, of Egremont, coxmrxrxo 25 of which are cleared, ND in an excellent state of cultivation There is an excellent young ORCHARD of Apple and other Fruit Trees on the premises, some of which have already borne fruit. Also, two good Wells of Water, besides numer- ous living springs. There is an excellent LOG HOUSE, 40 feet long, with two good fireâ€"places therein; also, a good LOG BARN, 52 feet long. HE S SCRIBEB OFFERS FOR SALE the fol owing Property, viz.: ' Park Lot No. S, (Hunter’s Survey,) ' Containing Three Acres, with a SPLENDID SPRING, Well suited for Brewery, Distillery. or Ill If If ESL For either or all of which there cannot be a better opening. ' PARK LOT N0. 8, (Hunter’s Survey,) _ Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring. AND l . » Building; Lot's, 'Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, ‘200 ACRES OFILAND, Application, with reference to any of the abOva Properties, (if by letter, postepaid.) to the Sub- scriber, will receive prompt attention. - JOHN MILLER. ‘10 The above will be found worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase, as the land is well Four ("her adopted for all kinds of agricultural purposes; sufficiently supplied with excellent rail timber, and only 5 miles from the flourishing town of Durham. It is within a mile and a half of a. Grist Mill and Distillery. TERMS :â€"£l00 down; the remainder in three equal annual instalments, with interest. Application, with reference to the above, if by tter, (post-paid), to BENJAMIN ‘CRITTENDEN, Bentinck P. 0., C. W. 13 '3 le Durham, Feb. 3, 1859. , eenuveuaen, Commssmn Merchant ”and GENERAL AGENT, ECONOMISE HAS °n hand 2,122,311: IfSSORTMENT 9“ YOUR lllflNEY. a, Q E g C GROCERIES AND CROC “Elli, Egrcmont, Feb. 24, 1859. ' CHEAP Which he is prepared to Sell at the Very Lowest .BOOT’ SHOE, PRICES LEA THEE STORE. F OR CASH ONLY. THE subscriber, in returning thanks to the E‘The Store is oppositeer Miller’s 0 ‘ inhabitants 0f Durham, March 3, 1859. 7 14 D U R H A M ' And surrounding country for the liberal suppors , given him, respectfully intimates that lie intendt Tuck-23K to keep constantly on hand, a large supply of all 4‘ 7;. ‘ Kinds of Slzoe IVare g 53.5,! a g E, g E g) g RS. Suitable for this section of the country; for quality ' i and style of fashion not to be surpassed in Canada, IST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- which he will sell at the lowest possible price for tian Post Office, May 4, 1859. Cash. ALSO Anderson, W McKinnon, Lachlin ' . . Boyd, John McJol, Walter 2 Finding, Bailey, John McFarlane, Dug‘d 2 Spanish Sole Leather, d-c. Bryce, George McGualy, Rob’t. ‘ Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 Brown, George McLean, Alex Blake, John Marshall, Jno Brunt, Wm Mitchell, R Baird, Jno 2 lchilvary, John ‘ Cuningham, Aron Moone, W. G Campbell, Duncan Magee, John Daley, James Miller, Elizb't. it Elliot, Jno 2 McKinnon,Malcom Ferguson, Jno Muir, Arch’d., Seni- . A Folson, Joseph ficgougai. Niel . 7 , . . . Fleming Thos 2 c ouga Angus Blacksmth and Farrier, Gilles, Liauchlin Mccamn,’Au.n . , . Grahm Donald McDonald Neil Saddler Street, Germain, Jno 2 Nicholson,’D..vid Sterret, Thoms Stewart, Donald Stcrret, Mary Jane ., Hooper, J no Hargrove, Wm., J unr Harrison, Daniel I.) U R H A. M 9 IS PREPARED TO DO Mill Work Horse Shoein Hooper Jno Asloy Stewart. Robert . , AND g, Lane, Inc W Schoole‘yf, E. II . - ‘1 -â€"'3 - . . . ' ' 1 seasons. seem-e. gayest“, 22,31, 5,“; In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prices Labran, T1103 Tayl‘“! w 1mg. . . . Lawrence, Jno Wilson, Geor- 1n 31'3” Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. Levingstone, Jam” Wflso g3 E3” Axes J umped and Tempered. Langrell, Isaac Watson, Wm 51'3“ Any person in need of a Farrier will find McKinnon Angus it to their advantage to call on him. ALEX. B. MCNAB, Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 ‘ Poor M; -“W

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