in all the law nbidixw and re yeuple at the rate the name accused should be publislud \‘ont «"mtusicm. In Timmius :‘ trict x'm vaut majority of the from Svrin are esteemed tun awvused slmuld be puhhshml to pro- \‘t-nt mnt‘usinn. In Timmins and dis- trict {"0 vast majority of the pmple t'rmu Svrizt an- eatecmed tun highly In be rinsed bv the publiv With the ‘1’†F0“: n" . "my uccnsiunally run mï¬ntm' H t‘m law, but to t'ulluw the oxpreczed wishes- nf many and to leave nu further mom for {also reports The Advance will close the matter by simply stating that the wumnn in tin- easy rgt‘erred to was Mrs. Moses. Some 0!. â€l0 guml t mins, whu «W of S)’ have taken vxveptiun rvlmrt ut' the puliw m in n revont issue of 'l rvt'lvvtingr upon their Mall. Of u-uurse. the: intention. as unl) tht utlwr than the be»! L â€n net-mutt ut' the d vnring tlw name 11' n vhnrged with stenlin; the item simply z'rt'r ma .\u\\'. sumo u! u uf same natiunulily that the umsido public wrung impn-ssiou {rum ing. They ulsu think 111 In all the law-abiding On Saturday .zurriug ttw party visited the “nine Minn-s. and were wry t'avurubiy impressed with tho prupi-r- ty and its untth. Thu party tlwu left an t‘lm mmn truix: .snttlil. impress- ing their appreciation ut' 1110 killallt‘ï¬a and genvrnsily shuwn tlwm (luring their trip and stay in the Pcm-ul-pine. ruscd us mnsistinu n! um- aumps in "porn: phyry, wen- m u]- nnothcr mm «an and they mm. M! when Ihcv Immo- l'ullr mvmw m v; ' -. “m: c in ch-MEI. ll I'm: 'mh ly Hm! it mmlol lnl.» «win an awhcxgwum- In prudm'e 5| quantity ul' gum. Mt it's not the qmmm}. l-lzwh bloc-ks wmalnl he hurt}: in )mrhuml 03' $100,000. †m lnxlmls rufltnih'. when "K'Y lrumml Hull llw llull gvr mill war» ï¬rm! in ulmoblv minim: rmmrfly h) “w Immufliun an extra mw Immimi and um 9mm when the building mm in mum «mums-tum is mmgatrml. Hum- iuemusinu tlmr pumps in liw numl of hm lmmlrml anal haw-My. VALVAHIJ-Z l-IIII‘I'ATIHX. Thane brukrh wlgu mnkv H H: lmsinm in Wading MW culcl mu! ' \‘N atoms nu llw mrimn awn-Imus: never Mfume rm'mwd mm}: :m mum live mluwnlimh w‘rch in Iumml tn of vnluv In tlu-m in Hwir 'maim Many 03' â€w bro-'ju-rs \wrv uvvrhv} In any: "('ma yam immï¬mv plums: I size «of lemyra mu! Hm Hullin: who haw-mm; mummm mnmmt machinery and lmmlmh uf mania: and larger «slut-mum In kc-«p Hu- win- turniug. pnulm-ing fur a mnmh's In uver sum-h small Mars m'gulcl mmm im: alum! «Inn-n inrhm in Ic-ngth. (Co-ï¬nd m. pig! 1) uw. suit)? I .1 mm. wl rilizvns of Tim- Syrian nationality inn In part of the ‘ mmrl proceedings 1' The Aclvmwv. as Mr people in gen- horc was no such r puuplo m gen- n'c was nu such 0 ('xvvptiuns are Rim! of citizens. IUIH mmmm u «h M" c-umluyoz kc-c-p â€w win-0|: u mmflh'a mm Svrizm mmmn {rum d Syrian Wu- ;0 gum! people >09le tn fear 51H H may (1 l‘ Lm muupuwm such a mmll 5 UN quality h 0" â€W'H' in the twig!)- Iu 1‘95" m HIP“!!! 3' Ill IQ ust ice rected Stul‘t‘, )hr ’21 W IO W No one was successful in guessing the (1011's nameâ€"which same was â€Sophia.†The doll was accordingly put up for auvtion, bringing a two- dollar bill in 1131.5 way. t‘nntest Bimth â€"â€".\[rs. ltvlmig. Miss [)PLuttg. Mrs. l’ritvhard. Mrs. “my, Miss .lmnniett. Miss Muirhcad. Autograph Quiltâ€"Mrs. J. 1). Allan. Mrs. ('usselnmn. Mrs. (Tandy. Faint-y \\'urkâ€"-Mrs. Faithful. Mrs. Nit-ulszm. Mrs. Sims. The t'ulluwing are the winning tit-k- ets for the draws in conneotiun with the hazaarzâ€"Tun 01' coal, ticket 174: thmgraph. .\'u. 80: Qnilt. N0. 19: Vase. .\'u. 2; Plate. No. 41; Rube, Nu. the bazaar 2â€"101 thwgraph. Nu Vase. Xu. 2: P13 11: Doll's Bed, ’1' these tickets the Imperial B: articles won. No one was 51 Sun. «lent 01' the ms muuuit lows. the m ('akc' Bu Vary. 1‘9“ 1".“ Mamlunalol. MICK?“ “m0 BVBNES EHUW HEMIZES [MB $431] vmupliuwutml cm the mm! was wry lurgvly am! all agrw than it w: :tt’lvrmmu and owning. t’immviul alundlmillt. tlu mnmllv smovcssful. (luv 1 {mum-ml 5‘ equally sun in: fund In $10."). .\ u )1 rs. M an fair :I lu‘lclgv nu-r â€w rmhmy. Mr. Halruswr. prvsiclmn uf Hu- Hmml ut’ Trmlv. spuka- “may lmt N'I'm-liwly. Hv mid Um! if Hwn- hm! lu-vu u umrv kindly I'm-ling (Widt'lli'm' for flu- lhmrd ul' 'l'rmlv llm! lmdy would nu doubt haw alum- 1mm wnrk. mm! 'vzlll; .\l r rflt‘kt‘fl. limulk ’s. M rs. 1101' 11.11 muvll lxwk and)“ 15h!" mlthyvr u Haunt-mMrs. llambly, Mis lmmlcl. Mrs. Rinn. Mrs. Water Mrs. .\lv.\'zuuler. Mrs. lilm-kmur .l. 1). Allan, Mrs. 'l'nwoll. mly chtthrs. Slipp, Mrs. Mr ken. Mrs. Daniels. . $15.50. .-\pprn.\'imatvl.\' $50 wa: (ml from the Autugruph Quilt. 's. (Uta) Bit-Innis is the prvsi‘ ul' tlw Ladws’ Aid, and the vari- ntIunittvos in charge were as fnl‘ the mnvener of curl: Irving first k0 Knuthâ€"Mrs. Mavkiv, Mrs L 5 Bed, .19. The holders _- thkcts \“ill kindl} call at wrial Bank and receive the I'l [HHS lllllï¬ll fr}! :0 1' Kenn: AL xnnnxo ‘ Discuss laws torzcs 'ldflmu ‘1 MM! Illltl uulpuiut. tlu» lmzamr was vsst'ul. llw (-Imrc-ln build- in: lwlwfitlml lw nvvr lsil': ll prugrmuuw. im hul- Is by Mr. lu'lflmu-H. uuth l’urrupilw, uml Mrs. nrmminc ('rnwn. mlalml m m-m-r I“ ci_\‘ hula! nu 'I'uvsnluy nf .\1 rs. pt)! nu n‘ \vurk. M r .‘I 1'» 1'81 pulruum-cl a plvaszml Fl'nm llw lmzamr was ‘ns shuwfl muwfuuly vwnl M iss ' uf-l 'l'hv vanso M "Mr ‘ vulirvly lmmo by MW this budge. and lm-h gmwmus lmz-spituli 'rum , 1|!" .‘lflsnniv hrvthl tzlkflcl’iflrir! tn juitl W .x:;; _.A‘a:ll‘ Q:A‘AA ll.. '_â€"l Golda mm 1...“. 0mm m! m: u ...e Advigdinn by nun- flnt All“ aim ‘ trau- .ukinlou to All in Doubt in Honor of the Luna ; aunt Tcnpuancc Act. each Near Messrs. ('. \V. 1130111501101. Frank (inwh. and Gm. .1 n'uwm. Haileyhuryz Messrs. (ion. 1‘1. S‘lytm‘k. Kenneth 119- Lung. A. S Fume.1):.S.\\'.()tt(m. (‘11;15.1’ierco.11mnor L.(Gihsnn,11.1‘l. .‘duntgnmen. .1.11 110M“, Geo. Bai- 105'. R. A. \nrx. .Duwler, V. 11. 11111003111 Luv mnure. (1183.111111]- u‘IrM'. \V. \\ idd 1‘11 R. Dixon. John «mam. Mr. and Mrs. J. u. mirrun. Mr. and Mrs. ('. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. J. (F. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. (L (i. 'l'huinns. Mrs. ('. Harrington, Mrs. J. Meyvrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon \\'ilv sun. Mrs. Hzinihly. Mr. and Mrs. W. .Xssvltino. Mr. and Mrs. R. '1‘. “93.:- nzill. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. 'l'lmnius. Miss “clung. Miss L. I’ctm‘s. Miss 1'. l’ctvrs. Miss U. ManirO, Miss L. Denierso. Miss J. McLaughlin. Miss W. Starling. Miss 14in bovine. Miss M. Stem). Miss Bziin, Miss Richard- sun.:in(l Miss Swallerwell. Messrs. (.‘. \V. Ilnontsi-hcl. Frank hunwwarals m the â€\vm- smu' lmurs ut' tlw mnrn'." myrrh-in: their :11»- pl'véiutiun “1' “tr ruyal limv spout. due tn llw nutiriug vl'l'nrts ul' llw nwnflwrs ul' (inlclou lhmwr bulge. Mun": the guvsts present inrhulm‘l manly lm-thrmn frum untsiclv pnilns. 'l'lmsv prvsvm wvrv us l'nlluwszâ€" Mr. and Mrs. 1'. G. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Munro, M r. and Mrs. 11. Hurling. Mr. and Mrs. \\'mullmry. Dr. and Mrs. leuuis. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Low. Dr. and Mrs. Brawn. Mr. and Mrs. J. lived. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sum- uwrhzrws. Mr. and Mrs. ('lms. Uvms- lr)‘. Mr. and Mrs. H. (3. Laridlmv, Mr. and Mrs. .\. ll. Smuomn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). .\1- law. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thomas, Mr. um! Mrs. \V. J. 'l‘rvthowv}; Mr. and Mrs. Malmlm Him-k, Mr. and Mrs. H. l’ctvrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fugg. Mr. and Mrs. “'11). H. \\'v|)h. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Luwv. Mrs. S. V. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'lms. l’Jau-knmn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skmlmu. Mr. and Mrs. '1'. IC. l’rit- vEmrcl. Mr. and Mrs. J. ('i. lerrun. H. .‘lflmnn. “" â€m and J. \V. lhmv [H'i'u'uf u ruyul. sun-inhlv c-n-u- inc'n munsvnwut. 'l'his mmuuittvv ciici nil in lhvir pnwer tu uiukv every- nm- woh-nnn- in their midst. zuni slmrmi ui-ilhvr umuuy um' puius tn umkv the affair u hug: summss. A munpmnus luncheon was served by Hip mnuuilum Ill midnight. and the my lrimwrs nl'lvi' indulging in unu'c fantastic-n1 uwrriun-iu jnuruvyml huuwwurais iu the â€ww- suin' lnmrs 'l'hv vanso ut' tlw .\l-'Hume was vmiri-Iy Imrxw by “w lllf'miX‘l‘s «1' this luuigv. :uul Hwy slmwml their gmwmus lumpimlit)‘ by im'itim.r all tlu- .‘lflsflflit‘ im-timm of the Purrul'inv cii~trirt In juin with tiwm zmci vnjuy liw sawixll side “1' the Musunir franvr- uity ut‘ ttw ut‘t’nir. smut nut invitaticms Immlwriug mu- lmmln-cl mnl Marty- at}. inrlmling all thdir nwmlmrs mm at tlw from. «hm tlum- mm in train- ing at Hxhihitiun t‘mnp. 'l’ur-mtn. This inch-«l was a kiml spirit tn slmw tho nlnmt tm-mlu-m tlmt ultlumgh they an» I'm away fighting tlu- lmttlos ut' tlu- l-Impirr. Hwy wen- nut t'urgnttt-n 'i)‘ tEwir lm-tlxrou Mm «11‘ left at Hy Hm «spun-«inn nl' «piniuns frum (Tm-w pn-m-m “0- learn Hm! this dam-v NH lhv lwsl dum'z' mu] .\t-llmm- that m vn-r hm-n mmlurml in Timmins. Iml scum- m-rv u\'¢-rlwnrd an say that 'l was Uw "Inst sum'vssful «mo wil- m-ssml in NW Nurth Lam]. 'Nw c-ummittm- aw in lw highly mm. )mm' 9 r "a Friday evening last the MI mm. the scene of a m I «on Golden Beaver Lodge m annual Abllom in h: TUE L. S" "“‘VIAN 00.. um: um: " My 3|"er s I artists were enthusiast I! and n'flmmlrd with Mo. Gen u- c'uoxce or author I "uh! Wantsa amnmu “05h. vmlvml n harnnlw mic "M \‘mtr Smile." mud Mn. Hm sang "My Mnflwr's Rummy Li!!!- wero onllmsinsnmlly c ""fll WIS. b"! and hunt d a 01' mm uu'vr bulge w uI' tlw .\ 0 by “w l mu! Hwy 5 Is boaufll’ully decanted l bunting. mymially m. mainn. The grout-men ir dressed suits and the ' ranisih («was of silks P's added mt rhnm in (â€Ih'ilirs. was furnished by an ar- Hw dirrction uf Mr. and KN" _.. ._. I. ._._:.::_u.. .5... ._‘_...::‘.¢.ï¬<. .27.. 3:; .1? .1... 2:; Z}. 2. 3.1.. ._. ’4. _..:....zu. .17 ul‘ "IE PORCUPINE Al. VANCE P m l visiting ) best'novels by vanty-five cents 0N O'l'l M r J3!" . Brown, K II. \V. Pllil' Masonic held its mm of Mnmnir nmpmg v hurt it Hunlml 90""!!! Ill ('3 I†\‘Hl ('fl I" ffllllm "if MIME m l’flllflf A5 Ill HAVING llfluflfl $2225.10, HR 4 MONTHS. ('unstuhlv (li'vm'. ul' 'l'istlnle 'l‘mvnâ€" ship l'uuml Juvk Dukm' intnximitml in and zmmml ('nrrigan's livery stable nll Nov. 27th. Dukur zilsu haul :1 but- tle ul' liquor on his persun, and s0 t'zu-ml hm charges. (in the first vhzirgc he was finml $10 and (-0515. and on tlw mum serious one the fine was $200. Sulicitnr (‘unk put up a very earnest plea fur the young man. but unless he finds the tutul of 1325.10 he will have to spvml four munths in North Bay jail. DOORS NOT FA VOli ED. .l. U. Bilon, of Scnuniacher, found a door was a way into trouble in his case. On Nov. 15th he brought in a case of liquor, and a couple of (lays after Pr-n'invial Officer Allen name out to see lum. Out of the fifteen bottles in the ease. Provincial ()fl'ioer Allen mid he found nine under the case 01 HQ after Prw out tu see Mm. case on Timrsd evident-e it was shuns Greer had warned I more than one m‘rnsi lay himsolf liable if summrt. agreed tn pay his wit'e $1†per week. and a ennrt nrder tn this et't'eet was made. Mr. Martin. whn appeared fur the det'endant. prndneed a number nt' aeennnts paid reeently. tn .shnw that his elient had been paying well fur the snmmrt nt‘ his family. The wire. nn the nther hand. enntend- ed that the hills must have been t'nr her hnshand's nwn persnnal aeennnts. and that she and l.:r ehildren were nnt prnperly prnvided t'nr. It seemed evident that the ease arnse ehiet'ly than a disagreement between the par- ties. and Magistrate Atkinsnn asked them it' they ennld nnt get. tngether and settle the matter agreealhly. Mr. Martin said there had been many sneh el't'nrts. hnt all had t'ailed. Mr. Mnr- rissey was quite willing tn enntrihnte tn the Lsnppnrt of .As family, and re- plied tn the Magistrate 'that he wnnld give tnnre than $10 per week. This amnnnt. hnweyer, was the largest that the ennrt ennld nrder. but the Magis- trate suggested that any farther amnnnt ennld he ('niitt'i'lillted \‘nlnn- tarily tn the hank aeennnt tn he npen- ed in the wit'e's name. intn w'll’ieh the tmh- suggested that any fnnhvr :ununnt muld he mntrihntml \‘nlnn- tnrily tn tho hank zwmnnt to ho upon- ml in the wife's nnnw. into wH’ivh the defendant wunld b0 vxpm-tml tn plzu-o van-h [my day the nnmnnt urdvrml by the vault AI’vn ="I‘d he quna rune unuer we Led ard t‘7ree in a closet. The hnuse was classed by the officer as a tene- ment house. and was occupied by two t‘nvnilieic. the defcm'nm’s family and M" G. J’)‘:ns....n's. There was a com- hime and family nlnm'. The mused said In. «lid hut rommnln-r mnslnhlv It'llimt him 3n- wnuld ms prvmlsm as used oxrlmiwly [mart-1‘ tn think [In puliro mu always mrmnry. In raves fun-omen! llu- Mm: â€W0 wnn't new! a lawyvr In svttlv yaa." naiul (‘lnic-t' Kraft, smiling. 'l'lu- clol'vmlam. lmwvvm'. «liql llul think it a smiliag maltvr. â€Yua :luu't nvml a laww:-r.' llw .‘lzlglsll'alv. ' 'l'lw (lol‘vmlam still Innkml duahtl'ul. Imt all «luulns wvrv rmuuvml whoa lla- Mauialmh‘ infuraml .‘lim tint tlw c-lnargv ul' svllin;r liquur had been with- drawn aml lw was flaw in my uulln'vat- vaml by llw law. .\ (‘.\Sl'3 HI" FAMILY 'l‘llHl'liLl'I. Jnlm Murrissvy. rllargvd with nun- summrt. agrvml tn pay his wil'v $10 lwr wvvk. and a (war! ul'clvr m this (-l'l'c'ct was maclv. Mr. Martin. wlm saiel [mm-o wm always war“: ken-ping m mnnnry. In canes romrdin; law NI- fun-mnom llu- Magistrate tlumglu llw mlvim- nI' llw lmlirv \ms spm'ixllly \vurth lwmling. H' n nmn I'ull'm‘vd tho mlvim- own "3' a snlivitur and Hum ml- flro mun-cl wrung in tho ultiuicm nf Iln- mmrl. â€w 1mm “‘0th lw linhlv tn sufl't-r from Hw mistake. but if the mlviw 0f the lmliro \wrv fulluwod ero mml-l |w little prnlmbility 01' :1 mm†mute. and oven in the ovont M' warm-clings. Hm uvmm-d mmM Iikc'ly 1.20! â€w lwm-l'it or any duubt if he fulluwml llu- whim . u" â€w puliw. Magistrnh' Mkilmm also: puintml mu Magistrnto- Atkilmm ulsm puintml nut that â€w pulim- Wl'l‘l‘ In: tn hlmm- t'ur prusm'utiuns fur itlt't‘m'tiuns ut' thv law. It mu their duty tn we that tho haw mu vnt'un-ml. mul thvy haul nu elv- sin- In mnkv hardship t'nr amymw. hut tin-y hml tn {in â€Mr duty. 'I’Wt) PHARHI‘IS WI'I’HDRA \\'.\'. At 'I'huruhty vvvning's pnlim- mmrt. tlu- vhurzzv against (tow. ('usuiuk fur :xlluwing a minnr lu t'rm'twut his pmol- rmml mm \vithclrmvn. there lu-ing tm ut't'uuvv as tho huy was thvre with Whvn ’hil l’vrvlu-rslx')â€s mnuu mp vullml he wanted to wait for his snli vilm' tlu- vhxlrzzc- against (3m. ('usni :xlluwing :I minur tn frmmout hi rmml mu; withdrawn. there lu- ut't'vm'v as the buy was thvru parental pvrmissiun. NH LAWYER NEEDED mmkmg us INNsoulnn "I!!!" "I aw W l" Hm on. but Hm Magistrate «3» ï¬nk that the mlvic-v uf the m3 atrrasinrl I In w mlu‘e rsday mghl mwn "I!“ l judgment I! n n'snlmm if at hf said lmnw defendant llm on 5'0“ WI .‘ln ml advit liquor was Wu in? I" 7H rdl’ ll!‘ 0n I" II 1 ' OOMOWOOOMWâ€MM¢OOOMWOOW“¢M“ ('anndiens tank Hum gum. Oddfollows. and the Mn] dofoatml .‘lanlmll-I‘Zwlmt nut nl‘ Him. (In Sahmï¬a; "ulliflgfl' "frim' dorm!" Mi" iwu am! (if â€mm. â€C mfl of Him. 0n ï¬lhmia)‘ aflermmn Hailing" Ufl‘iw defraud Hollinm‘r Mill hm nut of â€IM‘. 1)" Tuesday Canadians tank hm on! 03' â€mm from .‘lanhBN-Hcrlnshmv'9. Thu l‘ulluwc um Hu- «anon-~- Teams-‘â€" fimmins . ('anadiem Loft (hers Interest in the Berlin “mm to him. On i 519?}??? E:ï¬Â§i¥§9§?§é§9: "0' H"! Mm twvmi “11' MY" part3 Hi. tiw iinlts‘t'. ('uilstahli' (in-0r Said hi- hail warmut â€H' (h't'vluiant svx'vi'al tiimw that ill' might gi-t intn ti'uuhh- it' hv kvpt liquur in his plam- are it was tint usml (*thllsin'i)’ as his Itl'iViltt‘ l't‘Sitit'ltt‘t‘. .‘It'n‘h‘l's‘. Pilot: and .iuhnsun lmth gan- cvitlvnm- tn thv ot't'vvt that tlw lattvi' t'm' "maths hml used wily tho nutsiclv stairway and that thi- Pulltllllttlil‘ntillf.’ (hair was kvpt hwkml ni' t'astviiml. Hath thuuu'ht vat'h plavv was a private t't‘h'itit'llt't‘. 'l'ht- magistrate saiit that a husk was nut ('llnllg‘it. lmh'mt. hv thuugh't tho nnly way was In huard up thv maiiuiuiiimitinn altugvthvi' and make a ï¬ttiiti wall iH‘tWN‘lt thv twn plat-vs in surh :1 also. “1* [minted nut that the defendant iltlti wily himsult' tn Name as he itiltl iu't‘tl warned by Hip mastahlv. 11v t'inml tlw Elt‘t‘HStHi $2th and rust». Hl‘ till'm‘ iimiiths in LEAGUES STAXDINO AND CAKES PLAYED DURIN’O in ms ('Imk . . . Lake . . . . \Vnmnnm' “.Mdiï¬t'm Smith . . . ln blame as he lxml been warned by MW mnstablv. llv l'inml tlu- :u-vusml $230“ and rush. ur tlu'aw munths in jail, zlllmving. lmwvw-r. until 'l'lmrs- day. “or. Tlln l'ur Imynwnt. â€tunic-Ming dunr and :1 twvmu tlu- hm parts. at 090900369600990069939090009096033309260300939 THE L. STADLBMAN CO. Near Station. Tim: 0110 0f the must him! and l'sol'ul (“hristmus Hiii'ts in a lady. umnlmmm. (12'! n:‘ im} i~ u \\';|tvrm;m lclmal Funn- uiu l’vn. .~¢-II'-I'i||:n'_-. whom and I““" kvt types with mic-vs ranging t'rum $2.51) upwards. We have just rum-iv- od :1 large ussun'huvnt ut' tin-so pc-ns. (‘nrrun Hortroml Umnorsv l‘ZMI'itL'l' Marshall \\' I'vruult HULIJXHI'IR MIL! \. )lvï¬uin- 11:2 12:2 ‘ I". Smith ..... 15-1 1-12 7 .\Ivl\'x'vvm;\' 128 1'11 ‘1 mum" 0" PM)" 31'“ I" Rf. Tutu“. .\l.\l\‘.\'ll.\|.l “Ulla Alt" '0’.“ [Q'slnm' Traders Bank Building, TORONTO We advise those who care to take advantage of our offer to make their reservations early as the amount of stock available is very limited. HOMER L. GIBSON CO. In Meltthyhav ebe aocllttda liiemtdaoum noetfth soctkhofc The Thompson Krist Mines LIMITED The new company has a capitalization of $2,500,000 in $1.00 shares, of which 1,500,000 are pooled for one year, the balance of one million being available for distribution. The stock will be listed on the Standard Stock Exchange in three or four days. A large part of the issue has already been subscribed for by American capital and the market for the stock should be an active one. This company is taking over the assets of the Kristâ€"Thomp- son Mines, Limited, which include the three claims immediately adjoining the North Thompson, Vipond and Porcupine Crown. which they have permission to offer to their clients at the open- ing price of 40 cents per share. I'erlestnne '9 ("fire Mull um mm.†M's ...... HI 1515 .\.\'.\|)ll'2.\'.\‘ ‘0 I, SIS H" 13"“ ICH ll~ ll: HS l.)|i 13'" 136 “3.3 I“; 'm'o games fmm I tho Malling" .‘l “' LI'IS'l‘c ».\' l‘ I502 151% NH mu mi?) Hm a stair“: HT l-m 11:3 mium I†fl Inch)“ the 10“ MN HS 11! H 1H Int) ml Timmins. m m I _\' Mill .I‘u lam .780 N1) .010 Ix 4H: It!" "I 115 NS Inn 134 mu $13!! H U '1) Smith I'armirlm Dull't usv 1055 Hwy :n'v Imt liablv tn W M “will â€no inl'lanunmhlv tin- purpusv. .\l lhm't 1m! tvnwux'ur)’ wiring in tho \‘ivinily ul' tlu- display unless it lw kvpt sm'un- nml (mt ut' rmwh ut' the «31114955 01' imluisilivv shumwl'. lhm'l usv ('lm'lrimllly nlwl'alh'cl spm-iuhios in almw winduws ur dis- . 32.5.3. .22: 3 .5" c.1155... :95 9:2. €222: -2: :::.r:_.r.:_ 2: 15:2: 21:2... 25; -1: .5 32.7. E .1..:._.~_.....T. SLBIGHS! SLBIGHS! SLEIGHS! 20 pm' cont «lismunl will he ullnw- ml nu all ('lnilclron's Slviglls lmught l'rum us lwtwm-n mm and ('ln'istmus :xl ('amuiehul THE L. STADLBMAN CO. Near Station, . Tim: Marshall Eldriclm' .‘IM '0)†. hun't um. linsvl (lwurutiuns ill thv of lamps. us Hwy Hu-ir “any int†the l'irv from short ('il‘ Dcm't um- wirv supports :u'v mun-hm! tn lighting l'rmu whic'il Hw (-m'rcnt may l'wknrcl .. Hc-rtrvml . . .\. Hrlnugvr Uvmvmv . . Hints for the Shopkeepom Regard- ing Window and other Displays .‘Ivssrs. ('liff JomIm-H and rnult issm‘ a vlmllonuv to x lmwlvrs in tho «listrivt fur x1 Bowlers Mm lnvo at gun! 1:: mm play at gum! K3030. shamâ€? this c'mlh'ngo puss um!" ilmmzln Hwy will have tlu-i n-mly fur me i!‘ Hwy tukv i 1"“ "I ( h'nlmm SOME CHRISTMAS â€I“!!! d ‘m I!“ TM!!! mu Tami-t '| My . . rlestnnv Hui" MARSHAL! "It"! 1'3“!" IIULLINGER ..... m “63 71' "HIJJXGHR MILL ...... 12.! HI! I: Reed Building, Tunmins PHONE 72 ('.\.\’.\l'll’. wirvs and supports un- mm-hzmimlly :wvm'v 21ml vlm'trivul «Iv 'zmgunwni. mttun butting: ur nthvr mutvrl‘ul far :1 dumm- l 70 Hï¬ m 1;“ I!!! II.) 7M m '1 ‘l.l~:s lzm hr: I‘m 192 Ill MB .N 5 P.†'3 0 bi) m-‘PICE us no 11:» In I 4:! 1461 lI' nu .l-ISTan-I's H! 12%» ‘ 12m 109-â€" H? 159*. Its-.2 132-» 7-H ‘ to may hm fur n nmtrh. uul game mu! shnum Iml lM mu-hullougml. llu-ir Wul‘k mkv it up. “no: (3N3 I!“ 16'} I 38 132 I70 1:2). 3‘0: 186- l 15 H" o 6‘ Timmins. .59 NT'S†if Hwy l'ixtul'vs 21cm 315$ ""7“ 43] 4.1% :ms .143 460 '94 o 41-5 430 413 €00 15!; 4:35