v i Draggisi and Stationer H REED BUILDING gr. "mums nln'nnn’ sully haw zu-mznplt>::t~tl murw. [iv 1:» untitled tn tlw thanks ml the h-m: t'nr tlwsv t'nar yt-ars ul' disintm'cstcd sw- \'ivv. ('muwillur Globe is a man at uatStvatgdiny: ability, and line iatvgrity. amltlto vitizvus would he t'amlish in- deed slmald tlugv attempt tn '{lï¬lh‘f‘mt' with his survives. Hr. Munro. tun, ham pruven himself an ahlv I'uam-il- lur, attentiw tn dvtail, and mindful 0f the roslmasibilitivs ut' “€33.22 'l'iru pcupka’s lmsilwss wmdd haw tax'ed badly indwd but far the Itaaicratazzm ing vapavity and \villiagmm r.) wax-it nl' these ('natH-illurs. (‘uuplwl Mill â€â€˜1' uncrgotiv “work “I" ('utlllt‘tllwt' Mrt'uy. an able ymmg man, wlm has l'r’bigllml t'rmn tlu- t'uanvil, and inn; 1‘.» re- xpunsiblc pusitiun at the linlliauor Mine, tu aaswvr the call u;' l{:.:-.' and ('nuntt'_\‘ in the “Flying (‘.»;-~.\.;â€"," the wursv. lmwvvm'. is. i-umpurutiwly. t'tmit'l' tn mumm- :ui ulilvr and fuller gnm'n tmxu than mm 511in as 'l'iunuins. llul guvt HU'I‘ the lwrpli-xiug little uiluu-ms whit-ii i-nntimiully hl'st't iut'muili- gruwth. .\ ymmgstor m-Mum ram au'tirulnto- ii.‘ need and wishes. mu! it’ it muM. it Wuttid sometimes demand that “hivh is allln‘crsivv tn its 'H‘h‘i iii’q'i'.*~?.~. Wise lwmls, thi-rvt'urv. arc llt'mil'ti in those furnialtiw- years, hut not .w misc us to U\'('!'l’l|](.‘ the heart quality “I sympathy and understanding. 'l'lwri- is wimlum burn ut' evarivm-o :iml tlw iivw should he viii-ni'ulb Wi-ighcil in tlw hailmm- lwt'nrv dislwu- Sim: with llw mini. Mayor \Yilauzz. Yul‘ instmwv. has served in that . .m- Your vuntwc-lltivo yours. “0 1m.- wvll imlvod. even though. mm: t'vn-nt virmlmatauwos, lu- mim: .a'iMy lun'c zu-mznpli>2m1 meow. «untitled tn the thanks 1»! the tm tlu-sv t'nul' years 01' (lisintex'c.~rtc hhl’ lithH'flN’s. It may be taken fur granted Hm! may influenvv tlu- “‘ivva um! mmlwrs might own-is» nu nur numivipnl lil'v tin-"ugh this vxh-nsinn hf NW t'runvhisc- would h1- om Hu- 3M0 uf c-lvmwr living and PINIIH'I' think. u stain upon uur lmnur. Nu )DrIK'C's-s of reasoning. syntlwtic- nr nmnlytiv. can justify an nttitmlv em stupid and ulml’t-siglllml. It mmlcl lw {'lISlt'l' to justify th \‘ntvs lur Wth’ mnl mm tlzcr tlmn nn \‘ulc‘ at all. We gladly yiolcl space far Dr. Mar. gm‘et (lurclcm's letter. cm mtntiu-r page. lmcnnso m- believe in tin- muse “111- week {rum tu-cluy llw «nu-stint: «of umnimllimn fur Hu- ullim- ul' Muyu' mu! fur nwqu-rship ul' the Tum; “1mm“, will hr doviclml. â€Walter im- gmrhuwu "Harm-s tlu-n-lu lhzm M'NH- tu bu awarded by â€w zu'vmuu- viti- zcn. lt lwhmn'vs every nm- nun-â€ml hf tlw right (0 \‘uM lu eunuch-r “'1'“ the various pmhlmna whit-II hmvt any ymmg and growing: munivimnlit)‘. l! l'p in "w [mum nf untried mmlen c-ipnl olefliun- luv the Province «1’ u rvfleflion «all our i THE Pllflï¬llfllf “MICE mm'y m the â€l-‘iym The ('uzuwil \muld NOMINATIONS AT HAND. Advertising Rates Furnished FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17th. REED BUILDING 4'. TIMMIHS, onumo’†Published every Friday by LET MOTHER VOTE. POI'R Snbscriptiun Rates will open with a new and selected stock of Drugs, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Cigars and Tobaccos, Etc. Monday, Dec. 20th Frank M. Burke our ink-Iliwnw. nt' â€Marin. hone m timv tlw ht \‘qu M muui llul I'ul‘ mm clvmm “v has «In: Tl 8 Y“! HS «iii In l\' HUI.» swam ut‘ Hw mnrkvt \'.'t.-ulu-mn}." ln-t'urv tlu- lmliclaiys. 'l'lu- luw [H‘lt‘t‘ ul' silx'm' is I't‘slnm- silllv l'nr tlu- tll‘t‘llllt' in all silvm' atm-lcs «luring: tlw latter part ul' tlw wwlg. mu! we Inuk 'r‘ur this market In strengthen lwl'm'v tlw mul ul' tlw your. As wv have statml lwl'm'o. tlw gun- vml vumlitinns are Very t'uvm'uhlv. and we expect tlw present strung: murlu-t tu mmtimu- with only a slmrt lull during: the lmlidays. 'l'lw gmu'x'al markvt rumliliuns v m- Iimw \‘M'y t'unvuhlo will: tho 0le}!- tiun M an llll‘nS)’ feeling in NW Yul‘k uver tlw " Alumni!†alfl'niz'. h - (“mm the l nitml Status and .\usl2::. “Hm \nlmm- m' lilhint‘hs still mn- timu's wry lau'gw, and there is wry HUI.» sinus ut' Hw umrkvt \'.'(.'u!u-nin*.' int'usimi ul' new Mum]. Quito an im- pnsing list 0i. {Jami mun ('«Illiti ilt.‘ made up. uu whirl: tn til’ttW. Mr. Mr- liuugiilin. Hr. Bit-Innis. and Mr. Mair-- silzlil. nut 01' Sllt'il list should in- will- ing tn ht‘l'Vl‘. eve-n timugh tho svi'x‘ii'c im'ulx‘os lmsineSS, pi'ut'tessiunul “1' per- Sulltli sm'l'il’im'. 'l'livir standing: cum- maxuis rvspovt. tlwii' vxlwriwu'e guar- antee.» ability, and their puptilzu'ity it is httllt'tl tt|mtt gum! ittttltut't')‘ that tlu- mutrnl ut' the Dutm- lixtt-n- stun has. lwvn N't‘ltt't'tl by n glam]: ul' t-upituliats very vlum- tn tlmsv lmlclillg mmtml ut' tlw “ntttv and that t'nl't)‘ moms :1 Shaw has lwt-n [mid fur the c-untl'ul. .\' slu-viul Int-Ming: ut' tlw slmrvlmldvrs will lw lecl ult Hovvmlwr 20th in 'l‘uruntu. fur the purlmsc ut' mtitflving ai hy-luw, amtlmrizing ttu- nulv nt' tlw tn-nsm'y stm-k at nut loss than tu'vnty-tivv m-nts It Share. This «In.» ttnl mum: that tho trvusm'y stm-k Mill be suld at twenty-“w wnts a share. altlmugh part ut' whivh may be suhl at that ï¬gure. but the uvm'n're wit-v, we ht-licvo “ill be ulmut turtv vents per share. â€llw stcwk is \Ht’l'} :u'tin- mu! “'0 [Huh tut' Intuit lziglu-r :H‘UH' um! [)l'lcca. 'l'lw arm .‘lzu‘kvl IPHPI' “1' A. S. Puller ('u. 'l'immins. in NW Aclvum'o. fur \t'm-k o-mliug 'l'hurxdu)‘. lh-vvlnbor Milli. 'l‘lw t'mnun- «1' the marked this wm-k mm tlw grmu m-th'it)‘ in Ihmw I'Ixtvminu. mu! u now high lol'im- fur .‘lvlntyrv. Mull lms mpitulis wonlz'nl « routs 1| :ai'e}. 0.000.000 â€(HINT . ....... lmfl'nln . . . 1'lmmln-rs Porlnml (‘nningns . . C'ruwn Ih'sc-rw' . . Fush'r . . . . . . . . (iiï¬nrcl . . . . . . . HUIIM . . ï¬rm" Nurtlwm llnrumvos . . . . Hmlmm Hay . . . Kt'rr Lulu. . . . . . Lulhm‘ . . . . . . . Molx’inloy . . Nipissing . . l'elm‘mn Imkt- .. Right 01' “'ny . . . Smwvn Suporiur Sluunnwk . . .. Silver Lvuf . . . . . 'I'umiskmuing . 'l‘l‘olhowvy . . .. Wettlzml'vr . . .. Yurk-(mt. . “'05! Hull Oobtlts. "lime I'Im. . . . . . Dome Extension Home Mines . . . . Dome Lake . Foley O'Brien .. â€HM "oer ...... "umesmke llullinger . . .pIII iter . . \lrlnhre . . .. Melnhre P. xtensh Mullen! . . ..... Pearl Luke ..... l'cIrI'IIIIim- ('rmI-n Imperial. . .. l’nrmpine Timlnle _\ Ilmml. . ..... l’réshm H. lhmw chk Hugh's Uullw If you are not a subscriber to The Advance we just wish to say the subscription price is $2.00 yearly in 311116421 ends .:.00 in United State Had 'hv \zeathvr been suitable. it was intendeil in «men the Skating Rink lu-ui'!.t ligg'wnthing is in wadinega mu! nuiiin: fur the news- sarv (whivuatuvz. be e alert r050) :xzilliuzn lrmbm')‘ Shallv~ haul hwn «lis- pusml «W n! purtivulm'Lv l'mnmblv forms. wuvlwal a high M' 421- .m Sat- urday. ('unifivting; n-Imrin as tn tlw exam naturv «of tho dvnl whirl: roan-h- ml Hw Mum: u!) Mmuluy. caused a rush ul' su!li::: :mcl u (-unsmluvm dc- cliuc tn 2;;3v. but it has aim-v roumiuod strung mu! rinses thv u'm-l; at 371' swan,- rosult result ('nlulH 'l'l'llliskilllling. c-linin: In :I (‘lusiug‘ slum; market tlm! wuul iuvlinecl tn take witlmut .sm-h into: questiun but that now (wists in Hm 2 has been in (wide: letlmugll thu mark: so far as 911103 an are verv up! In In. ho! idzu M'JH’J. SKATING rinsing strunger 1]! (i o>zpcvtntimu lmu’m'm' Him- in Hw gu'ic-c n!‘ l H'lllpul‘ul°}‘. and any 2 wmahl bring Mum! . l'ovtn'el‘)’ in NW sih'el New Yuri; mutinuu .\a,n.~.' 1 Hr}; two “xterm: mlum mum. lv'mlin: tc'lsum l('l‘ :I Itmtttll sign. has t'wu'tmi tn ti luv: 01' (min and rinses tlw wvvk "lily slightly nhuw that lmy “gum. mAlv- lntyrv's risn was iutvrrupr'm! clnring tlw onrly part of thv' \wok, and utter high suit-s :it $1.09. rmicteil tn 920., but t'lnswl tiw \n'vL uith sales at. it new high ut' $1.12 tar-(lit). NM? and promising timhc tlt‘t' heiu: made and :mimuiwm! t'ruqm-ntly on this primer- ty, and it \multi scent that the stuvk is cit-stinm! t'uz' hig'ilt'l' ligltt't'w. Jupi- Mttt'iwi ivth'r ui' Hunn't' L. Hilmvn \K' (‘u.. 'l'itnntins. In i’ut'vnpint- Atl- vnnvv. fur WPOk ending 'l'lun'sdn)‘. Utwotnlwt' ltitli. In spitv at the 11030 It] [mun-h ut tlw Iluliciny wnsnn. mining sun-ks have vutltittttmi quitv m-‘tiw «lining tlw week just ended. and prim-s in lln- l’urvnpinv list Inn'u lwld gem-rally lit'nl. th- vvatiun tn this him “00!! Vilmnd. Wilit'it. un tlw i'xpt-t-tntiun M' n smm-wlmt unt'avm'ahlv l't'lml'i. and niclml by thv nun-ummnrnnm- m' tho I'vpnrt ’ll'uzlliimi tltv slntt'vimhivt's m‘t-i' :I Innntlt nun. ltns t'vnvlmi tu it In\‘.’ (if Mir. ntnl vinsvs tln- Wt'vk only slightly album. that lmy “gum. “Alc- m Q a “5'5: 35.60" 33.800 Hm “6.700 10 415 1s 210 200 2 000 It’ll \'_\' )ill l!" {H} mtm 1Y0“ null >; 'l'lu- '. hmx'v il\' 7G RINK TO OPENâ€"â€" READY FOR FREEZE-UP. 1'03! tlm! durm H INN t L.) "73 103 u. M :{'D' 10 mn (H "5' "13 1!" 1m ()0 H] i Hcl u! ‘9' m-«l utomly t'rnm Why- I: tier whole wvek. and mmrtml ut ulumt tlmt t'cutun- ut' Itu- work's ‘m'. hm hot-n Dunno I'Ix- nn :1 n-lmrt that «me '3' Shant“ luul lu'vn clis- purtimtlzler t'ux'ul'ulflv a high at 420 all Sut- ‘tillf.’ I'D'Ntl'ta as tn tlu- alw Eli 20H H‘K ‘ at (:m .ix “t ‘. Tiwz'v may be llinz: to make the :11 upon mind, uur m? a ('uunvil shall will he am'akc and v a needs. and rep- wishes THE PORCOPINB ADVANCE H 043 Mn 0:! â€H .m ,SEI ("1' "1" H" IIJ' ID]' (“5 "(5' "h" "11 u w 4).) "I ' (' Malay. but In (31v. The that this (10- ~ metal is only 'u'ccly in price (‘zbl’l'(‘~'])tnll(lillg lurks. tn tulw an aw- suddenly ay. mu! 2. â€we sum K0! fur ul lm s “(‘- '21!)- â€)0†(l0- ml 1| “he hnspit: Hwncï¬l. [in HHHWH. ()ut.. June [)l':.\l\’ Slit-4 l'm'! it my duty In lvt â€:0 Warm know “1’. Muu's Kidney and Li am- thv unly rmnmiy than lepml luv. 1 have lu-vn n slrtfm'm' ~:inw the ymn' 1.‘ what llw lwst mmliml oxpm vlmmiv rheumatism. .\I u ; lwllsv I ilzul undermine Hu- I imnl Irontuwnt tluu mum I: but a“ In no lml'lmsv. By I was imlm-ml (u try yum' I and pills. xx'hivh hm z'muhv vmnplvtv re-vmm')‘. l um .1 again and frwr Hum :11! pain I haw lu-cu vurml {mm .| painful illness. Yrum which '1 cup! 12:): must sixzvm'u thanks Yuurs sinw: .3. .\. Milk [)1‘. Mlllvl '[immin.~'. in: Ml] lw glml muniul. DR. MONK’S KIDNEY SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg" Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser 31:13.. Timmins Phone 152 J. W. Mahon BARRISTBR. All kinds of Jewelry and Repairs on Watches. 'l'imln-r can't-ring l-L') "(1'05 “1' [23120111- ml lands, nu Pine, 2 milvs {rum llullingvr Minv. gnml rumls. in tlw 'l'uwnship ut' ()gclvn. lots .\'n.~.. â€â€™67. PM“. and VHSâ€. (In-0n hush and lwxlvily timhmwl: ('stimnlml «war (ilmstulls. .‘NNNDsuwlugs. 20.00†11.3- ging. l’urvlnm-r to rut and romm'e all limlu-r. Make ufl'cx' to .l. H. P.O. Box 123. . NERVOUS DEBILITY all timlwr. Mako offer to .l. H. Hullvlt. .\'.!'2. mr. ('urllun mul Jur- \'i.~s Stu-Ms. 'l‘urnntu. DR. L. GAG-NON Temple Building. Tux-«min Golden Ann. Smith Porcupine. BARRISTBRS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. Dim-mos u!" â€up Hlmul. Skin, 'l'lu'tmt mu! Mcmth. Kiclm'v mad Hlmhlt-r "mu-Hulls. l’ismms M the ervvs and all «lvhilitutml mm- «litiuns "1' H10 system. an spm-inlty. ('ull m‘ write. ('nnsullutiun Prov. .‘lmlivim- son! tn any address. DR. JOHN REBVB Phone North 6132 18 Carlton St. Toronto. . ‘ . rd Canal BJanng Lama»; . 1.": :1; 2;; K. 1*. mums 314mg" Timminu. Ont; Cook 51 Mitchell 1:. 11/! Y, General 1W; dgcr ,9. Drafts, Mon y 0: : Letter; of edit L. available I!) ugh “Rm. \‘Vodd. glad In \‘éri A. BISCORNET HAILBYBURY. ONT. Veterinary Oflico Price f50c only FOR SALE ‘4'! . . Next Post Ofllco. TIMMINS. ~m um nt (hr:- nitluï¬nt Savins Dcpartn: Branc ! V Dealers in vcmmcnt and I‘v’lunicip Securities. Dealers in 'Qrcign am! Domenic Cxlï¬nut. ' s: vllIut' â€"â€"| t'vv! it my humuh-n . \mrhl knuw that tho «hwy zuul Liver l’ills rmnmly that has on)? have “(“011 u vmxstamt thc year 1591, with "unlit-all oxpvrts mllml AND LIVER PILLS. n j'nul' H. Hut.. June I l'vv! it m. \x'ul'lcl L'nm' u-l'ma: l')‘ HI \' wnhwl in my nu quite \n‘vll pain: in t'zwt n .n lung and rich Memo 80- P.O. Box 458 '(‘H'U nuch' u g'x'vut ox- ' has! mm!- lw funny]. 35' almfiaient .' treatment {1'0 w Milli-2'. um Ihm‘c lvsti crvh' l! 15. 12m 1. .Vl' ll I mul- ’4« [Hum]. H‘ widen! H Ilnwm ,j 3' in .u) f U \"('“l H LH'I I†ll)’ M â€I. Name of Nominztor This nomination blank. when propcxly ï¬lled out, entitles the Candi- date to Five Thousand Votes. Only on c Nomination Blank allowed for each Candidate. Address 332. I hereby Nominate CONTEST MANAGER, PORCUPINB ADVANCE Nomination Blank SUBSCRIBE NOW EContest Starts December 6,1915 i‘ and Closes March 6, I916 p¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢0¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢'3°¢0¢¢¢¢¢#Ifl'ééc‘éé'fl’ï¬ï¬ï¬‚'ï¬'ï¬'é'ï¬'é9'90'0 I o g. Hand your nomination blanks to your merchants " or to The Advance. Ask for folder. 3: Cantzst Starts Decembcr 63h, 22d. Ends Marc’ 6th, 1916. 9. Candidate in your popular Pony Contest Well Here’s Your Chance Boys and Girls You Would Like to Own a Shetland Pony Wouldn’t You? Who Will Get Kitchener? List of Merchants Where You Can Receive Votes Ynn have. uuthiug Ln 5« And the pony won’t cost you any money This is a Picture of Kitchener’s Father Remember, Boys and Giris LAUB STOCKWBLL, Confectionery EMPIRE THEATRE, The Theatre that Shows Something Different J. K. MOORE, Baker THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE J. P. McLAUGHLIN MARSHALL-ECCLESTONB LTD. Hardware and Furniture JAMES R. TODD, Druggist 3. PORCUPENE BEN CROSKBRY. Gents 3 CHAS. A. SEE, Druggist ings, Boots : and Pressing. SCHUMACHER sell. Simply h.l\'(' thv n-cvipt friends will [win yun. TIMMINS ’cncr a1 March an: ‘l‘immins, Ontario. Furnish- Clc aning Telephone No.. . . 4n #- 3000 Votes