Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 3 Dec 1915, 1, p. 4

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"It Pflflfillflli ”MICE «m um tom. 3 tin uf um .\I'I°IIrIIIII" In IIII III'I-IIIIIIh. I':.- III-I’- IIIIIIII IIIIII )‘I‘Ill' “I‘l'I' "III'I'II‘II IIIII III I! IIIIIrI- III‘ II'.-~I I’IJI IIIIII III'II-II III'rI‘IIIIIu IIIrI IIIIIIIIII- I'. \\'I- IIII II'II ~III' IIIIII II"- III" III I'II‘ IwuplI- II.I.~I IIII-r- IIIlIIvII. IIIII. I'rIIIII \IIIIHIH I'IIII‘II'S. III-rIIIIIN iII- IIIIII‘IQIII'I', [N I‘l'IIIIs IIIIk III IIIIIIIII'IIIII- III'. II I'III'I‘II‘MI. IlrII'IiIIj: I-IIIII'aI' I'.'II.I |IIII‘.~IIII'II. .\-‘ II IIIIIIlII'Im IIII' [H'I‘M'III I 'IIIIIIIIII I‘IHIIII IIIIIII IIIMI II ng-III OII‘III IIIIrsI-, I'\I‘Il II. IIII'I°|IIIIII°I°. II I'HIIIII IIIIIo IIIIIIII II gram. IIUIII IIIIIIIII. TIN“ II I~IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIAII III-Nor III ”to III-«I. pic h IIIIII IIIIIII. IIIIII II IIIII‘I IIIII 'H'I‘II \IIII‘HI‘ i~I their. mun! I'I.IIrIIIIc 'I'III- same IIIII) III- IIIIIII III IIII- hIszIIII “'IIIIII- Ices. Imlv more III III Ith lmIl.I-- IIIIIII‘IIIIIIII ITzII'IIIg III; II IIIIIIIIIIII‘ IIIIII- been glaring!) IIII- IIII. III IIth IIIIII- [OI’IIIIPSS aIIII [HUI'HIb'IIIIIIII'III III"? III!- ml the IIIIIIII. “'4' much-t Hm! tlw Muym' shmzlcl I'll” u gmhliv tun-Ming \vlwrcm ('uun- villurs slumlcl rvmlvr am m-mmm ut' tlwir stkurdship. Surl: n lm't‘tin': is required by law in :s'unu' Hmliuus «if tlw Dominion. I! givm .1 muzwillnr tlnc vlmnm- tn rwupiluluu- wlwt lu- hns 11mm. and In slutt- \x‘lmt lw it:- tumls m «In in Hw I‘uturv. if n mmdi- dutv for ru-vluvtiun. ll ulw gin»: the olovtul'ntv xl'MmIIm! tn clisvuvvr new "112101’111‘ 1'111' 11'111'1'. :1111] 111 WWW 11> 1'111111111111115 .1111! 11'i~1|111~'. .\ 1111:1tz11111l 1'1111111'1 11I11111|1I also I111 111111l1- 111 1111.4 1111101111". 11. 111ay-a11s1- 1111x11111~1 11111- 11101115 111 Mayan 1'11111111H111's 111111 'l'1'11511-1-s, 11111 11 invariably 11111-5 1411111], and 111~\'1~1' 11111'111.'l'l11e [11'1111l1- have Hm I Il:l1( 111 '{1111\\. 111'! 1111' 1111'1'11111' 111 11:1”111 11111111111 11'1~11i1!:11: 1111 111111 111111- 11111 111' '_'l111 . Inn G): ...... ...... u I . Z ...... ........... ..... ............ .5... . .0 ...... ...... ........ u. Canada United 8t: ‘ t I\'( t.‘1 Y as; s FRIDA 'mrn ”Misha! cvrry Friday by 090. Ian. 1’an .. . . u . u. . «MW avg and a... - .....s.wmwu. any”. #3 gums. _ a EE V» Yaw; 'Sz'tmérimlhn‘ “LY. DB 33MB}!!! 31:3. a Hf. 111-1123 I‘. BABY. $2.00 a year 83.00 a year 2'5. Furnished. ONTARIO VHH'P 12> lhmtwinl - at this ium mu- ms and R- (5" 'V'ifl'fii? '7 1.. ............ Q t“â€"- ..' :- St Matthew 5 Tea ' Next Tuesday 'mflnr m‘ le Admit“. lam! Hm his moth“, aka of (Invrgrtnwll. Oil donly yesterday. Mr IA Nrmwhm'n nu 92w mum I Help the Red Cross Benefit Night. at King's Theatre. Wednesday and Thursday. December :11 and 9th. “'8' DEATH 01‘ 1-138. ‘2. H. Tlu~ frirnds 91,0”!‘2‘ I‘uld-up Caplta! $7,000,000.00 {cucrvc Fund - I’L'LCC HOH'LAND. PmiJmt If. HAY, Casual 3.5.1:”ch Darts. Money Ordcn and Learn of Credit issued. wad-He throughout the Woxld. Dealers in Government and Municipa! Securitics. .- I..J._I' - o.':‘$ w.‘ 3: ‘_ g.» \ v 1 Gama! Banking 13mins: Tramway! "3' UN Ill! NOTICE rurm-tcvwn. "til... Medina“ day. Mr 'Akl‘ '0“ Tu? N! ”W mum "tin. ,- W M Dealer: in Foreign and Domesti: Exchange. Savinfs Dcpartmcr. at all Bran: :03. Imcrat thditcd Hal?- 5 «323;: .z: Current Ram. H. W!” m'wipleily “11.5" ' HI Mrs. '1‘; B. Like “ill .m- "‘27? O. my 4.1:“ «’1 l‘wmu 213me mm or mamas .4 ', -rnnsznrmax annex m s» . 52.1mm)! sum as: was me sunâ€"macs my my E' P? CROWD ATTENDS. w n} ‘ Tm» 1.!HK‘.‘.'4il!_': mum's.” wvro also 1!.1 M. ”w “m lwizr: the wrightul' n Qw-ry lmolhmmw lnnhin'i Xmas Niki? in ftlm'o slut't‘yu ciulmtml by J. K‘. Mom‘b it!"- Imkm'. 'I'lw I'fl|-'" \wighml ,H “is. I?» mun-w. uml the [why guv'ssvrs im-n- .‘ll'a. I’l'. Mrlmlis mul Mr. Hur- dun Irving. .Unth lmd mumui Um mar! wright. lml m-illwr \mulol take I . - . Him chmusc u] loam: Ly elmwmg. The BHIAH liflfl BY 1H! mm u 'rlswk cfmmlnl. ‘Itlc h} LI M. wry thrvo 'Hw ”WWW" nllm [3' m ‘MM’IZX vsrmmm a...“ ' .“Wl “Wmâ€"“h“ .MJ ‘ m I’ Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 ‘, A. McINNIS TIMMINS. ONT. H!" H n. .37: ӣ055., (hymn-d PM“. van ‘ h?“ “01:0! dumltml by J. “4““- u)‘ ngg .‘iu. 231; La- mm! In? ('!ns~4ic-'g‘uw hogan wnhmvr .~._ hm- mlemmm, and tho «1 juul‘ 'N‘cn Inlh‘d as. luruugm In u very m ancqppg: Anvngg :4 -_ ' A, ,A, “In" and varied things wmc es. and utlh (human. 1"; wvro nlsu '1":ng M‘ It 3:11 talk 0 in . l\. Monro m i lu-m ' “ka! Mans I “ehIII‘N "f ’hlf lIIIIzIIIII' was IIIIIIIII IIIIe Io Ihe 930 III' the fol- Imimr InIII-1:.\IN “his“. IImiIleIII III IIIe IIflIIII‘S' .\III: Mrs. IIIIIIIIIg M. r bug I II - QTVII: Sm?“ 313i? adage. I,I1.u III‘ II!II'\ ‘VIII'II. .‘Irs. \IIIIR. 0r I’III’NIIIIuc Inmn. and Mrs. Nichol IN!" III PIIIII’gI‘ III‘ I IIIIII\ TIIIIII'. Mrs. ‘II:\. “ml V‘IIIIIIIIII. Mrs. Martin and .‘IH. I'OII\. III I'IIIII‘ in? I' m’mfl I‘t‘Ift‘RIIllII‘III“. ”III-III- ' Ivr fxnr- imig III'QIIIIIga were «III II). IC, IIeo IrIIIg. “Ins .\IIIIII:I III Mix-s \nfli‘fsufi Misfit .\‘IIIIII. \Miw IIII'I-I and Min IIIIIII. lIrs.\ I‘III‘I IIIII gvaI \IIIII; In ”winging III- II"- «~de- III III-I- MINI-r. Mus I'eIIrs III'IIII IIu IIIIIM I‘IIIIIIIII‘ ”II-IIII‘. III-I pin ' III suIII IIII- II_IIIIIII IIIII- II‘IIIIIII,‘ II». III" \Ir. Sgndcrs', in Imlel‘gI- III I I‘IPMIII hagééfilmm nmh‘at “as in the n m: «f «with hmtermun in a lmtfle. donated I») Lani» Storkwc“. Kw;lt:g;afqusg?m= 115' made In wow mtisflml 'I2-II2222. I222I pin; 2 I22 {nu-II I|222 I'22222I22 22222- I222i22II2, 2222 I922 .‘II‘. handcrsi, 222 22I2: 227.222 M I P222221. 22 2’22“ aids II222 22I222222 I'2222I22r .\II2m 2222. 2222222222! "222 git?“ 22f 2222 222222Ii222222222' (2222- “222323222“: 2222I i9 2222222! 222'22I}r dis] 202ml 2“ Ilu- 252222221: 22 1.22212 22222222u2222I. This 22h 2222 M II222 fifinir 2221222I222I 22222242 22222. 2232(I2222220. 22222I quIIIisIan II222 I’Mfm‘ 22 22I2iIiI\ i22 222222II2222 “2222 22? (22221222222222 ”2202 22rI2222I: 2222.2. I’nstw .\_IIau,- 2m~ ImImII' ,. 22I'vI2I2‘e I' 2mi2ImI 22222T 2222 222I2222 2 22I‘ II22- I2222II2222 rs\I2I. IIfiqu-d III22 [22222 2I22 22" Tlmmina I'2222 II222j22222222222I‘ i2 “II 22II "IN 2122!] 22'. 2|2-2I I22 U222 2222222222 M2 I'I222'2I22 I22- 2 i2“ ”222 22222242. If there is any reliable mining news oi‘ the Porcupine Gold Oump or any interesting local event The For cupine Advance gets it. An eight- page full size weekly paper. it is con- sidered THE ONLY POROUPINB NEWSPAPER. Are you a subscri- ber? If not. be placed on the list now. J. W. Mahon BARRISTBR, NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg.. Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg., Timmins Phone 152 All kinds of Jewelry and Repairs on Watches. P.O. Box 123. DR. L. GAGNON A. BISCORNET Veterinary Ofiice HAILEYBURY. ONT. SOLICITOR. . Next Post Office. TIMMINS. P.O. Box 458 ad ‘15! me I [Bobby Burns Banquet Moneta School H In January I916 Nov. Hm .\ meeting has been mm‘om’d h}- Jam" K. ,Muogc. to I» held Tuesday. l‘owulflfi'rimriF 1| «Work. at tlw l’mhytorian Manse. fur the minim “Esmflmns-t amazing -k? '"k" rlmm M' a lmmmm In 1m held nu M‘RW” .Mim.‘ Mann“: “'3'.“ The ”um-Minn men-«mum iSruHish purple. and other mlmin'rs 5M 1!"! m! part. fmm Ml aver flw H'urrzlgvim ramp. and \w lmw he?" . ”kms-NfbHHO‘HII , fillpwlm'nro inter. «53mm?! |é'_.lzun' @14an at thv mm:- , 'I'IIII III'III'iIIImbfi IIxIIrIIIIIIIIIl Intention to I'IIsIII'I'II. llIII skating rm}; :1! Tim- IIIiIIsI this IonI‘ IIII' rIIt-I-IIIIing IInIl dI'iIIIIIjz'IIIIrIIIIGI-s' will II‘I‘II'IIINy IIII a‘mndomod. said Mr. ltlu'hc (II The AIIIIIIIIII- III-III“. Present appearan- I'm III'II IIIIII II will IIIII IIII rIIIIIIIIIIIl .I'ur .IlIIII. IIuruI) .uul. and «UMWUL'JIL- II it III" M III‘II‘IIII‘I‘IIIII! rIIII "II‘ Winfl'l‘ SINII'h IIIIII IIIIIIIII-Il IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIriuI uIXIIIa's. it; :Ifr Skating Rink T. 0.11. and T.N:O. Ry. Watch Inspector. TIMMINS. i monocuulucmounouammo-mumou Xmas Gift Giving The greatest consideration that enters into the purchase of 3 Dia- mond Ring is the question ‘ Reputation is the outcome of past service. Confidence is created by a good name, maintained through good service. For the past six years we have served an ever-increasing pat- ronage, until we developed the best Diamond business in the North country. and for those who have not seen our entire stock. we cordially invite your inspection. it's a pleasure to show goods. M. J. ROCHE to Open Soon WHERE TO BUY Diamond Distinction 1‘45“": IV ‘Fflhfimfi .- ‘ ' W _ 1 in.” ”Ir-Mn“):- Newman. Sacha Ql'vldlmm. Prmm - , .. ‘ Chum H: ~ ump- lgl‘lumu. I.uL_\t :‘now. . ; ; r j Nootiv'v i- \\'i“ “1' hr“ 'l'imfltjln. gt V0.0“: I.“ J “03* vi «1 “is! Hot w' un Tumdm The Mr hullur null Numimr her mm": 3.” WW!“ mi:- Mm plaian n Vuh‘l'x. 'l‘immim I!” 3. '0‘ nm In ‘rlmul "on!" an" l‘1vr Sm ember is as Valium: 11! “305511;! (bu. I! 3: mun PM. :2; mermn‘ auomlnnru 1K NOTICE Nov. Honor Roll , 3. rpm gnon Hmt n (3mm. L m Hu‘ ( mum-ii ( hmnbvm. yvmmmu tn the "Marin ~l Art. M “is Hmmur The Um -tluuuty-» L'uurt‘- uL'AJw. ' 'l'c'minkmniiu. at “New. _\. 3 up Htln dnv n! Demu- M in” and- 4Mm'miflt' ('umo mmrs n‘ M nmissinns in NT!- m NJ the Municipality pf Honor Roll .\ .\' DERSC ).\'. "Harbor. u’t )IUX C(HHIWEhrk Dvmilfolls. .\ [H’s- "(win-t" _- mu! emu . .9 than!

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