Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 3 Dec 1915, 1, p. 3

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I)ufing"flwg venr that has pussml. putt uostinn inns t‘uum! many uns- wars.:‘ 'l'hv "trained m'lrsv quivkiy pmnfl lu-r vultu'. ' (H'l'wr \mmmr \\'01'(' 1911110 upon lu nrgnnizv mu! din-M Red mss unclngfitz .l‘qhn 'Alflhglug 0 Work )I‘ l’zltrintfi? '0‘ ‘ .'. wlifiéfihll-s' 'M‘u imu ur mun ' 0'} awn)?” '8?an 'im: ? prvpurinfifi suppfivs‘. " ' 'l'u 'mupau‘uliycly O'vw mmw the cod 'n!‘ “IC’SHIH'PIIH‘ salvl'ilimw4hfl' end. JIUJ‘Ivhxol} husband,‘ son 1n» bra-1 A ‘ mr ugu tlw tlmmlvrhult M"\vnr fell l but: us nut. 01' u vlvm‘ sky! Al'tvl' the than mmuont of mu‘prisr imd' mm- l'usiu‘j lmd passed. “‘0 nskml. “llmv mu \g'r help!” nu gm mm: m cannmnu wum LTgONAL COMMITTEE or wo- MEN. BEADED BY 11.12.11. THE :Dbanss or CONNAUGHT AbDRESSEs APPEAL TO wo- MEN FOR MORE SOLDIERS. ‘Thc lwgt and most-upofn- dntv Lin-ry 01‘ its kind in South Porcupine :1 V ' ~ I h . A min-s III M at sill/jest latlce Autos for Hire Day and Night mmm: Ha Autoncbi'u foe Hm.» E. Schelletter Livery and Transfer S. WHEELER “ERNIE the BOATMAN” South Porcupine TIMMINS SlMIKEflS BEWARE n '0' Hire- Open Dc, and Natu- Pbonc 3| Beak Your Seats NOW. fian’t Wait, Do It at Once. Seats are Now Selling Tim Mmfi @mderful Mature Ever Shawn :1" ' ‘ ~22 .. patriotic ju'x'sistollme 01' u \in ,..m° mu- .' '1'" .r. " ' “ r lu‘i‘!‘:\ruuld pmlum- uny y ' "but at L. 1.‘ .. .... . .‘s ‘ ,. H 'i'glmztant. uqd resenttul ‘1‘, omit. Hm nikiu nl’ ('muidu’hm'v Imt'shuwn' tlu-m- svlws loss lmtnutu- than tlmr \mnu-n but "'13 fur us. (In-women of (‘amzulm 'l‘hi'sv'dnvs not nwim that women shoueru' («blatantly urging: their men to vnlist, fur it is «lnuhlt'ul if the 9 rue are called on w “ 'iII--II|I.:IIII1 .serxivq,’ inust 13416" itsé I in IIIII'IiIiI-m Must IIIgI-III 01' III] III IlII) i-I Ilw III“ In giw up IIIIgI‘IIIlgiIIeg Imr husbands sun's 0"!" ibhviilfil‘s‘. We are I-IIlleIl In I'l't‘lllt‘ iII IIIII' IIUIIH‘S MW“ IIII IItIIInsâ€" [iIII‘I'i' ”M" xvii-IiI-wflidn tliii't. UlH' "WI! and buys IIIII)’ i'vvl tlII-ir rvsulIItimI to uiTI'r llII'IIIsle'I's iII tlwir I°IIIIIIII°§".~' survive is simply what we bxpéd‘ul' tthL Tu-clny. tliv silfintiun Ims rlumgml. \Yo- lmw lvurnt. after u yvur 01’ war, thamer tupk is harder, our danger mm'v rm]. than. we lhuughtLu yqur ugu. We Imu- “giwn” gladly: lmw we urewulled on to ”give-up." and _ my, tpemlul'urtignvith per in “glut 1b i‘thte’? front mm} 01' tlw ('umuliun Hu-r in fight 'l'lw first II|I|N°III fur \‘ulmuccrs \\'lls.‘iimilwl and «lid Hut. xippuar \fvn': Digit. All humour to tlww who {ward and ulwyml llu- mur- liéfs'l'i‘nll' .sf‘i'lm'piro' mul wlmav \mmon a link. :uluselxtuswwhethcr r- uur. 19811}. Showing Wonderful War Picture Entitled fllvyuml tlu- lumping ul' uur plmlgi-«l wbril, tlw “uni-Law Belgium, uml llw (ixhlii'lilc "1' mn' Allies. tlwri- mum-s to: us 10- din tlw kuuulodgc that “0 HF? (“alllml UN in liL'lll nul' mm lullllt" no”! in send lu lp in Belgium 01 b mim- “pm ('1! lunglmul. but In li-rhl lur uur um: mitiuuiil mintuwe. {I'lu- “"3"!!le uI' Franc-«- and Russia and tlw l'nitml Kingdom lmw hung: «a» “van! Hu- appeal in giw up tlwir um". um! lmw rmpumlml Imhly. “'lmt. “ill (‘umuliun wmuuu do? F {We went in!" the war in km-p uur isqivmn plmlgvs tn uur Allies: mul fiHfis rem-um Mi“ lmlds guud. ' {Hut thcrv (Irv nuw ntlwr rumpus whirl] «lid not vxist at year mm. Hol- gium witthm' ravaged land and ox- il’Qd pmmlv vrivs ulmul fur justivu. “gm! do (‘nmuliam wmuon any tn tlw nmu-als ul' lwr mnrugml mum-n um! nmtilntod vhildrvui 'l‘hoy hm'v suf- t'e’rml fur us: what am: we willing to suffer I'm: tlmu! "An- wo making: it lmrd 01' mm Mr 0!" mon in ulu-v Uic'lr muntn 3 ml" (0'. “PH ivv. ’ . \\ lay is tlm on" so urgent now? "l'hv autism-r is simplv: it is lwmmsv mgr misumzu us ml limpin- is M “Mu... sirrilivo is falling shurt ul‘ tlw sup- rélm- h-M. ' THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE ('un \u- mukv tlu-ir self-sm'rmuh-r 01' lm avail by balding hawk tlw men But. tlw must muuwlling call Mr snvl'ilim- rings out t'rum tho gruws n! tlmsv who on the livlds ut l‘landors, at. Lungvnmrc-k, and Yprvs. and F05- tuhert, have Mam-«l the trail in glnry WiHl tllt'il' “1'0 Nomi. Du “'0 want. to kunw wlmt that \muld "wan! 'l'hvu let us lunk at Hvlgium, and 1mm: lmw thv yqu ut' \the vumluvrul' culls tlu- uerk ut' u t'rm-dmu-lnving pvuplv. Defeat Would mom: for us a lu-riml ni' bitten-st shmm- uml Ilisc'nnh'llt. mu] Humâ€"un- utlwr war. «‘1le wv risk it! \\'v un- risking it. if m- qlu Hut muko the path of svl'viw easy fur uur nu-u. If we lmlcl Inn-k uur men we are mmrting «loft-M: and defeat moans. nut. a vague misl'urtmw to the Km- pirv at largo. but. tlw \‘Pry practical result of u ('zmmlu guvvrnml by “('1'- nmns. “'1' are tulcl by Hm nwn wlm know tlmt we cmmut mu m this war wnth- nut mim- nwn. Cut out and Return this with your Subscription to the “PORCUPINE ADVANCE" Keep Posted on Porcupine I Months l.25 3 Months 15:. I 1m 85." 8 Months US Rates: "I"!!! suns 32 ll State or vainuv Street. , City or van dose the sum of To “The Porcupine Advance" (ivntlvmvn : Name Advance" I‘m: 'l'lw many friends «of Mr. Mm; llrnugll will lu- pleased tn lvarn that he has avatml a pusitimi with .l. l’. .\lvl.uu3'lilin, as maaagvr of his slaw. and will mmnwnm- lnis clinics Mumlm Um mnlwr (ltll. MR. ALEX BROUGH NOW WITH MCLAUGHLINS “'0 are ('nllml tn svnlc the ing peaks «of svlfâ€"suvrilivv, mmllmny nt' uur brave sisters .Uliml nutiulm. 'l‘lu-rv is at saving: whit-h is lasing; is it Wurlll “saving" uur mm {rum death if we luso their realm-t! There- is a luss whirl: is gain: own Hmugil Wa- 'lvni‘n'tu t'm-e ”Dvspomto tides m' the whale grunt. \mrhl's xmgmish, fur- vml tlmmgh tlw «Imam-ls ut‘ a single heart.” wlm would take up and mmplvtv tlwir splendid task? Please enter my Sulmcriptinn to What. will tv wumou of ('umuln clu.’ Wednesday 8: Thursday December 8th and 9th. Yours truly, gleam- m the “3' HM! Help the Red Cross Benefit Night. at King's Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday, December 8th and 9th. Miss 'l'illutsun is n widvly {run-Hui (iluoutiunisi. mui h'vlurc'r, :md iwr stories 01' iilt' a-ustnms and habits "1' the ponplv. nm-ivnt. t'nlk hrrr, myth- ulugv. almi sm'niv grandeur, (.uIlumi tail to vroutc n «IN p imvrvst and lust- ing improssiun nu tlu- minds 0! ”HMO who hvur he i'. (m Um-vmlwr 17th, M the Empire Theatre, Svlmmm-lwr, Miss lmttiv L. 'l‘illutsuu 01' Hawaii will gin- u. hw- ture vntortnimnwm, under the mm- pivcs of thv .‘lvthmlist (‘hurvh Aux- iliary, fur the hem-fit 01' NW Rod ('russ Suvivt)‘. Lottie L. Tillotson’s Entertainment fur which I m- The Porcupine THREE

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