Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Dec 1912, 1, p. 8

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The (‘ochrane General Hospital was among the Ontario incorporations 3101mm layougaoxd at”, was.“ 1qu ing and W. J. Quinn. A lame sum of are Mayor W. 8. Carter, Otto Thorn- money has been raised for the hospi- tal and the amount is now nearly sufficient to warrant proceeding with the work. (3. ll. l’oircr. manager of the \‘i- pond mine. is in Nchurk going over the plans and making arrange- ments for the installation of the cynaitle plant for that mim. This plant will man a better mmsory of mild contont lrmn thr- nro. 5 Mr. llulrh Mulhm‘nu. whn has been manager for the Kim: (300nm Hotel Company. has taken a lease ol the hotel and will continue to run it on his own account. Mr. Mulliemn will endeavor if pongiblc to incmam the popularity of Smith Porcupinc's Pre- mier Hostelry. The local hneltey team turned nut on Wednesday night for their first practice on the lot'ai arena this sea- mn. It. in too early to make. predic- tions. but its a good guess that there will be ”some hockey here this win- ter." (‘hurch of Rowland mrpims next Sunday. her. ‘2‘. .. will be held at. Timmins “10.30 a.m.. Golden Pity at 3 p.m.. South Porcupine at 7 p.m. Services at Golden Citydurimt the winter months will be held at the home of Wr. and Mrs. Dyke. A good crowd attended th; opening 0! the skating rink Wednesday night. The ice was in perfect mndition and the skaters spent a wry enjoyable eve-nine. t). Robertson oi Swastika. late of qllapl’)‘ New Year. the Provincial police force. has ae- . rented a position with the Dome mine : The Annual Meeting Of the South M manager of the Commissary [)9- fPorcupinc School District for the t. nartment. iElection of Trustees and other busi- 5new will take place no the school A good crowd attended "1;. opening house on Wednesday the 25th inst. at of the skatinc rink Wmlnosdav nirht. *10 mm. Dr. Maclaren has returned from an extended business trip to Toronto 3 Miss Tmmblay wishes to thank her and other Southern point... and is a- many had maids and supporters (in! “in m the job :m: the mt Rugget Contest. ‘1“, iwishes all A Merry Christmas and A 0. Robertson 0! Swastika. late of Jimmy New Ye"- 1'. H. Rea of Toronto is visiting the Camp on business connected wifl! the Re: Hint. Services wilt he held on ()Irist‘ mas blaming at 11 pm. at South Porcupine. Everybody cordiaily in- flied. OUR STOCK OF TOYS IS MOST COMPLETE TO BE SEEN Xmas Presents For The Whole Dam Family LOCAL ITEMS R ("berry Christmas anb El “33pr Mew wear to PHI. } Messrs. Ernie and Harry Holland haw returned to camp and are busilv engaged in completing contract work on some properties in the Vicinity of Gillies Lake. 'l‘hcy both can tell some very interesting incidents of their exploration trip to Baffin’s Land last summer. I Mr. R. V. Sylvester of Huntsville .is n ‘visntor in Town and an oflort is ibeing made by the locnl Band to so. icurc his services as leader of that !onmnizatinn. m which they won: like Ily to he snort-33ml. SOUTH PORCUPINE PRESBY- 'I‘ERMN CHURCH. REV. GEORGE K. BAMFORD, PASTOR. Divine semices as follows :â€" Sumlnv. lM‘omhm' 22nd. 1912. ll a:m.--.\Iorning sorvivo conducted by the Rev. H. S. Levering. Sub- ject "The Angels Message." I p.m.-â€"Evoning service conducted by the Rev, (3. K. Bnmford. Sub- ject "Christmas Message." Sabbath Sunday School will meet at half past two. Graded classes. Mr. (3. Henrv. Superintendent. The South Porcupine Brass Band ham placed thvir urdnr {m‘ instru- ments. '1‘th are expected within the next week when regular practise will begin under the londcrship of Mr R. V. Svlvvslm'. All seats free. Everybody invited to attend and made welcome at all our sorvices. (Rattles Kemaley late of the Ford alpine Lake mine has tempted a po- sition with the Cordon mines Co. at Cordon. P. F. K. Gallagher, local manager of the Canada Foundry C0. is on a business trip to Hit Lake and Bow. ganda. Timmins Locals this side of Toronto. Including as it does every Kind, Class, and Grade of Toys known to the Children’s imagination. Inspection will convince you, so don’t hesitate to call and see them. we may haVe time toarrange extra equipment. Those requiring pullman accommo- dation will please make reservations with our low! agents early. so that Lowest one way first-class fare and one third for the round trip; good going Saturday. Dec. 21st,, 1913, in- Wednesday. January 151.. 1913, in- clusive; valid for return up to and including Friday. January 3rd., 1913. Zz'nh; valid for return up to and. in- cluding Thursday, Dec. 26“)” also good going Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 3lst.. 19113. and January 18L, 1913, valid lor return up to and in- cluding Thursday. January 2nd..l9'l'3 Single Farq- Return. Good going Tuesday and Wvdnesday. Dec. 24th.. filing “POM llmel Block. These stores must. be rented at once. No reasonable ofler refused. Apply at the Kim: George Hotel olllee. Holiday floods. CHRISTMAS 8! NEW YEARS 1912-1913 flflllfliffl “HES. I. 8! NIB fllV. Merl-v (‘hristmnn is in New York and Boston. where he has completed the deal for his 'l‘urnhull properties in a New Yurk Syndicate Mr. H. W. Boyer of the Krist For. cupine mines. Ltd.. has rammed to cunp tram Montreal. where he has been spendinz a couple of week» Mrs. Flnmr of New York has re- turned to her home on Mattagamx River. and is putting a gang of men on her 'hxrnbull properties to further denial) them. W. J. Clearihue has left for De- troit, where he Will remain till after Christmas. Wm. Campbell. who has for the past mt been in the unplpy 03 um Bolling" Mine ontlm calm sun. has left for Toronto. where he has been emu-d as frawller fur a lam who- lesale flrmf ”)lwntod stnrcs of offices in the Shaving Outfits and Companions Also all kinds of Razors, Including Auto Strep, Gillette Zepp, etc. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE BEAUTIFUL TOILET SETS Ill HEN? A. J. FARR. Ebony and Sterling Silvcr Manicure Sets and Choice Perfumes Porcupine’s Leading, Clothing and Gent’s Furnishing House. NIPISSING STORES, LIMIT. Beautiful and useful novelties too numerous to mention. We are also giving very speci prices on Men’s Suits and Overcoats. Now is the time to get your Winter Overcoat, t] prices are right and the stock the largest and most up-to-date in the Camp. See Windo‘ and Store Displayâ€"and make your Xmas purchases EARLYâ€"while the selection is largq and best, as some of these special nice things are getting picked up very fast. Arm Bands and Garters” Combinations. en’s Neck Tie: put up Singly in boxes. Men’s Silk Hose. Chamois Colla Cases. Irish Linen H. Stitch Handkerchiefs, half Dozen i Box. An immense variety of Wool and Fur Lined Glov Scarfs, Neck Wraps, Pyjamas, Fine Underwear, House Sli v...â€" . -â€" __ _. .. wâ€"_ _.._, pers in Morocco Case, very neat and useful Gift. Sweat Coats, Outing and Negligee Shirts, and a host of 011m en’s Hose Combinations, (Hose, Tie and Garters to Mat‘ A unique and Ideal Xmas Gift. Sox Combinations, “Brat Amongst this Beautiful Display---We Would Dra‘ Your Special Attention To The Following; The Largest andln': 3:72;: 3 n: 3? Useful and Appn tive Goods-«Suitable for Xmas Gifts in the North Coun‘ N ipissing Stores, Limit A Magnificent Display of Christin Novelties for Men “ HANDSOME WRITING CASES Fountain Pens. Christmas Cards Classy Stationery Books and Magazines. CHOCOLATES Neilson’s, fluyler’s, Nylos and Lowney’s Confectionery of all Kinds “Pills and Things.” Golden Avenne. South Porcan

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