McIN’TYRE The work on the McIntyre mill has been somewhat delayed owing to lack of sufï¬cient carpenters. This is now being oVerOOme however. Eight more men have been added to the force this week and the work is being push ed with all possibly effort. The mill ‘ machinery is being delivered and the -work of placing this will begin at The counsel for the defence in pressing for the trial oi 'the cases pointed out that an injustice was being done when so many of the men were ready for trial. Four of the de- fendants desire to go away he said. Upon this the counsel for the prose- cution agreed ' that in any case where men desired to leave the camp the prosecution would withdraw the charges. The counsel for the defence insisted on this statement being made a part of the l't‘ï¬jl‘d in the casesand the court stcnotrz‘apher was ordered to inscribe, it. ln'ler this the position is taken that all men charged and not in the vamp Jan. 6 when the cases are scheduled to come up. cannot be pl‘tr;‘m‘tlr'd against and the. cases will be dismissed. Percy Manin charged with being a member of an unlawful assembly was discharged by the n‘ng'istrate ‘ The defence ohjevted to the. pro- ceeding suggested by Mr. Godfrey stating that the other (i5 or more cases were entitled to proceed with the hearing and that as the counsel for both sides wre prepared the court. should order the trial to pro- ceed. When the prommution insisted that Clary's case should be tried first the counsel for the defence al- leged that it. was done. to prejudice the defence of the ('x') men who are employes of the Hollimrer Mine, who had according to the statement of counsel committed no offense and no breach of the Lemieux act, Mr. Godfrey then asked that all cases stand for a Considerable ad- journment to Jan. (3 against the protests of the defence. 5:0 ahead unless this case was him! ï¬rst. The counsel for the defence suggested Saturday or Monday as a date of the hearing. About 70 cases under the Imieux act brought against employes of the Hol'linger mine and others by Man- ager Robbins of the mine. will be heard Jan. 6, having been postpuucd from Friday at the request. of .I. M. Godftey, counsel for the Dunno-cation. This step was taken uccmwc in one of the cases, that of i’etn.‘ Wary, not an cmploye of {no Elollinxernmo was chum-ed with inciting :o riot. the defence was nut ready. some of tho witnesses for thv It't'cmrc nut bu- ing available. A. H. Slaght, counsel for the defence. announced mat ho. was ready to prucovd in nil the uther cases. but Mr. Godfrey declined to At the McEnaney work has been practically at a standstill since the The same condition practically ex- ists at the Hollihmer as at the Dome with the 50mm who arrived today to work on that property they will have no difficulty in running to full capacity and no cessation of divid- ends need be feared. While the ex- penees ot mnnim while the strike was on were much heavier than normal there is still a sufficient margin of pmfit over dividends requirements ti) add substantially to the surplus. Action Against Strikers Postponed Th0 Big Dome in now with 9110 same number of mm as was the vase before the miners strike of a month am. The pipe line to Porcupine lake is rapidly nearing completion. This will inaure enough water for all pm. 90809 and with the eflects of the strilc entirely removed the Big Dom: w-ll give a good account of it- sell. Sir Henry Pellatt Sells IMAM Each Day Adds to the Working For- Shares at Handsome Price MANY MINES ARE RESUMING OPERATIONS Vol. I. HOLLINGER McENANEY cc of the Entire Camp. DOME No. 38 THE . I'ORCUPINE ADVANCE Mr. R. B] Lamb. consulting engi- neer for the Swastika Mining Co., at Swastika. has just concluded an in- speCtion of that. property and reports everything in satifactory condition and that the new will will be in op- eration in January. Swastika will be the next New Ontario mine to re- turn proï¬ts to its shareholders. M 1'. do this unmolested however as below: Bamford was not. allowed to he was very far on his journey he was accosted by . 5 demanded i l l two burly ‘ information as to what the box contained. That it was w h 0 a Xmas lrox and contained confection and biscuits did not seem satisfact- ory to them, however. so they with three of their comrades. who happen ‘ ed along at this time. were inVited} to the Manse where they went and i sampled the contents. As to whether L they were disappointed that there ' was [In liquids to accompany the his- cuits is not known. Mr. ll. H. ncer for the Swastika Mining (0.. at 3:1- l.amh, consulting en Swastika. has just concluded an in- spection of that property and reports everything in satifacttt-rv condition and that the new mill will l)? in op- Swastika will he the next New Ontario mine to re- eration in January. turn proï¬ts to its sharehttolders. ’ ’ was DOME LAKE 1i FIFTY Provincials , . Construction ofï¬ â€˜ Rushed to There is now :30 men on the payroll of the Home Lake mine. The new new mill is being rushed to comple- tion as rapidly as possibfe. Althoug the miners strike caused some early inconvenience and delays the manageâ€" ment claim to have this entirely over come and with the addition of six machine men and a dozen labor- ers and muc‘ era the minim,r force Will be complete. The Dome Lake have probably been the most active of at of the smaller mines since the stri. called in November and r“ effort has been put forth by th Some kind friends sent the Rev. Mr. Bamford a Christmas Box con- taining about twenty pounds of fancy edibles which be packed across the ice from the express ofï¬ce at Golden City. 'l‘he Hollinger has uhtai'nod the serâ€" vice of about 80 of â€W summtmses in the cases under the Lemieux act. out of 3‘27 that were issued. A great deal 0. interest. is attached to the out- nerve. chatted with tresspass on the Hollinger property. intimidation and resisting an officer was discharged. Evidence in this ease was given by a Theil detective who on cross-examin- ation testified that he was a natiVn of ï¬nssia. immigrated to the states and became. naturalized there and was sent from Chieaa'o to Toronto and then to l’oreupine. where he was sworn in as a special constable When asked to, by the eounsel for the defence. hp was unable to rep mt any part of the oath administered when he was mum: in us a spm‘ial ('on- stable. come of these vases. which will he the ï¬rst under the act. Thought Parson Had Whiskey Frank Bowers was. found guilty of unlawful asqembly and received a suspended sentence and Frank Gill" Manager A'ngrinon is 'now well un- der way with the construction of the new mill and as there has been no strike at this mine. they haVim: et. the l'nion’s demands, it is quite like- ly that this 'mill llill he in operation as early as numbers of others. which have been under eomtruetion for a much longer period. As development proceeds at the Three Nations the ore body is proving eonsistant and there is every reason to believe that the future of this mine is assured The shaft on this property via now nearimr the “(What point. where the big vein opened on the “Kl-foot. level will he erosscut and sampled. 'if this proves up as rich atthis point. as at. the 400 (and there is every reason to expect that it will) uplans will imm diately be drawn for a milling plant. Thin mill will he miich lanrer than was at first eomtomplaterl. as with the one body proven to the mloot level the management consider that they have a mine second to none in the camp. strike was declared. A small force of men haVe been employed on the surface. keeping everything in shape lor resumption of regular operations at a moment's notice. (in the 16th a harm of 90 men were put to work on the. mill and there will be a further '25 or 30 added this week. This will givetho Mcï¬nnncy a sulllcient force to complete the mill and Mic-ml development. work. THREE NA T [ON 8 PEARL LAKE SOUTH PORCUPINE. ONTARIO. CANADA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20:11. I912. Ears of Cobalt Lake by its president, lSir Henry I’ellatt. Sir Henry an- fnounces that he has entered into an 'agreement to sell the million shares held by him and has made it. apart. of the agreement that the same term faball be granted to all shareholders. announced at the shareholders' meet- Toronto is looking for a boom in Northern Ontario Mining and [par- tieularly in Cobalt. The fact that a large number of the Cobalt and For eupine mines have their head offices in Toronto and that. Cobalt and Por- eupines are so heavily dealt in in that city makes Toronto the. centre of activities in the mining line Great interest has been displayed in the revival of some of the old Co- balt mines andreports come from Toronto that two more of the sup- posed dead ones will come to life again soon . This event to take Place at the min er's Union Hall promises to eclipse anything of the k ind ever given in the Porcupine district. The commit- tee in charge are putting forth ewery effort to make it a most pleasant and enjoyable evening. (ul‘nstumes'nmyhe secured by leaving orders at the Progress Clothing Store There will he refreshmmts and good music and a flush light picture will be taken by 'I‘omkinson. 'l‘he prims to be given at the Xmas querade Ball on Christmas night are now to be soon in the window at thp Carx’ Hardware Companyrs Store. Toronto Expects Mining Boom A report current. in Montreal yes- terday said that Sir Henry I’allatt had received $1.50JMK) for his shares $1,000,000 in cash and $500,000 in (unity m the English company. There seems to be no basis for such a state ment. The terms 01 the agreement will be ’ ing next week. It is understoodJlowi ever, that the English syndicate is; to pay twenty per cent. in cash. now and to have options at advanc- ing ï¬gures on such stock as the shareholders are willing to turn in. It is also understood that the price 4 for the ï¬rst block will be less than the present market price of the stock but. the latter maturing options will he at a higher figure. 0| course it is only optional with the English syndicate whether they take the stock or not. i It is reported that the stock pur- chased from the Cobalt Lake Mining Company will be turned into an Eng- lish company. whose stock will he on the. English market. This will pre- vent the shnruhnldors who do not go in from selling their slot-k agninnt the English company. Masquerade Ball Valuable Prizes As stated in the circular the eflert of the agrocmvnt is only to give the control of the company to the Eng- liah holding company. [NBUSH BAPITM IN 8118!!†[All The DaVidson Claims of the ' ‘own Chartered Company is probablV the best adVertised piece of mining pro- iperty in the district. The fact that. they may possible he lost to the ‘(i'hartered company vairn as a dis- ftinet short: to a lame nIImhI-r of the stmvkholders and has caused whole.- sale linIdation of the shares of the Emmpany. That the majority of these shares recent? thrown over by dis- trusted holders have. (one into the hands of interests who preï¬ously do- .minatml the manament of this com way is not generally known. but. when the. exsistinu state of nflairs is eleaned-yp and the time arrives for the next annual meeting there is like ly to be another surprise sprung on on the shareholders of this much ex- ’ploited company. That the (’ruwn ('hartvrml ('n. has a most Valuable property in the Da- vidsnn (‘laim is well known and with this retained in tho mmpany humans of shares in the company can well atl'ord to put. their cortillvatos away and forget them while they are sure to increase in value. Shareholders Entity Plans for financing crown Chartered company. $20,000 Loss by Fire at Porcupine Bf-flflï¬llllnflfll SCflfM APPflflVEfl The renmnnizntinn scheme outlined by the new management has been 39‘ proved by the shareholders and a sub stuntinl "mount oi the required cash already subscribed with the assuran- ee than the balance will be forthcom- ing this will be pleasing news and should stop ill advised selling at the present lnw prices. The dose, of the year 1912 wili prr» Eduee ï¬gures regarding the Cobalt leamp which will add further honors gto the. already wonderlul record ol iCobalt as a producer and dividend payer. The newest ï¬gures estimated ’lor the Cobalt district place the. pro- .dm‘ti0n lower than that of last war. lwith an increased value of the same. QThe ï¬gures for Cobalt and district. ineludintr (iowmmdn. l'lllt Lake and South lnrra-in give the. ore produc- tion a valuation of “7.000.000 for .the present. year. These together iwith the estimated $1,700,000 from Porcupine place the total production of Northern Ontario Mines since 190-} at MiJfl‘ï¬-Tï¬â€˜l. (’ohalt hogan paying dividends in W05. and sinm that time has paid. torcther with the ill'ettlauler mine in South Lorraine '33!),869.741.20 to stockholders. and Stop-ether with Porcupine dividends ’iueludiug two from the Hullinurer and gone or two other smaller ones, ;.\'urthern (min-.00. ahs returned in u-â€" H'xcoss of $40.04‘i.741.20. I This means hrioflx that time has horn in ictuin of BMW) :0 percent of‘ 'tho production to stockholders in the :mim-s of Nortthorn Ontario, :1 record Ifwhich no other mining section can boast of Ur oven neariy reach. Ghetto The Alch nivkel mine at K8180 is maintaining its large output. 'Dhc November shipments total (301,300 puunds. The total Shipments of the year to date are 2221,20. 'l‘lu- value of all .th: gold produced in the l'nitcd States from 1792 to the and 0! 0011 is estimated at $3.- 'r8,~1l53,500; and that of silver, at $1.1r.20,97’.3.000. $43,000,000 ‘ Returned to Stock- holders in Dividends $83,000,000 WORTH OF 'GOLD AND SILVER MINED Mining News Despite the fact that the Miner's strike has had an adverse eflect ' the holiday trade and spirit, f merchants are showing some spï¬ stocks of seasonable N84 which the most fastidious m: - their requirements. ï¬gures speak as nothing else could of the mineral wealth of the coun- try. When it is mmaidnred that. thm were many mine-n which produuad in the earlier days. but are now cloned and newer paid dividends the diVi- dead record becomes even more im- massive. Many Stores Showing a Breat Variety of fanny and Ilsa- ful lrtiales :\ clant‘r hark uvvr the past month ms the addition ol the dividend payer to â€in list in 'the Cobalt Lake and shows 12 Northern Ontario mines declaring dividends, ll of which are Cobalt mines. Among the declarr tions are. thonc oi the McKinley- llnrragh and Butlnlo. which came for- ward at the end of the year With declarations of 20 percent and a} per- cent. rcnmdlrcly. To these may be added the wonderful floor-d ol the Hudson Bay with its mgular declar- ations at 300 percent. maintained al- most monthly. and paid during the past summer off its dump arm. 'Z'ho last dividend declaration ol the (‘rown lit-servi- brought it; Intal ray- mont tn 1.70 percent†while tho Vip- issing reached 15‘! .md itlw's have well passed the dcmortizatlon point. 'l‘hc dividends of Northern 013mm) mines this (our haw totaled $8,376,- 119.20. CHRISTMAS SHIIPPIHB IN Sfllflfl I’llflfllll'llf ï¬lXHIJ-z “UN?!“ 5 GENES.