Subscribe For The “Porwpine Advance†I Northern Canada Supply Company I And get all the News of the Greatest Gold Camp on the Continent We Do All kinds of Job Work Christmas Shopping Time is Here. FOR YOUR WIFE OR MOTHER FOR YOUR HUSBAND OR FATHER FOR THE CHILDREN “If It’s Hardware---We Have It Pocket Knives, Keen Kutter Safety Razors or the Old Style Razors in various kinds, Snow ShOes, etc., and if you want him in style nothing equals a pair of skates. Skates, Hockey Sticks, Snow Shoes, Pocket Knives, etc. Carving Sets, Knives and Forks, Spoons, W. P. Tea and Coffee Pots, a New Heater or Cook Stove, etc. Note These Suggestion For Suitable Gifts Watch flur Windows---Santa Claus is line to Arrive SMEBIIAV MflflNINE---Watch for Him We are Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings BRUCE AVE, SOUTH PORCUPINE Remember “WHAT WE SAY WE DO, WE D0 D0 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE SWINE WERE Wlll BE Sllflllllill Rube Marqunrd has been sued in New York by Joseph Cohn for alie- nating the aflections ol Cohn wife. The great pitcher denies that he had anything to do with Cohn's wife ex- cept to act as her partner in a vaudc ville stunt and that all relations were only of a commemial nature. In Answer tn the Charge of Violating the Industrial lus- pntaa Act of Banana The order was issllt‘d from North Bay on the 97th of November and signed by W. A. Griflin, Supt. of Traflicnnd A. J. Parr. General ngt and Passenger Agent. Whether this law or art is agree- able to the constitution has never been tested in a case of this kind. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 will operate between Englchart and Latchford only. the service frum (‘obnlt to Latohford hzwim: dccn discuntinucd. There is n ('hzmm' of time on tho 'I‘cmiskaminc and Nurthvm Ontario Railway. which went. into eflcct. Dec- ember 2nd.. 1912. fln Iemiskaming and Northern Unterin Railway, Effective December 2nd Change of Time WE ALWAYS HAVE A FULL LINE OF SEASONABLE GOODS FOR EVERY SEASON. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Now" we talk. We have the best.assortment in town. Don’t take OUR wordâ€"See then1.for it SNOW bHOES TOBOGGANS, all kinds and prices. SKATES SKATE STRAPS, ANKLE SUPPORTS, HOCKEY STICKS " Non Sag†is the best ever. Every pair guaranteedâ€"we have the cheaper lines too. “Automobile†is our password. Every palr guaranteed, but we can give you the others too. I JRCK Johnston the pugilist has ttk Em out u license in Chicago to marry {the 18. year old white girlaLucflo iCumeton. ’ Another surprise was sprung in hockey circles last Saturday. when it was found out that. Ernie John- ston had departed for the coast where he will play hockey this winter ï¬unless he chances his mind on arriv- insr there. When Johnston signed his fWanilered contract. it was this sea- gson's lorm and contains a clause. ot which will make it legally good. Action will he. taken against John- 'son and the matter fought to the ï¬nish. Ottawa (:itizcnzâ€""Within two or thre years professional "hockey clubs will be things of the past. The. game .will he soon controlled entirely by the rink people." A well~known 0t- tnwa business man. who has folowwl sport for many years, made the lure- mlm: prophecy last night. He 'haaed his Pl’Nllt‘lltm 0n the. far! that 'l‘nr- gnnto has an artitiral ire arena. whose. jsharehnlders are also associated with Ethat at Montreal. ()ttawa isutu hayo lan arena within a year or so. and Iplnns for one hm also been made at. {Quebec The Yde football tum clean! up only $75,000 on the gridiron this year. Onlyonlyâ€"what a singularly strange world. Chief Jones. the one time famous goal keeper for the American 800 in the International league and last year with the local team of Cochrane will gnand the nat this winter (or an Eastern professional team. “When this (-hziin nl emtei‘n arenas is established in the east." he contin- ued. “they will get together and freeze out the i'lulis altogether. llo not think that. they are to mntinue paying out half of their receipts to hockey eluhs. so that oflitters of the latter may line their pookets with gold: .\'ot mueh. With the coming of the new arenas at Quebec and 0t- tawa. away will go hockey clubs. As a matter 01 fact. it was suggested some weeks ago that Toronto. Mon- treal and Ottawa capital be (merged in the construction of rinks at. Otta- W8 and Quebec. The soheme is still under consideration. SPORTING "l have seen drink drag down one of the most intellectual men of a lar- ge city until he became a munderer and a suicide. and I have «ran tie igamhline habit. pull down bright young mtn out of trusted pos..ions, dragging themselves and their family .into disgraee; but. gentlemen. 3- t me tell you . I've seen impurity do more than that.’ declared Fred li. .‘ :nith of Sew York to a tremendous a°idi~ cure of men inthe Strand 'lhmtre ’last Monday evening. 2 i i I â€If ever this great. Anglo-Saxon Irare goes down into defeat. it. will be ‘this demoralizing lieentiouaness and impurity which will be the Cause of ‘it. I don't say there are no meaner and debasing sins than the one I Espeah of. but I do say there is no sin :whieh makes itself so common a foe to the man tuing to he a Christian. 'lhme is not a man in this hall “ho has not at some period in his life liltt‘d trenwudous temptation in re- mud to it." m Imp m In III II" It! um Put Iii: um ll tour Pocket and Steal SIN III IIII’IIIIIII (hide Latremouille. once the cham- pion athlete of the Toronto police force has been sentenced to King‘- ston penitentiary for seven years The charge against him was that ai robbery while carrying an oflensive weapon. mu 3. Smith at um um lay: Drink and Gambling lab Second Place to It GAMBLERS THIEVES ‘3:llfll'lilllz ("Ill drinking wom touch- ml upon lirii-fly by the speaker. hut li'lt (“MP for the «li'nlim: will! the greater evil. “The Sin That. Kill." In rmarcl to gambling. Mr. Smith (lo- clared that a gambler is a thief “Any man who will bet on a horsemen. a football game. or a game of cards, will put liix hand into your pocket and steal.“ LIMITED BBEIHSI [If All