Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 6 Dec 1912, 1, p. 1

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5n: s. foley an“. 8. Watson in Camp looking liver Property With View of iie- opening The. ten stamp mill for the Three Nation: Mine is now assured lact and the contract signed for its im- (mediate deliven. and when this mill is under construction it will be the wghth one in the Porcupune Die- The probable placing of a mill on this property has been anticipated for sometime and it is now to beâ€" come a reality in the immediate lu- The first regular practise of the Minstrel show wllch is to be given sometime early in January was held at the Majestic Theatre on Wednes- day night. The perforance is to be given under the auspices of the local Hockey Club. and the periormcrs are local actors of unquestioned ability. The committee hzminsz the entertain- ment in charge for the Hockey Club are F. P. K. ("'htllagher. Goytlon Wilâ€" SOn, Geomre Insole. and William'Earâ€" le.. . Ted finer}; is the musical direc- tor and stage. manager. M. l.. Foley of the Foley-O'Biten Mine and Engineer R. B. Watson ar- rived in camp Tuesday. Steam is up at the Foley-O'Brien Mine, the shaft is being pumped out and every ar- rangement made for Mr. Watson to make a thorough examination of this mine which has so long been idle. It seems reasonable to suppose that development work will again be start ed on this property as there is much good territory that has never been prospected. and in the work already done good showings of gold were‘ found. The Minstrel Show Will Be Good The 300 loot level development work is exposing ore of a profitable grade and work is to be pushed ag- Rl‘esflively and more drills kept runn- ing. The work so far done at this mine has been at the easterly end of the property;so rhat there.is about 2000 feet ofgood ground between the present workings and the ore that has been developed to the west. It is understood that the llrummdnd inâ€" terests have taken over the treasury stock at 40 cents. and a large mill will be emnmenced in the spring. The Jupiter Mine has every indica- tion of bright future for the stock- holders. The management is conser- vative and the ore seems to be there for the digging. The strike has not delayed this mine to any considerable extent as there has never been any intention to start the. mill until next spring and until there was plenty of ore blocked out to keep a good sized mill running for a number of years There is lots of ore in sight at this mine at the present time. MAKING [XAMINMIIIN llf ffllfV ll’BBlEN MINE 'I‘he Jupiter Mine at Pearl Lake is gradually getting a full force of men at work and work is being continued as smoothly asbefore the strike. turc. TEN STAMP MILL FOR THREE NATIONS IVIIIIII BEIIIII IJIIIIIIEII [III II JIII'IEEII IIIIIE Better lire Ihan Ever at sun foot level. Hill to Be Started The Contract Has Been Signed For Immediate Delivery to This Northern Whitney Mine Vol. I. in the Spring No. 36. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE This. ore body covers a width of a- bout 2') feet and on deing sampled gave consistent Values from five to seven dollars per ton. With surface assays showing this value it would seem as if the proper- ty had considerable promise 313d out. of the prospect class. Albout two weeks ago while a gang of men were doing assessment work an ore body was uncovered similar to that on the Imperial and others along the ’l‘isdale and Deloro line. Captain Anchor ol the Dome Exten sion has sampled the Edwards claim which joins the Imperial on the .\01- th and finds it promising. lire Acressa Vein Some Twenty five feet Wide Assays from 5mIDWMs An eighty pound gold brick was shipped out last Saturday valued at some $15,000 and another similar one during the early part of the week. About. 3630 men are reported to be at. worh‘ and to the outside public the big plant is running: as smoothly as ever. EDWARDS BlAIM 'l'he Hollingur Mine has all of its machines working now and seem de- termined to keep the plant in opera- tion in spite of all opposition and cost. All We Machines an Working and the Hollingen Apparently Running Smnntnly as Ever Swastika was one of the first gold mines in New Ontario to make ship- ments ol bullion. 'I‘hese shipments were made as a result of the opera- tions of a two stamp test rmill. This mill has out lived it's usefulness how- ever and has been abandoned. An up to-date mill of 100 tons capacity is now practically completed, and the management are quite elated over the prospects of being able to send out bul'on shipments early in the. new year. The ten stamp mill at the Swasti- ka Mine. will he put into commission on the lst. of January. 1913. Ac- cording to John Redington. consult- ing engineer. there is enough ore now (lewlopment. in the mine to re- turn the entire cost of the property, now developed in the mine to re- treasury and also to pay substantial dividends on the stock outstanding of the company. SHIPPING Ill" With no bad luck or unforseen drawbacks the company should be milling ore during the early spring and become another Porcupine pro- ducer. The Three Nations mill will include six Deister-Rcid slime tahleS. an im- provement over the original Deiater table and made. and patented by Fra- ser Reid ol the Goniagas mine at.Co- halt. The capacity of the mill will be over 100 ton per day. It the Swastika Mine to fully Cover the Entire cost of the Property [Nflflfifl flflf IflW SHUWS UP Will fllllBKfll [IIJI SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6th. 1912. MUCH Glllll 'l‘heSe propositions, however have a string on them and are subject to the condition that the shareholders shall immediately provide the surn of $85,- 000 required to complete the payment for the DaVidson claims on or before December 10th., which is next Tues- day, and to provide working capital which is necessary to carry out the plan of development decided upon by the directors. which plan contem- Another faithful and confident share holder is found who will advance to the company the sum of $20,000 to pay the trade creditors and wages and also wait. a year for his money. With this big amount of money due on a property which has not reached the producing stage is Tilt‘hCI' a hard problem to solve. but the Directors after many negoliatlons think they have the difficulties solved. ()f the claims for advances made to company, amounting to $177,000, the time of payment of $10,000 will be extended for one year and the bal- ance of $161,000 .taken out in stock in a new company to be formed at iifty cents a share. They found that moneys alleged to have been advanced to the company by different parties amounted to the tidy sum of $177,000. In addition to this they find that the five Davidson Claims, which are supposed to be the most. valuable asâ€" set of this company have not, been paid for and that there is still due the sum of $60,000. They found that the Bompany had no funds in the treasury, but did have 248,000 shares of stock. They found that the company. owed 3520,00 for wages and trademcn’s ac- counts, many of which naturally were pressing. After the general meeting of the shareholders, which was held in Mon- treal the new directors and officers set to work to bring a little order out of a rather tangled state of af- fairs. 'l‘hercis big chance just. now that the Crown Chartered Mining Com pany will be rig-organized and known as- tho Davidson (iold Mines, Limited The versatility of the mining FIV‘ en better illustration then during the present strike in Porcupine. At least one prominent mine manager took the place of the cook. Charles Clinton and W. B. Lincolm of New York are registered at. the King George Hotel. They are in camp making arrangement. to rc-open work at the Iroquois mine. one of the Southern Whitney possibilities. A Detroit company has been form- ed to take over the six claims in Whiteside Township owned by Dick (Iowan. An engineer is now on the ground taking samples and making a complete examination and reports. Preliminary examinations which have been made on these claims giVe high returns: in gold. The ('obalt Lake IHnimt ('0.. has announced that it will pay its first dividend on Janj 2nd, 1013, to the shareholders «m record Dec. l'Tth The dividend is for '25 per. cent. and is for no stated period. The dividend calls for a disbursement of $75000 6n the $3,000,000 amount 0! capital issued. Originally the company was capitalized for $5,000,000, but the directors within the pasttwo years have bought in $2,000,000 of their own stock There has been a revival of interest: in the Porwvinc l'nited Mining Co. within the past week and consider- able inquiry has been made for this stock which has been so long dorm- ant and the property idle. The claims of this company are in Southern Whitney. CROWN CHARTERED c0. . WILL RE-ORGANME If $85,000 is Raised By Old Stock- holders to Wipe out Debts and Pay Balance of $60,000 on Claims Mining News The situation is critical for the stockholders of the old company to save anything out of the investment, in the Crown Chartered Mines, unless the $85,000 is subscribed and that promptly. The large creditors for advances made to the company are to accept stock at 50 cents a share, but in con- sideration of the high price which some of the. shareholders of the old company have paid for their stock and as an inducement for them to proVide the $85,000 it has been deâ€" cided to ofi’er these shareholders 350,- 000 shares of the Treasury stock of the new company at twenty~five cents a share, payable on or before the 10th of December, 1912. To organize a new company to 'be Called the llaxhlson Gold Mines, Ltd. with an authorized capital stock of $2,000,000 in stocks of $1.00 each, and each shareholders of the old com- qany will be entitled to exchange his holdings in the old company for shares in the new company or David- son (lold Mines at. the rate of two shares for one and the shares so ac- quired shall be pooled for not longer than one year or until such time as' the Directors shall deem necessary to enable them to dispose of such trea- sury stock of the company as shall be required to carry on the opera- tions. The Davidson claims are looked up- on by the Director s as by far the most valuable of any of the Com- pany’s holdings and if the above arâ€" rangements are not carried out the Davidson claims will be lost to the company and m the opinion of the Directors, the assets of the company will then not be sufficient to pay the creditors" china and the sharehold- ers will get nothing. This mill in the opinion of the Mine Manager, C. I“. Dike, will be sufficient to make the properties self- supporting while further mining oper- tions are being carried on. To Carry out the aboVe arrange- ments the Directors have decided up- the following plan. plates the erection of a five stamp mill. The cause of the row was over‘ the bunch of strike breakers who came in on a special C.l‘.R.' ear and were land ed at. Timmins and quartered at the “Oldfield: Hotel. They wre brought in to work at the llollinger mine. Two strikers were shot by Thicl Costablcs at Timm'ms on last Mono day morning. A party of strikers who went out. on the local train this same morn- ing learned of the arrival of these men and started for the hotel to have a conference with them and induce them to join in the strike. The men on approaching the hotel were orders ed to stop by Thiel Constables. but kept on their way towards where the men were quartered. 'l‘heir is an ugly feeling between the striking miners and the Thiel Canasta bles and serious trouble may be look ed for at any time a bad break on either side will bring on serious trouble. Row Commenced liver Men Who came into Work at Hollinger line Shooting then commenced and (WO men were snnt in the legs. but the wounds are not dangerous ones and no one was killed. The strike breakers, it is under stood have refused to pro to work and have joined the striking miners. The Thiel men were taken into ens- tody by the provincial police. [HRH SIBIKEHS SHIN M TIMMINS The Lindsay McCluskey Claims in Thomas Tp. have 'been examined and sampled in the interests of New York and Canadian capitalists. The pro- perty consists of six claims on which are located large bodies of ore, carrying Values in both. gold and sil- ver. Owing to the difficulties attend- ing the surface exploration, work during the winter season has been practically decided that no more further work will he done until after the snow leaves in the spring, further than get machinery and supplies onto the ground over the snow roads In the spring however a force of men will be put to work to open up all the known ore bodies and a further complete sampling: of the surface will then he made. A diamond drill will he used to test the ore bodies at depth. Instead of this there was a circular issued and signed dy President Tim- mins stating, that while it is the in- tention oi the directors to issue with every dividend a statement showing the financial condition of the com- pany and the condition of the mine and mill, that this statement will be four weeks behind. The circular goes on state that while there has been some inconveni- ence on account of the strike, the mine and mill are running full time and the situation on the property is very excellent. There was no statement of the con- ditions of the, Hollinger Mine along with the dividend cheques, which were sent out last Saturday. The last statement was brought down to October 26th. At the time of the next Clvidend payment the statement issued will indicate the position of the mine as of the pre- sent date, Inconvenient. is a good word, but rather mild in speaking of a labor strike and it is to he hoped that this is all it will amount to. lined Showings of Beth Gold and Silver, New York and Ben- edien Capital Interested THflMAS TflWNSHlP BlfllMS [XAMINH] The Boston Development Company Ltd. Has Continuation of Armstrong McGibbon Sulphide Dyke The Northern part of Deloro Town.‘ ship. especially that part south and west of the Dome. continues to fur- nish evidence that. has a tendency ta strengthen the faith of mining men in that. section of the camp. Owners of mining properties in that. section have for sometime believed that the excellent showings encount- ered on such properties as the Mar- tin. Preston. Standard. Armstrong- McGibhon. Impei'al, Boston Develop- ment Company and others were sim- ply the continuation of the one big sulphide dyke extending south and West of the Dome. During the past few weeks developments resulting from the work done on the Maiden Group and the Mapes claims lying be- tween the Arnist,rm;u~-Mc(‘:ibhon and the Boston Development Company. together with recent development work on the latter property, would seem to Velfy the abOVe Conclusions. The hip: sulphided dyke ol porophy Goes With the flividehd Cheque Ihis henth---Strihe an incoh- venience Say Pres. Ilmmins Nfl flfPflflT fflflM THE Hlllllflflffl MINE DELORO PROPERTY VERY PROMISING The ladies of the Catholic Church will give a euchrc party and musical entertainment in the Rex Theatre on Wednesday evening, December 18th. Some of the provincial police of the 'l'cmiskaming division now in camp are Constables Rowe” of Englchart; Stewart of Mathcson; Smith and Piercy, Porcupine; Fred chebrc of North Bay ; Chief Caldbivi'o and MW ry [Aria-hm of Cobalt and Constables Story of Sudhury Knight of Byng [nit-t. There will be others ‘in'oug‘ht in if nocosnar'y. (inc good provincial man .is worth a couple of doch 'I‘hicl constables as he is here to preserve order and not kick up a muss. Orders haw: bean given out Lhat all 'I‘hiel men are to be dimmed and for the future hapt within the limits of the mining properties and not al- lowed to patrol the highways. That Inspector George Caldllck can and will maintain order from this on is not to be doubted, and it is probable thuthc will call for a majority of the men in the northern division. The men aISO have the right to work or not as they see fit in the betterment of their condition. “cs- truction of property and personal violence has never yet won out in any strike and never will, and the level headed nu n of this or any othez: Union of labor recognize this funda- mental fact. ('upital is 'bound in the end to recognize either willingly or unwillineg any cause which is just. The strike situation remains un- changed and seems further 0!! from an amicable settlement than ht this time last week. The strikers are continuing their plan of campz-lgn in a nest orderly manner and the only trouble so far has been with the 'I‘hicl men and this apparently was not of their own seek- mg. From this time on the Provincial police will look after any distur- bances which may arise and the Thiel constables kept where they belong in the protection of the mine properties. and interference of the men at their work, which they have a right to- to do and is legitimate. No one (1663- or should question the rights of the- mine owners and managers to run their plants in the manner in which they think «best and wibh what ever labor in their judgment they wish to employ. This is only within their rights and is the law as it exists in Canada today. and anchorite has now been either uncovered or tuned for nearly a nile eomrmeneing with the Armstrong MeGibbon on the cast and extendinB south - west through the Maiden. Manes and Boston Development Com- pany claims. Three shafts haVe been sunk on the Amnstrong-Mcflibbon claims in depth of abut 100 feet. together with a Considerable amount of cross-cut.- timr. The 40 foot shaft on the Maid- ens has recently been pumped out/for examination by the Hudson Bay Mines of Cobalt. The Boston Devel- opment Company have one shaft. down about 50 feet. together with a large amount of surface work in the way of open cuts and trenches. l'mior hotter finanvial conditions, whivh Would permit of greater devel- opment. this MONO!) of the Ohmp should prove up some mom big mines. STRIKE SlTllMlflN REMAINS UNBHANBHI line Provincial Police 'llow llave the Situation in Hand and tin llone Violence Anticipated Stxnm: Dumas 5 Cents.

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