Pr u -w M f I M y .\ FRIDAY MORNING The vases ut' tiw ton vhildrcu who were charged with breaking intu it «is and stealing urtir-les therrt’mm, vh was on remand than last week were dealt with by the Magistrate and the buys were mudv wards of the Court under thv supervision of Mr. R. lwileup, luspcctur of the Children 's Aid Surivl)‘ for this disirivt. These boys are In report tn Mr. H. Mant- xguinery vvcry Saturday and bring with them a report from their schools "3 to their behavior. A middle-aged Syrian woman was rharged with taking dishes from the same store as the children, and mi. hult' yvurs in thv penitentiary. Hn hmu'ing tlw senti-iu-v tht- yummy; main brake dawn and snhbml. aim! plvmlml with tho )laij'irtti‘utv imt tn send him tn thv pvuiteutizin. 'l'hv Mavistraitv {\n‘iiml thv mung man it he l'\t‘l‘ tried in enlist ut' thuught nt iiilistimr. to \Vilil’il he replied hv had nut. It is thuugat th: it it til('\ mur; man “(‘4 ides to enlist itt' “ill lie I‘vlievrd at the mutt-11w. The ymmg man g. and was furnu-rl)’ : Unllingvr Refinery. "All .\et tn l’t'e\enl the l’mt’nnntiun nt' the Lurch-t MIN." elntptet‘ Ill-l ut' the t‘un- Nulttltllml Stntntm ut' l'pliei' l'ntnnln, ehnptet' 159. “.51).. 1877 : eltnplet' 'lell. â€5.â€. 1887: nncl ehnpter 2H3. HEM. 1597." By reading this sec-tinn it i-s l’ilslly seen that thi-t net lttt-i ln-en hnnileil clown. ehnptet'eil ntnl plneecl nlmn the Stntntes every ten yenrs' and what Mr. \Vilsun sltullldl hnve ilnne wns to hnve lniil the eltnt'm's' nmler ehnp. ter 24“, of the 1597 \ulntne nl' the Statute-a. W. H. WILSHN lll.l'.\'l)lillli|) \V. ll. Wilsmi enttnut. he e.\’ett~tetl t'ruin nmking sneh n hlnnder. hntnlling the lnw has he dues l'rntn tinte tn time he shunhl he better nhle tn rend ntnl ntnlerstninl thuse [mints of law whielt are written in Hawk and white fur the pnrlmse ut' mhninistmtui's ut' the law. lt tlierel'nre pruves thnt it' one dues nut thumnghl)’ reml nn .\et, he is un- nhle tn grasp the meaning ut’ tn make the right interm'etntinn. .\ Jnstiee ut' the l’enee whu tnnkes sneh blunders as the utte lllllllctl leaves himself «men the ei'itiei-mi whieh he well deserves. S'l‘tll.ll Ql'.\.\"l'l'l‘\' H1" lll'lJtlUX .-\ yunny: ninn hy the nnine ut‘ (‘neh- rnne wns ehnrgecl with stenling $5,000- wurth ut’ llnlliun than the llullinger .\line Inst spring, ntnl on July ltith ' “t l'ut' Muttlttttn. \ s 'l'wu «leteettves wet‘e.1:ttt nlmn lllS trail, with the result that he was hmnght Iniek lu stnnil his trial. When Mngistrnte Atkinsim read the ehnrge the "It!“ pleaded guilty, t'ur whieh n sentence 01' five yenrs eunld hnve been dealt tn him. but Mr. Rubliins and Mr. (ilnlie plemleil t'ur lenieney. with the result the .‘lngistrnte hnnclecl (‘iielii-aitis~ n sentenee ut‘ twu and a half years in the penitentiary. (tn We! 3. N03 «out revisiun." mucmammzn c'l..\l'.~'l-; If Mr. Wilmm Imcl mkvn ilu- tmuhlq- In lwk up c-lmmvr 246 m hm! quuml in [his “DH \‘ulmlw ut' llw Statutes. Iu- would nu «lamb! Imu- nmidml his luul mistake. Mr. Wile-um hm! quat- ml the right numlu-r ul' tho vlmptvr. but the wrung \‘ulmm- ul‘ â€w Stu- tutu. u‘ 3m «by F luial a snmnmm um! mmlc Charges Against Draggist Dismissed Owing to Error “an of mm!" the art I 'ul' Lw munch. th- 7m: canons um) Amman cans. A an: want. msmssnn; mnouon AK 33303 or “YOR WILSON~YOONG MAN SENT; n 10 mn annm'mm ron Two AND A sum vnAIw- m: .. wonum mum ton xnsrmo mm: m aomumm 30:132-; Hugh 0811.09.83 In court r09. BREAKING IMO s'ronz. firm-n u m at Slim-p. Inn-fled in \\' ‘m :HHIHI 3' 29m: iu n "H N02" â€w ul' â€033nm Ilw m I‘ 'I‘UN‘I‘ MDN‘I' I HI «I M NH I} at \\ Wlmxï¬ I! â€I" m: mrc‘lodsm 19H. lmlum rap THE PROCUPINE ADVANCE lls \‘ rapt-r8 N“. No guw his age as 27 am mnpluye at the lawn lmnuw «m “w on I H rlvnrly Mnh fled from tho pr: mp ('upt. Shawl status that the shaft on this property has been sunk to the ZiUU-i't. lcvcl in the short spaw ut' six weeks. with mom working two eight- huur shifts. (’mSScutting will by wuuuencvd immediately at the 100- ft. level. Mr. Hayden is oxpevted MTV in a day or twn and further de- velopments may be expected. Mr] X'I'Yh’ I". It is lvztrm-tl {rum :1 rvliulilc suttrw that airrmtgvtm-nts haw. van pram-ti- mtlly mmplvtml fur the :uualgauuttiun ni' .\lt°ll|t)'t't', Mrltttyl'v Extrusion inn] .lupitvr prupvrtivs. .\ tut-(ting ut' thv «lirt-vtnrs was held rm'ontly liut tmthing was given nut as tn their (h't‘isiull. It is unut't'iviully stated that â€plinth; an the McIntyre Exten- siuu and the Mrlntyrv Jupiter pru- pt-rtics and assvts have lit-mi givou tn the McIntyre vumpauty (it! tho t'ulluw- in; hasis.;~~'l'lirvv shatt'vs nt' Moln- I)’l‘e l'lxtvnsiun fur ntw (if .‘It‘ltltyl'v and six shares ut' Jupiter t'nr mm M McIntyrc. Invitations have been issued by the management of the King George Ho. tel. Smith Porcupine for a special Amerivan Thanksgiving dinner and dance to be given on Thursday, NW. :SUth, at the abuve named hotel. Hiammml drilling: is pl'm'vmlillg ml this pl'npvrt)’ HM) 1'00! .90th 01' (he “nHingvr lim' and INN! rm rust “1' [hr Mum'tzl u! an single of 45 olvg‘l'vvs. running quartz and Inn-phyry. 'l‘hv firs! 15" fret nt' drilling pnssml thrnugh a Inully slIu-ttt-rvd t'ux'nmtinn hm frum that pain! (H n :h-pth M' 1200 {wt tlw i'ux'nmtiuu was sulid lun'plnyry will: tlw inlrusinns ut' lmsaltiv srhist nppm'ring in thv mrvs fur the last 135 in; «m this prupvrty will mmpan'v t'u~ \‘ut'uhly with tlmsv M' stt Dunno tn tu tlu- wvst. .\('t't)l'tull,‘: tn the Unta- riu Hurt-nu nt' Minvs nt't'it-in! report. 2110 main win ut' \Vl'n‘t lhmw runs (li- t'm'tly tutu Alwx m'ulwt'ty. .\l’l'IX l-Ixtvihiw Hianmml drilling is to ho stni'tml till this pi'nlwi'ty \\'l|lt‘ll :uljuins tlw West “ntltt'. 'l'liv miiipiiiiy will vuzimwim» \mrk ailninst. iiiiliimlin-tvly tn gvt tlw plant intu slialpv an as tn lu- rmul)’ tn sink as. quickly as «lol'in- itv i'wults‘ at (lUIDIII :ii'v kimwn. lix- pvvtutiuns are that tliv cllitlllnlttl drill- in: mi this |H‘U|N'l'l_\' will t-nnuiau'v t'u- I'VI'II lwllm' lmokiug living i°niisiil(-i'â€" ably Wlilt‘l' :uul ul' liiglwr gl'alclv urv. lli'ililiug ull llu- lNNl-l'l. lvn-l llils' lm-n «luiu- uml Hm win is ulmm't lin- i-ntiro- wicltli ul' Ilu- clril'l. Iliumuml drilling is pruvm-(ling l'rum llll' Film-ft. low] in rut M'Vl‘l’dl pnrullvl wins at 1,000 l'vvt. 'l'liis \‘i-in slinwvil :l Wltllll nl‘ several luv! «01' $6 urv )yllucl'q cut at Mm “.300 ft. li‘vul. ' . .. hm [we-n wry sunsl'urtm'y. at tho INN-ft lovvl is four width. shmving wry gum! nH-I says. Tim win at Ilu- sum-n uwn hum-r Inukiug lwing m MINING NEWS III INTEREST us prvmm-s nunrdin m- mus pm. H I' .\ll.\'Hl{.\‘ l.\' I'HHLHHUMS I'HIH'I'I'IXI'Z ('h’HWN rmuul wot Im- lmal lu'vn sum! l.» â€w Mb I H. lvu-l. with “Mini“ M 50. 1"". SW". Turnnlnï¬y Ilium-lur lllm'k- Mm MM 5"" fuel with alum! 6.000 I'm'l :lw nnalyist's rrpurl slum'od vl’ drilling and vrms-nttliug. All ul‘ lu mmmin 27 pm. nlmlml. â€w wnrk has been clum- cm ""0 H‘lll iglmlt- innmsml n t‘im- nl' sy‘lo'm. Wllit‘ll varrios I'SI‘I‘lll‘lll mill- vusls nr Illrm- nmmlns fur ingxulm-s "\‘or am m-rmgv slnlbing nlvulmliv wim- in a plan-v, width “1' 10 fuel. In vim-vs llu- win NP“ mrivlnr with â€w c th‘l’llM'l‘luX jail also in Mnm'm rs u! HAYDEN fur whirl! pram ' I'll." szltisl'm'tul'ï¬â€˜ O"\C pvrmit [Jill “1"" I" o dmollin Imu'v In ull this mum-my mm: mm l IPH‘I ls mus-Mer- I'mlv "1’0. [NH lwvn 2w (-ntil'v I" FIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29nd. 1910. â€Ml ho vom l’cvl in EIL'P HH- ° ' Ymn's wry truly. ('hus'. A. See. 'l'hls prm-mlvnt vstuhlishcd hy Mr. Sm- SllUllltl ho t'ullmvcd hy umny utlwr turn-hunts and vitizens “1' this tuwn, that the mluntcvr firemen may learn and understand that. their serviv- 05 are :Ipprt‘r'atvd by the citizens of this munit-ipalir)’. 'l'hese uwn who \‘ulunteer to pru- tevt )‘Hur hmnvs from fire and se- rinus loss. gu to fires and risk their lives zuul spoil many suits of elothing for whirl) they rem-He but little reâ€" compense. They work at tires as though it depended on their very ex- istem-e, and yet yuu as citizens for- get to avknuwledgc their services. The new fire hall is now in course of mnstrm-tiou and it would he a good idea if the citizens would avail themselves the opportunity to come forward and join hands with Mr. See in helping to furnish comfortable quarters tor these \olunteers and in this way )ou will show the firemen that you do appreciate the senicos they are rendering to protect you and your homes. In How â€1' [hr prompt :u-tiun :lml vt'l'wtiw \mrk ul' Assistant Fire ('hivt' Hill at tho HH- all .\'u\'. 19th, in ('lms. .\. Sam's «lru': stnrv. .\Lr. SW WW!“ :1 10119!“ in Hlv 'l'uwn ('num'il (‘llt'lniillg' a «in-«inc 1hr $25 to ho ham- «lml H\'l‘l' In Mr. Hill in umn'm-izltiml â€1' his svrviws. Thu 101101' is as l'ul- luws :~~- Recognition of Services Rendered During Fire at His Store Sunday, Nov. 19th. luv. lac-king «mly milling vqnipnwat I in living it iniu tlu- [H‘tulm't'l' «class ull .i a substantial M‘Slll'. 'l'liis i~° nl' pair-l.l llt'llilll' intvrvsi at this limv. in \‘imvll nl' ilu- 'Dl'ulnlllh‘ mirly vullllilt'llml ul' ! an :Inmlgmimlinn plain lu-lm-mi this mmpzmy auul llu- l’m'vupim- \'ipuml..l Sui-h am :iiimlgmimiiun \\'Ul|l(l gu fin-3| lu snlvo llu- pi'ulilvms ul' lmlll ul' llwfl vunuulllivs iln'ulvwl. :Iml. lllruug‘ll llll'll li'mitim-nl nl' Nui'lli 'l'lmmpsnn are in l Viimml mill. mmlcl' bring the mn- 1| :Ilgmnulml mnmmny inlu the first rank 01' l’urvupiiu- prmluvm's. EMS. SEE SHIJWS APPHEBMHM BY EWING $25 BHEUHE um: ruauun emu fltVflflPMflfl ur mum quursuuf "I \muM ilsk ynu in kindly lizlml thv t-nvlnsml ('lwquv t'ul' NL’HN) In Him sic-ting l'ii'v vhivt' Mi. 1.1mm! Hill. wlm iUHk sin-h prumpt mu! M't'w-tivu nwusurvs in handling the fin- whirl: um-uri'ml in my slm'v nu Sniulan' .\'u\'. 19th. Mr. llill va'lvulv «lvnmnstrzltml his abil- it} :Is :1 film l'ightvi' :Iml pru- n-ntml what might have (*(I- sily «luvvlupmi intu :1. large anul svriuus (-unl'iugrailiuii. “\\'lwn yum' new fin! hull i4 mnnplvtwl it will give me groan! pleasure tn make at dona- Iinn inwards i widinj: recre- zltiun fur yum' '.'il'0 fighting staff. ' lh-zn' Sir huhly u milli lac-king nnly wing it in!" t uhsmntial .wu “In ('ul'pm‘utinn â€1' â€IO 'l'uwn ut' 'l'immins. MI' 1" WM. In plum width 01'3" t'm't. um lm- will umlnnhlmlly pro-Imrty in l'urvupuw vamp. ulzmt. run-dating ul’ six-drill â€3' and n hm alrum lmi-nl. If hvin: u-‘ml tn Hum fun! :10 with nl'v millinn clnllzu‘ II'U“ UN gross N! S I'HI Thump- wt. but is. n-sm'ws nf M' Hu' :Ivvr 'urvuplm lm' wry ms lwon results. "(‘VQ‘I' mun M rem Int 3cm | uwr nim-Iy-lew Ill 9 months .1916 9 months, 191.") Year 1915 .. Year 1914 .. Year 1913 .. . Year 1912 .. . Year1911 .. . Year 1910 .. . i". ('. Sutherland 6; ('n.. furnish the 1'0"thng tabulation ut' the l’urrupine Gold output t'rmu the time ut" the first bulletin production up to the elude of the third quarter at this your : 23ml quarter 3rd quarter Total 6 yrs 9 months ..... $33,654,675 I’llflllllPlNE Bfllfl RUTH†.\lr. Hanna-z was su lulu-n lay sur- pi'isv that hv muld hardly rospund. llv. huwvwr. thunlwd tlw llH'llllH‘l'S ul' lll(' stall'l' l'ui' their kind uppi'm-iuliun and lhv mi'diall manner in whirh he had hm-n rpm-iwd hy thmu during his stay a! thv llullinger. and fur the va- lhuhh- lbl'l’fl'llls thvy hand hcsrnwvd' up- un him nu the m1- ul' his departure l'rum llN‘ll' midst. â€l haw hm-n mulduyod in a guml many mining ramps, during" my min- im: (-ui'vm', hut nvvvr lwl’urt- haw I l'H’l'iH'Il swh vailuzihh- lvasukvs. as lllt‘s‘t‘. \vhivh. will vvcr n-mind 1110 HY the many il|}]|l'0('l:lllul15 rovcivvd' from the nwmhvi's ul' nthe ilullingm' Mill staff," said 311'. Names. 1916 lst quarter .\lr. l'quu-s was prvsvutml with u vuugnil'ivivul, fully (-quimwd «'llll) lung and gnlcl muvh lwuulit'ully vng‘mvml 'l'lu- m'vs-mlntiuu was lumlv by .100 I‘ZH'I'J. Jm‘ HUM and I1. (‘nnzvns Wllu nu lwlu‘.†ul' 11w stul't'. (-xlu'vssvd lllvil' «lupin-rt l'vg‘l'vl uf' Hw svvm‘illg â€1' HIV mu'cl whivh haul SH rlusely lmuml Hw sugu rinlvudvut tu- his stuff and lmpml lhut suwvss :uul prnslwrity \muhl l'nllmv him in his future SIIIII'I'US. .Umm i'il'l)’ t'mpluyvvs «11' â€ID Hul- liuu'm' mill (ISN'HlIDIOd 011 Saturday last I'm: tlw purpose 01' making a: present- ;Iliun In tlu‘ir .ellpul'ilflvmlvnt L. H. I'Imnvs. wlm is leaving: the mnplny 01' MW llnllinu'm' tn lukv :: pnsitim! in tlw Stun-s. PHESENWIHN Tfl l. B. [AMES BV HUlllNGEB Mlll SIMf uluving «luring: WIT. It is musiclvrt-tl t‘nrtunme Fum- that tlu-sv \wll situatml prnln-rtiw Imu- lmssml intu mumblv hands, and the tumult ut' Ilt‘Vt'lHlmtt'tll wm'k. \\'l|lt'll is lu lu-gin at mm, will he \mtvlwcl with muvln interest by the (listrivt gvm-r- ally. 'l'lw pun-Imsv mum is umlurstmul tn lw u lau'gv â€no. and at first [my- mvnl ul' $10,000 has :Ilrvudy lwvn mmlv by tho pnrvlmsing symlivutc inwards tiw samw. (eratinns will he (-mzmwm-ml inmwclizm'ly. Klflllllll [IKE Pflfll’ffl" PASSES _ INN] NEW "MISS clls'mn'c wlml nmwm' thv main ‘ but that r! in u mmnmr immmlinh- Turk-â€llg‘hm ml up with sun-h slu‘c-tac-ulnr m ull l'uur Ivvvls "1' NW mljuining I‘ vr pnqwrfy. is already said lc unmwrml within lm'nly feet "1' N'Nh't' vlnim ul' this gmnp M' :1 lm Cliï¬pflflt’d uf. Sul‘l'm-v indie-Minna m: t-ximsw tlu' limitml mnmmt uI' \mrk cluw naming the prunlnvtiw mum». and whirl: is m. ml up with sun-h slaw-1 Ins nsnvwinlos. «lml ul' um- ut‘ â€w hither!" m "de "nilvyhury. Saw. “Li-In the sale uf Hm Elliot-l‘ngshu‘t-‘Vumlfl flail“... whivh mljuin Hm Homer Kirkland Imkc- pmwrty. in â€w Kirkland Lake «listrirt. In Mr. Frank I. Map“ mu! his nsmq-inlus. «f Hurhrslm‘. XX†a Beam. Tech Kuhn and Lake Shani Will be Producers During 1917. § 6 H'l't' ll! ilulirnli-ms as: (-xpnsml hy mmumt uI' \mrk clnm- UN 8 tn clxllv. higt'tht‘!‘ with :1! Mr. llm'ry Hztkt's Inns l'rvv 2"ch I'm'Hu-r mm m ' "NIH“ \'('HI N‘FI‘ nvighlmr III! vamp. ngzhlmw. Hm â€run-r. mni Lukv Shut'v. 8|" will pmhuhly lw pru- 326,646 255,963 251,131 207,748 83,725 765 1,947 $6,507,398 5,295,086 7,580,766 5.190,?94 4,294,113 1,730,628 15, 4'57 ."1.),539 l )unces MLZZS‘). 105,961: 121,401 "1' H“. {I I" "1H1 3mm ml nwnsm'xm "NH" lulwd lump. In"! IIHW wan t c vxtmlsicm n will ch ,miflll lich' olullM 2,069,037 2,205,269 2.,.'") “1,092 Vuluv Ivh‘ l"ui' tho huwt'it ul' lllm-ZU whu du ttul lumw what tho t'hihlrvn’s .-\i«l Sm-ivt)’ in tho 'l‘mnisliaming (listi'ivt tll’t' «lain: t'nr thv t'lllltlt’t'll. \x'o giw a few ('Xll'tlt‘lS takvn l'mm lllt' rvlmrt «if its nuhlo m-rrvtangx', llulmrt levup. aml when read you will agrcv with us that .\l r. Lollcup (m lit-halt" ut’ his snâ€" rit-ty has «lum- aucl 1.: still aluing a gram] \mrk anmngst tlw children-mt the Nurth. aml we t'vcl sure that )‘utt as (-itizvns wnuhl (lu all in your pnw- or tn lmul a hand tu protect the vhil- «iron that an.- t'unuing almost wild «m the .stn-vts of this muniripality hy farming a loud sm‘ivty that will strongthvn aml uplift. the child thmugh the must vritinal stages nt' its lit'v. Fulluwing are the vxtravts t'rum tlw secretary ’5 report ending Nuv. 16. lttlti :-- The statistical report t'nr thv year ending: tmlay “ill give smne idea ut' what has been accomplished by the Suvivty in its efforts tn ameliorati- the «audition ol’. the neglected and dependent children at 'l'cinikaming ; there hm been during the past year : Applieations for children, 61 ; ('hilrl- ren flll'UUglll. to the Shelter (nut wards), 7-1; children placed on par- ole, 20 ; ehildren returned to parentc. (nut wards), 62; ehildren involved during the year 279; children made ward», 2%; children sent tu Industrial “'1' hviivvv in .\lt'.llnlw1't [wilt-1111's idt'n nl lut'tltittg this lnmtl ~zm'it'l\' l'nt' thn-v 11111~n11<1 l"'it'stl.\, it will 1-..111- pol thv purvnts tn 50nd tlwii' vhildt'vu tn svhnnl instmld nt' lumping them at lttllltt‘ tn satisfy thvir nw11 pars-111111] dvsirvs: swnndly, it. will prnvidv 11 1111-11115 t'n1' hot-ping thv vhihh'vn nt'l' tlw strm-ts 11t 11ight,1111d thirdly ' will deal with all petty «1151's, whivh mm mm living ln'nught mm the mntt't. 11nd will hvlp llw vhild n\'vl' tlw "stvmtin: 51411111" in lil'v at, 11 timv wl11-11 hp 111' she [1001i 11 guiding h1111d tn dirwt thvm n11 thv right 1111th tn thvir t'11t111'v. woll'm'v. Xl'll'll) (llfll).\.\'(‘l'l 'l'hvsv vhildt'mt 111'1- 11nt sn tvrrihly had. but thvy haw 11nw 1'11111-l11-d the 11:11 wlwn it. is 111-11113'5111'5' t'n1' 501111111110 tn 3.:in thvm 11 hvlpiug hand and lift thmn nvm' the must tryin'r tinu- tn hv Mpmit-nu in Utah «12.1111111' Kind- 111w»- is tlu: groan-st msmnidl pnlttl it] lltt‘ ttplill ul 1'ltil1it'0ll..\lut‘t' v1111 ho dune hv t1'1111ti11g 11 child with kindnvss. than by hull-\ing nr hv11t- in}: it. .\l1111y 11 vhild hwnmvs 51111115' and impudvnt. it' it is hull-dnzod, with â€11' vultqultvtu'v it hm'nutt's Lutully tttt- 1111111111.:11hlv. Local Branch Needed Children's Aid Society 'l'hv lttlh't‘ prupmittun H a matter Wlttt'll has st-hlnm nt' t°\'t°t' mttvt'ml ttw lwtttls ut' titt- c-ittzvns ut‘ thi“ mommtt- ttit)‘. 'l'ltvt'c- i~' a law utt thv Statute “Mark at}. this“ lvt'nvint't' tn lit‘t'Vt'llt vltilclt't-n nt' minu- ztgt- t't'um :ttta-mling tl muting pit-turn slmw uttlws ttt‘a'nttt- puniml by tlu-ir lmrvuts‘. This law was made. lwmtttsv it was tlmught tlmt tmmy :t yuung t-hilcl, vspvt-iztlly thusv ut' :Itt t-xvittthlv ml- tttt‘v. \H'l't' mm! In st my from the paths ut° virtttv. by the lnn'trttyul at some ut' the must «Iratmttiv, \‘ilztitmtts t-ltzu'm-tt-rs ut' tt nmving pivtttt'o play. is 2‘."an um lu-in Ul' SUN" is «Im- Hu-m t'nhm- walk in [wily rusvs il PM†in!" mull III- III"! lu‘rsmml II M'VQ'I'XI' «of “w lIrIIIIIiIII- 8mm mm â€W \iC'“ "1‘ IN" (‘lIildrvII Pl Aid 5.: S'M'C'iï¬" 'IIIHNNI' III' lmI Wo'lrm‘v Mr "N‘ I'MMI‘I' â€II-y "l‘v prupvrly I-III'I-I pun-nu: In M'I' IIIIII III-haul IIIIII «IMIIIII â€IF I H. Hilll‘ll'l’ NHHLI‘I WUNKI'ZH NEED OF LOCAL CRILDREN’S AID SOCIETY IN TIWIIIS POE THE GUIDANCE OI‘ CHILDREN~ R. LEIIEUP HERE TO OREâ€" ATE PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CHILDREN-- SECRETARY'S REPORT OF SOCIETY FOR YEAR ENDING NOV. 19TH. hnfll lH-IASHNH («‘ulLsm'Hï¬'l‘Y .\‘ I-ZI-Zl) IA 11 '.\ I. N N '| MTV l..\ W â€It .\I« »\‘ll l in!†u pwhm- sshuw with- m-mupzmiml by in pun-nu Mor 'wrs'un ul' Hw family. llcml 01‘ «W0! c-itim-ns ..r is a law an 3 SN‘ l' Hm mummi- m !!u- Statute 1° tn prm'vnl rum nth-"cling: iilm' In Kind- vs‘svutidl I‘ll. .‘lul’v 'Hx-l’irv ('hief he)“. 01' (‘ulling‘tJmL who has arorepted the position as head «1' the Fir» Departuwm is expwfm! here In take up his duties on Manley next. u. timught as in wlm Hu-n' rur:;pill‘~ inns MT, 01' what vH'm-t worm): pi.» turvs may have «m {luv vhiltl's mmd ; this vlu»; uf pun-Ms mums Lulu \vlu-n- his child is sn lung us Pu «104»; Hut. inu-rfvro with the plum and plvusurm m‘ that purvznt. In muclusiun l «lvs'irv nu ln-imlf oi.’ HH‘ Scu'iety In Hulnk all whu imam assistml us in tlw past your. Hm “Jur- iuus I°‘r:m»rnul Swiutivs, “'mum’s' urg'unizntiuns, uml individualist. The .‘lllllichlallitit's ul' ('nhzlh. ('ulumzw, Halilvylmry and No-w Liskvard, Um mixwrs ut' Kirkland lmkv, 11w .‘adim \vlm mmlm-tul tln- uu-mlu-rnhip Lam" panign. and in Mr. .l. W. Mill»: for his kimlm-ss in furnishing: a, dumb run's «lurmitunv in tho Slmllvr. 'l'liis party will 111310 a sllï¬vliil lrln over tlw Norsmy pruperty and ml! visit smiw “1' the larger minim: ramps! nl' tlw cli~triiet. 'l'lwil' lllll‘flll‘lll is in spend Friday and juirt ul' Saturday in the vamp. lvm'ing smith uh 93mm clay M'ruing. 'l‘lic \‘i.-iL ul' flu-so men from le United States will ln- beneficial to 12m l’urc-upinc ramp, and bring the at» tentinn ul‘ their â€will. to Lâ€? D‘- sources of Nurtbvru (Hilario. HIMBIM MEI Wlll VISII CAMP [NB [If THIS WEEK mm at 301mm. Mvvnty-lwvu mumhr Stork Hxvhzulgv. hmkvrs l'rnm va tuguthvr with u m: mun. qm-m-y is â€w I‘INtlll ut‘ imprupm' hump training nr tlu- lzu-l‘ ut' train- Ht'.’ c-ntirvly; i-uizsi-qiu-iitl)‘ it :s t'vlt. thitt Hilly tn vxlrvliw viisvs is it tw- c-i'ssnr)‘ tn wlul :I buy ni' :il‘l tn am lttcltt~lt'iztl Si'l'mil. 'l'lu- \xgsilnm «if llu- lmlivy :tcluptml liy .lttclgo- Atkin- '50". nt' tlu- .lln't'ttllt' t‘unrt ut' 'I‘imis« lemming. in ch-iiliiig with thv .luwnihs «it'littqm'ttl: is simply hui'm- uttl liy tlu- rvsults "lithium! in this tlt~ll’it‘?, in tlw past qu years: when at. child has luwu t'mnml guilty nt' im ut'fenm tlw purvnt. is ltttttlt' tn pity t'ur uyy damage «lune hy thi- vhilal. â€lull this Phil“ is mmlo in Want ut' tlw (3mm; and Ul'tlt'l'l'll tn t'i-gmi'l tu xi l’mlm~ tiun nt't’ivor mm- tl wm-k, bringing a. rclmrt t'rum his st'hmil tciwlivt‘ «if his :ittc-mlmm- ziml c-umlm-t. zals-i one from his lmrvuts: thus tlu- vhihl is umlm- mnstimt supm'visimi, and as result cut' this plan mweriiig I! park†ut' twu years. we lim'v nut. hail uxm ut.’ the In: immlml vhihlron gu luck to his nlcl ways, ur 13-! int» wrious tuisvltivl'. “'0 luu'v l'utttul that Um prim-ipul viiiiso ul‘ Ilt'littt|tlt'tll'_\' among»; the ('lllllll'l'll with whmn we hat/oi dealt, is the lm-k nl' inn-rust taken by tlwir pun-tits. 'l‘hvy haw been permitted to run â€:0 slim-2;: mil rt“.- quvut viewing pirtim- shmvs \utlzmatz n thnught as tn wlm tlwir ru!:;])ill‘~ inns are, 01' what vl'l'met, vvrtnin pio2~ hulmtrizll llw |m|ivy sun. nl' Ill h'mh‘ \\‘ Single Cook: 5 Cents HIM-IE INC'HRRIHIHIJI um l‘l' at 1:! "mm!" I have M- t 45 (imam in (hr inlvra ihlrrn rlmnml with mr- ., :3 wvn' «on! In the In. luml us iumrrigiblv; 2“ urmntml m in â€w as- Hw clvlimlm-nl child i4 1. but Um! Us «Min- w rmult ul’ imprupvr nr Ilw lxu-k ut‘ trait» Wank :o, 'l'nruntu, Nauru i-w Yurk and I’m-cm: number m’ mm -p3.[V- r- "mm “I; 08 mâ€: 1111.! W“ n leo u “timing; 3 2†\WW plur- Iuml Smiely 't MIMI "M. u shelter. H; 9r) 'unh‘r \mrk. mu Hm Inn-st. "wrung! Invena‘d, rq “sued, «and M ~ "WI ‘1‘! 8|! Pd. 3†3 lflllll‘fl n 0'" [m t rd