Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Nov 1915, 1, p. 7

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ISSUE OF $50,000,000 5% BONDS MATURING lst DEC FAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. REPAYABLE AT PAR AT a BE PAID ON lst JUNE, 1916. ISBD FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. being made by the Government. for the purpose of car~ price, 071/2, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of Delivery of scrip certificates through the chartered banks. The interest on the fully registered bonds will-he paid by cheque. which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank of Canada. Holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons. payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any .. - -...a tum-.." A: 1mm]: with nmmnns will have the ‘-â€"-lst pd’dU86 UV uvuo u. fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxesâ€"including any income taxâ€"imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. ations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registeied bonds with- out coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,003, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of 35,000. Applications will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Togonto Steel: Exchanges. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa. or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax. St. John. Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto. ""rnipcg, Regina. Calgary or Victoria. 0 A-‘ The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. commission of one-quarter made in respect of applications whi ch bear their stamp. JU i132- - CUPU‘B AD“ x363 stock brokers will be allowed and of bonds will be made ,1915. ” 1925 """"" ...... ............ ccccc qua. Al.” “I. n“... figfihqfitv Hun-=11. Yuk-111. "11111'1': 11ml I’I'Ivn'» .‘.I III 11I III'IgIHIII'I'JII'w, .\...IH. I11 I11I1I 3II11I1 III1\'1!'HI1!-III‘XIUI 'III 111 I 223‘. '1 I 'Iiu- 111II11111111 IsJ' 111 ’51:». «1-1 111' .\I1'. IIIIIHIII'D’ ' IHIIm‘In. III“ “'11” I. igISHIIpIIH'. III‘ I'11'11}_'III 3(1111111I111 “111111111115 '.\1'-1'I1;1. II1111.I311111'1' "A 111f1II'11-1;'. 4:1;11 1'I113;111I ”{fl'lhnw ‘IInc. i"1111 .111I1 K33A'I1'11IH -1"1. :1:'.1I -1 W}. 2'111l'1111' '11 NW WIIHII' 1'11} """ 'IIII‘ III'NI ‘11'113111411I I . 111111111 21111.1 ('1.1I \1111.1 '1I1~1' 121' :1 (1111:11II2111 I I [11 111'Y'Ul‘1'II. ‘1‘1I.I'H ‘11' :I'zzisv :1 1':11;111I1-I1- 11-:I ”I111 I111 Ignuhn H51 H11- .\t that 1I11111 111111211111 1'1=1|1!I111*1I 111111 I1 \‘.'.'Ih 11 IlluI'IIIIW :1111 I111311-1'; 42141111111130. III“ 1115‘. 3 . II“,- 11I'I'111' ”I. 3111-31 :1 I! '111 3:1' 111111111I11I 1111 A1 IIU!.~'1~-1I!';1\'.'11 1°.11' II: 1211 F5 1112'.» :11.“ Immul 111 I 1 lxfiaIlIW . \113 1|I~11 '11'111111:01I @314 (1111‘. I111! 1.”)! I 1‘11 '111- -I1 II :Ininz 1111111- fiflvw 11111 111111I1'11l I\ I In II111 11111111II11111 II l11111391111 I'nI' 11 11111141 %I3111I .‘IquI' II11II11111I. ' -1 \ u--: .AN 1' .1 Private McEachem Holds Honor of the First Wounded in Battery-«Many Well-Known in the Gold Camp HOLLAND’S BATTERY ON FIRING LINE IN FRANCE in our last issue we announced England to mmplete its training in that l‘te. Archie l5. lit-linemen had machine gun truth on the supposition been wmnnlecl. he. being the tirst tn that it «mild make a useful addition he teenhlecl mt the casualty list of tn the t'nnmlinn fun-es in the then. the ital-den .‘lnehine (inn llnttery. ehes. There hnve heen many emek eorps In August. hnwever. theI unit he. soul. fmm t'nnmln to the hunt. hut enme part ut‘ a new estnhliahlnent. zirulmhly nu eurps. man fur mnn. in and is mm the llivisiunnl Mntnr Mao the. Made of the two t‘nnmlinn «livi. chine (Inn Battery of the Seennd Div- stuns nuw in Frame. enn measure up tsiutt. nml it is in this enpneity that it in physique: experienee nml daring has nuw been under tire in Flanders. with ,the Burden .‘lm'ltine (inn llntâ€" The Burden .‘lutm‘ Machine (ltttl If it is nut heard t’rmn het‘ure ltnttery nniisints of three seething terv. the war is m.“- jg willmnly he for eneh in ehnrge ul‘ n lieutenant. l'lnel' -‘ _ A. ‘1’ A..._|-A_ “‘n _---..s hick Hf nmmrtunfly. Tn start with "w rurps has as its,“ head. «me uf Hm ('anndinns wlm mm Hw Vietm'in ('rmu in Smith Africa. Mnjur “ I‘Iddiv" Hullmul. Ho svrvod Hmmgh the finer war with "um" [hm-:ud's Smuts. nml Hm First (‘mno mlinn Mmmml Rifles and mu award. ml the run-ted \°.I'. fur snvimr n um- a-hino mm and n Iii-puntulvr m Lilliv- 3 l'untoin. llis IIIII-I- ln‘ItllH'l'S arr Meat. 1%. ll. llIIIllIIIIIl t'HllIllltHltllllL' .\'u. 1: :thinII: QII'IIItoI'IIIIIstvro. Vagrant II. ll. llul- land. and Mr. Hm. llnllIIIIIl. 'l'lII- lIrutlII-r-iII-law is ('III'III. lI'. III. Kama». .\ll lllt' lII‘utlII'I‘I-I IIt°I~ IIIItI'Il tIIII'llII't‘tI I-xplurers. pruslwrturs IIIIIl ltlllu't'h. Lll‘lll. l'I. ll. llullaIIIl. likI- his ln'n- ”tor. the IIIajur. svrI'I-Il through tlw; Swath At'riI-aII War. llI- was witlr the 2nd (’IIIIIIIliaII .“Ulllllt'tl HitlI-s aIIIl ‘ wears tlw QIIooII'II Medal with tlIrI-I-1 I-lIprs. ”0 la a wle kIIIIII'II .\'I-w ()II-I lIII'iI) III'IIslwI'lIII‘ and has St'fll’c‘lll‘ll l'nt'; llllll(.'l'ttl llIH‘lll tn “:0 .\rI-tiI- (‘irI-lo. 110 was II member of tho t'aIIInIII-I ”Llll'ky” SI-IIII I-xpmlitiuu In llallia lIIIIIIl. QIIIIr tor llltII-IM‘r-St'l'gm llll llullaml alsu a IIurtlerI llllll('l'. He was alsu Im lllI' “lIuI'lQ H SI'IIlt I'.\‘]I(’Ili‘:intt and was It "lullllu'l' at' one at ('IIIItaiII l‘lt‘t'lllt'l"5 cxpmlitinas tn tlII- Arvtir ()I-eaII. l’tc. Holland is equally at “01110 in ”:0 far tIIIrtlI. lI‘nIIr as Ilar in: and as tlIl\Cllllll‘('smllO lIrntlII-rs it would be hard 10 find the \"IIII'lIl III'II‘. "l"lw_I Inc the suns at Mr. AIIIlr'I-II llIIllIIIIIl. III' Ottawa, EII tlII- I-III'lI' IlIII'. 'I~Ilitnr nt' '1' III- ()ttaII II (' itizvn. and tar l\(‘tlls tlw ('Illlnl' ml the Sonata llIIII- lsarIl. Every mam ut' the mm»; was rare- t'ully pieketl aunt the vuzuhined his- tury M the men at the unit \muld make u renmrkuhle stury nt' adven- ture. Hergt. t'nrrier. \vluwis n griml- lmte ut' (‘m'nell l'niversity. juinect the Harden Buttery t'rmn .\t!::limse.l Landing, where he was engaged in breeding and rearing: Muck t'ux. lle t'nugltt tln'uugh the Suuth At'riezm \\';11' with I’l'eneh's Seems and was awarded the. Queen's .‘aimtul with Your elnsps. Sergt. Bland \t'ezn's t'mu' me- dals t'ur \‘an'iuus ('tllllp‘ltg‘ll'n'. illt'ltltl- in}: litht and Snuth At'rim. Among the rank amt ti?” ut' the Hat tety are seven 01' eight fully qualified ‘eivil engineers. 1"ix'e m' six men t'mm mih'mul building; nt' the XXIX“. l’te. Mus-mu is :I graduate in H'iem-e (It \Var with “'01le :uvzmlml Hm (gnu-u (-lzlsps. Svrgt. Blal this far \‘an'iuus ‘ in}: I'lgvm and Sun .\11m11gthe rank 11ml ti?" ut' the {at l('t_\' are seven (11' eight fully qualified eivil engineers. Five 111' six men t'rum miirmul tritiltlittg nt' the :\'.'l‘.i1’. I’te. Mnsmn is 1 graduate in :1 ieme of. “Hit” 111' w \‘zeH’ 1"”. and "'ivztie Minn» is :1 ,2: aidmte in ..eieuee tmm 'i‘ermttu l'niversity. lttlit. li’te. 'l'ziy- lor is the 51111 at" Jlt'ig'i' '!'n\'l111' 11f 's'hite Hume. Yukon. mu! :1 eivil en- gineer: 11ml i’rivnte Mamie is 11 mus- in nt' lit'igmlier-He‘i. Stanley Mannie. \...l)(‘ tu 1.11111 Mintu when he was (imeinm-(ienel .11 ut’ ( 1111111111. 'lhe auiiutant is} uptuin Met .ztthx. Sn!) (1! Mt. litlnliitutt MM :tl‘th}. Hi Ottawa. the well known t'mmdiun settlptm'. He tuught “itht he Rmul (‘mmdiun lh'aigmms illltttlfLJ Snitth .\t'1'ien. Lieut. Hattershy is 11 mining: e11;_ri111'-o;;'. superi11te1ulent 111' the Big .. ..â€" .. All Hand-Picked Iii :1: [3w wlmlc ('m'ps. first pl'upnsgil 11) misc t'mm ('nl. Smart. nnw l' :I ('mmdiun (.‘ax'ulz'y ui'fvl'vd. when We: 1' hm!- a mnuplotv w;:imcnt u um: H'M' when H! was [In four ur mo- invlml- 1| runs- M a mic. he was ”1;: var mm In August. hmrex'er. the unit he- emne part ut‘ a new estahlishment. and is tlmv the Divisimml Mutnr Mm rhino (hm Battery «T the Serum! Div- isiun. and it is in this enpaeity that it has nuw been under tire in Flanders. The Burden .‘Intur Mnehihe (hm flattery must-us 0? three sections. mac-h in ehnrge ut‘ a lieutenant. I'Zneh 'seetinn mnmsts of twelve hnnwnmo misshmml "thee?! and men «ml six talutur-eyvles. and well eyrle carries «me mnehine gun and twu men-â€"-the driver and the gunner. .‘lnjnr H. J. ltultnmt. \'.t'.. is in mmmnmt of the. hmtvry; (‘nptnin l’. A. t}. Slrt‘nrthy. mtjutmnt: Lieut. W. l". ltnttershv eulmmmtts Nu. l seethm; Limit. J. H. ‘Itnttrny Sn. 2 amt Lieut. E. II. Hul- lmnt Sn. it. The nun-mum"iminneqt utth-ez's are Battery Sergt.--.\Injur I... J. .‘lnrler. Quartennnstvr-Sergt. 1.. 11. “Miami. Orderly Hunm Send. A. I". Kenning. Sergt. W. A. Allen. Sergt. W. (‘3. Hhuul. Scrgt. If. I). t'urricr. Sergt. t}. t}. lmwsuh. t‘urpuml W. .l. llillyer. t'nrpm-nt W. A. Mutttgutllt‘l‘}. t‘urpnrnl L. T. Rugvl’fl. ('nrlmrnt t“. E. Knapp. and lmu-e-t'urgmmt W. U. Shannon: and the men are Privates t'. «It: It. Ammmd. H. H. "rttm'. J. A. ttn-mmn. R. E. ltinns. It. A. Brady. 1’. H. ”rum-nu. It. H. (t. lturnmghs, '1". R. W. t‘urrihgtun. W. H. Mark. L. t‘uynv. G. W. huwsh-y. t'. \\'. I)". hvny. .‘I. W. l)n.\'le. 1.. Fraser. \V. Fry. R. t'. (tmlwin. 1’. 1'2. (Inimnmt. Mavlhw. S. \hlmuv. .\ I'Z. Mcllmln- run (mm vamtml \mumlml mu! [mm Si'l')‘ dnmm-cl). V. I). Sulkvhl. H. U. Smtt. .1. l5. Sullivan. l.. .l. Singlvtnn, l". H. Smith. J. S. 'l'nylm'. I". W. 'l‘hmnpsnn. W. H. Zuldn. S. l’. Gulloy and (i. llullmul. Mung-n .I I’. .\II'III:IIII. W. A. .‘IIIIIII'\ \\'.( .\III~I.~I-II.I . ..II .‘III\(‘ Ifil'lIZIl'. I). A .‘Iflt' IIIM‘. S. .\h IIIIy l0. .\ .'I.. MI I.III II At King’s Theatre Monday 8: Tuesday l (mumm. .l. u. Konnmly. to; .1. .ngun. H. W. Mmulo. H. W. )lt-Iclmm. '. H. .‘lmtrc'. I. I':. .‘Innrv. I). \V. "' '1'11'41 1'444314 411' " 1144 ('11II 41I' th44 .\'411'th" \1'441'4‘4 th4411 111'414I1144444I nt th44 1111px 411' Great ’14-111' M4111nt11in. 'I'h44 I.11.4I4\' 1111114412; then 1"4‘.111'n444I 141 11411- I\'.'\‘41414I, 11114I tI141444 “I141 \1'441'44 t41 parti- 4il1z1t44 in the final th14444 1'4444I.4,. t4141k train I411' Iiittm' I.11I;4, t' 1111:14I11, in the 443114414144 n41rtI1441'11 44114! 411 S;4.4I411I44I144\\'- an. and tI1441'44 111 411144 of the “11414011 P114, 1111411114.: 1141414. Iin11I 4444411444 of the .41411y \1'441'4414t11g4'4I. In 411'4I4.41' 141 4444411144 ”114 111'4131441' I41441114,4 .444\'44111I tI141114111'14I 4I41II111'4. W411th of I1I1144I4 11ml Silver 1414 1'111'4 \1'441'44 11.44341 11.4 ”mm 44414441411454 14.1141 “'11“ 41r11111114411t4. I.1'4ht444 n 'l'ig4-1 'I'1'1I144 I114Ii11n4 were 11111144xv4l 11114! 11141'tiv11111t444l in ”144 pro- 41414114111. ”'I.\111411I I114Iinn 44111141444 were 5114444I and 14. huge 41iI painting ”I Lord IS: 4111154411111, t'4114114l441' 41I' tI144 IItnISUH 111x 4' 111111111114: . 11114 11.4444I in the inter 1411' .444411444'. II14: painti: 14,; 1111.4 Innned I11 11111'411111114411t I)41111ini4111 41th41.1I11n4I 1.411144 th44 i114i4I44. at the hnnt4.41 1'4 huts ,jn4t tI.4: 1.11411144'1 141114'I1 41I I414411I 44114112 A I1414444 I144111' 111111 and 1'1441I 44.141114114- iv.» I111ll4414 11441'44. 114ml, 1'44411Iting in an 111114114411le 11441'14444t, 11t111414pI1441'i44111Iy 44411'1'444't \I41111Iiznti41n 411' 411144 of the 11141.4t 1141t4411t. Ii44t141n \1'411'I44 411' the de- 44::4I44. ”'l'rw ('nll “mum-ml fur King’s 'l‘lmut «lay. nvxt. If you are not a subscriber to The Advance, we just Wish to say the subscription price is $2.00 yearly in Canada and $3.00 in United States “1' H10 Nurlh” is an- pv'v-wnzatiull Imrv at :‘c 011 Monday and 'l'ues- 88V EN H. A. "may. (3. lturruughs, W. H. (1an (-y. ('. \\'. I)"- .. Fran-r. W. . I'Z. Huimnml.

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