Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Nov 1915, 1, p. 6

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THE IROQUOIS FALLS FIELD KITCHEN FUND Under Discussion-«A Patriotic A554 Formed and Fund Allocated to Its Use ' lltntfl’ttlh' FALL.“ slum 1"" lntt‘itt are the minutes of al meeting hefil in lmqnnis Falls Public; Schml on Tuesday evening, the 16th «lay nf Nm-emhrr. 1015. at 8 u’clmk. for the purpose- at deciding: mi final allow-Minn at land snhscrihctl for Field Kitchen [atrium an August Ztlst last. The .‘layur. Mr. 8. ti. Mr- t'mihrey was in tho rhair. The rhairman in his alumina: rvc marks utntml that all those prmmnt worn familiar with tlw uhjw't nt' that mating. Jim at thv tinw lilt‘ mllrrt- tinns worn made an «mh-r c-anw out from the Militia “apartment at ”to tum that an mum mum-y \mnlol ho arm-[ital for that partirnlar panama. and whilst local fl(i\'it'(' “as heing naught as In the legal aspm-t nt' tlw rim. annthcr urolcr ramu t'mm tlw Government that. an ttttmt‘)’ wmilcl lw arm-ptml t'ur tlu- lmrpmc ut' .‘Iav'iinv (innit: Wltit'lt nl' c'uttt‘st- vfl’cvliw'ly t‘iflSOti this; mttlot. III l'ai-t. su far a.- hc (-uulcl gather than,» was tlu «lo-tlnitv uhjovt tu a‘hivh this tnnnvy vuulcl hv clovntml thmugh the (int'et‘tttltt‘ttl. 'l'hry hail Nillvvlml altngvthrr» 'l‘hmngh tho Ahitihi than and l’ntwr t‘u.. Idol. . . . .é‘lJIllfiil “ A .l...‘ ‘- and Paper l'u.. Ltcl. .....-’=l.l::l.s':tlw.ei'. the Hunt ttls.‘ 'l'hmngh Murrow Bentty. 202.17leuulcl nut he ugh-m} 'l'hruugh .\l r. Met ‘nuhrey. . . . 48.8" making it luinl ul' $1,146.30. tint «it. this amount there \muhl he ruughly spenking nlmnt t'nrtyosix «lullurs l'ur mlvertiumz the meeting hehl lust July. stutiunery. ete., whieh wmtlol lean'e aimiruximntely $1.4m) t‘ur «lislmsul. Mr. .\lue Lung. .\l.l’.l’., haul int'nrm- ed hint thnt the tnuney anluerihetl thruuzh Messrs. Murmw Ileutly. Ltd. Whether this \vunld meet with the uppmvul ut‘ the meeting: ur nut he «lid nut know, heeunse us t'ut' am his reeulleetinu served the minutes ml the July meeting renal thnt ull munies eulleetetl were to he. lmlgetl in the hunk in trust. lluwever. with this twu lllltltlt’t'tl nml twu clnlhtrs clispus- ut'. it wuulcl leuve some twelve hun- «lretl dollars in he «lispuseil ul' tn- night. Through Mr. llrttee Mitehellâ€" titl.;'pt|:trn4tte~‘ unol the .~t {mutter hml unite ll: lxevev'nl little-s aim-e ;,itttl'_i'-t \inttlil “Hi 1 5rather leaning it t ltween lhe sulumilu tees. llel'nt'e uivin: gut'tling the nllueuti he \t‘nnlti llt’st like t «if the Bllllst'l'illl'l‘h t: .\n e.\lruet l'rum I mug-amass regunliu; the llmerntnent t'. and Muehine (inn |' read hy the t'lmirm t'nnueillm' lluhet't er the meeting: eutth u reprem-ututive ul .s'et‘ilfet':;. t'upl. \Y. ii. le he nntlet'stuml thnt ' gain: in with in“ ‘.--.o-. - alllll ‘!|‘A‘. \\'IO|‘ Smith i’ul'vttpim'. who ulm \wut in with this tuwn. won- plum'd in n simi- hu' prodimmu-nt. hm thvy haul ”wr- mmw their ditth'ntty hy :Ilhwutiug tlwir t'uml tn thv [{ch ('rnss. supplv- tlu‘lttml hy the mllm-tiun mmh- nu 'l'rut'illgur “any, ()vtuhm' 21. 1915. During his "harm-v iill' .thing: Mayor. ('muwilhn' Ruhvrtsnn, haul taken up u ('Uiit'NiUll in thv tum: fur the Hod ('i'nss pnrpnsrs un th'tnhvr Blst, \Vilit’il haul ronlizml mmw 82H", hut this was «if c-mu'sv nutsidz- thv Inulu‘)’ \x'hivh thvy had tm’ «ii-spinal] 'U-"iglli. Hofurv tlw Im‘vting zll'l'ivml :1! any dwisiun in the matter. llu- «Imu'nmn suicl lw \muhl likv tn Iwar what Mr. II. II. Davis, thv Abilihi l’nwrr uml I’ulu-r (‘nuumny's luwyvr haul tn say I'vunl'aling the 40311:] :lsluwls ui' illv O. O. O. O. O. .0 O. .0 .0 .0 O. O. M .0 ”O. O. .0 “O. O. .0 00 Your Pmtraitm WHENâ€"In time of war there's great distress, And most folks cannot do their best; In Timmins Town there are good lots, For which warm buildings must be got; As winter's coming, now’s the time For building houses, while it’s warm; So start yours just when lumber's cheap. And do it nowâ€"before you sleep. Opposite Ballgrounds. Tie and Lumber Merchant. TIMMINS PHONE 65 All kinds of Dimensicn Timbers for Mines and Buildings. Our Mot-toâ€" ”Nothing tooLarge. Nothing too Small Mills at Mattagami Landing. Support Local Labor. A Gift that money can’t buy, but for you to giveâ€"the very thing. To friends and kinfolk, your portrait at Christmas time will carry a mes- sage of the thoughtfulness that is next to a personal visit. MATT BOIVIN tm‘s. l'wl'urv giving: any "pininn rv- guarding Hu‘ ullu'utiun 01' My mum-y. lu- u'cmlcl first Iikv tn lwm‘ frum sulm‘ ut' llw sulosm'ilwrh In Hw l'mul. All v.\ll'u¢'l fl'ulu um' “I. “w “1'0le mngazims n-gnrdiug Mlhsvl'iptinlls tu tlw (Imvrmnvm l'ul' Firm Kitvhon :mol Mawhim- (hm pummsva was tlwn mm! by MW ('hairmun. ('unlwillnr Hulwl'tmn a: N“ the Ian-Min}: mulcl lw m u I'vprc-m-mmiw mw uI .s'vl‘i'wrx. t‘apt. W. H. leltg’ remarkth that he understand that il'mtlmih Falls was guilt: in With 1W“ ut' titl't't' ntilt't’ tuwus and they were merely guiug to [my their share at the mat and nut in .~.tt~tain the “hide eust u!’ a Field Kitehen tliemu‘lx'es. Any halanee that was left ux'er \muhl he sttliserih- ed M'et' tn snme uthet' patl'intie pur- puse. He “taught that this was aim the \iew ut' must at the uther anh- set'ihet‘s‘ tn the fund. .\lr. Hum. Little said that he agreed with t'apt. Yuung regarditunr the im- ‘derstarzdignug at the July taeetitt:_.r ;a!id :sug'ge.~.ted that the minutes «if that meeting.’whieh had heel: taken away by Mr. W. 1). Baby. the elerk ut' that meeting. he uhtuined. 'l‘he t'hairman said that net-writing ta his views. the idea «if guilt; in with the other tuwns was eurreet. t'nuneillur W. .I. 'l‘ierney said that Patriotic Association ho lmcl .9911 talking llw South Porcupigc m-c- Hum. hm Hu' I”! uin n «Im'isinn, il In “1' M'Hlt'd hr- 'Iilu-l‘a mu! llu' Imu- suiql Hm! azm-urding MN! 01' guilt; in with was vm'rvvl. .I. 'l'im'Iu-y said that :nalu-d win-th- ruthldl'l'ml as nI' ”w a-uh- llli’. said that .:!l('!' “Vt‘l' t'mmcillor llohertsotl aid that mmthing like thirty buys hut left the tam-n within the last few months to his kmwledgo, and quite a number had gnm' previously. and it was tn he gassumnl that. the per cent nt' those: would some «lay return unable tn! earn their own living. H1- sumstml that it' they muhl t thm hundred people nu the tutor a list tn suhsrriho hm u‘ml u hnlt’ dollars not mnnth. this wuuld bring them in about nine tlmusnml dullnrs in twrlw umnths. This wmtld fun" It \‘t'ry suhstantiul: lfttml .t'ut' assisting; than 01' uttr ltuys' lulu- slmulcl n‘turu t‘rmu the fmutl gu‘ruumcutly nlisrtl'!" '.. I III fully tn ”w "03‘. \V. A. .‘lnl‘t’iw 'snu. tlw t'llttll'llttlll said that nlmut M3: ty lu't' Witt nt' tht‘ uriginul subat‘ri-t Mrs \wtv still in tmvu. . .‘lr. l'l. ll. [myth-ht stutml that lu' ttmk m» ”w rutttt’iltuliuus nu holtnlt' nl' Alt-«H‘s. .‘lurtuw lleutty. Lttl., and it was nurtuinly tlw understand- "in; "f thvir uu-u that the mum-y wua Afar tlu- spec-ilk.- purlmw nt' :1 Hold * i Kitvlwu. - '3 l'upt. Ymmg suial tlutl llt' tlttl tmt » think uuy m' tlu- sulm-rilwm \Vttttltt "ultjt't'l in Mar umuvy lwiug devoted to ‘ tlw llml t'runs ur uuy utlu-r putriutir l purpusv, M' In the MINI wllit-lt‘t'utttt- villur llulu-rtsnn luul sutz'n'stml. ' .‘lr. ll. ll. “Mia suicl thut u.- the f t'uucl wus muumswl umiuly nt‘ small x sulm'riptiuus uuly, it' any ut' the nut»- ' isc-rilwrs \w-rv uwuu nunuuh tn usk t'nr ' tlwir mum-y hunk. it wuulcl nuly he at smull mutter to return it. ”v. lmtt‘ct't‘t‘, attg'gvstt'tl that us tlw wur uuuht lust t'ur quitv u t'uw yvurs yvt. the tummy shnulol Lo alt-t'ntml tn 'ltm-svnt umvls xuul nut l’ur t'uturv ' It-Vrnlm ' ‘ v with t'nnnrillor Roberts!!! Within the past I'm days and be suggested that the tummy he kept right here In the town and farm the nucleus (If I fund to ho ratahlished for pruvidimr for the hwy.- whu had enlisted {mm this .hwality. whn might return from the ifmnt unable to make their mm lit. mg. Dr. V. I". Hula-my 33ml Hm! tlu' mm \x‘lm lmd Irl'l this lm'nlily wth W- uuin'v qlxih.‘ u mumlwr uf thinks this Winn-r. whirl: tlu- (hn'vrmm-m would nut supply. and lu- suggested that tlw mum')‘ Iw «Ii-\‘utml In supplying willlvr vumt'c I‘I~‘ t'm‘ tlw mm. 'l'lu- ('lmirmzm 2mm! than lw luul Hmw Im-lhmls In put 'wl'm'v the mvvting, mum “‘hit'll Inc \vnuM like u nlisvudhiun. :zml Him-w wvl'c- 1. Tu drum. llu- mum-y In llw Rm! (‘l’urs‘ Smoioty. 0 'I‘.. nmn'icla- \z'inh-I' ('Ulllrfll"5 fur 2. TH I'I’Iwitlv \x‘inlvl' vumi'urts fur llw Im-u whu hm! M1 the 1mm: in tin- vm'ums nuns. :3. Tu im'val Hw mmwy tn nmko u lwl'mum'ut fund fur tlw usv 01' any "1' 1hr men wlm munv Inn-k tu town and “would lw in mwh virmuuslmwvs us In rmuirv ussislmu-v until MN‘II Limo :15 Hwy “0119 lit in l‘nncm' amm- mnpluyzuvnl. .\'h' l.. I). |.:nl'u~lcl sun“! that mm"- H! tlw Im-n “I!" “on. n-luming haul hm-n lumu- lul' llnvv munlhs and had Hut yo! I'vm'ivml llwil' pullsinll l'l'ulll the (iuvm'lmwm .H'tm' ungllly « il' may u luiinn h .\t'tI'I' tlw lllt'tiit’l' IIIIIl ht't'll tlIIII'- IIIIgIIII Iiinrussvd tlII- t'lIIIiIIIIIIII tla‘kt'ti it ttl|\ II! illuat' lllt'~tlli IIIII! um “'80- lIItiIIiI tn put tn the IIIIaI-tiIIg. Mr. H. H. lhIIivs Hitlit'ti that the (‘IIIIIII-il. :15 II t 'IIIIIII-il. IIIIIlIl iltl\t' IIII- thing III III) with ”W tIIIIIl. ('Xt't'pl tlIIIt Him “011' Mm tI~Ii In; trustees at same. It the} \Htllit'ti tlIv IIIIIIIM' to he kept MW, ”10 Sllhnt‘l ibI-Is IIIIIst L'it't‘i II I-IIIIIIIIittvc :IIIIl iltlltti lit!“ lllttll(\ U\'°l'l III iilt‘ f’tltlitlm‘ll appointed as tins- tII's I'M}. 'illt‘. wIIIIlIl tlII II gin! iilt‘tlt iIIstI'III-tiIIIIs us '0 how they II‘IIIItI‘Ii Hm IIII~:II-§' IIIIIIIlloIi IIIIII Ilis- - H. Little suggested that \‘gltilst wv lugtl Mr. Davis with us we ahnttld matkt- use ut' his S(‘l".'i('(39 tn draw up :1 t‘cs‘uhttiun after Mr. Mm'risuu's idea. . whit}: won t] (fntlfut'lzl tn the 109.: tl side at thv thstiml. mel h_\' Ilw lit-v. \\'. .\. Murl'isun. seconded by Mr. llulH-H Lillie: ”That this meeting do h’ereby re- solve itself into a local patriotic or- ganiaatien, to be known as the “Iro- quois Falls Patriotic Association" with power to hold and distribute the fund raised by the citizens of Iro- quois Falls on the thirty-first day of August, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and such other funds as the said As- sociation may from time to time raise. The said funds to he used for patri- otic purposes, and more particularly for the support and relief Of all sol- diers who have or may enlist from this locality, or their dependants, and that for the carrying out of the pur- pose oi‘ this resolution, that the Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer, and two others to be elected, do constitute a committee for the proper distribution of all funds of such Association.” The [{(w. W. A. Morrisun then ask- ml loun- tn \vnllulmw his t'nnnor rom- lutmn. The abun- nmlutiuu was carried ummimmxslv. ”Hm ( ‘l.z.i1mam tlu. :mnuum-ul ihat :‘.nmi!.::.iu::s \‘.('IL' in «mic-1' fur We THE PORCCPIXE ADVANCE Suntan.» R. J. Hm. pmpnsm by Ih‘v. Mnrfisun. Mind?“ by H. {Lifllvz J. E. I’Mtomm. pmymml M w; n. Lnflold, mauled by w. J. .Tirmvy; ('mm. Thompson, pmpmod ‘hy (3. Wilson. mumlod Ivy I". "ah, my: Rev. Mun-ism. ”mp-m! by 8.; ‘H. Md'cmhrry. mundnl hy (‘uunrih' Inr ”Winn. Imitions of Mill-M. Scent.“ Treasurer, and hm mmmiIImI-n «I the lruqno'u l-ulls I’atnutir lunch- “01!. ‘ 'l‘wumm-r.â€"~I'nnn. l3. Stuart. pm. 4mm} by (Hum. Ruhoflsnn. manic-d ihy ('mm. Tierney: (Hum. Ruhorlsam. gpmlmml hy A. H. Mollnm-s. mam!!- ml hy Dr. lhmyz R. UNI". phqum' hy c'mm. Timmy. “would"! b} F. ilerimlrvn. l'rpsident.-â€"~hr. 1‘. l‘. Ila-soy. pm- luml Ivy A. 1'. Roberts"). mymled by R. Little: Fun". A. 1'. Huhrflsnn. pmmsegl hy fl. “'ilsnn. winded by I". lhrRiann: S. n. .‘ld‘ouhrrfi'. grunts"! lty Dr. Ihmy, wounded Ivy M‘. ”atrium. Scrntary.» R. J. Hart. imam-(3| l‘nmminmxw('npt. W. H. Yumm. pm mm, by R. J. "an. wmmdt‘c‘ by l".. D. Myth-bl: I’mm. J. "will". pm. [ward by H. Tbulflpsnll. sonmcbwl by l". lb'rKimlrvn: K. N. lanylb'bl. pm. lmu‘d by .\. l'. "nbvrtmbll. swumb‘d by W. H. Ymmg: Hum. 'l‘ivrm'y. m‘m pusml by H. I). Lnyflolcl. M'mmIb-d by (3. “'ilsnn: ('mm. Ruborlmn. prupus» ml by R. Smart. svmmlml by .l. ”Mum: I". K. I‘beiu. prnpmwd by H. Littlv. svmmbwl by Dr. lbmw}: \V. .‘h-lwml. prupusml by .\. V. Rubvrt- :«m. wc-umlml by A. H. Mellnwvs: ll. 1.. Sunburn. pmlmwd by .l. (in-inn. wmmlml by It. J. Hart: 1%. Slu-a‘um. pmlmsml by Dr. Duran). wmmb'c! by I". lb-rKimlrmn: H. L. Mc-C‘urmic-k. HI‘HINDSHI by A. t'. Rubvrtsun. swmmol- l". Deritioln-n: prupmtml Ivy A. V. ml by T. Mills. .\Icwml by "HM. W. H. Yumm. 2-1-0- nmlml by “W. W. .\. .\lurrimn. Hm! lunnilmtiulw Imw vlnsv. ('url'iml. ”II llu' Imfliull «If NM‘. \V. .\. Mur- I'imm. sm'umlml by K. I). lulyfivlcl. .\lvssru. H. II. Han‘ivs and 'l'. Mills m-n- ummimml 'l'vllvrs. .\I’tI-r IIIIIIIIttiIIg. .\It'. INH’IP?‘ IIII-g IIHIIIIN‘II tIIIIt tlw I‘I-sults III-I'I- :I“ t'III-‘ IIIWs: I’rvsiIII-nt. I‘IIIIII. .\. t'. IIquI'tmII. SIvI-I‘I-IIII‘)‘. .\II'. II. .I. IIIII'I. ‘ 'I'I‘IIIIsIII'I'I'. .\Ir. II. Littlv. I t'IIIIIIIIittI'II. I'IIpt. W. II. YIIIIII: IIIIII‘ (IIIIIII‘IIIIII’ W. I. TIC‘I‘IN‘V . .\III\I-II In‘ Mr. I». I). IAIHII'III. '-('(' IIIIIII-II III .\II. .\. II. .‘II‘IIU\\0§, tIIIIt IIH' IIIInIIIII suIIvaiptimI In this Assu- t'IIIIItIII IN' ”IIIII IIIIIIIIrs ($2 .00) |M'I uIIIIIIIII. (“IIIriI'II lltttlllIlIIIIttI-II). 'I‘IIII I’H‘SIIII'III. (HUIIIIIIIIUI A. t‘. IIIIIII-rtsun, IIIt'll tank the I-°IIIIiI IIIIII .IIIIIIII' n It!“ II'IIIIIIks IIItI-r IIIIII II IIII' 'IIII~IIt.iIIg I-IIIIII-II III 10. .II) p.m. IIitII the singing “I the XIItiIIIIIII AIItIII-III. S. (i. .\IIe( ‘()I- ”III: \. Mayor-4‘IIIIiI'IIIIIII. .I. I}. I’.‘ 'I"I‘ICIISH.\'. (‘II-I'k III' IIIt' )II-I-IiIIg. ll ugh Hoyle. Sec TELEPHONE 62 ACID SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED IF REQUIRED Autos for Hire Day and Night PHONE 83 Repairs on cars at sharyest Dominion Diamond Drilling 1 Company The best and most-up-tu- (lute Livery of its kind in 9 l 1’ .. ' ' L out 1 .muxpnu, Automobilcc for hire.» Open Day and Nighl- Phone 31 Livery and Transfer SOUTH PORCUPINE Run By White Peopleâ€" For White People Laundry Called For and Deliv- ered at Timmins Every Monday and Thursday. MILLER BROS. - Proprietors. 8. WHEELER “ERNIE the BOATMAN” . Schelletter South Porcupine SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY TIMMINS floninatim CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine Jus. Ii. Boyle. Mar Hatice â€" v ‘ A v ‘ â€" u -w- r and I'll tlu' III the .OOQQ-iéflw 1' BOX 506 1r A< (0‘ (0." ,‘ t.) O 10» y.‘ ‘0\ 09.90...0.05:....90...OOOOOOOOQOOO§0009§OO§OOO.79090:09.0... .9 O) 0 O) ;O) (a) I.) EOstrossser 8: Co. x .0 . ARE THERE-WITH BOYS WEAR TIMMIMS AND SCHUMICIIER *O‘IHIHI'Q'I'Q'I'OQ‘I'Q'Q'OQ'i'i'Qfii'fi-I'Q'IOG'(“O“O'l-OQOHI'G'OQG'O 'I'O§§‘I"I"OO. .1 {’4' Stun-Fitter. Sheet Iron Worker. Comics and Sky-tum Inter. Smoke Stacks mm to Otder. AGENT FOR EEOLA HOT All FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. JAMES K. MOORE i . Brazeau, Timmlns A. Brazeau PLUMBER BAKER and CONFECTIONER all and Give us a Trial. Newton’s Dining Hall '4. so x l;“'T(,NO “’0 Have a Cnmplvtu “'intvr ()utlit Flush Bread Deliw-rml to Your Home Daily 01! ’wqucst. Rnilroad Street, Opp. Station P.O. Box 262. Delicious Pics, Cakes and I’aMry Open From 5.45 to 8 p.m. (Successor tn Juhn “30 LATIMMINS TIMMINS Board by Day, Week or Month TIMMINS Phone 51. l’llUl’lUlI TOR FHUNE In. 29. SCHUMICBER

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