Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Nov 1915, 1, p. 6

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.01 .Q .31. .3 .- ;"- 79" O O .0 O. O ‘0 0.. Opposite Ballgroundn.‘z?ge Tic and Lumber Merchant. TIMMIN S PHONE 65 All. kinds of Dimension ’Iimbers for Mines and Buildings. Our Mottoâ€"- “Nothing tooLarge, thhing too Small Mills at Matthgami Landing. Support Local ‘Labor. 3:00 0 .0 0 .0 00 o o o”. 00 0 .0 0 .0 0 00. 0 .0 0 0 0 0.00.00. 0 0 O 0 .00.00.00. 00 00 00 0 .0 O .0 0 .00 O .1 0 0.0 O 0.0 0 9.00 O O 0.00. 00 0 0 00 O O 00 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .00.0 0.0 0 .0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 .0 Are you going to the opening of King's Theatre, Friday. “Say. ulcl tnp. Hun-,0 “mix: in- lam'vns mumnt mmgmrv with Hill l'llum. Sumt- ul' Ilu- lmys \wn- lull;- ing about ynn. and l tlumgln l \muld writv and saw 51' \w mmld got mum by Xmas. ll “nulcl lu- gt'vully up. prwintml. as :1 man \mulcl clic- il’ lu- molllcl Iml muulu- in Ilu- lrvm-lu's. A. (l. uml \\'vs.'nml Frml and in“ LOchp. nlsu the gang. and «lrup mo n lim- mum-times. llvguruls l'l'nm all tn all. “('nrl). \V. .\. (.‘lnlllyl .‘lnlll::-HIHW}'. “Hunk-n Mnehinv (inn Buttery. “23ml F. H. l".. l"r:uu-v.' "Nani-where in l’lnnilvrs. “Dear ~â€"-â€", “'03! m' linw lwi'n at it. and everything wrnt tliw nncl nu casualties. "Fix :1 mm mum and lltllt‘ll mnfl' exciting than lmwlmll. won with 0 tie mun- in ”w ninth. “We are n tlmlul' lmwllim' gum Imi- trry nncl linvv :1 line mnttit mnl run muvo wry rapidly. I'm a M'nttl and him! it Iimtnr l‘ikc- nl‘ my nwn tlmt «in go lwttvr than an pm'. whirl: is guilty; sump. MN l’rml Smith «luring: n lmmlmnlnwnt. nlm Fri-cl Knimim: and l lunl n mnllnh Wllllt‘ ilw slivlls “‘1'?" making it win-24v ran-kn: tlmn an August tlmmlvrsturni in t‘ulmlt. .‘ll'l 'l‘im tl.ivnt.) t'nnloy. ilu- sump nlil 'l’im. nml lw mnkns :mnw "Him-r. Tim has made sumo ”I't'p" cm-r llt'H‘. mnl he looks llnv. "Alan rnn intn l’c-rvy .lm-ulii mnl Walter Yunng's lmvtlwi' Alt-V. llm'v soon tln- King twivv. nml tlw mw war would all like in gvl nur [ii-mums cm is that llvrnmn ‘nnt ‘iln- Knisvr. 'l'lw gun}: nru nll lip-hip. Snmly and Denny .‘lurznn and Dan Ali-llnv l'rnm tln- ‘nilc-liy gimrz' ttt‘t' tlwi'v t‘nrty ways. f mo¢¢¢¢¢ooooooooooo¢¢oo¢ ¢¢¢§OO¢OOOO§OO§¢OOO¢¢OO Sporting News $999090...” 3, g The fullu‘xim: rhwrfill lath-r lms been room-ml by a friend {rum C'nrp. .‘lcmty Mcmtgmnory. M vn'scm «m mu tivo swrviro with Hunt-11's [)nm'r)‘ over tlw sou: flfiflfllfi BERMIS lllfllllflfifiis flASEBAll fllfl [XBIIEMW Better than Ball Same With the Sam lied in Nlntnufluns Across Percy Jacobi THERE’S A PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR DISTRICT The Tomkinson Studio South Porcupine PHOTOS TAKEN DAY 0R NIGHT WHENâ€"In time of war there's great distress, And most folks cannot do their best; In Timmins Town there are good lots, For which warm buildings must be got; As winter's coming. now’s the time For building houses. while it’s warm; \ So start yours just when lumber's cheap, And do it nowâ€"before you slcep. SIX MATT IOIVIN WHY PAY RENT! 'I‘III'JIH'I'S .\ QI'AIX'I‘ .\.\'I) I’IIIZ'I'- 'I'Y I.\'I)I.\.\' HI'I’ICIIS'I‘I'I'IHX 'I‘IIA'I' 'I‘IIHSI'I \‘I'IIU .\III°Z I’IIH- 'I'UHIIAHII'II) LUSH HUR’II‘Z'I'I’IINH HI" 'I'III‘III.’ I’I‘IIISON.\I.I'I‘Y~â€"'I'I!.\'I‘ 'I'IIIS' I’I'IIISHXALITY IIICI'HMICS .\ I’.\I{'I‘ HI" 'I'I‘II'I PICTURE. HI'Z 'I‘IIIS SI'I’IIIIS'I‘I'I'IUN (III III} I'I‘ HI°J.\"I‘I.\II£NT. 'l‘III'I II)I'Z.\ HEIRS RH'I‘I'I TIII’TII .‘\.\'I) ('IIAIIM. FUR .‘x I’M‘TI'IIIC BII-IAXS SHRII'I'I‘I‘IIXH. IS I’I‘III- .N‘(l.\'.\I.. (IH'I‘IS 'I‘l'II‘I IIHMI'li.Y 'I‘HII‘II HI" I“I\'II°'..\'I)SIIII’â€"~-I-I.ԤI’I°I- (I.'\.I.I.'|' .\'I' (‘IIIIIS'I'MAS 'I'I.\II-I. l summw gun: will In: iulm'a~.stml lu lmqm' lmw I an! hurt? I! Wm: an Al‘- nwmivrm. \slwl'v \vv llml lbw-n luruuul fur t'nur «lays. I Wm; Innking nvvr u Imrugwl Hm! \\'I' Izml lmilt hvhiml Hw lilw I'ur Hu- snilwrs m “ml; at. It was xllplmsml in '30 illvifiihlv In NH! (ivrmnns. but who M' ”w buys. lw’bre l \w-nt in. Izml lirml four shun from it and giwn Ihv pusitiun mvuy. Whvn my ImrIm-r mu! I mum. Mung: m- wvrc- Icmking thruugh "0M glasses un-r towards tlw (it-mum linvs. try- ing in 500 sullwthing in “Imp” at. whvu hang! and u lmllvt lmulml right XI'HI'V. I “2.. ”PI. 25'. “'15. ”In Nu. 2 . British Hm! I'm». Hmr I’C‘N')‘. «Thank yIm I'ur :mm' lliC'I" lung lt‘HN'. Whii'll I I‘I‘PPiVPd «mm» ”IIH‘ IIgn. l was wry 21ml III 'H‘Ill‘ I'I'IIIII \‘Ull. vs I II'WIIVH IIIII In III-m' Imm IIII' (IIIIIIIliIIII IriIIIIIs. (H I'HIH'SQ yam I.\|II-I {vol :III mum-r III-tun- mm. but I IIIH’G‘ II 'WHPI‘ I‘.\‘1°|I.‘W llIIIII yam: I'nI' illshlllfl'. I 'HIVC‘ IIIIly IIIII- IIIIIIII. "III! that m)’ II-I'I "II". I IIIIMII to “U IIII)’ III-I'IuleiIIg New I NNW' In IIII, but. l'anImIItI-ly. l lImI- II buy. WIIII I'UIIH'S I'I'um SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. In write SUIIN' lI-HI-rs I'nr IIH‘. unmems 80X H18 JAEK ”WEE BM mawnan Mrs. Chapman in Shame-flatly flainty Gifts from friends letter Ilse Received 'lmnl; yuu I'ur yum' whirl: I I'N'PIVNI I was wry 2!!ch In 95 I always mu In o. :oozo’ 0.0 xm- lint 'sl H.- on“ Thu“! 1. .‘lum- Huw m'v all the huys mu] girls. and things around tmx'n .’ [I forgot m .10” yuu that tho hnys from the Nurth {than is I) ('ump- any) 1111* the smartest and host dis- ciplined hum-h in the whole Regi- ment! We haven't had a mam in the guard-mum ”Sitlr't‘" m" have been here; 'l'lr" lmw- swn fit In nmmint mo 14:: ‘.‘!H(-( mlmz' an]. and as sm-h l mu ox- pulml In ho an example tn H70 men some mumplc, (h! We go: up at (i u.m., parade at 3.30. when wv «In wild «luuhle rmmcl the 11mm. mum: Inn-k, lmu- hmukl is! at 7.:m ”mule again an 8. l5. munch «mt tn tlu- drill gluumi. «in all Suits M «lrill stunts. mum bmk at 11.33”. have dinm-r at 11...“), pmmlo n'zuin :H 1.45 H“ 4.:m. “301T"! HI HIP day 3'0 have by Hill'- svlvvs up In SLIM 10.!!!" who“ \u- must !;v in Denmark unless m- lmw :1 pass» Saturday ul'tcrnuuna and Sundays are free, with the (weptiun nt' ('hurch Parade on Sundm. 33ml knnw Hm! I Hmlzg‘ll J vxpm'u'd (MM 11:»? lung 3:10. in ”:0 Winter Fair believe me it is : alright. (hwlph is. 1 thin in lhv Wurlcl. 2' hm}? 3'11” 1 kumv thi uh I \wuld «liLH that is. WI 1 in eyes: 'M Human qu “pr“ .S‘ml‘v slumM IN‘ I”; ; yvur. I lmw- Hun ‘makv n 'wtlvr aim“ '\'.‘lt|h:l'. I alu lmpo O i 4 ”w flag. but. 3 many "mm in M molluing: mm M) Ivor-d rvml \Yim’u's l'ul' 8|” I1 'l'hnughl I \muul «110]! Hill at “110 In ask lmw vunlmah 1s. and tn let ”our I want In IlIIIIII-z yum very IIIIII-II ”will Hiya?” Illui .‘iI'H‘ 'Ii IIliII'l'S) l'ul' Iiw papers \‘Ull vaII. 'HII- s “011- pas- »II :III aII'uIIIul In 'l'iIIIIIIiIis lmvs and flux :Ill .. :IIIIIIml IlwIII in :I llllll'\'. MI!” (1";(‘ INF Iilir; time .Is 1 IIIII iII sumo IIIslI. LIIIIiIIg iHl' MuIIIII-II! «III \‘I I'IiIII-Hiiau'. 4r at inn-st \vv lmw tn. “'0 are get- ting: all Limh ul' «lrill Iln'nwn at us tlwsv days as this Hulmliml is «ml tn nmkv u n-mml. ! .iuim-cl llw signall- 101‘s“ and like it tinv an far. «mix We huvr tn 9:!"on llu' rmlv in II“ 0111' span-v Hum. Wu ll“ haw uniforms mm' and “U" ('n. l'rum up in (iml's vnllllll')’ haw 3w!“ r Hum any ”1' them. Huw uro ull tlu- UM gran;- Ill! “H‘l'l‘ Hun-1° «lays! Hm'v lu-m'd must uf [liq zwws {rum Hunllwml, lmt ronwmho’r mo in the lmvs. “'0 are having a fairly gmd time wrv. although I Sunu-t'inws think uf lfl' "(‘ummughl" Sunday suppers .s'ili! a wistful Inn]; in my )u'ctly hlm- l':\’l'l’.\'llml.‘.' is (LK. an and m- mm a!“ ugrm-in': "1' u! Inns! wv lun'v tn, 'l'iw l'ulluwing INN-rs hun- lwvn H‘- m-n'ml by l'rwmls. l'l'um illvllllwrs ut' Hm I’mm'vrs nmv stutIum-cl u! (im-lph. Hmlph. .\'u\'. l"... I‘llfi. 2m! l'iuuu-ra. Signal Smtiun. “var 'l'ln-y 1le mo lllfll they will "la-rule again in nlmm u mmnlv. wlwn they will lic- up llw m'ruw "ml Nlim'o ”to pain. l mu lomuim: l'ur Ilmt oln) In mmw. as l lmw m-wr ltml an lmnr's ru-t l‘mm llu- min slllm‘ l was \mmul- ml. whirl: in nu um'uufll ul' the m-rves bring rm. Nl‘ltlu'r my hand 0" arm has any l‘vvlina. luu slmmro In any. Hwy: m-lw lrrrihl)‘ all ”m limo. l mu f:lncl yuu zm- lu-rmmu'mly lu- t‘nlml ll' Tnl‘ullln mnw. 'l‘unmlu is 0 arm! c-ily. mul slmnlcl wally lu- llllll' Letters From Guelph To Local Friends that Iinw. l tuned about in In! fur ’.fight. at ten wwkq '10an I gut up: tlwtt I would «My "main up a few minutes- nt n tinw. It hunk m" It tmmth lml’ut‘v I t'tll'l‘ stay up all day. Tlu-n l "tunings-mt an I_t|l’m.iflll that clm' woman. um 21 fl my rlrrulminn 'imzrsi nk all day: l was I W m llw murnins: mung. Thor elm-m 101qu m ”HI" UllX'S 5U "Pf D" ('muprlm'. 2nd I’ innm 'r (im-lpll. 0111.. .\u\. 12. Wk). I “h: ”gm." Mums. llnmhy MM hr m; gum] us N't'r this lm'u- Hum yum' Imam will u-Hvr shnwing this mining I J" homo yullr lvnm wills hm. Hum. yun lmw mm m. 7!! in 3mm limv that it will ': "w; I'nr yun. ‘ rvuunl-t In up" all mu! lmst ° all prnqwril)‘ and all ntlu-r 1mm! sim-vrvly m-«H J.\¢'l\° .‘H'NWH'I. 0 .z I was under other l‘mm luv-ruins: till “.30 in the hey rlmml mmny Ml'u‘lav- and vstnhlisllml ("miller am that it was mm ul' Ilw rnfinm n man mum ml- wordy. Frank .1. Fates. 1k. tlu- luulivst burg: it “'21an for the ham: tho Xm'th. 1 ul' mmliwwlml‘ovm' (My loft min.) mu Mill :ziivv, ul- tn «lie l'mm tho W0 nrv quartered ' building lwl'c- and mum Winter Fu'r a“ the l THE PORCL'PISE ADVANCE (Dillfi Hill “ilshlit'ld. far as I knuw mill this law. )1 nys. ACID SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED IF REQUIRED TELEPHONE 62 Hugh Boylv. SW. TIII‘ IINIII murrul III IWII II'I'IIII'R IIIsI Friday night of Miss Liuic My. III-s. III IIII- home «I Im- mother. Mrs. M. .\..\II1-rs. IIII IIII‘ \\ right subdivi- ~iIIII. aerr a SIM“ Illness. Rho an» Imml 'IIPIIHN'IIINIIMIIII II little nwr II ‘I‘I‘k II'I'III‘P IIPI‘ III'IIIII. :IIIII. IIQS‘VIIQ III‘!’ npmn-IIILI drum: I~IIII~IIIIIIIIIII. .‘III‘ SIII'I’IIIIIIII'II. ImII-ing up III-Incl) IIIIIII III!‘ last I “If IIIII' .‘II‘S Lizzie .‘IIPI'II was «no Inf IIII‘ IIIWII ImIII'III _I‘IIIIIIII IIIIIIosI In ‘I'IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IiInI "mm for IIIQ‘ pas-I II'II Ivan. She had IK'Q’II II Inem. IIII‘I‘ III IIII‘ IIIIIIIII IAIIIIt‘s IIIWkP\' Team IIII' MH‘I‘III wars and IIIIII mn- ;siIII'mI "II? III II"! best IIIIIII-rs III IIIII‘ I’IIIIIIII'). SIII‘ “III; II mm I'IIIIIr- IIII IIiIII IIII IIIIII kIII-II III‘I‘. IIIIII III‘I’ IIIIIIII IrII‘IIIIs IIIII IIEI‘IIII n'greI lwr II‘III'I} III-IIIi-Ie. If you are not a subscriber to The Advance, we just wish to say the subscription price is $2.00 yearly in Canada and $3.00 in United States. 'l'lw mmmgmlwm uz' King's 'l'lwntrv wish In empress tlu-ir «lc-vp n-gwt m l'nilim: tn upon tlu- thmm- as min-r- timwl. Hw Iruuhlo- amm- l'rmn tlw min. slnimm-m. nl' vermin parts "1' tlu- m-w man-him. this umkim: its nsm-mhly ilmunssilolv fur tlu- upvning ms lulu-r- HM'J. During Hlis periml ul' cluluy ll muulwr ut' nlh-rntimm hun- lmvn M'- l’u-tml. .\ partiticm from tlw murmu- m- in Mum {Wu-thirds 01' NW build- ing: has lwt'll lmilt. which will pron-m thmw run-ring i'l‘mn vmssing an the man. 2mm; lwl'urv Ilw pix-turn. thus ulmtruvting the vivw. 'llII- IIIIIIIIIngIII-III IIIIIII- ”I0 mun-0H- :IlinII uI IIII- IIIuIIiIIg III” III” IInI ul- II'IIIl Ilwir IIIzIIIy patrons, and lnnk for II 'lll'gl‘ IIII'IIuIIt III-night. IIIII! “WW II HI-I'. 'llw III-II llllll'llilli‘ is IIII IH'XU' us I-aII iw llivkm'lI-ss. IIIIII ”l0 light pruIlIII-I-Il i~I III IIIIrI- \IlIiII». mun-thing III-II r III-- I'mv sm-II in this ”INHI‘I'. film was hvmfiy‘hvu 31'an 0" mm and Imvm In "mum her. her Mather. Mrs. .‘I. A. .‘Iyrrs. five hmtllen. 'l'lm- mas and anr) M I’urmlpinc. Frank in Hlv Wmt. 12ml lhm and NW" M' ('ulmll, nlm hm sisiors. Mrs. James "rum. 5" Jmuivmn Sui-vauhnlt. and Mrs. Hm. Fufll‘s. 02' Turtmlu. le I'mu-rnl hook ulam- nu .‘lnmlny nl'tvrmmn M 1W" "'1' m°k, Son-ire be- im: held in St. Jumvs Anglimm ('II- nrc-h nml inlvrrnwnl in llnilvyhury m mvl nr)‘. KING’S THEATRE OPENING WAS UNAVOIDABLY DELAYED MISS L MYERS ”35$ N" H ‘ mam SOUTH PORCUPINE Run By White Peppleâ€" " For White People Laundry Qaued For and Deliv- ered at Timmins Every Monday and Thursday. Dominion Diamond Drilling Company MILLER BROS. - Proprietors. Automcbilcc for Hire- Open Day and Night- Phone 3] The best and most-np-to- date Livery of its kind in South Pm'uupino Repairs on cars at showest Autos for Hire Day and Night PHONE H3 Livery and Transfer E. Schelletter SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY 8. WHEELER “ERNIE the BOATMAN” South Porcupine TIMMINS CORE BORING SOUN DIN GS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine Jas. If. 30310. Mar Hatice 80X 506 ' .m I (O) om...0.90%0553.90.9..0¢§+§+¢990§¥§x§0¢OO§§O+§+¢O¢¢OOO§§OÂ¥ ~ “ "‘\ \ ‘\ \ \ ‘ ‘ * p 9 u \ _ .. \ . ‘ \ (m 0 “0'32! 2 9 3‘ «0.9. «93‘9- 9 2 33,.«"P'~~§ wmmp . . ... ...».~,.~, ‘ x ’. 0;. o ‘ \ ”0095.906533.0.?53.09.???O90¢§O§Q¢¢¢Oi§§§§fi¢§53.55:??535..9. INSURAICE of All. HUD: and REAL ESTATE Home: To Let nu! For $11: TIMMIMS (W. EMPIRE THEATRE ARE THERE-WITH BOYS WEAR Ostrossser 8: 00% Clean Beds. Steady Board for working men Terms on Application. P.O. Box 286 Algoma Hotel I I. 0' IVQ'50XO’: -.- v’ ‘- Stem-Fitter. Shout Iron Worker. Cornice and Skylight Maker. Smoko Bucks Made to Order. AGENT FOR HEOLA BOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. A. Brazeau, Timmlns BAKER and CONFECTEONERé Call and Give us a Trial. A. Brazeau PLUMBER 1.. S. NE‘VTON. Newton’s Dining Hall ‘ TIMMINS Fresh Bread DcliVM'ml to Your ”01m: ‘Duily on Request. We Haw. :L Cnmplctv Winter Outfit Délicious Pics, (Julius and Pat~ttl'\’ Railroad Street, Opp. Station P.O. Box 282. (Succvssor to John “11”) Open From 5.45 to 8 pm. TIMMINS TIMMINS Board by Day, Week or Month AND Phone 51. PROI'RIETOR PHBNE NE]. 29. SCHUMLCBER

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