Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Nov 1915, 1, p. 5

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, At Prices That Will Astonish You 6 Conn. 81:. 36 7 00m, 81:9 37 6 Costs. 8120 88 5 00m. Bin 39 4 Coats. 8129 ID J. P. McLAUGHLlN If you see it in our window you‘ll find it in our store Get our Pressing Prices by the Month DO YOU NEED AN Overcoat? Pressing; Cieaning and Dyeing Done We ere going to offer for SATURDAY ONLY e Limited Number of Overcoat: We also have a number of Sheep Lined Coats we are clearing at Low Prices. Ladies and Gents’ Customs Tailor Do not (all to look 1t our windows and see these Ova-coats. NEXT DOOR T0 CANADIAN CLUB CAFE 'on't Miss Seeing This Picture, it is 3 Sure Cure For The Blues The House of Quality OVERCOAT In One of His Latest Screams Entitled moo to $30.00 mm to $35.00 82250 to 836.00 325.00 to 830.00 330.00 to 335.00 Reg. Price TRY Saturday Price FRIDAY THAT WORLD RE=NOWN FUN=MAKER being giwn and nokmwlfilml. The Inusir was pun-Mod Ivy Moran‘s Han» string Unhealra. and the most fastid- ious critics nmhl not have desired a better. The pmgramme was as fnl~ Jaws: .\ drawing «mauve-mica: I'ulluwocl. fur a hoaatiful mshina made and m'smm'cl by Mrs. Lawhur. fur Hm swarm of ”Ir "I'd Vrnss Sm'ivty. \‘irtims WN‘I- vnsily fullml hy Mrs. ('hapmaa. .\lr.~. H. .\l. lh'uwa. and Mrs. Mc-lania. oavh ut' whum throw in a lu-wih-hiau smile. in each purrh- asor of a rhaaw». far gum! mmwurv. 'l'lw m‘rvivos M' Mr. ('hamamloy wvrv requisitiunml tn «firm! the winnim: munhar. which was hohl by Mr. Hill Pierre. at a must at u routs. "(‘furo pl'm'm‘ding with tho .«wuml half 09‘ the (lulu'im: prugramaw. III:- c-usmmml mmlpvtitum \H'fl‘ rm‘uirml In (mm. and parado hot'urv tho judgvs ”Iv May.» ' and Mrs. Wilmm. .“I‘. I’. .\. fHuhhins aml “ht. Bic-Innis. rmnlt-I'ml :tlu-w jmlic-ial wrvim-s with :hu- sul- ’vtunity. His “Wm-ship mummwml thv ‘winm-n in a raw rmaarhs lining thv ,m'vas'ium. ; "l'hv chmm- was thou rvsmmwl. av- ;vm'ohag to pmgraanav. as I'ulluwsc At this paint them um an incor- minim: for rofn-slnm-nls. Hm Wnrk 0f prvltnratitm lming dune by the In- dies, 01' "I" "N! ('rnss Scwit‘t)’. tn Wlmm the thanks ul’ tlu- ('nmmillvo it. rlmrm' were cnrdinlly tench-ml. 'l'lu- Imtmm-snvs m' the lmll wvrv Mrs. H. M. Hrmm. Mrs. A. H. (ilulw. Mn. W. H. Wilmm. Mrs. P. .\. Huh- him. and Mrs. J. lluuslnn. Murh vrmlit ls clnv tn tiu- ('ummil- tm‘ in ('llall'uv ~â€" J. K. .‘lmn't‘. \V. Smith. and l". Stqwl-;\\'vl|-t'¢n° tlw sun-- wsn' ul' llw affair. .\ lmlunvv slim-l will be sulnuittml l'ntvr. and it i< to IM- hupml that “W funds “I. the Fire l‘n'igzulo will be nmturiall)‘ nuguwulul. Suutlwml shuwml tlwir spurtin! spirit by turning: nut in the datum in gum”)' numlwrs (u help mukv the owning a survess and mid tn the gm:- 0 'ul eujuynu-ur. If Peter Barnum mro ulivv. Bill Smith \Vuuld Hut lw \‘alsting‘ his young: life taking: mmlo-tmun-assure urclmn~~u< u vluwn he is "llwrv" at all anglesâ€"every nmw :1 pivturv. 'l'lu' prugrtttmlw Htt'tl vuttvltulml with Hmm- Swm't Hmm- Waltz. and H10 lit'ml Imt lumpy tht'uttg' tliSpt‘l'M‘t! its svvvml ways. with n dvlightt'nl l'vlltt'lltltt'tlttt't' at ”w splvmticl night in aid ut' 'l'imxuins Firc- lh-pnrtmvnt. Hill I’ivrm- haul a hung: v\'mxiuu‘â€"~ “teasing" his wig in urclur tn kw], Hw hair but “2' his mun!h-«umun'vul- I)“ it had just how: washml mm! In- "mnMn't (In a thing with it.” Uni! run. was lmniafnml :uul I‘Ngllt‘d .supwuw. HIE? “HESS Bill I flflllUAlI SUCCESS 9. In. and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th and 20th. ll. H. Hi. ;\ (-nstunw which GLINTS FROM THE DANCE TWn-Step-PM" Pun-r. “mittâ€"Rosalia. flnefihpâ€"‘My Little Girl Waltz-Milliwnh TIIm-ofitep~lhmtlvy. Paul Junesâ€"a‘lelmly. "PsiIMinnâ€"l'n Am-fl I" Twa-Slolvâ€"Militnr). Pux-Tnvtâ€"-Situplv Simom. \anm‘w‘l’t‘l’filmv of ”Iv (Poutinucd from page (hw-slvp-«Frush Hm Kuim-r Wu It zâ€"Swm-t lwu rt . l’uul o’ullo's-“Ml'lmly. 'l'ln'ov-Stvp-IJHIv Mmlvalv. \\°nltz-»~.\'|muning m Mnunliuht. 'l'wu-h‘n-pmllmm-wm‘cl lhmml. \\'u|t'/.--(i. W. ¢)lw-Su-p-Misaissipi ('nlml'vt. “Educ-«Kiss Mo Again. 'l'wm. 'tt-pâ€"-â€"'l'z'iuity ('zulvl s. we had an Inn»): q-vvniuu- In." “’1‘." 1n ul'tlt‘!‘ In lump r u!' Ins mun!h-â€"â€"â€"uppmmnl- \V TH E PORCUPINE ADVANCE very 11mm» \\ "In!!!“ Viuh‘ w Gm! rmlit is duo in a" "m0 in IWWW «ham "1' thr social amnm'ments. Fflm‘ Htmkwvll. "in Smith: and Thu palt- of \linimz stocks nn tho Ntnmlanl Stork Miami! "Jt‘hlfltfl‘ tlmr ”W'th were """f‘" m ”f I as mmIIilI-Il h} A. S. "llut‘l‘ 1‘ II.. fur the week ending Nnvomhcr 17th farts tn sntlsf)‘ every damn "h the part nt‘ the assembly and if the Fin»f I 'IIlIalts Nu. slum-s High lam men florid» to hold a similar fIIIIcticm ’ . . at sump fIIt'II-I- «late they mu “-9!“ "“""." ------------------ 123300 J" J“ lnnk fnrwanl tn a stand Wfll'lISC‘-! Ik‘nvor . ................ 9.000 “ti! "m they Inn-r made an om-inhlv Wptlhl-’ "‘"""""‘-“l"‘flfllld ~ . 9.1:” .la .1.) [inn fur ”'*'"I§(‘IVC‘3 “3 h"9:3. l ' hut" "INl'flI' ........... 1".‘0‘29 ..!§ .‘.§:‘ .\t inm‘h time ovvrquo «amt that Sam Mrlmwl was the clnmly little \mitor. amt it ic \i‘hispermi that every time Sum went to thv n‘t'mhlm-nt mum lw “twhml himwlt‘ tn the mus- tnnl"-â€"-nlm sundry ire vrcnim. win“ at this particular time was mm mpmminx the Allies‘I-anland and Franco-JK-ing uric/in!“ and very be mmimfly mm: Ivy Mrs. ('lmmandoy. Yumh and beauty were thvrv. and aim n mun-mus mrinkhug M‘ Hm chit-rs. who have solved the pruhh-m uf km‘pilw ymmg hy nut mhnining it and lfl‘Nillfl in the whirl with thv younuvr mmnlwrs. "i" l'iorm' Hula-Mun»! In imlu‘h smmw lam! XI'ISMI. lmt farm»! In NH "IT his arm and kmwk um mw M'v-w wlvivh mmhl lw nm'nwnry in :I mrrm't ilIh-nlt'omliun ul‘ Britain's mu‘nl lwm. "Infill: Hm vnlll‘s" Mr H!" M'Hlim: il \ms l’nllml tit-simhh' tn vlmllm- III:- mmw M‘ ”w Lullmmllaluh Huh. om- ingv tn I'roqm-m intrmlm-timm and flu- mmswmvnt climmlty ut‘ thv uninilint- NI In express HIP mm! intvniavu'ly «smm- gut their human mmghl in HH-ir vyvlomth and yet "flu-rs \u-rc- m-mnsml ul' trying tn :qwnk u hruml of ('lnimw- linuw am in sinmlil'y um!- lvrs wv mulm'smml th v'uln will lu-m-vl'urH' lw knnwn mt lmllyumm. i'Iw-rymw Inn! at Huynl Iinw. whirl. is amt Mrungv. sim-v ull arriving at tho outrmm- in ”w Hull Hwy m-n- xwvnsiml by n Huynl livol'vnh-r. Wlm. with all ciuv win-sunny. [H'm'vmimi In svgmrutv mwh "3' Nu- gmm'y i'rum Im- lmrcl-mu'm-ci .lvwislu ling» ('lIiI'l' XIIIIIII \I'IH HII-rc- In km'pu \v-IIII Mn! and IIIHII-Ih |'\l' n" ”In pm- II-oclings IIIIII In '0]!!! the “Mall! n! his mhiw nll tlu- IIIIIII) littla- IIIIIIils \I'IIiI-II rvIIIIiI'I-I! IIHvIIlimI. Last Friday vwnim: tln- l’l'l'xhy- N‘flnfl't'hnl'v'l ('hnir was mnm'minml by tho pupuhu' ministvr ul' Hu- ('hurvh â€"-l’nsiur Allan: â€"m llu- Munsv. m‘ as '10 mills il. m lintvlwlur's ”all. .\ wry happy :s'm'iall owning was syn-m in sung and rwilulicm. Mrs. “01.0113: [H'Psiclillg at tho rol‘rvslmwnl mhlu. During: tlw vu-ninzr. Mr. K.’ a. “U- lmug mmlu u spm-vln in whirl: he. sm- nmmrml rlu- timmvinl n-snlt ut' tfw mnwx'! gix'vu un Nu» 4H: insmn'. m ponsvs In $91.75;. lum'iny: :1 ul' $14".77 t'ul' tllv ht'm'iil Building: Fund. Mr. “Mull! Huriug: tlw mvniw Lung maulu u sln-wh nmuwml rlu- tinuuvi; mnwl'! gix'vu nu I!“ tlw I'Impirv 'l'lu-uh'v. Mints ammunlml In [wasps in $91.73;. lvavia}: a nut ham “1' $140.77 t'ni' thv hmwlit ut' the Building Fatal. .\lx'. lh-lumg prulms- ml a hvarty \‘ntv ut' thanks. tn llH.‘ (‘lmiramstmu Mr. J. Hails. aaol lllv ()rgaaist. Mrs. J. Faithful. t'nl' tlu-ir lalmrs in making the (-um'm't a stir- voss. \\'lll(‘ll was heartily lll‘.(‘Ul'Il(’tl. Mr. Allan. in Well vlmsml \x'm-cls, pl'ulmn‘t'tl a mtv of thanks tu Mr. llv- Lung, (‘uavmmr at the ('uuuaittw. tlw \‘imvlmiut. lit-in}: largely clan tn his initiative and (-avrgy. ”We haw the plant and the machinery,” said Mr. \‘iowpuint. lwing largely alm- tn his initiativv :nul t-nvrgy. “W0 Imu- the plant and the nuu'hinm'y," suicl Mr. Allan, "and Mr. llvlmng is tlw mut- i\'0 pmwr that makes the wheels g0 rmuul." 'l‘lw thanks at all were nlsu mnliully tvzulcrwl to Dr. lenuis. who awtml as vlminzum at the mn- mu't, nt’tvr wlxivll Mr. Allan's gut-.515. «lisporsul tn their \‘zxz'iuus lmnws. Pastor Allan Entertains Choir ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE TWO FOR THE = g Feature ' ‘ l “0 L'rnss 1'0- 00) " I .....)H. and M'- .Utlmnuh in Hm vusv nl' ('mwn H0- 3'er :mcl Lalhw- tlw shrug”! M llu-m- shwks is nlsu lH-Ilu-«l mu h} Hu- l'm-t Hm! hull: nt' Hut-9v vmmmnivs lmvv rum-ml)’ swnrml "Minus un wry prumisiug gold prum-rtirs mu! tls‘ u I'vsult hiuh'r privvs un- oxpm'h-d. 'l'lu- sln-c-Iau-ulur risv in- .\lc-lnl.\'rv ("mm 54': In 70 m-nts was «luv In tho I'nrllmtlnn HI. :I ”pun!” U" Turn!!!” Subsribe T o The Advance Now D0000000000000000000000000000000000.0000. 00000000000|0 . v 9 I‘IMMIN S. x Phone 42 P.O. Box 49 WE DRAW YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR SPLENDID LINE OF ’Phone 47 Wholesale and Refiail Butcher BUCOVETSKY 31105. ('mwn Reserve . (‘uniagas . . .. [ARIN . . McKinley . Nipissing . .. Peters": Lakv . Silver Loaf Tvmiskmning . Rom-m Smmriur flight 0" Way .. Trfllwwoy . 131mm . . .... (in-M Nul'tlwrll Hudsum Ba}- \\'nulmnl‘or . l'flrt'llpifll‘fi Apr: . . Ilmm- I'Ixtmtsim Hmno Mines Dump Lake I’ulv)‘ U'lh‘ivn . llnllinzor . . .. Imperial Rvsu-ru l..‘.k l " .‘ ‘ ' l I ‘ n I’nrmpino (’rmm Yipuml . . hmwrinl . . I'lommrmn . . .. \\' D' IIIINN' . Mr I m yrv Mr I "tyre Mum-m . “'owl Ilunu' I lulm SEE :"ARMITAGEi Dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats .7 Near Empire Theatre Hmm- . . . . . . ("unsullclnlml slnkv . . . . . I'Ixtonsiwl Mines . . . Lflkl‘ . . . . U'Brivn Men’s Shirts 'Lxu Q "kn DI I Of All Descriptions ‘UIIH TIMMINS, ONT. 4.550 1.!qu 2”" 3.0"" 4.1"" 943m: 1....)"" 6.1.10 930 o '2" 16.1600 1.08:3 7M5" 19.50" 2,00" 4 8.80" km 5.2"" mum 5.30M U 0 U 6)" mm 2.5m. 3AM"! .0 .03)" 295 mm .Mm TO (V1 "0 M MD 0m . "3‘ -! um" 0’s. ISO 75 15' ll‘ 69 up "3 ll' ".5! 26 . :m .113 .1th .54! 00 9‘13 fl; 0‘ (H {H IN HS m

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