Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Nov 1915, 1, p. 1

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Bm. Bill lliglmm mntrihulml a song which was runllull)‘ rm-vlvml. af- ter whivh Bru. ”sour l'lnlwrtsun guvu the must “'l‘u Hrulhvrs :u tlu- Frnnt.” film rcspuusv Irving made by Hm. tSluith, l’.(l. Both ul‘ those spvwhcs were charged with feeling: and mun- tiun. as bulb of tho swalwu \wll 'kuvw wlmt urtiw svrviw moans. Bros. 'Ihilwrlsun and Smith have buth ilwvn lhl‘uug'h the. mill. in South Al'- 'km'w wlml. airtivv svrvu-v moans. Bros. 'Rdlu‘rlsun and Smith lmw bath ibeon through the. mill. in South Al'- rim and lmlia. Bro. Smith being one ut‘ the beseigml at Ladysmith. Bro. Jimmie Alexander next 3.3m» an uppmprialo Hauling: in a vet} alDlt' mamwr. after which the [unit-ceilingx‘ urminutod at 3 am. Af'tm' tho I'vgulzll' prm-m'clings ”1' the Lmlgv. during whirl: tlu- first and second dogrvvs \wn- put «m. a sump- tuous banqm-t was served, whirl! all present, vnjuyml. Wlwn the inner man had lwvn fully sutisfiml. amntlwr feast. this tinu- ut' spot-ch and sung liver Sixty Members and Visitors Attend Successful Banquet on Wednesday last w'l'he l’ureupine budge. Nu. 45:3, “1' the Independent Urder ut' Hddt'elluws held its first anniversary ull Wednes- day Inst. at. their had! in Snnth l’ureu- pine. Almnt. (in brethren attended. illrluding‘ several frunl ('mdlrnne and uther parts ul' ()ntnriu. Aftor tho rvgulzn' prm-vmling the Lmlgv. (llll‘lllg‘ \vlnvh tlu- first second dogrvvs \wn- put «m. a su flflfil ANNIVERSARY PflflBIJPlNE [HERE [If flflflffllflWS HIII lIwIIl IIN‘III'H‘I. W. H. SImIlI. \Imtv iIII'WIIIIiIIL: IIIIII IIII- Minis-1m III \IIIIIIII dvsiIml In IIIIH- IIII iIHWIIHH} III-.giIIII-III I'IIIIIII-Il I'ruIII Ilw East. .\I- gIIIIIII l)i.-IIIiII. [III-iIleIIIIHy IIII- II'I- u'I' stand that. fur the (‘III'IIHl'llgPIIH'nt THE PRPQCUINE ADVANCE 'l‘lm t'lvrk and 'l'rvusun-r nt' Snulli l'nrc'upim- wrntv tls king it' tlw 17th instant \muld ln- u c-nnwniu-nt dnte t'nr tlu- l'ntmu'il tn mwt with tlu- ntlu-r lindiq-s into-rested in tlw prnlmswd lins- pitul t'nr tlw l'nrvupim- distrivt. It was l'nund tn lw 2m, and t'num-illnrs (ilnlw and .‘lmn't‘ nun-ml tn uttond. .l. W. Mulmn. Hurristc-r. nt' t‘nlmlt. \t't‘utv ntl llu- attlijm-t nl' Fil'c- llrigmlo- itlsttrutwv. mu'lnsllig ll i-npy ul' INN-r zc-ciwd t'rnm tlu- c-lmirimm nt' tlw ' 'nrknwn's t‘nmpmisutinn Ilnurd. t'v- lutivv tn tlu: muttvr. lt tlt'Vt'lUIM'tl tlmt, tlu- t'umpvnwlinn Art mm "H! clvaigttml tn mn't't’ tlw kind nl' insur- amvv snugllt and it was dwidvd. timil- ly. tn usk Messrs. Sullivan Xc-wtuu tn submit. in pnlic-y t'nr tlu- aipprnvul nl’ tlu- ('num-il in. NW m'xt tum-ting. Ill is c-xpvvtml tlmt tlu- pnlivy will lw m-cnn-d ut. the rate of tllmttl $6 pvr lull". “in premium living paid by tho- 'l'nwn. llt nt'dvr tn reimburse the “world Fund. tlu- lll‘l'ltlt'll lmw im- pnsed at time nt' 50 i-vuts nu mwli luau failing tn nppvm' t'nr drill. sm'h lint-s tn be paid in on au-vuimt. nt' illsttt'tlllm' 'prvmiuln. HIIIIIa-il was «firm-led tn the usual ham'lu ut' Intlvn. sumv nt' tlwm very inumrmm, which wvre run! by 'l‘uwn ('Ie-rk .‘Inmgmm-ry. Tho- rvgulnr himmnthly mm'ting «1' Nu- Tmm l‘mmril nt‘ Timmim was held cm .‘lumlny last. "is Warship Hu- .\lnyur. pn'sidiflg. "nullrilluru ("0.30. Pen-rs. "anvil and Munro were pmnl. the first. business brim: Hu- remling ut‘ the minutes nl’ Inst Inc-ot- ing “‘lnirlmwn- muflnnml. Correspondence. After passing Nu- Tmm paymll I'nr tlw lnumh uf ()q-tuhor. mummling tn $1.0NL53'. Hu' nHl'nliun ul' llw Two Days Session----School By-law Gets 2nd Reading---Robbins Buys School and Local Improvement Debentures TOWN COUNCIL MEETS BIG MATTERS ON TAPE Vol 2. No 3. A letter was read t'rnin lllt‘ l’rinvi- pal remit-sting an iltltllllnlltll salary nr allnwanvv. nil awnmit. nt' tlu- high mist. ul' living“ as mutilmrml with l’nrt Arthur. The matter was takvu umlvr vnnsiclc-ratinn. 'l‘he cliwstinn nt' a now [mi'iiiam-iit building“ was clisvussml, it living: clo- tm'minml that a Sll'llt‘llll't' «0' at least t'nur rnnais was essential. vstimatml tn vnst ahnut, $28,000. It was nrclvrml that. stops hv talwn tn request the 'l'nwn t‘nniivil tn [H‘In'ltlt‘ tlt'lH‘ltllll't'S t'nr this amount. and lint iuvrvly the $12,000 as St‘t’ltls tn he in ”It“ minds of lllt‘ ('uullt'il. 'l'hv meeting: lllt‘ll aqunuriiml. Timmins Water Pronounced Pure 'l'hv rvpurt ut' the l’rnvim-inl . 3'51. made a few days 31:10, shuws the \vutvr supply ut' 'l‘innuins is uhsulmoly pure and free from tnminutinu nf any kind. During: August. tlw wanox' W315 alis- mn'vrml tn he mime-«l. and (-hluriml- than was resorted to. tn ensurv the safety ul' the ('nllllnllllll)’. Weekly sumplvs haw been sent lu 'l‘m'mltn for analysis. since that. time. the last. as stated, being vortifiml as plue. Q Inlurinatinn “ill nu longer be 110(05- Mil}. \\lm ll 15 good "(‘“S imleml. \.1°1111111ts 11gcr1°11g11ti11g ”1.415.538 \11111 passed 1111' 1111111111111, 111id 11-1111115 1111111 l’rimilmi Unwrlv “"0111 101 (11\11d It 11115 derided 111 giu- 11 .\11111s par- 1)‘ for 11111 Soluml 1'l1ildr1-11. 111111 This- 11-115 Sinrkwoll and Smith 111111» 1111- p11i11t1-d 11s 11 111111111itt1~11 111 1111 in 111111- .i11111ti1111 “ith 11111 111111|1121'., 111 1-1111) 11111 the necessary 111'1'11113'1'111111115. 'l'lw eliuestiuu 11111511 115 111 11 lhiid mluml mum. and 1l1111~111pl11\1111-111 111 11 l|1i1d assistant. t11111|1111. “11- 81-1-- 1'111111'3' was i11st1'111't11d 111 111k1- 1l111 111111- msury s11-ps 111111 1'1111111'1. It 11115 111511 derided in install vhwti'iv lighting in H11» 11111511111 11-11111111'111'1' 511111111], 1111' 11111 Winn-1°. Are you going to the opening of King’s Theatre, Friday. .\ mwling nt' tho 'l'immim l’nhliv \Hluul Huall'cl \HIS Iltld Ull 'lhursduy. Xux'unhvr ll, [In-sided mm In ( ‘halil- 1mm Stlulm', I". Stmkwvll. 5'. Lamb. Wm. Smith. am! 11. J. Marshall. ho- mg prvsvul-. 'l‘liv Iuinuh-s nt' tho 1th mwtim: wore rvml by 'l‘. M. \\il.~nn,. \'.-m' 'l‘rvus.. and mutil'mml. .\ IIIIIIIIIIII was prIIsI-IIII-Il. sigllt'd lw Im-nh IIII-IIIIIIIIIIts'. asking I'III' IIIII IIIIIII-III M ”w II-II-IItlv IHI'IIHHCI II'IIIIh I 'lImIIII' lh- Lam. .\'n III-Hun \\II~ IIIk- I-II. IIIIIIII' HIIIII In III-t'I-r It. In ”In 'l‘uwn SIIHIIitIII' I'In' IIIIViIIII as 10 ”III IIIlel IIsIIIIIIls u!’ IIIII politiIIII. General Business. 'I'IIII I’I'In'iIIIIiIII Auditnr suhIIIittI-Il II list III' 13 IIIIIIII-s, wlIiIIlI IIII lldh'is‘vil slIIIIIIIl h!‘ stIIiIIkIIII I'I'IIIII tlII- ('IIllI-II- tur's Hull. I'III' VlH'iUlIS H'IISUIIS. 'I'III- lmlllt'n‘ are as fulluws: A. J. lIIIlIiI-II. ll. LIIvigIIII. l’. RiI-IIIIIj, ('. U. HIIIIIklIIIIk. I’. “Uisflnlmllll. J. I)\ \\¢Dl|l\1hl\l,o lIIIiII, IIIIIl \. SI-IIIIIII. bIIIIIIIIse III IlIIIIlIlII IIssvssIIIIIIII: .\. .‘IIIsIIiIIli. M. Murinnnlli. ('. III. HIIII- IIIIH. M. ”III'OIIIII'II. (InlislI-Il: 'l'. J. \Vilsml. H. MIII'HIIIIIIIHI)‘ IIIIII .\. MII- (Cuntinuml on page 53). Public School svrvml I'nr Private 11. MI-l)uIIuIIgII. wlm mm :IIIITvriIIg I'rnIII IImneIIcliI-itis. um! flu-rI-l'nre "name In juiII his mm- rmlos. It was Ilec'idccl to 30ml this \I'IIII'II In .‘lIII-IMIIIIIII. S. H. Wilson. Wuh'rwnrks Engin- m-r. allhliliuml his I'vsigIIIIIiuII. his in- h'nlinll brim; III g0 In Flul'idlfl In vIIlliI'IIII- his I'I-I-ontly III-«IIIirI-Il l'rIIiI lllID'N'l"\' ”WIMP ”is rI'siglIIIIiulI W813 III-I-I-IIII-cl. and Martin Milvs mm Ill)- lmiIIII-cl In ”I" Imsiticm, Hll HIP H'I'IIIII- llN'thlHUll «II I HIIIN illur (Ilnlw. Petitions. The l’mvinvial Transarm “-th avkauwli-«lgiag. with thanks. the- ra- m'ipt. at $300. donated by the Iowa in aid 01’ the British ”ml t'mss Sm‘it'ty. Privati- W. A. Mavlhmahl. nt' thv Pinata-rs. wrntv that ha had nut ra- N-iwd a wrist watvh t'rula thc- t'mm- c'il. It transpired that thc- .\la.\'ur 'Iflt' uiw tuft. whivh was twin: ro- sarvwl for Private H. Mc-lhmuagh. uf revruitim: any town raking 25 M mare mm will have Hm Mlle-ting uf tho men during the mumln munirml l'nr training. the e-xpc-naw being harm: by HIP Militia ”leflmt‘n'. NM 1114th was taken an this mmmnnirnlinn. Trustees Meet the l’rnviuvial Anal- cluys sign, shuws that ”r 'l‘immins is nuw TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1915. run- Gay Costumes, Fine Music, and Dainty Refresh- ment Make Evening Memorable--Prizes Awarded l’l'i‘s'nh' .\l'vlli0 H. le'lm'ln'vn. ul‘ llw :mulvn Man-Ilium (inn Hutu-r}; umlvr mmmuml of Mujnr lichliv ”v.4- lmul. \'.('.. is rvpm'tud \mumlml. Ar- (‘lliv was “'le and I'ux'nmhly known in tho l’nrvupixw (Hump. halving lu-vn t-Inplnyml at tho Home Minus, lwt'un- r gum; THE FANCY DRESS BALL A BRILLIANT SUCCESS o The m-w l'rviglu. sidingr IS mm \mrkiug sumutlily. vurs living trains- l'vi'i'ml «lirvvt in mul‘ i'rnm- tlue- main limb, sawing tlu- l'ui'uu'i' luiul. 'l'lir new and iiupusiug ullim- building is ulmut lii'ivkml iu. uml \mrk will lu- pusliml until it is finished. 'l‘hv llulliugvr Mill is nmv fronting nlmm. 1500 hms lu-r uln)‘. Alterations and («tensions mm in prmovss will im-rcusv tlw vnpawity in 1mm toms daily. varul vars ul' cgmnidu tanks urrivml «luring: tlu- wwk. ('II. have llll’ I'IIIIlI'IIof In supply IIIIIl vrmt Ilu- stI-I-l lII‘lNl l'rIIIIII' wlIiI-II will be 12% low! in lll'lu'lll. .\ IIIqum- l'I'II- IIIII- is IIIIIt iIIstIIIIl nf llllllfl'rlll'.’ . us is “Slllll. this ImiinIIg lilfllll \Iill III- III' I‘IIIH‘I'I'lI‘. Wnrk [Ins lIm-II mm- IIII-III-I-Il nII IIIis vuIII-rI-II- liIIiIIc. (‘nII- h'IIIgV In gl'lwl'lll lII-liI-l'. IlIiz-I llc‘lllll'llll‘t‘ l’I'uIII llII- lwIIlI'n trawl; will miss! lilllI' IIIIIN' IIIIIII llH' Ils‘llzll IiIIIlII-ring. and when ”w mist ul’ I'IIIIIrI' repairs, and tho l‘t'llllt'llflll III' “In risk III°I- I-unsiIl- m'ml. IIII ('Vl'lllllfll saving: "my lw IIIIIII- il'I-stI-Il. \\°lII-II mIIIplvtI-Il. WlllI'll will lN' IIlIuIIl. Svptvlulwr. llllli. tlw I-IIIIII- vin M ”W lmist will luv IIlmIIL 5000 Inns IM‘I' day. and will have NIHl- in oxvvss (If $250.1lllll. gnnulnm mull momma mm m m ms mm ('muuliam Mining: and Human. ('u., whirl: mmlmny is Mu» «worming mun- um-Im'nt ut' llw ”nllingor. {03:0er with tlw Amw. Hw Milk-rum. mu! Hw (“Hit-s claims. le lhmininn Bridge .\ shaft. is being sunk 1m Hw \‘io puml lmundnry. nr what is knuwn as Hm (Billie-s rlnimn. whirl: nn- nut yo! organized in!” n mm'mny. This is 01' three mmpnrfnwnt dmign. am! has nlrcmly rmu-lu-al 15" fret. Tlu- inten- tiun is tn sink umil Hm 500 t‘mt. lvwl has been attained. Wurk is nlem in lmml um! being: pushed all the Miller- hm pmlwfly. vlliofly in awning up Hu- -I25 t'oml IM'PL 'l‘lw \mrk m’ grvntmt immmmm- is lmwm‘vr. tlw m-w m-mml lmis'ing plum. alum} -'” be installed fur Hu- lmpurmm clmrlnpnwm work. tn. getlwr with nddilinns to the plant. is umlvr may at tho Ilnllinger Mines. Hu- vmuplvtiun nt’ whirl! will mid mac torinlly in its present large captivity as n prmlmfing mine. Big Hoisting Plant to be finish- ed in septum” i9i5-- Shaft of cement lining tn HIP i‘l'unl. as fullmvsâ€"n‘lis‘s l’iel‘ce, Mia‘s Mur- gan, Mrs. L. Hruwn, Mrs. 1'. Farr, Miss L. Stevens. Miss 1‘1. Miller. Miss Burns. and Miss “wine. A laughing, jully mtm'iv. they were. and did muvh to gin- thv whule affair that swing which spelled success. Deming began at 9.350. and mutin- uod until three n'olm'k, many eneores ((‘uutinuod on Page 5). ('ulum-l \\'ur:hinglun is vn-vting :1 sawmill up the riw-r nlmnl O'cmr milvs I'mm 'l'immins. 'l‘lw nuwhim-ry lms urrivml. am] is. xmw being wt up. 'l'lw ('uluuvl ulsu mntmuplutvs start- ing an hrivlgvzu'ql in ”w smm- Inmllity in llw nmn' t'uturv. He is nlsu build- in}: a lm'gv grwnlumso with glass fl'um HIP HM l'niull Stutiun. 'l'ul'untu, whirl: ho [um-llam-cl u slmrt. limo ugu. “isvrimilmtiug buyers \mh-h fur yum' mlvm'lisvnwm in tlu- Advanwv. This palm-r is printed fur yuur mm- n-nivnw mu! hem-lit. us wvll as unr gain. llvlp _\'uur.~'v|\'vs by suppurtiug lmuw industry. (‘. Ii. l’niw. Wim part-Imam! tin-m i'rnia Barns. asml In pay his axw-nm-s with ‘tlw making-i i'rnai tlu: sari‘am'. i'npt- mum-cl his linlolmgs laglily-«mam- say at. $750,0mi-vaml it was naly tlimugh tlu- l'nrtaavs. nr ratla-r Iainl'nrlaav's nt' war. that in- was c'ullllwiimi in part wiili tlwai In tlw Inn-smut nwm-i's. l’npt- wont iatn war-c-natravtia'g. anal was sum-vni'al aalil In. lwgaa olivin-r- in: with mah-s. i'nr Hu- I'mm. ”is c-uasigaawal. whirl: was wry largv. was na its way in svrw- against Ha- vavaiy. win-a a (Evrmaa inrpmln sc-ai llw ship in thi- lmltma. am] llw mains in a plan- WiH'l'I' Hwy will cin an mnro kivkiag. 'l'la- hiss i'mharassml i’npv. iiaaavially. and la-am- tlw Hilll' «if this mum-Hy In (‘aim-rna. Human. and tlwir l'rivml-s. New Sawmill For. Mattagami River E In tho mnmw nt' mmt’vmtinn with P. H. t'nnn-mn. President. and W. hnnrnn. So-vrvtury. nt’ thr l'urrnpinv- Est‘t‘lsint' Mining “0.. twdny. it “as stun-cl tn thv .\cl\‘mtw that they \wn‘ nuw sinking nn tln- snlphith- dykv. six nwn ln-ing nt \mrk. 'l‘wn shafts nrn tn In. sunk. witlmnt ch-hly. Tln- mill furnwrly nn ”lt‘ tinld Rot-f limp. vrty is loo-ins: rvnnwmt tn the gmtporty. mnl is mm at Slu-rrill's Landing ntt Reclstmn- Riwr. nhnnt 1': mitt-s MT. The 340"!" plnnt. Inns hm-n inc-rmm-d. and it is c-xpovtmt that the mill will In. running within three wm'ks. Snmplm nt’ nrv frum this pm'wfly. t‘nmwrly kmm-n as "w UM 'l'ummy Burns «Inims. urn m-ll klmwn in Tim- minus. and it i~¢ u-rmlitnlnly stun-d that 3m" Stamp lill Icing Installed --m Shafts Being Sunk-- III! to Start Soon Will GIIIIB lllllll NRCUHM [XBElSIIIfl ll SHAW WWISHIP Mrs. \Ilss Mis< \Il's. \115. Mr. Mrs. Miss \Ilss 311's. The new unit. mm in «mursu ul' M'â€" m-Linn by lentyre l’urvupinc will lw (-nmplvted shortly ul'tm- January 1st. 1916. This unit. will have u ('upawity of 150 tons per «lay, bringing the total fur tlw mill up to 4.30 Inns par cliem. Jupitvr «we will be treated at. this Illlll. 'l‘ho l’m'mupimeVipnml n-pm't whivh was prnmisml for am «burly (lulu after November 1, has nut, yet issued I'rum New York. All that is known locally is that the figures were sent on tn New Yurk on time, and the delay is mused there. Bar silvvr vlusml 3'05101'qlu)’ at 513,; cents, having risen g'zuluully Hum 50’, .1 «Puts a \wok sign. The murkvt is repnrtml strung, with (‘\'(‘l'_\' pms- pm-L 01' vnlltilllling 5n. It is repurtml smni-ufliviully, that wlwn the present. vxtvnsiun plans, at Dunno Mine are mnnplptwl, 5mm! tinw in February, 1916. it. is exported, 1hr c-upm-ity ”1' the will will In: 510,00“ tons per Innmh. Ilex'vtnt'ure “ulm' Luke hum nlwr- atml unly by anmlgmnutiun. 'l'hvy are nnw adding: :1 (gvalnidt- equipment to Hwir mill. .\ new huisting plant is under mn- sule 'zmun by the l’ul'rulmlc (‘mwm 'l'vmiskmuing «lm-lurml n 2% per «mm mtornn «hvulmul ull meulwr 1(3. 12!. lmmlkum hit-1's. Mrs. Reid (l’m'. ( r',u\\n) -pr. .1. -â€"w gm' sm‘krz. Mrs. J. .\. Mills, 2; pr. .lzwgvl' sucks. The lmlios ut' the ”MI ('russ m'u \vm'king imlustricmsly. auul clc-swvv the thanks ”1' tlw mmmlmily fur tlu-ir self-Snvrifiving S(‘l'\'i('(’ in SH gum! :1 mumn “III! I'I‘I‘I'I‘I'III’I' III IIIIIII. \I‘IIII'II I~'. III' I'IIIII'HI'. IIH' I'IIIvI' IIvIII III. IIIII'H‘BI In IIII- I’IIrI-IIIIIIII' IIIsII‘iII. II is IIIIII IIIII‘ III hIIlII' that tho IIIIIIIsIII IIIIII- IiI°IIIII IIIIII Its IIH'I'IIIIUII III I‘II‘J. IIH‘ IIIIIUIIIIIS 'Il‘INIlII'PII III III!‘ IIIII Inv- l‘l'IIIIIg’ II'um III'III}: IIIIII NIH .498. and H‘JJIIIT. I'PS'N‘IIIH'I). 'IIII-I H'III IIII'J. IIIIWPVI'I'. III‘IHIIII'I'II $2.11IJIHII. IIIIiI-II IIgIII'I- II'IIsI iIII-rI-IIsI-II III $4,558,518 in 1911!. and In $5,529,767 in 1914. It. will IN‘ 500". IIII-I'I'I'III'II. IIIIII I-III-II 'l‘lw laulips nt' tlw Hm! ('l'uss Sm'ifly hold an slmwvr m tlu- 'l‘uwn Hull lam Mnmlll)‘. when ”w fullcnvillg gnmls‘ wore rwvivml fur llw hem-tit ut' thv lauls all. the must. Receipts of Shower Every Little Helps PORCUPINE IN LEAD YELLOW METAL RACE I914 Statistics Analyzed---Yukon and B.C. Beaten by 0ntario---How Will they Rank in l9l5---Figures Excellent So Far {4...}. ..:_ : ._.¢_.;.._..:_.:..L. 4 2.315% 5.2.1. E. c 52:: .2 ._ :7. ....::._:2_ N .1..,_.:7. E. . .._.:._,_. ii». .3_.....,. .3 n .52.? .: .3 5:. Alaâ€".51. ..:_ r. 25.2.... 57. Mrs. Huuslun. 5 pr. suvl‘ Mining Notes Several eases have already nw 'ln'unght in the attention at sum.- ‘the rlllll'iltlhlV mimled eitizens. 5: illustrate, n lady with live ehildnr, whuse husband is at the t'runt. .’:.)-i been feeling the pineh ut' want 1.. m. keenly. She does nut wish her i::.; .. tn heemne lcnmvn, and but Mr “n; kindness ut' Mrs. Wilsun and. 332-. ('lmpnnin, and uthers, might lnn'e 2-. - eume n. pnhlie elmrge. 'l'he llullirg ‘ management have provided une u:' '..'~: ('«mipnny's lmnses l'ur their nee-a2"- nmdntiun, and e\'er.\'thin;_r is lieih-" dune tn pruvide the neeessities ut' lit-f withunt, injury tu her pride. l’rnlmhl)‘ uther similnr eases nus tH'lH'. and in urder that reliel' mu}. i1: t'urtheuming promptly, it. is IH'U'M-o‘l tn nrgnnize :L ennnnittee ln luul: u t'ur distressed «mes, wlmse main ~.;;>- part has been renmved tn the serrzo of King,’ and ('unntrv. \ v v;1 '. in tic-rind out“ 23 ymrs. mmnmtml In tunly #l-lmldltlh‘. um! stttt't' Kt per im-m. ut‘ this tutnl mus [it‘tuim‘l‘I' ,iwitliin tlw tlm‘c' .wurs 1912 tn 1:314. itm t'ttt'tlwr ”hair is ttm-ilml in almw ftlmt Huturin pmrtimnlly lwmm her Warn-r its at 3::th timdm'ing l’t'mittm! in tlu- )‘C’flt‘ W12. l'ttlikv silver. lu-ltirh 800'"! in Imw hum ott'm-tmtlly 't-uralln-cl by untim- nitliin tlw mm- Htm-s ut' Hu- i'ntmli tiisil‘ivi. a... far ins tlu- lhminimi is c-uiwcrm-cl. gum HIM lawn nmw prumiavtmits Iiti its [hinting plum-s. lii'iti‘h ('uhim'iiu mu! ttlw Yukon 'l'vrritm'y hmv. t'nr years “two gun-tiring: tlwir strmtm ut' milaicn gm-ulth ititu tlw rutTvn ut' tlw nutinu. Hnr l’nwinw. iiM‘o-rthc-lc-ss. in 1901-8, untut'imwri liutlt nt' thaw in tlu- I‘m-n t'ur prvmivrsliip. tlmugli unly by a. [mum 'l'ln- nuirgiu against ltritisli [t'ulumliiu was $52.42!. with im nd~ iclitiumil «mu "1' $51M”. against tvlm H'uknii. 'l‘n put it in mmtiu-r \my, gtlu- tutul prmhu-tiun M the “Il't't' 3m» ’Real Estate Active In the Gold Camp The wm-k Hiding 'l'hursdm'. N..- thm' 18, has born the must {win cm the Standard Stm'k ch-huu; sinm- July. Mdntyrc «wvupicd 1.“ Hum-light. mnstly, jumping from 3')": wwk ugu In 70 as high “guru .. Thursday, though casing off hefm the «dose. Hullingvr “hm hm hw strung, and Vipoml steady. MW Ply-hung? mlvs cm Hw 18th tumlh' 11"."00 share-z “.‘. rulict' mmmittvv. In tulip nx‘ dupumlvmg ut' sulqlicrs alt Hm I is greatly mwclml.” said Mr. .\ (Hqu In 'l'lu- Advance tub-«lay. .\ shawl)“ activity is‘ untml in Tth mim real estate'. notwithslumling flu: l'nvt. that. “hmunm's” zn'v Imt pom)”,- tm! tn ply llwir smhu'tiw \Vlll't‘h. m; in must ullwr mummmitie-s. Must. n?‘ thv sales :u'v being: maulv in “w xivw mMitinu tn tho sun!“ ”1' H10 urigmn' 'l'immius tmvnsitv. This “(Mitimf “5’ “H luts was thrnwn ulwn l'nr 1|(‘qlil'fc.~ lm-lll. ul‘mut. six weeks um», and am '° 4" have lwvn clispus'ml ut'. 'l'wvm; “1' ”law haw allrmuly I’m-n built. “Um", lhirtveu ut' whirl: lmusvs 1111' SH .';1' mh'unm-ol us tn pvrmit Hu- H\\'ll(‘!°.~7 1..» tulu- up re‘sich-m-c in tlwm. .\ mun?» :- uI' utlmrs are (-mltvnmluting an :11» medium start. 'l‘lwrv is 1m spwrm tiw huyizrx, and SH far as Imsi: or»; sin"; ul' olwirnhlv IUHIUHII :ll't‘ . my. «mum! prank-ally nmw am- u\'ui.';.i/~r: fur purchase. Relief Committee Needed in Timmins snrrcmling your 3531?? 1012 has slum" mhstnutinl im‘n'mw IIuN-iclmnmlmg the ratings!!! nl' flrv whivh lmu- swept tlw dintrivt. and ”w m-m-ml ulmnu Dun-ks to industry m'I'nsiullml Ivy the? war. Single Copies 5 Cents

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