Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 12 Nov 1915, 1, p. 6

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Stntfnni's hon-key enthusiast: will Junk Mnnhnii. playing manager at mimnim far the mm on .‘lnnciay tho- Tunmtm, this mumi received evening nut. and despite the {not 3 M30!" tint-n fine of the payers. an. fill... "I!!! mar II «1 1w"; anh‘t :- n‘rv'w‘ ' a"? «mated. prospects are said to be fair. ly ml. I‘lw'dv'fl 0|. Imus-r -' jun! nmmd [mm the west and is mnfldrm that the mming may": will be I and "no. The player the Imumgem and. all tald cmmng scam.» le prmpwz-a l'nr Inw'm'y in t'w soniur M‘rivs u" llw UJLA. in Western ”Marin mm and 'HWHS nrv Mvt-n- timmlly bright. Sovrotmy H. L. Rum-Inna" nt' Hm Hmlin «In!» luu ro- H-ivml rmvliw t'rn'u vlnlm in Brunt- t'unl. Elmira. uml Suruiu. stating: that they mmlcl onlorM-niur temm H‘ snic- nhlv grullpings m1- m°mngmL I! is «certain that! Lanclun mu! llumiltuu will aim vim-r soniur teams «m Hu- «mm- c-umlitimm. With hm groups in wv-stvru Untarin, "no in 'l‘urmnln. and mm in vnstvrn (mtm'iu, prmlwvts un- ln'ight for u I'm-um! swim" in Hu- .\ \‘anmm-cr «Ipswich says: I’mi‘ «lent Prank "Mm-k lanky unmmnccd the mum: of I'w players of he Tur- cmtn pmfrssinnal' Imekry Mam whom he has wmrnl fur dislribulinn «mum: mast (mm! as Hmry "alums. l'ully Wilscm. Harry ('nuwnm, lid. ('nnml- tor. Frank I" cydnn and Jack -Wa|ker. This lmn'cs Ire .‘w’. H. A. with «My This rmncs 3' .‘likv Quinn 0 Huh signed up «luv tn play {"1 Hm mminz «En "ulmm is I'm only | mentiomml in 'I'urnmu I Inc raid ycatnday £2.11 classed with t‘r Patrick had made him an anor. men that up”! n.ll..\. Wilscm. Harry tar. Frank F1)“ This loaves tn "we «lulu. hwy-1 “in-JAMES K. MOORE It SIX in n shnrt ) ft!" Mr?! 1! players flPl’. EMPIRE IHEMHE "4 CK will 1 You Should Not Miss This Big Programme LIFE AT STAKE I" HIS MUSICAL CAREER “OCCWWMCMOQM WOWWW W”.”CWMIMICUMCC”OOOM SPIN"? SPI'H'S. BAKER and CONFECTIONER 0 NW FALLEN IDOL 1 Wm 0f I u' the Inc in". (ed that Fun-sh Bru'ul Delivuml tn \mu lIme hail} nn leug-st. mm Qnrbcr: .‘lmmm'r f the Qm'hm' Hnr‘koy Wm M his mm: yester- r the Iucnl duh dminx' thnt serum! utlln' Itrm'H h-du)‘ and 110 NW mum Will he pru-qut-x . [IT'HI‘ISL I": ~1iv' ' ' mus Pics. player Inf I‘um‘ M pn-srut. mu! at he hm! not (Suvcussor tn .luhn \Vzltt) an! in "we: mob!" N‘rms vy m t'w Ill wvstern H H‘ 1' {Q'i'n' TIMMINS 'b-FPWI-W‘ h Czlkos "Wr lme hiked it met «many murâ€" solws." the player wrote. "and de- riclnl that no long as Rnbimmn and Man-hall were running the team We n-u'IMII 't have N. no matter how good ,Hw wmtvrn offers worm" gnigm wired Iiwir nrroptmwc. TIN-Sr hut-MM ‘MH n :. mu PW Mayor" "WII in-qnoda) hn fiivulfx-cl um“! Ihw won-ks from hmlry. hut in O"? mmm- .timv Hwy lawn mkml Hm "Mir-"v" gvuvtrarts he I‘c-rwnrdml tlmn. Half .11 cluzon western lvlnyvru worv among Jhmw approvm'hml l)‘ Kmmnly m his 7m: Humanml clnllsn's \mrtln 0f um-m. ,mul Iw mun-sum} mulhlom-o tu-dnv inlill mum- that Hw wont-morn \mulcl hmm’ I: prol'n‘om'o l‘ur Nu- Hut. int; Um hum .nm» hm! nln 'l’l'o ath'zwtiun at King's 'l'lxonlrv I'nr Mummy and Tuesday. Xuvmnlwr 15 mul lli. will he the “ Full“: lclnl” :vul “life at Sluice". with “author (‘lmrlit- (’lmplin H'l‘Hllll vntitlml ”Ilia-s .‘lnsiml ('arm-r” fur guml mvnsnro. 'l'lwsu plays am- rivlu in «lrammtiv force. and mnsiclvrml “mum: llw lu-st nl' plmmplny prmlm-tluns. Nunw wlm mm amt-ml :elmnhl miss me. "Minn-inn um In»! a met'nbér 0f his team wmaM consider the wmtom "firm I hum \\ pro mmlr nigh! mm King‘s Theatre Next Week’s Bills 1 \HO ul and I’ustl'x' the PHflh’E H0. 29. ANSI) d)‘ Two Thrilling Features Entitled "9' NW Wen-m mug- hornu l‘rml. V0!!! h» “hum ""0!“ m: M' mm. hm! 3M! M says: firun‘ Minna! Hut-key Ho fur pinyin! ms! and west. SH 311‘ ”IIIII "m 931'” M Mr HIIIIrgII \I’ II4 III .IIIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIII.4I. III; III III (IIII IIIIIIIII (‘IIIIIIIII44iIIIIIII‘ III' I' .IIIIIIII-IIIIII. Mr. IIIIIIIIII'II (II°'I.:I.:. I'III'IIIIII'Iy I’I2iIi4lI 'I'I'IIIIII (‘IIIIIIIIirsaiIIIII-II In ('IIIIIIIIII. IIIIII II IIIIII. III' IIIIII; IIxIII-riIIIIIIII IIIIII II'IIIII- in}; with IIIII I’IIIIII4II “IHIHI III' T'IIIIC. \III.4 .IIIDIIUIIIIQ'II III IIIII IIII.4I. 'I'III \I'IIIIILI ;4I-I\II-II was IIVIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIis- ..4IIIIIIII°.4 \IIIII IIIIII SIIU\\II IIIIy IIIIlIIIIIin 8I'IIIIIiIIII.Il IIIIIIII'4 \I'I'N' (IISIIIISSIII Ul’ ;"’IIINII'I"I(‘(I III III-\. lIII4I4. Sir (,IIIIII'ge . III-I-iIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IH‘ .4III\iI-II IIII II new II III4I4 and III train up )‘IIIIII, I IIIII\'(‘I°- .4iI\' gI'IIIIIIIII III:~I IIIII IIIIIsII I'II4IIIII4IIIIII I III:II.4, IIIIIIIII II.4 IIIIII .‘I III‘IHI‘I II_\' IIIIIII , II II IIIIIIII-II I'II IIIII- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII scI'viI-II. N.- [BRIE CRIMES it: Will BE [fillflllfillfll II MISS!“ ”TIES l; f. Just, form Commissioner It lamburg, Is Moat In rm Up Work A sigumus campaign tn encourage and “PVEIHP mmmorre between ('an- mla amt mir great l-Iumwan ally this» sin. is being instituted by the Trade mul t'mnnu-n‘o Ilqmrtmcnt. llun. (km. P‘cvstnr has decided tn upon up a Trade t'ummissium-r's of. me ii: i’i-invgrml. and Mr. t'. l". Jun-t. "umwr t'nnmlinn Tmclv t'mnmissinner t'ur (leniinny. “lm rvwntly made a numit mi in» «mitnrtnnitim fur t'nn‘ mlinn mmmcrvo in Russia, has .300“ ummmtml tn the "at. Mr. Just will lom-o within a munlr nt‘ months. lip will lie nrrmnpaniml by at Ivnst twu assistants Mm. nt’tcr lioi'niiiing nmlimintml with lluasinn mmlitiuna. “ill lilu'ly 0pm! "till-1's [milmlily ltl .uusmw; n'ml (Mot-m. Openings at ”Tremendous" I" "Hui? .‘lr. Jud ht‘livHN HIN‘I‘ is an ujmuinz fur tlw «rt-Minn ul‘ :1 m-zmn...ms mnmu-rc-v. lmtll cm the .Ulmmv and PW l’m-ifl'r. Mr. Just has ulrvmly mud» n prcfimilmry re- pur! In Ilw olmmrtru-M. nml hm n Amu‘ mu! m'm- ulnh-mm- rvpnr! Imw randy tur public-Minn. In the mean- timc. lwl'nro rvlm'ninu in l'vtmgrml. ho is minim: up Vanadium manufac- ‘Hrc-rs rm! eunutm-z tn ”1- ummrum- itivs wlzic-h :m- awaiting them. H mm L'w linul paltry "3' (hr Lib- (-mk In mnkc Hu- lrmiv q-ummissiun- vmhilm lmlilic-ul plums. In t'm't tlmy m-rv mm! as «art ut' Mum's ul’ refuge Animus mmv ul' Hm Mm: unturiuus m‘ the him-ml Mbpnintlm'uH was that M’ .lm-ksun uml I’m-stun. Htlwr M'- fiviuls untazhly umuituhh- 2}»? such Wurk wow mummicd. 'l'lu- result was Hm! Sir Ht'ul'g? Vu‘ilvl‘ t'numl tl‘w '1" “univiuus. wlmm it was felt de- snrvnhlv tn got «ml "1' NW mmm'y. ('umuiiam 'l'rmlv ('mmnissinm-r .wrvivo wlwu ho manna-«l "film. i um! unsatisi'm-qu'y um! inn-23h c'ullditiml. Men Now Trained for Work. The first .~tvp ul' Sir Hvurgv \‘.’:l (4'va u now [1053. that "1' ('mm As am (~.\'p(rinwu!. lhrvo I‘m-out grad- uutvsâ€"W. Ble. t'lan-k ui' 'l‘uruntn lInivorait)‘. and 9.. I). ‘.'il'_:'rL-.~;s and W. I). .luimstun u?‘ Moiiill. were Ll'mm‘ln in?” HIV cicgmrtuwnl, mu! they have lu-vn HmrmnghLv trained fur 'I'I'zulv ('ullllllia'hinn pummu. ():-Iu|w1' I'rpm't. 5.8. NH. 23“. Tis- duh-.Vunvtat. Numlwr ul' Hat-1mm dam i". .\umlm ut pupizs «umllul. 23“. .\\m::::0 attendance, -5. ”MI )I' Hull. ‘ Ian's HI. ---\:‘ div 1301111111211. Mully ('Ialn's‘ Hlxw Sadiv Volclmm b‘t-ldmam. Mary Eunrcliyznnn. ('luss l!.-â€"~('l;u‘:x “(-5;me duck Uzn'idsun. ('lass .l.-â€"-Blam°hv Muylww. Moneta School Report and Honor Roll 10 and 25c. uituhh- 2}»? such 10". Thu result '0 Vufilvr {numl the ('ummissinm-rship ssmnml "Him. in n 1V and invmciom THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE .\mlm°sun. 'I‘mchor. M ur- i The memnry of the inil‘l-piii Anh arrlir exIIlIIn-r. Captain Sm". In: fluIingly noun-tunic.“ iII Landon his! week. A sIaIIIc. «serum! by the «id. "w 01' the vxpluror. and orc'flml in “'IIII'I'IIIII l‘hIw. “as IIIIIvilmi in the primate uf II lam and admiring Hmong. in High! llunumhle Arthur J. IhIlntIr. First [Ami III UN‘ Admir- IIIII. The Marv IIf Sm" and his hrIIw mmimninns. Mm wrishml «I tmgirnllI and lwmirnllI. IIII Iheir n-o IIIrII jIIIIrIIoI lmm ”Il‘ SIIIIIII l’ulo. “ill lin "S lnIIg as limv ilsvlf in ”II- hIIsIIIII 0f the \\’urld.8 nfl'm'tinn. Lady SNIH is IIIIII' shouting HII' shlfl' u!" whirh she is lllfldl‘ hy Inyim: nsIIII- III-r mflphw'a rhisvl. which aim IliIl smIIII' IIIIIIIHIs nun, fur sterner WM]: 03 II «lay Inhuror in II factory I'ur IIIIIIIiIiuIIs III' wnr. [(Plfllllfl HIPS SHWE IS lllVfllEll II fllll lllllllll If you are not a subscriber to The Advance. we just wish to say the subscription price is 82.00 yearly in Canada and 83.00 in United States. ACID SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED IF REQUIRED TELEPHONE 02 Hmm Buylo. Sw- Dominion Diamond Drilling Company Autos for Hire Day and Night mum»: 3:: Repairs on cars at shnmst Notice E. Schelletter The lu-st and Illust-up-to- «lzltv Livery 01' its kind in South Porcupine Automcbilec [or Hire- Livery and Transfer SOUTH PORCUPINB Run By White Peopleâ€" I‘or White People Laundry Called For and Deliv- ered at Timmins Every Monday and Thursday. MILLER BROS. - Proprietors. S. WHEELER “ERNIE the BOATMAN" SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY Souih P urcupin e TIMMINS CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine :c for Hire- Open Day and Nighl- Phone 3| Jay». E. 80510.)!“ BOX 506 «.0293... .o..o,..fo.,...rogfioufo.\,fo\.fiowfo\,,o./,o.h..,.m..h) 01/... w; my 0/9,. .0. 0 0,3; .0 o .o o 33.,t..o/Hov.o/,o.o o». 104 I(//Af/ff ("IDflI-Q'IHIM'OQ-éO¢¢§¢¢§O0¢O¢¢¢¢§¢O¢##QOéfi-d’éfiééfifiMQOO'béOQf é) o) $1.0”!i'+91"'l'%¢%¢6¢#¢9¢%0%¢(°+(091’¢%¢'IHOHIW"?$0.}##4#4‘*+¢+¢+9%0\5 O" 3:, @(ggéngga 2.53 m u ”m ARE THERE-WITH BOYS WEAR TIMMIMS Ostmssser Co. Will appear in Clean Beds. Steady Board for working men Terms on Application. P.O. Box 286 Steam-Fitter. Sheet Iron Workcr. Cornice and Sky-light hither. Smoke Stack: Made to Order. AGENT FOR BBOLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. Algoma Hotel A. Brazeau, Timmlns Monday and Tuesday November 15th 5: 16th. all and Give us a Trial. AJJSU ° L. S. N EVVTON. Newton’s Dining Hall “'0 “mm :1 Cumplmv Winn-r ()uHit, . Brazeau PLUMBER Railroad Street, Opp. Station P.O. Box 262. Open From 5.45 to 8 p.31. TIMMINS Board by Day, \Vcck or Month TIMMINS AND Phone 51. I’IHH’RI ETOR SCHUMACHER Inflow". o‘

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