° flllX NIT W Hill NEH} MERE Pï¬EKS Ml} flTHER BEMFUBTB NOTICE OF DIVIDE‘I'J T0 DOME SHAl-IL Ifâ€. 1DB.S The banks of the Dunn- Liiuz-s wiil he closed fruln November '34 lo lbw- cmhm‘ 211d. hull: days illrlusix‘c‘. The diyidend 0:260 cents per share Ml! be payable ii) Shun-huldm's ui' H‘mn‘d November 2:3. TIH‘H‘ III'II SIT yuuldrilmlhivï¬ iIIl IIIIII PIH'IHIHH‘ III' “Maria. 556 III' “IIII‘III III“ II banished IIIII liqllnl' IrIIIIII III â€II- 'II IIIIBIIIII IIIIIII. (II this IIIIIIIII‘IIII I I I I I I I IHH'O gIIII- dry during IIIII III-;I , I \‘l‘ill‘ï¬. IIIII IIIII_\ IIIIII IH‘IS >I-IIII III to IIIIIII“! tII IIIII III 0th S\SI('I|1 IIgII“. II. 0f the ‘29! IIIIIIIIIIipIIIIIiIIs I'vIIIIIiIIIIII: mIdIIr IIIII-IIhII. II III“ \IIIII Uh IIII III up! I)\'- laws in January III-Kt. Thfl‘vmulnise eight IIitin. III-\“IIII- IDWH'I. IIIII \“IIIIIgIIs. IIIIII IIIIIIII I“IIIIIII munivipnlitivs. “itII IIH‘ IIIIIIIIIII (IUS-i fly» at IIIII-z III (IL'III II IIIH‘Ix' IIISIt‘ilII of (‘I0\Gll, In“ I’ImiIII-i III IIIII“. :III IIIi-I VIII-ates I): IIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIII I'III'I-IIIII III\“II: (“‘er rousnn III I'IIIII sttisIIIII with IIII‘I progress being IIIIIIII. ' , THE OCUIN E ADVANCE Let. all whn mm partivipzm- 111 “IF (‘lu'istums greeting. and dun't t‘vrgvt to uttavln :l mh‘d Emu-in}: tlw «lunur's nmuv. lwsidos tho lmnw. numhm'. rank, mnumny. and lnmuliun. nI' Hu- l'riemls Hwy wish to rmnmulwr. 'J'hc (‘hi'istnms Hux in mursu ut' pi'vpm'uliun by Mrs. Ruhhins, Mrs. he and Mrs. Mulhomn. must he nplvtml and 5011! t'nrwui'cl uh Mun- qhiy next in urih-r tn itlts‘ill'i" its (it'iiV- my in time to giu- (‘hrizatmas ('11001‘ in the hwiil huys nmv iu'i'uss the $.03. There is still ii hit 01' mount mum in the hnx, 11ml intending: (iUIIUI'S shuuh! svc that it is tilled imim-«liatv- ly. Shoo parks and sm'ks. airv hzhily needed, ilhm tulmc-m, ('igili'vttt's. pipes. (‘hristiuns Mike, 011'. thristmas Box In [In forward on [mm-last Chance To Donate Sifts Local Option Elections in January Nor i~4 it a tlash in the pan. like m many other sn-ealled ennui». lt iw' tht‘t' lti bitty. In \tnt'l". in alt'\‘t'lu|t littt'- ther. and. who lznows. grow i'ieher with the passing of the years. There are. hundreds ot' ehnnis as )‘el nn- ‘éï¬tehed, awaiting the arrival of the ltlte when the tl\'t‘l‘t|:.'t' pi'm'u-et own- er will permit a ttttitilt'ttttt ot' euninion httaineas sense to enter and prreolate through his eraninni. It is within the mark to say that the another of de- \'e.loped or pron-n "titles. in l’uren- pine would he a baker's dozen more at. least. had the owners not uhseared their vision with the Mark htwelttt'lt's of greed and avariee. t'apital is \‘ett- ,taresoine, within eertain hounds of reason. and williny,.r to take a ehanee with the owner of the prospeet, for the intrlmse ot' nset't‘lttlltlttg the prob- able value of the property. All own- er is nareamnahle when he denianch t'roni eapital, a eertaia .tixed. stupen- dous mun, eash on the nail. for a mere pronpeet. that has not even reached the dignity of a â€hole in the It has ghmn ta he a hahit almnst I'IenIIhoI-r to take» statI-mmits man". fling from guhl ramps “ram graim atlas '. and to IliM‘uttttl IwIIs ammrtl- inglv. This hahit mm ur mm nut lH' justiï¬ed. in ammo casI-s. hat. inmt‘ar as the t’IIrI-IIIIiIII- vamp is I-uac-I-i‘nI-Il it dam tint scam tn lw “'tll'l'tlllll'tl. Rather is the NVPW‘ true, lIIII-aasv few, IIthI-r than than» IIhII IIaI'I- sI-I'II with their mm «yrs. am! III-arc! with their «own I-ars. haw nr van haw an} I'ItttI‘INItIlN I... lltt‘ \(‘l‘ilnltlt‘ lliH‘ In. imlttairv that has lm'n Ih-II input ltt‘t‘t‘ Iiithiu thI- last the I'uI'aIII It shmthl be rumI-mhcrI-It that this is an Inn'zar a “mild malt†M't‘lltfll. with Wild- I-yIIII ttlt'tl St‘tll‘l‘)'l||2 ltt‘tt' and tho-re. like ants an a raaipagv. in Itt'ttt‘t'lt ut' tlw alluring IIIIItal. That day IIIH passed. Wild lama. i-IIIIjI'I'tarI- and oxlwctatiua haI'I- ltt‘t‘tl t‘l’tltt'tlt'tl ufl' the trail by avautnplifluwl t'aI-tn'. M‘l IIith «om-rate strength in â€In thWt'la ' taathcr citrth. A SOLILOQUY IN GOLD m CAMP OF PORCUPINE .{s Vflflll v: I UI\VUI nuu Its Wonders Under-estimated----Rap at Greedy Claim 0wners----Capital Reasonable When Treated Fairly Vol 2. No 2. statiun is ('m “1;: “111110 Mint-s have stalviml in sink 11 new main working shaft. This will lw 11 fauxumznpurl1110111 shaft and will haw :1 stwl head 111111111 1’5 foot in Invight. “no 5311111 \in1 In- «0.1111111- uml In the (300 that IM'ol lwi'nro :1 I). I). ('hishulm has sec-urccl :1 mm- lrzwt for 1000 feet 01' «limnnml drill- ing nu the I’nrvupinv lmpmiul prop- (11}. “to “ark is tn he prm'oedvd with ilmnvdinlcly, “lmim slmuld set at rat the rover?! rumnh; u!" a pm- ju‘tul rinsing tluwn. This olm'isiun has vxvitml with-- spread «li::aip|li°n\'aii, Papiwiailiy :t' 'l'nr- ulttu uth'l'ml tn pt'uVitit‘ thvm \‘sith ï¬rst (inns arm»imimlatinn. Mililv nl t! h‘ lawn \xha-n culistinu “0w ;; 'vu tn umletzmd that the unit: tliun \muh! winter in the Queen (it). ililli their rvnmml tn Quohov int-uiwvnimu-vs their Families, and hurts rvvruiting. About 100 hnys t'rmn l’urt'nhinv district, many nf whuso humvs i‘tt'l' in 'l‘uruntu :uul \‘it-inity. are im-mlwrs “3' this Battalion. amt prutmhly the rumblings at" dismutvnt will smut ho hmrd in 'l'immins mul Snuth l’uruu- pint- lwmuisv nt' this. :wtiun h): the Mini~ter ut' Militia. .‘(utwithstmuling tlu- (*zwrg’vtiv 1m» to-zt nt' tho Muyur ut' 'l'umntu. it has :xppurvntly hm: «Ivvitlml that the Pin. ucor Hattzlliuu shall take up its win- tm' quau'tvrs in Quclwv. instvzul nt' 'l‘uruntn. Sir Sum Hughes" win- In Muyur t'lnu'vh was as t'nlluws: “'l‘t-lcgrmn third x'ovvivod. Many thanks. but ullt' nrungomvnts am. at- rmuly maulv. ' ' Four Compartment Shaft at Big Dome Diamond Drilling Porcupine lmperial vvntm'y. and will lw :vhlv I I'm-uni as n whiuh is. Mr the prvsunl an INN. thi- grmnvst. in â€w \mrlcl. It is m-rluin. tun. llml runny. nanny yum-z will pass lwl'urv Hume was! nuu-him-s .slmll mum- tn :1 stun t'm' llw last time. I'Innugh is «(chwml mm M km'p mmw nt' tin-m guilt: M Tu!†till fur a qnull'h'l' «It. at Mayor Church lncensed, at the Antion of Canada’s War Minister UHEBEB ans FIUNEERS mt mm names mama av mmmm l9e mere lmttltlers nl' «leslmir. enpilnl will have last a ennsiclerahle mtm. while clemnnstmting tn him that his ltutK' ut' riehes. t'rum that mnree. is but an empty dream. Turning l'mm the runniileratiun ul‘ ipmstn'ets. it is pleasant ta take a hmk at. the aetive marking and lvrmlneinu mines. heeanse these, alter all. are the stimmrting hasis ul’ the eamp. aml new mines will hnt fltltl In its size. imlm'tanee and wcnrity. 'l‘lte Visitor's lll‘sl. l'eelittt: is nine nl' surprise. even amazement. as he tra- vels t'rum mine lu mine, nutttt' larger than nthers. hut all inumsing uhjeet- hum-suns ut' nature's wealth. The thml ut' stamps ents all the elmnee l'ur eun- vermtiun. and gives him a ehanee to» take a mental pietnre whieh will last t'ur many a clay. The sarl'm-e strut-- titres are amazing: enunzh. hni it is when closet-til is nnule ittlu the source «if all this aetivity that his miml he- gmmml.†The pmsgmtnr has «very. thing tn 7min. and lmthing to law. hy nlhm'im: capital In he mnplnyml «m an c-quitnhlo wurkinvz loan. The h-rms uf his have will deflnv his shnn‘ in â€w rmun‘d. whntvvor it may hr. and qhuuhl thc- Mum-led gulcl (um «m m '. and by that timv l’nrvupim- able in luuk lmvl; m: n \vnrtlny as u c-l'mltm' ul' \mrhl wvulth. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1203. 1915. l Mr. ('(lIIIIlIIII (IlIIIIIlIiII' IIIIIl: “\IIIIIII {hm III IIIIlIIIIl and MM IIIIIII lII I'IIII loll llIII IIIII. I]! :ll Ilifl'I'IIIIIIl limes. and “II lslIIIIIlIl bII I.IlIIIl III \IIIlIIIIIIIII IlIIIIII IIll ilNH‘lx. \\'II II†llUl IIppI'IIIIiIIIII the IslII-s's â€III III IIIIIirII is IIIIIlIII. but “lH II IlIII bms IIIIIIIII b II l~. it bIIIII.r.~' In our IIIIiIIIls Ulll' IlIIIiIIs. \\Ill(‘ll slIIIIIlI! bII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl, and il IlIII llllH' IIIIIIII-s, III) 2‘ IIIIIIIliIIII “ill bII lIIII lIiIII.r iII IIII IIIlIIIIIIl, :lIlll will bII i‘I’IuIl} III Iln his bit. lL is III “'8' between IlIIIIIIIII'IIIIy IIIIIl IIIIIII- :IIIIIIIy and it bIIlIIIIIvcs us III] III glu- Inlllï¬l‘hlâ€˜ï¬ up and hire “llll II \IIIIIIIIIII llIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. llllll“..ll('l(‘l‘ During IIIII t'\'(‘llll|_‘.§ .s'IIVIIrIIl IIIIIsiâ€" I-IIl sclIIIIIiIIIIs \Vt‘l'v rendered by Mes- srs. Kemp. lx'iIIIIIIIlII. l)IIIIl;III'. Putin- IIIII', l’. Gallagher IIIIII Miss (i’I‘IIIIIIIII'. - b..<-â€"â€"~...¢ l'l'lIII :IIIIIIIIIIpuniIIIIIIIts \\'('I'0 IIbl)’ I'IIII- lIlerI‘IIl by "SI-â€Hy" WilsmI, IIIIIl scl- IIIIItiIIIIs were rendered by tlIII ltIIliIIII lHI'IIIIosI m. 'l'lIII III'IIIIIIIIIliIIgs IIIIIlIIIl 'IIiIlI IlIII SlHL'lllz: III' the XIIIIIIIIIII .\IIo 'lllPUI. IIIIIl IIIIIIII IIlII-III‘Is IIII (‘IIIIIIIIrII Il .JIIIIIiIIsIIII. {mgr l.» «mu m «mr :mlttlm's rvlurnml ll't'um the Hunt it puts tlw matt‘vr lmuru l'nrt-ihly lwl'urv us as lu why “'0 ltln nut enlist, and lilillit‘r; tlr; think nun-t- svt'iuusly il' wv’m'v tluiztj; unt' sltatl'n in tho stt'il'v nr hut. t‘nrpl. .lznuiusnn has llUlH‘ all he muhl. aml it is unly right \\'(' shmtlcl \wlvmuv him homo.†.\ll'. Silnwtvl' Kmmmly szlicl lw was glaul tn we .latmivsun hmm'. mul hupml :zll tlw hays. \\'llu haul t'nlistml Wnllltl ulsu rvttu'n. â€Wt- have at big: «luty tn perl‘m'm,†will the speaker. “and ,'\\'c must hut span†any olfurt in help- {iug him in vvvry way. He almnhl lu- lrvveiyml with upuu heart. huml 21ml :pm‘lu‘t. . ' -â€"..- __»â€"-...._-â€"â€".â€"_....___... ._.-- "a. i .111. .11.... 1.111134. 11.11.11,. 1111.1: 11111. 11111 11511111111111 11111111 11111 11'111' 111'1111'12 11111 111 11111111! 1111111 1111111111 1:111'111'11 111111;, 11111 1 15 11 11115 111111 11111111 51111'11111 11'11 111111 :111 1111111 111 1‘11111111' (‘111'|1|. .11111111151111'5 234111111 1.1111111111- 111'1'111'1- 1111- 11111511. ('111'11. .11111111151111 11115 11111111 1115 1111 1111' 1 1111111111 111111 1111- 1.1111111'11. 1111 11115 1111111111,: 11111 11151 1'1111111111111'5 111111 1111111 1'1'11111 ('1111- j111111, 111111 111111 511111111111 111 11111 11111111115 11111111 111 1111111'1111111111111111 111.1111 11'1111 3:115.11"111111 11111 111-‘111111115 1151111 111 1111' 1111 11111111111111.111 11111 111'1115'.. 11151111111;- 11111.1 1.1 111111 111' 11111' 5111111111'5 1'11'1111111111 Last l-‘riday night. at Oddt'ellurs Hall. a great ru-voptina was tandorod in hutmr nl' t'urpnrnl olatlliemn. on his return t‘mni thv lmttlvtlclds of Plan- lders. Tlu- gallant t‘nrpnral's name .wau. nllt' "l. â€w llt‘sl l" nppt‘tll' «It the 1rail ut' hanur in Smith Put-minim- whrn his i-uuntry's rall for service c-ann- ringing; thmuuh the gnld ramp. ‘llv nnlistad in tln- 97th raxitnant. ltranst'orring afterwards tn the 48th illighlandvrs. and as a momlx-r at' this ‘t‘unmun t1":ll|lt'fll. ln- .mrticipatml in tlu- grunt hattlv nt‘ St. .lnliou. in n'hivh 2m many ut' his hravo. compati- inns t'i-ll. t'nrlmral .lutnivsnn was \mnndml. ttul hy a hall. nr shall. «1‘ hnynnt-t. hat that t'\‘l'lt tnnrv dt-adly taxi-nay. xiiâ€"w -~that uhuniinatiun nt' riv- :Ilizatiun. hut tln- lll‘ltlt' and glury nt' 'th-rman Lnltur. 'l‘lu- t'uflmflil'at lungs .hnu- hw-n st-riuusly iujurvd h_\° this ~ i"'.'tt.-t illl't't‘ttu tn t'ii||||tlt'lt‘l}‘ t't‘t'nt‘t-r t'runi “'ltit'lt. tln- aim-tum say will pruh- aldy "t‘qttlt't' a [Wt‘lml ut‘ twu yours ut' tum't'. .‘lttrh In his rvgt‘vt. .laniia- sun has ltt't'll prntmttttt-t'tl l|_\' tllt' taili- tary autlmritit-s as untit t'm' t'arthvri ist‘rvim- at thv t'ruttt. ! i l’rm-t-dinr.r tlw rm'rptiun. t‘nr'mralj ldatuivsun was urnttt'd t'uttttd tltt-l ‘tuwn. au-atml in a t'ltttlt' lwrvlu-d nu tlw‘ :hltutlltlt't‘s nt' admiring t'rivnds. 'l‘ln- lirini't-ssiun was than t'nrnwd iutu a nn-nai-iue: rirvlv In witness tlw hurn- ittg 01' Hip Harman lutisvr in vtligy. This duty bring: “all and truly per- l'ut'lm'tl. tltt- t't'ti\\tl pl'urm'tlml tn tltt' llall. t'ur tln- i't-m-ptimi. All \vt-rt- Wt'lt'ttlllt‘ and all went. and it was a via-Him.r t’l'Uth whivh grvvtvd the lit't'Vt‘ whn tmd; tlw vhair. and. in a slant and upprupriatt' slit-wit, wal- mnn-d tlw suldit 1' Navy had assmnhh-d ln hutmt'. 1 l'nr'mral Jamivsnn. in t't'Hullth‘.‘ said it \vuald lake quite a while in, rctutt- his vxiwrwnt-OH, and pmvukml a t'llt‘t‘l' Wllt'tt In. said that he wmtld muvh prvt'or lighting: the (it-rumm- tn making a alwvtélt. Mr. l. A. Strain. ltt'lllf.’ vallvd upuu 10 speak said that (‘urpL Jamil-sun hail hot-n “gas-25ml" in May nit that awful day at St. .lulivn when an away «if nut“ bravo l'tlltm's were laid law, and although he was speaking ut‘ a bland rulatiun ho had In sag: hv t't-lt [mind ut' the patriutiv spirit whit'll had lt'tl him in st-m- his Kim.r and mantry, and mm that In. had l't'llll°tt- ('tl tn his friends. ltv hula-cl it \i'uttltl nut. lw lung lwt'urv his lwalth was re- Slut't'tl tn him. llv was glad )u 800 tlw pimple ut' the ham turn nttl tn wvlmnw him. whivh slmwml Ila-y had tho true British spirit. South Porcupine Sines Inning Reception tn Returned Ilene laser’s Effigy Burned WRPflflll JIIIISIII BASS!" M ST. Jllllfl IS Wflï¬ï¬‚flfll HIM u- uml all! wont. and it was: at 1;: vrmwl whirl! gnu-[0d the win» 14ml; llw vlmir. and. in n and npprum'iutv spmwh, wvl- llw man 1' Navy luul ussvmhlml 'l‘lu- :zttuntiun ut' titizmz' is lmrtivo Hlall‘l‘.‘ «It'sil'mt In tlw â€slumwr brain}: hc-hl tn-duy :It the ('-nuluil t lmmhm, 'l‘ilmuins, un lwlmll‘ ut' the hull buys enlisted in tho I’innu-rs. Sm ks. haml- kt-I'ohivl's, mu] ntlwr mtiult's “in he wry m-vvptzlhk‘. and grateful!) awk- nuwlmlgml by the ladies ut' the Red ('mss Scwiuty, mulvr \vlmsv nuspivvs the simmer is being held. Tho "Show- or†“ill be ulwn until 9 yum. t-u-night (Friday). Huh) to make it a mum-55. .\ vnnaiclvt'alllv lm'zll Hurry in HUIâ€" liugvr shun-s was Imlim-nhlv this m-vk \x'hivh Nblql up In $26.50, â€w mm! in :H'livily Iving Mvhxlyl'v. whit-h H'- Imlinml sic-:uly an 55‘: m 56. “if: Hmm- also «nine in hr :1 share ut' ai- Icnlinn. willmm c-Imngv lmwwm'. :nnl Vipuml. which slum! alt TH-HH :1 \wrl; nun. is mm' slnulml M? In 7."). Shower For Local Red Cross Tonight l’rvsiclvm Wan! “1' Vilmml has un- nuunvui 11ml :1 slztlvlm'm («nu-ring tho â€I" mticms ni' llw vumpamy. 'mnhl he I'uz'lhvmnin; tn st:w|«:lml¢lurs wry shun-Hy. In his :mnmum'nwnt. ho uh-niod. invidvnlnily. than :1 «lividvml haul lwvn nmlvr mnsidm'nlimi by the (lil'vvlul'nit'. Sllt'H'Ss Hull Mth'h‘, \\'lli4°!i mljuin \i|mml nu llw m 5.! is mulvl' upliun in .\v\\ \HI'L \lzlh' inn-HM.» 'I‘Iw 11f'X"‘((|l|(‘ll1Hlâ€S t'm Hue (xlwmlitm'v ul $00M!†in «14w lnpuwm \\ul.;. The nptiun is Mr mm“! and i! v'xvuiwd. wills I'nr mm; in h:- mmmvm-ml with- m the nvxl IIIII‘U' «Ian's. If l'ull slrvnxlh is minim-«l with prulnptitmlv. it is likvly Hull llw ('umgmny will o-mimrk fur the trip :u-russ tlu- lwrrin;r yum! Mum! ('hrist- Isms. Mc-mlwrs ul' tlw l'ium-vrs. wlm :n'v nllwnvisv mmliliml l'nx' Iln- 'I'un- m-lling ('mnpuny. will lmvv lhv up- purtunity In trmxst'vr. 'l'lu'rv sllnulcl lw litllv «Iifliculty in set-tiring tho I'vquirml numlwr u" Im'n tn mmplvlv tho I’nrvupinv qllulu. It is am uplml'tlllli‘)‘ l'ur Imiqm- sm'x'ivv -~-l!u~ lu'nyul l'tngim-vrs. Vipond Statement Soon Forthcoming Market Shows Flurry of The Local Stocks Limit. 'l‘lmruv .NHHP.‘ llmt m-vmit- ing in this I'irll'il'l “ill pl'n’mhb' uul lw liq-pt upvn M'H'r Ilu' vml uf xwxl work. an that it i-‘ impurmul that all tlmw wlm vuluvnwlmv nth-ring Ilwir svrvivvs In vill Ilu- rvmnining moun- vivs. slmuhl vuuw In an ixmm-cliutv clwisiml. 'I'I'nnspurlnlion lma lwvn plan-ml in the Immls uf Mr. (Hulw and Dr. Munro far 8110'“ ler mm It» Hwy «let-i110 in send ull. «luring llw muting: \H'vk. Option on Porcupine Success Gold Mine 'I‘III‘I‘I' III' IIII'sI- IIIIIsâ€"~ MI'QIIz'IIIiI'. SIII'II‘I‘lIIIIII IIIIII loI‘IIIII'1I\--IIII° IIII'I-mII‘ III PI‘III'II°III{I'I and â€w I‘I‘IIIflIIIIII'I' II-II IIII “II' IIImII IIIIiII III-IIIII I'IIr IIIIilI-y- bIIII'. IIII‘III. â€Ilmrmo II'IIII-s III-mur- IIIII III Hun" I'III' SII'IIinkII. .\II III' â€II' IIII'II IIIH'.‘ I'I‘I'I'IIIII'II will “1' IIIIIIIIIIIIIII'II III HIIIIIIIIIIII'I'. In [H'HI'I‘I'II IIII TIII'SI'II)’ III!“ III I’I'III'II'IIIu'. I'III' II sIIIII'I II‘IIIII- iIIg. IJIIIIIIIIIM T'Iflflw. MIII rrlIIrIml III TIIIIIIIiIIs wwml IIIIIII mm. has I-II- listed IIIIIIIIt 40 mm “mm the IIIIrIII- 0"! district. IIII' â€III Tlllllll‘llillg (‘ "Ill‘ IIIIIII III‘ â€III Rmnl Fluflfll‘crs. Sewn- II‘I'II III Him III‘II fI‘I-m â€Io I’IIrI'IIIIiIIv Ilislrirt III; lull mg, Sflll flfï¬ï¬‚fllfllï¬ Illllfllllï¬ BUMP!" SIXTH! BIIVS JIIII Room for ten lore lieutenant} "mm lean Saturday-- Blob: i and loom In Charge § TIMMINS 2th is ztttnim-«l with I is‘ likvly that tlw vmlmrk fur the trip ltg‘ punt! altmut t‘hrist- ut' tlw l’imwvrs. wlm , i‘:\'(‘l'}' IIHlIl' III' tlII- il'iII With IIIjIIy- ;I-Il. hat the lt‘flb‘l lnll'l “Ping IhI- ï¬rm "sight IIt° thI- gIIIIi t‘illllli IIII tlppl'ulu‘il- in}.r hIIIIIIe. “is III: III\' I'I'iIIIIIis' IU‘I‘ IrlIIIl III 511‘ Mm lull“ k again. in Imml hIIIIlth. ;IIIIIi it is hiIItI‘Ii thIIt SP'WIII it‘lllilliltt‘ IhI :II'ts III'I- MVP] HiUVOIi m 1031!!! that. in 'spitc III tliilll't‘llu'nis IIIIIl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi- tiIIs he has Hut )0! >igIIIIIl IhI- Inll tut lilt' ht‘llt'dit’tb‘. Humor L. Uihsnu hua hwn vlm'h-d u lmmlwr â€1' the Standard Slm'k Ii).â€" (-imngc. 'l'anu. His Imsinwss will hmwct'm'th lw knmvn as Hunwr L. Hihsun 6; (’n., and am ntlim» is lwin: upmud in lnmntu ul .\'u.1-W"'lwd- (1’. Bank ’nuldnw, H. S. Muxk')‘, win» is wvll knmm in 'l'immins. “ill be nuumgvr in 'l'm'unlu. \s 3mm z..< tlu- Reed 1’ uilding: is watch Bur nem- pane}, pmhahl} uhuul “cucmhm' 1;), Mr. (iihswn will rmum'o his 'l'immins nll'n-v tluerv. His many friends nutt- with plt'zlsul'v the business gruwlh whirl: has justiï¬ed those (-hzmges. highest res: 'Exwl Toronto Office For Local Stock Broker SUN-r : her 11th. t‘hztrliv lhilttm. ut' Hailtuu's Lirrr)‘. 'i'iimiiins. rotttrnml lumw )‘t'stt-rthr'. zit'tvr at twu IIIUIHIIS hulitlny. tunrin: lht- West. â€P made many .stnpe, hull; guilt}: and mining. and haul at pleasant visit with his IH‘UHM‘I' in (‘ulurmltn Bring it vitizmt ni' 'l‘immitts, the Ittrv «W the minim ut' ('Hllt'rit‘ statyml with him. mu! “0 indulged in visits to m-wrnl miiws in thv \wstvrn Stillt'h and (‘ulit'urniar Kaituraih ht- ditl 1m: t‘NlK’t'i In 500 anything In mltttll Pur- vupimu and tlwrt-l'urv was flat disap- [minim]. (‘lmrliv sprint 5mm- tinu- at â€H' San Frmwim-n Fair, which was iHIFIH‘ItM'. ho says. mul quitv up In his vxm-vtu- tinns. 'l‘hv return trip was tail-zen thruug‘h tho t‘mmcliam Hnriiit’s. zuul stops \N’l't' Itttulc all “(‘jJ'ilNl. \Vitiniâ€" pt"; tutti nlht'r [mints tilting lllv rutltv. Lm'ul l'rivmls :uul vvquninlmwvs u! l’rimlv l’vrc-y .lm'uhi will ward in lmu'n â€1' his clmull m tlw (rum. 'l'lw umumnvmm-m. «mm by loner tn Ilia l'ntlu-r m. lluilvylnn'y. from: his‘ I’ln- 1mm ('nmnmmlvr. Lieut. H. J. l’rivv. â€0 was at lmlluliun smut amnvlu-d in tho 2nd |)i\'i~'iun, ('umulinn lingwdi- liunm'y Vurw. and u gem-ml I'm-urin- \\'ilh lmlll miivt'l's and Hum. â€is clmuh mwurrml mumy nt'lvr rmmiv- ing his lmllvt wmuul, nu UMMH'I' 233, whilv putmllinu' Inward llu- HH'HMH lines. l’lv. .lm-nhi was a: “1-H lmm'n nml rmpm-u-«l yuun: mm: in llu- gnlc! rump. lmvilw lwvn c-mpluyml in Hu- grum'x'y hllsim'ns â€1' .‘Il'. SUHNU'E' Kvmu-dy in Huuth l’nn-npim- until llu- timv 01' the great, lira- u!’ 11'] 1. Bflï¬ï¬iif MUM “HUME FBBM TRIP Was ï¬ne at first in Gold camp and Employed by Sylvester Kennedy Before fire l 1"). \lurth April Bln\ . Juno . PRIVATE P. Jflflflfll DIES fl!“ CHUNIHV 1915 January A! 33w rim!» 0" "Huber. 391.3. Hi: Dump Minna hm! milled nu nun-«mm «3' 250.151 tum. “in. n [mulmwiun \nluo nf $1. 1-37.13" --. ur am mvmm- u: $4.423 per tun. Striking: n mumhh mvrngw. the "vermin": slum 2.0.935. 3 Imus am] $1â€. 03312". It in smium‘ tury to note that Hu- Hgnrvs fur Hc-Iu- her nut "My 0er! all prm-iuus' mnmhs. bull: in human mu! mhw. lmt slum mu impmvmnvm ut‘ mummi- mntvly 15 per PM“. in tunnnuv mu! 233.4 "or rem. in mIm- mvr Hm mumh ly «Vt-mgr. 'l’lu- “mm-s by mumlu 1m.- ns l’nllcm‘s: Activity in Construction Work. Foundation for flardinge Mill and Leeching Plant Progressing Very Favorably DOME MINOPROORESS OCTOBER RECORD MONTH hum-ml 1,1; Pen! on .-\ the price hung 50‘ millml o". skJ" thm ow mm II‘ ’0-- imam 26.13:! 27.2' N ' Toms in smw-ml mnnths rent nn Nun-m- Vuluv pl'ml. pvt“ hm \- a 1m! the 13.5“ IL!!!) 1.21 Lu] Multityl'l- I'Ixtmlsiun is at, WHI'i. or) tlw uh] I’MI'I lmkc- shaft, “hit“? :-4 c Ktu‘tlt‘di tn H-omh the 1000 tunt h \0' :thnut tlu beginnin" ut' ith um. is thv illillliiutl at this depth In Maw: «ut intn hnth Meltinro mul lupin, ammul. This \mrl; is, nt' mmrsv. w - «IM' thv ciil'm-tiun nt‘ lentyrt- Mil: ', \t'itil'it i'uvcutly :uoquirml mmtrui. THE PLENAURUM MINES COMPLETE DEWATERING- [iv-watering- upc-l'alinns are pun-tim- allv «---umphu«l on l’leuuumm “inn, and sumnlinfr “ill be comnmu-ul it ‘- muliauelx. lhisgt'mpcrt} is umicr “Minn to Lan-v . “him: (Vanuatu uncivr Ilu- ,iurisiihlivtiun “1' â€w it \my ('ummissinn, Inn in under «lirm'i, mmtrul m' the I)Pl)zll'ill|('l.. Railways and ('zumls, and, 1m «la. :l pli'ingmn im'vstigution will in- umlvr way by lhu Huminiml Fun-- ’i'nm-h in unit 1' that tlur musv I In luvntml mul clutll “it“ as tlu . its ui lllv WIHP 1](‘.~Hl\'('. thnhm' in tho muskegs. l m' 1:12;;th have been utl «hm t?::.- 3(t"'_‘li1t)l\. and it is unly Hui“ USSIHH‘ that tlwir host (-t't'nl'ts v. applied to the pmtcvtiun nt' the ha wink lttuh'r thott' vmltt'ul. \V: rimming tht- muttngmtim: tn “m: m' Hm!" it. might prm‘v 1m mu.» it' t-nntrihuturv muses wm-t- t'uunz' mint in the v: uvh‘smwss ul' negligc ut mh-vufltt'mtuts. and at unvmlvi ' hllmn‘rs alum: the lhw. J’it'v,‘ Iikv sum!- uthvr things, 5 «wisps huhspmlaihh' \‘it'tlws in capacity 0" at svrwuat, muhhr 1"" restraint. hut. as u mustm. \ ilh c-urh ut' vhwh. it is mm ut' the 1:: «tux'ustntin: tlg’k‘tit'it‘s ut° lass um? â€it'lintt t'mm whirh nmnkiml :2 sttttvt'. McIntyre-Extension and Pearl Lake 'l'iw IIInIIIII III‘ .‘lnv. Mllil.‘ Inn hem â€Iv I‘vmml IIII Ii" III-W. “‘IHI 3138.499. 'I'III- ramming "gun‘s Ili‘fllulls‘rfl‘l‘ Hm [cu-ml) â€mamas made. IIIuIIIlI M’ IIImIIIII. during 1913. um! ImInIIh Hm IIIIhIIIII'iIIg \II'IM‘ per Inn. .lnnmu‘y 'nhum-Il KLSII III-r Inn. ur $1.125 I033 .Ilum Ilw IIIII'sI Nauru. SIvmlv pmgnvm is bring lllmll' n" 'IIIQ- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIr Ilw "lil‘dllufl' mill \IlIiI-II III In ho iIIsIIIllm! In IIIko- Iho 'plnm- uI' Ilw 3'0 slumps mm in us... ‘I'III- I'SH‘IISIIIII In â€W II‘I‘I'IIIII: will will Illsm :«mII he I-uIIIplI-Iml. “'urk om I'IIII I-xIvIIsiIIII Imu III-I-II Cl"ll|)!'tl I'nr muw Iimc- «III» In tho IIIIII-Ilc'hvvl’y uI' IIII- sIrIII-IIII'III «in-l. This has "on" bI'I‘II Ih'IiVI‘N'II. IIIII' \I'urk is guim; H" 'l'iw llmlsun liuy Railwu) unclvr llu- jurlsuhlu'hun M' l l’irv is m: rmnglur nI' twigh‘» humls. nur alum it uxvmpt (iuwrw uwm prulwrly t'rum its ran'ngvs. 'i‘nu l’urvupiuo Dislrivt wvll knuws lum- n. synumthisv with tho humiuinn (3 . - vrmm-m «on aim-mm! 01' (hp vnnllnumu linus "lung: llw run“. 0" H10 “mlum Hazy Huihvny. l'lx‘tvusivv fun-st am ~:. lmw- lwvn clvslruvml this war 1»- HH'PH IA-l’na and I’m! Xt‘lsuu. “Luz-- 122222222 MW 115 222221 I "2221 . \22152212, 222:.2: 2222122222 221222221 122'21122 22211112222 22222522 .12 2222222223‘\ \'2212222 122 1122212222'1122222 22122» 22111 “'1†(222511V 22.\'22.22221 32511,,111111 2.:2 11222 12255 222 2.2 222222 222221 1'222-12222'2212222 22:2 2-2221.‘ 22222222221 \22211 122.2. (2511222221021. 1222 v.‘223' 22222212'2221222'5 1222212 222221 11222212 221-: 512112 2'2221 1222222113 123' 11222 12255 221° .~ 2‘ 2.211224. 2212222: 2222.21 22.22212222222221. '1'1222 2222222212'3' 12'222'222'52221 123' 11222 212' 22223 is fairly 2'12212 in .122221: 2212222, 522222222 121222212 2222212222 222221 1212'2212. 2222.22'222...2 1'2'22222 -1 1223111 2222212222 221 11222 122211. 2212. ~. 2122- 232122224, 222222221252 222221 122122222. 22222! 223,-. 2222 11222 2512222215. .\11 11222 1212212 1222221 1:22 2222 222'222'222222 22222222 221' 1122212222', 22 22222'21'. 222221 1'22-112'22212122112212 1'2'22222 222222222225 1L2 221' 22222223' 312222222 222.222. 1.222212 221' «12221222,: 12.22:. â€1' 22222222522, 51222212221 11222 22222222112 .2 2122212222' 122 11222 22222221222225. Big loss of Iimber and fur in Great Half-Million Acre Conflagratiun ulmm flflMl’AGES llf ElflE VERY EXTENSIVE MIME Hllllï¬ï¬‚fl HAY flAllWfl'l ' M‘Inhor July , .hmM Single Copies 5 Cents 28.3"!) 28.154." 23.5"" 1:313:23 1:33.923 l:m,mm 150,3“. IS M40 M37 LIN UH