Opp. Post Ofï¬ce were Selling at 31.00. are being offer- .068 01 .008 “1011 ............ 3.3 pa CHILDREN’S AND M I S S B S’ HATS. Worth up to 84.00. MUST GO AT ......... g . . . . . . 50C. 12’) 900. ;IRIMLIBD HATS. Worth up to $9.00, Selling a: from 31.95 to $3.95 AT ........ VELVET AND VELOUI‘. HATS, \Vorth $6.50 to 38.50. TO CLEAR A consignment valued at $500.00 has just been received. comprising HATS. MOUNTS. WINGS, ETC.. which must be cleared AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. MOUNTS. WIN GS. FBATHBRS. RIBBONS and ALL TRIMMINGS AT REDUCED PRICES. One Leading Feat- ure is the Millinery The stock now on hand is too large for the Limited accommodation which cannot be extended and more goods are arriving every day so that in order to make room to move around, prices are being cut ridiculously. Regardless of cost prices have been reduced to such an extent that unless you call and inspect the large assortment of goods for yourself you will be unable to comprehend the bargains to be picked up during this sale This will be the moé’c sensational Sale of the Porcupine Camp SMALL BOY S†HATS Which GOOD WARM WINTER COATS, which were selling at Prices up to $40.00. MUST ALL GO AT PROM ..... $4.95 to $32.95 You will ï¬nd some of the greatest snaps ever known in this Sale of Coats. Take for exampleâ€"â€" There are lots of HOUSE DRESS- BS of all kinds and descriptions at ...................... 690. Silk Fancy Dresses Over-Drapery of Lace and Sequin, worth up to $45. Must be Cleared at 86.95 to $12.95 Worth up to $17.50. are on Sale at .................. $2.95 to $9.50 Silk Dresses in Fame, R‘epp. Du- chess, etc., vcrth up to $25.00. are offered at ..... From $3.50 to $12.50 Bargains in Ladies Dresses Serge and Velvet. in Latest Styles. The above are only a few of the Great Bargains to be picked up. Come and inspect the hinge stock and the quality as well as the Prices If Ever There Were Any .They are at This Sale. Here are Some Examples. Coats The Second comprises Silk and Voile, worth up to $4.00. to be sold at .......................... $1.00 The Third and last is a. Mixed Linc worth up to $6.00. and despite the amazing values they are all to go a: .......................... $2.50 There are Three Lincs in BLOUS- ES which should all be carefully in- spected. at The Very Latest New York Styles are included among the Newest Stock which we Have Received. They range in Usual Prices to as high as $40.00. and Every Single One Must Be Disposed ofâ€"from $7.95 to $17.50 In CHILDREN’S COATS of all Sizes and Descriptions there are un- precedented Bargains at from ..... The First is an Assortment valued $2.50, which will all be cleared L .......................... 50c. ............ $1.95 to $6.95 Blouses Suits THE foncurm ADVANCE have Your Choice at ........ $2.50 Another lot worth 33.50 will be cleared at .................. $1.00 Children’s Sweaters and Knitted Suits at ......... from 500. to $1.95 To enumerate the enormous reduco ticns and bargains in Underwear would take all the space of this an- nouncement itself. Suiï¬ce to say that Knitted Underwear, both for Ladies and Children. including Vests, Drawers, and Combinations, are being offered at; greatly reduced prices all round. This is just the very season'whcn a Sweater Coat is most required and. always handy. In this line are included Silk, Satin. Muslin and Sateen‘Petzicoats. at various cut prices from 75c. up. Sweater Coats One Line worth $5.00 you can Underwear Petticoats 5000 yards PRINTS, GINGHAMS, SWISS, ETC., worth up to 25c. per yard, to clear at ...... 12' yard 100. The extensive and varied assort- ment of Corsets includes D. A., B.T., and C. C. makes, all at sac- riï¬ces from .2 ............ 650. Up. “Little Daisy" Hosiery, to clear at ......................... 22%;c. Woolen Hosiery, three and one rib, worth 55m. to clear at ........ 3'3. at Cashmere Hose worth 50c.. at Silk Hosiery worth $1.00, to clear ........................... 49¢. Ladies realize the value of ï¬rst- class Hosiery and should take ad- vantage of the following opportun- itiesâ€" Dress Goods Hosiery orsets to clear . 39c. Children’s Boots and Shoes from .................. A110! w'ich w re selling up to $3.50 and which will be disposed of at this Sale for ............... 99c. Kid Oxford Patent Tip Shoes. Kid Fancy 5-Buttcn Shoes. Kid One-Strap New Plain Toe Shoes. Then there are three items as fol- lowsâ€"- There is one line which will be im- mediately popular, and those who come early may probably be the only ones to secure them. They are the Cloth-Top Patent Leather Boots usu- ally sold at $5.50, which are to clear at .......................... $2.95 a: Prices which have been made spec- ially low for this Gigantic Sale. TABLE LINBNS. SHEETS. PIL- LOW SLIPS, COTTONS, TOWELS, and TEA TOWELLING of All Kinds CY SILKS for Evening Dresses, Btc., all at 23 per cent. off. Be Sure You See the Above Lines. 4000 yards of SBRGBS PLAIDS. SILKS. SATINS. VELVBTS. PAN~ Boots and Shoes Linens. Etc. SEVEN 35c. Up.